• Published 27th Apr 2013
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Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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I don't have time for this, Lulu!

I don't have time for this, Lulu!

I need a pay raise. A big one, at that, though that might be asking for a bit too much. No offense to princesses or anything, of course, but I'm not being paid enough to deal with what I encounter daily, nor is it enough to deal with...'Situations' like these. It certainly isn't enough to cover my insurance in the event I get mauled by something.

Elhaym was currently brooding over her financial status in Luna's room, while trying to calm down the alicorn, who, for some reason, was thoroughly spooked. You'd think you'd be absolutely fearless as an alicorn; obviously, that's not the case here. "Please, Princess Luna-"

"Call me Lulu, please. I will also not calm down! Y-You didn't see t-that...Thing! You have no idea of the horror I have seen! It's out there, somewhere, in my room in this very instance!"

With a sigh, Elhaym looked around the massive room, trying to find the 'thing' Luna was speaking of. It had apparently snuck up behind the lunar princess as she was unwrapping her last package of holiday flavoured moon pies. Her scan of the darkened room came up with nothing, and flatly stared at the cowering alicorn. "I don't see anything that isn't where it belongs, Prin- Lulu."

Frantically, Princess Luna was looking about in her room, trying to find the source of her trouble, wondering where such a thing could have gone. "You know not what you speak of, Elhaym! It was here! Bothering me! Scaring me! I cannot eat in safety if that thing continues to walk about, safe within the shadows!"

That...Doesn't make any sense, though. Your room is dark, and I can hardly see anything, much less something stalking you in the dark! "...Is that why it's so dark in here and there's very little light?"

"Precisely! You're very smart, Elhaym!"

"...Wouldn't it make more sense to turn on the lights and then try to find this thing? Right now, if this 'thing' wanted, it could wait safely in the shadows to strike at you when it's ready."

"I feel safer in the shadows! Princess of the moon, remember?"

That wasn't obvious enough to me yet. Elhaym was about to leave the alicorn to her doom when she heard a faint munching. Are you seriously eating right now? I thought you were afraid. "Lulu, are you really eating a moon pie during what you consider to be an emergency for you? I can hear the crunch."

The response given was not one Elhaym was expecting or wanted. "I...Thought that was you eating a moon pie."

A silence descended upon them, with the munching of moon pies in the background scaring the both of them. Slowly, through sheer willpower, Elhaym managed to slowly edge herself over to Luna. "Listen, I'm going to turn on this lamp and just find out what the heck is that thing."

"No, don-"

"I don't have time for this, Lulu!" Elhaym shouted in exasperation, and turned the lamp on. The incoming light that flooded the room was a relief to the bat pony, and she quickly scanned Luna's room for the threat that was creeping her out. As it turned out, Luna had every reason to be afraid.

A very large, very frightening, and very hungry looking black jaguar was in Luna's room, munching on her moon pies and looking up at the two with a curious expression on its face. It waved a paw at them before returning to its meal. Elhaym stared at the panther for a little while longer before looking at Luna, then shouting at her. "How does a jaguar show up in your room?!"

Luna's answer was less than satisfactory for Elhaym. "How should I know?! I certainly didn't ask for a jaguar to be sent up into my room!"

"Well, this is just-" Something rubbed up against her side, and Elhaym cringed, wondering if her life was about to end right there and then. Surprisingly, for the ponies, the jaguar was actually giving what seemed to be a purr as it rubbed up against Elhaym, and the guard couldn't help but give the jaguar a few pats on the head, wondering what was happening to her right now. I...Okay, I think I'm not going to die yet. Maybe. It depends if it's actually snuggling with me, or just trying to lull me into a false sense of security. "Lulu...Uh, what do I do with the jaguar? It...Seems to like me."

"I don't know, just don't let that thing near my moon pies! She devastated my special holiday flavour moon pies! WHY! WHY?!" Luna began sobbing as she saw the carnage wrecked upon her moon pies, unable to take in the sight that would forever be burned into her eyes. Elhaym and the jaguar stare at the grieving alicorn together, until something clicked in Elhaym's mind.

"She, eh?" Elhaym looked down at the jaguar, and saw eyes full of intelligence staring back up at her. "Well, Lulu seemed to figure out your gender quickly, and I see no reason why you aren't female. I should give you a name...How about I call you Wayang? It means 'Shadow', and I think it would fit you perfectly, since, well, you hid really, really well in the shadows as you freaked Luna and I out."

The jaguar seemed to enjoy that name, as it purred louder before nuzzling her face. Laughing, Elhaym tried to stop the jaguar as it continued to nuzzle her face. "S-Stop! H-hahaha, that tickles! L-Luna, do something!"

As it turned out, Luna did do something, though it wasn't what Elhaym was asking for. The alicorn panicked, and ran out of the room, screaming. "Guards! I need some guards! A jaguar is eating Elhaym's face off!"

Author's Note:

Trouble in Luna's room

It's a jaguar

Elhaym now has an overgrown house cat she can ride into battle with

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