• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,653 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Turn it DOWN, Lulu!

Turn it DOWN, Lulu!

Now, I haven't questioned my sister's music choices...Too much. Sure, some of it is annoying, but it's fine for the most part, and I have even enjoyed some of what she has found and shared with me; it's a rather nice change to what I usually listen to. However, when she's blasting some very loud 'rock' music around the castle at the sound levels that are higher than a sonic rainboom, there's a problem, and one that threatens to cause me to go deaf. My poor ears cannot handle this noisy assault any longer so yes, I must unfortunately be a killjoy; I must stop my sister from destroying our second castle with her music! ...Even though it sounds nice. I like nice music.

A somewhat determined Celestia (with extreme noise-cancelling earmuffs mounted on her ears, which, while stopped most of the noise, didn't stop the feeling of wading through a sea of sound) was struggling to walk to Luna's room, and indeed, it almost felt like having her face forced to the floor from the sheer intensity of the music. I have to admit, the song doesn't sound bad; BUT COME ON, IT'S TOO LOUD FOR ANYPONY TO SERIOUSLY APPRECIATE THE MUSIC. Luna's lucky there's plenty of these earmuffs to go around for all the ponies working here, because I'm sure they'd have gone deaf by now.

Celestia struggled against the immense wall of sound when she noticed that something was different. It wasn't immediately obvious to her, though, until she realized that she was no longer walking through what felt like jelly; it took a moment for Celestia to figure out what it was, after she slowly pulled her earmuffs off. There was no music. It wasn't her earmuffs blocking out the sound, because there was no sound at all to be heard anywhere. Seizing the opportunity, Celestia sprinted towards Luna's room, taking the most of the temporary break in music to get closer to the madness. Unfortunately, this break was very, very short, as the music blared outwards again, causing Celestia to cringe as the wall of sound came back, giving back the feeling of wading through a sea of sound. Ugh! I'm just a few steps away from the door! Come on! Why would you play music this loud, Lulu?! As fate would have it, the song currently playing was now unintentionally mocking her. Either way, it makes ya mad!

...Am I being mocked right now?! Okay, that is it! Perfectly timed song lyrics that make fun of my rage, though unintentional as it may be, are very infuriating for me! With renewed determination, Celestia pushed through the barrier of sound, slowly gaining ground, when suddenly, the door to Luna's room was blown off its hinges, hurtling towards Celestia, who closed her eyes and braced herself, not wanting to witness what was going to impact her. Fittingly, the appropriate song lyric accompanied the door, 'you might as well ask for the door, end over end'.

A world of pain met Celestia's head, and stayed there; she wanted to stop and lick her wounds, but Luna was about to bring down the whole castle on top of them if she didn't stop playing her music. With a groan, Celestia opened her eyes, and was confused when all she saw was brown. Huh. I...Oh, for Faust's sake, I now have door impaled on my horn! Just you wait, Lulu!

With grim determination, Celestia (and the door impaled on her horn which was causing extreme stress) managed to enter Luna's room (how, Celestia never figured out, but she never wanted to remember this incident anyway). She immediately yelled at her sister, hoping that the sound of her voice would drown out the music. "Turn it DOWN, Lulu!" Unfortunately, her command was unheeded by her sister, who...Seemed to be sleeping. Sleeping. With music being played that was louder than a jet engine.

I swear, Lulu, I...I...Okay, now, this is just getting absolutely ridiculous and dumb. Inside Luna's room was Chrysalis and Cadence, who were listening to their own music on their own iHOOF's while playing patty-cake (and having not even notice Celestia enter the room), which only served to infuriate Celestia more. As Celestia continued walking over to Luna, who was the more serious offender here (and had gigantic sub-woofers broadcasting the music), she noticed something that finally pushed her over the limit. There was a plug that wasn't plugged in that was just outside one of the ports. Her gaze followed the wiring of the plug, where it eventually led to Luna's headphones. They weren't plugged in.

Celestia felt the last of her sanity slip away as she stared at her snoozing sister, then at Chrysalis and Cadence. Suddenly overcome by a bout of laughter, Celestia grinned manically, and tore out the power plug from Luna's speakers, which effectively silenced the music; the Faust-Forsaken music that was playing stopped. It also happened to wake up Luna with a snort.

"Why has the music stopped playing?! T-Tia?! What are you doing here?! ...And why is there a door impaled on your head?"

"...Music...Is...Too loud..."

Although Luna couldn't see Celestia's facial expression (owing to the door on her head), Celestia had a look of extreme displeasure on her face, the kind that literally screamed 'don't push your luck'. Unfortunately for Luna, she didn't know this, and so she suffered the consequences. "Is that what you're really jawing at me about? Pfft! Music too loud. You're just trying to limit my freedom! My headphones are clearly plugged in!"

Celestia's next words caused a chill to go down Luna's spine. "Headphones...Weren't...Plugged in...I'm going to...Kill you..."

Luna looked down at her headphone jack and indeed saw that her headphones weren't plugged in at all. The fact that she was playing her music on the sound setting 'louder than a jet engine' probably didn't help either, and neither did the fact that her sister was breathing heavily and with what seemed to be an amazing desire to murder her literally radiating off from her. Luna giggled uncomfortably for a moment before dashing off, followed by Celestia screaming at her.


As the two sisters left the room, both of them screaming for entirely different reasons, Chrysalis took off her headphones, and Cadence followed suit a few seconds later. "Did you hear something, Caddy? Could've sworn I heard something."

Cadence merely shrugged, looking around Luna's room for signs of what may have happened. "I'm not exactly sure what it was you heard, but I can guess. Luna's gone, and so is the door."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, and clapped her hooves once. "Tia?"


With a nod, Chrysalis began the motions of placing her headphones back on. "Ah, Tia."

Swiftly, a pink hoof reached out to stop Chrysalis from completing her desired action. "I just said it was Tia."

"...I know you said Tia." Chrysalis once again tried to put her headphones back on, though she was stopped once again by Cadence.

"Then stop saying Tia!"

"No! You stop saying Tia!"

The beginnings of a bitter battle between Chrysalis and Cadence surfaced as the two prepared to engage in a game of extreme patty-cake.

Author's Note:

Requested (somewhat) by Granitecrab, I didn't use the bands you listed but I searched around the genre and found Chevelle, which I quite enjoy now (at least I don't think you mentioned Chevelle, I'm too lazy to find the comment again)

Neither did I use the idea of them arguing about bands but I do intend on doing that in a later chapter

Luna also enjoys Chevelle, she must take after me

Ever forget to plug in your headphones

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