• Published 21st Jan 2019
  • 2,919 Views, 432 Comments

Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Interlude: Folly of the Fallen

It was a beautiful day on Caulifla's world, as the sun was shining, the birds were chirping at each other, and almost everything seemed calm, save for the powerful gusts of wind that erupted from the area that Caulifla was in, gusts that were strong enough to shake the water below her and her training partner for a few seconds. Normally she would either be studying the various planets of her universe, working with Fuwa to determine which planets she needed to eliminate a threat on, or she would be on her new planet, training with either Vados, Kale, or even Cabba, when he was available. She had to admit that the work of a God of Destruction was tough at times, since her predecessor never did any of this work and forced Vados to do everything for him, but she was learning what she needed to do and she was getting decent at it, though that was only because it had been five months since the check up meeting, where Champa, her predecessor, lost his position because he had been a terrible Destroyer God, even if he was now her adviser, a role he clearly hated. She honestly had no idea what Champa's problem was, because he brought this upon himself by failing Lady Sunset's test, which had been to improve the mortal level of their universe, even by a small amount, and he failed by blowing a planet up, which ended up reducing their level instead.

Considering that one of the previous Gods of Destruction had been erased, due to being a threat to all nineteen universes in the multiverse, Caulifla knew that Champa was lucky and should have turned over a new leaf, but other than doing his duties, by assisting her in learning about her new role, he wasn't worth keeping around, as he preferred to be lazy, eat everything he could get his hands on, despite the diet she was trying to put him through, and not work at all... she was considering firing him, but figured that she'd give him a full year before doing that.

Her current training partner was none other than Son Goku, who was using his Super Saiyan Blue form against her at the moment, which was perfect since she was channeling her Super Saiyan Violet form to see just how strong she was when she went up against a Universe 7 Saiyan. She wasn't the only one doing this, because on the other side of the lake she could see Cabba trading blows with Vegeta, who were using their Super Saiyan 2 forms at the moment, and far away from where she and Goku were she could see Kale practicing with Broly, who were fighting in their base forms, to better control their power without the need to slip into their berserker forms. It was thoughtful of them to keep her new planet in one piece, as Caulifla was sure the two of them could tear the entire thing apart in a matter of minutes if they went all out against each other, which would have required Vados to reverse time and fix the damages again, something that they might be able to avoid this time around. Her Angel was, of course, standing under one of the trees on the grassy area, watching the six of them train like they were at the moment, occasionally offering tips to one of the groups as they went about their business, but this time around Vados was able to stand there and watch without having to help out. Beerus and Whis had come by earlier, to drop the three Saiyans off on her world for the training session they were all engaged in, before heading out to do some work for Universe 7, though she knew that he'd be back before long, just to see what they were doing and if any of them needed assistance.

As she thought about all that, however, she raised her left hand and caught the incoming punch that was coming her way, causing the air around her and Goku to shake for a moment before she turned towards her training partner, as she knew that he would have attempted to strike her while she seemed distracted and this showed him that she was paying attention, where she noticed that a smile appeared on her opponent's face.

"Should have known that you would catch my attack." Goku commented, though at the same time Caulifla lightly shoved his fist backwards and they separated from each other once more, allowing them to move into position for the next set of attacks that they had planned, which included the pair of them entering their battle stances again, "Vados and Beerus did a good job teaching you how to fight like a God of Destruction, because it honestly feels like I'm facing someone that's on Beerus' level."

"Hey, you're not bad either, considering that Whis trained you," Caulifla replied, because while neither Goku or Vegeta wanted to replace Beerus as the God of Destruction of Universe 7, as they preferred the direction their lives were heading in at the moment, she could tell that Whis had done a good job training them over the years, even if it was to make them into better opponents for the Destroyer God that he was assisting, before she beckoned for him to come at her.

Goku grinned as he rushed forward and loosed a number of punches at his foe, where Caulifla stood her ground and raised her hands, intercepting the punches before they could even reach her, before she flipped backwards and avoided the kick that was aimed at her back. The one thing she had gotten used to seeing, when she trained against Goku, was the Instant Transmission technique, the one that allowed her opponent to instantly move from one position to another, as long as he could sense his target's energy and he was skilled in sensing the power of a god, thanks to all the training that Whis had put him through. At the same time, however, she had caught onto the trick during their training and kept her eyes open, just in case Goku decided to use it against her, even though this provided him the chance to improve his skills and further develop the technique, as one of the fighters from Universe 2, a Yardrat, had demonstrated that there was so much more he could learn about this particular technique, hence the reason he added it every now and then. Caulifla, on the other hand, didn't have such a technique in her arsenal and Goku even admitted that it wasn't one that he cold teach her, since he had learned it from the Yardrats of his universe and even then his training with the technique was incomplete, since he had rushed back to Earth after learning the basics, when he learned that a threat to his home had survived the destruction of the planet they had fought on.

Caulifla landed behind her opponent a moment later and lashed out with her foot, causing Goku to rapidly turn his body so he could avoid the attack, where she noticed that his gi shifted a little, like she might have hit it just a tiny bit, before the pair separated again, so they could get ready for another round of their training.

"Lady Caulifla! Lady Vados!" a voice called out, where the three groups that were training stopped what they were doing and turned towards the path that lead back to the temple that was Caulifla's new home, which had a room for Kale as well, where they found Champa, who was wearing red pants and a deep blue shirt, running towards them, only to come to a stop when he reached the area that Vados was standing in, where he huffed for a few moments.

Despite the fact that five months had gone by since he was demoted to the rank of her adviser, and he now had to exercise more than he used to, Caulifla noticed that Champa really didn't lose any fat since he lost both his position as Universe 6's God of Destruction and his power to use Energy of Destruction, which he was still sore over, since he clearly hated losing his position to her, a Saiyan. One of the things that she had been attempting to change was his attitude, to make him see that this was all his fault and that he could learn something from this, but despite her best efforts Champa remained the same person he had been before his demotion, though at the very least it appeared that he was willing to do his job and assist her.

"What's going on Champa?" Caulifla asked, though at the same time she landed near the former god and dismissed her aura, something that Goku and the others did as they landed behind her, while Vados tilted her head as she faced Champa, showing that she was interested in what he had to say, "Did something happen?"

"It... It's Frost!" Champa replied, referring to the Universe 6 counterpart of Frieza, though the difference between them was that Frieza had become a hero to the people and planets of his universe and Frost clung to the path of evil, which meant hiding from the authorities and the Saiyans, since they would arrest him for his crimes, but the fact that Champa had found him meant that something interesting was going on, "He's attacking Sadala!"

Sadala was the home planet of the Saiyans, a planet that existed in both Universe 6 and Universe 7, but where the Universe 6 version of the of Sadala still existed and thrived the version in Universe 7 had been ruined by internal conflict, forcing the Saiyans to flee to a new planet, one that they eventually took over after defeating the race that enslaved them, one they eventually renamed Planet Vegeta, in honor of their king, before it was blown apart some years later. Sadala was also the planet that Caulifla and Kale had called home for some time, until Caulifla became the God of Destruction for their universe and moved into Champa's former temple, and Cabba lived there as well, since he was a soldier in the army, despite the fact that he was here, training with Vegeta and the others. Frost had originally been a hero to the universe, but during the Tournament of Destroyers, where a team of five from Universes 6 and 7 fought each other for the Super Dragon Balls, it was revealed that Frost started the very wars on the various planets that he stopped, all so he could buy the war torn lands at a cheap price and sell them for greater profit in the future. Champa, upon hearing that, had been outraged and, after losing to his brother and his team, had revealed the truth of Frost's actions to his universe, breaking Frost's reputation and forcing him to become a fugitive ever since, though he had been recruited for their team, for the Tournament of Power, with the promise that his reputation would be restored if they won, but, since they lost, Frost was forced to run once more.

Caulifla had been planning on locating Frost and seeing if she could turn him around, since he was a powerful warrior and could help safeguard their universe if he walked the path that Frieza had turned down years ago, but hearing that he was assaulting Sadala, no doubt to conquer it, annoyed her as she turned to Vados, who summoned a viewing screen in front of them, one that revealed Frost attacking one of the settlements that were scattered all over the planet.

"He dares to assault our home planet?!" Caulifla growled, as she couldn't believe that Frost had the nerve to turn against the Saiyans like this, though this attack proved how cowardly he was, because it appeared that he was attacking the settlement during the time frame where all the warriors were off doing their jobs, leaving the civilians and the children behind, "Vados, how long will it take us to reach Sadala?"

"I can get us there in seconds, if I went at the fastest speed I can travel at." Vados replied, though at the same time she knew that Goku and Vegeta, at the very least, would want to come along and see what happened next, even if that meant standing back and letting Caulifla decide Frost's fate, and that Broly would come so he wasn't left alone, before she turned her head for a moment, "Champa, you stay here and wait for our return."

Champa looked annoyed for a moment, like he wanted to come along as well, but then he sighed and nodded his head in understanding, allowing Vados to surround the group with her power for a few seconds, which was followed by them bursting into the sky and breaching the atmosphere as they headed towards Sadala. Vados focused on the course they needed to take and let them fly by the stars and planets of Universe 6, barely giving Goku, Vegeta, or Broly a chance to see what this universe had to offer, despite the fact that they would recognize the planets they had been to in their universe, before spotting a large green and purple planet ahead of them. No one said anything as they quickly breached the atmosphere, where Vados slowed them down a little so she could focus on where Frost's energy was located, though she wasn't surprised when Goku found him almost instantly and pointed to their right, allowing her to pick up the speed once more so they could stop Frost before he did something that he would regret. Thanks to Goku's assistance they were able to locate the settlement rather easily, though Caulifla froze for a moment as she recognized it at last, as it was the one that she and Kale had lived in for many years, the same one that Cabba came to so he could find her and recruit her for the Tournament of Power, awakening her desire to grow stronger and unleashing Kale's power for the first time.

"He's attacking our old home!" Kale exclaimed, though at the same time they could see Frost, in his final form, off in the distance, firing a few beams into one of the buildings that happened to be near him, causing the structure to explode as he looked around for another target.

"I doubt he even knows this is where you two lived," Vegeta commented, because based on what he had seen Frost only cared about himself and the money he could make from selling the planets that he ravaged with war, so he felt that it would be impossible for Frost to know the significance of this place, not unless he had been spying on Saiyans with potential, in case they turned against him or something.

"Regardless, he needs to be stopped." Cabba stated, to which he turned towards Caulifla and knelt, surprising his new God of Destruction for a moment, as she still wasn't used to the gestures that other people, mortals as some of the gods preferred to call them, made when they were in the presence of a god, regardless of which god it was, "Caulifla, I know you would like to take immediate action against Frost and wipe him out instantly, but please, allow me to push him away from the settlement and detain him. I've been looking for him since the Tournament of Destroyers, so he could be brought to justice for his crimes, and I would like the chance to take him out."

Caulifla knew that the real reason Cabba wanted to face Frost was so he could move the frost demon away from the settlement, because if a fight did break out, like she knew would happen, they wouldn't put any of the civilians in danger with their battle, and, given her own anger at the moment, she knew that if she was the one to fight first there was a very real chance that she could wipe out Sadala in moments. If it were any other planet, one that she wasn't attached to like her home world, her anger wouldn't be this great and there would be no one worrying about her accidentally blowing up the planet, but, since she needed a few moments to cool off, she decided that it would be best if someone else fought Frost first, and she was happy to see that Goku, Vegeta, and Broly weren't stepping forward, showing that they knew that this wasn't their fight and that they would step in if they were needed. In the end Caulifla sighed and nodded her head, where Vados kept them floating in the air, so they could travel to the area that Cabba picked out for the fight, while opening a hole in the barrier, allowing Cabba to fly out of the area the others were in and lock onto where Frost was standing. As it turned out Frost was in the middle of preparing another blast, one that would wipe out a good number of the remaining buildings if it was fired, which caused Cabba to correct his course and appear in front of his target, who glanced down just as Cabba thrust his hand upwards, hitting Frost's arm with enough force to lift it into the air, allowing the beam to fire into the sky, where it would drift off into space and not hurt anyone.

The moment that was done, and before Frost could react, Cabba jumped back a few spaces and put some distance between him and his opponent, who actually seemed surprised to see him, despite the fact that he was attacking the planet the Saiyans called home at the moment.

"I should have known that they'd send you to fight me." Frost commented, as he took the time that Cabba was giving him to regain himself and focus on what he was doing, which was why he was turning towards Cabba and was no longer focusing on the settlement, showing that he knew who the real threat was, "So, are you here to 'lock me up for my crimes', like the rest of your defense force would have said if they had shown up to stop me?"

"It all depends on what you do, and what sort of mood Caulifla's in when you're beaten," Cabba replied, though at the same time he knew that he couldn't hold back against Frost, especially since it was clear that his foe had no intentions on stopping what he was doing, which was why he decided to skip Super Saiyan and go Super Saiyan 2 immediately, so he could end this fight quickly, before his foe used one of his nasty tricks against him, "but first we need to move out of this area, that way our fight doesn't wreck the settlement any further than what you've done to it."

"Did you honestly think that I would do nothing since the tournament?" Frost asked, where he shifted his arms for a moment and assumed a battle stance, showing that he must have been planning this attack for some time, which only made Cabba wonder what his foe had planned this time around, "Please, I've been working on my skills for the last five months, just like my counterpart, Frieza, did in Universe 7, and I have raised my power to a whole new level, beyond what I was capable of during the tournament. There is nothing you can do to me now."

Cabba stared at Frost for a few seconds, wondering if he was being challenged to do something, before he rushed forward and grabbed onto his foe's head, where he pushed Frost backwards and hurled him through the air, sending him flying away from the settlement that he had been attacking. Once he was sure that Frost had cleared the settlement, and was still struggling to regain himself, Cabba burst into the air and flew after his opponent, where he slammed his fist into Frost's chest and sent him flying right into the ground below them, causing Frost to flip around and land on the forest floor, cracking the ground below him as the branches shifted for a second or two. As he focused on what was happening, and the fact that Cabba was far stronger than he remembered him being, Frost raised his arms and blocked the incoming attack, though he did grin as he moved backwards, forcing his foe to chase after him this time around, all while noticing that Vados and the others were following after them, no doubt so Caulifla could keep him in her sights. Frost remained on the defensive for a few moments, where he parried the incoming kicks and punches that Cabba sent his way, causing the collision of their powers to shake the forest that they were traveling through, before he was pushed through the rest of the forest and was forced into a rocky area, which he deemed to be far enough as he slipped a punch through Cabba's defenses and knocked him backwards.

The instant that happened the pair landed in the middle of the rocky area that they were in, but they were both staring at their foe and were ignoring anyone that might be watching them, which was why they assumed their battle stances once more and waited for their opponent to make the first move.

"I have to admit, you're much stronger than you were during the tournament." Frost commented, as his new strength, when he was using his full power, was incredible, but Cabba, who had been so weak that he needed the assistance of the Saiyans from Universe 7 to save him, had shown him that he wasn't the only one that had gotten stronger since the Tournament of Power, which only made him wonder about the other two Saiyans that were with Vados, since he wasn't interested in Goku, Vegeta, and their mysterious friend.

"I've been training with Caulifla and Kale for a long time now, and Master Vegeta has been helping me hone my power as well, to make me stronger than I was before the tournament started." Cabba stated, which was true, he had assisted both of his friends with their training, back when they learned that Vados intended for Caulifla to replace Champa as the God of Destruction for their universe, and had assisted them in changing Caulifla's attitude, which had been a massive success in the end, before he refocused on his foe, "Trust me on this, Frost, I am much stronger than you are at the moment, so you should consider surrendering before I make you do so."

Frost wasted no time in rushing towards his foe, intending on attacking before Cabba could raise his defenses, but his punch was parried by Cabba's fist and the air around them shook, causing the pair to unleash a series of punches and kicks at their opponent, all so they could best the other and claim victory. However, the stalemate was broken not even a few moments later, as this time around Cabba dodged one of Frost's kicks and lashed out with his foot, hitting Frost square in the chest and sent him flying into one of the rocky pillars, breaking the entire thing as his foe flew out the other side. Cabba wasted no time in going on the offensive immediately, as he rushed to where Frost was and loosed a burst of ki blasts that rained down on where his foe was resting, blowing up the entire area around his target, though he also kept his guard up, since there was a good chance that Frost could pull one of his sneaky moves and appear near him, even if his energy seemed to be coming from the area he was aiming at. That was another thing that Goku and Vegeta had helped the three of them learn during their training sessions, the ability to sense energy and the pitfalls that they knew about, which was why he was so certain that his foe was down below him, as that was where his energy was coming from, until Frost decided to move anyway. Of course as soon as he considered that option Frost burst out of the ground a few spaces away from where Cabba was aiming and fired a powerful beam of energy right at him, causing Cabba to cease his attack before pulling his arms to his right side, with the palms near his head, where he rapidly charged his attack and fired a Galick Cannon, a nearly identical purple beam of energy that was like Vegeta's Galick Gun, at the incoming beam.

The two beams collided with each other in the middle of the air, as the viewers expected the moment they noticed what was happening, and parts of the area around Cabba and Frost broke apart from their beams struggling to overcome the other, something that was common when two beams collided with each other, before Frost's suddenly failed and Cabba's slammed into the area that Frost was in, blowing the entire area apart... but, as it turned out, that was Frost's plan all along, as he rushed through the smoke and barreled into Cabba, knocking him into the ground.

"You see, I told you that your power means nothing when compared to what I now possess!" Frost stated, though as the smoke cleared the group found that his body had bulked up, entering the 100% Full Power form that he had access to, which meant that he was much more dangerous than he used to be, but at the same time, based on what Goku and Vegeta had seen from Frieza, this form was lacking in speed and stamina, though they both had the feeling that those weaknesses might have been done away with in the time that Frost had been training.

"Normally that would be right, but I have one last surprise for you." Cabba said, to which he pulled himself out of the crater that had formed around the area he had been slammed into, where he ignored the dust that was on his armor as he focused on his foe, before glancing at Vados and the others, or, as the group found out, Vegeta, "Master Vegeta, I'm sorry for not using this against you in our training lately, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to use it or not, though now it seems that I have no choice."

Frost started to open his mouth, so he could inquire as to what Cabba was talking about, but before he could do that Cabba turned towards him once more and focused on what he was going to do next, which was followed by his golden blond aura flaring to life as he brought even more power to the surface. The act of doing that caused the air, the ground, the water off in the distance, and everything else around them to shudder under the intensity of the power that he was now calling upon, which caused Frost to stand his ground, since he had no idea what was going on and wanted to see what sort of power his foe had unlocked during his training. Goku and Vegeta glanced at each other as they felt the power in the air, as they had a feeling they knew what Cabba was doing, before they faced the battle that was going on at the moment, which was where they noticed the tips of the young Saiyan's hair start to shift, as they were starting to point towards his back, confirming what he was doing at the moment. This also revealed how much potential the Saiyans of Universe 6 had, even if that was limited to three of them at the moment, which only made them wonder what would happen if Cabba, Kale, and Caulifla revealed the Super Saiyan forms with the rest of their kind, but, at the same time, that was something that they would find out in time.

That was swiftly followed by a flash of light that caused them to shield their eyes for a few seconds, though when the light faded, and they lowered their hands, they found that Cabba was still standing near Frost, but this time his long hair and the lack of eyebrows, along with a few familiar features that Goku and Vegeta recognized, revealed that he had unlocked the third transformation they revealed to Caulifla and Kale during the tournament.

"What... is this form?" Frost asked, where the watchers noticed that he was surprised by the transformation and wasn't scared at all, making them wonder if he had a trick up his sleeve, which was why they remained where they were and focused on the battle that was about to resume.

"Super Saiyan 3, a form beyond that of Super Saiyan 2." Cabba replied, though at the same time he shifted his stance, as he knew how demanding this form was and intended on finishing this battle before too much time had gone by, but he was also sure that his master and Goku had done away with the negative side effects of this form as well, "Prepare yourself Frost, because this battle will be over before you know it."

Cabba rushed forward and slammed his fist into Frost's chest, this time the power behind his attack stunned his foe before knocking him backwards through the air, but instead of slowing down he burst through the air as well and caught up with his opponent, where the next punch sent him flying in a different direction and allowed Cabba to repeat the process a few more times. He was keeping Frost in the area that they had come to during their fight, because he knew that his foe might try something if he was given the chance and he wanted to finish this quickly, hence the reason that he was punching him and moving him around the area in rapid succession, never giving his opponent the chance to touch the ground or to regain himself. He was sure that Goku and Vegeta must have done this against one of their foes in the past, where they had to use an incredible form to overpower one of their foes so they could beat them, but until they told him if they had done that he needed to focus on what he was doing, where he changed tactics and loosed an uppercut that knocked Frost up into the air, before bursting into the air after him and got above him, giving him the ability to punch his foe in the chest. The attack sent Frost flying down into the ground, blasting a large crater into the ground, though as that happened Cabba held his arms out, much like his master did when he was charging his Final Flash, where he pulled his power together and formed two spheres of energy, which he merged into a single sphere when he brought his hands together in front of his chest.

Once he was ready, and he was sure that Frost hadn't moved yet, Cabba fired his Final Cannon and let the powerful beam of energy surge through the air, where it collided with the area that he was aiming at and blew the entire area around Frost apart, blowing a massive hole into the ground in the process.

"I had no idea that Cabba was this strong." Goku commented, because both he and Vegeta had sensed Cabba's power during their training sessions with their fellow Saiyans, but for the most part none of them had used this form against them, and they were sure that the trio had a reason for not revealing this form before this moment.

"Neither did I, but I'm very proud of him." Vegeta said, as he knew how much stress the Super Saiyan 3 form put on the user's body and knew the power that it possessed, which he and his friend had used several times in the past before they unlocked Super Saiyan God and Blue, and he was impressed that Cabba knew the disadvantages of this form and was trying to finish it before he had to revert to a previous form.

"He'll be happy to hear that, since he's been trying to master the forms that you have access to," Caulifla stated, as she knew that Cabba saw Vegeta as his mentor, even though he preferred to call him 'master', and that the majority of his training had been to get what the Universe 7 Saiyan had just said, before she turned back to the battle in front of them and frowned for a moment, "however, it seems that Frost isn't ready to admit defeat and surrender to us."

As soon as she said that a bright silver glow erupted from the area that Frost was laying in, where Goku and Vegeta realized that Frost did have a trump card that he had been hiding the entire time, before a figure burst out of the smoke and flashed into the air behind Cabba, who barely had time to react before something hit him in the back and sent him flying straight down into the ground. When the rest of the smoke cleared the group found that Frost had one more form to use, as his body had taken on a silver sheen, much like the golden form that Frieza unlocked thanks to his training, and the blue gem-like areas of his body remained the same color they had been earlier. Goku and Vegeta frowned for a few seconds, as this reminded them of the time that Frieza fought them with his new Golden form, which meant that this was Frost's Silver form, or Silver Frost if he used the same naming scheme that Frieza used for his form. This form definitely rasied his power to a whole new level, one that was beyond what Cabba was using at the moment, and that was further proven by his first action, which was to send Cabba into the ground and show his foe that he was much stronger than what he been in the past, before the tournament had started. Despite that fact Cabba got up and readied himself for the next attack, only for Frost to appear behind him and knock him around like he was a toy that he was allowed to mess with before destroying it, proving that his Silver form was stronger than Cabba's Super Saiyan 3 form.

Caulifla growled for a second, as she was annoyed that Cabba, who had revealed his new strength to them and the person he wanted to impress, was now being outmatched by someone like Frost, who had a new form that must have been inspired by Frieza's Golden form, before she turned towards Kale for a second, who noticed the movement and nodded her head.

"As you wish." Kale said, as she was one of the few people who knew what Caulifla was thinking about at any given moment and could tell what she wanted with just a glance, which was why she knew what she wanted and jumped out of the area they were standing in, allowing her to burst through the air as she locked onto the area that Cabba and Frost were fighting in.

Frost grinned as he knocked Cabba backwards and caused him to cough as he leaned against the rock wall behind him, because while it was fun to beat up one of the Saiyans that had ruined his life, by revealing his true nature to the rest of Universe 6, something that Champa had allowed, he knew that he needed to focus on ending his foe and moving onto the other foes that would be coming his way... but, when he threw another punch at Cabba, his attack was stopped before he could reach his target, where he found Kale standing between him and Cabba, with her fist stopping his attack.

"Kale... I'm sorry you had to come and help me." Cabba stated, though at the same time he huffed for a moment as he released his form, reverting back to his base form as he focused on Frost, because he could have beaten his foe if he hadn't unleashed this new form, though at the same time he knew Kale could beat Frost.

"It's okay, we had no idea Frost had this sort of power when we came here." Kale replied, where she shoved Frost's fist backwards and spun around, which was the moment she kicked him in the chest and sent him flying through the air, only for him to collide with the other side of the crater as she lowered her leg and readied herself, "Go ahead and join the others, I'll handle Frost."

Cabba nodded his head and pulled back, allowing Kale to remain in the area that Frost was in, but the moment he was a good distance away from the crater, and Kale was sure of it, she focused on her power and pushed herself into her first form, the Super Saiyan form, though due to her being the Legendary Super Saiyan of Universe 6, the berserker that many feared, her hair in this form was golden blond with a slight green tint.

"Right, you're in control of your dangerous power." Frost commented, where he pulled himself from the rubble and brushed off the dust that had fallen on his body, due to being knocked into the other side of the crater, before he focused on the newest foe that dared to challenge him, one that he was more worried about since he knew that Kale was far stronger than Cabba ever was.

"Yes, thanks to the challenges I faced in the Tournament of Power, I'm in control of a power that terrifies every Saiyan that knows about it." Kale stated, though at the same time she let out a sigh as she shifted her stance and prepared herself for the battle that was about to start, since she knew that Frost would be coming at her in due time, but she also knew that he would be surprised by the ability that she had access to, "And, thanks to both our battle with both Son Goku and Vegeta, and my training with Broly, I also mastered a form that's even stronger than this one."

"I highly doubt that." Frost replied, because based on what he had seen so far, from Cabba to be exact, his foes would start close to their true power and then rise to a level of power that overpowered him, but right now it appeared that Kale had to be bluffing, no doubt to make him do something foolish so she could beat him in seconds.

Kale knew that Frost had no idea what she was truly capable of, since he had tried to attack Frieza from the stands, after having been eliminated by his counterpart, and Zeno had erased him for his actions, but that didn't stop her from rushing towards her opponent so they could start their battle. Frost raised his arms in front of him, in an attempt to stop the attack from hitting him, but what he wasn't expecting was for Kale's fist to make contact with his defenses and push him back with little effort, as she hurled him through the air and forced him to collide with the side of the crater again, only that wasn't the end of it. Kale went on the offensive immediately, lashing out with her fists as she followed Frost, who had to pull himself from the area he had been knocked into and tried to flee from her, but Kale proved that her speed and power was far greater than what Cabba had been using and what Frost remembered from the tournament, as she caught up with him in seconds and punched his face, knocking him back into the crater. As Frost landed on the center of the crater, however, he barely had time to do anything as Kale landed near him and grabbed onto his back, where she lifted him into the air and spun around, allowing the side of her leg to collide with his chest and sent him flying into the edge of the crater, before she loosed a burst of ki blasts that tore into the area around him.

Frost burst out of the smoke a few seconds later, as in heading to the side instead of charging at her immediately, and Kale watched him for a few seconds, seeing that he was gathering more power for some sort of plan, which was when he came to a stop and loosed a powerful red beam of energy at her, his Death Cannon, a move that he ripped off from Frieza at some point in time. Kale stood there and closed her eyes for a few seconds, where she focused on her own power as her aura flared to life once more, where the coloration of her aura shifted from a golden blond with a green tint to a full green coloration, while her hair took on a solid green color and a bang on the right side of her head fell down to mimic the bang on the opposite side. The Death Cannon slammed into her aura and detonated early, kicking up a cloud of smoke that covered her for a few moments, though when everything settled down Kale stepped out of the small crater that had formed around her and opened her eyes as she focused on Frost again, who seemed surprised that she had a second transformation she could use against him. A second later she used her speed to vanish from Frost's sight, where she flashed behind him and swung her arm, hitting her foe in his left side as she knocked him away from where he had been standing, before continuing her offensive against him as she charged her way through the ki blasts Frost sent her way, which didn't slow her down at all.

When Frost regained himself again, and prepared for Kale's next attack, Kale charged a bit of her energy and loosed a few small ki blasts at her target, who decided to stay where he was and fire his own blasts back at them, in an attempt to tear them apart and show her that he was superior, but she smiled a little when her attacks smashed through Frosts's and slammed into his chest, staggering him for a few seconds. It was all the time she needed, as it allowed her to get close to her foe and barrel into him, knocking Frost to the ground, before she raised her fists and loosed a series of punches at her target, where the ground around them shook as it felt her power, even cracking in places to demonstrate the true terrifying power she was in control of, the same power that Broly could use as well. A few moments later, when she was done punching her foe, she stood up and grabbed onto Frost's leg, where the dazed frost demon barely noticed what was going on until he was raised into the air, which was far too late for him to do anything as Kale slammed him into the ground a few times in rapid succession, always picking different spots as the ground around them cracked under the sheer power of her attacks. This was the same move that Broly told her about, the one that he used against Goku during their fight when his father told him to attack both Vegeta and his friend, his 'Smash' move that he really didn't have a good name for, before she slammed Frost into the ground with enough power to shatter his Silver form, which was the moment where she let go of him and let him fall to his knees, as he no longer had the power to stand against her.

Of course she happened to be wrong about that, as Frost proved that he dismissed his power for a few seconds so she would release him, a trick that she had walked right into, but instead of reactivating his power and fleeing, like one would have thought, he gathered his power and formed a blade of ki energy that went right through her chest... though a few seconds later, much to Frost's horror, Kale glanced down at the area he was attacking and gripped his hand, breaking the attack as she restrained him.

"How... how can you still be alive after my attack hit your heart?" Frost asked, because his plan had been to kill Kale while her guard was down and invoke a rage response from Caulifla, one that would have wiped out the entirety of this planet, but he wasn't expecting Kale to survive his attack, where all he could see was the cut he had made to her shirt and not a single drop of blood to be seen.

"I'm immortal, a gift from Lady Sunset thanks to what sis did during the check up meeting." Kale replied, as she knew that the fact that she was immortal wasn't common knowledge, mostly because they didn't want people panicking when they considered what she was, and that there was no way for Frost to have learned this piece of information until this very moment, though she had to admit that the shocked look on his face made all of this worthwhile.

"Im... Immortal?" Frost repeated, as he knew that it was possible to ask the Super Dragon Balls for whatever wish the gatherer wanted granted, but at the same time this was news to him, because it meant that everything he had been planning on doing was a failure before he even started his assault, "Damn, he didn't tell me about that."

"Who didn't tell you what?" Caulifla asked, because the moment she deemed the battle to be over she had Vados move them to where Kale and Frost were waiting, though what Frost had said was interesting, as all of them assumed that he had been working alone, since next to no one trusted him after his true nature was exposed, which meant someone had hired him to do this job.

"I'm not telling you anything," Frost replied, as he understood that they were going to drag him off to the dungeons for attempting to destroy Sadala, or at least present him to the King of the planet so his fate could be decided by someone he was wronging by assaulting the planet, "and even if I did, I wouldn't spill the beans unless I had a deal that ensured that I was able to continue living and..."

"Look, Frost, I'm not Champa, and I'm not going to cut a deal with you." Caulifla said, as she knew that Frost couldn't be trusted and that he would go on with whatever plans were inside his head at the moment, where she had no doubts that one of those plans was to create a new empire to reclaim what he had lost, but she wasn't in the mood to deal with him and raised her hand as bits of her godly aura surrounded her palm, "You will either tell me who commissioned you to attack Sadala, and what their plans are, or I'll destroy you where you stand and figure it out on my own... it really depends on what's important to you, surviving this encounter or keeping your master's secret, at the cost of your own life."

Frost paused for a moment, where he really considered whether or not it was a good idea to keep his partner's identity a secret, since he could tell that Caulifla wasn't making idle threats and the group behind her were ready for any tricks he might have up his sleeve, before he sighed as he came to a decision.

"It was Champa." Frost admitted, where he noticed that a few members of the group were shocked by his statement, but right now he didn't feel like lying, not when Caulifla looked ready to use her Energy of Destruction on him and wipe him from the face of her universe, "He came to me five months ago, shortly after losing his position, and offered to train me so I could unlock a form like Frieza's Golden form, though he said that if I could take out both Cabba and Kale, as well as eliminate the rest of the Saiyans, it would open a weakness in his replacement's defenses, one that he could exploit and use against her. His plan was to either make you out to be a terrible God of Destruction, so much so that you'd have to be replaced by your predecessor, or kill you by ending Fuwa's life if I failed, thanks to the fact that your life is linked to the Kaioshin's now, but that wasn't all that he told me. He promised me that once he was returned to his position as the God of Destruction for this universe, and had both his powers and his privileges back, he would make a public announcement and restore my reputation by stating that the Saiyans had lied during the time period of the Tournament of Destroyers, effectively making all of you out to be the real bad guys while restoring me to my status as a hero to the people."

"So he wanted Lady Sunset to think she had misjudged Caulifla's worth and 'restore order' to Universe 6 by making him the God of Destruction again." Goku commented, showing that he was paying attention to what Frost was saying and that he understood what sort of plan the former god had put in motion, even though Champa made a vital mistake since he had no idea Kale was immortal, as he had been knocked out during that time, according to what Caulifla had told him and Vegeta during their first training session.

"Vados, we're returning to my new planet." Caulifla stated, though she was a little surprised that Champa believed that such a plan would work in the first place, especially since Frost was always a coward and would have sold anyone out if it meant saving his own life, and there was the fact that the Grand Priest likely knew of the plan, so it wouldn't have mattered in the end.

"So... I'm free to go?" Frost asked, because the moment Caulifla said that they were leaving Kale had let go of him and returned to her base form, even though he knew that she walked like someone that could hold their own in battle and wasn't ashamed of their power, but he wanted to make sure they were leaving, and that he was free to do the same thing, before doing anything else.

"Oh, you aren't going anywhere." Caulifla said, though while the others gathered around Vados, and prepared to depart from the planet, she approached Frost and kept her aura up, because she knew what to do with this troublemaker, something that her predecessor wouldn't have done if he stopped this sort of attack from happening, "During Champa's time as the God of Destruction for this universe you waged countless wars against the planets of this universe, keeping yourself hidden in the shadows until it was time to play the hero, and you ended up killing quite a lot of people in the process, but that never bothered you since you were in it for the money. You may not be a planet destroyer, like Frieza was, but, since you've taken a form similar to your counterpart's new transformation, it's only a matter of time until you start blowing up planets as well... frankly, right now I consider you to be a threat to my universe, and I haven't seen a good reason to stay my hand."

Frost growled the moment he realized that Caulifla was planning on ending his existence at some point, no doubt after she dealt with Champa, so he decided to eliminate that future from happening by gathering his energy into a blade as he charged at her... but what actually happened, instead of him hitting his target, was that Caulifla wrapped herself in her Energy of Destruction and it ate his attack like it was nothing, before leveling her right hand with his chest when he came to a stop.

"Hakai." Caulifla said, where her power took immediate effect and Frost, who started to scream, watched as his body started to break apart before his eyes, as he was being reduced to nothing, before even the sounds he was making disappeared as the last bits of his body vanished.

Caulifla honestly didn't know what possessed Frost to attack her, when he knew that he was outmatched and would have died that much quicker, before she shook her head and dismissed her aura for now, allowing her to return to Vados and the others, before Vados sent them flying into the air as they headed back towards Caulifla's new planet. No one talked as they moved through space, as they knew that Caulifla was annoyed about what they had discovered and that she was focused on what was going to happen when they returned to where they had been training, because that was where Champa would be waiting. Normally he needed to ask Vados if he could go somewhere, which was when she would drop him off and give him a time to return to the area they landed in, so she could pick him up when he was finished, so that meant that he was stuck on her planet with nowhere to go. Sure, Champa could hide in the temple and make them search for him, but now that he was reduced to being a mortal again, and had no god ki to speak of, the ability to sense energy would come in handy if he decided to hide, but one thing they knew was that they would figure out what was going on when they arrived at their destination.

A few moments later, when they reached the planet they had been on around ten to twenty minutes ago, Vados took them down towards the surface and made sure they landed in the same area that they had departed from when Champa told them the news about Frost's attack, and, as Caulifla expected, Champa was nowhere to be seen.

"Okay, he's around here somewhere." Cabba said, though he waited for Vados to dismiss the barrier around them before walking forward, as he knew that Caulifla wanted to find Champa and, after hearing what Frost had said, he also wanted to find the former god before he did anything else, "We should head out in groups and see..."

"Oh, you're back sooner than I thought." a voice said, where the group turned their heads and found Champa walking towards them, though at the same time it didn't appear that he knew what they knew, as he seemed to be the same as he was when he revealed Frost's attack to them, "So, what was Frost doing?"

"You're dirty work." Caulifla replied, where she separated herself from the group and approached the former god, which gave them the chance to see a look of shock and annoyance flash on his face, something that annoyed her as she came to a stop in front of her predecessor, "Frost told us that if he wiped out the Saiyans, including Cabba and Kale, it would reveal a weakness that I have, one that you would be able to take advantage of, all because you wanted to take back the position that you lost during the check up meeting. He also told us that if he did this for you, and you did return to being the God of Destruction for this universe, that you would pardon him of the crimes that he committed, restore his shattered reputation, and pin everything he was responsible for on the Saiyans of Sadala, as in claim that they were lying and that they were the evil ones, all to give Frost his prior position as a 'hero' back, so he could continue his shadowy wars on the rest of our universe. Basically you were willing to attempt to make me look like a terrible God of Destruction, all so Lady Sunset would come in and 'realize her mistake', thus granting you the position that you once held, but there's something that you didn't stop to consider, and that's..."

"...that I'm always observing my multiverse." a voice said, one that caused everyone to stop what they were doing and turn towards the lake for a moment, where they found Sunset standing nearby, though as Vados, Caulifla, and the others moved to kneel before her Champa just stood there with a shocked look on his face, "Champa, I've known about your plan ever since you first visited Frost and convinced him to go along with it, but the reason I didn't act on that knowledge is because I had faith in Caulifla's abilities, especially as the new God of Destruction for Universe 6, so I'm not here to pass judgement on you... your fate is in Caulifla's hands."

Caulifla smiled for a moment, as hearing that Sunset really did believe in her abilities, and was only here to observe Champa's fate instead of dooming him immediately, proved that the multiverse was in good hands, which was why she got up and faced the disrespectful former god that was standing near them.

"Champa, I think it's safe to say that I don't need to think about what's going to happen next," Caulifla said, where her aura flared to life once more, revealing that she was getting ready to do the same thing that she did to Frost, before they came here to confront him, and, despite how cowardly he was at times, Champa seemed unwilling to move, though whether it was from accepting his fate or realizing he was doomed either way didn't matter to her at the moment, "For your recent actions, as in the last actions you made as a God of Destruction and your actions as my adviser, I believe that it's safe to say that you don't have the best interests of this universe at heart, especially since you went through all the effort to train someone to take me, Kale, and Cabba down so you could reclaim your lost position. You even had Frost attempt to take out the entire Saiyan race, by either killing them in battle or even blowing up the planet, if it came to that, so whose to say you won't train someone to do this again, to have your revenge against me, in an attempt to weaken our universe more than you already have. I'm sorry Champa, but you brought this upon yourself."

Champa just stood there, no doubt thinking about his actions and what he had done, as Caulifla uttered the one word that would erase his existence in seconds and watched as her aura grabbed hold of his body, which started to break apart before their eyes, all while Champa just sighed and closed his eyes, choosing to focus on whatever he was thinking and not worry about his reality, one that disappeared as the particles of his body broke apart and disappeared. In a matter of seconds it was over, as Champa was no more at that point in time, but all Caulifla could do was dismiss her aura and sigh, as she had been hoping that they could get him to turn over a new leaf, but this just made it clear that he wasn't willing to change and that he would be planning on taking them down for years to come, so eliminating him terminated that threat before it could become a reality. Sunset nodded her head, showing that she approved of what Caulifla had done, before she called upon her own power and returned to her palace, so she could continue watching over the multiverse and see if there were any threats she needed to be aware of, that needed to be taken out by her and no one else. When she vanished, however, Caulifla sighed and turned to Vados, stating that there was someone she needed to talk to, to which the Angel nodded her head and called for everyone to gather around her again, where they headed off in the direction of Universe 7... or more specifically the planet that Beerus called home.

Goku and Vegeta knew that Caulifla likely saw their God of Destruction as a mentor, or maybe like a brother or something since their universes were mirrored, and that she was likely worried of what Beerus would think of her once she revealed that she had ended Champa's existence, but there was nothing they could say without annoying her, so the pair kept quiet and waited until they reached their latest destination.

It took them longer to reach Universe 7 than it did to reach their other destinations, which made sense since they weren't traveling to a planet this time around, but even then it wasn't a terribly long journey and soon the group spotted a familiar world that they had all trained on. That was because Beerus' planet was where Goku and Vegeta had trained with Whis to unlock Super Saiyan Blue, even though they were trying to do something else at the time and that form was what they unlocked during their training, and it was where Caulifla and her friends had trained before the check up meeting, since Champa threatened to eliminate whoever Vados decided to train. Beerus, upon hearing that, had offered his planet to Vados and Caulifla, closing it to Goku and Vegeta for a long time, which was fine since it let them hang with their families or train in Asgard, and the pair was sure that he and Caulifla might have formed a small friendship during the months that they visited his planet, though they pushed that to the back of their minds as Vados touched them down near the lake and dismissed her barrier. Fortunately they didn't have to go looking for Beerus, as the god in question was walking their way with Whis, Shin, and Chronoa walking beside him, though it appeared that he was in the middle of discussing something important with his counterpart god, even though they paused when they noticed that the group was standing on the path that they were following.

"You guys are done training already? My, time must have..." Beerus started to say, as he knew that Whis would have gone to collect Goku, Vegeta, and Broly the moment their training session with Caulifla, Kale, and Cabba was done, but at the same time he had to pause as he noticed the looks that some of them were wearing, which meant that something had happened recently and they had been thinking about it, "Okay, what happened? Normally all of you are excited about training and showing each other how much you improved since the last session, so something serious must have happened to make these expressions appear on your faces."

"Beerus, I'm... I'm sorry... I had to destroy Champa a few minutes ago." Caulifla stated, deciding that she might as well get to the reason as to why she, Kale, and Cabba had come with the trio of Saiyans from Universe 7, while noticing that Shin, Chronoa, and Whis seemed surprised by the news and Beerus seemed stunned, which was when she started to spill the beans on what Champa had been trying to do for the last five months.

Beerus stood there as Caulifla told him what his brother had been up to, training Frost until he could unlock a form like Frieza did and then send him to decimate the Saiyans, to pull Cabba and Kale, at the very least, to him so he could take them both down, until it was revealed that Kale was immortal, though he did sigh when he heard that Champa had been attempting to take his old position back and Sunset arrived when they confronted him, revealing that she had seen his deeds and that she approved of what Caulifla was about to do. When the tale was over, and he learned why his brother had been erased by the Saiyan that he had helped train, Beerus remained silent for a few seconds, clearly considering what he had heard, before he surprised the group by walking over to the lake and sat in front of the tree stump that he usually sat on, before leaning his head back on the wood. It was in that moment that they discovered that he was sad from his brother's death, as Chronoa, Whis, and Shin noticed a few tears as he slammed the back of his head against the wood for a few seconds, showing them that he must be blaming himself for not making a better attempt to turn his brother around, despite the fact that he tried everything to get through to his brother.

Caulifla glanced at Cabba and Kale, as none of them had seen Beerus like this in the time they had known him, and even Vados, who had known him for millions of years, was surprised by what she was seeing, though none of them made a move, since annoying Beerus while he was in this state was not a good idea.

"I've only ever seen him like this a few times in our long existence," Chronoa commented, as the last time she had seen Beerus like this was back during the time that Rainbow and Applejack were adventuring with Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of their friends on Earth, and the other times that this happened she had done something to snap him back to reality and return him to normal, and she had something in mind that might do just the thing, "Let me talk to him."

Whis knew that Chronoa would help Beerus get over this, as she had done so a few times in the past, and moved out of the way so she could walk towards her husband, while at the same time making sure that none of the others made a move just yet, allowing the Supreme Kai of Time to come to a stop near the God of Destruction for Universe 7.

"I should have done more to help him." Beerus said, as he knew who was standing near him, because there was only one person who bothered to come near him when he was in this state, and he barely had to look to his left as Chronoa came to a stop near him, as he was focusing on the lake and nothing else.

"It's okay Beerus, your brother was stubborn and refused to accept your help at very turn," Chronoa admitted, though she knew that saying what they knew wasn't very helpful, she was just confirming something that they knew, before she focused on the news that she had been waiting to tell Beerus for some time, "but I do have some news that might excite you... I'm pregnant."

Goku and Vegeta looked at each other as they heard that piece of information, as they weren't expecting to hear that, but when they turned back to the pair they found that Beerus had stopped what he was doing and turned towards Chronoa, almost as if he was silently asking if she was telling the truth, and when she nodded her head the sad look on his face disappeared immediately. The thought that he was going to have children with the love of his life, actual children since Rainbow and Applejack were technically adopted, had overruled his sadness and now he was up and about again, as it appeared that he had things he needed to do to make sure things went well for Chronoa... but Caulifla smiled as she stood beside the others, as it was good to see that, while he was saddened by his brother's death, he was still happy with his life and that things were going to get better from this point.

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