• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,770 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 23: A Cult By Any Other Name

After getting off the train, Grandbuggy leads you, Ahuizotl and Mangle off on what can scarcely be called a road.

“There’s not even any signs or anything, are you sure there’s something out here Grandbuggy?” you ask looking at the desolate looking landscape full of rocks.

“I’m pretty sure. The delivery orders Ahzi gave specify it.”

“Why do you even have records of this middle of nowhere place?” you ask Ahuizotl.

“Because little one, the minute I heard of somepony wielding the Staff of Mage Meadowbrook, I had to get all the info I could. It’s only a matter of time before Daring Do hears the same rumors.”

“And what’s so special about this staff?” you ask.

“Well Medaowbrook was this mare that lived about a thousand years ago, real cute, had an alluring accent,” Grandbuggy says in nostalgia before shaking his head. “And she was really good at whipping up cures for pretty much everything, so if these hippies have something that belonged to her, I’d think it could be helpful.”

“Wait, you think? Don’t you know?”

“Not exactly, it’s actually something I never even knew existed,” he admits.


“The mare was an earth pony and I never really heard about her using magic items before. But then again she hung around with beardo and the rest before they blew up, so who knows?” he ponders. You stop at that.

“Wait, is this thing even on the list Jack gave us?”

“Actually…no,” Grandbuggy admits and you scowl.

“Then why the buck are we here then?”

“Oi, when it comes to artifacts, the more the merrier. Besides, maybe this thing will help your Ma have a healthy immune system or something, I don’t know,” he shrugs. Letting out a sigh you roll your eyes at him.

“That’s a weak justification, but we’re already here so fine. But next time, let’s just stick with the stuff we know we need to get.”

“Alright fine, take the fun out of relieving my glory days why don’tcha?” he grumbles.

Eventually you all crest a ridge and in the distance you spot a drab looking town that appears to still be under construction.

“Huh. They got more permanent looking structures than your usually tree huggers,” Grandbuggy says.

“I don’t even see any trees Fix,” Ahuizotl points out.

“…Good point.”

“It looks so freaking boring there,” you voice your opinion. “I mean heck, as much as it was a dump, even Griffonstone had more colors to look at.”

And as you say that…

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Your eyes suddenly widen in realization.

"Oh buck, I almost forgot!"

While Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl give you weird looks, you quickly open your inventory and pull out Greta...whose face is once again covered in markings, courtesy of one mechanical fox who laughs from your back.

"Sorry Greta, I almost forgot you where in there!" you apologize. Greta just sighs as she brushes off herself before she says,

"It's no problem, that place is really comfy for some reason so I got to take a pretty good nap. How long was I out?"

“Well, we’re already at our destination, so awhile,” you say pointing to the distant town.

She peers at the buildings and scowls.

“Yeesh, you think some color would kill them?”

“I know, right?” you agree before you try to suppress a snicker. The drawn on glasses with her squinting is actually pretty humorous. You’re not the only one, Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl also hold back their laughter, but barely.

"What's with the looks? Something on my face?" Greta asks noticing all your strained faces and slight chuckling.

You, Grandbuggy, Ahuizotl and Mangle all look at each other before you calm down and shake your heads as one.


She stares at you all and your odd behavior for a bit before she shrugs and starts walking ahead.

"Whatever, come on this town ain't gonna lost its treasure by itself ya know?"

When she is a little ways ahead, the four of you put your heads together in a huddle and start laughing as quietly as you can.

“Oh my gosh Mangle,” you chuckle and pet the laughing fox.

“I thought glasses were supposed to make you look smart,” Grandbuggy guffaws.

“And that “L” on her forhead, Oh! I have to remember to use that the next time I capture Daring Do,” Ahuizotl giggles.

“Are you dorks coming or not?” Greta calls.

“Yeah yeah, be there in a second Harry Trotter,” Grandbuggy cat calls.


“Nothing! *Giggle* He said nothing,” you snicker as you walk ahead towards the poor confused Griffon.

After a few more rounds of snorted laughter and an increasingly agitated and confused Griffon gamer, the five of you enter the dreary town and garner the attention of the equally drab looking residents and…Well…

Kichi’s Comment


"Welcome!" a pale stallion says with a massive toothy smile.

"Welcome!" says a grayish mare with an equally big set of chompers.

"Welcome!" "Welcome!" "Welcome!" "Welcome!" every pony around says in the same tone as you all stop in the middle of the road.

"I feel like I need an adult" Greta shudders looking at all the wrong looking happy faces.

“I know what you mean,” Grandbuggy nods. “Them smiles ain’t right. I’d feel more welcome stepping back into The Hive.”

“I’ve been in traps that didn’t make me feel as uneasy as this,” Ahuizotl agrees.

You don’t answer them as your are giving a thousand yard stare shaking in remembrance.

This is…This is almost the same.

The smiling faces, the Town in the middle of nowhere, and even the cutie marks. Flicking your eyes over everyone, you see that they all have the same cutie mark. Everyone, from the adults to the children all have the same equal sign cutie mark. They’re not blank, but they are all still the same. With this realization, your pupils shrink even more as the horrifying truth washes over you.

This is just like Sunny Town.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Alright you guys, just keep your heads about you,” Grandbuggy instructs. “Even if they’re creepy, they’re all just hippies in the end. Now, let’s keep moving forward and-“


Grandbuggy falters in his step as he looks back at you.

"Nope? What do you mean by that?"

You just point at the smiling ponies with a deadpanned look and repeat yourself.


"Really Nightshade?” he says in disbelief. “Sure their smiles are just screaming bad touch, but I doubt it'll be that bad. I mean when you think about it real-where are you going?!"

While Grandbuggy was talking, you had started on your way back to the train stop and at his question you turn around, stick your tongue out and shout.

"NOPE!" And with that you start marching back out of town.

The creepy towns ponies, Grandbuggy, Ahuizotl and Greta look at your retreating form in confusion for a bit before Grandbuggy sighs and facehooves.

"I guess we have to do things the hard way then...”


Your little group of five reenters the town and needless to say, the creepy smiles falter slightly at the sight of you tied up, struggling and screaming on your Grandbuggy’s back.


“No they’re not kid,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes and stamps forward.


“Um, Fix? Don’t you think this is a little extreme?” Ahuizotl asks apprehensively.

“No. I ain’t gonna let her run off on her own. I may be taking my Great Granddaughter on a dangerous Treasure Hunt, but even I know you don’t split the party.”


“Um, Pyramid Head is a videogame character,” Greta points out. “He’s not real.”


“Give it a rest Shade, you’re causing a scene,” Grandbuggy grumbles.


“I thought you said she fought the Arimapsi herself, why is she so easily tied up?” Greta asks.

“Because she’s not thinking straight and is forgetting just how powerful she really is,” Grandbuggy answers with an eye roll. “Her dad does this constantly.”

“I’m not above hitting an old guy in public Grandbug-UGH!” you groan as a rope is tied around your mouth by your traitorous Robot pet.

“Et Tu Mangle?” you whine through the gag and she gives a shrug.

“Just calm down Nightshade,” Ahuizotl advises. “The sooner you do, the sooner we get the artifact and will be able to leave.”

“But we don’t even know that we need this artifact! I’m Telling You! Soon one of these guys is going to properly welcome us and then offer to let us stay and then it will all go downhill!” you warn, but they can’t quite understand you through your gag.

And even as you say that…

Kichi’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Just_another_guy’s Comment

"Hello! Welcome to Our Town, my name is Starlight Glimmer, I hope you enjoy our perfectly equal style” a light pinkish Unicorn Mare with done up hair greets. Just like the rest, she has an equal sign cutie mark.

“Called it!” you shout, or try to anyway.

"Now not to intrude, but why do you have a filly strapped to you back?" Starlight Glimmer asks in confusion.

"Oh right, well this little bundle of joy is my great granddaughter,” Grandbuggy explains. “You see she got a bit spooked by the town is all and this was the only way I could keep her from running off back to the train.”

“GGGRRRR!!!” you growl through the rope and the mare looks taken aback.

“Spooked? By what might I ask?”

“Uh, yeah, she uh…She saw a horror movie about a week ago that she wasn't supposed to. It had a spooky town out in the middle of nowhere and zombies showed up, so the whole town set up just kind of scared her is all” he lies through his teeth.

"Oh! Um no worries here, I can see where you’re coming from. No nefarious like things here, just a village following their beliefs of equality! Heh Heh Heh…" Starlight smiles though she has a noticeable sweat drop running down her forehead and her eyes dart around.

"Nothing nefarious my hoof, this place is reeks of it!" you counter, but because of the gag, you are muffled an unintelligible.

"Oh but where are my manners madam, my name is Quick Fix." Grandbuggy says trying to use the old charm on the mare. In response, you poke the back of his neck with your horn.

"Gah! Why you little…Uh erm, and this is Shade. I’m sure she’s glad to meet you.”

You try to hit him again but he blocks your attack with his hoof.

“The two behind me are my friends Greta, and Zotal," he continues and motionins to the rest of the group. Starlight looks over to the giant cat like creature and the griffon behind you.

"Greetings Senorita." Ahuizotal says with a bow.

"Sup." Greta says bluntly catching Starlight’s attention.

"Oh wow, I can't believe it, Traditional Griffon war paints. I read about those when I was a filly…they uh…they look good on you?” she somewhat asks.

"War paints? What war paints?" the griffon asks.

“Ummm…” Starlight starts before she sees Grandbuggy, Ahuizotl and even Mangle shaking their heads no. “Uh, nothing. Just admiring your…Green eye shadow.”

“Oh, those are natural not war paint,” Greta explains.

“Right…” the mare nods unbelievingly before turning back to the group at large. “Well anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Now, what brings you to our fun little town?"

"Oh just passing through, seeing the sights." Grandbuggy lies.

“The sights? Out here?” Starlight asks skeptically.

“…Yes,” Grandbuggy nods and as he continues to talk to the mare, you decide to look around from your bound position and see if any creepy monsters have appeared.

Any minute now…any minute…aaaaaannnnnnnyyyyy mmmmmiiiiinnnnnuuuuutttteee…

But despite your watchful eyes and insistence on otherworldly shenanigans, the houses don’t flake and crumble, the sun doesn’t cease to shine, and the living dead do not appear.

Wait, for real? Did I actually just spazz out for nothing? You think in dread.

Indeed, the houses aren’t crumpling apart, rather some are still being built. They are simple and sturdy with brick walls wooden roofs, although you are still a bit unnerved by just how exact each house is to the each other. Down the row you see a couple of small shops, the pale pinkish unicorn mare that comes out of it offers a tray of some bland looking muffins to your group. Greta relunctantly takes one with an awkward

“Thanks,” as she takes a bite and scrunches her face.

On the other side of the street you see a vendor selling poorly made brown cloaks, which look more like hoods more than anything.

Aw crud. Are these guys just dirt poor and I accused them of being monsters?

Even further down the road you spy a lone house, slightly larger than the rest.

Hmm. Must be either the town hall or the leader mare’s home, probably both. So maybe there’s no zombies, but this still bleeds Filly’s of the Corn!

You also notice a familiar white earth pony walking over towards Starlight. He marches up and coughs to get Glimmer's attention.

"Huh oh excuse me my assistant needs me," She says before walking to the pony in question. As she walks away Ahuizotl and Greta come up and pull you two into a group huddle.

"Alright amigo you know this place is off right?" Ahuizotl whispers as to not be overheard by the villagers.

"I can clearly see that, but I’ve been trying to play the fool so they don’t notice. I’m starting to think these aren’t the run of the mill hippies, this place reeks of something foul," Grandbuggy says.

"And it ain't their awful cupcakes either blegh! These taste worse than the ones back home," Greta says tossing the remains of the one she was given aside.

“Smiling Faces. Smiling Faces Tell Lies~” Mangle plays an audioclip of the very appropriate song.

“Exactly ya dang demonic machine,” Grandbuggy compliments. “You only see these kinds of smiles on cart salesmen, insurance agents, and blood bank workers.”

“Blood bank workers?” Greta asks.

“Yeah. They want your blood for their own nefarious purposes. I’m half convinced they’re all vampires.”

“…I don’t think these ponies are vampires Fix,” Ahuizotl points out.

“Yeah I figured that with the sun out and everything. But that just begs the question, what are these weirdos?”

"Mt's ma Mult! Ma Mult!" You contribute.

"No Nightshade I don't think they have malts here. They probably think they’re too unhealthy or some such nonsense,” Grandbuggy answers you.

"You know I think this place might actually be a cult," Ahuizotal adds.

“Hmm, it does kind of have that vibe,” Greta nods.

“Not a bad guess, good thinking bud,” Grandbuggy praises.

“Grrr,” you groan into the rope. If your forelegs weren’t bound, you’d be facehooving so hard right now.

Looking around at all the ponies Greta appears to have a flashback.

"Yeah, I’m gonna agree heavily on cult. Their attitude reminds me of Magictechnology ya know? I have some experience with that."

"You went to that crap?" Grandbuggy asks in shock. "Never took you for a coo-coo"

"No, I didn't, my neighbor did," She defends. "She kept going on and on about thetons and how their great leader showed them the way and blah blah blah.”

“Hmmm, I do get the sense that mare will start talking about equality and sharing and other commie ideology if we give her the chance,” Grandbuggy nods. “Try to convert us to her religion.”

"I wouldn’t say religion, seeing that their founder is alive, it's definitely more defined as a cult," Ahuizotl interjects.

"That's how you define the difference between a religion and a cult? Whether the founder is dead or not?" Greta asks.

“In my experience yes, since you can’t exactly argue with the dead,” Ahuizotl shrugs.

"I mean…Hmmm…” Grandbuggy ponders in thought. “Would that make every pony in Equstria cultists since they worship Sunny and Moony?” Greta and Ahuizotl ponder this statement.

“Huh…” Greta says after a moment.

“That is a great philosophical debate isn’t it?” Ahuizotl nods. Before your group could continue this deep thinking over semantics, you hear Starlight gasp. You turn your head to see her and her assistant looking at you seriously.

"Mm Muys?" You say getting the groups attention.

When they look to you, you simply motion your head to Starlight who walks toward you with a serious look.

"Excuse me can you untie your great granddaughter so I may talk to her please?"

“Talk to Shade? Well she might skedaddle if I do that ma’am,” Grandbuggy explains and she looks to you giving you a cheerful and yet fake smile.

“Oh, all I wish to do is ask you a question young filly. I swear I’m not dangerous.”

The buck you aren’t cult leader…but still, gotta play this cool.

You look to Grandbuggy and nod. Giving you a quizzical eyebrow he shrugs and magics you down to the ground and takes the rope out of your mouth.

“Blegh!” you spit out the rope and glare at Mangle. “You’re grounded when this is all over missy.”

Mangle in turn barks in outrage and puts her claws on her hips defiantly.

“We’ll talk about this later,” you grumble and look to the Unicorn Mare in front of you. You also notice that the crowd of villagers’ creepy smiles are gone as they look on in confusion.

"Um, OK, what did you want to ask Ms.?" You stutter as she seems to look into your very soul.

"Are you the daughter of Kersey?" She inquisitively.

“…What?!” you bleat out after your brain reboots at that sentence.

“Are you the daughter of Kersey, the financial backer of Our Town?” she asks again while some of the ponies mutter.

“Daughter of…I…Huh?” you stammer.

That fat flank? Me his daughter? EEEEWWW! Why would you even…OH! Oh right, Identity Theft.

You remember Daddy talking to the assistant and a few other weird looking ponies before he bought a large sum of supplies for him during your spending spree in Vanhoover.

I mean, I guess I could use this to our advantage…

“Sure. Yup! I’m that dude’s daughter alright. Helped buy your town and everything,” you nod, even though the words make you want to puke.

Like a lightswitch, Starlight’s face goes from inquisitive, to genuinely happy, and not just fake smiling happy.

“That’s fantastic!” she declares. “If it weren’t for your father’s generous donations, we wouldn’t have been able to build up Our Town as fast as we have. We’re still building, but that money went a long way.”

“…Yup. He’s uh, super happy to help and stuff,” you lie while looking back at the confused looks of Grandbuggy, Greta, and Ahuizotl.

You give them a look that just screams, “Just go with it,” and turn back to the unicorn mare.

“Is your father around by chance?” she asks enthusiastically.

“No, he’s uh…he’s at work…” you lie.

“Oh well that’s a shame, but at least we have his family and friends here. Now aside from our usual welcome, I just HAVE to give you the grand tour,” she all but squees.

“Great. Super awesome,” you give your own fake smile as sweat drips down the back of your neck.

“Oh, but where are my manners, let me get the rest of the rope off of you.”

In a flash of magic reminiscent of Twilight, the rope around your body is suddenly loosely around your hooves.

“Ah! Thanks for that. That was starting to cramp,” you say as you stretch out your wings and flutter them a little.

As you do so, you realize that things have gotten uncomfortably quiet.

APonyReadingFanFics’s Comment: I have a feeling that a cult of equality might not like alicorns...

All around you, the villagers are giving you apprehensive and nervous looks. Raising an eyebrow, you look back to Starlight Glimmer who looks equally shocked.

“An Alicorn?” she says before looking to her assistant. “I thought you said she was a unicorn filly.”

“I mean, that’s all I saw. She did have a vest on at the time,” the assistant withers under her look.

“Yeah, I’m an alicorn,” you speak up. “And before you ask, No I’m not the freaking Boogey Mare.”

“Well obviously not, you’re just a child,” Starlight nods. “Am I wrong in guessing that you’re a princess?”

“Well, I mean…not officially I guess?” you say, and really you have no idea if you have a title or not.

“I’m not exactly invited to the Princess Summit next week or anything,” you shrug.

“Oookkkaaay…” she says quizzically before she brightens back up. “Well, princess or not, you’re welcome anytime here. Everypony, give the daughter of our primary patron the warmest welcome we can!”

All of the towns ponies all murmur in excitement as they all start gathering around Starlight. As they do, Grandbuggy whispers in your ear.

“Kersey’s Daughter?”

“Daddy and I committed Identity theft and spent a bunch of money. I guess we’re the ones that built this town.”

“…Great, the boy went and built a cult town,” Grandbuggy facehooves.

“Now, we may be a bit rusty, but we’ve prepared a musical number for new guests that explains our idealogy and what we stand for,” Starlight says.

“Ooooohhhh,” you and your group moans in frustration.

Undeterred by your groans, Starlight and friends start singing the most propagandaist song you’ve ever heard

As the song finishes, they all look to you with the same too wide grins as your group sits their gaping.

“That was…something,” you mutter.

“Yup, definitely a cult,” Ahuizotl concludes.

“Freaking commie hippies,” Grandbuggy spits.

“I miss my crazy magictechnology neighbor,” Greta whines.

Mangle adds her two bits by playing a cuckoo clock sound effect.

Despite all your judgments, they still happily welcome you.

“Come, come and see what you’ve help funded,” Starlight offers as she starts taking you to the sites.

But before you do though…

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Yeah, hold up,” you say as you whip your saddlebags around and look into them.

“What’s wrong kiddo, looking for something?” Grandbuggy asks.

“More like looking for everything just in case. You never know what I might need to whip out in this town full of crazies.”

And with that you do an Inventory Check.


Dark Cannon (Laser Gun with Limited Shots)

Junk Jet (Cannon that launches junk)

Kendo Stick


Golden Idol of Boreas
Ring of Scorchero


Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems

Ocarina (Might be able to manipulate weather?)

Mangle, Plush Robot Fox Pet (Currently Sitting on Your Back)

After taking notice of everything, you come to a realization.

I’m not nearly as klepto as Daddy is.

Satisfied with your check, you wave for Starlight to proceed with her tour.

Kersey475’s Comment

“Right, well as you can see we’ve already set up several shops for our residents. Your griffin friend has already acquainted herself with Sugar Belle’s baking. Would you like one as well?” she motions towards the mare from earlier with her tray of baked goods.

“Eh, why not?” you shrug. Even though Greta warned you about the muffins, you still go for it anyway, after all Griffons have bird tongues and who’s to say what they find tasty is gross and vice versa.

Taking bite out of the muffin though…you realize you probably should have heeded her warnings.

“Oh wha da buff!” you yell with half chewed evil in your mouth which you promptly spit out and eye the mare.

“Grandbuggy was right, this is definitely hippie food. You should be ashamed of yourself!” you chide Sugar Belle who wilts her ears.

“I’m sorry,” she mutters.

“Yes, you should be,” you nod as you hurl the rest of the muffin over your shoulder at high velocity.

“GYAGH! *CRASH*” looking over your shoulder you see that your muffin has lodged into the eye of Starlight Glimmer and in her panic and pain, she’s tripped and fallen into one of the under construction houses, which promptly falls on her.

All of the towns ponies gasp, but you all hear her groaning as several boards are lifted and she dizzily steps out.

“Not to worry, I’m alright,” she warbles, her head spinning.

“Umm, sorry about that,” you apologize.

“Watch where your throwing things kid, if Ahuizotl is right then the last thing we need is this equality stuff going from cult to religion,” Grandbuggy chastises.

“I said sorry,” you point out.

“Everything is fine, it’s all fine. No cult here!” Starlight says holding her head steady.

“Here senorita, let me help with that,” Ahuizotl offers as he holds up a necklace of some kind which starts to glow.

“What’s that?” asks Greta in fascination.
“It’s an amulet of minor restoration. It should help with the damage that was done to the hou-*BOOM*”

The house remains immediately erupt into flames and a paint can comes flying out of the blaze and lands on Starlight’s head.

“OW! Son of a-“ she rubs where the paint hit and falls to the ground. Everyone else in town looks at the conflagration in shock and horror as Ahuizotl looks down at his amulet.

“Oh…wrong amulet…Oopsie,” he says sheepishly as he tucks the artifact away.

“Don’t show that to my dad or he’ll try to take it from you,” you advise as Grandbuggy smacks the back of his head.

“I…I…” Starlight Glimmer’s eye starts twitching before she takes a deep breath.

“No worries. It was just an accident. Nothing too major,” she says straining to keep her voice calm as several of the residents bring forth water hoses and buckets and start putting out the fire.

“Luckily we still have enough funds to rebuild that twice over. Let’s, uh… Let’s walk further down town,” she advises.

“Sorry ponies, sorry,” Ahuizotl apologizes profusely as you walk past the crowds.

Looking behind you, you see several of the pegasi straining to fly and push a rain cloud over the burning wreck.

“Your pegasi sure fly slowly,” you say aloud.

“Well, we’re all equal in here, so their fly speed is no greater than the walking speed of an earth pony,” Starlight informs.

“…OK, you sure you don’t need any help? I’m pretty sure even I can fly faster and I only learned how to fly a few weeks ago.”

“No no, it’s all fine. The equality system works, just trust in it,” she manically says.

“Oh gods! The hardware store caught fire too!” one of the ponies shouts in the background.

“Uh huh,” Grandbuggy says with disbelief all over his face.

“Give it time, I swear,” she all but pleads before composing herself.

“But uh, since we’re currently dealing with an…issue, most of the town is quite busy. Is there perhaps anything else I can help you with?”

Letting out a huge sigh, Grandbuggy gets right down to business.

“Look, supposedly we’ve helped fund your weird little commie club, but we got things to do. You mind if we borrow the staff of Mage Meadowbrook?”

Her eyes widen at that.

“B-Borrow? But that item is necessary for our community. It’s what’s able to give everypony the same cutie mark.”

“Oh, so that’s how it’s done? I thought you all were just related or something,” Greta speaks up and everyone looks to her.

“What? I don’t know how pony butt tattoos work,” she defends.

“You get your cutie mark when you find your special talent,” you say. “Though personally a lot of ponies obsess about it more than they should.”

“Exactly!” Starlight agrees. “As a griffon and a…whatever you are,” she points to Ahuizotl, “You don’t know how frustrating your destiny being written on your flanks can be.

She then looks to Grandbuggy, “You sir have lived a long life with that mark governing you, but here we’re founded on the idea that nothing is predetermined.”

“Uh, yeah sure. Totally lived my whole life with a mark. Eyup,” Grandbuggy says with a roll of his disguised eyes.

“But you Ms. Shade, you already know the game even before you’ve started,” she smiles.

ThePonySpartan’s Comment

"You're really lucky you know.” You twitch your eye at that since Luck has NEVER been on your side.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"You don't have your cutie mark yet." You raise an eyebrow at that.

"How does that make me lucky?”

“Yeah, didn’t you all just sing a song that having the same mark as yours was cool and stuff?” Greta points out before turning to Ahuizotl. “By the way, why do ponies just randomly sing all the time?” He merely shrugs at this.

“She’s lucky because she’s a blank slate. And for clarification, this wasn’t my original cutie mark,” Starlight answers.

"It wasn't?" you ask.

"Nope. I had a unique cutie mark like every normal pony does until I used the artifact to change it.”

“What, did you get one for being a garbage pony or something?” Grandbuggy jests and she squints her eyes.

“No I did not. But even so called “beneficial” marks in society are cursed. Whatever the mark, ponies treat it like a blessing, but they only bring hurt...” You notice a sad expression on her face as she says that last line.

Oh wow, she actually believes what she’s preaching.

“Uh…well whether that makes me “Lucky” or not, I’m still going to get my cutie mark someday. I just don’t obsess over it like my friends do.”

To that, she looks at you with... sympathy?

“Well if you don’t obsess too much, then I’ve got a grand idea. Why don’t I help you and your Great Grandpa?!” she exclaims.

“Yeah, that’d be helpful,” Grandbuggy grunts. “Really I just want to examine the stick to see how an earth pony apothecary got a magic st-“

"Not with that silly! With your cursed cutie mark!” she informs with a creepy smile.

“Say what now?” Grandbuggy raises his brow.

“I can change yours sir, and I can give Shade here the perfect cutie mark to show that even Alicorns can be equal,” she informs before looking back to you. “All you need to do is come to me when you finally find your talent and I'll take care of the rest!"

"What?! Why?!" you ask.

"So we can all be equals and nopony will get emotionally hurt sweetie," she says as if it’s obvious.

“Hey now, when I finally do get my cutie mark, I don’t want to change it. It’ll be who I am,” you defend.

"You won't be saying that after you get left alone by the only friends you’ve ever had!" she pushes.

"…What?” you shake your head. “Listen lady! You can't tell me whether or not I get to keep my cutie mark or change it!"

"Maybe not, but when the time comes you'll understand," she says cryptically.

What's wrong with this mare? you think disturbed.

“AHH! Now the water tower is on fire! Somehow!” a pony in the distance shrieks and Starlight looks up and facehooves.

“We’ll all share in the cleanup and rebuilding equally!” she shouts down the road. At this you share a look with Grandbuggy who only nods all but reading your mind as you both fly up into the air.

“Hey wait a moment!” Starlight calls out, but you two ignore her as you start helping the towns ponies put out the fires, much more efficiently than they were doing.

“I think the fires are under control now,” says one pale blue pegasus mare with silver hair.

“That’s right ya cute nutjob,” Grandbuggy smirks. “Maybe losing your mark scrambled yer brains?”

“Yeah, being equal means sucking at things equally too,” you jab as many ponies in the crowd start murmuring.

“Don’t listen to them! Trust in the Eqaulity marks. Misery only comes to uniqueness!” Starlight yells to the town causing you to roll your eyes.

Ello Callebero’s Comment

“Oh for goodness’s sake! A mark’s a mark lady! In the grand scheme of things it’s just a tattoo on your rump. With or without a mark, whatever it is doesn’t mean you can’t do anything you want. Look at me! I’m a blank flank and I can fight monsters and demons.”

More murmurs and discussions start out at this and Starlight’s eye twitches more.

“I mean seriously, you guys worry about cutie marks as much as ponies who obsess about getting them. I should know, my best friends are like that.”

“But why then did our marks make us miserable?” asks a white earth pony stallion.

“I don’t know,” you shrug. “That’s all on you. Blaming cutie marks though seems kind of dumb, but I guess it doesn’t even matter really.”

“How so?” asks a stallion with wonky hair.

“I…uh…” you fumble for words before Grandbuggy nudges you.

“Try explaining how they explained their doctrine kid,” he grins and your eyes alight.

“Aha! That’s it. Mangle! Hit it!” you order your fox who’s been sitting on your back this whole time.

She nods and opens her mouth and random music befitting for the situation begins to play.

“Seriously? More singing?” Greta complains.

“Ponies can’t help it it seems,” Ahuizotl determines. Despite their grumblings, you begin to belt out a tune explaining why everypony should just take a chill pill.

I don't know why it has to be,

That the sky is blue and the grass is green.

You swoop down to the ground and push a stallion in the middle of a group of four, showcasing his equal mark.

And I don't know why it's really true,

That one plus one always equals two

You look to Ahuizotl and Greta who are shaking their heads trying to get you to stop.

I don't know so I'll have to guess.

There may be times when a no means yes,

And maybe, just maybe It doesn’t really matter

You look at the scowling Starlight and smirk.

Hey Now, don’t get upset,

Does anypony know what mark they’ll get?

And Hey Now, it's okay.

The world keeps spinning anyway

Hey Now, why ask why,

Low is low and high is high?

And Hey Now just let go

It's alright if you really don't know

You emphasize this with a shrug.

And I really don't know

You loop your forelegs around the necks of some of the town ponies.

Some may say that I can't see

The perfect world surrounding me

And others say the end is near

They really do believe everything they hear

You then swoop down onto Starlight Glimmer’s back who looks very upset.

Some may say they know what's best

But they're no different from the rest

And maybe, just maybe It doesn’t really matter

You then reach down and lift her frown into a reluctant smile.

Hey Now, don’t get upset,

Does anypony know what mark they’ll get?

And Hey Now, it's okay

The world keeps spinning anyway

You then rise into the air and spin around with your forelegs spread out.

Hey Now, why ask why

Low is low and high is high

And Hey Now just let go

It's alright if you really don't know

You then land in the middle of the crowd and smile.

And I really don't know

After a few moments of silence, the crowd starts clopping their hooves politely. Nopony hollers or huzzahs or gets rowdy, they just give you a polite applause.
This actually causes your ears to wilt.

Seriously? I just sang a catchy tune and that’s all you have for me?

“Yes, well, thank you for that…opinion Ms. Shade,” Glimmer says through gritted teeth. “And thank you for the assistance with the fire. Perhaps it’s time for you to be going?” she emphasizes.

“Yeah alright,” you nod not wanting to be in this town anymore anyway.

“Hey wait just a second, what about seeing Meadowbrook’s magic stick thing?” Grandbuggy points out.

Dang it Grandbuggy! Quit keeping us in this place!

Starlight sighs and puts on a strained smile.

“Very well. I’ll let you see the staff, but then I think that will be enough for today.”

Without another word she turns around and starts walking out of town towards a nearby hill path. Glancing between your group you all decide to follow the mare.

After awhile of walking up the steep incline, you all see a cave entrance.

“It’s just in there if you wish to take a look, but make it fast” Starlight says with a sneering smirk which sets off all kinds of red flags.

“Oh don’t get your mane in a knot, we’ll be quick. I’m starting to doubt we even need this thing in the first place,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“That’s what I said in the beginning…And where did you get that banana?!” you demand as you see the half eaten fruit in his hoof.

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“Got it on the train,” he says as he finishes it up.

“And you didn’t think to share?” Ahuizotl growls.

“Hey, Shade ate practically the whole train of everything else, this counts as my breakfast, lunch, and dinner,” he defends.

“That was stress eating, I had to forget about my stupid handsome stallion cousins!” you shout.

“Wait, what?” Greta says with a whip of her head.

“NOTHING! You heard nothing!” you deny.

A brief snort comes from Starlight, but by the time you look to her she has composed herself.

“As amusing as that sounds, the staff is just inside, go on ahead,” she motions.

“What, with you at our backs?” asks Ahuizotl.

“It’s really quite safe,” she assures, though not very convincingly.

“Ah whatever, it’s just some stupid cave,” Grandbuggy determines as he tosses the banana peel behind him.

As Glimmer brings up the rear, she nearly steps on it but notices it just in time.

“Hah, almost walked right into that cliché,” she smirks as she disintegrates it with magic.
As she smiles in triumph however, the rock ledge beneath her begins to crumble from her blast of magic and her eyes widen.


“AAAAHHHH!!!” she screams as the rocks give way and she starts tumbling down the cliff you just walked up. You all watch as she bounces and hits every single obstacle in her way until you see her land in a big heap of mud at the bottom.

“…Should we go help her?” you venture to the group.

“Meh,” Greta says.

“It is a long ways down,” Ahuizotl adds.

“Buck her, she’ll be fine,” Grandbuggy dismisses as he starts walking back towards the cave.

You give one look at Glimmer’s mud covered form down the hill groaning before you shrug and join the rest of the group.

As you all walk through the darkened cave, you eventually come across a cavern that is lit up brightly by weird shapes trapped inside bottles, and at the center is a long stick sitting on a pedestal.

“Huh. Well that’s not ominous at all,” you snark.


Author's Note:

Jars full of stolen cutie marks? What's ominous about that?

Hey Hive-Mind,
Well I'm all moved in and unpacked at my new place, and finally had a day off of work to write this up. Sorry again about the hiatus, but free time was all but scarce these last couple weeks. The story's rolling again, so let's see how this treasure hunting party deals with the coming situation.

Also, let's give a quick shout out to Ello Calebero who shotgunned all four seasons over a week and a half to get to this point to comment. Welcome to the Hive-Mind Pal :pinkiehappy:

Anyway have fun and let the shenanigans ensue.

See you on the battlefield,

Brown Dog.

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