• Published 17th Dec 2017
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Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 73: Celestial Arguments

WARGAMES’s Comment

Despite her intimidating glare, you all do the smart thing and calmly and precisely detail exactly what is going on…Just kidding, you and B2 panic as usual.

“Uh, there’s two of us because a mad scientist cloned me!” B2 yelps.

“What?!” Celestia exclaims.

“It’s true! Twilight Sparkle has gone mad with science!” you add onto the fire while all your friends look at you like you’re morons, which you are.

“What are you two-“ Luna starts but Celestia just balks in confusion.

“Twilight Sparkle? Cadence’s Sister in Law?” she grills.

“Exactly! Also she’s made her and husband laid back and cool with stuff!” Sonata lies as she shovels yogurt into her mouth.

“What are you doing?!” Aria growls in befuddlement.

“Helping?” Sonata guesses and her sister facepalms.

“I-Who-Wha-What?!” Celstia stammers as her face gets red and she glares daggers at B2 and you. “If this is some kind of prank, it’s not funny! I warned you to stay away from Luna ten years ago you piece of trash!”

“Told you this was a bad idea,” Humbra mumbles.

“And YOU!” she rounds on him and he gasps in surprise.

“What?! What did I do?!”

“You never paid me back for that swimming pool you broke you dope fiend!”

“…Oh right,” he says after a pause. “Dang, I’d actually forgotten all about that.”

“Alright, everybody calm down, this is getting ridiculous!” Sunset orders.

“Yes, what in the world are you going on about !@#$%?” Luna scolds B2.

“I don’t know, I panicked! She’s still very scary,” he whimpers.

And what’s your excuse Bugze?! Selena scolds.

…Same answer, you admit.

“I don’t know about the rest of you, but this is hilarious,” Adagio smirks as she watches the madness unfold.

“It ain’t funny, the principal’s gonna blow a fuse,” Applejack says with worry.

“Eh, I’ve seen angrier,” Rainbow Dash shrugs.

“I’ve been angrier,” Flash points out.

“Still, this situation is becoming dire,” Rarity yelps as Fluttershy hides behind her.

“Luna…” Celestia turns a dangerous eye to her sister. “You have about three seconds to-“

“Well Ms. Celstia I’ll explain exactly what’s going on!” Pinkie interrupts causing all eyes to turn to her. She then takes a deep breath and continues. “SoMr.BugzeHere…”

She then shotgun blasts the story of your misadventures here in this terrible world at such a speed that the Mirco-Machine Mare would be jealous of.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“…AndNowWeNeedToDoABattleOfTheBandsToStopTwilight!” the Pink human finishes with a squee and Human Celestia just looks at her with her mouth agape. She isn’t the only one.

“How…how did she…” Luna sputters but no one answers. After a few more moments of gaping like a fish, Celestia closes her jaw and

“Okay let me get this straight. You are a horse version of this a-hole?” she begins.

“Oi!” B2 huffs but is ignored.

“Uh, not a horse. Changeling…well, I guess I am part horse, or rather pony, but that’s a whole other conversation.”

“Okay…so you are a wanted criminal in Sunset Shimmer’s magical happy world where somehow I am the Queen, and you are my biggest enemy?”

“You’re actually a Princess there,” Sunset corrects. “She never wanted to be called Queen…for some reason.”

“Sounds like a marketing gimmick to me,” Humbra adds and you all shiver for some reason.

“But uh…more or less, but I’m not her biggest enemy, heh heh,” you chuckle nervously.

“No, it’s my sister’s old stage persona…which is in your head and gives you powers?” She asks and you nod. “I…and Sombra’s in there too?”

“I don’t understand it much either sister, but it’s true,” Luna insists.

“And in the last few months, this crazy talk of The Wanted coming back together has all been because you showed up hunting those three who are giant sea horses?” she points to the Dazzlings.

“Well, to be fair I didn’t think they were actually alive. I thought it would be more like Tomb Raiding,” you admit and her eye twitches.

“And we’re Sirens thank you very much,” Adagio huffs.

“And if I heard correctly from Ms. Pie, you’re claiming that the sister of my niece’s husband is now a supervillain like how Sunset Shimmer here became at the fall formal?”

“Yeah, she went crazy after the killer robots,” Rainbow adds unhelpfully and she clenches her teeth again.

“And throughout all of this, you roped in my students, endangering their lives and countless occasions, and dragged my sister back into this loser’s life?” she hisses and you gulp.


“And to top it all off, you want me to authorize a music festival despite all the money and resources we’ve already spent organizing the Friendship Games just so you can brainwash my entire student body in order to combat this girl, who only became superpowered because of your incompetence?”

“Well…I mean, when you put it like that it sounds bucking stupid, but it’s the best plan we have,” you say and her face becomes stony.

“You want me to endanger my students more, and worst of all, deal with the nagging from Principal Cinch that will surely occur?”

“Umm…yes?” Sunset says unsurely.

“And everybody in this room is not on drugs right?” she insinuates looking at Humbra.

“Lady, I wish,” he grumbles.

There is an intense moment of silence as Human Celestia just stares dumbfounded at your entire group before you swear you hear the sound of shattering glass.

“I see…” she nods before taking a deep breath and walking out of the kitchen and into her bedroom.

“Tia!” Luna calls out, but the taller woman simply slams the door behind her.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy whispers as the sound of furniture being moved and objects getting tossed comes through the door.

“Did I not explain good enough?” Pinkie Pie asks worriedly.

“No, you did perfectly kid,” B2 encourages. “It’s just that she’s always been an angry she demon from the lowest circles of Hell.”

“Hey! She’s still my sister!” Luna scolds your doppelganger.

“Yeah? And he’s not exactly wrong,” Humbra argues.

“Should we…should we leave?” asks Rarity nervously as the sound of tossing items stops.

“Nah, I’m sure she’s just overwhelmed,” you dismiss. “We just have to wait till she’s done with her tantrum and-“

The door slams back open and the long legged human stalks out holding a very large, very scary looking bat with the words Do You Like Bananas? Written on it in red.

“OH GOD, IT’S DAYBREAKER!!! I’LL GET YOU YOUR MONEY I SWEAR!” Sombra exclaims in fear as he dives behind Adagio and uses her as a shield.

“Hey! What are yo-“

“Protect Me Sea Skank!” he pleads as everyone looks apprehensively at the armed human, who’s hair seems to turn into flames for a moment.

“Luna, would you mind taking the children out for a sec? I need to release some pent up stress!” she says in a rather sing song voice.

“Meep!” you and B2 gulp at once as she starts walking towards you.

“Celstia Wait!” Luna pleads as the teens all back away in terror, but the older woman doesn’t listen.

Subhumandegenerate’s Comment

“Take him first! He’s the native!” you shout and hide behind B2.

“Screw that!” he shouts and runs behind you. “He’s the one you want, Not Me!”

“You coward!” you yelp hypocritically as you once more get behind him and push him forward. “He’s the one who broke your sister’s heart!”

“Low Blow Man!” he shouts and reverses your positions. “He’s the one destroying the universe with his alien magic!”

“That’s a lie and you know it!” you shout as you try to reverse again, but he grabs a hold of you and you both start gripping and swatting at each other.

“Enough!” Celestia orders raising the bat at both of you, causing you to hug one another in fear. “Whatever the case, you two are causing me the mother of all migraines and need to pay!”

“Principal Celestia! This isn’t the time for more violence!” Fluttershy pleads.

“Luna! The children please,” she insists and her sister backs up in alarm.

“Oh boy, I think she broke!” she yelps.

“Should we sing to her Bugze?” Sonata asks in alarm.

“Nah, don’t worry about it, I think I got something for this,” you say as you reach into your Inventory. “Alright Hu-Lestia, maybe you should just sit down and take a few breaths?”

She merely snarls and raises the bat…until you pull Second Law out of the Inventory and aim it at her.

“I Said Sit Down!”

Almost immediately she drops the bat, raises her hands and sits down at the dinner table as her eyes widen in fear and everyone else gasps in alarm.

“Now all you know I don’t like to use the sit down gun, but we don’t have all night to be mucking about,” you say with determination as everyone looks at you fearfully.

Heh, knew that would work. Humies sure fear firearms more than Equestrians.

Because they kind of exist more here than in our world outside of video games and mad scientists, Sombra points out.

True, true, you nod at his point.

Even still, nice job taking charge like that Bugze, Selena says with approval and you smirk.

“Kind of escalating the situation here bud,” Humbra says worriedly, still behind Adagio.

“Yeah, you could go to jail for doing this,” B2 agrees.

“Oh I’d like to see them try. I’m from another dimension!” you dismiss before looking back at relatively more agreeable Celestia. “Now, let’s all just take this back from the top without anyling trying to hurt anyone.”

“Says the guy with a gun,” Pinkie Pie shudders.

“Yes, where did you even pull that from?” Celestia asks.

“My Inventory,” you say patting the satchel. “It’s probably my longest lasting tool I’ve had. For the longest time it was my little girl’s room, until she started getting rebellious and snippy and not wanting to stay in there for some reason.”

“You kept your daughter in a bag?” Luna asks sounding horrified.

“It’s bigger on the inside!” you excuse. “It’s like the TARDIS, and I’ve got plenty of stuff in here,” you say as you open it up and start showing them the varied items you’ve collected in both worlds.

WARGAMES’s Comment



Boomstick (Black Staff with Red Crystal. Causes shockwaves when slammed) NEEDS MAGIC

Jet Stream Sam Sword (Reversed High Frequency Blade)

Knock Out Luna Plushie NEEDS MAGIC

Ninja Stars (15)

Power Glove (Plasmid/Vigor Channel with Grappling Hook Attachment) GLOVE STILL FOR AN ENQUINE. USING PLASMIDS HURTS IN THIS WEAK HUMAN FORM.

Second Law: (Air Shotgun)


Hover Board: (Catches Fire For Like, No Reason)

Disguises (Human)

Awesome JoJo Outfit: Currently Wearing (Jotora’s Outfit from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)

Smokey Joe Outfit: (Rain Slicker, Smelly Do Rag with Weed symbols)

Disguises (Equine)

Baker Sylvester Tennant (Brown overcoat, Yell and black striped pants, White panama hat, face mask, 4th doctor scarf)

Crimson Vengeance: (Alucard Hat, Immortan Joe Mask, Deadpool shirt, Vash the Stampede Coat, red pants)

El Hunko (Fancy Clothes with purple top hat

Hooded Offender Cloak

Stetson Hat with Orange Bandana


Blueprints: CHS, Crystal Prep

Bounty Hunter License

Brown Money Pouch: (45 Bits, a Few Hundred Human Dollars)

Cell Phone

Free Filly Scout Cookies For Life Card

Gameboy (Human Equivalent of Joy Boy)

Grandbuggy and Granny Smith Photo

Grandbuggy with Your Mother Photo

Instant Mail Transfer Container: (Cadence Direct Line) DOESN’T WORK ON THIS SIDE

Mangle Head (Still Alive From This Side)


Patching Supplies (Vice-Grips, Duct Tape, WD-40)

Pink Lover’s Jewell Necklace

Powers and Spells List (Not So Useful as a Humie)

Sapphire Shores Signed Photo (Probably Worth a Lot Back Home)

Solar Powered Charger

Trixie’s Black and White Bear Plushie: (Never Forget

Potion Stash


Molotov Cocktail (4)

Stink Bomb (3)

Transformation/Disguise Potion (4) HAVEN’T TRIED YET ON THIS SIDE

After going through all of your stuff, everyone seems to be fascinated. This is the first time they’ve seen the extent on what you can pull out of this thing.

“That is…very fascinating,” Celestia says, still sitting with her hands up, though now with less fear thanks to the display.

“I know, right?” you smile. “But anyway, since you humies are all skittish around a simple air gun-“

“Wait, Air?” she guffaws.

“I’ll just hold onto this for safety reasons,” you say as you take out your tazer and stow away Second Law.

“I’m not going to do anything, I swear,” she pleads and you just purse your lips.

“Yeah, coming from the lady who wanted to beat in an alien’s skull just because he looks like someone she doesn’t like, I’m gonna keep zappy here,” you say giving the electrical weapon a few warning buzzes.

“Okay…” Sunset interjects, stepping between you and the sitting human, “Now that that craziness is out of the way, you have to believe us Principal Celestia, this is the only shot we have.”

Kichi’s Comment

“Heh, it’s not a question of believing Ms. Shimmer, I saw enough proof at the Fall Formal after all, not to mention our formal Principal Starswirl always talked about magical dopplegangers.” Celestia explains.

“Wait, he did?” Luna asks.

“Did you just say Starswirl?” Aria interjects.

“Yes, and I always thought he was nuts…but ever since The Fall Formal, I’ve been more accepting of the insane.”

“Huh? Then why did-“

“Because all of this is getting dropped on my plate all at once and I really, REALLY am on the cusp of melting down. I felt a bit of bruising for the idiot and his horse clone would really help,” she says with a tired sigh.

“Changeling!” you correct but she just rolls her eyes.

“So, you do believe sister?” asks Luna.

“Yes I believe,” she reassures. “And in all honesty, if a concert is what will solve all of this, then sure, I’ll see what I can put together.”

Everyone looks baffled at that.

“Just like that?” asks Humbra.

“Just like that,” she nods before scowling Luna. “But I will say this sister, this had better not tempt you into that rambunctious life style you worked so hard to crawl away from.”

“Celestia…” Luna sighs.

“And you!” she points at B2 with a glare. “…If I’m going to help with this, then I want you as far away from me as possible.”

“No arguments there,” he concedes.

“Okay…” she says seeming a bit placated. “A music festival…Cinch is definitely going to give me Hell for this, but she never backs down from a challenge.”

“If it helps, we could just get things rolling to take your mind off things,” Rainbow Dash offers and she shakes her head.

“I’d at least like some planning involved before those three start brainwashing everyone,” she says pointing at the Dazzlings. “…Speaking of which, can someone just sit down and go into some specifics that aren’t rapid fire? I think Pinkie Pie might have glossed over some in depth details.”

“Yeah, probably,” Pinkie Pie nods. “I mean, it is the best for using a transition for relaying information everyone else already knows.”

“What are you-“

“Don’t ask,” you interrupt. “And if you want more in depth then the Sirens can explain more. It’s their magic after all.”

And so they do…though on top of everything she’s heard and seen today, the in depth explanation of how the Siren’s magic works only compounds her headache.

“So you’re going to cause everyone to have competitive, aggressive behavior before siphoning it away?” she says while rubbing her temple.

“Yup, glad someone gets it on their first try,” Adagio smirks.

“And this won’t cause a riot?”

“We can only hope so,” Sonata mutters.

“What was that?”

“She said that that’d be the best case scenario, but don’t worry. They wouldn’t attack us while under our thrall,” Aria explains. Celestia then double facepalms and sighs.

“Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?”

“Interdimensional Funsies would be one label,” you say as you go to pat her on the shoulder in reassurance...only to do so with the tazer hand.

“BBBBZZZZTTTT!!!” she grimaces and seizes up before falling backward out of her chair and onto the ground. “Ooooohhhhh…”

Your group looks in shock from the smoking woman to you.

“Uh…Whoops?” you chuckle nervously.

“Not gonna lie, that was cathartic,” B2 smirks before being slapped upside the head by Luna who helps her sister up.

Your Human half does have a point though. Even if she’s not the real Celestia, that was satisfying, Selena giggles.

You can say that again. Stupid sun horse, Sombra laughs maliciously as well.

…Yeah, I guess it was pretty enjoyable, you relent, not feeling all that guilty at all.

And after giving the shocked human some air to recover, you al buckle down and start hammering out the details.

The Dazzlings will put on a musical number to the student body and get them pumped up, then when all the students start forming their own musical groups, the competition will commence.

“Ah Yeah! I’ve always wanted to get the Rainbooms up and running, this is the best!” Rainbow cheers.

“I can’t wait to hear what you guys got,” Sonata claps. “I mean, we’re going to win in the end because we have to, but still…”

“And in the meantime, we keep an ear out for anything suspicious being stolen or bought for Midnight’s lab, just in case she somehow doesn’t learn about the competition,” Sunset adds.

“And somehow, I’ve gotta convince that old buzzard from Crystal Prep that a singing competition will fit neatly into the Games,” Celestia sighs.

“And meanwhile, Sombra, Luna and I will get that nice PR girl from the carnival to get the word out,” B2 says with a smirk. “If we just tease their expectations of The Wanted coming back and endorsing this, then we’ll have even more people for the final band battles.”

Celestia frowns at the mention of The Wanted, and Luna bites her lip a bit apprehensively, but Humbra just shrugs.

“Sure, why the Hell not. Not like our lives are going to quiet down anytime soon with all the crazy magic folk running around.”

“Well that settles it then,” you nod. “Let’s have a Battle of the Bands.”

All of your collected group cheer and yelp with varying degrees of enthusiasm, but then Rarity says something that makes you shiver.

“Girls, we rendezvous tomorrow at my place for stage costumes!”

‘I have a rendezvous with death.’

Bugze? Selena asks with concern and you just shake your head.

Sorry, it’s just…Selly, do you ever feel like you’re heading towards something that you can’t avoid?

Sometimes…she admits. But the future is ever changing my bug.

Even with her comforting words though, the feeling still nags at you as that human poem once more worms it’s way into your mind.

Shaking your head, you try to focus on the upcoming plan to use the power of rock and roll to defeat Midnight Sparkle.


POV CHANGE: Nightshade

As the snack trolley comes and goes, and you and your friends eat and watch the scenery go by on the train, you can’t help but feel like listening to music for some reason.

“So you all didn’t really do anything while we were in Manehatten?” Spike asks, continuing your conversation.

“Not really,” Applebloom shrugs. “We just kept practicing for the Flag Routine.”

“Which is going to be killer now that Shade’s backing it up with her Earth Bending,” Scootaloo says excitedly.

“You know girls, I’ve been wondering about that,” Sweetie says and you all look to her. “I know we were already chosen for our routine, but do you think Ms. Harshwinny will get mad when we do a more stylized version tomorrow?”

Once again a distant thunderclap and the sound of braying is heard after the mare’s name is spoken, but you’ve gotten used to it.

“I thought you said she was cool with it?” you ask looking to Diamond Tiarra.

“Well that’s what she said in the return letter after I had my dad send that inquiry,” she responds.

“I’m with Sweetie on this,” Silver Spoon says. “We only asked if it was okay if we had another teammate on board, not that our routine was more dazzling.”

“Really? You two are going to worry about this now? We’re already on our way to the Empire, I think it’s a little late to be getting cold hooves,” you argue.

“I know, I know Nightshade it’s just…” Sweetie pauses. “I guess I’m a bit nervous since there’s gonna be so many ponies watching us.

“Well that should just pump you up even more,” Scootaloo dismisses.

“Exactly, and besides, they’ll be more interested in the athletes in the long run,” Applebloom encourages.

“Heh, glad I don’t have to do anything in front of that large a crowd,” Spike says with a smirk, before suddenly sneezing.

“Well there’s no need to worry about it, because we’re going to knock it out of the park girls,” you say with confidence.

“Like you did with that Tazlwurm?” Scootaloo snarks and you roll your eyes.

“I’m pretty sure there will be far less slime and tentacles at the Equestria Games. I don’t even think Discord is allowed to go,” you say remembering what Twilight said all those weeks ago.

Two Months Ago

“You really don’t have to keep avoiding me Fluttershy,” you say to the pegasus as she loads her bag onto the train.

“I-I’m not avoiding you,” she says shakily and you deadpan at her.

“You haven’t been around any of our illuminati meetings since the Vampire Plauge though. You keep hiding in your cottage, then you went to Manehattan, and now you’re taking off to a Hippie Festival.”

“It’s not a Festival, the Preservation Society is allowing me to observe the Breezies,” she excuses, not quite looking you in the eye.

“…Fluttershy? Are you still upset that I turned you back to normal?” you ask, sounding a bit hurt.

“O-Of course not!” she exclaims in surprise. “I’m much happier being a normal pony.”

“Then why haven’t you talked to me one on one till just now?” you ask before looking back to the gathered Deadly 6 on the train platform. “The others are right over there so I guess we’re not really alone, but still…”

“I, well…” she stutters before sighing and blushing. “I’m still too embarrassed over my actions.”


“Mmhmm,” she hums and looks down. “I said and did so many naughty things as a vampire and unlike everypony else, I remember practically all of it. There’s not enough sorry’s that I can say to make things right.”

“Fluttershy,” you sigh and give her a smile. “I forgive you alright?”

“You do?” she asks in shock.

“Of course. You think this is the first time I’ve had a friend go nuts with a power they can’t fully comprehend? Heck, I’m literally in that position right now,” you say gesturing to your scarf.

“Oh…” she says with a worried look.

“But yeah, don’t worry about it. What happened when you were a vampire, stayed with vampire you,” you reassure. That actually gets her to smile a bit.

“Thanks Nightshade…” she says gratefully. Giving her a quick hug, you wish her on her way to see the fabled Breezies, while all the other Deadly 6 wish her goodbye.

Besides practicing for the Equestria Games, nothing really big has happened for Ponyville since the Vampire Plague, and most of the citizens are more than happy to put that incident behind them and never talk about it again. But aside from Fluttershy leaving today, another guest is coming.

Princess Cadence, your complicated family tree first cousin on your mother’s side. It’s been so long since you’ve seen her, with Mia not really counting since she’s a completely different pony.

Daddy used to talk about her all the time in the early days, you think in nostalgia. She gave him his name, and always tried to help out…even if she didn’t succeed much.

For someone so important to your family, and unknowingly being a part of it, it’s borderline criminal that you haven’t spoken to her in so long. Speaking about this with Grandbuggy, you asked if you could try to bring her into the fold.

“Hmm, the Princess of Love eh? Well maybe it would be good to have at least one Princess in the know,” he said before looking at you pointedly. “But maybe I’ll sit this one out. Unlike your pops, I’m full blooded changeling and she’d probably sniff me out.”

Agreeing with that sentiment, you decided to spearhead this endeavor alone, while the others earn their keep at Sweet Apple Acres or do research with Zecora, or just nap and be lazy like Garble.

And as you all wave to Fluttershy’s departing train, and Pinkie Pie chases after it like a loon, you listen to Ms. Twilight yapping on about how excited she is to see her Sister In Law and how the Starswirl the Bearded exhibit is going to rock and other rambling nonsense.

I’ll just make myself adorable and innocent looking as usual so I can tag along, and once she and I are alone away from Twilight, I’ll tell her the truth, you think assuredly.

But even as you think that, and see the jagged crystalline train that looks like it would better be suited for a villain rather than a Princess coming down the tracks, a sudden sense of dread fills you.

Huh, why does it feel like I’m going to be annoyed by a cosmic troll today?


Author's Note:

Why indeed?

Hey Hive-Mind,

Cadence is coming, Yay :pinkiehappy:! So is Discord…Yay :pinkiecrazy:?
Anyway, while Bugze has his hands full planning out the second and third Equestria Girls Movies, let’s jump right back into the Equestrian adventures.

And for those getting tired of the split narrative, have patience. It’s all coming to a head, and let’s just say the Equestria Games are going to be lit.

But until then, have fun with this chapter. Is Cadence going to officially know the truth? Will Discord’s shenanigans annoy everyone too much? Perhaps both? Perhaps Neither? You tell me.

See you next chapter,
Brown Dog.

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