• Published 21st Jan 2019
  • 2,920 Views, 432 Comments

Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Tournament: Finale

Celestia and the rest of the Universe 13 team were overjoyed by what they were seeing, because while they had stated that they couldn't feel Sunset's power after she disappeared, just like Tirek had told them all a few minutes after her attack had exploded, none of them had said that she was dead. The reason was because they were unwilling to admit that Sunset could be bested, not without returning with a massive power boost that would allow her to turn the tide of battle against Tirek, and she picked the best moment to do so, as they were all afraid that their foe would have blown the multiverse to pieces without remorse. Now that Sunset was back, however, Celestia and the other Angels gathered their energy and lifted the wounded warriors into the air, taking them all to the stands so they could be out of the way for what happened next, which was when the Grand Priest, who had remained away from the battle, enlarged the stands to make room for everyone. That, in turn, allowed the Kaioshin to gather their powers and started to mend the various wounds that had been dealt to both the gods and the mortal warriors, even though it would take some time to do so, showing that Tirek's power, now boosted by the power he had taken from one of the Kings of All, was not to be underestimated.

At the same time, however, Beerus knew better than to underestimate Sunset Shimmer, because she had been just a tad bit weaker than him during their first fight and that pushed her power to new heights, just like what happened when she fought all the displaced at once, and now, after all the power boosts she gained from the first part of their battle, and whatever she was able to gain thanks to her attack, he knew that she was the only one that could take on Tirek, so he silently put his faith in her and sat down to watch the fireworks.

"She's definitely different than before the blast consumed her, and I'm not referring to her attire," Liquiir commented, to which he sat down near Beerus and stared down at the fighting stage, because while he was interested in seeing what happened next he knew that this also confirmed the thought that Sunset was the strongest god among them, especially if they believed the markings on her collar and sash, "Her power has risen to the point that we can't feel it anymore, just like we couldn't feel Lord Zeno's power and have no idea what sort of power Tirek commands... it makes you wonder what's going to happen when they start fighting again."

"Sunset had the potential to rival the Kings of All, that's what the Grand Priest said." Beerus replied, showing that he was thinking about what they learned and what had happened when the sphere had consumed Sunset earlier, before coming to the conclusion that being consumed by the attack had done something, especially since it had continued the power and soul of the second King of All, "Hopefully that means she now has the power to face him in battle and beat him, otherwise Tirek might just end the multiverse now and continue with whatever he has planned for the universes that would come after us."

They all knew that Tirek's plans were to rule over the new multiverse, once he was done destroying the universes that existed at this point in time, and boss around the Destroyer Gods that came after them, who the Angels would have been forced to serve and teach the new rules of their universes to. Letting Tirek have his way was a terrible idea, especially since his regard for mortal lives was even less than what the Kings of All had before they were killed, which was why everyone who wasn't busy tending to the wounded focused on the fighting stage, as this was going to be a battle for the ages and they didn't want to miss out on what happened next.

"Impossible! You can't be alive!" Tirek snapped, showing everyone that he had assumed that Sunset had been killed by her own attack, much like how the Grand Priest and some of the other gods had foolishly thought that Goku had been swallowed by the Spirit Bomb earlier, while at the same time Sunset stood there and stared at him, "I turned your attack into a black hole and it swallowed you, causing your energy to disappear as I cut your life short! There's no way that you can be standing before me once more!"

"Well, I'm not a mirage or an illusion, if that's what you're thinking about." Sunset replied, though as she said that she glanced at herself for a few seconds, clearly a little surprised by the change to her attire and the symbols that she had been wearing for a long time, even if she only had them for a few years, before noticing that she now bared the exact symbol the Kings of All had been wearing, causing her to sigh as she stared up at Tirek.

"I should have expected that you would cheat me out of my victory again," Tirek stated, revealing that he was still annoyed at her for beating him all those years ago, first on Nirn and then in Tartarus, and that her supposed death hadn't been enough to make him let go of the past, meaning that he would be focusing his attention on killing her so he could finally prove that he was the superior warrior, "Fine then, Sunset Shimmer, let this be the last time the two of us do battle with each other, before I finally put you down and end your existence for real!"

Sunset focused on her foe for a moment and took a step forward, which was when she vanished from where she was standing and appeared right behind Tirek, surprising the gods and the other watchers for a moment, while at the same time shocking her foe, who wasn't expecting her to move that quickly all of a sudden. Tirek, seeing that his foe was right behind him now, turned around and swung his fist at her, intending to knock her in the side of the head and send her flying into the central pillar, but what actually happened was that Sunset moved her body to the side and avoided the attack with ease, as if she had known it was coming without even seeing it at all. In the next instant Sunset raised her right arm and threw a punch at Tirek, who countered with his left fist, allowing the two attacks to connect and caused the air around them to shudder for a moment as a hole was blasted into the floor beneath them, which was where Sunset jumped backwards and landed some distance from where her foe had been standing. Tirek, despite being impressed that she withstood his attack, rushed through the smoke and charged at her once more, showing that he was willing to go on the offensive again, but as he neared Sunset, however, she jumped into the air, lightly touched down on his outstretched arm twice, before landing behind Tirek as he struck the floor, blasting a crater into the stone as he growled, indicating that he was even more annoyed with her now.

Instead of lashing out at her immediately, like he would normally do, Tirek gathered his power and threw two large scarlet spheres, each three times the size of a person's head, straight at her, intending on knocking her into the floor and opening a weakness that he could exploit. What happened next was that Sunset raised both of her arms and crossed them, catching the spheres with her bare hands, which caused a look of surprise to flash across Tirek's face for a moment, before she uncrossed her arm and sent the spheres flying, allowing them to crash into two different locations on the fighting stage, blowing two small craters into the stone, as she focused on Tirek. As she turned towards him, and got her own attack ready, Tirek growled and loosed a storm of ki blasts into the air, causing them to rain down on where she was standing in an attempt to kill her before she could do anything to him, but Sunset simply walked through the barrage like it was nothing and approached her foe. After a few moments Tirek determined that such a thing wasn't going to help him and he stopped firing ki blasts at his opponent, letting the last of them fall to the floor around Sunset, before he shifted his stance and readied himself, knowing that it was only a matter of time until his foe charged at him and struck him, as he intended to shift the battle in his favor once it got started.

Sunset, seeing what her foe was doing, burst through the air and rushed at him, where Tirek copied the technique that Jiren used early on in the tournament, as in using his eyes and his power to launch attacks at his foe, which was why she went on the defensive for a moment and parried the incoming attacks. The two of them remained in those positions for a few seconds, where the air around them vibrated and shook under the intensity of their attacks, before Sunset made the next move, which was when she swung her arms and shattered the technique that he was using, stunning him for a moment as he considered what happened. In that second, with an opening exposed, Sunset shifted her arms and started throwing punches at Tirek, who regained himself much faster than she thought he would, as he stared moving his arms and blocked her incoming attacks, before lashing out with his leg to knock her into the air, even though he missed outright as Sunset flipped backwards into the air. Tirek then followed after her, where the two of them started to burst from place to place in the air above the fighting stage, the collision of their energies shaking the entire area in their immediately vicinity, but one thing was made clear as the two of them rapidly moved around the air, and that was that Sunset's new power was equal to the power that Tirek had stolen for himself.

"She was rapidly gaining on him before hand, but now she's fighting like she's his equal." Belmod commented, though at the same time he braced himself, as the stands, despite the protections that the Angels were offering them, shook for a moment or two, revealing that they were witnessing a clash between two incredibly powerful beings that were on the level of the Kings of All, making him grateful that this was happening in the World of the Void, otherwise the shockwaves from this battle would have wiped out everything in the multiverse, "I don't regret saying this at all... Sunset was far stronger than most of us, and that includes Quitela, gave her credit for, as she was the strongest God of Destruction the multiverse has ever produced, and she's the greatest champion we could ever ask for. Those of us that claimed she was weak and unworthy of her position were wrong to assume that, and I would give anything to see the look on Quitela's face when he realizes just how strong Sunset really is."

"Well, once Tirek is defeated, you'll get the chance to see whatever expression graces Quitela's face," Beerus said, as a smile appeared on his face, mostly because Tirek received a punch to the stomach that knocked him backwards, one that definitely tipped the scales in Sunset's favor, before deciding that it was time to let the other Destroyer Gods in on what Universe 7 and Universe 13 had been planning, "Sunset and I struck an agreement before the tournament started, that we would make sure that both of our universes would survive till the end of the tournament, to make sure that our wish, to restore the erased universes, would come true. Once this battle is over, and our enemy is dealt with, we'll use the Super Dragon Balls to bring back the other universes that Lord Zeno erased, along with the gods and the teams that we fought against since the tournament started, restoring the multiverse to what it was before this madness started, except with a new supreme being watching over us."

"Should have known Sunset would want to preserve the multiverse, even if some of us were mean to her," Liquiir said, though while he and some of the other gods were surprised by the type of wish that Universe 13 had, and had formed an alliance with Universe 7 since they had the same wish, he noticed that the Angels seemed happy to have two universes that wanted such a thing to happen, before he shelved the thought and focused on the fight, just in time to see the two combatants resume throwing a barrage of attacks at their opponent, causing the area to shake once more.

Beerus, on the other hand, was happy to see that all the other Destroyer Gods were now understanding that Sunset wasn't like the rest of them, where some of them only existed to destroy anything and everything that either annoyed them or were a threat to their universe, that she worked hard to ensure the safety of her domain and that she didn't want any of her fellow gods to disappear, even if they didn't like her. Sure, Rainbow might be more like them than Sunset was, but he chalked that up to having a God of Destruction for a father, and seeing how she liked to imitate him at times, while she was fighting, he knew that she would grow into a powerful Destroyer God when she finally took over the now vacant spot that Sunset had left behind. Of course there was the fact that Universe 13 now had two Kaioshin, with Twilight being the first one and Applejack being the second one, so he was sure that the two of them could help Rainbow maintain balance in their universe, effectively splitting the duties of creation between them, before he had to return his attention to the battle as Sunset spun around and dodged an incoming attack, before she kicked Tirek in the chest, sending him flying into the central pillar, this time breaking it apart with the power of her kick.

He and the others had known that Lord Zeno, the Present and Future versions, had been the strongest beings in the entire multiverse and that challenging someone with their level of power was the worst idea they could come up with, but seeing Sunset match Tirek's stolen power, and even overcome it, made him smile as Sunset landed near her foe, clearly getting ready for the next attack he threw in her direction.

Not a few moments later Tirek pulled himself out of the area that the central pillar had collapsed in and brushed off the dust that had gotten on his attire, while growling when he noticed that there were a few markings on his body, which told him his foe's new power wasn't to be underestimated, before his scarlet aura returned as he focused on Sunset once more. Interesting enough Sunset kept her cyan aura around her body, showing him that she was ready for anything and everything that he could throw at her, which was why he burst into the air and rushed at where his foe was standing, though it was in that instant that their fists collided as Sunset rushed at him as well. The collision of their fists and their energies ignited the area around them, inducing an explosion that rocked the floor they had been standing on, and instead of remaining in one spot, like they had done in the past, the two of them moved around the ruined fighting stage, where the collision of their powers left more explosions in their wake, each one rocking the World of the Void as the gods and mortals watched them. Not even a second later Tirek changed his tactic and dodged the incoming punch, allowing the power of Sunset's attack to strike the fighting stage and obliterate part of the edge in the process, before lashing out with his foot in a swiping motion, where Sunset jumped over his leg and landed behind him, causing the force of his attack to obliterate some of the floating debris that was off in the distance.

In the following second Sunset lashed out at him and Tirek unleashed a barrage of punches so he could knock his foe backwards, though what happened was that Sunset let her attack be taken out and then parried the incoming barrage that Tirek was unleashing, before she flipped backwards and got closer to the floor. Tirek, seeing her retreating, went on the offensive and rushed after her, continuing the surge of punches that he had been using a few seconds ago, which was where Sunset continued to cancel out his attacks, causing blue lightning to dance around the World of the Void as they did so, which lashed out and exploded when it came into contact with floating bits of the fighting stage. Sunset paid the blue lightning no mind, as it wasn't hitting any of her friends and didn't seem to be coming anywhere near her or Tirek, so she broke her foe's attacks and continued to defend herself, because the last times she fought him told her that he would make a mistake at some point and she would be able to capitalize on it. Even if he used that tactic against her, as she would definitely do something like that if she was in Tirek's shoes, Sunset knew that there would be something else that her foe would use against her, hence the reason she was keeping an eye out as she parried the incoming attacks, as this would convince her foe to do something else and maybe end the fight quicker.

Not a few moments later her thoughts were correct, as Tirek knocked her backwards and started throwing punches that acted like blasts of energy, as one of them rushed by Sunset and slammed into a rock wall, breaking the entire thing into a pile of rubble. As that happened Sunset jumped backwards and started to gather her power, charging up two different attacks at the same time, one in her right hand and one in her left hand, though as she did that she jumped around the area and avoided the incoming attacks, allowing her foe to blast several small holes into the fighting stage as she did that. Fortunately it seemed like Tirek was letting his emotions get the better of him, since he was focusing on her and nothing else at the moment, so when she got closer to where her foe was standing she raised her left hand and loosed a beam of cyan energy at him, which prompted him to swing his right arm at her, using the force of his attack to break hers into several pieces, where the individual beams of energy burst out of the floor of the fighting stage, in random areas and spread out from each other. It was that opening that Sunset was aiming for, as the attack she was preparing in her right hand flared to life and wrapped around her arm, like it was a blade of some kind, before she swung her arm down at her foe and loosed a wave of energy that cut through the air between them and slammed into Tirek's chest, which caused a massive explosion that rocked the entire area.

As the smoke erupted from her attack, and the rest of her energy disappeared from her arm, Sunset landed on one of the rock walls near Tirek's position and waited to see what the results of her attack were, though she had to resist the urge to smile when she noticed that her attack had cut a diagonal gash into Tirek's chest, one that caused him to growl when he noticed the wound, before he healed it as he waved his left hand over his ruined shirt and wounded chest, before glaring at her with anger and hate in his eyes.

"A condensed wave of energy, much like Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho," Sombra commented, as he recognized the type of attack that Sunset had used, which had followed a beam type attack, one that could have easily been a one-handed Kamehameha, but it was far stronger than anything he had seen in the past, no doubt because of the fact that Sunset now had the power of one of the Kings of All coursing through her body, "one that actually hit it's mark and wounded Tirek, despite him healing the cut only a few seconds after it was dealt. Sunset can beat Tirek, especially since their powers seem to be equal with each other, she just has to look for the one opening that will allow her to use her true power and wipe him out, to the point where he can't come back."

"It might be a few minutes before that happens," Whis replied, noticing a few heads turn towards him as he kept his eyes on Sunset and Tirek, who were just staring at each other as they prepared themselves foe whatever their next attack would be, before he said what was on his mind and beckoned to Sunset with the tip of his scepter, "I know that most of us can't feel their power, since they're both on the level of Lord Zeno right now, but if you pay close attention to what's going on you'll see that Sunset is taking her time, getting used to the new power that is coursing through her veins, before she goes on the offensive for real. Her power is still improving, I know it is, and that's the difference between them, as Tirek doesn't have the benefit of Pure Progress backing him, not like Sunset does, and that will, eventually, shift the battle in her favor, allowing her to overpower her foe and take him out."

"Very good Whis, that's exactly what's going on." the Grand Priest said, showing that he was splitting his attention between providing the barrier that was keeping the shockwaves from reaching them, even if they had to brace themselves every now and then, and listening to the conversations that were happening around him, "Sunset is using this time to learn how to better control her new powers, something that the Kings of All never bothered to do since neither of them were warriors, meaning that she will be able to do so much more than her predecessors ever could, and thanks to everything she's been through we'll have a more serious ruler who won't erase universes on a whim."

The Angels glanced at each other for a moment, because that was a good point their father had made, that the Kings of All had always acted on a whim and never once considered what the consequences were, but Sunset, who has been through an incredible journey, according to what Celestia told them, wouldn't be like the Present and Future Lord Zeno had been before their demise. In that instant, however, Tirek charged through the space between him and Sunset and went on the offensive once more, the energy of his attack meeting her counter causing the entire World of the Void to shudder as explosions rocked the fighting stage, indicating where the duo had been standing, since they were sometimes moving at speeds that were impossible for them to track. This time around, however, Tirek started throwing more and more ki based attacks, raining them down on wherever Sunset decided to stand, but as that happened Sunset let them come at her, as she dodged the incoming ordinary ki blasts, repelled the ki spheres that came her way, and redirected the ki beams into an empty location that rested around the area they were fighting in, annoying her foe in the process, which was what she was hoping for. The only thing she couldn't change was the wind pressure that surged out of where her power collided with Tirek's power, allowing the watchers to understand that this wasn't a battle that they could step into without being hurt in some manner, before she spun in the air and kicked downward, finding that Tirek blocked her attack and went flying down into the fighting stage, blasting a hole into the floor.

A second later Tirek caused the area around him to explode, covering him in smoke for a moment, but that showed that he was angry and that his mind might be getting clouded by his emotions, where he raised his right hand into the air and fired a massive beam of scarlet energy at Sunset, intending to swallow her with the immense power he was sending in her direction. For a moment he believed that he had gotten away with his plan, that he might have taken out Sunset before she could do anything else, but when the smoke cleared he discovered that she had used her own energy to summon a barrier that protected her from his attack, where the energy faded away as quickly as it had appeared. Once that had happened he burst back up into the air and raced towards where Sunset was floating, energy wrapping around his fist as he prepared to slam into his foe's body and crush her bones, so he could finally bring an end to this battle, only for the aura around Sunset to expand suddenly and knock him backwards, causing him to growl as he flipped backwards and floated in the air below his foe for a few seconds. Sunset looked down at him for a second, showing that her full attention was on him and nothing else right now, before she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, almost like she was meditating or something, which was followed by her opening her eyes as she readied herself once more.

As she did that Tirek touched down on the floor below them, cracking the stone around him and breaking some of it up in the process, before Sunset came down towards where he was standing, giving him the chance to throw a punch right at her chest, only to frown as she caught the force of his attack with her left hand. Sunset directed the force elsewhere, as in it crashed into a floating piece of the fighting stage and broke it apart, before she burst through the air and rushed towards her foe, who dodged out of the way and let her go flying into a rock wall, which was where she spun around after breaking the first one, touched the second one, and then rushed back towards Tirek. At the same time Tirek rushed at her, where the two of them clashed in the middle of the area they were currently fighting in, though as they traded punches with each other a shining light burst out of where they were fighting and forced some of the watchers to cover their eyes as the force of their attacks shook the air, something everyone was getting used to feeling, while lightning flashed and explosions ignited all over the remainder of the fighting stage. Another side effect of their fists and powers colliding was that the force of their battle caused many of the rock walls around them to collapse, another demonstration of the sheer power they commanded, before Tirek got tired of Sunset blocking his attacks and applied more power to what he was doing, knocking her backwards for a moment before kicking her down into the abyss.

Instead of following after her, like many thought he would, Tirek got up into the air and gathered his power once more, to which he unleashed a storm of ki blasts that rushed down to where his foe was floating, with the intention of crushing her with overwhelming force, before he noticed something odd. Sunset righted herself and stopped herself from falling further into the abyss that Tirek had sent her towards, which was when she turned her own power up towards where her foe was standing and seemed to launch her own burst of ki blasts, ones that nullified Tirek's attacks and caused the area between them to light up as their attacks collided with each other. Tirek, finding that his foe was still able to stand against the power he was wielding, shifted part of his attention to his horns, where he started to charge a sphere of scarlet energy that would be the core of his strongest attack, as in his own powers that were strengthened by the strength he had taken from the foolish King of All, creating a powerful attack that caused the air above and around him to ignite on fire as he prepared to wipe Sunset out. Using his foe's own attack against her had failed, since she came back and challenged him once more, so he had to resort to channeling one of his own techniques and then firing it at his foe, where she would have no chance to avoid it and would be destroyed within seconds of it being fired, causing him to grin as he let the sphere expand into a massive sun-like sphere that floated above his head.

"Sunset Shimmer, it's time you and your foolish allies disappear with the rest of the multiverse!" Tirek shouted, his tone revealing that he was pouring enough power to wipe out everything into this one attack, showing that he had grown tired of fighting Sunset and that he wanted her dead, even if that meant wiping everyone else out as well.

Sunset focused on Tirek for a moment, which was the instant that Tirek swung his arm down towards her and loosed the sphere of energy that he had been charging, intending for it to detonate when it came into contact with either her body or something else, before she sighed... which was followed by her flashing through the space between them, heading straight into the heart of her foe's attack, and then swung her arm, where she used her power and sealed the energy into a smaller sphere that rested above her right hand as she landed right behind Tirek.

"You were saying?" Sunset asked, though as Tirek turned around, with a look of shock on his face since he wasn't expecting her to do something like that when he loosed his attack, she flexed her power for a moment and shattered the sphere like it was nothing, the bits of energy scattering in the wind.

Tirek stood there for a moment, staring at the remnants of his attack as they disappeared before his eyes, before he raised his hand as he rushed through the air, but as he did that Sunset turned around and took a step forward, where she touched down right in front of him, flipped over his outstretched arm, and landed behind him. Tirek, in that instant, took a second to notice that his foe was now a little faster than she had been moments ago, like she was still improving and was getting closer to his level of power, before he started to turn around so he could lash out at her and slam her into the floor they were standing on, while at the same time preparing some ki blasts. Sunset, on the other hand, avoided his incoming punch like it was nothing and then caught the blasts that followed the attack, surprising Tirek once more, before Sunset disappeared and reappeared some distance behind him again, though this time a series of punches struck his side in rapid succession before a kick sent him flying into one of the nearby rock pillars. As he pulled himself from the stone pile, and stared up at his foe, Sunset loosed a cyan colored energy blast that raced through the air and slammed into his chest, which caused a massive explosion that rocked the entire area that he was resting in and blew a hole into the fighting stage, only this time it went all the way through the stage.

Sunset lowered her left hand after firing the ki blast, where she found that the explosion matched what she thought it would be, since she now had a level of power that rivaled the Kings of All, and when the smoke cleared she discovered that Tirek's shirt had been blown to pieces and that his arms, legs, and his chest had been burned, which he was still healing by the looks of it, meaning her attack had done a lot more damage than what she was seeing at the moment.

"She's getting stronger, if the damage she's doing to Tirek is any indication." Vegeta commented, though at the same time he was pleased with what they were seeing, because what they were seeing meant that it was only a matter of time until Sunset took it one step further and brought an end to the battle.

"Indeed she is, and it's pissing Tirek off." Celestia said, though while some considered making Tirek angry to be a bad move, since he still had the power of a King of All coursing through his body, she and some of the others knew better, as it was clearly clouding his judgement and that was opening more weaknesses in his fighting style, which Sunset was taking advantage of, "Tirek is focused on trying to kill her, instead of attempting to end the multiverse and everyone that would oppose him, and every time Sunset turns the tide against him, like she did with that sun-like attack of his, his anger rises and his guard weakens at the same time, giving her more openings to use against him, until she decides it's time to bring an end to this battle."

"If this progresses much further Tirek might just break from the battle and try to wipe everything out," Beerus stated, as that was a very real possibility that they needed to acknowledge, since there was no telling if Tirek would continue fighting Sunset or if he would turn his power against the rest of the multiverse, but at the same time he had the feeling that if such a thing happened Sunset would stop him before he killed them all, "however, I have faith that Sunset will do everything in her power to keep Tirek from doing that."

The gods glanced at each other, because at this point in time they had to agree with Beerus and what he was saying, since he knew Sunset better than the rest of them did, before they turned their heads back towards the ruined fighting stage, where they found that Tirek was brushing off the rest of the dust that was resting on his body. As he refocused on Sunset, and the fact that their battle would be resuming, he discovered that he wasn't the one going on the offensive right off the back, as Sunset burst into the air and rushed towards where he was standing, only to surprise him as she moved at a speed that was faster than what he was expecting. In fact Tirek only had a moment to turn his body to the side in order to miss the incoming attack, where a light gash was cut into the left side of his face as Sunset landed on the ground behind him, the sheer force blasting a new hole into the fighting stage, where she picked herself up and turned around, showing her foe that she was taking this seriously and that it was time for the next stage of their battle. At the same time her speed informed the watchers that she wasn't holding back, indicating that she was getting ready to bring an end to their battle at a moment's notice, before all of them remained silent and waited to see what she did next, since this promised to be the grand finale of her battle with Tirek.

Tirek, on the other hand, rushed at Sunset and went on the offensive once more, throwing his fists at his foe with the express purpose of smashing her into the floor and then kill her with a well placed attack, but as he did that he noticed that Sunset was parrying his attacks with the palms of her hands, like his attacks meant nothing. One of his following attacks, a powerful punch that came in the form of his left fist being thrown with a scarlet aura around it, was stopped when his foe raised her right arm and stopped his attack by touching the part of his arm that was near the elbow, which surprised him as soon as it happened, before Sunset spun around and kicked him in the chest, sending him flying backwards through the air. It took him a moment or two to stop himself from getting close to the edge of the fighting stage, not that it mattered since he could burst through the air and get back up by using his aura and his power, before he jumped into the air and charged a new sphere above his head, one that would definitely be enough to destroy the entire area around his foe. Once the attack was ready, to his satisfaction anyway, Tirek swung his arms and the sphere went flying towards Sunset, who remained standing in the same spot for a moment as she raised her left hand into the air, which was when she loosed a small burst of power into the air and tore the attack apart, causing scarlet and cyan colored flames to appear all around the area she was standing in.

In that moment Tirek paused for a second or two, as he was surprised that Sunset had cancelled out his attack like it was nothing, before he growled and charged back into the battle, but this time, when he started to throw punches at his foe, he discovered that he wasn't the one in control of the battle anymore. The reason behind that thought was because Sunset went on the offensive this time, forcing him to defend himself as he felt the sheer power of his foe's attacks as she lashed out at him, before she stunned him by kneeing him in the chest, which was followed by a powerful uppercut to his chin and a kick to the side of his head. The fourth attack in the sequence, a powerful punch to the chest that sent Tirek back a few steps, forced him to reconsider his actions as he jumped backwards and leveled his hand with the area that Sunset was standing in, where he loosed a storm of ki blasts in her direction, though as he did that Sunset simply moved her hands behind her back and moved around the area they had been fighting in. Sunset knew that someone with Ultra Instinct would be able to dodge these blasts with some ease, if they were on the same level as Tirek was, and right now she avoided his blasts with ease, allowing them to pass by her as she moved around the area they were in, all while the force of Tirek's attacks blew apart the rock walls they came into contact with and even broke part of the fighting stage that rested around them.

A few seconds later she vanished from where she was standing and appeared in front of Tirek, stopping the ki blasts as he realized that she had changed positions, before Sunset went on the offensive and lashed out with her fists, allowing her punches to knock Tirek back as she went on the offensive once more. This time around she felt her attacks actually do something to her foe, as she could have sworn that she heard small cracks every now and then, indicating that she was hurting Tirek's bones as the battle progressed, which was just fine with her since it could be considered payback for what he did to her team and the other gods when they fought him earlier. The fact that she was overpowering him fueled the anger that he was feeling, which was what Sunset was working towards since it would help her in the end, and when Tirek swung both of his arms at her, to crush her between both of his fists, Sunset raised her hands and stopped the attack before it could even hurt her, before she slammed her fist into his chest and knocked him back into a rock wall. Before Tirek had a chance to regain himself, and get back into his battle stance, Sunset gathered her power and loosed a large ki blast at the area her foe was resting in, one that tore the entire area around Tirek apart as it connected with where he was laying and blew a hole into the fighting stage, just like the last ki blast she used on him.

This time, when the smoke cleared, Tirek huffed as he emerged from the smoke, revealing that Sunset's attack had done what she intended it to, which was to weak him and annoy him more than he already was, but instead of attacking her, like he had done in the past, he glared at her and considered his next move.

"How? How could you be as strong as I am?" Tirek asked, because the one thing he couldn't wrap his head around was how Sunset was able to reach the level of power that he was wielding at the moment, especially since her attacks made him consider the fact that she might have reached a level above what he was using against her.

"Seriously?" Sunset inquired, as she was used to Tirek being unable to determine where her power came from, since that was what happened back on Nirn, when she first ascended to being an alicorn, and then again when she came to Tartarus and beat him, after becoming a God of Destruction, but this time around she would have thought that the symbols on her attire would tell her foe what was going on, before she sighed as she focused on him, "I'm wielding the same power that you took from one of the Kings of All, with the purpose of making sure that you don't wipe out the multiverse and prevent you from doing any additional harm to anyone."

"No! I refuse to believe that you gained the same power that I am wielding!" Tirek snapped, as he could believe that his foe's power had risen to a new level after surviving the explosion he had trapped her in, he could see that happening, but he refused to accept that Sunset had the potential to take on the same power he was using against her, to which he formed a scarlet ki blast in front of his right hand, "You want to stop me from hurting anyone else? Then stop this!"

In that moment Tirek swung his hand towards the stands and loosed a scarlet beam of energy that raced towards where the remaining three teams, the remaining gods, and the Angels were watching them from, showing that he wasn't beyond trying to kill everyone that was watching their battle, before Sunset flashed through the air and appeared in front of the stands, where she waved her arm and knocked the beam off it's course, causing it to collide with a floating piece of the fighting stage and blew it to pieces.

"It doesn't matter if you stop me now, because I'll kill them in the end!" Tirek declared, showing that he was planning on killing everyone that was watching the battle that was happening at the moment, while at the same time his scarlet aura wrapped around his body, indicating that he was getting ready for something else, "Just like I wiped out everyone you cared about when I destroyed Nirn!"

Sunset sighed for a moment, as she knew that Tirek was just trying to push her buttons and get her upset, so he could turn the tables on her, before her aura intensified and shook the area around her, as if displaying that she was annoyed by what Tirek had said, before she burst through the air and slammed her fist into the side of her foe's face, while at the same time crushing several floating fragments of the stage that were behind him. While she was doing that, for just a brief moment, the watchers could see a look of anger on her face, showing that she was pissed off at Tirek for mentioning Nirn and the friends she had made, before her expression returned to normal as she separated from her foe, which let Tirek stagger for a moment, to understand that he had been wrong to say that, before forcing him to focus on the battle and not on his bruised face. In the following moment he discovered that Sunset was truly going on the offensive, as he found that his actions were of the defensive nature as he parried and tried to block the incoming punches that were coming his way, only to find that Sunset forced him into the air and that her attacks were even stronger than they had been moments ago, meaning that her power had either increased again or her anger was empowering her. In the end he guessed that it didn't matter what was going on, not when his defenses were shattered by a powerful uppercut and he was knocked into the air, where he landed on a floating rock and loosed a storm of ki blasts at his foe, only for Sunset to wave her hands and part the storm like it was nothing, dispelling his attack in seconds, before knocking him off his floating rock.

After that Tirek regained himself and charged through the air, where his fist collided with Sunset's and caused the air around them to shudder as their powers collided, but despite his power he found that his foe's power was still greater than his, as she pushed him backwards and they descended into an area with a number of large fragments of the fighting stage, leftovers from the previous battles that happened since he arrived in this world. He found that it was Sunset who was directing them around the ruined fighting stage, as every time Tirek tried to break out of the motions she would get in front of him and knock him back into the path that she was following, all while the collision of their powers caused the fragments around them to break. It wasn't long before Sunset kneed him in the chest, shattering his guard and stunning him for a moment, allowing her to spin around and kick him in the side of the head, sending Tirek flying through the air before he collided with the side of a rock fragment, but as he picked himself up he staggered, because his bones were starting to hurt and he was getting annoyed with the situation he had found himself in. As he rested for a seconds he found a number of ki blasts heading in his direction, where he was able to dodge some of them and was forced to take the rest of them, where each of the blasts rocked the area that he happened to be in at the time and destroyed anything that was in his immediate vicinity, before he found a platform that allowed him to rest for a few seconds.

When Sunset next came at him he tried to block her incoming attacks, but found that her power was simply more than he was expecting it to be and that his defenses couldn't compete with her strength, when originally he could match her in battle, before she uppercut him into the air and then kicked him away from her... which was the moment that Tirek regained himself and let his scarlet aura flare to life around him, because it was time that he took her out, before she did something that ended his chances of winning this battle.

"I... I refuse to let you win!" Tirek shouted, to which he called forth all of his power and let his scarlet aura take form once more, as this time he intended on using everything he had to wipe out the existing multiverse, and it would start with his foe disappearing for real this time, which was why he brought his hands to his side and charged his final attack.

Sunset floated in the air for a moment, seeing that Tirek was planning on firing a Kamehameha type of attack at her, with the purpose to wiping her and the multiverse out in an instant, to which she decided that she might as well show him the error of his ways and brought her hands together as well, only she was charging a cyan colored sphere between her hands, as opposed to the scarlet color Tirek's attack had. Not a few moments later they fired their attacks at each other, letting them collide in the middle of the space between them, where the World of the Void shuddered under the intensity of their powers doing battle with each other, causing the watchers to stare at them as they battled for supremacy. For a moment Tirek believed that he might win this battle, as it felt like Sunset's attack gave way to his power, but as he fed his attack more energy, to push it into Sunset and kill her, something unexpected happened to his body, as several of his veins ruptured and he could see rainbow colored energy pouring out of him. Sunset raised an eyebrow for a moment, as she also wasn't expecting this to happen, but at the same time she also noticed that Tirek's power was weakening as the bits of rainbow energy gathered behind her foe's body, where she found that the strands formed a phantom image of the King of All that Tirek had taken his power from.

In that instant she understood what was going on, as while the Kings of All were definitely dead their spirits had returned for a few moments, weakening Tirek, no doubt because of the fact that he had lied to them when he took the power of the first King of All into his body, when he killed them after promising he wouldn't hurt either of them, so she could finish the job.

"Tirek, it's time you paid for your crimes against Universe 13, and the multiverse as a whole," Sunset said, though at the same time she made sure that it was impossible for her foe to escape the area that he was trapped in, as it was time she brought an end to this battle, where she sighed and focused on what she was doing, "Farewell, Tirek."

As soon as she said that Sunset applied more pressure to her attack, which allowed it to overpower the beam that Tirek had fired at her and zeroed in on her foe, where she watched as Tirek's eyes widened as the beam started to dig into his hands and the rest of his body. Tirek then started to scream in pain as bits of his body, now no longer fueled by the power of the King of All, broke up before his eyes, as Sunset could see a few of his fingers disintegrating as they came into contact with the power of her beam, which finally burst passed the beam that Tirek had fired and now covered every inch of his body, trapping him where he was standing. It wasn't long before Tirek really started to scream in pain, showing that Sunset's power was destroying his body and that he was hoping that she might take pity on him and seal him back in Tartarus, like she had done the last two times they had fought each other, but this time around Sunset knew better and wasn't about to put the fate of the multiverse in danger by letting him stay alive. Sunset watched as Tirek's body started to collapse before her eyes, as his hands started disappear first, followed by bits of his horns and his hair, before his arms, legs, and the rest of his body, including his head, were consumed by the beam of energy, which flew off into the distance and disappeared into the World of the Void.

Once the attack was over, and her aura returned to normal, Sunset sighed as she floated down to the single piece of the fighting stage that had survived all the fights, and was large enough to hold a significant number of people, before she focused her mind, because while she had seen Tirek disappear she wanted to be sure that his energy was gone as well, only to find that his existence had, in fact, been erased. In that moment she breathed a sigh a relief, as now she didn't have to worry about her foe coming back to face her again and that he would never threaten the rest of the multiverse, though as she did that she heard the sound of the watchers touching down on the floor behind her, to which she turned around and faced the warriors that had been observing her fight with Tirek. For a second she had to wonder what was going to happen now, since they were missing someone to watch over the entire multiverse and the tournament had been stopped before it could be completed, but what happened next surprised her, as that was the moment that the gods, with Beerus leading them, knelt before her, followed by their Kaioshin and their Angels. The mortal warriors, despite taking a few seconds to let the gods of their universes make the first move, followed suit not a moment later, kneeling before Sunset, not out of fear, like they did to the King of All, but out of respect, showing that they understood that change had come to the multiverse... and, what really caught her off guard, was the fact that the Grand Priest, who never knelt before the Kings of All and only bowed his head towards them, knelt before her as well.

"All hail Sunset Shimmer, Queen of All." Beerus stated, showing that he understood what had happened when both the Present and Future Lord Zeno had been killed by Tirek earlier, including the fact that Sunset had emerged from her own attack wearing the same symbol that the Kings of All had been wearing on their coats, but at the same time he was happy that she was the one taking the now empty throne.

Sunset stood there for a few moments, keeping her face calm as she considered the fact that she was now the ruler of the entire multiverse, before deciding that she would embrace the role and would strive to do better than the Kings of All did, and she knew, before she did anything, that things were about to change for the better.

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