• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,656 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Move over, Lulu!

That isn't right, Lulu!

Hm. My changelings are adjusting well to living in Canterlot, and it is nice to not have to worry about invading a town for love. Of course, the downside to all of that is that many of the ponies here still remember the invasion and we're getting love-blocked because of that. Oh well, can't have one good thing without a bad thing accompanying it.

Chrysalis was thinking about her current position, which was living in Celestia's closet. It was to be cleaned out and given a refurbishing to better suit her in a few days time, but the fact remained that she was living in a closet. A soon to be glorified closet, that is. I've slept in worse places, I can't complain, really. For now, there was a bed squeezed in with all the junk that Celestia had in one of her many closets, and this particular closet seemed to be filled with marshmallows. Marshmallows, of all things.

A muffled thump was heard, and she looked over towards the source of the thumping, which happened to be at the entrance to her closet. "Who's there?"

The voice of one of her changeling guards answered her. "It's Princess Celestia and Luna, my que...Princess! Shall we turn them away, or do you want them in?"

The change from 'queen' to 'princess' is a bit jarring, but I'll learn to be proud of that title soon enough. "Yes, please, let them inside my closet."

The door opened up to reveal Luna and Celestia, the latter of whom raised a brow at Chrysalis. "This isn't going to be a closet any longer, Chrys."

It's still a closet, for now, though. "In the meantime, Tia, it is a closet and I shall treat it as such." Chrysalis said with a huff.

Ignoring Chrysalis' comment, Celestia quickly found a problem with entering Chrysalis' room, and that was the fact that there was hardly any room to maneuver. With three large alicorns (though all three would take offense to being called 'large) in an already packed closet that had yet to be removed of its marshmallows, space was soon a resource fought over, as Chrysalis saw with Celestia and Luna beginning to fight over the only other chair in the room.

"Move over, Lulu! That chair is mine!"

"I think not, Tia! Your royal rump can sit itself on the floor!"

A quick thinking Chrysalis made her way to retreat back to her bed, claiming some space for herself and giving the two sisters room to fight. You'd think that they'd be mature, given their age, but no, they're no better than foals fighting over a cookie! When a crowbar whizzed past her head at an alarming speed, embedding itself into a bag of marshmallows, Chrysalis couldn't help but stare at the instrument that could have easily been imbedded in her head instead. Correction; no better than violent foals fighting over a cookie. "...Can you two stop fightin-"

"NO!" Both of the alicorns screamed, and Chrysalis ducked as a shovel and a pickax was thrown just above her head.

For the love of Faust, I'm going to die. A marshmallow bounced off of her horn, and she took a moment to stare at it before looking behind her to see that the large bag of marshmallows just above her bed was ripped open. ...They're throwing very sharp things, and those bags aren't the most durable...This is not good. "Tia! Lulu! Stop!"

"Not...Until...Lulu gives me that chair!"

"Back...Off, Tia!"

As the two siblings argued and threw sharp objects, those sharp objects ripped through the bags holding the marshmallows. As Chrysalis watched with growing horror as her room began to be filled with marshmallows, Celestia suddenly grabbed Luna, held her above her head, and threw her at Chrysalis.

"MINE, THIS CHAIR IS MINE, LULU!" Luna was the tipping point, as her horn ripped through quite a few bags of marshmallows due to the way Celestia threw her, and Chrysalis immediately knew that all was not well, as the cascade of marshmallows rained down upon them.


Celestia and Luna stopped their bickering to look at Chrysalis in confusion, which quickly turned into horror as marshmallows began to rain down upon them. Unfortunately, this caused the two to resume bickering again, even as the marshmallows began to limit movement and encase them, as Luna struggled to untangle herself from Chrysalis to get at her sister.

"This is all YOUR fault, Tia!"

"My fault? You're the one who threw the suspiciously and conveniently placed dinner knife at me!"

"Well, you're the one who threw the toy pickaxe at Chrys!"

"You threw the sand shovel and started it with the plastic crowbar!"

Kill me now. Chrysalis buried her hooves into her face, before the marshmallows buried them all.

About thirty minutes later, the female changeling guard looked over at her partner with visible discomfort. "Hey, um...Thirty, should we be worried?"

Her fellow guard on this post, a male changeling, looked at her in confusion. "What? Why, Number Fifty-one? Things have been nice and quiet for the past thirty minutes."

"That's what I'm afraid of, Number Thirty." The female changeling fretted, and she cast a worried look at the door behind her. "They were just screaming and yelling about a chair and marshmallows, and now...Nothing. It's quiet."

She's right...It does seem a little too quiet. "Well, what do you suggest we do, Number Thirty?"

"We could open the door..."

"Is that wise? Our quee-....Princess never gave us any rules concerning our concern for her in an event like this."

"Well I'm worried."

"And now you've got me worried." Number Fifty-one sighed, and set aside his spear. He approached the door, and knocked on it gently. "Princess Chrysalis? Princess Luna, Princess Celestia? Is everything alright in there?" There was no answer that graced his question. He looked over at Number Thirty, who frowned.

"Open it up, we might have an emergency on our hooves!"

"Alright, alright! We're coming in, Princesses, I-" Number Fifty-one was cut off rather abruptly by a massive wall of marshmallow, which cascaded down upon him. Number Thirty screamed, causing nearby guards to approach their area with raised spears.

Fortunately, any questions that were going to be asked were silenced as Celestia crawled out, followed by Chrysalis and Luna. The three alicorns stared at the small group of guards that had gathered around them, and thus began a rather awkward explanation of what exactly happened.

Author's Note:

Chrysalis lives in a closet because the other rooms in the castle are being refurbished

Celestia also collects marshmallows

Unfortunately that led to a marshmallow avalanche

It was a glorious day for smores

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