• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,656 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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My accent is fake, Tia!

My accent is fake, Tia!

I wonder if I should break it to Tia yet; after all, she still thinks that the terrible accent I put on is actually my real voice. I think I'll break it to her today; there's no reason to continue putting it off, and at least I'll have some back-up with me.

Spitfire was flying low and slow over towards Canterlot's castle, debating on the possible pros and cons on what she was doing. On one hoof, Celestia would probably be happy that she could now understand what she was saying (Spitfire herself sometimes didn't know what she was spouting off), but on the other hoof, it was part of her charm, so to speak, and it was the public image that she had, so revealing who she actually was like was very different then putting on 'air' and pretending to act like somepony she wasn't.

I have to admit, I'm a bit scared, like one of those school-fillies admitting to another pony that they have a crush on them. I just hope my sister can provide some support for me, as well as...Not screw things up, like she usually does. With a sigh, Spitfire touched down near the entrance of the castle, where Rainbow Dash was waiting for her with a grin on her face. Steeling herself for what would most likely be humiliating words from her sister, she walked on over to her, giving a simple greeting. "Hey, sis."

"Hey." Surprisingly enough, Rainbow Dash didn't open up with a 'smart' snark at her. "So you need some backup trying to explain how your accent isn't really real to Princess Celestia? Doesn't this, like, break every pony that you tell, and causes them to be sent to a mental hospital for a few weeks?" Unfortunately, that snark came right after the greeting.

Spitfire rolled her eyes as she strode inside the castle, followed closely by Rainbow Dash. "I'm sure this time will be different! After all, I'm sure Princess Celestia has met ponies who have been hiding secrets. Mine isn't that big of a deal!"

"Sis, everypony thinks you're a hard-talking pony that grew up on the streets without a bit to her name and somehow managed to become a Wonderbolt. I'm pretty sure they aren't expecting the truth about that pegasus who happens to instead be a pegasus that lived a comfortable middle-class life, a weekly allowance, likes to meditate, eats healthy and actually likes wearing dresses and slow-dancing."

Spitfire continued walking ahead, giving back a snark of her own at her sister. "Who was the one that made up that ridiculous back-story for me which somehow got accepted as the truth?"

Now on the defensive, Rainbow Dash tried to defend her reasoning. "Hey, the story you submitted to the press that one time was downright boring and totally uncool! I had to spice it up a little! Nopony would believe that a middle-class pegasus managed to be a Wonderbolt. I did you a favor that you haven't returned for me yet!"

I don't think having me fight up ninjas from space while I was tied to a chair, had a time-bomb strapped to my chest while blindfolded and forced to eat fried alfalfa spiced with a few bottles of hot sauce is considered 'spicing' things up a little, Rainbow Dash. Ah, well...No point in continuing to argue, we'll just end up fighting each other, and that would make a poor impression on Celestia. "Whatever, Dashie. We should be approaching Celestia soon, so I'd rather not have to tell her the truth while we're arguing with each other."

Despite the fact that Rainbow Dash wanted to continue arguing about how much cooler she made her sister, she knew that it was probably best if she saved it for later. "Alright. What are you going to say to Celestia, anyway?"

"...I have no idea, but it looks like we're about to find out." The two had stumbled upon Celestia, who was eating some apple-pie in the dining hall. Upon seeing the two, the princess waved over at them, and Spitfire waved back with a slight smile on her face. "Hope she understands."

"She probably won't, like Twilight did when you went out with her. Which, by the way, was gross knowing about."

"Hey, I didn't know." Spitfire thought it was pretty funny to see the shocked expression on her sister's face when she mentioned that she had formerly dated Twilight. She had never seen Rainbow Dash puke so fast. The distance between casually eating an apple-pie Celestia and slightly nervous Spitfire closed slowly, but it wasn't long before Spitfire was sitting down next to Celestia, with Rainbow Dash hovering next to her.

"Hello, Spitfire! Hello to you as well, Rainbow Dash. I have to say, I wasn't expecting you two to show up today."

"Well, that's because Spitfire has something to tell you, Princess." Rainbow Dash spoke up for Spitfire, as they had rehearsed earlier (it only took them twenty tries to get the right words that Spitfire wanted her sister to say).

"Oh?" Celestia's curiosity was now taking an active interest in Spitfire, wondering what the captain of the Wonderbolts had to say. "Well, what do you have to say, Spit?"

"It's about my accent. My accent is fake, Tia! I had to go along with it since my idiotic sister-"

Rainbow Dash was quick to complain, almost as fast as she was to fly. "Hey!"

Spitfire, however, continued over her after shooting her sister a glare. "...Changed my back-story I sent to the press into something that was totally untrue and I was forced to act like some hard-life pony with a really bad accent."

"Like your description was any better! It was so boooooooring and uncool!"

Before a sisterly brawl could erupt (Spitfire and Rainbow Dash were absolute terrors for their parents whenever they began fighting each other), Celestia intervened with a few words that Spitfire didn't expect she'd hear as an answer from her current marefriend. "Oh. I already knew the accent was fake."

"I...What?" A look of confusion washed over Spitfire, and that same confusion was apparent in Rainbow Dash. "How did you know?"

"Well," Celestia began, taking a moment to bite into her remaining apple pie before continuing, "I'm sure you've remembered me trying to talk like you?"

"Oh. You mean..."

"Yes, I indeed visited the ponies that truly have the accent you try to imitate, and while many ponies would be fooled, you cannot fool somepony that truly knows how to talk Manehattan. I asked around, and many ponies whom I talked to said that your accent was not right."

"Oh." Spitfire was embarrassed that Celestia had known that her accent was fake. "Well...You don't mind that I lied to you?"

"Not at all, Spitfire! Do you want some apple pie? I know I want some more"

A look was exchanged between the two sisters before both nodded furiously. "Sure!"

Author's Note:

They came to discuss a lie

Instead they got apple pie

Spitfire's accent says bye

This all rhymes, why

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