• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,656 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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I'll send you to the sun, Tia!

I'll send you to the sun, Tia!





The screen flickered with the words 'Game Over!', and Luna groaned as she threw the controller at the television. "Why must they make you so overpowered in video games, Tia?! It's like they don't want to disappoint you by making you some weak character in these fighting games!"

Over on the other side of Luna's quarters (which, still, was occupied by Celestia since her room was still under construction), Celestia was in the process of writing out a new, more agreeable bill that took the combined aspects of three others into a great compromise that would work out far better than any of these bills individually would have done. Upon her sister complaining, however, she set aside her quill, and made her way to Luna with an amused looked on her face.

"To be fair, Lulu, I do overwhelm you in sheer force."

"...Okay, point taken, you could blow up my moon merely by smashing your rump against it. That's not the point, though! In every fighting game I've played, it has always been you or some weird 'Nightmare Moon' esque name like 'Daylight Savings' or of the like, and you always have some super cheap move!"

"To correct you, Lulu, it would probably take three smashes of my rump! Not only that, but, I never really realized that I was quite so...Powerful in these games that you play."

Luna grumbled something unintelligible underneath her breath, and powered down the game console. Afterwards, she rummaged through her personal fridge in the room, bringing out a moon pie.

Celestia sat down next to her sister on the incredibly large sofa, and lazily stretched herself out. "Daylight Savings, eh? Is that an actual name for me in those games?"

Luna nodded, too occupied on eating her moon pie. A sudden thought caused her to stop chewing, and think about something that made no sense at all. After swallowing the moon pie currently in her mouth, she looked over at Celestia in confusion.

"Wait...Why did you lock me up in the moon, again? I mean, that's where I'm most powerful, Tia? That doesn't seem like the most logical choice."

Celestia flicked her crown off, letting it sail through the air before landing on the desk she was working on earlier with a loud thunk. "Ten points. The reason why I locked you up in the moon is because I didn't want to lock you up in my sun, Lulu, and because I hoped that being locked up in your beautiful moon would calm you down as you slept for a thousand years inside it. Apparently that was not the case, however."

"Hm. So, theoretically, if you became Daylight Savings, and I used the Elements of Harmony on you, you'd get sent to the sun?"

"Oh, yes, theoretically, I would! The problem, however, Lulu, would be the fact that I'd probably scorch you first."

Luna stuck her tongue out at her sister, and took another bite from her moon pie before responding to that. "I shall not let that happen, Tia! You will not scorch my backside! I'll send you to the sun, Tia! The Elements of Harmony will help me end your reign of terror!"

Deciding that now was as good a time as any to fool around with her sister, Celestia grinned widely as she stood up on the sofa, towering over her sister and looking down upon her, as if she were an insignificant bug. "I THINK NOT! DAYLIGHT SAVINGS WILL END YOU, AND MAKE WAY FOR ETERNAL SUN, FOREVER!"

On the other side of the door, two guards were panicking, and began calling on their radios for backup. "Bring in the entire royal guard, Daylight Savings is real and is attacking Princess Luna!"

"Get the Wonderbolts!"

"Grab the Elements of Harmony!"

"Make sure you get the bearers as well!"

"Stock up on non-lethal weaponry, she's still Princess Celestia on the inside!"


With the two guards quickly making assumptions without checking inside Luna's room (owing to the fact that Luna highly discouraged ponies walking into her room without important news), chaos soon spread throughout the castle, and it wasn't long before Twilight and company got wind of this.

"Daylight Savings? Really? I would have opted for a more elegant name."

"Yeah, yeah, don't fret yerself over that, Rares, we got ourselves a mighty big problem on our hooves."

Ignoring the bickering between the farm pony and the fashionista, Twilight levitated her Element of Harmony onto her head, and scuffed at the floor nervously. "Alright girls, we know the plan?"

Rainbow Dash pumped a hoof into the air. "We smash the door down and blast Daylight Savings?!"

"Ye- No! Rainbow, we don't smash the door down!"

"Oh." A dejected looked Rainbow Dash muttered to herself how it would be awesome to barge into Luna's room, though she immediately brightened up after what Twilight said next.

"We'll have the royal guard smash down the doors for us, and then we'll blast Daylight Savings with the Elements of Harmony!"

Fluttershy was the first to respond, trying to sound enthusiastic about their upcoming doom. "Oh...Okay."

Rarity was next to answer, with a hoof running through her mane. "A well thought out endeavor, darling!"

Applejack stomped the floor with a hoof, grinning widely at the challenge ahead. "Ah'm game!"

Rainbow Dash did a loop in the air, impatiently waiting to barge into the room. "Yeah, let's kick Daylight Saving's rump!"

Pinkie Pie jumped up in the air three times further than anypony should have, and landed on her head. "We can have a party afterwards!"

"Alright girls! Guards, break the door down!"

"Ah ha ha! S-Stop it, Tia!"

"No, I have waited forever for this moment, and now, you shall suffer!" Celestia cackled maniacally as she tickle tortured Luna. The two, throughout all this time, continued to role-play the idea of Celestia becoming a tyrant. Suddenly, a loud crash was heard, and the two sister stopped their antics to look up at the source of the noise, only to see a few royal guards pull out a battering ram. What happened next confused the two alicorns even more, as Twilight and her friends (complete with the Elements of Harmony) strode through, aggressively looking at Celestia.

"What is the meaning of this, our little ponies?"

Twilight spoke up, and Celestia raised a brow as her student tried to look intimidating. "We're not your little ponies, Daylight Savings! Prepare to be zapped by the Elements of Harmony!"

Fluttershy meekly peeked out from behind Applejack, and smiled apologetically at Celestia. "W-We're really sorry about t-this if it hurts, princess."

"Flutters, would ya stop tryna hide behind my rump? N' we're gonna set ya straight, Daylight Savin's!"

Rarity sighed as she looked at Celestia, clearly not impressed by her. "You know, I'd have thought you'd look different! After all, Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna look vastly different."

Rainbow Dash said nothing, but gave Celestia a glare that actually caused her to shudder inwardly.

Pinkie Pie, to her credit, was actually doubtful of the whole thing. "Are you sure Celestia is Daylight Savings? She still feels like the same Celestia we all know!"

Celestia sigh of relief was short lived, as Twilight pointed at her mentor's head. "She doesn't have the crown on her head, that's all the proof we need!"

Luna groaned as she slapped a hoof to her head. This can't end well for either of us. "Tia! Duck!" Her sister immediately complied with her two words, and just in time, as the Elements fired off a massive blast of rainbow energy that was aimed where Celestia formally was.

For all that power behind those trinkets, they sure do have a lousy aim. Celestia mused as the rainbow blast of energy sailed above her. The sustained blast of energy died out, leaving behind a few slightly smoking trinkets (and in one case, a tiara) on the bearers. Twilight sighed, and turned around to look at Luna.

"Please, Princess Luna, don't help her, she's Daylight Savings!"

M-MY ROOM! YOU MADE A GIANT HOLE IN MY ROOM! MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOU MELTED MY PERSONAL FRIDGE AND GAME CONSOLE! "...Twilight Sparkle! Applejack! Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie! Rarity! Fluttershy!"

Each of the bearers were now looking at a visibly shaking Luna, and even Celestia began backing up away from her. She quickly withdrew a pair of earmuffs, and sighed as she placed them on, just in time.


"...Ah think we made a mistake, Twi."

"...I think so, too, AJ."

Author's Note:

Despite their hard work, making a room to Celestia's expectations is a daunting task that must be perfect the first time around

I'm not naming any specific consoles that Luna plays

Have you ever talked about something theoretically with someone, and then role-played it out for giggles

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