• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,656 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Invite me next time, Lulu!

Invite me next time, Lulu!

Celestia frowned at the alicorn across from her, which happened to be none other than her own sister. Luna was pointedly staring at the ground, not wanting to meet her upset sister's gaze. Both of them knew that what had transpired was wrong, but neither felt like the right time was now to state why it was wrong. Seconds ticked on by to minutes, which slugged onto hours; alicorns could wait a very long time before deciding to take action. By the end of the third hour, however, one of those alicorns decided it was time to speak their piece, and Celestia was the one that spoke first, with a disapproving tone in her voice.

"I'm very upset with you, Luna." The younger alicorn's ears drooped in sadness, and her tone of voice reflected that back at her sister.

"I know, Tia, I know, you have every right to be. It's so hard to learn all these new rules, though, in modern society today! We...I do not understand the meaning behind most of them, and some of them aren't even used! Tell me, why are there rules about littering on the moon when I was the only one there?! Or rules about alicorns being forced to become princesses?"

Celestia frowned slightly as she tried to remember the obscure laws, and shrugged, unable to give her sister an answer; she made a mental note to herself to look through the current laws set in place and see if she could write them out. After all, the last thing she needed was some obscure law forbidding her to eat cake. "...I don't know. That's not the point, though! Surely you must have known that starting a food fight between the lunar and solar guards in the MIDDLE of a social gathering of bureaucrats was WRONG? Poor Cadence herself took a direct hit to the face with a berry pie! Multiple times! By you!"

"I thought they wanted to join in the fun, and I thought Cadence would react quicker to my weaponry after getting hit! ...If not the first, second, third, or fourth pie, then the fifth! At least she had the sense to dodge the sixth pie and call for backup. Sister, I did schedule the food fight that afternoon, you even said that it was okay!"

"Yes, indeed, I said it was alright to schedule a food fight, but I thought you had the sense not to schedule it during a meeting between the crystal ponies and our own aristocrats while I was off visiting my student! Imagine my surprise when I came back to see a battlefield full of delicious pies and slices of cake splattered across the courtyard! Did it also not occur to you to ASK the bureaucrats if they wanted to partake in the food fight?!"

"To be fair, it was a solar guard that threw the first pie before anypony was ready, and he threw it at one of my guards."

Celestia wasn't getting her point across to Luna, and she began to rub the base of her horn gently, feeling a familiar headache she had not had for awhile now come back to haunt her; the headache of having to deal with Luna's shenanigans. "I know, I have him doing latrine duty tomorrow for firing the first shot. Anyway, Lulu, that's not the point I'm trying to get across to you; I'm annoyed because you had to plan the food fight in the middle of an important meeting, and you even participated in the fight as well, causing Cadence to be sent to the infirmary for pie related injuries! I did not think that you were going to participate in the food fight, I thought you were only trying to lessen the tension between the lunar and solar guards with a food fight without getting involved, and only being there to supervise them so that they did not get out of hoof! Imagine what everypony will say after today, and what the press will publish tomorrow!"

Luna's tone of voice grew to a whining, slightly higher pitched tone of voice, which easily marked her annoyance with her older sister. "It looked so fun that I wanted to join in, Tia! Besides, both the lunar and solar guard seemed to enjoy it, so I succeeded there!"

"I suppose it's a good thing that they enjoyed it, but look at you! You look positively filthy!" Indeed, as the lunar princess looked down at herself, she realized that she still had a pie tin, complete with pie, all across her front, which, in the past few hours, had slowly slid down her body until it just now hit the floor with a dull clank; her mane was sticky and splattered with pieces of crust, her wings now rendered useless as the shrapnel from pies and cakes had effectively lodged themselves in-between her feathers, and she felt more tired than she remembered feeling in a long, long time. In short, she was in need of an immediate bath.

"...I look and feel great, Tia! It's wonderful to feel such sticky desserts impact me once again; it's just like the food fights we did when we were younger, only with less fruitcake! For the love of Faust, I hate fruitcake!"

Celestia sighed explosively, and slumped down in her seat, convinced that she would never be able to tell her sister what she meant; Luna reached out with one sticky hoof, and pressed it against one of Celestia's hooves in a simple but calming gesture, with a look of concern on her face.

"Celestia; what's wrong with the idea of me having fun?" Celestia looked up at her sister, and smiled slightly as she gently pushed Luna's hoof away; she received a hurt look from Luna, but Celestia was quick to mend that.

"I'm sorry, Luna, but there's honestly nothing wrong; nothing's wrong with the idea of you having fun! It's just...I wish I was there, to throw pies at you alongside my solar guard, while you opposed me with your lunar guard! I went a thousand years without having fun at all! I love my...Our little ponies, but they can be such a bore at times! You should have told me when you were going to do something like this, sister!"

Celestia then did the one thing that Luna absolutely loathed herself for being extremely partial to; Celestia's pouting. That was completely unfair; Celestia's pout was famous for being able to stop wars and win cake from even the most difficult ponies ever, heck, she even managed to get a cake from Discord with it! It was impossible to resist, and Luna gave a sigh of defeat before wrapping her hooves around her sister in a tight hug, which was eagerly replicated by Celestia, who inwardly winced as she felt the squelch of pie remains being squeezed between the two sisters.

"Oh, Tia...I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a more suitable time period for the food fight, and that was the biggest and best place to hold it!"

"Well...I forgive you, Lulu. Just remember three things." Luna nodded slowly, ready for her sister's advice.

"What would you have me remember, Tia?" Celestia frowned as she stepped away from Luna to check herself, and sure enough, quite a bit of cake and pie from Luna had transferred onto her coat.

"One, take a bath after food fights. I know I'm going to have to."

"Heh heh, sorry. The second, Tia?"

"No more interrupting bureaucratic meetings with pies and cakes."

"Fair enough. And the last one?"

"Invite me next time, Lulu!"

Author's Note:

By Luna's request, there were no apple pies (Or cakes) present at the food fight, because Faust save the guard that would have unluckily and unknowingly grab and throw the pie at Luna that happened to be Luna's worst enemy

Celestia dropped by Twilight's home because she wanted some cake from her

Poor Cadence, those pie related injuries must hurt

Don't give Luna fruitcake

Bureaucrats everywhere from then on learned to be wary whenever excess pies and cakes were seen

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