• Published 21st Jan 2019
  • 2,920 Views, 432 Comments

Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

  • ...

Epilogue: Shining Future

Sunset stretched as she got up from where she was sitting, inside the library of her palace, and headed out into the endless hallway that existed between the various parts of her massive palace, where she could walk for hours on end if she wanted, though for the most part she only did that when she had guests, so they could talk for some time before they reached the area they were heading towards. It had been five years since the battle between Neferi and the strongest mortal warriors of Universe 7, and that included Jiren as well, who apparently didn't care about the title that the gods had given him, and from what she had seen it appeared that Beerus and Chronoa were doing well in raising their daughter. Normally one would be concerned by the fact that Neferi was so strong, that she was able to beat so many skilled warriors at her current age, but she knew that it was fine, because Whis would stop her if something happened, but she did think that Neferi would make an excellent God of Destruction in the future, whenever Beerus decided that it was time for him to retire. The only reason she thought about that was because of the fact that she had seen him and Whis teaching Neferi how to control the energy that a Destroyer God could wield, though it was, at the moment, just the basics, so it was only a matter of time until Universe 7 saw a change in who watched over that universe as a God of Destruction.

As she considered that, however, she paused in the middle of the hallway for a few seconds and considered what she had thought about, as she had been watching the Gods of Destruction every now and then, as was her duty as the Queen of All to watch over the multiverse, before she came to a quick decision on what she could do with the rest of her day, and get a face to face progress report at the same time.

"Lady Sunset, is something wrong?" a voice asked, to which she turned her head for a moment and found that the Grand Priest was standing near her, which made sense since he was the only other person who was in the palace at any give moment, though at the same time she understood why he had appeared near her, since she had stopped and he was curious as to what was bothering her.

"No, I was just thinking about something." Sunset replied, where she shifted her stance and walked over to the area that the Grand Priest was standing in, which was where the hallway around her changed as she came to a decision, as the throne room she ruled from appeared around them and would allow her to take a seat, if that was what she wanted, before she stopped and faced the Grand Priest, "I was thinking that it might be time for me to make a personal visit to each of the universes, to speak with the various Gods of Destruction for a few minutes and get a face to face progress report, instead of just keeping my distance and watching from afar, just like my predecessors did."

"I see." the Grand Priest said, where he raised his hand to his chin for a moment, knowing that Sunset could easily track the progress the nineteen universes and didn't need to do this, but, at the same time, he knew that she was vastly different from the Kings of All, who remained in the palace until something caught their attention and caused them to leave, and that this was her way of letting the Gods of Destruction know that she was keeping track of everything, before he lowered his hand, "Do you want me to open the way for you, or do you want to visit the universes by yourself?"

"I'll head down by myself." Sunset answered, as the last time she had gone out the Grand Priest had gone with her, mostly to see if there was anything she needed him to do while they were away from the palace, and this time she felt like doing this alone, even though that wouldn't stop the gods from freaking out when she arrived.

"Very well then, I shall stay here and wait for your return." the Grand Priest replied, because he knew that there was no being in the entire multiverse that could challenge Sunset and do damage to her, and even if there was one her power would just grow even greater than what it currently was, though at the same time he bowed his head, showing Sunset the respect that she deserved as the Queen of All.

Sunset glanced at one of the walls for a moment, finding that it was around six in the morning, or at least that was what time it was back on her home world, and determined that some of the Gods of Destruction would already be up at this point, while some of the others would either be sleeping in or meditating, since it depended on which god she was thinking about. Of course if she really wanted to see who was up and who was sleeping she could always observe the planets of the Gods of Destruction with her powers, to see what was going on, but she decided not to do that and focused on finding the areas that they were currently in, though instead of doing them all at once, since some were subject to change as time went by, she decided to do them in the order of their universes. As such she started by focusing on Universe 1 and quickly found the energy trail that she was looking for, as it appeared that Iwne was currently at his temple, to which she turned towards the direction the throne was facing and walked forward, as she preferred to be outside her palace when she wanted to visit a specific area in one of the nineteen universes that she watched over. She wasn't going to wreck anything by teleporting from the throne room, thanks to her power, she just liked being outside when she did it, even though there were instances, like visiting Universe 6 to grant Caulifla's wish, where she would teleport from inside the palace, but for right now she was going to be outside the palace.

Once she was outside her palace, and the gate had shut behind her, she gathered a bit of her power and disappeared from the area that she had been standing in, though not a few seconds later she reappeared outside the golden temple that Iwne lived in, while at the same time surprising Awamo, who was standing outside the area that Iwne was in.

"Lady Sunset, this is quite a surprise." Awamo said, though at the same time the mention that Sunset was here caused Iwne to come out of the area he was in, where the two took up the positions that they would usually take whenever they were in her presence, as in Angels bowing their heads and the Gods of Destruction kneeling.

"Indeed it is," Iwne added, as while he was surprised by Sunset's arrival, something they were getting used to since she did like to keep them on their toes by appearing at random moments to see what was going on for herself, he was also interested in what brought her here this time around, "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?"

"I decided that I would visit the nineteen universes and see what the Gods of Destruction were up to," Sunset replied, though as she said that she gestured with her hand, allowing Awamo to know that it was fine for them to stop their bowing and kneeling, which he let Iwne know as they both stood up and faced her, "sort of like doing a face to faced report on the progress of your universes, instead of just watching from the palace and assuming that everything was fine."

"Well, so far everything has been quiet in our universe." Iwne replied, as it had been sixteen years since the check up meeting, where Quitela had lost his mind and his life, after foolishly trying to attack Lady Sunset, and while some things had happened there wasn't much for him to tell her about, "I've wiped out a planet or two since the check up, blown away someone who was trying to cause mass destruction to a star system, and Anat's been busy spreading the seeds for new planets to form in the future, to replace the planets that I had to take care of. When I'm not busy doing my duties as the God of Destruction for Universe 1, and I have a little free time, I like to stay here, in my temple, and either meditate or hone my skills by training with Awamo, who keeps me up to date on everything that Anat is planning, so we can work together and ensure that everything we do helps our universe grow."

Sunset nodded her head for a moment, as she was keeping her mouth shut for a few seconds as she thought about something, which was mostly her peering into the past to get a quick view of what Iwne had said, though it wasn't hard for her to find what she was looking for and returned to the future. Generally she used one of the areas in the palace to peer into the past, which was how she was able to view everything her predecessors had done to the multiverse before the Tournament of Power happened, but in the end it was another power that could be used anywhere, even though she had a preference in mind for it as well. She trusted her Gods of Destruction, especially after all the hard work a few of them put into improving their universes once they were defeated during the tournament, and this was just a way of confirming what they had said, though she only used the power a few times in front of others. Once she was done with that, and refocused on what was happening in front of her, she let a smile appear on her face, something that told Iwne and Awamo that she was pleased with what she had seen, otherwise she'd start lecturing them about what she had observed, and, from what her senses told her, there weren't any threats in Universe 1 at the moment, which meant that this universe was safe from harm and that Iwne would react the moment something appeared on his radar.

From the looks of it Iwne was doing his job, Awamo was making sure his Destroyer God did what he had to do, and Anat was making sure to seed new planets to replace the ones that go wiped out by Iwne, which meant that all three of them were doing a good job in maintaining balance in this universe.

"Well, from what I can see, it appears that everything is just fine." Sunset replied, though she could tell that the pair in front of her breathed a sigh of relief, since there was always the chance that she might find something that neither of them knew about or had ignored on accident, before she shifted her stance for a moment, revealing to the pair that she had only come here for a brief visit and that she would be leaving soon, "You two seem to have everything in order, and so does Anat from the sounds of it, so I'll let you get back to what you were doing before I arrived, though I am eager to see what happens to those new planets in the future."

Sunset gave Iwne and Awamo a few seconds to acknowledge what she had said, and the fact that she was pleased with their work, before she activated her teleportation power and vanished from where she had been standing, allowing the pair to get back to what they were doing as she made her way to Universe 2. Interestingly enough she found that Heles' energy wasn't coming from her temple, just like Sour's energy wasn't there either, though it didn't take her long to figure out that both of their energies, which Pell's was mixed into, was coming from the planet that Brianne, the 'Goddess of Love' for this universe, called home. She had to admit that she wasn't a fan of Brianne, or Ribrianne as her alter ego was known as, and, from what she had seen during the Tournament of Power, she was sure that none of the other universes really liked her either, but even though she didn't like her, and could easily wipe her out in an instant, that was for Heles to decide, though judging from how Heles had acted during that event she knew Brianne was safe. Sunset then sighed for a moment as she pushed that series of thoughts to the back of her mind, as she didn't want them to cloud her vision while she was meeting Heles, before focusing on the area that she was heading to, as she had the feeling that she'd want to get this report over with so she could head to Universe 3 without delay.

When she reappeared at her destination, however, she found that she was in a private booth that was overlooking what seemed to be a beauty pageant or something, though sitting in the golden throne in front of her was Heles, with Sour and Pell standing on either side, but as the pair turned to face her, since they heard the guards moving by the door, she shook her head and the two beings stopped the guards from doing anything foolish.

Since it seemed like Heles was more interested in what she was looking at, as she didn't bother to turn around at all when the guards started to stir, Sunset decided that the best way to move forward was to summon a pad that she could write on and a writing utensil, before writing down the question that she wanted to ask them. A few seconds later she was done writing the question and levitated the pad over to Sour, who let his staff float off to the side as he took the pad and looked at what she had written down, only to tilt his head for a second as he used the provided utensil to quickly write something down, before tapping Heles' shoulder. It was clear that Heles didn't like to be annoyed, but after seeing what Sour had wrote down, which Sunset knew was him silently telling his God of Destruction that she was present, Heles sighed and made several movements with her hand, revealing that she was writing something down, before she passed the pad over to Pell. The Kaioshin glanced at the pad for a few moments, clearly wondering how to write down his answer, but he moved the utensil and quickly wrote down what he was thinking about, before turning to face Sunset, who used her power to levitate the pad back to where she was standing so she could see what the three of them had written down and see if there was anything else she needed to do in this universe before she could move onto the next one.

Basically she had asked the same question she had asked Iwne a few minutes ago, so she could get an update on what Heles was doing for her universe, and by the looks of it she had a few individuals in mind, who just so happened to be causing problems for some of the planets in her universe, that needed to be taken care of. Sour revealed that no planets had been destroyed so far, by her or by the individuals that Heles was going to confront in the near future, which meant that there weren't any planets for her to destroy, or she wasn't in the mood and would add them to the list of places she would take care of in the future. Pell, on the other hand, did reveal that he had planted the seeds for a few more planets in their universe, which meant that he was preparing for when Heles got around to destroying the planets that were on her list, so they could maintain balance in their universe, even though he appeared a tiny bit annoyed that Heles hadn't blown those planets away yet. All in all it appeared that, despite a few planets not be destroyed when they were supposed to be wiped out, that things were moving along quite well in Universe 2, though not at the level that Universe 1 was at, and she removed the page Heles, Sour, and Pell had wrote on, where she wrote a quick note wishing them well in viewing this contest and maintaining balance in the universe, which she levitated over to Sour so he could pass it on once she was gone.

With that complete Sunset started to focus on where Mule was located, only to pause for a moment when Brianne, in her Ribrianne form, walked out onto the stage, to which she disappeared from where she was standing and left Universe 2 behind, so she wouldn't have to see what Brianne had planned for the audience... though as she pushed that thought to the back of her mind she made her way to Universe 3, so she could meet the next God of Destruction she was planning on visiting and see what he was up to.

Mule's energy, as it turned out, came from a planet that didn't house his temple, though as she appeared at her destination she found that she was floating above the wreckage of a city, one that had been destroyed recently by the looks of things, meaning that something was happening in this universe. She turned her head for a moment and watched as a humanoid robot dodged the incoming punch of a much larger robot, though the coloration of the humanoid robot's exterior, and the clothing it was wearing, revealed that Mule had already arrived on the scene, and that he was using his new Mosco suit to take care of business. Mule then lashed out at his foe, striking the other robot's chest and knocked him backwards, though even as that happened the other robot tried to grab Mule and pull him down at the same time, but Mule proved that he was faster than his foe and avoided the movement with ease, before leveling his arm with his foe and blasted the larger one into the wreckage of the city Sunset had appeared in. It wasn't a blast from a small rocket or the usual items that a robot would use, rather it was a ki based attack, proving that Mule and the denizens of Universe 3 had developed a way to allow robots to use ki, something that also happened in Universe 7 with the Androids, and she had to smile as Mule moved above his foe and punched him in the side of his head, causing the larger robot to collide with the center of the ruined city, where it appeared that the fight might be over.

The reason that she thought about that was because Mule was demonstrating the part of his robot that was unique, as a purple aura, one that she recognized, formed around the robot suit that he was controlling, before he extended his right arm towards the larger robot.

"Hakai!" Mule called out, which was the moment that Sunset watched as the larger robot started to break apart before her eyes, confirming that it must have been behind the destruction of this city and that Mule had used this moment to test the combat capabilities of his new robot, and before long his foe was gone, allowing him to dispel his aura.

"Well, it seems that you have things under control here." Sunset commented, as she waited for Mule to calm down before bothering to approach him, and once that had happened she made herself known to him, while at the same time spotting both Camparri and Ea standing nearby, no doubt seeing how well the new robot operated.

"Lady Sunset, I apologize for not noticing you immediately." Mule said, to which he turned towards her and knelt where he was floating, where both his Angel and his Kaioshin flew up to them and repeated the process, just to show her the respect that she deserved, "What brings you to Universe 3?"

"I decided to visit all of the universes and see what the Gods of Destruction have been up to," Sunset replied, though at the same time she knew that there wasn't much more for her to do in this universe, especially since it appeared that Mule was doing his job and was stopping villains and threats whenever they appeared on his radar, "though from what I have seen, since I came to this world, it appears that you have everything under control."

"This guy has been a constant threat that we've been trying to catch for a few years now," Ea stated, as he felt that he might as well clarify something before Sunset departed for the next universe, since he was of the opinion that she had already visited Universes 1 and 2 already, and that Universe 4 was her next destination, "he hasn't destroyed any planets yet, but he's constantly wiping out villages and small cities with his experiments... we're just lucky that he messed up this time around, otherwise we would have missed our chance to take him out. Other than that Mule had to take out a planet a few days ago and I've already laid the groundwork for some new planets to be formed in the future, so the balance of our universe hasn't shifted at all due to our actions, and a threat has been stopped."

Sunset nodded her head in agreement, finding that there was no reason for her to really stay here and bother the group that was in front of her, especially since it seemed like Mule and Ea were eager to see how well the new Mosco robot held up, and whether or not any changes had to be made to it in the future. Once she came to that decision she bid them farewell, so they could gather anything they needed from the ruined city before heading back to Mule's temple, she activated her power and disappeared from the area she had been floating in, allowing the gods of Universe 3 to return to what they had been doing while she focused on Universe 4. What interested her was that Al'Drouwn wasn't the only God of Destruction that was in Universe 4 at the moment, as she could feel Arack's energy coming from there as well, though she had the feeling that someone was actually trying to help a fellow Destroyer God out, which, if she was right, was a good thing for the two universes in question. Ever since she started having the various Gods of Destruction work together, to raise the mortal levels of all the universes that she watched over, she had seen some good progress from many of the gods, save for a few bad apples that she had already dealt with, and there was potential for what she was feeling to be the same thing, two gods discussing the next steps of whatever they were doing, for the betterment of their universes.

A few seconds later she appeared outside the temple that Al'Drouwn had built after becoming the God of Destruction for Universe 4, which meant breaking apart Quitela's temple of course, and Sunset personally felt that the new temple was much better than the old one. Once she made that observation, and admired one of the statues for a few seconds, she walked forward and found that both Al'Drouwn and Arack were sitting at a table, accompanied by their Kaioshin, Kuru and Ogma respectively, while their Angels, Cognac and Cukatail, stood nearby. It appeared that they were in the middle of planning something major for their universes, or maybe they were planning on how to boost Universe 4's mortal level, since it was one of the lower ranking ones during the Tournament of Power, and she could tell that both of them were very interested in what they were talking about. She had to admit that she was interested in what they were discussing, since they seemed to be working together on something, and when she emerged from the pathway she had been following, and revealed herself to them, she made a motion with her hand to stop them from bowing, since she knew that it would only cut into their conversation.

"It appears that you guys are busy planning for the future." Sunset commented, as that was what she liked to see, the various Gods of Destruction working together and pooling their knowledge on how to better each of the universes, as it would make everything better for everyone.

"Indeed we are, Lady Sunset." Al'Drouwn replied, where he tapped the table and an image of part of Universe 4 appeared in front of them, allowing all of them to look at what they had been talking about, while at the same time Sunset noticed that the star system in question looked different than what it currently was, "Arack and I are discussing the potential growth areas of our universes, how we can aid our Kaioshin in ensuring that each of the areas are not harmed before the appointed date, and whether or not there will be threats for us to take out in the future. Arack has also been kind in giving me hints on how I can better tend to my universe as a God of Destruction, though he's not the only one to do so, as I know Liquiir has offered a few tips as well, so it's only a matter of time until all of us are at the level of Arack and the gods that weren't faced with erasure during the tournament."

"Thanks to our individual styles, and the fact that our universes are safe, Liquiir and I have taken to assisting the other Gods of Destruction that need help," Arack added, even though his tone revealed that there were a few that really didn't care about such things, which Sunset knew included Heles and one or two others, but she was going to leave them be, as they were doing good on their own and would eventually open up in the future, "besides, I've taken an interest in the water techniques that Al'Drouwn uses when he's meditating or when he's fighting someone, and he's offered to show me how he wields his interesting techniques, regardless of whether or not I can actually use them."

Sunset knew that they intended on working together for an undetermined amount of time, likely until they complete the project that they happened to be working on, and from the sounds of it the two Destroyer Gods had already taken out a planet or two in both of their universes, for different reasons. As such that meant that their Kaioshin had spread the seeds of life throughout the area they were planning on working in, while keeping track of everything else, and it seemed like both sets of gods were eager to get their work started, as they were going over the final steps of what they had planned, which was before her arrival. Since it was clear that everything was under control in Universes 4 and 5, based on what the gods said and what she had seen in the past, Sunset nodded her head and let them get back to work, though she did tell them they were doing a great job on their universes, which made the gods smile as they got back to work. Sunset smiled for a moment, as it was good to see that the Gods of Destruction and the Kaioshin had put aside their differences and were working together, just as she intended, before she gathered her power for a second and disappeared, only this time around, since Arack had been present when she was seeking out Al'Drouwn, her next destination was Universe 6, instead of Universe 5.

She knew that Caulifla's energy was coming from her temple, which she had redesigned, and when she arrived outside her destination she found the god in question standing nearby, though that was when she noticed that Caulifla, who spared a second to bow her head and acknowledge her, was caught in something else, so Sunset decided to overlook the incomplete gesture and moved forward to see what was going on.

"Cabba, what's going on in the area around you?" Caulifla asked, which told Sunset that something interesting must be happening, especially with the sounds of battle that were coming from Vados' scepter, which was what they were using to communicate with Cabba, who was wearing his captain's attire, something he had definitely earned.

"The remnants of Frost's empire are putting up quite the fight, but it doesn't appear that we'll need to call in any reinforcements to take them out," Cabba replied, though that was when Sunset got a glimpse of him, in his Super Saiyan 3 form, blasting a creature that the soldiers of Frost's empire had sent to fight him, which didn't go as far back as he had been hoping it would, "actually, on second thought, we might need Kale's help."

"Right. I'll be there in a minute or two." Kale said, as she had been standing nearby, because she really never left Caulifla's side and was always somewhere near her best friend, so Sunset wasn't surprised to see her here either, before she and Vados went flying towards the planet that Cabba was fighting on.

"Seems like something exciting is happening." Sunset commented, because there was no denying that whatever was going on in Universe 6 was quite interesting, and she could view whatever was going on once she was done with her visits to the other Gods of Destruction, before she turned to face Caulifla, "What happened?"

"One of Frost's commanders got it in his head that, with Frost gone, it was time for someone else to take the throne and declare war on the Saiyans," Caulifla replied, though she did her best to keep her annoyance out of her voice, as she didn't want to piss off Sunset, especially since she could be ended with a single motion or a single word, "so now Cabba and his forces have been sent to deal with them, before they become a threat to the universe, and Cabba asked me to watch over the fight and come if I was needed. Depending on how powerful the creatures that Frost captured are, and which ones his commander releases, I might have to head down there and start breaking up the army before they do anything to the world they call home, since it's not supposed to be destroyed for another few years. I'm only supposed to step in if the man responsible for this battle does something that would warrant a God of Destruction coming after him, as so far none of our soldiers have died so far and he hasn't blown up any towns or cities yet, but I'm hoping he does so i can take him out."

Sunset guessed that it made sense, that the Saiyans of Universe 6 were still stuck in the old ways and didn't want the God of Destruction for their universe to step in every time they needed to get something done, otherwise there wouldn't be much reason for them to have an army to defend the universe with. She also knew that Caulifla wanted to join the battle, since this was partly her fault for taking out Frost all those years ago, but she was also respecting Cabba's wishes and was watching until the situation changed, even if that meant she might not do anything anyway, not with Kale being sent to the battlefield. Since it appeared that Caulifla had everything under control, even though she mentioned that she did have a few planets she would destroy over the course of the next few years, to counter the fact that Fuwa had spread the seeds for a number of new planets, Sunset nodded her head and backed away from where the Saiyan was standing, before disappearing as quickly as she had appeared, so she wasn't in the way when Vados returned. When she got back to the palace she was going to view this event and see how it ended for herself, despite the fact that she knew that Caulifla, Kale, and Cabba would take care of it, but for right now she was going to continue to the next universe and see what the next God of Destruction was up to.

What she discovered was that the energies of Beerus, Chronoa, Whis, Shin, and Neferi weren't in Universe 7, like she would have expected them to be, and by following the energy trails that the group left behind, something only a select number of beings could sense, she determined that they were in Universe 19, where Rainbow, Applejack, and Twilight were, so she changed her course and headed to Universe 8, since she could see Beerus' group when she returned to her home universe to get Rainbow's report.

When she arrived at her destination, the planet that Liquiir called home, she appeared outside the temple that she had been heading towards, where she found that it was a Japanese style temple, with red pillars and red wooden flooring, white walls here and there, and a dark grey or black colored roof. She knew that she was in the right place the moment she noticed a number of stone fox statues, since Liquiir was a humanoid fox, and a few of them held items that she had to assume were important to Liquiir's past, before he because the God of Destruction for this universe. As she walked into the temple, however, she spotted Korn standing near an area that looked like it was the meditation area, which was where Liquiir was sitting, where it appeared that he was actually meditating and didn't seem to notice that someone had come to his planet to speak with him. She came to a stop a few seconds later, where Korn heard the sound of her hooves coming to a stop and turned his head for a second, though when he noticed her he bowed his head and then walked over to where Liquiir was sitting, where he tapped his scepter a few times, which caused Liquiir's ears to twitch for a moment before he turned his head a little, allowing Korn to whisper into his ear for a few seconds. A moment or two passed before Liquiir shifted his arms and legs as he stood up, where he stretched his arms a few times, before he turned towards the area that Sunset was standing in, which was when he and his Angel bowed towards her, causing her to make the usual gesture so they could stand up again.

Out of all the Gods of Destruction, before the six her predecessors had erased had returned, Liquiir was one of the few gods that had embraced what she wanted the moment she issued the order and had taken to helping the gods that had been defeated during the tournament, because it would benefit the entire multiverse... and she could see that he was interested in why she had come here, which was good because it meant that none of the other Angels had warned the other gods of what she was doing.

"Lady Sunset, this is quite the surprise." Liquiir said, his tone revealing that, while he was surprised by her sudden arrival on his planet, he was definitely interested in why she had come to see him, and Sunset could see that Korn was curious as to why she had come here as well, "What brings you to Universe 8 on this fine day?"

"I've been visiting the universes, asking the Gods of Destruction about their universes and what they've done." Sunset replied, though at the same time she shrugged for a moment, as if she was talking about something completely normal, which was technically true since this was her life now and she had gotten used to being the Queen of All, before she focused her attention on Liquiir, "So, has anything happened to Universe 8 since the check up meeting?"

"Actually, several things have happened." Liquiir said, as he had the feeling that getting an update might have been the reason behind this visit, but he had remained silent so he could see what the truth behind the visit was, "Iru and I have had several meetings over the last couple of years, discussing the various parts of our universe, the planets that are in those areas, and what's going on in whatever area we happen to be talking about, to see how planets are progressing, if one of them needs to be destroyed, and where we can add new planets in the future. We actually came across a threat to our universe a few weeks ago, as the being in question tried to wipe out an entire star system and had plans to wipe out even more planets once the first stages of his plans, but we found him and took care of him, along with wiping out the research and plans so no one else tries what he did. Other than those events happening I was forced to destroy a planet recently, to balance the creation that Iru is currently engaged in by spreading the seeds for new planets, though it's also due to the fact that it was dying."

"Well, it seems that you have been busy." Sunset remarked, though she knew that, due to Universe 8 being one of the universes that had been exempt from the Tournament of Power all those years ago, Liquiir would be one of the gods that would have been busy in keeping his universe the way it was before the tournament happened, and just hearing this told her that he was remaining true to what he had been doing earlier.

"Iru and I also have a meeting planned for this afternoon, though I figured that I could spend some time meditating before he arrived," Liquiir added, revealing that there was more that he and his counterpart god were doing, to make sure the balance of their universe was preserved, and he seemed quite pleased with himself, while his Angel nodded his head, just to ensure Sunset knew that he was telling the truth.

"It's good to see that you guys are keeping the balance in your universe and are eliminating threats before they have a chance to fulfill their plans," Sunset replied, her tone revealing that she was pleased with Liquiir and Iru, something that the fox god was happy to hear and seemed to relax a little the moment she said that, before she turned to the side a little as she focused on what she was going to do next, "Well, since you and Iru appear to have everything under control, I'll take my leave and leave you two to what you have planned, even though I'm hoping that the other gods have been doing the same thing that you guys have done."

Liquiir nodded for a moment, as he had no doubt that some of the gods would have adapted to the new set of rules and orders that Sunset had given them, before watching as Sunset vanished from where she was standing, indicating that she was heading to the next universe so she could see what the next God of Destruction had to tell her. Sunset, on the other hand, headed towards Universe 9 and see what Bergamo was up to, as his energy was coming from another part of the universe and not the planet that he called home, which interested her, since some of the other gods had been doing something other than staying at their planet. She carefully made her way over to Universe 9 and found the area that her target's energy was coming from, though when she reappeared she discovered that she was near a city that seemed to be doing quite well, though at the same time she spotted the God of Destruction for this universe battling someone. As it turned out Bergamo was in the process of fighting a silver furred wolf, who looked similar to him and his brothers in terms of their body style, though she raised an eyebrow as she watched the pair duel in the middle of the air, where Bergamo pushed his foe backwards and then kicked him towards the ground. It quickly became clear to her that the battle had been nearing it's end the moment she arrived in this universe, as the silver wolf huffed for a few seconds, though instead of destroying him, like Mule had done to the other robot earlier, Bergamo smiled and helped the other wolf off the ground, who smiled as well as the pair walked over to where the city was located.

Sunset tilted her head for a moment, as she was curious as to what was going on at the moment, though instead of bothering Bergamo, since it appeared that he was in the middle of something, she decided to visit someone else, or rather Mojito spotted her standing off in the distance and approached her, before she gestured for him to stop bowing.

"Lady Sunset, this is quite the honor," Mojito said, though at the same time he knew that Sunset could have arrived at any moment without telling any of the gods what she intended to do, as she was the Queen of All and none of them had the right to tell her what to do, since she could erase them instantly if she was annoyed, before a thought came to him as he focused on her, "I take it you're here to check up on what Bergamo has been up to since becoming the God of Destruction for this universe?"

"Indeed, though it appears that he's busy at the moment." Sunset replied, because unlike her predecessors, who just arrived and demanded the attention of everyone around them, regardless of what they were doing before their arrival, she preferred to not bother them if they were in the middle of something personal, "So, what has Bergamo been up to since the check up meeting?"

"He and Ro have been discussing a number of drastic changes that need to be made to the universe," Mojito stated, as he knew what his new God of Destruction had planned for the universe and knew that, if they were able to get away with what they had planned, the mortal level of this universe would rise and everyone would benefit from such a thing, which was what Sunset wanted them to do when she first issued the order for the gods to work together, "Bergamo has also taken it upon himself to track down a number of threats that have tried to mess with the various worlds of our universe, warlords and people who who seek the destruction of a number of planets, so he's been making sure the various worlds he has to watch over are safe. He's also had to blow away a number of dying or dead planets over the last couple of years, allowing Ro to spread the seeds of creation, so they have been busy trying to maintain the balance while trying to increase our mortal level, and so far, based on what I've seen, they've been making good progress."

"That's good to hear." Sunset said, as she was happy to see that Bergamo was doing his duties as God of Destruction, while at the same time making time for someone that was clearly a friend or mentor of some kind, to which she turned around and headed in the opposite direction, since she knew that there was no reason for her to bother Bergamo while he was enjoying himself, "Oh, when you and Bergamo get together ago, do tell him that I'm pleased with his progress and that I'm eager to see what sort of changes he and Ro make in the future."

As Mojito nodded his head in understanding, as he understood what Sunset was talking about, Sunset focused her mind and disappeared from where she was standing, where she targeted Universe 10 next, as she was interested in what Rumshi had been up to since the check up meeting. She found that the god's energy was coming from his universe, like some of the other gods she had met so far, though what interested her was the fact that his energy seemed more tranquil than the energies of the other gods, which made sense when she thought about it. From what she knew Rumshi, when he started meditating, would delve into a deep meditation that only Cus could wake him up from, which she only did when it was absolutely necessary, though his meditation being stopped early did annoy him to some degree, hence the reason that Cus evaluated the situation that was happening before determining whether or not she needed to bother her God of Destruction. It didn't take her long to appear in Universe 10, though when she appeared at her destination she discovered that the temple that Rumshi lived in was plainer than the other ones she had seen so far, though she did find a few golden statues that lined the path towards the temple, each of an elephant god that had at least four arms, though she stared at them for a few seconds before moving towards her real destination.

Sunset came to a stop a moment later as she reached the part of the temple that Rumshi did his deep meditation in, where Cus was standing nearby and seemed bored out of her mind, which made sense considering that this had to be one of the most boring parts of her job, though when she noticed that Sunset was there she stood up and walked away from the building that Rumshi was in.

"Lady Sunset, this is quite the surprise." Cus said, though she bowed her head for a moment and waited for Sunset to make the motion that she knew was coming, and when the motion was made she raised her head and focused on the being that ruled the multiverse, "What brings you to Universe 10?"

"I'm just visiting the universes and seeing what the Gods of Destruction have been up to recently." Sunset replied, where she glanced at the lone building that Rumshi was sitting in, though based on what she knew the god in question was in his deep meditation and wouldn't be coming out in the near future, "So, besides meditating, has Rumshi done anything over the last couple of years?"

"Unfortunately, he hasn't done much." Cus admitted, where she sighed for a moment, as she knew that admitting that her God of Destruction hadn't been up to much meant that there was a chance that he might be deemed ineffective and might be replaced in the future, but Sunset was the Queen of All and she was more understanding than Zeno had been when he ruled the multiverse, "Other than spending a good amount of time meditating, he occasionally visits Gowasu to go over changes that need to be made to the universe and what planets he needs to take out, but he hasn't blown away any planets yet and no threats have made their existence known."

"I see." Sunset said, though she knew that her predecessors would have been disappointed by that information, but she understood that some of the universes wouldn't have threats attacking the planets and that some of them wouldn't have planets that needed to be taken out, "Oh well, that's perfectly fine. Rumshi's still doing his duties as the God of Destruction for this universe, and he's working with Gowasu to determine what needs to be done for the betterment of their universe, so it's fine that he hasn't had to take out any threats or had to destroy any planets yet."

"That will take away some of the stress that they have been feeling lately," Cus said, as she knew that both Rumshi and Gowasu had been worried about either the Grand Priest or Lady Sunset finding out about the fact that they weren't doing much to improve their universe and that they might go the way of Quitela and Champa, or Belmod by retiring before the time they wanted to retire.

Sunset knew why the gods would have felt stressed out, since they were worried about her deciding that they needed to be replaced, but she wasn't about to do that, since they could clearly had everything under control and she wasn't about to punish them for not being able to find threats or not destroying planets. Since it appeared that Cus had nothing else to tell her, and it didn't appear that anything else was going to happen, Sunset bid Cus farewell and disappeared from where she had been standing, where she made her way to Universe 11, since it was time for her to visit Toppo and see how he was doing with his new position. What was interesting was that Toppo's energy was coming from one of the planets in Universe 11, one that she knew would be destroyed at some point in time, and it was accompanied by the fact that Jiren and Belmod's energies were coming from the same location. The reason that was interesting was because it felt like someone was in the middle of a battle, namely Jiren, which made her wonder if he had found the villain that had brought about the end of his mentor all those years ago, something that had set him down the path he had started down and became the strong being that Belmod had too much pride in. She had to admit that there were a few moments where she had to wonder if Belmod was behind the death of Jiren's mentor, to mold Jiren into the strong warrior that he had become in the end, but she pushed that thought to the back of her mind as she appeared at her destination.

What she discovered was that Toppo was standing at the edge of a cliff, with Marcarita standing nearby, though when she walked over to where they were standing she glanced down at the massive crater that was in front of them and found that Jiren was in the middle of the crater, and he was in the process of beating the stuffing out of Belmod.

"Do I want to know what's going on?" Sunset asked, because she knew that there was a reason behind why Jiren was lashing out at Belmod, the god that had tried to help him get the Super Dragon Balls so he could get his wish, but right now she was curious as to why this was happening, especially since Toppo wasn't stopping him, since his power was breaking the planet around them, meaning it would be destroyed at some point in the near future.

"Jiren found out who killed his mentor." Toppo stated, though at the same time he crossed his arms as he stared down at the ruined planet, as he had been surprised when his friend had finally discovered the information that he had been searching for, "I was surprised when he told me what he had discovered, even though it makes sense since Belmod discovered the massive potential Jiren possessed and wanted him to bring out all the power that was inside his body, so I let him face Belmod here, on a planet I would have destroyed in the near future, so he can have his revenge at long last and finally put the past where it belongs."

Sunset was a little surprised to learn that Belmod was behind the events that had shaped Jiren's life, molding him into the warrior he had become, and determined that Toppo would have only let this happen if that was true, so since Jiren was in the middle of beating Belmod up, and would kill him at some point, she guessed it was the truth. Since it appeared that the group of gods were busy at the moment, watching Jiren beat up Belmod, she decided not to bother Toppo with her questions, as she knew that, if he was allowing this fight to happen here, that he was still doing his duties and that he'd wipe out this planet if it survived Jiren's anger. As such she focused her mind and disappeared from where she was standing, leaving Toppo and Marcarita to watch this event happen, and headed to the next universe, as she was interested in seeing what Geene had been doing since the check up meeting. A few seconds later she reappeared at her destination, where she found that the temple that Geene lived in was almost like the type of temple that the Greeks would have made, with the statues being of underwater type deities and mermaids, which was quite interesting to her as she walked towards the area that the god was located in. Of course she found Geene meditating in the middle of his temple, something that many of the gods seemed to enjoy doing with their spare time, save for a few like Heles and Mule, and when she came to a stop Geene opened his eyes and stood up, even though he ended up bowing to her a few seconds later.

Sunset knew that Geene was the last of the four Gods of Destruction that had done enough to exempt his universe from the tournament, and he had followed Liquiir's lead in offering assistance to the other gods, so she was interested in what he had been doing lately, where she made the motion with her hand and waited for the god to stand.

"Lady Sunset, I'm honored that you would take some time out of your busy schedule to come visit me." Geene said, as he knew that being the Queen of All wasn't an easy task, not after seeing what happened with the two versions of Zeno that had been running things, but he was pleased to see that she was doing great things for the multiverse, "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"I'm visiting the various universes and getting progress reports from the Gods of Destruction." Sunset replied, as she felt it was best to just tell Geene what she was up to, because at this point in time she had the feeling that some of the Angels had revealed what she was doing to the others, meaning her next couple of visits could be over quite quickly if the gods were waiting for her arrival.

"I'm afraid there's not much for me to report." Geene admitted, though he knew that Sunset was more understanding than her predecessors had been and wouldn't be annoyed by what he had to say, especially since the balance of his universe was the same as it had been before the tournament had happened, "The only interesting thing that has occurred recently is that I had to wipe out an entire planet, because the beings that called that world home were beginning to kill their planet and were starting to make plans so they could start an invasion of the rest of the universe, so I ended their plans by blowing away their planet. I only acted that way because everyone on the planet was acting that way, so I felt that it was best to stop it's growth before it became a real problem for me and Ag in the future, but other than that Ag has a few new areas where new planets can be added, so that's what he's been up to lately."

"Huh, now that's interesting." Sunset remarked, as she found it odd that an entire planet would be corrupted like that, but she was happy to see that Geene had found a way to contain the corruption, even if it meant blowing a planet away, before she pushed that to the back of her mind, "Well then, since it appears that you have everything under control, and will prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future, all I can do is wish you well in running your universe and leave you to your duties."

Geene bowed his head for a moment, as he was pleased to find that Sunset was happy with his progress, before raising his head as Sunset's energy flickered for a moment, which was the moment that she disappeared from where she had been standing and headed off to Universe 13, leaving Geene to smile as he returned to his meditation. Sunset knew that this time around she was heading into one of the six universes that had been erased millions of years ago, by her predecessor because of some unknown reason, even though it was believed that Zeno had been angered by something and chose to wipe out six universes, cutting the number from eighteen to twelve. Her wish on the Super Dragon Balls, at the end of the Tournament of Power, was for all the erased universes to come back and that had included the six that Zeno had erased millions of years ago, and she had called those six gods to a meeting so she could greet them and tell them what had happened to Zeno, since they were all surprised by her appearing on his throne. Vivien, the God of Destruction for Universe 13, had been a member of the species that Tirek belonged to, including an evil sorcerer by the name of Moro, and Sunset knew that she had spent a great deal of time trying to find the last remaining survivors of her species, either saving them or killing them depending on whose side they were on. It was a sad tale, especially since she had later found out that Vivien's son had been killed in the war that ended with the destruction of her home planet and the majority of her species, and last she checked there were only twelve survivors that were unaccounted for, since Vivien had killed four of Moro's followers before her universe was erased, including herself at the same time.

Sunset shook her head and pushed the thought away as she landed at her destination, which turned out to be the temple that Vivien called home, where she found that the temple had been replaced by a small village of some sort, and the tallest building seemed to be the area the god was living in... though not even a few moments later Vivien walked out and smiled as she spotted Sunset standing near the entrance of the village, which calmed the few brown robed figures that were lingering in the shadows.

"It seems you've been busy," Sunset commented, though she waited to speak after she and Vivien went through the whole bowing and motion sequence that all the Gods of Destruction were familiar with, and her attention was on the beings that were keeping themselves hidden, even though she knew none of them were filled with the intent to do harm, not like Tirek and Moro were.

"Yes, I've managed to find a few of my followers that survived the destruction of our home world," Vivien replied, though her tone revealed that she was happy about this, because while they weren't her son, who she had made a statue to remember him by, they were the remnants of her species, the ones that had followed her, and she intended on making sure they thrived once more, "The other Gods of Destruction have been very helpful in helping me locate them, and ensuring that they weren't any of Moro's followers, though there are still some universes we haven't found a survivor in, so it'll be some time before my search is complete. I have a planet in mind for them to live on one day, so we can finally start down the path of returning to what we were before the destruction of our home world, and have occupied my time by erasing any threats that I find and taking out a few planets so my Kaioshin can spread the seeds of life once more."

"I'm happy that things have been working out for you so far." Sunset said, because she knew it had to be difficult for Vivien to search all of the universes to find the rest of the survivors, especially since it appeared that some of them had taken to hiding to keep themselves from being targeted by the other Gods of Destruction, but she had the feeling that things were going to work out in the end, "Well then, I guess it's time for me to move to the next universe already. I just came by to see how you were doing and if you were sticking to your duties as the Destroyer God for this universe, and without me even asking the question you already gave me the answer."

Vivien had the feeling that Sunset had come by for an update, hence the reason she had said what she had, and not even a few seconds later she noticed that her superior was gone, as quickly as she had arrived, causing her to smile as she turned back towards the survivors that she had found, so they could return to planning out the new city they would make when it was time for them to move to their new home. Sunset was happy to see that after everything Vivien and her species had suffered, by the hands of Moro, that they were able to pick up the pieces and attempt to try again, only this time around Vivien was in the position to make sure that someone like Moro was put down before they could ruin the new life that they were trying to build. It made her interested in what Hyganoth, the God of Destruction for Universe 14, was up to and if he had done anything interesting since the last time she had seen him, though she had to believe that the answer was 'yes' since his energy wasn't coming from his temple, rather it was coming from somewhere else in his universe, which didn't annoy Sunset since she just changed her destination and headed towards it. Even with the change in her destination it didn't take her long to reach Universe 14, though when she finally appeared at her destination she found herself standing near Teqi, the Angel of this universe, in what appeared to be a booth that overlooked an area where people fought each other with their fists.

As it turned out Hyganoth was in the middle of a match, where he was using his strength to face his foe and was using his metallic skin to defend himself, though since this was similar to what happened in Universe 2, with Heles, Sunset just summoned a pad and wrote down what she wanted to ask, before passing it to Teqi. The Angel looked at it for a few seconds after noticing that she was there, and she made the motion that everyone was familiar with, before staring at the questions for a few moments, but it wasn't long before the writing utensil was in motion and several answers were written before her eyes. Once Teqi was done, by setting the writing utensil on the pad, Sunset pulled it over to her and found that Hyganoth had been busy lately, as the notes revealed that he had destroyed several planets that were getting ready to threaten the rest of the universe, as well as killing a few threats on other planets, which meant that he had more than fulfilled his duties as the God of Destruction for this universe, and, as it turned out, Ento, the Kaioshin for this universe, was in the process of reseeding the areas that Hyganoth had visited, showing that they were working to maintain balance for their universe. Sunset was happy to see that the erased gods were working hard to show her that they deserved to keep their positions and that they were maintaining the balance in their respective universes to the best of their ability, to which she passed a little note to Teqi, so Hyganoth would know that she was pleased with them, before she vanished and headed to Universe 15.

What she discovered was that the temple that Korrix called home was surrounded by rocks and sand, along with some stone bridges that served as a walkway to the front of the temple, and she was interested by the serpent head that rested on the front of her destination, as it almost looked like Korrix's head, though as she stepped inside the temple she found the god in question sitting in front of an impressive statue of a female member of his race, no doubt a deity that he once worshiped, and he only stirred when he heard her coming his way.

"Lady Sunset, I am honored that you would come and visit me." Korrix said, though he waited until they had gotten through the usual movements that were made when Sunset visited one of the Gods of Destruction, allowing him to stand straight again as he faced the Queen of All, "What can I do for you?"

"I was just making my rounds, visiting the other Gods of Destruction and hearing what they've done over the years since the check up meeting," Sunset replied, though at the same time, while that was the truth as to why she was going all over the multiverse, she was also interested in the erased gods and what they had been doing before Zeno had erased them and their universes.

"Ah, I understand." Korrix stated, as he now understood that this was a progress report sort of visit, though at the same time he noticed that Sunset glanced at the statue that he had been sitting in front of earlier, meaning they might discuss it before she departed from his temple, "Well, I've spent some time talking with my counterpart god, figuring out where new planets might be formed in the future and which planets I might need to take out in the process, and, while I haven't actually taken out any planets so far, there have been a few threats that I've taken care of so far. Nothing too major, just random threats that were planning on wiping out a single planet, but that's what I have been doing since the check up meeting... not to mention taking a few moments to meditate in front of this statue from time to time."

"It is a very nice statue," Sunset said, as she knew that some of the gods had created statues of important aspects of their past, if what she had seen so far was any indication of that fact, and judging from how well maintained the statue was she had to assume that this was very important to Korrix's past.

"We call her Heraliss, and my people worship her as a god that watches over us and protects us," Korrix said, as he knew that Sunset would be interested in learning about the being that his species revered as a god, even if she wasn't on the level of a God of Destruction or a Kaioshin, before he stepped away from where Sunset was standing and approached a bookshelf, where he removed a tome and returned to where he had been standing, a tome that he held out for her to take, "Here, this book mentions all the tales that we have of her, the prophecy of her rebirth, and a number of interesting legends that detail the countless battles that she had been in. Since it appears that you're interested in her, or at the very least her statue, I want you to take this book and add it to your collection, so you can read about her and her various deeds whenever you want to."

Sunset was surprised that Korrix was willing to give her one of the copies of the book that he had, as she figured that he had multiple copies of the tome, but she nodded her head and accepted the tome, though once it was in her hand, and she let him know that he was doing a good job as the God of Destruction for this universe, she departed from Universe 15 and briefly returned to the palace so she could add the tome to her library. Once that was done, and before the Grand Priest arrived, she disappeared again, though this time her destination was Universe 16, where she felt the energies of both Riekafar and Andrellys, the Destroyer Gods of Universe 16 and 17 respectively, lingering around the planet that was the God of Destruction's planet. It only took her a moment or two to reach her destination, the planet that Reikafar called home, and when she arrived she found that there were a number of ring shaped devices, which happened to look like gateways of some kind, resting all over the place, while at the same time there were a few elegant buildings that were scattered around the area, making it look like someone was collecting things and storing them here. She did find both of the gods in question standing at a table, apparently going over a few magical or powerful artifacts from their universes, and both of their Angels were outside, but the looks on their faces indicated that the Gods of Destruction needed to be left alone for what they were doing.

Normally that would annoy Sunset, but from what she could tell both Reikafar and Andrellys were deep in whatever they were talking about and knew what it was like to be so involved in a project, so she decided to cut them so slack and not get angry at them. Of course that meant that she had to use the pad on them, to see if they knew what their Gods of Destruction had been up to, and she was pleasantly surprised to learn that both of the gods that were discussing the artifacts in front of them had been busy in their own universes. From what the Angels revealed both of them had wiped out a few threats, individual and planet sized, both had spent some time with their Kaioshin, to plan out where the new planets were going and if more destruction was required, and everything else that a God of Destruction did when they were fulfilling their duties. Talking about artifacts was one of the things that both Reikafar and Andrellys liked to do in their spare time, along with discussing various aspects of their races with someone that didn't know what they were talking about, and these talks could go on for hours, even though the longest talk was for an entire day. Sunset, after hearing that piece of information, decided that it would be in her best interest to not wait around and just stand there, waiting for them to stop talking to learn the same thing the Angels had told her, so she nodded her head and disappeared as quickly as she had appeared, as she had one more stop to make before she headed back to her home universe, and that was to stop by Universe 18 and see what Tetra was up to.

A few seconds later Sunset reappeared outside what appeared to be a stone temple, one that had several symbols that had to mean something to Tetra, before she walked forward and headed inside, as she knew that this wasn't the planet that Tetra lived on, rather it had to be the one her past was connected to. Not a few moments later she found the god standing in the first chamber of the temple, where she seemed to be finishing a conversation with a young warrior that was around her age, carried a sword, and wore a green tunic and a gree cap that went with his blue pants, before the warrior headed down a set of stairs and disappeared from her sight.

"Lady Sunset, it's nice to see you again." Tetra said, where she turned around and knelt before Sunset for a few seconds, which was quickly dealt with when Sunset made the motions for her to stand again, only she stretched a little as she did so, before letting her arms rest at her sides, "I take it you're here to see what I've been up to and if I'm fulfilling my duties as the God of Destruction for my universe?"

"I should have known that one of the Angels would have said something at some point in time," Sunset remarked, though she wasn't annoyed by the fact, as she had been expecting one of the Angels to ruin the surprise for the others, before she focused on Tetra once more, "or maybe you're just really good at guessing what's going on. Either way, the answer is yes, that is why I came here and why I visited the other universes."

"Well, I blew away a dying planet the other day and let Anga do her thing," Tetra replied, as she knew that she would need to destroy a planet every now and then, just to keep things balanced, and that was what she had done, which then allowed her counterpart god to spread the seeds for several new planets to form in the future, "oh, and there was this mad doctor that had to be taken out, before he could ruin the planet he was living on. Other than those two events, and what I'm doing at the moment, nothing else has really happened to my universe, even though I do train with Mezca from time to time, to keep myself prepared for any real threats that come our way."

"It's good to see that everyone has been productive recently." Sunset said, because she knew that both Beerus and Rainbow had to be the same way, despite the fact that she hadn't seen either of them yet, but there was no reason for Tetra to know that fact, before she turned to the side for a moment, "Very well then, it appears that everything is in order, so you can return to whatever you're doing and I'll go see how Universe 19 is doing... and then I'll head back to the palace and resume my duties as well."

Tetra nodded her head as Sunset disappeared, just as quickly as she had appeared in the beginning, before leaning against a wall as she stared at the stairs the warrior had taken to get to the level below them, as she wanted to see the look on his face when he returned. Sunset, on the other hand, quickly made her way back to her home universe, where she locked onto the area that Beerus and Rainbow's energies were coming from, and when she appeared at the area they were in she found that the pair was having a party at the moment, and they weren't the only ones there. All of Rainbow and Applejack's friends and family, from both Universe 7 and Universe 19, were gathered at the beach and were having fun, just playing games and swimming in the water, and she knew the reason they hadn't bothered her with an invitation was because they didn't want her to show favoritism towards both of their universes. However, that fact didn't stop the group from pausing and calling for her to join them at the very least, where she smiled for a moment as she walked down to where Beerus and Rainbow were standing, as they figured she had come for them and had readied themselves for whatever she wanted of them.

"Seems like you two are having fun." Sunset commented, though her tone told them that she was fine with this event, as she knew that they would have taken care of any threats to their universes before coming here, which brought her to the question she wanted to ask, "So, have you dealt with any threats recently?"

"Kind of hard to find any real planet threatening villains when Ratchet's group takes care of them all," Rainbow replied, though she was perfectly fine with that, as the situation they were in meant that if they found something that they couldn't deal with, which was rare on it's own, Starlight would contact her and she'd take care of it in no time, "but I did destroy a world that was dying recently, and Applejack spread the seeds to make up for my destruction, though that's about all that's happened so far."

"I haven't had to blow anything or anyone away recently," Beerus added, though at the same time he shifted his gaze, where Sunset noticed that he was focused on Neferi for a moment, who was playing around with some of the displaced in the water, and that he had a smile on his face, one that indicated that he was proud of something, "but Neferi, on the other hand, took out a threat that Frieza had found a few days ago, in the same manner that a God of Destruction would, and I'm proud of her for what she did. I'm not planning on retiring just yet, but seeing how skilled she is in acting like a God of Destruction, and not letting her power get out of hand, I think we've found the person who will one day replace me, and I'll gladly step down when that day arrives."

Sunset knew that Neferi was strong, and that Beerus was incredibly proud of her, but at the same time she knew that she was a good choice for being the next God of Destruction for Universe 7, allowing Beerus to retire after a long period of time and become his daughter's adviser for a few years, until she fully adapted to being a Destroyer God. She smiled and nodded her head, allowing the group to return to what they had been doing before she arrived, where she stood near Twilight and the rest of her friends, knowing that they had deserved this period of peace and quiet, before staring out at the sunset that was off in the distance, where she knew that the multiverse had a bright future and she was looking forward to seeing what the future held for them.

Comments ( 15 )

Finally the end of all the adventures - what a long and fun road it has been. Thank you for all the actions so far.

Although I would like to know more about what happen to Equus after the tournament. Does everyone on the planet goes through the ascension process? Is there any changes to the culture and ways of life of all beings on the planet? Is there any interchange between galaxies/universes so far?

Wait...was Tetra a LoZ reference? Looks back at her introduction Oh my god she fucking was. That was fucking LINK leaving her temple! Well played.

:raritycry: so sad to see this finally end. This has been an incredible journey from start to finish. From Sunsets Displacement into skyrim right up until the very end of this series. There have been some wonderful stories and some incredible journeys and i have absolutely enjoyed every last word of it. Now though with that said onto my comment for the chapter itself.

Loved seeing Sunset interact with all of the different GoD's of destruction. each one felt unique and were just wonderful. though i do have a few comments for specific universes.

wow Belmod sure screwed up eh :rainbowlaugh:

Viven's check in was strong with the liquid happiness, you are getting damn good at doing that to me with your character interactions. :raritycry:

Sunset must construct additional pylons to proceed...:facehoof: Im sorry couldn;t help myself.

All in all a great final chapter to your Finale. Hoping this isn't the end for you like so many others I have followed in the past, but only time will tell

Not a bad ending at all. Although I will say I wonder what Tetra thinks of those three continually being reborn?

Damn... it's finally over. Kudos, man, you've more than earned the massive following this series has given you, and I can't wait to see what you do in the future. From one author to another, keep your mind sharp and your writing tool sharper, and good reading.

Sunset in Skyrim
To Sunset, the Queen of All
And all in between

Of all the displaced
These ponies are so OP!
Wouldn't change a thing

Of the worlds we saw
So much better than without
The Equestrians

Of the journey done
Tears, laughter, and amazement
Totally worth it

Of the future near
It all lies in the hands of
Author Blackdrag-rose

My final farewell
To the Epic now finished
Universe 13

At last we reached the end of this 4,432,755 word series. What a long, fascinating ride this has been.

Deeeaaaaammmmnnnn boi u do fast work lol either that or this particular story was hitting ur idea button for a while lol

Then no shame on you. But shame on the other commenters, their cows and their families. XD

9825787 One would have to be incredibly stupid to attack the Queen of All. Fear of being erased from existence makes him do stupid things.

Wow don't try to visit King Sombra like he doesn't have any feelings like that he is the god of death after all.

More Please?!?!?!

Normally that would annoy Sunset, but from what she could tell both Reikafar and Andrellys were deep in whatever they were talking about and knew what it was like to be so involved in a project, so she decided to cut them so slack and not get angry at them. Of course that meant that she had to use the pad on them, to see if they knew what their Gods of Destruction had been up to, and she was pleasantly surprised to learn that both of the gods that were discussing the artifacts in front of them had been busy in their own universes. From what the Angels revealed both of them had wiped out a few threats, individual and planet sized, both had spent some time with their Kaioshin, to plan out where the new planets were going and if more destruction was required, and everything else that a God of Destruction did when they were fulfilling their duties. Talking about artifacts was one of the things that both Reikafar and Andrellys liked to do in their spare time, along with discussing various aspects of their races with someone that didn't know what they were talking about, and these talks could go on for hours, even though the longest talk was for an entire day. Sunset, after hearing that piece of information, decided that it would be in her best interest to not wait around and just stand there, waiting for them to stop talking to learn the same thing the Angels had told her, so she nodded her head and disappeared as quickly as she had appeared, as she had one more stop to make before she headed back to her home universe, and that was to stop by Universe 18 and see what Tetra was up to.

some - seem to fit better

Neferi destroying hearts with cuteness and threats with her fists.

And so end a masterpiece of a series. I might read the other parts i have no interesst reading at the moment.

Not many have the endurance for a project like yourself presenting here. I think you are one of the best beside other Authors i love to follow and read their stuff ♡

Good R.I.P dragon ball

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