• Published 27th Apr 2013
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Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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No way, Tia!

No way, Tia!

Alicorns like mischief. Who could blame them? They had all the time in the world to themselves, and so they needed a way to relieve their boredom. Playing pranks, tricks, and all sorts of things on other ponies and each other to amuse themselves was something that they needed to do in order to go through their daily routine. It was here, though, that the problems began; sometimes, one alicorn's mischief tended to get out of hoof. Really quickly, as Chrysalis was finding out.

"I swear I didn't do it, Tia!" Chrysalis was currently running away (with a duck perched on her head and quacking what she assumed to be insults) while performing some excellent parkour as she weaved around ponies, taking great care to avoid causing harm to them as she ran on walls, grabbed onto ledges, and just, well, did things she didn't know she could do in the first place. In contrast to her graceful, death defying stunts and acrobats, Celestia was a bulldozer that didn't care about what got in her way, since she could just smash into it and be none worse the wear. She didn't trample over her ponies and changelings, but she didn't make any attempts to avoid them, either. Thankfully, most ponies and changelings had the sense to step out of Chrysalis' way, and those with even more sense took three steps to avoid Celestia. Those that weren't as lucky or had slow reaction times would find themselves in the suddenly crowded infirmary later that day, much to Celestia's later embarrassment and shame.

"Of course you did! Who else would have set up banana bombs in my room?!"

Maybe if you would stop rampaging through the castle and listened to me, we'd be pulling a return prank on Lulu! Chrysalis was going to get her revenge on Luna, if Celestia didn't kill her first. The duck quacked as if in agreement with her, and she wondered if ducks could read the minds of ponies if they were settled on their heads. Her mind wandered back to when this all started, and to that accursed lever that was in Luna's room.

The day had started off normally, as did most days; today, Luna was off on an important meeting with a few ponies, something that she was oddly excited for. Before she left, she took Chrysalis aside, apparently wanting to speak with her in private. That probably should have had been Chrysalis' first clue that Luna was planning something.

"Chrys, there's something very important I have to tell you."

Chrysalis was a bit confused, since she thought that Luna would first confide with her sister first before her. "Shouldn't you be confiding in your sister, then, instead of me?"

Luna shifted uncomfortably, obviously discomforted over something, though what, Chrysalis didn't have a clue at all. "Tia is precisely the reason why I cannot tell her of all ponies; she would banish me if she knew about this!"

I'm getting myself into something I shouldn't be involved in, aren't I... Chrysalis placed a hoof on Luna's right shoulder in an attempt to try and comfort her. "Whoa, whoa, okay, Lulu, hold up. Breathe slowly. Explain this to me, and explain why your sister would banish you for whatever it is."

Luna looked around, making sure there was nopony around, and leaned in, speaking quietly to her. "I have been working on strange things, things that would cause no end of trouble if used incorrectly. That is why I need you to stay in my room, guarding it from others that may try to use the devices I have hid within! They aren't dangerous, per se, but they do have the ability to anger a lot of ponies if used incorrectly! I need to tell Tia the benefits of using these devices, but first I must thoroughly test them out! They may be unsafe as of now, so please, don't touch anything that looks suspicious!"

"Alright Lulu, I'll keep your room nice and safe, don't you worry!"

-Some time later-

"This is so boring. I thought this would be fun, adventure filled job!" Chrysalis groaned as she looked up at the duck that was nesting on her head. She was laying down on Luna's bed, and although she was supposed to be 'guarding' her room, in reality she was killing herself by simply being in there. There wasn't much out of place in Luna's room; heck, you could pass it on as an alicorn-sized playroom. There were toys scattered around, ranging from plushies of Rainbow Dash (Chrysalis counted twenty in all), water guns, rubber ducks, real ducks (they were currently snuggling up with her, which she found to be slightly disturbing and a clear violation of personal space, and only tolerated because they were Luna's ducks), and the odd painting. Oh, and the lever in the middle of the room.

This lever was avoided by the ducks, which gave her all the reason to avoid it herself. Chrysalis didn't know why there was a lever of all things in the middle of the room. She assumed that it was just a prop, since she didn't think Luna of all ponies would actually put a working lever in the middle of her room, where anypony could flip it. Her curiosity, though, was nonetheless working against her, due to being put in a boring situation. She got up from Luna's bed, causing all the ducks except for the one on her head to flap away. She neared the lever, and paused as she reached out a hoof.

Should I really do this? I mean, Luna told me not to touch anything, but it's so boring in her room, and the ducks aren't helping. I'm not sure if this is a prop, or something else... Her mind raged a battle between wanting to satisfy her curiosity, to simply going back to Luna's bed and doing nothing. In the end, her curiosity won and utterly crushed the other side, so she threw the lever. The duck on her head seemed to quack fearfully, though nothing actually happened.

Well, that did nothing. I guess it was a prop after all. Probably a decoy that Luna put it which...Probably activated a trap somewhere. Did I just spring a trap on myself? As she looked around Luna's room for any signs of incoming confectionary or frying pans, she heard a rumble throughout the castle. It took awhile for Chrysalis to realize it was her name being called out by a very, very angry Celestia.


I think she's mad at me.

Faust help me. How was I supposed to know that the lever I pulled happened to activate a booby trap that shot out banana cream pies in Celestia's study? AND WHAT KIND OF TIMING IS THAT, WITH TIA JUST ABOUT TO SIT DOWN IN HER STUDY?! "You got nothin' on me, Tia! No proof that I did anything! I didn't do anything to you, honest!" The duck quacked, and threw a feather at Celestia, which did nothing to improve Celestia's mood.

All I wanted to do is sit down and read a book, but no, I get attacked by multiple banana cream pies all at once! "I highly doubt that's the case, Chrys! Now get over here!"

"No way, Tia!"

And so, chaos rampaged through the castle until Luna came back, and then once the truth got out, all three got into a brawl that only ended when Cadence arrived from her surprise visit, and she went through the painful task of breaking them up and forcing them to make apology cupcakes for each other.

Author's Note:

Celestia has a part time job working as a living bulldozer

Chrysalis has made close friends with the duck on her head, and calls her Quackum

Luna's gonna get what's coming for her

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