• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,777 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 24: Invest in Better Security Next Time Starlight

Kichi’s Comment

As you and the others stare at all the glowing shapes in the jars, you all hear chanting coming from off to the side. Looking over, you notice a group of hooded ponies standing in a circle in the dark and chanting.

“Mata es vivir…Mata res vivir,” they say in unison.

“Oi! Keep it down over there with the Mexicoltan chanting, we’re trying to concentrate,” Grandbuggy admonishes which causes the figures to look at your group.

“Um, Fix, perhaps we should go?” Ahuizotl warns. “They were chanting To Kill is to Live.”

Sure enough, as they shuffle to face you guys, you all spy what appears to be a bloody figure of a pony on the floor.

“I BUCKING KNEW IT!” you shriek. “Bucking murderous cultists!”

“Luna de Pesadilla!” one of them shrieks and the group seems to shudder backward from you.

“What’s that they’re saying?” Greta asks.

“I think they think she’s Nightmare Moon,” Ahuizotl answers.

“Oh for buck’s sake!” you huff in annoyance.

Before anything else can happen though, a beam of magic shoots at the figures’ feet.

“Shoo! Shoo! Get out of here! How many times do I have to tell you not to trespass?! Go find your own cult territory, this one is already taken!” comes Starlight Glimmer’s voice as she runs in from the side, covered in mud and leaves and sticks.

“Es la dama del dispositivo trama dominado! Vamonos!” one of the yelps in fear as the whole group run off screaming like little fillies out of the cave.

“And don’t come back again!” Starlight growls before turning back to your group.

“Sorry about that, they come by every other week thinking it’s prime cult worshipping territory, Which it totally isn’t! Heh heh.”

You share a look with your traveling companions before you all look back to the unicorn mare.

“Didn’t you just fall down the cliff side all the way to the bottom?” asks Greta.

“Yes…Yes I did,” she says a bit frustrated as she pulls a stick out of her mane.

“Then how the heck you get back up here so fast without teleporting?” asks Grandbuggy.

“Yeah, I thought all of you guys were equally sucky in doing anything,” you add.

“Uhhhhhhh,” she trails off, her eyes shifting back and forth. “I, uh, took a shortcut? Yeah, a shortcut. Totally didn’t teleport with my vast amounts of mana reserves.”

You all just start are her skeptically.

“Uh-Huh. It’s more like you were using the power of plot convenience chica. That seems to be how Daring always manages to get away.” Ahuizotl says unbelieving.

“She always escapes because you won’t just man up and ask her out ya idjit,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“Hey!” Ahuizotl reprimands.

“Not to get back on track or anything, but can we get back on track?” asks Greta. “I mean, there’s a freaking dead body over there,” she points to the bundled red sack.

“Oh don’t worry about that, it’s just a scarecrow and red paint,” Starlight hoof waves. “They do this all the time, and who has to clean up? Me, that’s who.”

"Ummm... Are you sure? It looks very realistic,” you say looking at the form.

“It does look like blood,” Greta agrees.

“It’s just red paint, believe me,” Starlight insists.

Tartarus Fire’s Comment

“I don’t know,” Ahuizotl shakes his head. “I’ve seen my fair share of corpses due to…certain circumstances.”

“Oh, you mean when you and Daring Do were in the Temple of the Dead?” you ask curiously, which causes him to shudder and nod.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Starlight lifts the sack up in her magic and turns it towards you. Sure enough, it’s a straw pony with button eyes, and a stitch smile.

“Happy now?” she grunts before the thing is set ablaze.

“Huh,” Grandbuggy says in surprise. “Well that’s just a waste of a perfectly good scarecrow.”

“Yeah, why would they go through all the trouble?” you ask.

“I don’t know, cultists are weird,” Starlight groans.

“Now that’s the pot calling the kettle black,” Grandbuggy comments. “Now can we see the staff already?”

Grinding her teeth in annoyance, Starlight grunts,

“Fine!” and starts marching towards the pedestal and the wall full of glowing things in jars, and you all follow suit.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Zapper frost’s Comment

As you reenter the room and get closer to the jars, you notice that many of them appear to be floating.

“Ok, just what the buck are those things?”

“Those are all our former cutie marks once we used the staff of Mage Meadowbrook to remove them,” Starlight answers.

“Ew, that’s gross! Your whole religion is stupid,” you complain.

“It’s not a religion, it’s an ideology,” Starlight Glimmer corrects.


“Yeah, gotta agree with the kiddo, this is like keeping your appendix in a mayo jar. Why do you hold onto them?” Grandbuggy asks.

“The spell’s not perfect OK?!” the frustrated mare shouts, her mane going frizzy in some places.

“Hmmm, fascinating,” Ahuizotl mutters as he studies one of the jars. “A whole pony’s potential trapped inside a thin layer of glass.”

“That’s kind of bucked up if you think about it,” Greta says as she starts looking at the marks. “Imagine not being able to fly just by removing a-WHAT THE BUCK HAPPENED TO MY FACE!!!!” she cries with something akin to the RCV mixed with an eagle squawk.

You all look to see she has finally found Mangle’s artistic streak thanks to the reflection of the glass. You, Ahuizotl, Grandbuggy and Mangle all share a look before you all just break out laughing.

“You jerks! I look like an idiot!” she grumbles and starts rubbing the black ink off.

“Despite the laughter, Starlight does not look amused.

“OK, here’s the staff you all wanted to see so much,” she growls and holds up the stick that had been sitting on a pedestal.

“Oh goody, let me take a look at that,” Grandbuggy says as he rudely snatches it out of her hooves, to which she glowers it.

As Grandbuggy inspects it, you Ahuizotl, and Greta all look at the stick, and wonder about the powers it could possibly wield, but then…

“What the buck is this?” Grandbuggy says with a glare to Starlight. Taken aback the mare stammers,

“Wh-What do you mean?”

“I mean, what the buck is this?” he demands a little heatedly.

“That’s the staff of Mage Me-“

“Bullspit it is!” he growls. “That Mare put her initials on everything she owned and sold, and this don’t have any of her markings on it at all.”

“Well uh-“

“And don’t go saying Beardo gave this to her, this thing would stink of his magic, but it don’t,” he grunts.

“What are you saying Grandbuggy?” you ask.

“This thing is just a stick, there ain’t anything magical about it!”

Starlight’s eyes go wide at that.

“What do you mean, of course it’s magical it-“

“Don’t bullspit a bullspitter sweetheart, I knew the danged mare, don’t go saying this piece of junk is hers.

And while Starlight begins to sweat bullets, your rage boils over.

“A TOOTHPICK?!” you shout, causing all eyes to turn to you and your glowing white eyes. “YOU TIED ME UP AND DRAGGED ME THROUGH THIS TARTARUS HOLE OF A TOWN THAT'S A BUCKING CULT FOR A TOOTHPICK?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Now, now Shade, I’m frustrated too, but don’t fly off the ha-“

“You’re Frustrated?! We just wasted days of traveling when we could have been getting actual artifacts to help Mommy!”

“Huh?” Greta asks.

“We’ll tell you later,” Ahuizotl says quickly.

“Yeah, I know honey, but-“

“Buck You Old Bug! SHORYUKEN!!!” you shout as you try to take your frustrations out on the geezer’s chin. Grandbuggy, being the best specialist the Hive ever had evades your blow, the staff however isn’t so lucky. It flies straight into the wall of cutie mark jars, breaking them all free.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Starlight screams in anguish as the marks all start rushing out the cave.

“Ummm…Oops?” you venture and she turns to you, her neck veins bulging in rage.

“Oops?! OOPS?! Is that all you have to say?!”

“Hey now, it was an accident lady,” Grandbuggy reprimands, standing in between you two.

“I DON’T CARE! Do You Know How Long It’s Going to Take To Remove Each and Every Mark and Store Them Again?! DO YOU?!”

“Nope,” he answers simply.

“Exactly! This whole thing is going to drain me for days!” she snarls.

“Aha! So you admit the stick isn’t magic!”

“No Spit Sherlock!” she growls as her horn glows and all four of you are caught in a green glow.

“Hey!” you all voice your displeasure.

Kersey 475’s Comment


She then presses her horn against Grandbuggy’s flank and it grows brighter.

“Quit touching Grandbuggy’s Butt!” you shout as you flail in the magical grasp.

WARGAMES’s Comment

At the peak of the glow, the mark on Grandbuggy’s flank peels off, only to dissolve in midair and return.

“What the Tartarus?” Starlight says in puzzlement before she concentrates again. Once again, his cutie mark is removed, only to disappear and show up again on his flank.

Gritting her teeth, she doubles down on her concentration and keeps doing this several more times.

“Do you think she’s ever going to take the hint?” Greta says amused.

“Give it a few more,” you deadpan.

“You do have to admire her determination,” Ahuizotl comments.

“Why isn’t this working?!” Starlight yells as she tries once more and fails. Panting she looks up at Grandbuggy in confusion. Grandbuggy just has a bemused face on and his forelegs are crossed.

“You done?”

“How? How come I can’t take it?” she blubbers and Grandbuggy smirks.

“Well for starter’s sweetheart,” he dissolves his disguise in a flash of green flame, “You’re barking up the wrong tree.”

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!” Starlight screams in fright and falls to the floor, dropping you all from her grasp.

“CHANGELINGS!!!” she yells and scrambles to the exit as if the Hounds of Tartarus were nipping at her tail.

“WHOWOWOAH!!! Ouch! Oof! Son of a-! Ack!”

You all stick your heads out of the cave and see that Starlight is falling down the same cliff from before, one painful roll at a time.

The four of you stare in silence as her screams grow fainter before you all look at each other.

“That just happened right?” Greta asks.

“Yeah, I mean, she had the power to hold all of us and yet she flipped out when she saw your true form?” you observe. “The griffons didn’t mind.”

“Typical ponies. Some folks just can’t handle true beauty,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“Or pure ugliness amigo,” Ahuizotl jests.

“As if you’re one to talk ya dang crime against nature!” he counters before looking back to you with a guilty look and sighing.

“OK kid, I’m sorry I dragged us here. It was a wild goose chase after all and I should have listened to you.”

“Yes, you should have,” you harrumph and he wilts his ears.

Tartarus Fire’s Comment

"Seriously, why were you so gung ho about it?” you insinuate.

"Well when magical artifacts are becoming more and more scarce...Yeah,” he rubs the back of his neck. “Every time one gets found, bought, or destroyed, another two seem to pop up."

"I have to agree with your granddaughter, you did seem a bit hung up on something that wasn’t on the list Quick," Ahuizotl points.

Grandbuggy pauses for a moment before he lets out a sigh, "Alright yeah I got a bit obsessed reliving my youth. But in my defense when you get to be my age you have to start planning as far ahead as possible."

“Oh don’t go talking like that old bug, you’ll outlive all of us,” you chide. “Now can we please get out of this place?”

“Yeah, might as well,” he submits and you all start exiting the cave, as you do, the Mexicoltan Cultists Wanabes tip toe their way back inside.

As you walk back through Our Town, you all politely ignore the chaos that is ensuing, where everypony is screaming their heads off after having their cutie marks restored.

“Take it off! Take it off!”

“The Horror! The Horror!”

“I feel alive and full of color again! It’s terrible!”

“It’s alright everypony! Just hold still!” Starlight Glimmer shouts in frustration as she tries to calm her citizens, and is slowly but surely removing their marks again one by one.

“Ugh!” she groans. “The next time an alicorn comes through town, I’m going to be a lot more careful!” As she says that she looks up and sees your group and stops in fear seeing Grandbuggy’s form.

“So long Glim Glam, good luck with all this,” he salutes and lets out a creepy changeling tongue hiss.

“EEEEEEPPP!!!” Starlight yelps and throws the now Equalized pony at your hooves and runs.

“Not a very good leader. I’d have at least put spiders on my lackey,” Ahuizotl shakes his head.

“So long Our Town, YOU ALL SUCK!” you yell with the RCV as you all make the trek back to the train.

“So with that massive waste of time done, where are we going next?” you ask.

“Well,” Grandbuggy whips out his list of artifacts, “We got several options. Either go to the Rock Farm Lands for petrified dragon eggs, the Rainbow Falls Swap Meet, the Dragon Lands for a piece of the Bloodstone Scepter, the list goes on and on.”

“Ugh. Well as long as we get back on the train I’ll be-“ you are interrupted as Greta speaks up.

"Uh guys? I think that pony over there is following us,” she points behind you all. “He's been trailing us for awhile now."

You peer over to see the white stallion gleefully smiling, and walking at a steady pace.

“Oh what the buck is this?” Grandbuggy grumbles. “Go away, we don’t want any!”

The stallion continues to smile and walk towards you guys.

“Didn’t you hear us mate? We said buck off!” you yell, but he is unperturbed.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“Alright, you know what? Enough of this!” you growl as you fly to meet the stallion halfway. “We tried to warn you buddy! Falcon Kick!”

Your flaming hoof strikes the stallion true in the nards…but he does not collapse. He just tilts his head at you with that same creepy smile. Only one other stallion ever resisted your signature move, and he was a weightlifting muscle head, this stallion should have gone down.

“Uhhhh…” you trail off as you look the stallion in the eye…and for a brief moment, his visage changes.

His already pale coat goes even paler, he is suddenly wearing a dark suit and tie, and he has no face.

“AAAIIII!!!” you shout in surprise and horror as you speed back towards your group.

“What the buck is that?!” you shriek.

“Either a unique or a guy with balls of steel,” Greta says.

“Yeah, that hurt just watching and he didn’t even flinch,” Ahuizotl agrees.

Mangle lets out a sound clip of bowling pins being struck from Grandbuggy’s back.

“Not that part! His face disappeared!”

“What are you talking about?” asks Greta.

“What do you mean, can’t you…” turning back towards the stallion, you see he has halted, but he sports that creepy smiling face again.

“Wait kid, did you say his face disappeared?” asks Grandbuggy with wide eyes.

“Yes,” you nod.

“Alright everyone, double time it, let’s go!” he yelps as he starts galloping towards the train.

“What? What is it Fix?” asks Ahuizotl as he jogs up beside Grandbuggy.

“It’s Slendermane! I owe him 20 bits, and I haven’t repaid him in 175 years! I can’t believe the bucker’s found me!”

“Uh, then why don’t you repay him?” asks Greta.

“Because he tricked me on that bet Gorramit! It’s the principle of the matter.”

“Is he dangerous?” you ask as you glance over your shoulder to see the stallion walking slowly again.

“Not really, he just likes to stare at you from a distance menacingly, never saying a word. It’s really uncomfortable!”

And as you all run from the slowly walking creature, you let out a groan.

“Great, now we got a stalker.”



“I have a rendezvous with death…”
Your eyes widen as you hear that sentence and you look around you in dread. Looking over to the used game store, you spy a video monitor showing an old trailer for some game with humans wielding guns with chainsaws on them.

Bugze, what is it? Your blood pressure just spiked? Selena asks in concern.

N-Nothing, just…just felt a bit unnerved there for a second, you answer as you turn back around to your doppelganger. You both are in the food court of the mall, and he is chowing down on a taco that has meat in it instead of oats. Normally you’d be put out, but the smell does smell heavenly to your human nose.

“Why did we have to come back to this forsaken place where small children frame me for petty theft?” you ask with crossed arms as you attempt to deny the temptation of meat.

“Because *Gulp* If that jackass attempts to make a scene, he can’t just call the cops on me, we’ll both get taken away,” he answers and wipes his chin with a napkin.

The filthy humans walk about the place as usual, but thankfully there is no sign of Human Filthy Rich and family.

“Ooookkkkaaaayyyy. Is there really that much bad blood between you guys?”

“Heh, you tell me. Freaking stoner cuts tail and runs when everything went to Hell, wouldn’t help me out years later either,” he spits in disgust. “Besides, even with all that, he’s probably gonna be pissed when he realizes I tricked him here to meet.”

“You tricked him to get here? How?”

“I left a note under his door claiming to be his Ex wanting to meet up,” he says nonchalantly as he takes a sip of his soda.

“…Yeah, maybe he will start something if my Sombra’s anything to go by,” you shudder.

Fwah! As if. I have no ex lover to be scorned by, Sombra harrumphs before he goes quiet. Unless he means…

“So yeah, seeing another me might push him over the edge, so stick close by but don’t say anything at first.”

“Is that why I’m wearing the Smokey Joe disguise again?” you complain, looking down at the rain slicker and feeling at the smelly do rag against your scalp. The glasses are a used in place of a face covering since people in a mall might get the wrong impression.

“That, and it might make him flashback to his college years if he sees you,” B2 chuckles.

Rolling your eyes you look around yourself at the other surrounding tables. Most are taken by human teens and the like, but a few only have one person sitting at them.

“So should I sit close by or something?”

“Yeah, don’t want you missing the fireworks after all. Speaking of which, here he comes,” he points down the hall.

Approaching at a steady pace…

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Kersey475’s Comment

You spy a dark skinned human with a shaved head, a dark goatee, and a hat. His eyes are red behind his spectacles, and a scowl seems to be permanently etched on his brow. Despite the rather plain looking clothes, there’s no mistaking who he is.

Is that me? Real Sombra asks in shock. What in Tartarus happened to my Humsona’s mane?!

Karma most likely, you jest and Selena chuckles. And NEVER use that word again!

“Oh God, he’s rocking the Heisenberg look,” B2 shakes his head. “I forgot how dorky he was. Judging from his red eyes, he’s already blazed one, so hopefully he’ll be a little chiller than usual.”

“That scowl says otherwise,” you mutter.

“I said hopefully, now scatter and jump in in case he tries to strangle me with my food tray like he did back in Detrot.”

“Wait, what?”

“I broke his slinkie on the tour bus and he went loco,” he says in remembrance. “But never mind that, skedaddle!”

He then ushers you to sit further away, and you do so, sitting at a nearby table with some human girl with a tray of food.

“Um, what are you doing?” she asks you as you turn to face B2’s table.

“Shush humie, I’m running reconnaissance for a meeting,” you explain without looking at her as you see the grumpy looking Sombra walk up to B2’s table.

The two humans stare at each other with squinted eyes for what seems like minutes.

“@#$%^” Human Sombra says in monotone, using your real name.

“Sombra,” B2 replies in kind.

“…Hope’s not here is she?” he asks with a bit of heat.

Hope? Pony Sombra says in surprise from within your mind. She's...she's alive in this world?

“No, no she’s not…” B2 confirms.

Sombra glares even more intently at your doppelganger.

“I thought it was too good to be true,” he sighs. “What do you want you worthless sack of S#!%?”

“Just to talk you backstabbing bastard,” B2 says tensely.

Again the two continue to stare each other down.

“Oooh, is there going to be a fight?” the girl asks behind you sounding eager.

“Hopefully not,” you answer as you intently watch the two humans in their stare down.

“Just a talk huh?” Sombra narrows his eyes.

“Yeah, just like old times…Why don’t you take a seat? I’ve got extra tacos…”

After glaring for a few more moments, the Human Sombra sits down across from B2.

“Alright fine. Let’s talk,” he demands as he snatches a taco.

“Gladly,” B2 nods. “Now, before we begin, let me just point out that some stuff I may ask may sound bonkers and insane, but I am completely, 100% sober.”

“Heh. That makes two of us,” Hu-Sombra actually smirks and takes a bite of his food.

“They seem intense, what’s their beef?” asks the girl.

“They used to be in a band together,” you say still not looking at her.

“Ohhh,” she nods in understanding. “I get that, my sisters and I used to be in one…kind of.”

“That’s nice,” you say not really listening.

“Yeah, they kind of dropped me off here while they went to go investigate some camp in the woods. They said it’s so I don’t get in the way,” she continues sounding a bit upset.

“Listen kid, I don’t want to hear your life’s story, now hush, I have to hear if that washout over there has a magic mirror or not.”

“Really? Awesome! I’d heard rumors from a little girl in a Tiara that there was a magic mirror in this mall, but my sisters didn’t believe it.”

“Yeah yeah whatever,” you hand wave before your body locks up momentarily. “Wait! What did you just say?”

You whirl around to face the smiling human girl. She is light blue with a two toned blue mane done up in a ponytail.

“I said my sisters didn’t believe it, mostly because that girl’s dad is a real jerk with a butt chin, but you never know.”

“No not that, I meant the thing about the magic mirror.”

“Oh right,” she perks up. “My sisters and I are always on the lookout for magicy things to hunt down. Looks like you and your friends are too, Neato!”

Ah, she must be in one of those human fake sciencey groups. What’s it called again?

Crypto zoology? Selena guesses.

Yeah, that’s it. Zoomba, keep an eye on the other you and me’s conversation.

Why does human me’s gut protrude so far?! He whimpers further in your mind.

I think he’s already got that taken care of, Selena mentions.

Nodding, you say to the human girl,

“So, you’re a cryptozoologist then huh? Looking for magic things, hunting down Yetis and the like?”

“Oooh, is that what we’re called? I like it,” she smiles brighter.

“Alright, but yeah, what’s the deal, you heard there was a magic mirror here?”

“Yuppers, I was actually going to start looking for it soon, because there are A LOT of windows and mirrors here. It’d probably go quicker if my sisters were here to help, but they wanted to go to the woods for some reason. When I said ‘What if it’s true and there is a magic mirror here?’ they were like, ‘Shut up you idiot’ and, ‘We have grown up work to do, if you want to get lost in a stupid mall go for it, we’ll pick you up in a few days,’ and then they left,” she says matter of factly as she takes a bite of a taco.

“…Yeesh,” you say sympathetically at her casual familial abandonment.

“But yeah, if your friends over there have any leads, that’d be super helpful.”

“I hope so too,” you nod as you turn back to look at Human Sombra and you, who appear less tense. “If not then I’ll certainly help you look for it.”

“Really? That’s great!” she cheers. “Thanks Mister.”

“No problem. I’m Bugze by the way,” you introduce to the girl who might have just helped you find the way back home.

“I’m Sonata, nice to meet you,” she smiles.


Author's Note:

Yup. Best Fish-Horse has appeared earlier than expected. Told ya plot points would appear :trollestia:

Hey Hive Mind,

Writing after working countless overnight shifts is a strange and hollow process that I don’t really recommend, but I hope the product came out to your liking.

Now going forward, remember three things.

1. Sonata is by herself for a few days while her sisters are out of town.
2. Neither Bugze, Selena, nor Sombra knew the names of the Sirens.
3. Bugze and Crew think the Sirens are dead and gone from over a thousand years ago, and that any human with magic is their hybrid descendants. While from the Siren’s side of things, they’ve only been in Human Land for a little over a year (Wonky Time Portal Magi-Science).

With all that in mind, have fun with the coming shenanigans. There actually is a Magic Mirror in this mall after all.

Till Next Time,
Brown Dog.

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