• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,656 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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I have to eat that cake, Lulu!

I have to eat that cake, Lulu!

You know, if something is beautiful, then ponies will cherish it, naturally. It also stands to reason that any destruction of something beautiful would make ponies cry; I am no exception to that rule. I've cried as the old castle in the Everfree was ruined in Luna's rampage, and I've mourned the loss of breathtaking works of art lost in the Canterlot museum of Art fire not too long ago. Yet, all of that seems pale in comparison to what I'm seeing right now...I just don't know what to do! Why, if I could call something perfect, this would be it!

With a groan, Celestia tried to ignore the life sized cake of her student, Twilight Sparkle, which was currently on a massive plate in the grand dining room. It's so enticing to look at, and it must be amazing to the tastebuds! However, I must be strong! I must not eat the cake! I must at least wait for Twilight Sparkle to arrive first before snarfing down that delicious hunk of a cake! With a buttery resolve, Celestia tore her eyes away from the cake, and out towards the grand hall doors, where, in about five minutes, Twilight Sparkle and her friends would be arriving to celebrate the day where, by some extremely strange coincidence, they all got their cutie marks.

To be fair, while Celestia was doing a decent job of not slobbering over the cake, she was quickly losing her mind over the remarks Chrysalis and Luna were making as they circled around the cake, admiring it out loud.

Eyeing the cake with what one could consider to be a sultry gaze, Luna began the unintentional torturing to her sister. "Chrys, the cake looks magnificent! Truly, I have never seen such a creation of edible artwork in my life! Why, it probably tastes divine with all the preparation and care the chefs must have put into it!"

Chrysalis eagerly agreed with what Luna said, though concentrating more on how realistic the cake looked like rather than the taste. "I couldn't agree more, Lulu. However, the way they managed to create a life sized, realistic looking cake of Twilight Sparkle is astounding! In fact, if I say so myself, if I tried to shapeshift into Twilight, the cake would look more realistic than me!"


"Yes, look!" With a flash of green light, Chrysalis turned into an alicorn-sized Twilight Sparkle, who, upon closer inspection, did seem a little bit off, though Celestia couldn't tell if it was from the height or because of some other detail. Chrysalis cleared her throat, and spoke in a voice that was slightly off-pitch of the original Twilight's voice. That was probably what was off. "By my exact, perfect calculations, I deem this cake to be the most tasty cake ever created by the Canterlot chefs! In theory, that is. I require some of this cake in order to prove my findings right!"

Luna was on the floor at Chrysalis' attempt to sound like Twilight, apparently laughing up a storm. "T-That's perfect, Chrys! T-That'd almost be exactly what Twilight would say!"

Please...Shut up... Celestia moaned inwardly, her seemingly calm and friendly demeanor very carefully hiding the fact that she was feeling conflicted between wanting to strangle the two alicorns and crying out obscenities because she couldn't eat the cake yet. The pain, it's unbearable! I need to stay strong in the fact of such a worthy adversary, but I cannot do that when my allies backstab me like so!

For Celestia, life wasn't about to make it easier for her, as Chrysalis called out to her. "Hey, Tia!"

Uh oh.

Leaving Luna to catch her breath, Chrysalis (who was still in Twilight's form) walked up to her, and placed a hoof over Celestia's shoulders as she sat down next to her. "What about you? What do you think about the cake?"

Mother, give me strength. "It's very...Nice." Celestia didn't dare go into detail about the cake, as doing so would probably make her succumb to the very desirable cake. "Yes, it's very, very...Nice."

Unfortunately for her, Chrysalis continued to press on. "Nice?! It's just nice?! Tia, this thing is beyond nice! It's amazing! indescribable! I might even say perfect! How is it just 'nice' to you?"

Groaning, Celestia placed a hoof next to the base of her horn, trying to relieve herself of the headache that was building up. "I've...Eaten a lot of cakes in my time, Chrys. One more isn't...Really a new thing to me, no matter how...Good it looks."

Managing to catch her breath, Luna strode over to the two, and sat down on on Celestia's other side, unable to believe that her sister had more or less said that this cake was just another cake. "Tia, this cake is magnificent, you cannot deny that! It cannot simply be...'Nice'! I agree with Chrys, you are deliberately not giving the cake enough justice! I mean, just look at it!" Luna grabbed her sister, and turned her around, holding her head so that Celestia could not look away from the cake. "Now tell me it's just 'nice' now, Tia, because it's certainly not just 'nice'!"

Must...Be...Strong...OKAY, THAT'S DONE IT. No regrets! No mercy! No surrender! THAT CAKE IS MINE. "You two are infuriating! I have to eat that cake, Lulu! I no longer have the patience to wait!" Launching herself forward, she dived directly at the cake and began to eat it ravenously, with a ferocity that scared even Luna and Chrysalis, the latter of which turned back into their original form for fear that Celestia might mistake her for another realistic cake. Crumbs, frosting, and much more began to fly, and inwardly, Luna and Chrysalis' heart broke when they saw the beautiful cake get ravaged by Celestia. However, their safety was far, far more important, and slowly, they inched themselves towards the grand hall doors.

Unfortunately, this was the time where Twilight and company decided to enter the hall. "Hello, Princ-"

Almost immediately, their sights were set upon Celestia eating away at the cake, and Twilight herself began trembling at thoughts of her mentor suddenly casting a spell on her to turn her into an edible cake. After all, she turned her parents into plants, so it was most likely foals-play to turn her faithful student into a cake.

Surprisingly, it was Pinkie Pie who spoke up first; while she enjoyed cake, what she saw was just disturbing to her. "Maybe...We should leave Princess Celestia alone..."

Quick to agree with her was Rarity. "Indeed..."

"That would be wise." All the ponies looked up at Princess Luna, who made a discreet hoof at her sister. "We shall...Celebrate this day elsewhere. Preferably at the mini-mall down the street that sells ninety-nine cent slurpees."

Chrysalis nodded, holding up some coupons. "I got a two-for-one deal for all slurpees, so let's go!"

All ponies at the scene began to leave the grand hall, leaving Celestia alone, who continued to eat the cake, happy that her torment was now over.

Author's Note:

Celestia was suffering

Twilight is scared

I still believe alicorns have a soft spot for slurpees

This story was made due to a comment by matt567890 that I found to be an amusing idea

Go ahead, throw out a suggestion here or there, I might humor you and write a story about it, though it might not end up the way you think it will unless you are very specific about what happens, in which case I think it'd be better for you to write it yourself

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