• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Tournament: Endgame

Sombra stood still as he magically directed his Zanpakuto to where he was standing, though it wasn't long before they neared where he and the others were standing, where he let Shokyo return to the left side of his waist while Rey did the same on his right side. He was positive that he would have spent the entire tournament without access to his true power, and he had been right in thinking that way since he was sure that the Kings of All wouldn't allow someone to toss him either of his blades, but he was happy to see that they were willing to grant Liquiir's request on the matter, even if that meant his thoughts about the matter were wrong. He also noticed that Belmod wasn't too happy with his fellow Destroyer God, as it was clear whose side Liquiir was on, even if he claimed it was to make the final battle all the better for the Kings of All, while Sunset and the others were happy to have an ally among the remaining gods. This showed him that there was someone who was watching them battle and knew that it had been unwise to let them all remain in the tournament, without taking a single warrior from their universe out, but now it was too late for their foe to do anything, as Jiren would soon face the full power of the alliance that stood against him.

While he was thinking about that, however, he turned his head to the side and watched as Pinkie returned with a smile on her face, indicating that she was pleased with herself, since she had done well in taking Dyspo out, and it wasn't long before Rainbow flashed over to where they were standing, allowing all seventeen of them to face Jiren again, who just so happened to be staring at the stands at the moment.

"How pathetic." Jiren stated, surprising the assembled warriors for a moment, especially since he was directing his statement to Toppo, who had spoken of him with great respect and admiration, back when he told Goku about the strongest warrior in his universe, "I expected more from you."

"Hey, don't be mean to your teammate. It isn't his fault Dashie is incredibly powerful in this form." Pinkie said, to which the other warriors nodded their heads, as Rainbow's power when she was using her Avatar form put her on a level that was above everyone else.

"Dyspo and Toppo botched their missions... it's a first for Toppo." Jiren replied, showing them that his opinion of Toppo was different from his friend's opinion of him, before he directed his full attention towards them, indicating that he was waiting for something before they started the final battle of the tournament, "I shall face whatever powers all of you possess, regardless of what you send at me, before I start knocking you off the fighting stage."

"Is that so?" Sombra inquired, because the last person to challenge him in such a manner, and had a decent amount of power to back up his statement, had been beaten in battle and had been locked away in the Shadowlands, before he moved his arms and drew his Zanpakuto from their scabbards, "Awaken, Blades of the King."

Sunset watched as both of Sombra's Zanpakuto glowed for a moment, showing that he was about to release his full power at long last, though once he was surrounded by a sphere of silver colored energy, however, the rest of the warriors from her universe gathered their power and started to unleash their full power as well. For a moment the Dazzlings were covered by three pillars of brilliant blue energy, the same color as the gemstone on their pendants, before they emerged from the energy seconds later, each of them sporting a pair of translucent wings, like the fins of a fish, behind their bodies, and their tails had taken on an odd fish-like appearance, reflecting their nature as Sirens. The scales on their new tails were darker than their actual skin coloration, and when the pillars died down they revealed that there were strands of brilliant blue energy coming from their eyes, to which they floated in the air near Sombra's sphere, no doubt waiting for the others to finish their transformations before the battle started. Chrysalis tapped into her power next, letting her skin turn bone white as her hair turned crimson red, while the sclera of her eyes turned black and her irises took on a more intimidating yellow color, making her look more like a monster in some aspects, something that she had come to terms with a long time ago.

Applejack allowed a green sphere of energy to surround her for a few moments, one that made the Gods of Creation focus their attention on her, as all of them recognized what sort of power she was wielding, before the sphere fell apart and she appeared in her Avatar state, surprising the gods with the fact that Sunset's universe had two mortals that had the power of one of the legendary forms. Pinkie smiled and let a multi colored pillar surround her for a few seconds, though when she appeared a few moments later she was wearing a gray robe over her Precursor armor, she happened to be carrying an ebony colored staff in her right hand, and she had six different colored orbs, each representing one of the six Eco powers she used against Dyspo, floating behind her. As Pinkie finished accessing her Sage of Six Ecos form, allowing her to access her true power, Rarity focused her mind as the purple Dark Magic mist returned to her eyes, granting her both more control over her powers and access to the part of the Dark Instinct technique that Sombra had taught her how to use, as she had a faint dark aura around her body to prove the technique was in use. Trixie, instead of shifting into her Aspect form once more, surprised a few of their allies when her face took on a more draconic appearance and a snout replaced her normal look, and her ears shifted into the fins a dragon had in their place, before her scales moved all over her body and her fingers became draconic as well... making her look like an anthropomorphic dragon, though at the same time it was clear she was now using her full power and that she wasn't holding back.

Rainbow, since she was already in her full power state, stood there with the others as Sombra's sphere broke down at last, revealing that he was now wearing silver armor, the type that a king would wear, along with a lush red cape and a real crown that was also made out of silver rested on his head. Once that was done he opened his eyes and revealed that he had two strands of energy coming from them, the purple coloration belonging to Dark Magic coming from his left eye while a brilliant blue came from his right, and his sclera had taken on a grayish green sap coloration, while his actual eyes took on a silver coloration, the same as his aura.

"An Avatar of Destruction and an Avatar of Creation," Liquiir commented, though even as he smiled, as this proved that Universe 13 was much stronger than they originally thought, he couldn't help but sweat for a moment, as the array of power that was standing before Jiren was more than he was expecting, especially when he felt the sheer power that was coming from Sombra, "and a number of formidable warriors backing them... Jiren is definitely in trouble."

"Im... Impossible..." Belmod stated, but even said he said that Sunset noticed that he was sweating, showing that he was worried about the possibility that Jiren might be overwhelmed by the number of powers that were now standing against him, especially since Sombra's power was reaching the area that they were sitting in and let them understand that he wasn't a foe that should be underestimated, "Wh... What is he?"

"The Dios Hueco, or Hollow God, which is a Hollow that has obtained the highest ranking that is possible for their kind, especially since one appears every one thousand years." Sunset explained, as she remembered seeing this for the first time and had known that both Celestia and Luna, who had been testing his power at the time, would have been in serious trouble if they didn't take him seriously, and they did give him their full during their battle, "Sombra is the King of Hueco Mundo, the realm that the Hollows call home, and his power is far, far beyond what the other Hollows and Arrancar are capable of... so much so that, according to him, the sheer act of him reaching this form the first time caused the world around him to shudder and even changed in some manner to signify his ascension. With this power he toppled the greatest warriors and threats of the world that Hueco Mundo is connected to, showing everyone that he is the strongest being in that world and that there was nothing they could do to best him, creating a lasting peace between his kingdom and the Soul Society."

Belmod stared at her for a moment, taking what she had said into consideration, before turning his gaze towards the battle that would soon be taking place, because before Sombra released his power he had been so sure that Jiren would win the tournament and bring him glory, but now, after feeling the sheer power that this one warrior, this king, possessed, he was beginning to realize that the warriors of Universe 13 were far stronger than he originally thought, and he now understood that it had been wrong to let them have all their warriors at this point in time.

"This is the power that Universe 13 commands?" Goku inquired, though at the same time the rest of the energy from Sombra's transformation pushed away from where he was standing, causing him and the rest of his team to brace themselves as they stared at him, where he had a few beads of sweat running down the side of his face, "I'm glad that they're on our side, because I'm honestly not sure if we could beat someone like Sombra, even if we all tackled him at the same time and used every tactic and power against him."

"He's definitely strong, meaning we have a chance against Jiren." Vegeta said, as he shared his friend's opinion on the situation, that they didn't stand a chance against someone like Sombra, especially since they didn't know the full extent of his powers, of which there seemed to be many thanks to the times he stepped into battle since the tournament started, before he turned his attention to the being in question, "So, what's the plan?"

"I'll attack him and expose his weaknesses to you and the others," Sombra replied, though as he said that he focused on their last foe and readied himself, because what he had seen so far told him that Jiren was a foe that he couldn't hold back against, especially since they had no idea what techniques he possessed, "He'll have to divide his attention between attacking and defending, so when he focuses on the attacks you send at him, and shifts his attention, I'll strike the opening and see if we can damage him."

Rainbow and Applejack glanced at each other, as this seemed like a pretty straightforward plan and figured that there might be more that Sombra wasn't telling them, before determining that striking the openings would allow him to push Jiren towards them, meaning they had to be ready to hit their foe when he was stunned. Of course there was always the chance that he might just use his crystals on Jiren and nullify his powers, like he did with Sunset when all of the displaced went up against her, but they had the feeling that such a power would be one of the last ones Sombra used, just to give the Kings of All a show, instead of ending the battle in a matter of seconds. Sombra, however, noticed that no one had anything to say about his tactic, indicating that they either agreed with him or were shocked that he wanted to tackle such a foe in a one-on-one battle, before he took a few steps forward, showing them that he was ready for the battle and that they should be ready to attack when he revealed an opening. While he did that both Rainbow and Applejack separated from the group, as the first thing they were going to do was make sure their final techniques were in place, as Rainbow was going to make two of her clones and send them out into the area, to form the spheres necessary for both of her final techniques, while Applejack would focus on carving the four symbols into some of the floating sections of the stage, to get things set up for when Jiren's defense was down.

The rest of the team, seeing the pair move to prepare themselves, nodded their heads and spread out as well, each of them seemingly disappearing thanks to the illusions that Trixie was weaving around them, making it that much harder for Jiren to see them while making sure his focus was on Sombra.

"You are a fool to challenge me without backup." Jiren stated, once more showing everyone that he believed that he was the strongest warrior on the fighting stage, even if that was now up for debate thanks to the power that Sombra had released a few moments ago.

"Oh, but I'm not alone." Sombra replied, though at the same time he came to a stop and shifted his body, adapting his usual battle stance as he focused on Jiren, which was when a faint dark aura appeared around him, one that only the gods of his universe would recognize.

Jiren kept his neutral expression on his face as he burst through the space between him and Sombra, appearing right behind his foe not a few seconds later, but as he turned around and swung his keg at his foe's back, to kick him into one of the many rock walls that were still standing, he noticed that his opponent wasn't even stunned by his speed. Sombra was calm and collected as he moved to the side and avoided the attack like it was nothing, making Jiren remember what happened when he fought Son Goku the first time, before he swung one of his fists towards Sombra, where it collided with the incoming fist that his foe was sending his way. The collision of their fists, including their individual powers, shook the area around them and blasted a decent sized crater into the floor, where Sombra jumped backwards and landed on one of the nearby rocks, which was followed by Jiren charging at him as he went on the offensive, loosing a series of punches and kicks at his latest opponent. Sombra remained on the defensive, dodging the attacks by using the same technique that he helped Rarity get a firm understanding of, though occasionally he would slip in a punch or two while Jiren was focused on trying to smash him into the floor, despite the fact that his attacks were minor and really didn't do much, as he was just testing Jiren's defenses before the real battle started.

Interesting enough it seemed like his strategy to lure Jiren into a false sense of security, with weak attacks that didn't seem to do anything, worked better than he could have hoped, as his next attack happened when he dodged an incoming punch, ducked under Jiren's arm, and struck his exposed chest, hard enough to knock him backwards as Jiren stared at him for a few seconds, before the shadows caused him to disappear.

The instant that happened Jiren turned to look around the area, so he could spot his fleeing target, but before he could do much he found three new foes attacking him in unison, the Dazzlings they were called, and he went on the defensive as he studied their abilities. From what he knew they were the weakest warriors on Universe 13's team, as Trixie was a step higher than they were and Sombra seemed like the one that would be at the top, meaning that he didn't have to expand too much power on his current opponents and could focus on looking for Sombra. What he wasn't expecting were the various blasts of elemental power coming his way, as he found shards of ice being hurled at him, some of which cut the arms of his uniform, fireballs that came in groups of seven and surged at him from a number of different directions, and potent winds that couldn't make up their mind as they lashed out at him, which told him that the Dazzlings were trying to distract him from their battle. As such he swung his fist and loosed three powerful punches, hitting all three of his foes in their chests, and knocked them backwards, seemingly stunning them in the process, before he frowned as he noticed that his attacks had punched holes in their bodies, which was when the Dazzlings grinned as they melted down and transformed into spiraling elemental dragons, one made of water, one made of fire, and one made of wind.

Once he saw that Jiren knew that these weren't the real Dazzlings, as he felt their power coming from somewhere else in the area around him, but before he could complete his search a fist connected with the side of his face and he stumbled for a moment, before righting himself as he noticed that Sombra had emerged from the shadows to fight him again. He had to admit that this was a tactic he hadn't seen before, as not many of his foes had been so willing to sacrifice their own allies, even fake ones, to do some damage to him, but at the same time he suspected that Sombra had a different understanding of this tactic and would call it something else. Of course that was when something else happened, as the moment he spotted Sombra once more he determined that it was fine to forget about the three elemental dragons that were around him, since they seemed harmless, before they wrapped around his arms, legs, and chest, preventing him from moving as they seemed to freeze. In that moment he understood that he had walked into one of Sombra's traps, as a shadowy dome formed over him and the serpent dragons not a few seconds later, showing him that this had been planned out in his foe's head, before several violet spheres flashed into the area around him, spheres that Trixie had formed from her Arcane power, and his eyes widened as they started to glow.

Sombra jumped backwards as the Mana Bombs, Trixie's name for the attack, went off and blew up the entire area that was inside the dome he had summoned, though since they went off at the same time he was sure that Jiren had taken some damage, as not a few moments later he pulled the shadows back and revealed their foe... who had smoke coming from his attire, which also had scratches and small sections burned off, and there was one big spot on his back, showing him that the tactic had worked like a charm.

"Normally, I would be upset over this, but I'm more impressed by how well your plan worked." Jiren stated, though it was rare for him to even compliment one of his foes, especially so early in their battle, which told him that he needed to pay more attention to his surroundings to see what else Sombra had in store for him.

"You aren't the first one to be impressed by my plans and tactics," Sombra replied, because he thought that the set of attacks would have done more damage to their foe, but this just showed him that they were on the right track, to which he took his battle stance once more, "but thanks for the compliment. Now then, shall we continue?"

Jiren charged forward once more, this time splitting his attention between studying the area for additional traps while keeping Sombra as his main focus, though as he reached Sombra, however, the two of them engaged in throwing punches and kicks at each other, where he detected that his foe was actually trying to hit him and wasn't messing around. That did worry him for a moment, as the last time they had exchanged blows he had purposely weakened his attacks to lure him into a false sense of security, meaning that there had to be some sort of trick this time around, one that he wasn't seeing yet. He knew that Sombra was behind all the successes that Universe 7 and Universe 13 had since the tournament started, as they had been following the plans and suggestions of the being in front of him, which told him that they were doing the same thing right now, but he didn't seen anything out of the ordinary and definitely didn't feel anything that would warn him about what was going on. He knew that the other sixteen warriors were hiding themselves, as Trixie seemed to be using her powers to do that, but not being able to even sense them made him wonder if they had purposely hidden their various energies to confuse him, or if there was something going on that he wasn't seeing just yet. He refocused on the fight after that thought came to mind and swung at Sombra, who dodged his attack and jumped backwards, landing on top of a rock pillar, to which Jiren growled and followed after him, but just as he landed on top of the rock as well Sombra fell backwards and seemed to disappear into the shadows once more.

This time around, however, shadowy chains burst out of the shadows near the area he was in and wrapped around his body, preventing him from moving from the spot he was now chained to, before several beams of energy raced at him from every direction, showing him that he walked into another trap without realizing it. In a situation like that he would have used his aura to destroy the attacks and then launch his counterattack against his opponents, but this time he found that he was unable to do so, and he had a feeling that it had to do with the small dark crystal bracelet that suddenly appeared around his right wrist, seconds before the attacks hit him. Not even a few moments later the area around him detonated as the attacks exploded, allowing him to escape from the chains as he landed nearby, but his attire had several more cuts added to the collection he was amassing and his body had several more scratches, which was more wounds than he had received in a long time. Despite the situation he was in, where he was clearly being overpowered, he found it a little amusing that when he wasn't looking for traps he had walked into one and when he was looking for traps he still walked into one, showing him that he really couldn't underestimate Sombra... and yet, at the same time, doing that didn't seem to matter in the end, as it seemed like his foe had the upper hand, without his allies really doing much to assist him in his schemes.

As he considered his next move, however, a figure stepped out of the shadows and he found that Sombra was standing near him once more, no doubt ready for the next stage of their battle, with whatever plan he had in store for him this time around, while the rest of his alliance was obscured by Trixie's powers.

"You know, something has been bothering me since this tournament started." Sombra commented, showing Jiren that he might be taking a break to talk, no doubt giving his allies time to move into position, before he focused on their foe and prepared himself for what he was going to say, "Everyone that we have faced so far has had a wish that they want to use the Super Dragon Balls to grant, be it becoming a god or making themselves the 'strongest' in the multiverse, and I'm sure that your fellow Pride Troopers each have a wish that they want granted... but not you. I haven't heard you mention what sort of wish you want to use the Super Dragon Balls for, so are you fighting purely to save your universe... or is there something that you don't want anyone to know about?"

"No... even I have a wish that I want granted..." Jiren replied, though in the beginning, when he first heard about the tournament and the power of the Super Dragon Balls, he knew it was the chance to get it granted, but now, in the face of Universe 13's power, he wasn't even sure he could knock them off and gain the powerful wish granting orbs.

"Allow me to tell everyone the reason that Jiren is obsessed with power and strength." Belmod said, showing everyone that he was going to give them some backstory on what made Jiren seek out the power that he now possessed and why he didn't seem to care about his teammates at all, and even his greatest warrior remained silent, "When he was young, just a little boy mind you, Jiren's parents were killed by an evil-doer, who sacked and burned down the village that he lived in at the time. He was rescued some time later by a man that would later become his teacher, whose teachings caused Jiren to strive to gather power and master the strength he had gained, all while causing him to walk the path that would eventually bring him face to face with the being he carried in his memories. During their travels they encountered more souls that were like him, and soon Jiren had a group of companions that stood by him and trained with him, following the teachings of their master, before the evil-doer finally returned one day, when he was older, and attacked them. The enemy, however, was too strong for them and ended up killing a number of Jiren's dear companions, wounded him in battle, and then killed his mentor in front of him... and when he tried to rise again, to follow in his mentor's footsteps, the surviving students wouldn't follow him, causing him to feel an immeasurable grief when he was betrayed by those he trusted."

"So you realized that 'trust was worthless', and that 'strength was justice'?" Sombra stated, as he picked up the thread the moment Belmod stopped talking, but at the same time he now understood what sort of wish Jiren wanted, as it didn't seem like he'd go through all this effort to wish back his mentor, "The wish you want granted isn't to bring someone back, rather your greatest desire is to use the Super Dragon Balls to either find where your target is hiding and kill them, or wish them out of existence with the greatest power you've discovered. Revenge... Jiren, I understand how you feel."

"What could you possibly know that would make you 'understand' how I feel?" Jiren snapped, as he didn't let Belmod tell the others about his past to feel pity, because that didn't matter in the long run, not against the evil-doer that had ruined his life twice over.

"Because I was once driven by my own desire for revenge, against someone that took something from me." Sombra replied, where the gods of his universe nodded their heads, as they knew the tale that he had told them, had truthfully told them since he didn't feel the need to lie, before he faced Jiren once more, "When I was younger, a boy like yourself, I faced my first loss when I foolishly thought that someone had betrayed me, instead of staying by my side when I was in incredible pain and feared that my body would break. That drove me to learn about the secrets of Dark Magic, power unlike anything I had ever encountered before that point, and it was during that time I met Amaryllis, Chrysalis' sister, and fell in love with her for a time, while Chrysalis fell in love with an exceptional pegasus. Of course their mother, Queen Crudelis, didn't appreciate both of them falling in love with none changelings, so she executed Amaryllis, killed Wildfire Comet, and then stripped Amaryllis from Chrysalis' memories, turning her into someone who hated ponies... while I, on the other hand, delved into the lessons and became the dreaded King of Darkness. Long story short I waged a terrible war against Queen Crudelis, decimated the forces that stood against me, and, even when she revealed that she had tricked me in some manner, I still won the war when her generals executed her after our battle, leaving Chrysalis to pick up the pieces and rebuild her empire.

What I'm saying is that I know what you've been through, because something happened to me and my only thought was to have my revenge on the one that wronged me, and in the end that lead to my downfall, my banishment, my second defeat, and finally my rebirth as the being you see before you."

"You understand nothing!" Jiren snapped, though as soon as he said that he jumped backwards and landed on one of the floating sections of the stage that were floating in the air above his foe, where he brought his hands together and charged his energy for a moment, creating a small ball of energy in the process.

The moment he was ready Jiren loosed the attack into the area between him and Sombra, where it expanded into a massive red sphere of energy that looked like it was a ball of fire, though as that happened, and the others started to move towards him, Sombra held his hand out and signaled them to stop. It was in that moment that he accessed one of the other Shadow Powers, a name given to the five greatest Dark Magic techniques a practitioner could learn, that he had access to as he held his hand towards the flaming ball that was coming his way, where his aura flickered and a second ball of energy, this one made entirely of black flames, intercepted the first one. The resulting explosion shocked Jiren, as he wasn't sure what had happened, and before he could respond Sombra burst through the space between them and went on the offensive, his attacks much stronger than they had been earlier, when they were first exchanging blows. This time around he found that Sombra was able to avoid his attacks, just like Goku did during their battle, and his attacks were able to bypass his defenses, making him wonder what was going on as he was knocked backwards, right into a combined attack from Goku and Vegeta, a Final Kamehameha, which sent him flying into another floating section of the stage.

As Sombra readied himself for the next stage of their battle, however, he glanced at the stands once more and found that Belmod was worried about his chances, because Jiren was being beaten and he now understood that he and the other universes should have targeted Universe 13 first, though he pushed that thought aside as he focused on the fact that Jiren would be coming at them in the next few moments.

"What was that?" Gohan asked, because since they had some time before Jiren came at them, and continued the fight, he wanted to how what sort of powers Sombra was still hiding from them and how they could use that against Jiren in the near future, if only so he could prepare for the openings their ally created.

"One of the five Shadow Powers, the five greatest Dark Magic techniques, Dark Mimicry," Sombra replied, as he knew that there was no reason not to tell Gohan what he had done, though at the same time he kept his attention on the area Jiren had been thrown into, "It allows the user to create a mirror image of an incoming attack and use it against their foe, either to cancel out the incoming attack or right out attack an opponent after they're distracted by the damage from their own attack hitting something. I, personally, use this technique to cancel out incoming attacks, just to shock my opponents and make them lower their guard, and right now it seems like it was the right move against Jiren."

Gohan glanced at him for a moment, as he knew of two Shadow Powers now, first Dark Instinct and now Dark Mimicry, which made him wonder what sort of powers and abilities the other three techniques had, especially since he knew that Sombra had access to one more, since he had said that earlier, before nodding his head as he headed off into the distance again, allowing Trixie's power to hide him once more. Of course, as that happened, Jiren decided to increase his power even more, so much so that his flaming aura had a flaming aura surrounding it for a few seconds, before he waved them both off and charged towards Sombra, showing that his focus was on the one that was behind all the plans that had gotten him hurt so far. It was a good move in some ways, since without Sombra they would lose both their strategist and one of their strongest warriors, but at the same time it also presented a problem that was hard to overcome, and that was dealing enough damage to Sombra, who was dodging attacks with ease, something that clearly annoyed Belmod to no end, since a frown had appeared on his face some time ago. The other thing that was often overlooked was the fact that Sombra's attacks were powerful, as Jiren eventually ended up feeling the Ikkotsu, Single Bone, which was just a powerful punch to his abdomen, the Sokotsu, Double Bone, which was basically an advanced version of the first technique and used both fists at the same time, and even the Raioken, Thunder King Fist, which was a series of incredibly fast punches that most of the alliance missed since they weren't used to attacks of that speed.

All of this just demonstrated the sheer power that Sombra possessed, power that made some of the Destroyer Gods sweat a little as they watched him overcome the sheer might that his foe was using against him, and they all understood that Universe 13 was incredibly strong, especially since they had someone that could topple the strongest mortal in the multiverse, something that actually shut Belmod up for once.

When Sombra dodged the next attack, however, he lashed out with the shadows and punched Jiren away from where he was standing, leaving another black crystal bracelet on Jiren's wrist, and before his foe could do anything to it, with his base strength, Applejack appeared behind him and stopped him by locking him in her Basilisk Hold, before she and the rest of their team summoned more chains to keep him in place. Once that was done, and Applejack backed away from Jiren, Sombra put some distance between them and waved his hand, signaling that it was time for them to go on the offensive together, and the first technique that activated was the Primordial Dragons, four massive dragons that were formed from the moisture in the air, the fire that Aria helped create, the wind that Sonata spun into being, and from the very stones they were fighting on. This was Applejack's greatest technique, with each dragon forming from the symbol that was positioned to the north, south, east, and west of where Jiren was locked up, and while all that happened Rainbow's power surged through the area and lightning started to gather in the area above them that would be classified as the atmosphere of the World of the Void, eventually transforming into a massive serpent dragon, like Applejack's dragons, that was made out of lightning, or, as it was more commonly called, the Wrath of the Thunder God. The reveal of these five dragons, which came from two different ultimate attacks, caused some of the gods to pause in shock, as the power they were generating was level with the Spirit Bomb, if not greater, and this time Jiren didn't have a way to defend himself since his body was frozen and bound.

The instant the dragons were released they surged through the air and collided with Jiren, resulting in a massive explosion that rocked the area he was bound to and threw him through the air, where it was clear that he was missing parts of the chest area of his attire, before he regained himself and charged back into battle. Sombra had been planning on that happening, as Jiren ran right into the next set of attacks that had been prepared for him, a three way collision between Frieza's Supernova, the strongest Arcane Core that Trixie could create, and the Forbidden Reorigination, a power that Rarity had developed during her travels, which came from creating twelve large fireballs, Forbidden Suns as the attack was known as, and then combining them. The process involved three of the orbs taking on the power of fire, three gaining the power of lightning, three more taking on the power of the soul, and the last three gaining the power of darkness, before carefully combining all four of the fused orbs into a single massive mass, which Rarity had used to topple one of the strongest enemies of the place she had been sent to. The three attacks slammed into Jiren, who had barely noticed them until it was too late, and detonated with a blinding display of power, one that would have blown a large crater into the fighting stage if he hadn't been in the air, though it also forced Jiren to land and cough for a moment as he thought about what was going on.

That, of course, was when everyone else attacked, as they all fired their beam type attacks towards the wounded warrior and watched as they struck him over and over again, sending him through the air until he collided with the side of a floating section of the stage... and then weakly lifted his head as Sombra landed at the edge, knowing that they could either continue with this fight or he could end it and knock him off the stage completely.

"Jiren, I know your pride as a warrior won't like what I have to say, but I hope you'll agree with me," Sombra said, as he knew that the warrior in front of him was at his limits, because he wasn't used to dealing with an alliance that had ten very powerful beings that had their own unique powers and abilities, and he felt that he might as well try to see if he could get their foe to listen to reason, "Please, let us drop you from the fighting stage and end this madness. We're not here to claim the Super Dragon Balls and wish for something meaningless, like a boat or money, we're here to restore the multiverse to what it was before the tournament started, and all that's standing between us and that reality is Belmod's desire to win and hold this victory over everyone else. There's no weakness in admitting defeat every now and then... trust me, everyone here has had to do it at some point in time, regardless of whether or not they want to admit that fact."

Despite himself, and the imposing persona he had developed over the years, Jiren could not help but feel like the helpless child he had been when he was younger, as it honestly felt like there was nothing he could do when he faced off against the power of Universe 13, a power none of them had known about until they got serious, and he actually considered admitting defeat... before a fire ignited inside him, one that refused to go out as he raised his head and stared at Sombra once more.

"No... I'll find some way to beat you and prevent the past from repeating itself!" Jiren stated, though at the same time his energy flared to life as it burst out in all directions, looking like a storm of fire as what remained of the chest area of his attire was destroyed thanks to his increased muscle mass.

"I see... then I shall do my best to defeat you." Sombra replied, as it was clear that being cornered like this had drawn out whatever dormant power had been sleeping inside Jiren, just like when he and the other displaced had fought and overpowered Sunset, resulting in a massive power boost for their Destroyer God, before he waved his hand and signaled for the others to back off, as he was likely the only one that could now deal with Jiren's power.

Sombra stood his ground for a few moments as Jiren's fiery ki danced around the area they were fighting in, so much so that it seemed like the area was actually being set on fire, before everything died down and Jiren, who had a red aura that almost looked identical to Goku's Ultra Instinct, stepped forward to meet him once more. This time around when Jiren charged at him, just like he did when he was starting up another round to their fight, Sombra found that his speed and power were much stronger than they had been in the past, which was great for Belmod since it actually forced him to go on the defensive once more. While he dodged the attacks to the best of his ability, however, Sombra realized that he might actually be at the limits of his own power, which he would normally be fine with since he had stopped craving power a long time ago, but right now it had been his overwhelming power that had pushed Jiren this far and he would need a similar power boost to turn the tides once more. The Hogyoku, hidden by the armor covering his Hollow hole, pulsed for a few seconds, it's way of communicating with Sombra when he was busy, and seemed to get to work on doing something for them, allowing Sombra to continue his fight with Jiren, even if this was now leaning in Jiren's favor.

In the end Sombra closed his eyes and let his aura envelope him, allowing his instincts to take over for a moment, and the observers watched as he dodged several of Jiren's attacks, ones that he had some difficulty with not seconds ago, before ducking under another attack and delivered a powerful uppercut that knocked Jiren backwards, causing him to rub his chin as he felt his foe's power rise for a moment.

"Wh... What just happened?" Belmod asked, because for a moment it seemed like Jiren would be able to claim victory over Sombra, after suffering such a beating at the hands of both Universe 13 and Universe 7, but now, after seeing Sombra dodge an attack from an empowered Jiren, and knock him a few steps back, caused him to wonder if the king had even more power than what he had been using so far.

"Jiren's hidden power has done something my sister and I never deemed possible," Celestia said, though this was good news for the alliance, because what she was about to reveal is something that Sombra had told her at one point, in case someone like Rarity appeared in the new version of Equus, "Sombra's always had access to two of the five Shadow Powers, the five greatest Dark Magic techniques a pracitioner can learn, putting him on a level that nearly rival both myself and my sister over a thousand years ago, and while he was aware of what two of the other four were we knew that he also had some idea how to use the fifth power. Mastering even a single Shadow Power increases the user's own power dramatically, putting Sombra on a level that rivaled that of Star Swirl the Bearded, and mastering a second allowed him to rival myself and my sister, as we controlled both the sun and the moon of our home world, but even knowing how to use half of a third Shadow Power forced us to resort to drastic measures to defeat him. What I'm saying is that Sombra's response to Jiren unlocking his hidden power, and using it in battle, is the completion of his Dark Instinct, the third Shadow Power he was working on a thousand years ago, meaning his power has also drastically improved as well... and, if I'm not mistaken, it actually looks like the other two might be following suit, granting him their power so he can bring an end to this fight and determine the fate of the multiverse."

"This is why he's considered the undisbuted Master of Dark Magic, as he knows every power that can be learned from this particular type of magic," Twilight added, revealing that there was one more title they could call Sombra by, one that was just as true as all the other ones, before everyone turned their attention back to the battle that was taking place, as they knew that it was only a matter of time until it was over.

At first it seemed like the battle had tipped back in Sombra's favor, as he was dodging attacks again and was dealing his own powerful ones, returning the worry that Belmod had been feeling since the start of the battle, but it wasn't long before Sunset noticed something odd. Cracks were starting to appear in Sombra's silver armor, not from being hit by Jiren since his foe's fists were no where near the armor when a crack happened to show up, though if Sombra was worried about such a thing happening he wasn't showing it, no doubt to keep Jiren as his focus. Jiren, of course, was still going on the offensive and wasn't giving Sombra a chance to relax, showing that he viewed him as the greatest threat at the moment and that he wasn't going to stop until he was taken out, which seemed to be part of the plan, but as they countined to change blows it was clear that Jiren was starting to turn the tide of battle in his favor again. It was either due to the fact that Jiren's power had grown since being cornered or Sombra had expanded too much power while using the Shadow Powers he had displayed so far, or maybe the action of suddenly unlocking the others had drained his power and he wouldn't be at his full power for some time. Regardless of what the situation was Jiren was taking advantage of it, as his punches were stronger and he was pushing Sombra backwards, all while Sombra made sure the others didn't interfere with this battle, before Jiren kicked him in the stomach and sent him flying into one of the small floating sections of the stage that had survived Rainbow's battle with Toppo... and, unless Sunset was seeing things, the cracks in Sombra's armor had expanded, meaning that it was only a matter of time until it shattered.

Jiren, seeing that no one else was coming at him while Sombra was weakened, focused his mind and his energy burst into the area around him, forming a massive flaming aura around him that also wrapped around the atmosphere level that Rainbow's Wrath had come from... and, once he had a large sphere of energy, condensed into a smaller form, he loosed the attack and watched as it slammed into the area his target was in, detonating instantly, before he frowned when the smoke cleared and found that a barrier had saved his foe, despite his chest armor breaking in the process.

"Where's his heart?" Cae asked, because now that Sombra's chest was exposed, for the first time since the fighting had started, they were able to see that there was a circular hole where Sombra's heart was supposed to be, though at the same time he noticed a small marble sized object floating in the middle of the empty space.

"Hollows and Arrancar don't have hearts, not like we do," Sunset stated, as she and the others had been confused when they heard that fact, back when Sombra told them what he was and what sort of adventure he had gone through in the world he had been sent to, though even as she said that she noticed that the Hogyoku was glowing.

"Are you ready to admit defeat, warrior?" Jiren inquired, showing that he respected the power that Sombra possessed and the intelligence that had allowed him to corner him like this, even if it unlocked a new level of power, something that he would be grateful for, since it would allow him to best the other warriors from Universe 13.

"No, I'm too stubborn to admit defeat... in fact, the few enemies that defeated me had to put me on Death's Door to claim victory, before I came back and beat them." Sombra replied, though at the same time he stood up and faced his foe once more, where he noticed that the fragments of his armor were starting to break apart into energy strands, while the Hogyoku pulsed once more, at a rate that told him it was time, "You know, the Hogyoku and I have come to an understanding while you displayed your new strength to us... but instead of telling you about it, why don't I just show you my new level of power?"

As soon as he said that the Hogyoku glowed a little brighter, just like it had been doing for the last few moments since the battle with Jiren started, but this time the observers that knew about the artifact noticed something odd, there were a few cracks forming all over the orb. Sombra had seen the power that Aizen had commanded by subjugating the artifact, before he ripped the orb from his foe's chest, and the forms that his foe had used against him, but this time around he was working with the powerful artifact and they had come to an understanding. The form of the Dios Hueco was both impressive and powerful, and it overpowered almost everyone he had come across, but right now, against the empowered strength that Jiren had access to, he was determining that he might want to step up his game and push past whatever limits he had left. The Hogyoku agreed with him, as it knew that he had the power to reach whatever rested beyond the power of the Dios Hueco, and instead of waiting for him to try and reach it on his own, because there was no telling how long that would be and they were running out of time since the central pillar was nearly gone, the artifact was willing to assist him in obtaining the next level of power. The instant he thought about that the strands of energy from the fragments of his armor danced in the air around him, causing Jiren to raise an eyebrow as he considered what he might be up to this time, before he readied himself for what he and the artifact were about to do... which was the moment that the Hogyoku shattered and the sheer power it possessed surged into Sombra's body, causing a pillar of ghostly white, almost wispy, energy to envelope him a few seconds later.

A few moments went by before Rainbow and the others started to feel something strange, as while they could feel Sombra's power being pushed to a new level, which was the whole point of what he was doing at the moment, there was also the fact that his energy seemed different to what it had been moments ago. Applejack, who was wielding the power of her Aspect of Creation, and the other Kaioshin could feel that Sombra's power now seemed to be the polar opposite of the energy they commanded, life energy to be exact, making them wonder if he had tapped into the power of death. As soon as they considered that the pillar of energy broke apart, revealing that Sombra was still standing in the same spot he had been in moments ago, but this time his armor had reformed over his body, only now it looked thinner than it had been before the pillar surrounded his body. Instead of looking like iron or silver, which happened to be the metals his previous sets of armor had been made out of, it looked like his new armor was made out of steel, or something tougher, but the coloration seemed darker, not like the shadowy coloration his iron armor had taken, and he had four sections around his waist that looked like the sashes the Destroyer Gods wore, only made out of metal and didn't appear to get in the way when he moved around. The pauldrons that rested on his shoulders had disappeared, as had his lush cape, which meant that Sombra likely didn't need either of them anymore, and his crown had been replaced by an elegant hood that was connected to his new armor, so he could wear it whenever he wanted or not without having to worry about it disappearing, and there was even a hole for his horn.

Sunset's eyes widened for a moment, as Sombra's new appearance made him look like he was an angelic being or maybe a reaper, but the sheer godly power that was radiating from him, even if his energy remained within him, revealed that he had been elevated to an entirely new level, as it felt like he was a God of Death now... and, based on the looks the other gods had on their faces, they had no idea what to make of this situation, meaning they were going to have to wait and see what happened when he started fighting Jiren again.

Jiren, seeing that Sombra was standing still for a few seconds, charged through the space between them and loosed a storm of punches that would have decimated any of the other foes that were on the fighting stage, though as he did that he noticed that holes were being punched into Sombra's body, before he turned black and broke apart. In that moment he realized that his foe must have switched positions with his shadow, without him even realizing what was going on, and before he could even begin to look for his true opponent a fist collided with the center of his chest, delivering a punch that stunned him as he found the real Sombra standing before him. Jiren, instead of being thrown backwards, pulled himself off the fist and went on the offensive, once more unleashing a storm of punches at his foe, while Sombra simply dodged his attacks like they were nothing, just like what happened at the beginning of their battle, before he ducked under Jiren's arm and kicked him in the chest, sending him flying through the air for a few moments. In that moment he noticed a difference in his foe's power, as the new strength Sombra possessed was overwhelming, just like it had been when they were fighting earlier, and that caused him to summon his fiery aura once more, as he wasn't about to fall to someone like this, not after everything he had gone through.

With that decided Jiren gathered his power and launched a number of fiery blasts towards Sombra, intending for one or more of them to reach his foe and blow him out of the air, as he needed to eliminate his opponent before he was the one knocked off the fighting stage. Sombra, however, raised his right hand out towards the shadows and his energy called one of his weapons to him, but what he got was an ebony black handle that had been molded into the shape of entwined bones and curved back a bit at the top, where a curved blood red blade, the head of a scythe, rested. Since it wasn't made out of shadowy energy, and reflected the power he now possessed, he knew what it was instantly, but before he became consumed with what the weapon meant he swung it at the incoming attacks and cut them all to pieces, which was when he had the scythe disappear as he flew through the explosions that had once been Jiren's attacks. His foe clearly wasn't expecting such a thing to happen, and he was sure that none of the observers were sure what was happening, but he made the most of his foe's confusion by bursting out of the smoke and started throwing a couple of punches at Jiren, where each attack forced him to take a few steps backwards as Sombra angled him towards the edge of the fighting stage at long last, showing that he intended to finish the fight with Universe 11. While all that was happening Belmod looked utterly defeated, showing that he had bet everything on Jiren's incredible strength and power, and now he had no choice but to accept that his shining warrior was about to be knocked off the fighting stage and that his universe was bound to be erased not a few moments later.

Not a few seconds later, after Belmod accepted his fate and silently cursing the fact that Universe 13 had been made into an official universe before the tournament started, Sombra knocked Jiren backwards once more and caused the weakened warrior to stumble, where he jumped back a little and raised his right hand... where he started to charge a white Cero that was far stronger than anything he had fired in the past, and when he fired it Jiren found his attempts to stop it didn't matter, as the sheer power knocked him clean off the fighting stage at long last.

"It's done... Universe 11 has been defeated." Liquiir commented, as he had known that Sunset's universe was strong and that her warriors, combined with the remaining warriors from Universe 7, could topple Jiren, but he wasn't expecting Sombra to get this strong from engaging the warrior, which left a single question in his mind as the defeated Jiren took his place on the stands, "Now, who will the victor be? Will it be Universe 13? Or will Universe 7 find a way to overcome the sheer power of their soon to be former allies and win the tournament?"

"It doesn't matter, for your tournament is over." a voice said, one that caused Sunset and her fellow gods, including some of the warriors on the fighting stage, to stop for a moment as they recognized the voice, as it was the very person that Sunset had been searching for since he broke out of Tartarus some time ago.

As soon as the voice had spoken the air suddered as a portal of some kind, one with a blue aura around it's edges, opened at the top of the central pillar, where everyone, including both the Grand Priest and the Kings of All, stopped what they were doing as they stared at the portal. A few seconds later the speaker stepped out of the portal, revealing that he had to be a native of Universe 13 since his feet ended in hooves, with the same leg structure as Sunset and the others had, though the lower portion of his body was azureish black colored, his chest was black like the night, and both his arms and his head were crimson red colored. The being had two horns, one on either side of his head, which was different from what the rest of the displaced and the gods of Universe 13 had, though his coiled back towards each other a little bit before pointing at the sky, and he had short light gray colored hair, which also included a beard. He was wearing a purple shirt over his chest, one that almost looked like it was part of a suit of armor, and gray leggings that covered his lower body, though nothing covered his arms or his head, but what caught the eyes of the gods was the golden gauntlet with ebony inlay that was covering his left hand... which had six different colored stones attached to it, five at the knuckles of his fingers and the sixth resting on the back of his hand.

Sunset wasn't sure how Tirek had managed to enter the World of the Void, since she and the others needed the help of an Angel to do that, and she wasn't sure what the purpose of the gauntlet was supposed to be, but at the very least he was about to meet his end... and then they could focus on finishing the tournament and saving the universes that had lost since the fighting started.

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