• Published 21st Jan 2019
  • 2,920 Views, 432 Comments

Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Tournament: Disaster

"Sunset, do you have any idea who that is?" Liquiir asked, because based on what he was feeling at the moment he could determine that the being that had suddenly appeared wasn't much of a threat, but at the same time, judging by the reactions of the residents of Universe 13, he knew that the opposite was true, that this creature was a threat and that he should be taken seriously, before something terrible happened.

"His name is Tirek, he used to be a centaur before gaining this form, and he's the one that wiped Nirn out." Sunset replied, though her focus was on the foe that had appeared before them, because if the past was to be repeated, like she thought it might be, it would be up to her to go down there and destroy Tirek, and this time she was going to erase his very existence, as she was growing tired of having to deal with him, "I've been looking for him since he escaped from his cell in Tartarus, the place he was banished to when Celestia, Luna, and Scorpan bested him so long ago, and returned to after Twilight and her friends defeated him some years later, something that I replicated a few years ago, before I started to walk down the path of becoming a God of Destruction. I never thought that I'd find him here, when we're about to determine the fate of the multiverse, but now that he's revealed himself, rather foolishly I might add, I think it's time I dealt with him, before he damages something else that's irreparable or irreplaceable."

Beerus listened to what Sunset had to say, as he and the others from his universe knew who Tirek was since most of them had been there when Discord delivered a message saying that the former centaur had escaped from his cell, starting a search that never ended. He had to wonder where Tirek had been since his daring escape, especially since no one had been able to find him before the tournament was announced, but even as he thought about that he noticed, just like Sunset and the others noticed, that Tirek's power wasn't all that great, meaning he had either learned to hide his true power or he was incredibly weak, meaning he'd be dealt with quickly. At the same time this was a terrible development, as there was no telling what the Kings of All would do now that someone else from Universe 13 was barging into the tournament, as he could simply erase Tirek on the spot or he could erase Sunset's entire universe as well, leaving only his universe as the survivors. He knew that a few of his warriors might see that as a blessing, since it would allow them to avoid having to fight Sunset's warriors, but he hated the idea of that happening, since he knew that Sunset's team could achieve a flawless victory against all their enemies, which was why he was waiting for the Kings of All to make their decision as Tirek just stood there, giving Sunset the death glare the entire time.

In fact the only time Tirek wasn't glaring at Sunset was when the Grand Priest floated over to the area that he was standing in, no doubt wondering who he was and why he was here, since it was clear that the Kings of All were a little interested in who the newcomer was, before they decided his fate.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" the Grand Priest asked, because at the very least he figured that he would allow the intruder to tell them who he was and what he was doing here, in the World of the Void, before the Kings of All erased him for coming to an event that he wasn't invited to and was currently interrupting, especially since he declared that the Tournament of Power was over.

"I am Tirek, and I have come here for one thing," Tirek replied, to which he turned his gaze from the Grand Priest and stared at the stands once more, where he locked onto Sunset and glared at her, his eyes revealing the immense hatred he had for her, which had only increased since his escape from Tartarus, before he pointed at her, "Her. I came to this world for one thing, and that is to fight Sunset in one final battle, one that will be more grand than anything you might have seen since this tournament started, so we can see who the strongest warrior really is."

In that moment Beerus, and possibly some of the other gods, mentally cursed at Tirek's choice of words, as stating that he wanted to fight Sunset, in a battle that potentially rivaled anything that the Kings of All had seen since the fighting started, was the only way to bribe the Kings of All into letting something happen, and it was what Liquiir had done to let Sombra have his blades, meaning all they could do was wait and see what their decision was.

"Show us, show us!" the Kings of All declared, showing that the gods were right to be worried about what they had to say, as this meant that the tournament was going to be put on hold because of someone that had suddenly shown up and was promising them a good battle, when it would be horribly one sided at this point.

The Grand Priest nodded and stated that the tournament would be put on hold for a few moments, as he was sure that Sunset would deal with Tirek in record setting time, and waved his hand for a moment, lifting the remaining warriors into the air before setting them down in the stands, allowing Sunset to face Tirek alone. Once that was done Sunset got up from where she was sitting and leapt over the edge of the stands, where she touched down on the fragment of the stage that had been in front of where they had been sitting and started moving through the rubble as she headed towards the location Tirek was now standing in. As she walked towards the central pillar, however, she also prepared herself by releasing the highest power she could use without using any of her Aspects, because Sunset intended on finishing this fight quickly so she could finally be rid of Tirek, and because of the fact that she felt that using even one of the Aspects against her foe would be overkill, considering his current level of power. While she did that she also got a chance to see the coloration of the six stones that were attached to the gauntlet Tirek was wearing, as there was a green one on the knuckle of his thumb, a yellow stone on the back of his hand, leaving four stones going from his pointer finger to his pinky, where the first was purple, the second blue, the third red, and the final one orange.

Sunset honestly had no idea what had possessed the former centaur to gather a collection of stones and attach them to a metal gauntlet, but right now it wasn't doing him any favors, as she was sure that she could overcome whatever power he currently possessed and bring a swift end to their final battle.

"Do you like what you see?" Tirek asked, though as Sunset raised an eyebrow, to show a little confusion, he held up his left hand and actually smiled as he looked at the six powerful stones he had collected, even if it had been a challenge to fill all six slots before this point in time, before he turned his gaze back towards his foe, "I see you have taken a moment to stare at my gauntlet, to study the stones I have collected, yet you have no idea what any of them do... here, allow me to give you a demonstration of their power!"

The instant Tirek said that he formed a fist with his left hand and a green ring of energy formed around his arm, close to his wrist, before he opened his fist, where a symbol of some kind appeared in front of his palm, which he then pointed down at the fighting stage. Sunset kept her eyebrow raised for a moment, as she was trying to figure out what her foe was trying to do at the moment, before she heard a rumbling sound and jumped on top of one of the rock pillars that had survived all the fighting, allowing her to get a better idea of what Tirek was up to this time. It wasn't long before she noticed that the various fragments of the fighting stage had a faint green glow around them, where time seemed to be moving in reverse as they drew closer and closer to the object they had been joined to earlier, before something broke them off the stage. In fact the pieces that had been completely destroyed suddenly reappeared, as if their destruction had been revoked, and Sunset watched as the various pieces started to reconnect with each other, forming the larger sections that had been floating around the World of the Void, before the rubble she was standing on started to move and forced her to get off it, allowing her to observe as the fragments slid back into place and the cracks disappeared. In that moment she realized that Tirek had, somehow, gained a powerful stone that allowed him to mess with time itself, and she knew that she wasn't the only one shocked by the fact that Tirek was turning the stage back to what it had been before all of the universes had started fighting.

After a few more moments Tirek released his hold over the fighting stage and the green stone returned to normal, and that included the ring and symbol disappearing, but his work had been completed, as the fighting stage had been restored to it's former glory and there weren't any cracks or holes in it this time around.

"This is the power of the Time Stone, a gift from Akatosh, the Divine of Time," Tirek stated, though that was before he grinned, revealing that there was more to the tale, as Sunset knew that there was no way that one of the Nine Divines, that had helped her in her quest to stop Tirek, would suddenly aid the very creature that tried to detonate Nirn, even if he later returned and succeeded in his mission, "though it's more accurate to say that this stone was forged from his soul, twisted into the form of a gemstone and inserted into this gauntlet, granting me his powers over time. When I escaped from my cell in Tartarus, and found myself on Nirn again, I stumbled into an old Dwemer ruin that had been unearthed during our final battle, one buried under a mountain near Riften oddly enough, and it was during my quest to find a place to hide myself that I uncovered this gauntlet. It seems that the ancient dwarves of Nirn sought to tear apart the gods they didn't worship, after studying them anyway, and created a device that would allow them to tear the power from any they found, even if they were limited to only keeping six around, in the form of gemstones. Of course, with seventeen Daedric Princes and Nine Divines to choose from, I had to be very careful in picking which individuals would have their souls and powers become stones and which individuals I'd just rob of their power... and the first one came to me of his own accord, as the purple Power Stone houses the soul and power of Mehrunes Dagon, the Daedric Prince of Destruction."

"I thought you were a monster back when I tried to stop you the first time," Sunset commented, though while she was enjoying having Tirek reveal how he gained the power he now wielded, since it would give her some insight as to how she might beat her opponent, she was sickened by the fact that he was now tearing the souls out of his victims, trapping them in whatever state the gauntlet put them in when the stones were made, "it seems I was right in my thinking."

"Indeed I am." Tirek replied, showing her and everyone else that he didn't mind being called a monster, rather he seemed to think of it as a compliment at this point, before he got back to the matter at hand, "With one stone in my possession, and the other powerful beings no doubt coming to end me, I decided to jump ship and forced my way to a new world, one where souls were plentiful and where a few powerful beings remained. I encountered a powerful lady who called herself the Emerald Herald and discovered she could turn souls into power, so when she was alone I attacked her and tore her soul from her body, creating the orange Soul Stone for my gauntlet, before I decided to return to Nirn and seek out any additional powers that I might want. This time around, instead of just stealing their powers, I ripped the souls out of all the Daedric Princes and the Divines, trapping them inside a pocket dimension created by the Soul Stone, and I twisted the soul of Hermaeus Mora into the red Reality Stone, turned Akatosh's soul into the green Time Stone, and took the soul of Sheogorath as the yellow Mind Stone. In fact the blue Space Stone is the only one that wasn't forged from the soul of a powerful being, rather it was formed from the spacial energies that rested around a powerful scythe, one that I found on Azeroth, and then I used that power to escape before someone revealed my location to you."

"I don't know if Discord should be happy that his friend is still alive, in some manner, or if he should be angry that you killed him and ripped his soul from his body," Sunset said, as she honestly didn't want to know what Discord was thinking at the moment, but at the same time she shifted her body and entered her own battle stance, because now that she knew Tirek's gauntlet had the souls of a number of beings trapped inside it, and were fueling his power, she was going to take the artifact from him and then kill him, "though I think he'll settle for watching you die by my hands."

Tirek glared at her and went on the offensive immediately, swinging his fists as he attempted to punch her into the floor and shatter her bones, just like he did during their battle in Skyrim, but this time around Sunset dodged his attacks with little effort. When she stopped one of his punches she determined that the Power Stone was boosting his already considerable physical abilities, just like the Reality Stone seemed to enhance his durability to some degree, but even then the power of the Stones didn't seem to be all that great, not when she overpowered his attack and struck his chest, knocking him backwards in the process. Sunset still had no idea what Tirek gained from telling her about the Stones, and informing her that they were forged from the souls of powerful beings, but some knowledge was better than none, and when her foe pointed the gauntlet at her, where he fired a purple beam of energy from the Power Stone, she dodged the attack like it was nothing. Interestingly enough there were a few instances where he even tried to use the Space Stone to freeze her attacks and prevent them from hitting him, something that she figured would have been left to the Time Stone, but in the end that really didn't stop her as she broke free from his grasp and punched him into the floor, creating a new crater in the pristine floor.

In the following moment Sunset decided to go on the offensive, as she gathered her power and tore a large chunk of stone out of the fighting stage, no doubt amazing the Kings of All in the process, before she swung the fragment down at her opponent, intending to smash him into paste before he could do anything. It was then that Tirek used the Power Stone and uppercut the fragment she set at him, showing her the true power of the stone as he shattered the fragment of the stage into a number of smaller pieces that were blown outwards in all directions, before he shifted his focus and activated the Reality Stone, turning the scattered pieces into a swarm of bats for some reason. Sunset took one look at the massive swarm Tirek had created and sighed, as she was sure he could have created something else, before she waved her hand and loosed a wave of flames that tore the creatures apart, only for Tirek to use the stones to gather the flames and then fire a beam of red energy at her, one that she dodged rather easily and allowed the attack to disappear as it sailed off into the void around them. As she did that, however, Tirek switched to the Space Stone and teleported into the air above her, where he intended on using the Power Stone to knock her into the ground and crush her, but she saw through the attack easily and avoided it, before spinning around and striking her foe in the side of his body, knocking him aside once more while also causing him to cough for a few seconds. Of course, just like the first time they fought, Tirek wouldn't admit defeat and got back up, showing that he really wanted her dead, before charging at her again, going on the offensive as he readied the gauntlet once more, so he could activate another stone and try to turn the tables on her.

Interestingly enough Sunset found that Tirek must have been hiding his true power, no doubt to lure her into a false sense of security before breaking her, as he grew annoyed that he wasn't doing all that much damage to her and that seemed to draw out his true might, as the next punch Sunset dodged went right into the fighting stage, blowing a decent sized crater into the floor. She knew that it must have been the combination of Tirek's own power and the Power Stone, which showed her and that her foe had a good understanding of the power that rested within the stone that had been forged from Mehrunes Dagon's soul, and had the same level of knowledge on the others as well, but even then she knew that it wasn't going to help him in the end. One thing she did discover was that when she tried to use clones, a tactic that she rarely used in battle, Tirek actually activated the Soul Stone and seemed to be able to find her among the cluster of clones, as he accurately attacked the area she was in several times before she canceled the spell, which gave her an idea of what sort of powers her foe possessed. Tirek then continued his attacks, keeping her on the defensive for a few moments, though the reality was that she was studying the six stones and the powers they possessed, looking for a weakness she could use against Tirek, and it wasn't long before she noticed that her foe had returned to his arrogant ways, meaning it would be a simple matter to take him out once her idea was acted on.

Not a few seconds later Sunset neared one of the smaller holes that had been punched into the floor and Tirek lashed out at her instantly, where she avoided the attack and then acted like her luck had run out by tripping over the small hole, purposely falling to the floor, something that prompted Tirek to charge at her without thinking... which was what she was hoping for as she gathered her energy into a red energy blade that extended out from her hand, one that pierced Tirek's chest and stopped him in his tracks.

"I see your desire for revenge has clouded your mind," Sunset commented, though at the same time she stood up and forced Tirek off her energy blade, causing him to fall on his back and stare at her as he gripped his chest, since it was a wound that would definitely kill him if she kept him from doing anything else, "I told you that the next time you caused problems, and forced me to deal with you again, would be the last mistake you'd ever make... did you honestly believe that I would let you live once you revealed yourself to me?"

"You seem to be thinking that I'd be disappointed in this reality," Tirek replied, though that was when a smile graced his face, something that told Sunset there was more to the situation than she originally thought, as it generally meant bad things were about to happen, and she kept her guard up, "With the power of the Reality Stone, I can shape reality to my liking, while at the same time even keeping others in the dark as to what is truly going on. I know you're strong, Sunset Shimmer, as you have proved that to me twice over since we first met each other, once when you beat me on Nirn and once when you stopped me from taking over Tartarus, where you informed me that a third time would result in my existence being terminated. Did you honestly believe that I would make the mistake of facing you without a power that is far greater than the power a God of Destruction wields?"

"It seems you did, since you're bleeding out at the moment." Sunset stated, as she had no idea what Tirek was even talking about, because she figured that he could use two of the stones on his gauntlet to reverse the damage he had taken and continue the battle, but he hadn't done that, making her wonder what was going through his mind right now.

"Oh, but that is where you would be wrong." Tirek said, to which he raised his left hand for a moment, where a red mist washed over it and revealed that the Reality Stone was glowing at the moment, but whatever illusion or reality he was powering Sunset had no idea, "This gauntlet is powerful, and the stones that are linked to it are powerful as well, but I knew that they were just a means to an end, that they, alone, wouldn't allow me to defeat you in battle, so I devised a new plan and set it in motion the moment we started fighting. You are no doubt wondering what sort of reality I'm creating at the moment, since you have seen the Reality Stone in action, and the truth of the matter is that when you dropped that fragment of stone on me I used this stone to hide myself and activated the Space Stone to move out of the way, leaving behind an illusion to continue the fight against you... and, with all the attention on you and the illusion, I'm able to acquire the power to finally destroy you at long last!"

Before Sunset could say anything to that, and tell Tirek that he was wrong, the being in front of her faded away and left nothing behind, revealing that he was using the Reality Stone to hide himself and that she had been fighting a fake for a few moments, causing her to look around the fighting stage as she sought out the real Tirek. It was in that moment that the antechamber exploded, causing the gods and the remaining warriors to turn their attention to it in shock and horror, since it seemed like Tirek didn't care about anything and wasn't above attacking the Kings of All to get what he wanted, and Sunset barely had time to move as the wreckage collided into the fighting stage, near her current position. As she rushed over to see what had happened, and check on the Kings of All, the smoke cleared and revealed that Tirek must have been on the antechamber since he left an illusion to fight her, only he wasn't alone, as one of the Kings of All was laying on the floor near him, with the head of a wicked looking scythe resting near his neck. Part of Tirek's scythe was fashioned out of gold, as in part of the handle and the base that touched the floor if he used it to walk, while the rest of the weapon was a dull blue color, no doubt because this was the weapon that he had forged the Space Stone from, but that was pushed to the back of Sunset's mind as she noticed that Tirek, who was threatening one of the Kings of All, was holding the second one in the air with his right hand, like he was getting ready to choke him to death.

This was, without a doubt, the worst thing Tirek had ever done in his entire existence, as he was no doubt the first mortal to even dare attack the Kings of All, meaning that death was all that he deserved at this point in time, but Sunset stopped near him, as she didn't know if he could actually hurt them or if he was trying to lower her guard so he could kill her in a matter of seconds.

"The power I seek is contained within your small bodies," Tirek stated, showing everyone that his plan involved lashing out at the Kings of All in the attempt to steal their powers, or at least the power that one of them commanded, and it seemed like everyone had no idea what to do since they didn't want him to hurt the Kings of All, though his attention was on the one he was holding in the air, "I'll make a deal with you, little king. All I ask is that you let me take your power and make it my own, so I can smite Sunset Shimmer and finally be rid of her, and I'll let you and your fellow king rule the multiverse in peace... no one but my foe has to die today."

"You can't believe a word he says!" Sunset said, because she knew that if Tirek got his way, like he did in the past, he would betray his word instantly and, with the power of a King of All flowing through his veins, he would destroy everything in the multiverse, as he wouldn't stop at ending her life, "If you let him take your power, like he's suggesting you do, he'll wipe out everything, as in he'll kill every mortal in the remaining universes, eradicate the Kaioshin and the Gods of Destruction, wipe out the Angels, and obliterate the rest of the multiverse... nothing will be left if he gets his way!"

"It doesn't matter if they believe me or not, as I can kill them and take their power that way," Tirek replied, revealing that he believed he could end the life of not one, but both of the Kings of All, who were clearly trying to decide what to do in this situation, while the Grand Priest and their guards stood some distance away from them, "I am giving them the option to walk out of here with their lives and their only friend, and all I'm asking in return is that one of them gives me their power for a few minutes, so I can finish my fight with you."

"You... promise?" one of the Kings of All, the one being chocked, asked, showing how naive he was, as there was no way that Tirek was going to uphold his side of the bargain and return the power once he was done with Sunset, and it was clear that Sunset wasn't the only one who noticed that this was bad news, since she could see that the Grand Priest was shocked by the statement.

"Indeed." Tirek stated, though the grin on his face told everyone that knew of him that the King of All had made the worst decision he could have made in this situation, even those from Universe 7, who had only heard tales about Tirek, knew that this was bad news for everyone.

In that moment Tirek focused his power and the King of All screamed as his power, looking like a rainbow stream that flowed from his body and moved towards it's new home, was stripped from his body, though it was over a lot quicker than Sunset was expecting, as she barely had time to move before the deed was done. Tirek shuddered for a moment as he took in the power, his shirt changing colors as that happened, because the middle of his shirt now mimicked the symbol that was on the attire that the Kings of All wore, making it look like he had his own version of that specific attire now, before he returned to normal. This had taken a turn for the worse, as Tirek now held the power to unmake the multiverse whenever he wanted, and when he opened his eyes again his grin only widened, showing everyone that he had gotten what he wanted, before focusing on the Kings of All once more, who were waiting for him to uphold his end of the bargain and release them. The following second proved Sunset right, as the first thing Tirek did was release the Zeno that he was chocking, who seemed happy to be let go, before loosing a beam of scarlet energy that consumed him, effectively killing one of the Kings of All in an instant, much to the shock of everyone that was watching them... and when the second Zeno raised his hand, to erase Tirek for lying to them, Tirek swung the scythe and beheaded the second King of All, letting the weapon consume the soul and power of his victim, before obliterating the body as well.

Sunset was stunned by the display, as Tirek had wiped out both versions of Lord Zeno in rapid succession, making him the only one with the power to unmake the universe, though what was interesting was that the moment he had the power he desired Tirek embedded the head of the scythe in the ruins of the antechamber and dropped the golden gauntlet beside it, showing everyone that he no longer needed either tool as he faced Sunset.

"I love naive people, they're so easily to manipulate." Tirek stated, his tone revealing that he didn't care about the Kings of All and was happy to wipe them both out, getting rid of the chance that the second Zeno might grant Sunset his power and even the battlefield again, "Now then, I do believe it's time we continued our fight... otherwise I'll just wipe out everything and everyone you hold dear in an instant."

For a moment Sunset growled, as now Tirek was threatening to erase Universe 13 if she didn't continue the fight with him, showing her that he believed that he was now above everyone, and in a sense he was since he now held the power of a King of All in his body, before she sighed as her power came to life once more. Instead of going all out, and revealing her true power right off the bat, she accessed the full power of her base form and fired a beam of energy at Tirek, who stood there and broke the beam into several strands that bypassed him, like he was copying what Jiren did against Goku during their earlier battle. After a few moments of attempting that Sunset determined that firing a beam at this level wasn't going to work, so she stopped her attack and burst through the space between them, launching into a series of punches and kicks that were aimed at Tirek's body, attempting to break through his new power and take him down, but as she did that she noticed that her foe just stood there and smiled as she struck him, because her attacks were doing nothing and it only let him smile as she tried, in vain, to hurt him. It was like they were back on Nirn, where she tried to best him and his heightened power allowed him to avoid taking damage, until she had gone through the training of her life by the Dragon Priests and mastered her emotions, which was followed by her coming to a decision as she jumped backwards.

As soon as she landed on the ground Sunset tapped into her inner power, drawing forth the power of her first Aspect form, the Aspect of the Dragon, to which scales formed on her arms and chest as her power stabilized, before she burst into the air and charged at Tirek once more. In this form she had access to her Dragonborn powers, the Shouts that she learned during her time on Nirn, and the first one she loosed was the Fire Breath, where she let out a gout of flames at her foe, who simply waved a hand and broke the attack apart before it could reach him. While he did that, however, Sunset moved through the air and appeared behind her foe, where she loosed the Frost Breath Shout, only for the same thing to happen again, showing her that Tirek didn't seem to care about what she was doing and that he was trying to get her to access more of her power. She was used to the Aspect of the Dragon being rendered useless against her foes, the godly ones anyway, but she had been hoping that she could do something to Tirek, and when he tried to strike her down with a single punch Sunset activated the Become Ethereal Shout, allowing her to become transparent for a moment as she avoided the strike, though she had the feeling that this was Tirek's way of telling her to get serious.

Since it was clear that her first Aspect form wasn't helping her out, and that her foe was beating her, Sunset drew forth more of her inner power, allowing the darkness to wrap around her for a few moments as the scales disappeared, where her skin color turned a dark gray, her hair became a mass of shadows, and the Dark Magic mist erupted from her eyes, which looked like Sombra's when he used his own Dark Magic. Once that was done she accessed her power and summoned a crystal spire that reached for Tirek, who shattered it before it even reached him, but Sunset was expecting that and pulled the fragments into the air, turning them into a series of sharp spikes that she sent flying at her foe, but all Tirek did was wave his hand again, breaking the attack before it could touch him. During that moment she accessed another power, where the shadows twisted into multiple clones of her and they all rushed at Tirek, intending to punch and kick him while some lashed out with the power of the shadows around them, though they were stopped as their foe's energy ripped them apart, breaking them all into bits of the very shadows they were formed from, leaving Sunset standing there as she readied her next attack. Sunset called upon the shadows themselves, not having them change into a form like hers, and tried to strike Tirek with her might, but in the end Tirek simply waved his arm at her and the force of his motion broke her attacks apart, leaving her to consider her options once more... and, after thinking about it, she knew that it was time to bring out the third Aspect, since the Aspect of Darkness wasn't helping her at all.

Sunset backed off and reached even deeper into her being, pulling out more of her power as a pillar of sinister cyan colored energy erupted from where she was standing, allowing her skin to take on the crimson coloration it had when she accessed her third Aspect, the Aspect of Destruction, while her hair returned to it's normal colors. When she opened her eyes she revealed that they were the same cyan color they had always been, though her sclera had turned black, to reflect the being she had come when she took the Element of Magic to a world without magic, and she grew a pair of red demon wings as well. Instead of wasting time, by telling her foe what was standing before him, Sunset burst through the air and went on the offensive, lashing out with the majority of her power as she kicked and punched at Tirek's body, but what she found was that he was just standing there and had raised his right hand to block her incoming attacks with his finger, like he was telling her that he expected more from her and that he was incredibly disappointed in her abilities. She guessed he would be disappointed in her power, considering that he just absorbed the power of a King of All into his body and made it his own, but at the same time that thought made her want to beat him into the ground and erase him, as he had just committed one of the greatest crimes that could be committed by anyone in the multiverse, and that was assaulting one of the Kings of All, which he took a step further by killing both versions of Lord Zeno.

That thought drove her to continue her assault on Tirek, to find some way to get around his new power and best him before he obliterated the entire multiverse, before he stopped one of her attacks with his finger and the pushed her backwards, showing that he was getting tired of her being such a bore.

"Surely you have more power than this?" Tirek inquired, as he was well aware that Sunset was strong, and had even admitted so before he got the ultimate power he was seeking from the naive kings, but right now he was thinking that he might just kill his foe now and be done with it.

"Indeed I do," Sunset replied, to which she backed up a little more, just to give herself some space from her foe, even if he didn't seem like he was in any hurry to attack her, before she focused her mind and readied herself, as this was the first time she was actually tapping into her new power after the fight with the displaced.

Once she was ready, and she was sure that Tirek was watching her with some excitement, Sunset called upon the height of her power and the area around them started to vibrate, while at the same time the entire fighting stage seemed to shake under the intensity of the power she was calling upon.

"Celestia, what's going on?" Beerus asked, as this was the first time he had seen Sunset fight since her battle with Gogeta, back when Goku and Vegeta wanted to challenge her, and while her power was strong at that point in time it was even greater now, and it was expanding at an alarming rate, reaching a level he had never felt before.

"As you know, Sunset had three Aspect forms that she used to fight her opponents," Celestia replied, as all of the gods knew about the Aspect forms that Sunset created, reflecting specific powers and times of her life, but at the same time none of them knew about the final form she had created during her battle with the displaced, as only Sombra and the others from their universe knew about this one, "but, when she was challenged by all thirteen of the displaced, in a battle to test their teamwork, they overpowered her and bested her, causing an evolution that allowed her to form a fourth Aspect form, one that is far stronger than the Aspect of Destruction... the Aspect of the Phoenix."

Beerus was both surprised and shocked by this news, because while he knew Sunset was strong, and seemed to get stronger when she fought a powerful foe that forced her to her limits, even overpowered her in some instances, he was surprised to hear that it had happened again, and that it resulted in a new Aspect form being created. As he thought about what he had just heard, however, Sunset released her power and a pillar of pure fire shot up into the sky, causing her to disappear in the process while causing everyone to give the fight their full attention, as something told them that this was a fight they didn't want to miss. A reason for that was because of the sheer power he could feel from Sunset, showing him and everyone else that there was a very good reason that she was rumored to be the strongest God of Destruction to exist in the history of the multiverse, and that included the time when there were eighteen universes, before they became the twelve that existed before her universe became official. In fact they weren't the only ones that were giving the fighting stage their full attention, as the Grand Priest and the guards were staring at the stage as they waited to see what kind of form Sunset took when she reached the new height of her power, and if this Aspect would allow her to destroy Tirek for all of his crimes.

As he thought about that, however, the pillar broke up and revealed that Sunset had returned to her base form, since she didn't have any scales, shadows, or even the crimson coloration to her skin, but what did look different was her demonic wings, as they had transformed into a phoenix's wings, where the tips were on fire and they were sized to fit her body, and both her hair and her tail had caught on fire.

"This, Tirek, is the height of my power, the Aspect of the Phoenix." Sunset said, though at the same time she landed on the fighting stage and took up her battle stance once more, because this time she intended on using all her power to defeat her foe and destroy him, exactly like he was planning on doing to her.

Tirek grinned as the two of them raced towards each other, fists flying, and it quickly became clear that, despite her incredible power up, Sunset's power still wasn't at the level of Lord Zeno's power, as Tirek smashed through her attacks like they were nothing and slammed his fists into her chest. It was clear that he was testing the limits of his power, as the gods were sure that if the Kings of All had actually hit someone the sheer power they commanded would have either severely wounded their target or outright killed them, and right now he was only cracking Sunset's body with each hit as he pushed her around the fighting stage, as the force of their blows tore fragments of the floor up. Of course Tirek also did something else while they fought, and that was him slamming Sunset into the floor every now and then, blasting large holes in the stone that had gone into making the fighting stage, showing that all he cared about was beating her and tearing her body apart, just so he could kill her for beating him twice in the past. Sunset, for the most part, was doing her best to overcome the massive gap in power that existed between her and Tirek, so she could do some real damage and actually take him down, but for now he seemed beyond her reach, as any attack that hit him didn't seem to do much at all, rather he just took the attack and struck her with a harder one.

In fact Tirek even blasted her into the fighting stage with a powerful punch, one that could have easily killed her if he wanted to, and she rested in the crater for a few moments, thinking about the battle as a whole, before a cyan aura appeared around her body, restored her aching bones, and pushed her back onto her feet, before the air vibrated as she charged into battle again.

As Sunset charged at him again, and went back on the offensive, despite her pitiful attempts to hurt him, Tirek did notice that her power was much stronger than it had been a few moments ago, before he blasted her into the fighting stage with a single punch, making him wonder if she was hiding more power from him and was slowly drawing it out over the course of their battle. He dodged her attacks for a few moments, studying her form for any differences until he found that she was still using the phoenix form against him, before striking out at his foe, catching her attacks and then delivering his own powerful blows into her chest, once more cracking the bones that he thought he had cracked during the last bout they had, before spinning around and kicking her in the side of the head, sending her flying into the stage once more and blew a good sized crater into the floor. In the following moments Sunset got back up and her aura came to life once more, where her power seemed to rise to an even greater level that shook the entire area around her, before she burst into the air and lashed out at him, where he actually felt a little bit of her attack, showing him that she was either calling upon her true power as the fight progressed or he was actually drawing her potential out of her. Regardless of what was actually going on, since he honestly didn't care all that much, Tirek continued to go on the offensive, overpowering Sunset's attacks as he smashed her into the floor, tossed her through sections of the stage that had been ripped out of the floor, and made sure to slam her into the central pillar, just to show her that her power meant nothing compared to the power he now possessed.

Whis, who had been watching the pair fight, just like everyone else, started to notice something odd whenever Sunset got back up from a beating, and that was the combination that her aura wrapped around her every time that happened and the fact that her power skyrocketed to a new level that was drawing closer to Tirek's level of power... and, after seeing her going through the same thing once more, only to kick Tirek back this time, he reached a startling conclusion that could only be made from what Celestia had told them earlier.

"Whis, I know you're thinking about what's going on," Beerus spoke up, as he recognized the air of silence that his Angel gave off when he was deep in thought about something that was happening, whether it was an event he was watching from his scepter or one that was happening near him, and he had been the same way when Goku first took on the power of Ultra Instinct, "Can you tell me what's going on with Sunset?"

"Pure Progress." Whis replied, where he was pleased to see that Beerus was asking his opinion on what was going on at the moment, something that the old him never would have done, before he focused on the battle that was taking place and recalled the other instances this power had been used, "For those of you that don't know, Pure Progress is an improvement technique that allows the user to rapidly improve their fighting performance, like how Hit, during his fight with Goku, was able to improve his Time-Skip over a short period of time, or how Frieza was able to catch up with Goku and Vegeta, who had been training with me, with only four months of training. Basically some users of this technique can adapt to a situation and improve their tactics and skill set, like how Hit improved the Time-Skip from 0.1 seconds to 0.5 seconds in the span of a few moments, while others can improve their power and their speed in short periods of time. It appears that all of the displaced of Universe 13 have access to one type of the technique, either the ability to improve their skill set or to boost their power, but Sunset, on the other hand, seems to have access to both types of the technique, allowing her to drastically improve all of her attributes as she fights someone that is stronger than her."

"Indeed, and her power is rising at an incredible rate." Vados commented, as she, along with the rest of the Angels, were surprised by how rapidly Sunset's power was growing as she was beaten into the fighting stage, only to get back up with a level of power that was greater than what it had been seconds ago and continue the battle with Tirek, "She's already surpassed the Angels that watch over the thirteen universes, including the Angels that watched over the other six universes for that matter, and she's rapidly approaching the level of our father, the Grand Priest."

"Just how much power does she have inside her body?" Belmod inquired, because at this point he could determine that he and the others had been wrong about her, since they called her a weak God of Destruction that didn't deserve the position she had been elevated to and now he was being proven wrong, but the thought that her power was rapidly approaching the level of the Grand Priest, one of the strongest warriors in the multiverse, shocked him.

"Enough to rival Lord Zeno," Beerus stated, because now that he knew what was happening to Sunset, and watched as she dodged an incoming attack before delivering one that knocked Tirek backwards, he was under the impression that her potential might be without limit, which would normally be seen as a bad thing, but with Tirek having killed both versions of the King of All, which they were all shocked by, Sunset was the best one to take him down.

Sunset wasn't paying attention to what the other gods were talking about, save for the fact that she noticed a few of them were shocked by what they were discussing, as she blocked the incoming punch that Tirek aimed at her and slammed her fist into his chest, knocking him back again. From what she could determine her power was rising once more, just like the time she had been overpowered by the displaced during their battle, but since her foe was wielding the power of Lord Zeno, the strongest being in the entire multiverse, her power was growing by leaps and bounds, to reach a level that would allow her to turn the tide against her foe. At the same time Tirek's attacks got faster and heavier, showing her that he seemed to be getting used to his new power the more they fought, which was good since it allowed her to continue to grow as well, but at the same time it was bad since he might grow tired of her at some point and just flat out erase her once he reached his breaking point. She thought back to the battles that had taken place since the tournament started, recalling all the various powers that she had seen and learned about, before deciding on one that might be able to aid her at this point in time, to which she backed away from Tirek and closed her eyes, allowing her to focus her mind on what she was attempting to do.

At first Tirek believed that Sunset had a death wish, since she shut her eyes and didn't seem to be paying attention to what was going on around her, causing him to grin as he charged at her and swung his fist right at her head, only for him to be confused as she moved her body and dodged the attack, without seeing it coming. Deciding that it was a fluke, and that it meant nothing, he went on the offensive and continued to throw punches at Sunset, who dodged all of them without even seeing them coming at all, which was odd considering what they had just been through for the last few minutes, before she avoided his jab and struck his chest, knocking him a few steps back in the process. He was surprised by this development, as the ability to dodge his attacks, which were much faster than they had been earlier, meant that Sunset had to have unlocked a new power over the course of their fight, making things much more interesting for them, but at the same time the power to deliver heavy attacks of her own, which could force him back, also told him that it might only be a matter of time until his advantage was gone. Sure, he knew his power was still far above what Sunset possessed, though at the same time she was rapidly drawing closer and closer to his level, meaning that he needed to find a way to end this fight before she managed to overcome his power, just like she did back on Nirn. He also discovered something interesting when he went on the offensive again, as this time around Sunset decided to open her eyes as she dodged his attacks, showing him that she must have gained a new power or ability during their battle, before knocking him backwards with a well placed punch to the gut.

"Seemingly limitless potential and Ultra Instinct?" Belmod commented, as he recognized the power that Sunset was now using, just like all the other gods recognized it as well, and his best guess was that she took what Son Goku had shown them and added that to what Sombra was doing with his 'Dark Instinct' technique, allowing her to rapidly ascend to the state that the Angels used when they were training their Gods of Destruction, something Celestia still hadn't learned yet, "Seriously, what in the name of Lord Zeno is she?"

"One of the greatest gods to ever grace the multiverse." Beerus replied, because at this point there was no denying the sheer power that Sunset commanded, especially since her power and abilities were growing thanks to the power that was coursing through Tirek's veins, and if they were lucky Sunset would kill Tirek for his crimes and be done with it.

"That is true, she is the greatest God of Destruction since the multiverse was born," the Grand Priest said, as his platform floated over to the stands and he remained near the spectators, since this was a battle that only Sunset could participate in, as only her power would be able to stop Tirek, "however, there is one thing you're overlooking..."

This time around Sunset charged at Tirek, intending to go on the offensive and break him at long last, and found that her first few attacks worked like a charm as the collision of their powers caused some of the floor around them to break apart, but a scarlet aura formed around her foe's body. A few seconds later Tirek was getting ready to throw another punch at her, one that she dodged easily enough, but that was before a fist struck her in the chest, knocking her through the air and into one of the rock fragments that had been ripped out of the floor since their battle started, making the fighting stage look like what it had been after Kale went berserk for the first time. For a moment Sunset was confused, as she was sure that she had avoided the attack without fail, and wondered if her foe had bypassed the power of Ultra Instinct completely, before she pulled herself free from the rock fragment she had been blown into and readied herself for the next stage of their battle, as she intended to beat Tirek and fix the mess he created. When she returned to the battle she found out the truth of what was going on, as she could dodge part of Tirek's attack with Ultra Instinct, the part she could see coming, before the second attack hit her while she was switching to attack, and even knocking that trick didn't help her in the end, as Tirek kept her pinned down with a barrage of attacks, demonstrating that he was getting even more familiar with his new power.

She even saw a smile on Tirek's face as he slammed her into the floor and blasted a crater into the fighting stage, which just meant that he was enjoying himself and that he might keep up the pace before determining when it was time to end the battle, even though she had one last card to play before she was done for.

"...and that is that fact that the power that is coursing through Tirek's body is the same power that the King of All used to wield." the Grand Priest finished, as he was waiting for Tirek to demonstrate his true power again, turning the tables on Sunset once more, something that would only allow her power to grow even more, "Ultra Instinct is the power of the gods, but the power of the King of All is a power that is above the gods, meaning that even with the greatest technique available to both the Gods of Destruction and their Angels, and mastering it in record time, Sunset is still fighting a losing battle... she would need something that has the same level of power that Tirek is wielding to take him out."

"Give up, Sunset Shimmer, you can't beat me." Tirek stated, because while it was fun beating up his foe, and crushing her body repeatedly before it healed and granted her even more power to use against him, he was starting to get sick of the same movements happening in rapid succession, and he was hoping that his foe was tired of losing, so he could end their fight and move on with the rest of his plan.

"No... because if I give up you'll just wipe out the multiverse." Sunset replied, though at the same time her aura flared to life as her body was mended, once more increasing her power to a whole new level, before she waved her hand and lifted two objects into the air, where the gauntlet went flying into Discord's lap, while the scythe came flying into her left hand, so she could get ready for what she had in mind.

"You plan to attack me with my own weapon?" Tirek inquired, as it sounded like an interesting idea, since it did contain the power and soul of the other King of All, who he had eliminated so Sunset couldn't be granted a level of power that was equal to his, and he was eager to see what she had planned for the weapon.

"Yes, but not in the way you're thinking about." Sunset answered, where she waved her hand into the air and let the scythe fly high into the sky, before she closed her hand into a fist and stalled it high above the entire fighting stage, before she jumped up to the top of the highest rock fragment and weaved her magic through the air, forming six arcane rings around the scythe, much to Tirek's confusion.

In the following moment Celestia's eyes widened as she recognized the technique, as it was one that she had taught Sunset some time ago, an old technique that wasn't even practiced by unicorns anymore and had only been added to her list of spells since she had the power to use it.

"So, she's using that nameless spell." Celestia commented, though as the others turned towards her, to see what she knew about the technique, the very air of the World of the Void shuddered for a moment as strands of energy started to gather around the scythe, trapping it in a sphere of energy, "This spell is much like the Spirit Bomb, as the user gathers the power lingering in the area around them to form a sphere of energy, much like Sunset is doing, though it's generally used to destroy artifacts and dangerous weapons, but the power required to use it and the damage it causes to the surrounding area were reasons it was forgotten about. Sunset's going to trap the scythe, which contains the soul and the power of the other King of All, inside a powerful and potent sphere of energy that will break down the weapon, intending for it to detonate once it's right on top of Tirek, which will hopefully kill him and end the fight."

Sunset brought her hands close together for a few seconds, allowing her to charge the core of her attack, before pulling them apart, which caused a Sphere of Destruction, which was one of Beerus' signature attacks that she had learned how to wield, to form above her head, one that she pushed into the air and merged with the mass that was covering the scythe at the moment. Once the two spheres were a single mass, and it was hanging above her head, Sunset started to pull in all the lingering power that was resting around the World of the Void, as she intended on using all of the power that was around her to destroy the scythe, so she could use the power inside the weapon to kill Tirek. To some it looked like she was copying the Spirit Bomb, and she guessed that her attack was very similar to what Goku used against Jiren, but right now it was her best chance to end the battle, because sooner or later Tirek would just erase her and then everything would be destroyed, so she had to put her faith in this one attack, which morphed into a blazing sun that hung above all their heads, one that she intended on dropping on Tirek's head. Fortunately it wasn't long before the massive sphere of energy was ready to go, as she could feel the scythe cracking already, and, since Tirek seemed stunned by the amount of power she had pulled together, she took her chance and sent the sphere straight down to the area he was standing in, as she knew that the battle would be over soon enough.

What she wasn't expecting, however, was for Tirek to pull a Jiren on her, as the sphere was only a few inches from her target before Tirek raised his hand and stopped it with his body, sending it back towards where she was standing, though he also shattered the rock fragment she was standing on, forcing her to remain in the air, diagonal from the area that he happened to be standing in. Sunset was surprised that her attack was being pushed back with so little effort, forcing her to focus her power on keeping it between the two of them as she sought out a way to push it back down to where Tirek was standing, because right now her worry was that the scythe would shatter and she'd lose the only tool that might actually help her beat her foe. She was also sure that everyone else was surprised by this development, since her new power meant that this attack was far stronger than it would have been if she attempted it earlier, but that didn't change the fact that Tirek was slowly overpowering her, forcing her to call upon every ounce of power she had to just keep the sphere between the two of them. It also meant that she needed to do something to push the sphere towards Tirek, which looked to be impossible at the moment, but her thoughts were interrupted as she felt the sphere expanding for a moment, like it was beginning to detonate, before shrinking back down to it's normal size, meaning that she needed to keep a close eye on what was going on, before something terrible happened.

In the following moments the sphere expanded to triple it's original size, reminding Sunset of what happened to the Spirit Bomb, before black bits of energy started to emerge from the attack, as if what Tirek was doing to it was causing the entire thing to detonate earlier than she had planned... which was only followed by the entire thing turning white a few seconds later, confirming that Tirek was messing with it, before the attack shrunk down to a person sized ball as the scythe finally shattered, transforming the sphere into a black hole.

"Goodbye, Sunset Shimmer." Tirek said, where Sunset's eyes widened as she realized that Tirek had, in the span of a few seconds, gotten behind her while she was focusing on the attack, so when it transformed into a state that mimicked what happened to the Spirit Bomb he got into the air behind her without her even noticing.

In that instant, before she had a chance to turn around and face her foe, Tirek pressed his hand against her back and sent her flying towards the spot where the core of her attack had been located, allowing the sheer gravity of the core to pull her into a seemingly endless white passage with black bits of energy resting all around her... and that was the last thing Sunset saw as her entire world went white. On the outside of the sphere, however, Tirek landed on the fighting stage and grinned as the core struck the floor some distance from where he was standing, detonating with a massive explosion that tore a good chunk out of the fighting stage, but it was a magnificent in his mind, because now he could no longer feel the presence of Sunset's power, not even a small trace of it was left behind. It took a moment for Celestia and the others to uncover their eyes, since the explosion could have blinded them if they weren't careful, and he was pleased to see that all of them were confused by what he had done, before seeing the expressions of fear, disbelief, dread, and so many others grace their faces as they realized that their savor, the person they had put their faith in, had been wiped out and had her existence erased.

This was everything he could have hoped for, the death of Sunset Shimmer and her existence being revoked, so he let the biggest grin he had ever worn return to his face as he started to laugh and cheer over his victory, because now the multiverse was his to either rule, destroy, or toy with, and there was no one that could stop him from doing whatever he wanted to the rest of the universes and their inhabitants.

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