• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,656 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Oh, back off, Lulu!

Back off, Lulu!

You know, out of all the things that could have happened when Nightmare Moon was freed from my mind, this was certainly not what I thought she would do with me. Who am I to complain, though?! I now have somepony to play with!

Currently, Nightmare Moon and Luna were playing some Pony Knights, and it was refreshing to have another pony to play with; Celestia was more interested in shooters then dungeon crawlers, and while Cadence did happen to like playing with Luna, the distance between them often caused a problem for them, as the signal strength was weak in the crystal empire. So when Nightmare Moon expressed some interest towards gaming and certain parts of the genre, Luna immediately picked up on that and began showing Nightmare Moon the games that she played in an attempt to convert Nightmare Moon into her gaming buddy. It was going pretty well, all things considered.

Luna adjusted the microphone on her headset for a moment before speaking. "Hey, Moonie, you want to go downstairs into the kitchens after this depth? I'm getting a little hungry, if that's alright."

"I wouldn't mind a snack myself, Lulu. I'll accompany you down to the kitchen."

Well, that was rather convenient timing on my part. "Alright then. Let's finish this royal jelly already so we can eat."

Nightmare Moon's sarcastic voice sounded over. "Uh, who was the one that insisted on bringing along piercing weapons?"

"Look, I didn't know the new weapons I was bringing along were piercing!"

"Whatever...I have to carry you, again."

After setting her headset down carefully, Luna stepped outside her room, grumbling under her breath. "I swear I didn't know they were piercing! Nice going, Lulu." Shaking her head in annoyance, she continued her path until she was at the intersection where she was going to meet Nightmare Moon. She sat down on one of the many benches, and waited for her gaming buddy.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chrysalis walking towards her, and she nodded slightly in her direction. "Hello, Chrys."

"Hello, Lulu." The alicorn sat down next to Luna, who scooted over to make room for her. "How has your day gone so far?"

Luna smiled at Chrysalis. "It's going well! Moonie and I have just finished a session of Pony Knights, and now we're going to get some food from the kitchens. You?"

Chrysalis sighed before rubbing the base of her horn. "Paperwork. It's always the paperwork, and most of it is...Dumb."

Oh, I don't envy you. "Tell me about it. It was an absolute nightmare when Tia first showed me the massive amount of paperwork I had to complete. In an hour. The stack of papers reached the ceiling!"

"That sounds about right. Oh, there's Moonie; well, I'm off, Lulu, I don't want to get slapped silly by Moonie. You two have fun with whatever you're doing!"

Chrysalis waved at Luna before walking off, past Nightmare Moon. The latter shot a glare at her before turning her head around to smile at Luna. "Well, I'm here. Sorry about the delay; I was held back by a guard named Elhaym that wanted to ask me a few questions about myself."

"That's fine; I was busy talking to Chrys anyway. Let's go into the kitchens!" The two eagerly made tracks to the kitchen, stopping only to apologize (briefly) to accidentally running into a now crying Celestia, who had dropped her slurpee upon Luna accidentally smashing into her like a truck when she rounded the corner. After that little incident, the two of them quickly left before Celestia began throwing a tantrum. It was in the best interests of their health, to say the least, when they heard muffled explosions in the hallway they left Celestia in.

"Wow, even though slurpees are heavenly, even I don't throw a tantrum like a little filly when it spills."

"It's not like Tia can't get another slurpee anyway, she needs to not whine over split slurpees!"

"You got that right!" The two alicorns shared a laugh as they entered the kitchen, and Luna gave a slight nod towards the head chef. "We're just here for a light snack." The chef still paled from what Luna said; a light 'snack' usually meant something that would take two starving ponies to munch through. Fortunately, however, Luna wasn't interested in anything the chefs could make for her; she was only interested in the marshmallow goodness that were called moon pies. With that in mind, she walked over to one of the massive fridges dedicated to alicorns and their snacks. The particular fridge she was opening had her cutie mark on it, so she knew there were going to be moon pies within it.

Unfortunately, when Luna opened the fridge, it was completely empty. No moon pies were in sight. Surprisingly, she didn't panic at first; she closed the fridge door as her first course of action. Then, despair ran through Luna's system, and she dropped to the floor, twitching slightly. "N-No moon pies...T-There are no m-moon pies! WHY...What did I do wrong?! There a week's supply of moon pies in there!"

"Oh. I ate them all." The silence that suddenly rampaged through the kitchen created an aura of tension that a pony would later remark as 'So much tension that not even a hot knife could cut through that butter'. Luna stopped twitching on the floor to unsteadily get back up on her hooves to stare at Nightmare Moon before taking in a deep breath, which was the cue for everypony other than Nightmare Moon to cover their ears. Luna shouted a single word at Nightmare Moon, who was confused over why everypony had their ears covered.


Nightmare Moon groaned as she held her hooves to her ears far too late, as they were ringing with the echo of Luna's shout. "Why are you shouting?! All I said was that I ate all the moon pies in that fridge."

"Those were my moon pies, Moonie! It was my fridge, not yours! You're getting your own delivered to you sometime net week to stock with your own snacks!"

"We have...Personalized fridges of food in the kitchens? I doubt that; Lulu, it doesn't have your name on it."

Frantically, Luna waved a hoof at the fridge. "It has my coat colours! Cutie mark on it! What else does it need?!"

Snorting, Nightmare Moon walked over to Celestia's fridge, and pulled it open, eyes widening at the contents within. "Oh, back off, Lulu! So I made a mistake; at least I know better now. Those moon pies were delicious." Slowly, Nightmare Moon pulled out a plate with a slice of plain cheesecake on it, and smiled. "Ah, yes, cheesecake...Somepony, get me a bottle of strawberry syrup and some berries!"

Luna watched with barely contained, seething rage as she looked back at her fridge, devoid of moon pies. "You're getting what's coming to you,Moonie..." She muttered quietly to herself as she walked forward to Celestia's fridge, grudgingly getting some cheesecake for herself.

Author's Note:

Celestia is number one when it comes to shooters and is accused of aimbotting in every game she plays

Pony Knights = Spiral Knights, just a little game I play when I'm bored at times

Poor Celestia

Poor Luna

Luna has competition with Nightmare Moon for Moon pies now

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