• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,653 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Share, Lulu!

Share, Lulu!

They're getting closer...They are nearly through the gates, but I will not let them take what is rightfully mine! They shall not take away what I love, never ever! They will have to go through me, first, and I will not make it easy for them to do so! Fighting will happen for every inch of ground that they need in order to approach me, I-

"I gotta go use the restroom, Lulu."

Luna shot a nasty look at Elhaym, who was unfazed as she stared back with an unamused look at her superior. With a sigh, Luna waved a hoof, and Elhaym quickly shot out from her spot with a white flag. "Cease-fire, I have to use the restroom!"

Wayang looked over at Luna with what could be considered a grin (a very scary looking one), and nuzzled Luna's side, unaware of the fact that her mistress was about to get hit with a barrage of pillows.

Waving a hoof at where Elhaym had gone, Luna spoke softly, with a sad tone in her voice. "Wayang, does she not know of the dangers out there?! She knows not what she's getting into. Why, I doubt they'd-"

Celestia's voice interrupted her. "Okay, you got ten minutes, Elhaym, then we'll resume the war! Lulu, I kind of need a break as well; we've been at this for hours."

Everything's out to stop me from making this dramatic, isn't it? Oh well, I guess a break is in session, so I might as well make the most of it. Wayang seemed to think so, too, as she bounded out of the pillow fort that Luna made with Elhaym, seemingly wanting a break too (even though Wayang hadn't really done anything other than lounge around the fort). Luna followed Wayang out of the fort, and she saw Celestia and Cadence leave their pillow fort as well, heading towards a table with a magical barrier around it, designed to keep pillows out from it. On that table was an array of snacks, perfect for a pillow fight late at night.

Hmm...Now, what to eat? There's quite a nice selection of snacks laid out... There was popcorn, poptarts, toast, little candies and chocolates, moon pies, all manners of baked goods, and even a few slices of cheesecake, all along the table, just enticing anypony to come around and take something from it. The one thing I don't like is the fact that we have so many snacks! Sure, we eat them all in the end, but that doesn't mean we need to bring around twenty different items. Luna picked up a small package, which contained two strawberry poptarts. She pulled out one of them, and bit into it. She watched as Cadence and Celestia wandered around the snack table, looking confused.

"Caddy? Where is that package of poptarts?"

Luna looked down at the poptart she was eating, and groaned. Oh, sure, SURE, I just happened to pick up the poptarts, and soon, there will be some kind of argument that happens that I unintentionally caused. Nice going, Lulu! Luna was spot on for her prediction, as Cadence looked over at her.

"Lulu's eating a poptart, auntie!"

"Share, Lulu!" Celestia and Cadence were immediately at Luna's side, looking down at the last poptart (having seemingly both mentally agree that it was only fair to let Luna eat the poptart she was attempting to eat right now). "Caddy, as your aunt, I-"

"No!" Cadence growled at Celestia, who widened her eyes at such an aggressive noise towards her. "That poptart is mine! I may have eaten the rest of the packages of poptarts when I came back from the mall with Chrys and Moonie, but that doesn't mean anything!"

Luna snorted, finishing off her first poptart. What exactly makes you think I'm going to share my last remaining poptart with either of you?! Maybe I want the poptart to myself! Huh?! "T-Tia, Caddy, please, there's no need to-"

With a growl of anger, Celestia lowered herself into what Luna easily recognized as her battle-stance. "You nearly ate five packages of poptarts on the way back from the mall! I should at least get one poptart to myself!"

"Why shouldn't I finish the job I started?!" Cadence stared hungrily at the poptart, only to be slapped across the face with a small beam of magic from Celestia.

"Are you saying that you deserve to eat the poptart when I haven't got a single one?!"

Cadence nodded, and levitated a pillow up. "Maybe I am!"

The two alicorns glared at each other before running back to the pillow forts, though this time, Celestia took Luna's. Pillows began flying everywhere, propelled at unsafe magic velocities. Wayang screeched, and bounced out of Celestia's pillow fort to hide behind Luna, looking up at her with scared eyes.

Luna took a moment to finish off the poptart she bit into before looking down at Wayang. "You're a jaguar. Not an overgrown housecat. Suck it up." Luna's answer was met with a low hiss from Wayang, and she gently batted at Luna with a paw. Luna patted Wayang's head gently as she watched her sister and Cadence go to war with one another.

"Err...Why are Princess Cadence and Princess Celestia fighting each other? I thought it was us against them." Elhaym walked up to Luna, amazed at the barrage of pillows being flung everywhere.

With a sigh, Luna pointed at the remaining poptart. "They began fighting over a poptart. A POPTART."

...I'm not going to ask. "Aw, is poor Wayang scared?" The jaguar nodded, and Elhaym hugged her gently, generating a purr from the jaguar. "Don't be scared, Wayang, the princesses won't hurt you!"

"Just don't get caught in the crossfire." Luna muttered as she grabbed the last poptart, and lifted it up towards her mouth. Unfortunately, both alicorns sensed that the poptart was in danger, turned around to see Luna reaching forward for it, gasped. Together, without any sort of planning, the two of them quickly picked the biggest pillows they had nearby, and both flung two hyper-charged pillows at Luna. The result was an immediate drop of the poptart back onto the table as Luna was propelled through the ceiling, creating a Luna-sized hole in it. Realizing what the other had done, Celestia and Cadence shot each other a salute before going back to throwing pillows at each other, with a scared Elhaym and Wayang watching them fearfully, afraid that they would be the next ones to go through the ceiling.

Author's Note:

Pillow fights

Luna doesn't like sharing


Elhaym and Wayang are scared

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