• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,656 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Your music is rage inducing, Lulu!

Your music is rage inducing, Lulu!

My choices are...No. I really don't want to...No! I'm telling you...No! Stop that, I said no! No! NO!

Luna groaned as she was forced to pick the option to kill a certain character in the RPG she was now playing. Of course my previous choice to steal from the bandits would cause me to have to kill the leader; he would have made an excellent pick-pocketing companion that just might slit my throat given the chance, but that is now irrelevant now because I cannot recruit him at all! Sure, I just smote him in one magic spell, but the possibilities I could have had with him! There could have been a hidden side-quest or character romance interest or...Or something else, but now I can't since this character is dead! Urgh...I'm going to need a break from this. I hate these predetermined choices in games.

Luna was clacking away at the controller, accessing the save point and saving her game at an inn. She didn't want to stop playing, but after the loss of a potential comrade, she felt like she needed to take a break from all of this. Groaning, she popped a few bones as she stood up, and walked over towards her fridge. Maybe a little popsicle will help; I need something sweet right now, and I am in no mood to travel down to the kitchens for food. She opened up the top half of her fridge, and scanned for her choices in popsicle flavours.

"Cherry...Orange...Lime...Mixed berry...So many choices...I think I'll just settle for a lime flavoured popsicle, I'm feeling the need for green right now anyway." Reaching into the fridge, she pulled out a popsicle with her hooves, then shut the door slowly. She peeled the wrapper off, and stuck the popsicle in her mouth, enjoying the lime flavour that exploded in her mouth. Just a few seconds after she placed the popsicle in her mouth, she saw a notification pop up on her screen.

Hmm...I wonder what that could be. After sitting back down in her chair, she checked the notification, which was an invite to a video chat by her sister. A video chat? I would have expected something like this from Moonie, but alright. She pressed down on her mouse to accept the invite, but instead of just one screen with Celestia,four seperate windows opened up, with her sister, Chrysalis, Cadence, and Nightmare Moon. I was not expecting this.

The first to speak was Celestia, who grinned at them all. "Hello, everypony."

Over from her vantage at the Crystal Empire, Cadence waved. "Hi auntie!"

Nightmare Moon merely nodded slightly at her screen, while Chrysalis smiled. "Hey!"

Unfortunately, since Luna didn't want to remove the popsicle from her mouth, she merely waved at the screen. With greetings exchanged throughout all of them, Celestia cut to the chase.

"I suppose you're wondering why we're all here; well, this is a rare chance where all of us don't have any work!" Celestia chimed in cheerfully, which was eagerly accompanied with enthusiastic cheering from Nightmare Moon and Chrysalis, and a grin from Cadence. Again, Luna nodded, unable to say anything with the heavenly popsicle in her mouth. All of us without work, eh? At the same time? Truly, a once in a...Never mind, we're immortal, I'm sure this'll happen a little more often...Maybe.

"So...What now?" Celestia's question was left lingering in the air as each alicorn thought about what there was to be done. The simple fact that all five of them had absolutely nothing to do at the same time was an amazing feat in itself, and since they had all given up on the possibility of ever all meeting up like this, nothing had ever been planned out. While it was true that all five of them have been inside Canterlot at one point or another, there simply was too much work to allow themselves to get together, and once that work was done, more work called elsewhere. Cadence was currently a long ways away in the Crystal Empire, so that didn't help either in their current predicament.

Seeing as nothing was being done, Luna switched tabs to access her playlist of music, picking out a song to listen to. As the song began playing, there were mixed reactions to the music.

Nightmare Moon had an annoyed look on her face as she took off her headset. "Who's playing that? I wasn't expecting music."

"I don't know about you, but I enjoy this!" Cadence grinned as she bobbed her head slowly in tune with the music.

Rolling her eyes, Chrysalis saw that Luna was the only that wasn't showing a reaction to the music, and so, she tapped her camera gently, assuming she was the one who started playing the music. "Hey, Lulu, mind turning it up a little?" Luna nodded, and increased the volume up slightly, though her sister evidently was annoyed now, shooting a death-glare at her camera.

"Oh, so it's you, sister, who's playing it. Turn it off, please, I can't think about what we need to do with that music blasting in my ears." A startled gasp came from Chrysalis and Cadence at Celestia's words.

"C'mon, Tia, it isn't that bad!" Chrysalis urged, trying to get her to keep Luna's music going through her speakers. "Besides, I think ponies think better when there's music to help them."

"Chrys, music distracts ponies from making sound decisions!"

"Funny you say that; if I made a decision right now with the music in the background, wouldn't that be a 'sound' decision?"

A series of groans was heard all around from Chrysalis' pun (with a mental one from Luna), though Celestia was the only one to voice it. "Your play on words is terrible and you should feel bad."

Nightmare Moon coughed, bringing the attention to her. "That was quite rude, Tia."

"So was trying to bring eternal night over all Equestria."

An indignant Nightmare Moon scowled at her camera. "Oh, we're going there, aren't we?"

Celestia leaned in forward towards her camera, shooting a death glare. "Maybe we are, Moonie!"

A now worried looking Cadence spoke softly, hoping that things didn't escalate quickly. "Um...We should calm do-"

"Is that a challenge, Tia?! If so, than I accept it! Come at me, sis! I'll take everything you give me and then some!"

"Alright then, Moonie! Meet me in the Canterlot gardens and we'll settle this like mares!" Promptly, Celestia's screen went blank, showing that she disconnected from the video chat. Nightmare Moon laughed while the other alicorns merely watched in stunned silence at what just occurred.

"Pfft, Tia gets upset easily. One of you shoul-" Nightmare Moon was yanked off from her chair, and she was now screaming incoherently as an aura of magic washed over her, yanking her from her chair and out of her camera's sight. The camera itself fell over, most likely dislodged from Nightmare Moon's sudden, violent yank from her position, and the other three alicorns could just barely see Celestia dragging Nightmare Moon away.

"You accepted this challenge, and you're going to do it with me now!"

The two alicorns were past the camera's range, and Nightmare Moon's screaming was soon lost in the silence that followed. Chrysalis looked guilty since she was the main cause of the argument, and Luna couldn't help but feel sorry for her. As Luna pulled the popsicle away from her mouth, she said her first few words since the beginning of all this.

"Well, that escalated quickly." Her play list switched to another track, and Luna groaned at what caused all this. "I never knew my playlist of music would do something like this."

Cadence nodded. "Your music is rage inducing, Lulu!"

A moment of silence followed, with the three remaining alicorns not sure on what to do next, at least, until Chrysalis spoke up. "Was my pun really that bad?"

Author's Note:

Lime popsicles are the best

Video chats with the most powerful ponies on Equestria

It does not go as planned

Celestia and Nightmare Moon played hacky sack to determine the victor

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