• Published 27th Apr 2013
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Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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I had a weird dream, Tia!

I had a weird dream, Tia!

If there's something I've learned recently, it's that you never, NEVER go to sleep right after eating five boxes of pocky with hot sauce and garnished with a dollop of chocolate ice cream.

The thought was made after Luna realized that she was dreaming; although, to call it a dream was questionable, at best. In reality, it felt like she was taking a roller coaster backwards through a museum full of weird and wacky things she thought she'd never see in her lifetime, and since alicorns were immortal, that was saying something. There were images of green ducks sitting on top of ponies made of cotton candy, plushies that were alive, and even cookies that were used as projectiles and not as scrumptious, edible food! These images caused Luna to be interested one moment, scared the next, and on and on, the cycle continued on this roller coaster, sending mixed messages to her. The next image she saw was of Canterlot; beautiful Canterlot! Its beauty, however, was tarnished by a voice she knew all too well.

"Bwahahahaha! Now, Celestia, Luna, you two shall witness the destruction of your beloved capitol!"

Is that...Discord? Isn't he supposed to be set in stone still?! An immediately worried Luna looked around for the source of the voice, and her challenge to Discord promptly died in her throat when her eyes took in the sight of Discord floating above Canterlot with a massive ball of energy in his paws, reminding her of the Pony Ball Z episode she watched last night.

"Say goodbye to Canterlot, Celestia, Luna! This is what you get for not inviting me to that one party where...Uh, you two did things! It's been thousands of years, so I don't know which party it was, but I know it had something to do with you two and blowing up fireworks the wrong way!" With that said, Discord threw the immense ball of energy down at Canterlot, to Luna's horror.

"NO!" Luna teleported to Discord's side, and was about to lay him out with one swift punch to the jaw...

...When suddenly, a voice was murmured, seemingly from nowhere and everywhere at once. "No, no, that won't do, how am I going to write a chapter based on that?" With that, Luna watched in shock as Discord, Canterlot, and the massive ball of energy disappeared entirely, leaving behind a white, empty space full of nothing.

...What just happened? Luna looked around the now barren landscape, and noticed a desk with a computer, with a white pegasus mare. She seemed rather small for her (theoretical) age, which Luna assumed to be about twenty-one; this mare's mane was styled like a certain dentist's mane (how could she not remember? The visit to Colgate's office was still a tender memory, and the mane color and style reminded her of toothpaste), though this mare's colors seemed to be black and orange instead of blue and white. This mare was also surrounded by boxes of strawberry pocky. Said mare was typing at the computer, and she seemed to be grumbling about something as she worked.

"...That won't do...Who wants to read a story about Luna bashing a fruitcake over Celestia's head? Or of Celestia setting fire to her cereal? I mean, these stories have to make a little sense..."

Curious by the only thing she could see around her, Luna approached the mare, and after a moments hesitation, tapped her on the shoulder. The mare responded by slapping her across the face with a frying pan, flooring Luna immediately as she shouted.


A groaning Luna was holding her face in her hooves, wondering what she had done to deserve such a thing, and why her name was suddenly Pinkie. "Ow..."

Picking up on Luna's voice, the mare looked down, and was confused by the sight of the lunar princess at her hooves. "Odd, I wasn't writing about you appearing in my sanctuary."

"...What?" Luna groaned as she got back up to her (unsteady) hooves, and looked at the mare, who tossed the frying pan away after realizing that Luna was staring at it.

Not the best first impression, but... "Hi! I'm not sure how you got in here, but welcome!"

That's...A very strange welcoming, getting greeted after getting a face full of frying pan. "...Where am I?"

"You seem to have broken the fourth wall, and you are talking with me, the author! Thankfully you're not Pinkie Pie; she keeps trying to get me to sell my Stout Shako for one refined, but I'm not going for that!"

As if on cue, Pinkie Pie appeared by...Ripping open a rift, and then she shot a threatening gaze at the pegasus. "You're overpricing the hat! Give it to me for one refined!"

"NO, GET OUT!" The pegasus threw the frying pan at Pinkie, who disappeared just as suddenly in the rift she appeared in.

Pinkie's voice sounded out ominously, even though she was now nowhere to be seen. "Beware...I'll be baaaaaaack!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Pinks. TWO refined!"

Luna wasn't getting anywhere with this pegasus, and the headache she was getting didn't help. "What's a Stout Shako, what's two refined, what's your name, and most importantly, where am I?"

"A Stout Shako is a hat, two refined is referring to metal, my name is Viddy, and you're in my imagination!"

I'm not understanding this pegasus at all, even though she just explained what I asked. "Your...Imagination? Please forgive me if I don't understand..."

The pegasus nodded, and pulled out a pen, then...Began writing on the air? "You see, Luna, you have eaten one of the few combinations of food that allow you to peer into the fourth wall that technically should not exist. I'm assuming it's hot sauce with pocky and a dollop of chocolate ice cream, correct?"

A nod from Luna told Viddy as much. "Well, then! Due to your powers over dreams and the food combination, you are now in my imagination, where I write the hilarious stories that you and Celestia get into!"

"...So, you write stories about me and my sister, and they end up coming true?"

"Yep! I get to watch the results of what I write, as well!" The pegasus smiled, unaware that Luna's smile was predatory.

"...So you forced me into that tutu."

"Yeah! One of the better stories, if I say so myself!"

Sweet, sweet revenge! "YOU ARE SO DEAD!"


"Lulu! WAKE UP!" The sudden addition of a third voice accompanied with the clash of cymbals woke Luna up, though just barely.

Buh? "Hrm?"

An irritated Celestia lowered the cymbals she held, and frowned at her sister. "I had to lower the moon for you! Why were you sleeping through your court?"

She's not going to believe me. "I had a weird dream, Tia! It was about this pegasus named Viddy that talked about Stout Shakos and was writing stories about us and the stuff that happens to us! I was beating her at a food fight involving frying pans and random food items that I didn't know were around me in the first place when you woke me up!

She was at the hot sauce again, wasn't she? Because I didn't understand a single thing she said other than 'weird dream'. "Did you hit the hot sauce again last night, Lulu? ...With some other food items? When I've told you not to?"


"I rest my case; it was just a dream, Lulu. Now get up! You're doing my paperwork today since I had to do yours yesternight."

! "But Tiiiiiiiia..."

"Ah, ah! No complaining! More working! Chop chop!"

"Fine..." I must seek out Pinkie Pie, so that I may go back to this pegasus and beat her once again in a food fight!

Author's Note:

This is an exaggeration of the thought process that happens when writing these stories

I like pocky

Yes I couldn't help but reference a few things in this

I'm not going to be writing these kinds of chapters anymore after this, however, because it (really) doesn't fit with the story

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