• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,656 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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The floor is too cold, Lulu!

The floor is too cold, Lulu!

Celestia yawned as she woke up; her internal alarm clock told her that it was time to raise the sun, and she couldn't just disobey and sleep in; that would mean her little ponies wouldn't have a sun to work and play in! That didn't mean that she enjoyed getting out of bed though. For once, she wanted to sleep in, but every time, as she was about to pull up the covers over her head, she felt the need to raise the sun, which, by then, she would need to go through life in the castle, sneaking through hallways, avoiding aristocrats wanting to catch her off-guard, and sneaking cupcakes off when the chefs weren't looking; ah, her normal, everyday boring routine, though she did wonder what kind of cupcakes her chefs were making today.

Sighing, she rolled out of her bed, and landed on the floor on her hooves with a rather heavy thud. Unfortunately for her, she always seemed to forget that the floor, made from marble, was very, very cold in the mornings, almost unbearably so; and she just placed her bare hooves on it. With a shriek, she jumped up back onto her bed, trembling from the icy floor; she wanted two things most of all right now, to get warm, and to find the pony responsible for designing her room to have a marble floor. Almost every morning was like this, and she hated it; it was annoying to have to remember this every morning.

A pounding on her doors caught her attention, and she could clearly hear a guard's voice sound out from behind it; the voice was young and strong, most likely a newer member of the royal guard.

"Princess, are you okay?"

"I'm f-fine, thank y-you!"

"You don't sound okay, Princess, we're coming in! ...You're...Uh, decent, right?"

"...Ponies don't normally wear clothes!"

There was a silence from the other end, most likely because the two guards that were always stationed outside the door were probably having a sudden daydream about a Celestia without her royal regalia on; yep, definitely rookies. She snorted, rolling her eyes. For once, she'd like to walk about in the palace without that ridiculous jewelry on, just like any normal pony. Oh well; she did need to keep up with appearances, so she levitated her golden metal horseshoes on, cringing at the cold surface, and she grit her teeth as she placed on her necklace, bravely withstanding the agony. Whoever decided it was a good idea for her to wear such items must not have realized the chilling agony she had to go through every morning with the cold metal pressing directly against her body, and having to walk with that same cold agony on her hooves for the rest of the day. Or maybe they did, crafty little buggers.

"Are you still there? I'm...'Decent' now!"

No response was given for a good thirty seconds before two guards suddenly burst through her door, with a slight pink twinge in their faces as they quickly scanned the room for threats. Unfortunately, as their adrenaline rush wore off, they began to feel the evil, cold grip of her marble floor, and they nearly succumbed to it, if it were not for the intervention of Celestia throwing them out through her doors and frantically rushing outside to them to make sure that the worst they got was a bad chill.

It also just so happened that her sister was walking up to her room when she threw the guards out, and without knowing what exactly just happened, the lunar princess began to scold her older sister.

"Tia! Have you been torturing the royal guards?!"

"What are you talking about-"

"These two stallions were just thrown out rudely!"

"I was saving them-"

"Saving them from what?! I'll have you know that..." Celestia sighed, and began to drone out Luna's ranting as she casted a spell on both guards, who were shivering from the cold and from the argument between the two sisters. The spell in question placed a magical earplug of sorts into the guard's ears, and she checked both of them quickly before taking in a deep breath, and...


Not expecting the sudden outburst from her sister, Luna flew backwards from the force of Celestia's shout; fortunately, she managed to frantically flap her wings and stabilize herself in the air before she impacted the ceiling. Celestia sighed, and dispelled the 'earplugs' on both the guards before flying up to her sister, an apology already on her lips.

"I'm sorry, Lulu, but you wouldn't let me speak, forgive me."

"Then speak, Tia, and I may forgive you! We...I still do not see reason behind why you would throw out two stallions from your room if the floor is just cold, after all, from my view, it looks as if it could have been something scandalous!"

Blushing from her sister's proclamation, she slowly glided down towards the floor, followed by her sister.

"First off; guards? Please go back to guarding my door, please." The two guards nodded, and shuffled back to their former positions at her door, though they were more concentrated on rubbing their hooves in an attempt to warm them up rather than guard a door. Once they had done so, Celestia started walking towards her room, and stopped just outside the doors.

"Lulu, I dare not go any further, and neither you, if you have any sense; my floor is accursed."

"...What, Tia?"

"My floor is colder than Tireks heart itself!"

Luna looked at Celestia's floor, and her poker face was perfect for the first five seconds before she groaned, and lifted a hoof up. "Tia, you are overreacting! You mean to tell me that despite all the hot air you put on, you still get cold from merely touching the floor?"

"Hey! I do not put on any hot air as you say it, and you don't know this marble floor, Lulu! It is my greatest enemy yet!"

Luna looked dubiously at her sister before bringing her hoof down on the marble floor; it stayed there for a good fifteen seconds before Luna looked up at her sister with an annoyed expression. "You are overreacting, Tia, and besi-OH OH MOTHER OF FAUST THAT IS COLD WHY IS IT SO COLD?!" Luna backpedaled in sudden fear and confusion as the cold seemed to instantaneously hit her like a truck. Instinctively, she pressed up against Celestia, who was now blushing, and tried to get some warmth from her older sister.

"Why haven't you done anything to this, Tia?!"

"Hey, I warned you! Besides, there's not much I can do to a cold, marble floor."

"Maybe you could add carpeting to the floor? Like what we're standing on, Tia? I mean, it's not that har-..." Luna trailed off slowly as her sister's eyes grew wide, and slowly, Luna began to slide away from Celestia, wondering if she accidentally said something she shouldn't have. "...Celestia?"

"OF COURSE! IT'S BEEN A THOUSAND FAUST FORSAKEN YEARS, AND I DIDN'T BOTHER TO ASK TO INSTALL CARPETING IN MY ROOM AT ALL! YOU'RE A GENIUS, LUNA, A GENIUS!" In a sudden rush of energy, Celestia ran to Luna, kissed her on the cheek, then ran down the hall, crying up jubilantly and causing a ruckus that wasn't going to be remembered for a long, long time, much to future Celestia's dismay. Luna stood there, then fell back onto her rump, clearly confused about what just happened. After a moment, she turned her head around to the two guards, who were trying to keep a straight face on.

"I have the weirdest sister, do you not think so?"

"If I said yes, would you smite me?"


"Then yes."

Author's Note:

I hate cold floors in the morning

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