• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,656 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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This is the best day ever, Tia!

This is the best day ever, Tia!

Luna hummed quietly to herself as she munched on a moon pie slowly while following her sister; apparently, there was a pony that Celestia had wanted her to meet today, and that she would be surprised by her. Luna doubted that; while there were certainly many new things that modern society now had, nothing had surprised her thus far. Although, yes, there were new inventions, they looked oddly similar to a few tools a thousand years ago, and were horribly complicated. At least some things were kept simple, like collectable, sweet, marshmallow, caramel drizzled and deep fried windup robot pony toys that looked like horribly discolored versions of Celestia. Oh, and moon pies. She took a moment to swallow the chewed mouthful of the moon pie in her mouth, enjoying and savoring the sweet flavor it left in her mouth before complaining at Celestia, as she often did when she was bored.

"Tia, how much further is it to this pony? I want to go back to my beautiful, sweet moon pies!" Her complaint was met with a slightly annoyed tone from her sister.

"It won't be for much longer, Lulu; you are so impatient, it drives me nuts sometimes!"

"Well, I'm sorry, Tia! It's not entirely my fault, however; you literally dragged me out of the kitchen while barely explaining yourself!" Indeed, she was just about to pounce upon her moon pie filled refrigerator when her sister had showed up, insisting that she come along with her to meet somepony; fortunately, Luna had managed to secure one moon pie in her grasp before being dragged out of the kitchen, and she was eating said moon pie right now. She wondered if there were portable refrigerators that one could carry around for easy access to moon pies.

"It's important for you to go out and meet other ponies, no matter how rude or...Or 'bad' they seem! You've had enough moon pies anyway, Lulu. I want you to not spend all your time in the kitchens; specifically, your moon pie storage!" An indignant Luna responded in the only way she knew how; with a high pitched, annoying tone that infuriated Celestia to no end when they were much younger.


"Inside voice, Lulu! Don't remind me about your whining. Besides, I think you'll be happy to see this pony! She takes after us, you know."

"Oh, Faust...If she's anything like Blueblood, Tia, I don't think I want to meet her, sorry." Meeting their nephew was a rather...'Interesting' experience for Luna; that was the tamest word she could think of when she met him. He was certainly a bit different when it came to personal tastes (He actually liked that abomination that was coffee? Especially when it was cold?! Gross!), and was one of the most spoiled unicorns that lived in Canterlot. Unfortunately, she was just going to learn to have to deal with him, a prospect that she was not looking forward to.

"Thankfully, Lulu, she's not anything like Blueblood, so you don't have to worry about that." Those words prompted a grateful sigh from her sister before she spoke again.

"Then what do you mean when she takes after us, sister?"

"You'll find out soon enough, Lulu."

As if on cue, a pink blur jumped out (Or, more accurately, fell on top of) Celestia, which immediately caused Celestia's knees to buckle from the sudden weight of another on top of her.

"Oof!" Fortunately for Celestia, Luna was taking precautionary measures, and had slipped back into her old way of speaking.

"WORRY NOT, TIA, THINE ASSASSIN OF THOU SHALL NOT SMITE THEE!" Luna had reared up on her hind legs, and adopted a ridiculous fighting stance that required her to balance on her hind legs, commonly exaggerated in most action movies today (Celestia afterwards would put a severe limit on the amount of extremely cheesy action movies Luna would then be able to watch, upon seeing Luna's hilariously bad pose, much to Luna's dismay), and assessed the situation in front of her; more specifically, who this pony was that dared to attempt to assassinate her sister.

The pink blur was a pony, a unicorn that also happened to have...Wings? Confused, Luna watched as the pink blur giggled, and got off of Celestia, who groaned as she shakily got back up on her hooves.

"Who is this, Tia?" Her question went unanswered as Celestia took a long, long look at Luna, then she facehoofed before she addressed the pink alicorn instead of her sister.

"Honestly, Cadence, can you not do that?"

"Party pooper, it was all in good fun, auntie Celestia!" This 'Cadence' stuck her tongue out at Celestia, and at once, Luna felt a kinship with this alicorn; finally, a pony that wasn't afraid of Celestia and dared to tease her! She imagined the both of them preparing the greatest pranks Equestria had ever seen together; oh, the pranks would be glorious indeed, especially since they were both alicorns! Luna was lost in her own world for the briefest of moments before her mind caught up with the present, and she gracefully landed back on her front hooves, offering a smile and hoof towards 'Cadence' in a friendly manner.

"Hello, Cadence." The reaction she got from the simple introduction was a near bone-crushing hug, followed by loud exclamations of joy, most of which flew over her head, but she did manage to hear the pink alicorn excitedly scream her mother's name while crushing her spine; she could certainly feel something pop and crack.


"H-H...Hi...C-Cad...Ence..." It was getting really hard to breathe, and why was there a light in her vision that seemed to be getting closer to her?

"We have sooooooooo much to catch up on! I thought you were just a legend, but no, auntie Celestia said you were real and you are you are you are!" Fortunately, for Luna's health, Celestia coughed politely, and spoke in a firm voice.

"Mi Amore Cadenza!" Cadance looked up at Celestia, and slightly loosened the hug, causing the light that Luna was seeing to fade away slightly, but it was still there.

"Yes, auntie Celestia?

"I think you're crushing Luna."

"I am? Oh, Faust, I am! I'm so sorry, auntie Luna!" With that, Cadence let go of Luna, who fell to the floor with a groan; alicorn strength hurt, even amongst other alicorns. At least the light wasn't there anymore.

"W-When did...We get another sister, Tia?"

"She's our niece, Lulu. Mother came by to me one night, holding a little alicorn foal in her hooves; she told me that her name was Mi Amore Cadenza, and that she came from father's side of the family. She wanted me to take care of Cadence until she was old enough to leave, but Cadence decided that she wanted to stay here, instead of ruling her own world like us; so, shes been with me for awhile now, and is now a young adult in alicorn terms!"

"Hmm...Ow...Interesting." As Luna tried to get some resemblance of feeling back in her body by flapping her hooves around wildly like a duck flaps its wings when startled, Cadence leaned down, and whispered into her ear.

"I've read in a couple of books that auntie Celestia gave me that you like to prank auntie Celestia; there are also accounts of you being the master of pranks, auntie Luna, you have limitless years of experience at doing it...Can I come along and learn from the best, auntie Luna?"

No pony knew why Luna shouted with such force that it shook the very foundations of the castle, nor why Luna and Cadence would perform mischievous winks and nudges at each other from then on, but one thing was for certain; Luna yelled very, very loud.


Author's Note:

Enter Cadence, alicorn of bone crushing hugs

I'm considering her to be another main character but the title is long enough already and I don't know what to call Cadence anyway

Maybe 'Crushy clutchy Cadence'

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