• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,656 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Okay, now that's just rude, Lulu!

That's rude, Lulu!

One thing that has never been thoroughly taken note of were the alicorns. Most ponies took them for granted, and looked up to them as their guardians, and in some cases, as goddesses. Some...Even had 'unhealthy' obsessions with the alicorns, of which the most recent member, Chrysalis, finally joined. Historians have long sought to truly understand them, but very little information was present; after all, they behaved like normal ponies for the most part, so there wasn't anything specific to the alicorns that anypony could distinctly say was 'alicorn-only'.

Today, that changed, however, as historians finally recorded something that would become the basis of many books; alicorns had a very bad temper when annoyed long enough. This was found out by Prince Blueblood, who had done some graffiti work on a castle wall. In hindsight, it probably wasn't wise to add 'By Bluebloodz sickk l33t magick 5killz' underneath his work, but he didn't want some rascal claiming his work for their own! Though, he was clearly regretting his decision now, as a very angry Luna was glaring at him. The only reason he wasn't in the dungeons right now was the fact that Luna deemed the dungeons as 'too good' for him, and was thinking of some other punishment for him. That, and she wanted to know the reasoning on why he mocked her so.

This is unacceptable! I will not allow Blueblood to sully my name like so! This mockery of me will not go unpunished! "What do you have to say for yourself, Blueblood?! I cannot believe you would go to such lengths to disgrace me!"

"Dang, Lulu, now I know what he did was wrong, but c'mon, can't you admire his work? It's very...Interesting." Chrysalis was with Luna, subbing in for Celestia, who was called away on official business with the builders guild concerning the constant destruction of the castle. Apparently they were going to discuss a potential way to make things easier on the workers, and things easier on the royal treasury. "After all, at the end of the day, it's just paint."

Luna sighed, and shot an exasperated look at the alicorn across from her. "That may be so, but it's a painting of me! He drew me with a comically oversized moon pie, with the words 'Little loony Luna goes loony for moon pies' said by a nearby picture of my sister! Why must he make fun of my affection for moon pies?! That's not something you should be doing to anypony, much less me!"

At this, Blueblood frowned, and spoke up against the accusation, offended by what his auntie said. "That was not my intent at all, auntie Lulu, to make fun of your inclination for moon pies! I was merely spreading out the word that you enjoy moon pies, and I had no ill intentions when making that picture!"

Luna clearly wasn't buying his explanation. "Then why was your graffiti showing a clearly oversized me eating an equally oversized moon pie with Celestia calling me 'little loony Luna'?! I am little, I am not loony, but I am certainly and only Luna!"

What did I get myself into...? Chrysalis studied Luna for a moment, and carefully picked out her next few words to avoid obtaining Luna's wrath. "...Well, you're smaller than Tia and you certainly...Have a bit of a crazy streak in you."

Luna snorted. "I am not that much smaller than my sister! As to the remark about me having a crazy streak, so do you! So do all of us! We are all crazy, have you seen what happens around in this castle?!"

...Point taken. Too many crazy things happen around here, and I fear for my health in the future. "I suppose we all have a little bit of crazy in us, Lulu."

Feeling like she had gained a little leverage over Chrysalis, Luna pressed on with attacking Blueblood verbally. "Indeed! However, none of us have as much of a crazy streak in us like Blueblood does, the villainous scoundrel!"

I think I'll draw the line here; now she's just name calling. "Okay, now that's just rude, Lulu! You shouldn't call him out on that, you've done worse!"

"Well, he made degrading graffiti of me! He made one earlier about Celestia, with the words 'Crazy caffeinated Celestia goes cuckoo for coffee cake!' I wouldn't be surprised if he made one of you, even though you haven't been with us long!"

"So? I would personally find it flattering if he did so. It means he cares enough about me to make such things, and he obviously cares for you a great deal, Lulu, if he went ahead and did everything you're telling me right now!"

I can't believe Chrys right now, and I can't believe what she's saying! "...That would flatter you, to have a spray painted picture on a wall somewhere, depicting you in a bad light?"

"How exactly is your picture depicting you in a bad light? All it did was show you with a moon pie."

"That's what I want to know! I need to know what Blueblood's intentions were with that picture, and what message it was meant to convey! Explain yourself, Blue...Blood?"

While Luna was trying to explain why Blueblood was crazier than the rest of them, he had jumped out a now open window to escape the room. Without much thought put into her next action, Luna jumped out after him, bent on capturing him again so she could get some answers. "Oh no you don't, you rascal! You will explain yourself to me, come Faust or high water!"

A very confused Chrysalis tried to process what just happened, and deciding that it would be better if she didn't understand what was going on, she began to think about what she'd tell Tia when she came back from the builder's guild.

Author's Note:

It's about time I actually referenced the title of the story

Chrysalis is replacing Celestia in this story

Ponies jumping out the window

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