• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,655 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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I can't sleep, Tia!

I can't sleep, Tia!

Within the chambers of the lunar princess, if one from outside it had a keen ear, they could faintly hear the rustling of somepony turning over and murmuring curses; though such a pony might associate these sounds with somepony waking up, it was, in fact, Princess Luna herself attempting (And failing) to go to sleep. This was made more apparent when a sudden shout from outside slightly startled the two guards out in front of her chambers, and they both shared a short glance before the senior guard spoke.

"Knock on her door, rookie, and ask her if she's doing alright." The command was met with a hesitant smile from the younger guard, and she gave a chuckle before fluttering her eyelashes at him, attempting to look as cute as one could while wearing a set of armor.

"Oh, no, not me, surely a much stronger and smarter stallion like yourself should knock on Princess Luna's door! After all, it's the senior guards that deserve the honor, not us younger ones!" Unfortunately, the rookie's flirting did not penetrate through to the senior guard's steely demeanor.

"Yeah, nice try, rookie, you're still going to knock on Princess Luna's door." The rookie grumbled something underneath her breath before looking at the doors that she was assigned to protect; they suddenly seemed much more eerie and forbidden to open. Attempting to look brave to her partner, who had a faint smirk on his face, she raised up a hoof to knock on the door...

...Only to suddenly be greeted with a wide-eyed Princess Luna that was frothing at the mouth! With a squeak, the guard fell backwards, and shivered as the lunar princess strode pass them, yelling out in the royal canterlot voice, nearly causing permanent damage to the two unlucky guards that were assigned to guard Luna's doors that shift.


Elsewhere, in the castle, Princess Celestia was viewing the ridiculous new bill that was attempting to be passed with one of her advisers when she heard the pet name that Luna had for her, and quite loudly, as well. She looked at her adviser with a slight smile at the corners of her mouth, and stood up slowly, speaking softly as she did so.

"I believe my sister requires my assistance, so I shall be on my way." Her adviser nodded, and began to gently handle the bill, ready to be presented at the next meeting. Inwardly, Celestia groaned; she hoped her adviser misplaced the bill, it would be a service to Equestria that she could knight him for, and would have done so gladly. One less stupid bill for her to 'consider'. She strode down the halls at a brisk trot, towards the sound of her sister's voice. The one thing she had never thought her sister would do was screaming her pet name in the royal canterlot voice, so she wondered why she would start now.

"Lulu? Are you ok-"

Any intention of finishing her sentence was interrupted when something collided with her, causing them to fall down in an undignified manner to the floor in a tangled knot of limbs and sputtered, nonsensical words of surprise. Wincing from the impact, a dazed Celestia tried to retrieve her bearings, only to see that her vision was clouded by a dark, ethereal mane; although there was only one other that had such a mane, she supposed it wouldn't hurt to make sure.

"Luna?" She was immediately barraged by the lunar princess.

"TIA, WE...I CANNOT GET SOME SLEEP, IT IS DRIVING US...ME CRAZY!" Being in such close proximity to her sister while she was yelling reminded Celestia that Luna really needed to learn voice control.

"Lulu, inside voice, please! Take a deep breath, and slowly, quietly, tell me what's wrong. Get your mane out of my face as well so I can try to get up without accidently kicking at you." Her sister sighed quietly, and pulled her mane away from Celestia, who swore to Faust that something was wrong with her vision; there was a faint sparkle in between her eyes, but she simply brushed it off as being dazed from Luna's self-propelled impact with her. The two of them took that moment to then untangle themselves from each other; it was a good thing that this corridor of the castle didn't have any nearby guards, for it would make for a rather amusing, if embarrassing moment for the two sisters to have been seen like this. Luna then spoke up in a much more controlled voice level, but it was not to explain her problem.

"Sister, why do you have a comet between your eyes?" Celestia sighed, and after shooting a glare at her sister, drew upon her massive reserves of magic to levitate the miniature comet out from between her eyes.

"I think it stuck to me after your mane got in my face when you collided with me like a truck." Ignoring her sister's complaint, Luna took hold of the comet with her own magical power, and placed it back inside her mane, in an area where it wouldn't be so easily stuck to another alicorn should she impact with them. After doing so, she explained her actual problem.

"I cannot sleep, sister, I have tried everything; hot chocolate, sleeping on the floor, on the ceiling, tiring myself out with quick two minute workouts, singing, none of that works! I even tried snuggling a life sized plushie that I stole from your bedroom of your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, and even that didn't help! Furthermore..." She would have said more, if it wasn't for Celestia suddenly raising up a hoof to halt her sister from speaking more, not believing what her sister had just said.

"Wait...I think I have just boarded the crazy train and I'm beginning to hear crazy things coming from your mouth, Lulu. Did you just say that you stole, and then snuggled with a life sized plushie of my student, and that didn't work?"

"Yes, it didn't work, and that was our last resort!"

"How could that have not worked?! That's the foolproof way of going to sleep for me!" She was going to pointedly ignore the fact that her sister was in her room, if only for this moment.

"Nevertheless, sister, it has failed us...Me! I have no other options to help me obtain my sleep, so we...I came by to see if you had any suggestions, Tia!"

Celestia placed her hoof back down onto the floor, frowning as she tried to think of a solution for her sister; if even the foolproof way had failed her. There must have been something that Luna overlooked. Both alicorn sisters simply stood in that corridor, both with different things running through their minds; Celestia, with the attempts at finding a solution for her sister, and Luna, scolding one particular comet that decided to latch onto her sister, then turned to the problem at hoof. The silence between the two was broken when Luna spoke up, with a bright, happy expression on her face.

"I got it, Tia! How about I sleep with you?" The reaction she got from the solar princess was amusing, as her blushing caused her normally white cheeks to quickly heat to a rosey red, and the stammering from her mouth was making it impossible for Luna to pick out any specific words from her. It was only until after the amusement factor had worn off that she was able to realize what she said in modern terms, and she blushed as well, although not as badly as her sister.

"Oh, no no no no NO! I don't mean 'sleep' like that, sister! Ew! I mean snuggling together, in bed! That's the only thing I haven't tried yet!" Thankfully, her explanation caused Celestia to calm down quickly, though her cheeks still retained their rosey color.

"O-Oh, Lulu. Just...Cuddling? My, we haven't done so in...Well, millennia ago, when we were foals!"

"Yes, sister, I know, that's why I think it'll help me now! I understand, though, if you're busy and can't do so with me..."

"Well, I do require a bit of warming up to the idea..."

"I can tell you've been warmed up enough by the idea, Tia, by your cheeks." The solar princess shot a glare at her lunar counterpart, who just barely stifled a giggle.

"Very funny, Lulu. Jokes aside, I think I'll join you; the solar court is slow in terms of problems for me to address, and there are no pressing matters to attend to today; I'm feeling in the mood for a nap, anyway, so why not? I'm sure the well being of my sister comes first before the ridiculous bills being sent to me."

Luna could hardly believe her luck; a possible solution to her problem, and the thought of her sister snuggling up with her, just like when they were foals? Perfect. She smiled at her sister, who returned it, and began to walk back towards her quarters, followed by her sister.

"...Forgive me, I did not know that my actions have caused that to happen!"

"You yelled out my nickname in the royal canterlot voice, and you didn't expect some damage to the two guards that were guarding your door? Who were right next to you?"

"To be fair, sister, we were...I was desperate and almost completely insane by the time I realized that sleeping with a life sized plushie of your student wouldn't help me go to sleep; I'm sure you would have done the same."

"...I wouldn't have sent two guards to the infirmary, though."

Luna had no answer to that, so she shrugged at her sister before pulling some covers over; the replacements of the guards at the door had dutifully, but fearfully told both princesses what had happened to the two guards that were unlucky enough to have been assigned to guard the lunar princess' doors. She felt sorry for the guards, and would remember to double their pay for bravely withstanding her voice. A warm set of hooves wrapped around Luna in a tight cuddle, and Luna shifted herself slightly to return the hug, staring directly into her sister's eyes.

"Goodnight...Or is it goodday, for you? Either way, I hope this works, Luna."

"As do I, sister, as do I."

Unfortunately, it didn't happen immediately, and there was only so much patience that Luna had. Celestia, sensing her sister's distress, began to hum the tune of a wordless lullaby to her sister. It didn't have its intended effect immediately, but slowly, the lunar princess' eyes began to droop, as did her sister's, and soon enough, both fell into the spell that claimed all, and spared none; sleep.

Author's Note:

I can sleep perfectly fine with a life sized Twilight plushie

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