• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,653 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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I want it MY way, Tia!

I want it MY way, Tia!

"Well, that was rather fun, don't you think, Lulu?"

An eager nod accompanied Luna's answer. "Yes, it was! It was so funny seeing Spitfire on fire, she must have had a lot of training and other such things for that!"

"...That wasn't actually part of the show."


I can't believe Lulu actually thought that Spitfire suddenly catching on fire was actually part of the show; despite her name, Spitfire doesn't actually spit fire. Or catch on fire. Or...Has anything to do with fire, actually. With an exasperated roll of her eyes, Celestia went into a slow dive, followed by Luna. The two of them had just come back from a Wonderbolts show in Cloudsdale, and other than Spitfire's sudden ignition, it was a wonderful show and a chance for the two alicorns to bond with each other.

"Hey, Tia?"

"Hm?" Celestia flew a little closer to her sister in order to hear her words better; miscommunication was common among pegasai in the air, as they couldn't fly too close to one another, and sometimes the wind would drown out what words were said, often leading to hilarious problems that could have been prevented.

"I'm feeling a little hungry; do you think we can stop by a local fast-food restaurant and grab something greasy? I don't want to wait two hours in the kitchens back in Canterlot, with the chefs insisting that they have the experimental corn under control while cooking our dinner."

Yeah...That certainly wasn't the best dinner I've had in ages either, and I shudder to think of what will happen tonight if we waited for our food, since they mentioned something about potatoes. "I don't mind, Lulu; in fact, I think I'd prefer going out to eat tonight. Have any place you want to go to particularly?"

Luna's eyes lit up, and she nodded. "Yes! Let's go to Burger Princess, I could really go for some grilled fish burgers!"

"Now that you mention it, that does sound good; lead on!" Celestia slightly sped up as she went into a slow dive, following her sister as they flew towards a fast-food restaurant that was common all around Equestria, Burger Princess. Its specialty was grilled fish burgers, a delicacy that ponies gobbled up like hotcakes.

As the two princesses landed on the cloud that the restaurant was located in, their presence caused most of the ponies to bow or otherwise give respectful gestures of acknowledgement. Both princesses walked up to the surprisingly non-existent line to the bit register; that was a rare sight in Burger Princesses. As they reached the register, they were even more surprised to see that it was Rainbow Dash who was at the cash register.

"Hello, princesses! Welcome to Burger Princess, how may I serve you?"

Celestia was the first to speak, curious about why she was here. "Erm...A double fish burger, with cheese and tartar sauce, hay fries on the side, and a cola. Rainbow Dash, not to pry, but, why are you here? I thought you worked on the weather team."

A nod was given back to Celestia as Rainbow Dash began punching (literally punching) the machine to record Celestia's order. "Yeah, true, but some of the eggheads up in Canterlot say there shouldn't be anything in Ponyville's skies for about a month, and so there's just a skeleton crew on the weather team; since I won't be doing much, I thought I might as well pick up a part-time job here. It's not so bad, actually; though, I gotta say, you don't want clean-up duty. Ever."

That made sense to Celestia, and now she was curious about this clean-up duty. "Well, that sounds...Interesting. Lulu, what would you like?"

For some reason, Luna took in a deep breath that spanned ten seconds, though Celestia knew why once Luna began blabbering. "I want a few dozen quadruple stacked fish burgers with mayo, hold the pickle, give me the lettuce, tomato, some fried hay strips and three different kinds of cheese layered on top of each fish patty and held together with a toothpick, grill the buns in the best vegetable oil you currently have, stack up my hay fries to the ceiling, give me tubs of ketchup and napkins galore, and empty out your Parasprite into a gigantic cup for me. For dessert, I request two dozen cookies, five slurpees, a giant chocolate cake, and an ice cream cone. Don't forget the plastic toy that comes with a filly or colt meal, and I also want you to dress up in a frilly maid outfit while you're delivering me all my food and I want you to address me as 'mistress'. To go, please."

With a brow raised, Celestia looked at Rainbow Dash, who was staring at Luna with a blank expression on her face and a hoof raised up, ready to punch her register. "W-What...? I...You lost me at 'pickle', Princess Luna."

With a groan, Luna opened her mouth to say everything she just said. "I want-"

Luna's words didn't leave her a second time, as with a swift flick of magic, Celestia closed her sister's mouth. "Lulu will just have what I'm ordering, thank you."

"...Thanks, Princess Celestia." Rainbow Dash was relieved to not have to punch the machine for everything Luna ordered, and was about to print out the receipt when Luna broke free of her sister's magic grasp on her mouth.

"Tia! You cannot stop me from ordering what I want!"

Celestia frowned at her sister, wondering why she was being so difficult right now. "Lulu, you cannot just ask for everything on the menu, ask for Rainbow Dash to play dress up and treat you like a superior being, as well as asking all of that to go! Can you even carry all that?"

Stamping a hoof on the ground (causing the bit of cloud that her hoof impacted to poof away to non-existence), Luna whined. "Yes I can, Tia! We are superior beings anyway, and you underestimate the power of brown paper bags! I want it MY way, Tia!"

You sound more whiny than Blueblood wanting chocolate milk. "What does wanting your way have to do with anything?"

"It's their slogan! See?!" Luna pointed up, and Celestia followed her hoof, seeing the slogan 'Have it your way!' up above the register.

"...You're not going to let me convince you otherwise, are you, Lulu?"


With a weary sigh, Celestia looked at Rainbow Dash with sad eyes. "I am truly sorry, Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah? Not as sorry as I'm going to be." With a pained look on her face, Rainbow Dash began punching her register for Luna's entire order.

Author's Note:

I picture ponies as the vegetarians that still eat fish, you know, for protein and all that

To be honest I prefer Five guys

Luna wants it her way, and her way is complicated

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