• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,656 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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This is Chrysalis, Lulu!

This is Chrysalis, Lulu!

I never thought I'd see the day where I'd actually be able to welcome Chrysalis into the castle without first smacking her in the face with a golf club, then blasting her off into space, screaming 'YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH' at the top of my voice while Luna gives me a trophy for the 'Most overpowered and unnecessary magic blast ever recorded in Equestrian history' while juggling flaming chainsaws and eating a moon pie. My dreams are funny like that.

The random thought came to Celestia as she walked alongside Chrysalis, who she had just made a peace treaty with. It turns out that the changelings were bored living in the badlands, and Chrysalis had decided to stage a fake coup on Canterlot, then cut out the act at the very end and laugh about it all like a really bad joke between each other. At least, that was the plan, before they were rather suddenly taken along for a skydiving lesson without parachutes (which, Chrysalis admitted wasn't that bad, if you didn't count the hard landing afterwards). After explaining the reasoning behind the fake coup, a peace treaty was immediately made between the two, and the two princesses (Chrysalis needing to give up the title of 'queen' and taking up 'princess' being one of the conditions of the treaty) were off towards the kitchen for a celebration treat.

"So, Celestia, we're all good, right? No hard feelings, no sudden backstabbing, nothing like that?"

"Of course not! I mean, I still harbor a bit of resentment for creating the greatest joke ever on us, but that's all in the past."

"Ah." The two continued walking along down one of the castle's many hallways to the kitchens, both giving brief nods or smiles at ponies (and, now, changelings) that happened to pass by.

"There are some...Things you need to know, however, if you're going to be part of Canterlot. They're not important rules, per say, but more like...Warnings, for both me and Lulu. Since you're going to be working with us personally quite a bit, you should get to know these rules unless you want to actually incur our wrath."

Yeah, I certainly want to incur your wrath over something stupid. "What are these rules, Celestia?"

"Well, for starters, you leave my cake alone. That's a big no-no. I mean it, too. I. REALLY. Mean it. Especially if you value your life." While Celestia was saying this, she put her face up in front of Chrysalis', and slowly walked up towards her until Chrysalis was backed up against a wall.

Okay, don't even touch Celestia's cake. Seriously, don't. I value my life, I value my life, I value my life! "O-Okay, point taken!"

"Good!" With a smile on her face, Celestia resumed walking down the hallway leading towards the kitchens, followed by a slightly shivering Chrysalis. "Next, you leave Luna's moon pies alone. She's very angry if somepony takes them. A lot meaner than me, in fact!"

...Not five minutes into the treaty and I already feel like my safety is getting threatened! Love and tolerance, my rump! "I-I see. So, just don't touch, eat, or otherwise do anything to your cakes and Luna's moon pies?"

Good, she understands easily! "Exactly! You're learning quickly, Chrys."

Huh. "Chrys?"

"Oh, that's another thing, I call Luna 'Lulu', she calls me 'Tia', so I guess you'll be called 'Chrys'. Ponies still call us by our full names, but we like to refer to each other by nickname; it just feels more friendly that way."

Well, it does have a nice ring to it. Chrys it is, then! "Alright then, Tia, nicknames it is, then."

Celestia paused before turning the corner. "The final rule is that you watch your step, because lots of crazy things happen around here."

"Like wh-" Chrysalis never got to finish her sentence, as she heard somepony yell out in the kitchens just up ahead.


Celestia and Chrysalis both looked towards the general direction of the voice to see a massive cheese-wheel barrel out the door of the kitchens. Chrysalis had the idea to throw her shrieking form out of the way; unfortunately for Celestia, she had a far slower reaction time, and Chrysalis winced as the wheel ran over Celestia and continued to roll onward.

Ouuuuuuuuuuuch. That must have hurt really badly. "Tia? You alright?" She approached the alicorn, who was groaning after the hit and run by the cheese-wheel (which was still rolling and wouldn't stop until it somehow rolled off a conveniently placed ramp and shattered itself against Discord's statue). "Tia?"

"Promise me...One thing..."

"I promise, whatever it is, Tia."

"Please...For the love of Faust...Don't make a cheese pun..."

Nope. Promise broken. "Don't worry, Tia, I'll let it brie."

"Uuuuuugh!" Celestia groaned as she slapped her hooves over her ears. Chrysalis giggled to herself, and was about to make another cheese pun when another voice sounded out.

"TIA! I'M SO SORRY THAT HAPPENED! ...Kinda, anyway, I mean, it's not everyday I accidently roll a cheese-wheel on you. Also, you kinda deserved it after blowing up my room."

This must be Luna. After clearing her throat to get Luna's attention, Chrysalis smiled at her. "Hi, my name is Chrysalis! You can call me Chrys, though."

Hm?! Another alicorn?! Well...She doesn't really look like a pony, but she's still in the general shape of an alicorn! "Who is this, Tia?"

A groan came from the fallen alicorn before she responded. "This is Chrysalis, Lulu! Ugh...Help me, I've fallen and can't get up!"

Ignoring her sister for the moment, Luna smiled at the other alicorn, and offered a hoof. "Hi! My name's Luna, but you can call me Lulu!"

"Please to meet you!"


The two shook hooves, and watched as Celestia shakily got back on her own hooves, shooting the both of them a glare for not helping her. "Thanks for...The help. Now, tell me...Why....Why did a gigantic cheese-wheel run over me...?"

Chrysalis was the first to answer. "You were too slow to throw yourself out of the way?"

Luna offered her explanation next. "It was an accident?"

"I think it was a mix of both." Celestia reasoned as she looked at the two. "I see you two have already acquainted with each other?"

Luna nodded. "Yeah!"

Chrysalis flashed Celestia a smile. "Yes, Tia!"

"...Let's just get something from the kitchens, then." The three alicorns walked into the kitchens, putting the cooks into peril as they strived to feed three very hungry alicorns, when they already had their hooves full with one.

Author's Note:

Chrysalis again

She balances the royal checkbook (Faust bless her for the daunting task she has ahead of her)

Luna says hi

As of now, Chrysalis will now be a permanent addition to Canterlot and will now be featured in more upcoming stories!

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