• Published 27th Apr 2013
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Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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My beautiful room is back, Lulu!

My beautiful room is back, Lulu!

Now, being immortal, there were few things that would stand the test of time. Those that could stand it were treasured by Celestia greatly, and the things that didn't stand that test were even more treasured. One such treasure that she enjoyed immensely was her room; it was her private haven, where she could go and 'lose' herself, so to speak, to the pleasure of sinking into her soft, warm bed, call upon ponies who were experienced in the art of combating sore muscles, and simply have a chance to relax from the serious and stiff atmosphere that was Canterlot. Her room was one such treasure.

Unfortunately, with the bubble-wrap incident, her room was destroyed, and it was currently undergoing construction. Now, she was residing in Luna's quarters (which still had the hole made from the Elements of Harmony). While they were no less comfortable than her own, it just wasn't her room. This was a room that accommodated the Princess of the night, and made little effort to make the area comfortable for the solar princess. Luna had welcomed her in warmly enough, and they even had some fun, brushing the other's mane while talking about various things going around in Canterlot, but it still felt very different from her own room.

That was why upon the return of the lead construction worker telling her that her room was nearly finished sent her ecstatic. Finally, her own room was back again! Happy days were here again! ...No offense to Luna, of course. Celestia was giddy with excitement as she literally bounced around Luna's room (who later upon seeing the mess in her room complained that all her stuff was in disarray from a certain alicorn's rump smashing into everything). Now, Celestia was walking with a (for now) blissfully unaware Luna to her new room.

"Oh, this is so exciting, Lulu! My room, returned to its former glory again!"

"Does this mean that I don't have to show you where I hide the marshmallows in my room?"

"Actually it means that I'm having the royal guard search your room for the marshmallows later while I happily bounce around in my room. How dare you make smores while I was sleeping!"

A huff from Luna clearly showed how irritated she was. "I thought the smell of such a thing would wake you up, dear sister! Apparently not, if it couldn't move that fat rump of yours."

Ignoring her sister's jab at her, Celestia continued to walk towards her room, eager to see it for what it was. "Isn't it exciting, Lulu?! Finally, I get to have my room again! Your room, while comfortable, just wasn't made for me!"

You certainly showed that, too, when you complained the first few nights of it being 'too dark'. It's my moon, for Faust's sake, of course it'd be dark! "Well, regardless of the 'difficulties' we've had in you staying in my room, Tia, I'm glad you have your room back."

The two rounded a corner, and Celestia's smiled only grew wider as she saw the golden doors that signified her room. Eagerly, she bounded up towards the set of doors, and pushed them open. The sight that greeted her very nearly knocked her off her hooves, had not Luna rest a wing upon her back, giving her an awed look. "Tia...What exactly did your workers do to your room...?"

"I don't know, Lulu...But I sure hope I'm not dreaming..." A quick slap from her sister told her that she wasn't dreaming. "Ow. Okay, so I'm not dreaming!" Up in front of the two alicorns was Celestia's entire bedroom, complete with everything she formerly had; Twilight plushies, bookshelves filled with (sadly, as Celestia found out) romance novels, her study (which Celestia would also find out sadly that it was already packed with paperwork), and even her old secret (although she wondered if it was a secret anymore, since the carpenters remade it) wine cellar underneath her room. The only thing that was different was the fact that everything happened to be a little...Shinier? Celestia couldn't quite place the reason behind that thought. Who cared, though?! Her room was back!

"WEEE!" Without warning, Celestia bounded forward and jumped upon her massive bed, bouncing twice in the air before coming to a complete stop, laying down on her bed with her mane all tussled and messy. "I missed my bed, my beautiful, soft bed!" Just as quickly as she bounded onto her bed, she ran over to her Twilight plushies, and squeezed them hard, with happy tears in her eyes. "Twilights! I miss sleeping in bed with you!" And so on, Celestia went, walking, jumping, falling, teleporting, skateboarding, and even reversing the gravity of her room to talk with and express how much she missed her room. Every single part of it.

Luna, by now, was looking on the scene in front of her with amusement and with slight worry. ...I hope I never have my room blown up from sitting on bubble-wrap, because looking at Tia right now, I can say that it would most likely hurt very much. Especially if I were to do a double backflip on a skateboard with reversed gravity and landing on my face to say that I missed that dustball in the corner. With the reversed gravity in effect, she was now sitting on the ceiling, watching as Celestia's horn lit up. Odd; what kind of spell is she casting no- OW.

Rubbing her nose gingerly, Luna complained as she stood back up on her hooves. "Dear sister, could you please KINDLY tell me that you're about to undo a gravity spell? ESPECIALLY when I'm sitting on the ceiling?"

Oh. Silly me. "Sorry, Lulu! I guess I'm just so excited to be back in my room again."

Too excited, if you ask me. "Well, sister, I shall retire to my own room now." As Luna turned around to leave her sister's room, she was stopped by Celestia.


Hmm? Luna turned back around, and noticed that Celestia was fidgeting slightly. "Is something wrong, Tia?"

"Well...I, uh...Do you think that...We could sleep together in my bed? Even though everything looks the same here, Lulu, I think it would help me adjust a lot better if you slept with me. That, and the hole in your room has a terrible draft blowing in, so you might as well reside in my room until that gets fixed."

True enough, and why not? Besides, you're warm, don't snore in your sleep nor kick out unless you have a nightmare, and you're my sister. I should return the favor, too, since you slept with me when I couldn't get sleep myself. "Of course, Tia, of course I'll sleep with you tonight."

Author's Note:

Celestia has her room back

It's hard to sleep in your sister's room, especially if it's completely opposite of yours

Gravity spells hurt

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