• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,777 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 61: Title Drop

Kichi’s Comment

You look towards your friends, each and every one of them. Applebloom, who treated you like a sister before you found out you were family, Sweetie Belle who was always kind and smart and even taught you a few things, Scootaloo who would share your enthusiasm for reckless adventure and mischief, and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, once considered enemies, but now something more, especially on that final day before the Trixie incident.

You are more than happy to see them…but you hesitate.

Oh gods, what am I doing? What if they don’t like me anymore if I tell them? What if they think I’m a monster?! Applebloom heard Grandbuggy’s side of the story, but what if she’s just accepting everything begrudgingly because we’re family? What if she’s already turned them off of me?! You think irrationally as the shards glow, and in your mind you imagine the worst.

In Your Imagination

“At last you’ve appeared Nightmare Moon!” Diamond Tiara shouts pointing a hoof at you.

“No! I’m not Nightmare Moon, I-“

“She’s right, she’s just a false friend,” Silver Spoon accuses. “Applebloom told us everything!”

“Why didn’t you tell us your Dad was the Offender, or that you were an alicorn?!” Scootaloo growls.

“And that your mother was the Boogey Mare?!” Sweetie snarls as they all surround you and point.

“B-B-But…” you whimper as Spike joins in and points a claw at you.

“You are nothing but a monster, how could anyone love you?” he says cruelly and you start to whimper.

“You’re nothing but a bad seed,” Applebloom scowls. “You may be kin, but you always throw out the bad apples before they ruin the rest…”

“Yeah! We don’t need you in the Crusaders!” shouts Sweetie.

“We don’t need you as a friend!” Scootaloo chants.

“We don’t need you for anything!” Diamond and Silver say at once.

“We don’t need you,” Spike grits his teeth and smoke comes out.

“No…please…” you cry but they don’t relent as they all start chanting as their circle spins all around you.

“Monster! Monster! Monster! Monster! Mon-“

“Nightshade! Hello?”


In The Real World

You are snapped out of your delusion as you see Spike snapping his fingers in front of your face.

“Uh…are you Okay?” Spike asks as you shake your head. “You kind of spaced out there for a moment.”

“Y-Yeah, I’m fine, I…I’m fine,” you say nervously, noticing the glow from beneath your scarf.

“Are you sure?” he says worriedly and you can’t help but feel nervous, despite his tone.


“There she is!” Scootaloo’s voice breaks through the air. Turning around you see the five fillies looking at you, before all five start charging at you.

Oh no, they’re going to try and run me off and hurt me then I’ll hurt them and-

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Your paranoia is cut short as all of them tackle you into a gigantic group hug.

“I told ya’ll,” Applebloom smirks.

“Oh my gosh! We missed you so much!” Sweetie squeals.

“We read every letter you sent through Spike,” Scootaloo chirps.

“It’s so good to see you again!” Diamond Tiara giggles.

“The town is boring without you around!” Silver Spoon chuckles. And as each and every one of them hugs, nuzzles and grips you like there’s no tomorrow, your shards stop glowing as relief and happiness wash over you.

“I missed you all too,” you respond as you hug them back. Outside of the massive glomp pile, Spike nearly has a heart attack from the sheer adorableness of this situation, before you grab him with your magic and pull him in as well.

Please…Please don’t let this change after they know they truth, you plead to whatever benevolent force may be listening.

A Few Moments Later

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

After enough introductions and good natured laughs and inquiries to last a whole lifetime, you now sit with everyone in the club house. You had told them that before anything else was to be said and answered, you had something major to tell them. Applebloom knew where you were going with this, and helped corral them into complying, and now here you are.

"Okay... I have a story to tell, and it's pretty long, so get comfortable," you order, causing everypony and dragon to take a seat, with Apple Bloom providing cushions.

"Everything I'm about to tell yo-"

"Wait!" you pause as Sweetie Belle lifts her hoof into the air.

"Yes, Sweetie Belle?"

"What's the title?"

"Arg! Does that really matter?" Apple Bloom says a bit annoyed, covering her eyes with her hooves.

"Of course it does!" Scootaloo argues.

"Yeah! All the best books have great titles," Silver Spoon agrees. Your cousin rolls her eyes as you look to Spike who just shrugs. This causes Diamond Tiara to giggle and ask kindly,

“So yeah, what’s the title Nightshade?”

"Um..." You think, trying to come up with something great, something that they will all remember, and something that is relevant to your experiences of course.

What do you call my whole life until this point? We’ve all been on the run for so long. And it all started when Daddy pissed off the wrong ponies…

You smirk as a title idea comes to you and you look to all of your friends.

“Alright everyone, I think I’ve got one,” you say and they straighten up. “Now, before I begin, I just want to ask you all to not ask too many questions or we’ll be here for days. And…if you can't keep everything I say in this clubhouse a secret, and don't think you can handle what you're about to hear, leave the room.”

They all seem a bit confused and intrigued by that part, and Applebloom flashes you a sad knowing smile. None of them leave however, and you continue.

“This is a story about my Dad and I, and how you all don't know us as well as you think you do." A couple of them raise their eyebrows and look at each other searching for answers and finding none.

"My daddy is not who you think he is. Some in the room already know, or have put it partially together themselves. But know this, when I say that, he also is who you know him as. But this story I'm about to tell you isn't about Baker Sylvester Tennant. This is about someone else. Someone you all know, and someone who's very... um... I don't know the word for it but some of you hate him and some of you like him."

"Contradicting?" Silver guesses.

“Yeah, that’s it,” you nod and they all look around unsurely.

"Okay, but who are you talking about?” Scootaloo asks. “Your dad is-"

"Sometimes he's scary, sometimes he's awesome," you cut her off, ending your sentence with a bright smile. "Sometimes he's really frustrating to deal with, and sometimes you really feel bad for him."

Your horn then glows as your wings appear in green flames and everyone aside from Spike and Applebloom gasp.

“But throughout it all, he loves me just as I am, as I do to him,” you continue as you take your scarf off revealing the shards. Once more, the others who weren’t in the know gasp at your wound, but you aren’t done yet.

“And the title doesn’t just describe him, but me as well…” you say as your whole body washes over with green flame, revealing your hybrid form with your cute tiny fangs, pale blue yet still draconic eyes, and chitinous hooves. This time, everyling looks upon you with shock and awe, to breathless to even gasp.

"This is the Life of a Wanted Changeling."


Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“ACHOO!” DWC sneezes unexpectedly.

“Bless you,” says the biomechanical freak from across the table, his freakish cybernetic eye brighter than is necessary.

“Thank you,” he sniffles and wipes his nose. “Must be coming down with a cold. Your little ice pony freak might be to blame.”

“Oh calm yourself, he has his uses, just like you,” the cyberpony says with a smirk and DWC forces himself not to roll his eyes.

You’re the ones that are useful to me you nimrod.

“Speaking of which, have you heard any more news about The Offender? Thanks to Frost, I know about his resurrection of Nightmare Moon, but what about the Changeling himself?” he asks wantingly.

“There is no news on the changeling unfortunately,” DWC says bitterly. “But I’m certain that wherever Nightmare Moon goes, he will as well.”

“Hmm, good point,” he nods. “But that just raises the question on whether that suit could handle both her and him if he still retains power.”

“I’m positive it will, don’t worry yourself. Especially now that we have even more parts to work with,” DWC lies reassuringly.

Gotta hand it Cabeleron, his buffoonery did help us get Sentry’s suit pieces. At least the battle will be more destructive, he reminds himself.

“Well it better,” the other stallion says, clinking his metal teeth against his true ones. “When I call out the challenge to the Offender, I want to end him, Nightmare Moon be damned. In the long run, she’s just another useless princess just like the others.”

“Oh indeed, but I’m sure your lads will be able to assist you,” And Die in the Crossfire, making Bugze and Nightshade suffer more…

“Right, especially if she summons more of those shadow things the kid told me about. We’ll be more than prepared. But even if we’re not and we have to retreat, the Offender still dies by my hooves!”

“Of course, of course, no one’s denying that...” Heh, good luck on that you worthless scrap of metal. He’ll just kill you again and fall into even more despair, heh heh.

“Right,” the cyborg nods with conviction. “Well, keep at it then. I’m going to go check out the improvements that are being added to Red Dawn.”

“Very well Burner. Have fun,” DWC waves as he clunks out of there. The minute he leaves the room, his false smile vanishes and he just rolls his eyes.

“Moron, thinking that you can handle even one of them? Please” he scoffs and shakes his head. “Even if you pulled off that miracle, Hope’s little legion will be more than enough…I should probably get on that then.”

He then pulls out a pen and parchment and starts writing.

Dear Hope,

I see you’re having trouble gaining any allies. Don’t you want your boyfriend to be saved? Because without firepower, the Offender isn’t going to go down that easily, and he sure isn’t going to puke up your colt toy’s horn. Listen, you want the Empire out of Cadenza’s hooves and back into his, you’ve got to get more numbers. Thankfully, there’s this quaint little prison full of bugs who happen to hate the current Empire rulers…

He stops at that and looks up in thought.

“You know, why aren’t Armor and Cadenza called Emperor and Empress? They rule an Empire after all. Same goes for Princess Celestia and Luna. Do they think they sound evil or old if they go above that title? Pfft, stupid alicorns,” he shakes his head.

Back With You

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“And now that they knew the truth, I decided to let all of you know too, and that leads us to now…So…yeah, that’s our tale.”

Your story is now done, after a long sit through, and you are surprised how many hours it took to tell the tale. You added in as many details as you could, even some more than what was told to Granny and the others, but there were still some areas you didn’t go into too much detail, such as the story your Dad told you about The Otherworld, and of course all of the segments from the first two years where you slept a lot. But other than that, you’ve told them everything you know and they stare at you with mouths agape.

…I knew it, they hate me, you think in melancholy as they continue to stare at you. They don't trust changelings, and now after everything I just told them, all the secrets, lies, and with these stupid shards, they won't trust me...

You don’t want to look at them, at the looks of outrage and hatred, at the looks of broken friendship, so you just stare down at your shards as they glow, hiding behind your mane as the tears rain down your face.

“I…I know I’m a monster, that I’m ugly inside and out…This may not be my true form, but it’s a part of me…And I know you can’t truly accept it,” you sniffle. But even through your tears, you smile. A part of you is sad yes, but the majority of you is so bucking happy over finally getting to tell the friends you so love the truth. All your life, it’s been half truths and full lies, but now you’ve gotten to share everything on your own terms. They might hate you, but you still love them, and you know they had to know.

It feels so good to finally let it all out…you think as you sniffle again.

You then hear their hoofsteps as they all start to get up.

And now they’ll leave…at least they aren’t yelling…I

Your mouth then opens in surprise when you feel someone touch you, and bring you into a hug. And then another, and another, and another hug wraps around you from different angles.

"You're not ugly Nightshade, you're absolutely beautiful." Sweetie Belle compliments from your right.

"And even if you think you're ugly on the outside, which you definitely are not, you're still Nightshade on the inside," Diamond says from behind.

Your shards unglow as once more, your friends break through your paranoid delusions and send their love right to your heart.

“I…I…” you start to whimper before your smile fades and the sobbing starts in earnest. “I miss my Mommy and Daddy!” you cry out as you hug the one in front of you, crying against his scaly chest.

“They’ll be back cuz, they always come back,” Bloom reassures. “They’ve never lost a battle before, so some other universe won’t stop him.”

"Of course not!" Scootaloo adds. "They’re the strongest in Equestria, and they’ve even got Sombra to boot!

"Thanks guys..." You say, revealing your face to them again, your eyes back to normal. "You're all the best."

"Let's never split apart ever again Shade,” Spike says with a smile. "We're all in this together. No more running." You look from him to the other five holding onto you as those words make you smile again and you turn back into your alicorn form.

"No more running..." you nod.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

After emotions have calmed down a bit, and the group hug is disbanded, then the questions start coming in.

“Sooooo, you’re Applebloom’s cousin?” asks Scootaloo.

“Yeah,” you nod and chuckle. “I know, shocker when I heard it too.”

“Wow, just how big do the Apple family roots stretch?” Silver Spoon asks. “I mean, you guys are like in every town and city in Equestria.”

“Well, Granny had a lot of brothers and sisters, who in turn had a lot of kids and…yeah there’s a lot of us,” Applebloom smirks.

“Wait a minute,” Diamond interjects sounding creeped out. “Then doesn’t that mean your Dad and your sister are cousins too?””

“Yes, yes we’ve been over this,” you facehoof and gag.

“Oh jeeze, I didn’t even think about that,” Spike gags a little.

“Yes, we know, we know,” Applebloom rolls her eyes.

“To be fair, she at least didn’t know beforehand…right?” Scootaloo asks.

“I hope she didn’t,” Sweetie shudders before her eyes widen. “Oh No! That was during the Loveocalypse! We’re the ones that caused that!”

“…Buck, you’re right! You say in horrified realization before looking at the others. “Alright, let’s move on! When Daddy gets back, we admit to nothing!”

“R-Right,” Applebloom says while scrunching her eyes up. “We’ll just focus on the good, like me having yet another new cousin.”

“Another?” you ask.

“Oh right, you don’t know,” Silver perks up. “Yeah, apparently Pinkie Pie is related to the Apples too.”

You stare at the bespectacled filly for a few hearbeats of silence.


Maybe. Maybe she is related to us, the family tree documents were smudged,” Applebloom corrects but your eyes are still wide.

“Shade?” Sweetie asks in concern.

“If she is related to you then does that mean she’s related to me too?”

“If she is then it’s pretty distant, like four times removed,” Applebloom explains.

“Yeah, you two are more closely related than she is,” Scootaloo agrees.

“But even still…this is weird. All those clones we encountered are technically my family too? I don’t…”

“Yeah, I kind of wanted to know more about that,” Spike says. “Twilight’s kind of wanted to see the others and-“

“I am not letting her kill them like she got those others during the paint drying massacre Spike!” you shout startling him.

“Whoa, whoa, I was gonna say she wants to apologize and make it up to them, and Pinkie does too…”

“…Yeah, I don’t think they’d want to talk to her after all that,” Diamond shrugs.

“Yeah, what she said,” you nod before sighing. “Though maybe Pinkie should know more. She kind of got let in on the conspiracy because she started asking about them…”

“…Maybe we should talk about something else?” suggests Sweetie Belle and everyone agrees.

“Okay,” Scootaloo shrugs. “So your mom is Ni-Er-Selena right?”

“Yeah,” you nod.

“That’s a pretty name,” Silver compliments as Scootaloo continues.

“So, she’s like a Princess and stuff right?”

“…Kind of? I’m not sure,” you shrug.

“Well, that would make you a princess too right?”

“She hasn’t been sworn in,” Spike rains on her parade.

“Oh…well crud! There goes my idea of making The Cutie Mark Crusaders as an official title.”

“Believe me, if I had that kind of power, you bet your flank I’d abuse it,” you smirk and the others laugh.

“Well, speaking of your mom…I’m sorry we all thought bad of her,” Sweetie apologizes.

“Yeah, sorry,” Scootaloo adds.

“Yeah. Sorry for thinking she was using your Dad as a meat puppet Tartarus bent on destroying the world,” Diamond adds. When you all look at her, she shirks back. “Mom’s words, not mine.”

“I’m sorry too,” Spike says. “I got it in my mind that I would do whatever I could to help destroy her to save the Offender…but I guess I was just as ignorant as the rest.”

“Guys, guys, it’s okay,” you reassure. “There’s no way any of you could have known. I sure didn’t tell you…but thanks all the same.”

“…Does this mean we shouldn’t celebrate Nightmare Night anymore? Cause like it’s offensive and stuff?”

“Oh buck no! Free candy is awesome! I’m sure my Mom would agree,” you say with conviction and she looks relieved.

“Well I can’t wait to talk with them candidly then,” Sweetie says with a smile.

“I know right?! I mean, I was a fan of The Offender AND BST. I guess my eye for awesomeness can’t be beat,” Scootaloo says.

“Oh my gosh! When your mom has a body again, we could give her fashion tips! She’s probably way out of practice after a thousand years,” Diamond says with stars in her eyes.

“But what about Sombra? You sure he’s going to be alright?” Spike asks warily and you grin at him.

“Trust me Spike, he’d do anything for me. He’s a good friend, and kind of like an uncle.”

“…Wait, I’m related to King Sombra too?!” Applebloom’s eyes widen in shock.

“Uhhh…In an honorary way? If you want that is…”

“…Seriously, who aren’t you related to Bloom?!” Sweetie Belle guffaws.

“More importantly…he’s not gonna hold any grudges for, you know, burning his spectral flank?” Spike asks and you look at him seriously.

“Spike, if he so much as snarls at you, I will reintroduce him to the pecking order and make him regret having nards again.”

This determination silences the room in awe.

“…Gorramn,” Spike mutters as his heart skips a beat.

Eventually, seeing as how you’ve been talking for a few hours straight, you feel it’s high time to get some food, some real greasy unhealthy food. So you all start walking into town, chatting the whole time.

“So, how does your mom take all the mares going gaga for your dad?” asks Sweetie Belle.

“Well…angrily I would assume,” you shrug. “I mean, she got really upset with Dad for trying to kiss Sapphire Shores, and of course both she and Fluttershy hate each other, to the point where Fluttershy keeps wanting to destroy mom even after everything I’ve said…”

“I thought she was dating Discord?” says Silver Spoon.

“No, he was reformed by her,” Spike points out.

“Pfft, as if that was the only thing going on with them,” Diamond Tiara scoffs with a chuckle. “A guy like that just doesn’t change overnight without some incentive.”

“I bet Featherweight could find out for sure if we-“

“NO! We are not doing the reporter thing again!” Scootaloo and Applebloom interrupt Sweetie Belle who purses her lips.

“It was just a suggestion,” she pouts.

“And hey, you three were great at that under my leadership if you recall,” Diamond points out.

“Yeah, but we ended up starting a turf war over the Mare Do Well and Hooded Offender fandoms remember?” Scootaloo points out.

“Not to mention you lost your mind thinking SpiderMane was everywhere,” Silver adds.

“You can’t prove that he’s not!” Diamond snaps before composing herself.

“You know, despite everything, those were good times,” you say with a smirk. “Sorry again about giving you all those espresso beans to make you paranoid.”

“That Was You?!” Diamond gasps.

“Yeah, sorry…” you say meekly. “But hey, way before anyone else, jittery Diamond Tiara was the closest to figuring everything out.”

“Oh right, she did think you might be an alicorn when you still wore that vest,” Applebloom says in remembrance.

“Wait a second, does that mean that picture of the changeling at the spa was your Dad?” Sweetie yelps in understanding.

“Yup. I actually debated on whether to rat Dad out for a good story back then because you guys thought we might get our cutie marks. I guess I have now, two years after the fact.”

“Heh, see! I was a good journalist! And SpiderMane is still out there!” Diamond calls out.

“He did show up to save your dad after he fell off the roof,” Spike says curiously remembering that randomness.

“Oh yeah…wow things were nuts two years ago,” you chuckle.

“Yeah…speaking of nuts, do you still have Mangle or did she run out of batteries?” asks Scootaloo.

“Oh no, she’s still with me. I keep her in the bag all the time though to keep her safe…” you trail off as that sounds very familiar.

“Uh, Sha-“ Silver starts.

“MANGLE!” you shriek as you dig your robot fox out of your bag and look her in the eyes. “I’m so, so sorry Mangle! I didn’t mean to keep you in the bag like that! You’re tough and you don’t have to be hidden away like a weak little flower! You can come outside whenever you want.”

Your pet looks at you curiously as you nuzzle her chest in guilt and just shrugs and gives your head a pat.

“Skreonk,” she mechanically barks in comfort before clamoring onto your back.

“…I’m starting to think you may have issues with your Dad and the bag,” Sweetie observes as she gives the fox a scratch behind the ears.

“Yeah? No Spit,” you grunt a little in aggravation before shaking your head. “No one’s existence should just be as a macguffin that’s hidden away for convenience’s sake only being pulled out as a plot point!”

“…Maybe you should talk with someone about that?” suggests Spike.

“I just did,” you tell him plainly, even though your shards glow again.

“Hey, if you’re upset, maybe you should hit a pillow or something?” Diamond says giving Mangle a pat. “That’s what my dad does when mom’s had one too many glasses.”

“Good Idea!” you declare as you whip out your Power Pole, point it at a nearby tree and just completely obliterate it with it’s extending function.

They all look amazed at that, especially after you shrink it back, twirl it around and strike two more trees, cracking them in half as Mangle cheers from your back.

Covered in splinters, saw dust, and a bit of sap, you walk back to the group actually feeling more relieved.

“Better?” asks Applebloom.

“Eyup,” you nod and smile.

“Good, now let’s leave before get in trouble for destroying park property,” she suggests as you all pick up your speed.

As you near the town, answering more and more questions, you speak up.

“Say everyling, I know you’ve got lots to ask still, but I’ve been gone for so long. Tell me what’s new here in Ponyville. What’s the gossip?”

“Oh, gladly!” Diamond says excited.

“Never thought you’d ask,” Silver says enthusiastically.

“Well, did you hear about how Twilight and Spike-“

“I already told her about the Human world,” Spike interrupts and she grunts.

“Darn it! That’s the juiciest thing we had!” Silver groans.

“I still think it’s fascinating. I mean, what would our human versions even be crusading for in that world?” Sweetie Belle wonders.

“Something about Internet Stardom or something from a magic box full of cats and people falling down,” Spike answers. “I really only saw your counterparts briefly.

“And he was a dog, so that place sucks, come on, give me something else,” you plead.

“Well, you already know about Daring Do being real and living with Zecora,” Sweetie lists.

“Which you’re gonna have to introduce me to Ahuizotl eventually! They’re totally into each other right? My ship is valid?!’ Scootaloo asks enthusiastically.

“Uh, you could ask him that personally,” you say with a nervous chuckle knowing how touchy the subject is.

“Umm, Fluttershy’s been talking about going to a nature preserve to learn about some new species?” Applebloom suggests.

“...Okay,” you say with a raised brow.

“Oh, and, uh, Rarity and a lot of others are prepping for a redecoration of the town for a theme?” Sweetie says.

“…Is that it?”

“Oh, Sweetie’s got a play she’s been writing so we might do something with that,” Scootaloo mentions.

“What, no explosions or rampaging monsters or anything?” you ask.

“Nope. It’s actually been pretty quiet for awhile, aside from those black vine things, but you already know about those,” Spike says.

“I sure do,” you mumble before you remember something. “Oh wait! What about that Flag Bearer thing for the Equestria Games?”

“Oh that! Yes That’s Awesome!” Scootaloo squeaks excitedly.

“Yeah, we are totally gonna win,” Silver Spoon says confidently.


“Yeah, it’s a competition to see who actually gets to bear the flag for Ponyville. Everypony in school is competing, but we came up with an idea of what makes Ponyville great, and that’s how all three tribes live together in Harmony,” Scoots says rapidfierly.

“Yeah, and we helped boost it with some flashier designs that only money can buy,” Diamond says with a smirk.

“We’ve even got a theme song for it and everything,” Sweetie chirps.

“And it’s sure to knock the socks off of Ms. Harshwinny."

The distant thunder and braying is heard again by seemingly only you and you look around.

“Seriously, what is that?!”

Mangle only shrugs thinking you’re talking to her.

“Didn’t you guys hit a snag or something?” Spike asks and they all chuckle nervously.

“Yeah…I kind of got self conscious cause I can’t fly and almost quit…” Scootaloo says in embarrassment.

“I said I was sorry! I didn’t mean for it to sound malicious!” Diamond apologizes, still sounding shameful.

“Water under the bridge Di,” she hoofwaves before her eyes sparkle. “But Nightshade! If you’re here then we’ll have two of everypony and you can actually fly!”

“Oh really? You want me to join?” you ask excitedly before confusion comes over you. “Wait, two of everypony? There’s three earth ponies and only one Unicorn,” you point out.

“Actually, they came up with the idea that I would wear a fake horn,” Silver Spoon rolls her eyes.

“…Okay,” you shrug. “But before I came back around, you would have only still had one pegasus.”

“We were working on trying to get Rumble to join, but he declined,” Applebloom shrugs.

“But yeah, with you back, there’s no way we’ll lose!” Scootaloo cheers aloud.

“I still say the Silver’s horn is an eyesore,” Spike speaks up.

“Well excuse me for being born like this!” she harrumphs.

“Okay, settle down. I could actually help with that too. I can make others look how I want,” you remind them and they start mumbling with new ideas.

“So, could you like, make me look like a griffon?” asks Scootaloo. “Because that would be so cool!”

“But that doesn’t fit with our theme,” Sweetie points out.

“I just meant in general,” she responds.

And while they all start discussing new things they’d like to look like, you enter the town proper, and suddenly you hear a predatory gasp.


The hairs on the back of your neck tingling, you look around to see Aloe from the Spa looking like she’s won a million bits.

“Oh buck,” you whisper under your breath.

“Nighthsade! Where is your father?!” she all but demands, getting up into your face and drooling slightly.


“Does anypony else know he’s back yet?! Please say no! Tell me where he’s at right now and I’ll give you free coupons for a VIP treatment!”

“Look, lady-“

“Has he talked about me? I bet he has! I’ve been waiting for this day when he-“

“Ms. Aloe, Mr. Tennant isn’t here, it’s just Nightshade and her Grandpa,” Applebloom interrupts forcefully. The stalker stops midsentence and slowly turns her eyes to your cousin.

“…What?” she asks.

“He’s not here,” she says with conviction.

“Th-then where is he?” she asks looking between the two of you while the others back away from her.

“Well he’s, uh…” you start to think of a lie but Applebloom silences you with a smirk.

“Oh he’s off on his honeymoon with his wife,” she says to the masseuse who’s eyes shrink to pin pricks.

“…What?” she chokes out in shock and you grin maniacally as well.

“Yup. Daddy got married to my “new” mommy,” you say and if it weren’t metaphorical, you swear you hear her glassy heart shattering.

“…WHAT?!” she exclaims as she starts hyperventilating. “Tennant-He-Mar-Wha-Bu-WWWWHHHHAAAAA???!!”

Looking absolutely defeated, she just continues to babble incoherently before her sister Lotus walk outs the front entrance.

“Oh dear, what’s happened this time?” she asks as her sister’s mane starts to get frayed.

“She heard some bad news,” you chuckle as does everyone else.

“I can see that…” she then does a double take and sees you. “Oh, hello Nightshade. Good to see you again.”

“Hi Ms. Lotus,” you wave cheerfully because you’ve never held a grudge against her.

“I’m assuming this has something to do with your father?” she asks pointing to her mindbroken twin.

“Eyup,” you nod.

“M-M-Married?! I…GAGH!” she continues to cough and Lotus winces.

“Oh boy…” she mutters before whistling. “Bulk dear! We have a Code Tennant Level Red situation!”

“YYYEAAAHH!!!” the overmuscled pegasus shouts as he runs outside, picks up Aloe, waves at you and runs back inside.

There goes the only one my Nard Shot failed on…you think with a bit of resentment.

“You all have a great day,” Lotus says with hectic cheer before running inside and closing the door.

Once they are all gone, your whole group devolves into laughter.

“Wow Bloom, savage today aren’t we?” Spike chuckles.

“Heh heh, I know right?” Silver giggles.

“Yeah, thanks for the help cuz, what brought that on?” you ask. After she stops giggling she looks at you and says plainly,

“Well, now that I know you both are my kin, it felt only right to stop laughing on the sidelines and to help my family out.”

“Oh wow, this gossip is gonna spread like wildfire if it’s starting from her,” Diamond guffaws.

“Oh boy, Rainbow Dash is gonna hear that and get hit hard,” Scootaloo realizes. “She and Bulk are on the same Equestria Game Team.”

“I’m sure she’ll be able to handle it,” you hoofwave. “Now, let’s move on from a member of what Grandbuggy calls “The Thot Brigade,” and get some food!”

“Yeah!” they all cheer as you continue walking towards In and OatBurger

You all get inside and after you order enough servings for five ponies for yourself, you all sit around a booth and keep eating and chatting.

“So, Nightshade, this Princess Ember that’s traveling with you, you think I can meet her?” Spike asks curiously and you narrow your eyes at him, with a large chunk of burger still in your maw.

“Why do you want to meet her?” you ask suspiciously.

“Well, because she sounds nice? I’ve already talked to Garble, and Crackle is a freeloader, so I’d figure I’d talk with someone else like me.”

“Yeah…that sounds…Really great,” you say through gritted teeth as your eye twitches and your shards glow.

“Awesome! Maybe I could get on her good side by bringing some gems, you know what her favorites are?” he asks innocently and your shards start to glow more.

“Oh yeah, the thing about that is, she hates gems,” you lie.

“Wait, really?” he asks in surprise.

“Yup! Totally hates them. She says they make her fat, so she only eats plain rocks,” you say with a malicious sip of your soda.

“Huh…Okay then,” he shrugs, accepting your words as truth as he starts eating his fries.

Heh, let’s see them “Get Along” after making her munch on rocks, you think cruelly, before catching the side glare of Diamond and Silver.

“What?” you grunt and they just shake their heads in disappointment.

“Nightshade, is that you?” comes a voice that makes you nervous, but not for the same reasons as Aloe.

“Oh, Hi Ms. Cheerilee,” Applebloom waves to her former sister in law. “Yup, Nightshade is back.”

“Oh that’s wonderful to hear,” she smiles before looking around with a frown. “And…?”

“Don’t worry, my Dad’s not here, not just this place, but the whole town,” you reassure her knowing how the two don’t get along. She actually sighs contently at that and you swear you hear her mumble something happy under breath.

“Well still, it’s good to see you again. Have you been keeping up with your studies?” she inquires and you pale.

“Ummm, Hey Look! A Distraction!” you point behind her.

“Huh?” she says as she turns around and sees a sad looking blue stallion eating a burger.

“…What? Can’t a guy eat in peace?” he asks her sadly.

“Uh…” she stammers.

“Bail, Bail!” you whisper to your friends as you grab your remaining food and run out the front door before the teacher can see you.

“Aw, I didn’t get a milkshake,” Sweetie complains.

“We could just go to Sugarcube Corner for those,” Scootaloo points out.

“Yeah, but what was up with that Shade?” asks Spike.

“Yeah, have you not been learning anything?” asks Applebloom.

“No I have, I can read and write and all that good stuff,” you respond.

“Oh…then why-“

“Because the last thing I want to do is talk about school work when hanging out with my friends,” you say with conviction and they all agree with that sentiment. “Besides, I did enough work earlier today for Spike.”

“She didn’t know what a signature was,” Spike chuckles.

“Spike!” you whine and the others laugh at your misfortune, causing you to pout.

“Ugh, let’s just go get those milkshakes,” you grunt as you swallow one of your remaining burgers in one gulp.

After walking along some more, near the edge of town, you spy a certain purple alicorn at the train station sitting with Flash Sentry who has a cast around his wing.

“Uh Oh…” you say aloud, thinking about what Grandbuggy, Fluttershy and Applejack told you about the incident at Daring Do’s.

“Oh right, forgot he was being released today. Thought he’d stick around longer,” Spike mentions.

“He’s probably going off to spread more misinformation to the Princesses,” Sweetie says looking at you apologetically and you sigh.

“Probably,” you nod. “But there’s nothing I can do about that. He and dad may be best Frenemies, but there’s no changing his mind at this point.”

“He is kind of like your Dad when he gets his mind focused on something,” Scootaloo theorizes and your eyes widen a bit.

“Not to mention he’s gotten a bit cuckoo just like your father,” Diamond adds.

“And having lots of ponies hate him for seemingly no rational explanation,” Silver speaks up.

“And catching a few mares’ eyes,” Applebloom finishes.

“…Huh. Maybe that’s why they keep hanging out,” you realize and the others all agree with that sentiment.

“So…” Spike interrupts. “Do you want to go talk to Twilight now? She’s really awkward around him because she’s not so good at the relationship stuff but…”

“Nah,” you shake your head. “Let’s just leave them to it. When I talk to her I want it to be one on one…or at least with you around Spike.”

“Good idea,” Sweetie says. “If Mr. Sentry sees your back, he might start looking around for your Dad and be sad he’s not here.” You agree with that sentiment, as Diamond speaks up again.

“Also, why do you want to be alone with her? Are you…are you going to tell her?”

“No,” you shake your head. “She’s the one pony I can’t. Really the only princess I would want to tell, if any, is Cadence because she’s one of Dad’s oldest friends, and kind of my cousin.”

“Your family tree still confuses me,” Silver Spoon says holding her head.

“You’re not the only one. But yeah, telling Twilight would be dangerous until I get this stupid thing out of me,” you gesture to your chest.

“Then why are you going to talk to her then?” asks Scootaloo.

“Because while I don’t want to reveal to her what I am, I have a lot of powers that I kind of need to know how to handle better. I mean, I went straight from basic Magic Missile to summoning creatures of darkness, so I think I skipped a few steps,” you say in exasperation.

“That still sounds cool by the way, especially that imp thing,” Scootaloo says and the others look at her incredulously. “What? Just because it’s dangerous doesn’t make it not cool.”

“He’s creepy more than anything, though he is loyal I guess,” you shrug. “But seriously, there’s so much about magic that I don’t know, and Nightshade the unicorn was her student. Plus I wanna know how I can restrain my own magic so that I don’t go overboard again…”

“Like that windigo pony?” Sweetie asks hesitantly and you nod. Spike sees your wilted ears and saddened expression and puts a claw on your shoulder.

“Hey, it won’t come to that again,” he tries to reassure.

“I hope not,” you sigh. “Really I just want to apologize to the kid, but how do you do that after he ran off? Plus, I broke his locket thingy.”

“Hey, maybe we could fix it,” Applebloom says earnestly.

“Yeah, there’s all kinds of fixers and tinkerers in Ponyville,” Scootaloo adds.

“…That’d be nice,” you say with a small smirk.

“Yeah, there’s this new guy here that’s really inexpensive too,” Spike says. “He married Derpy a few months ago.”

Wait…your eyes widen at that.

“Oh, you mean Dinky’s long lost Dad?” Silver Spoon asks.

“Oh yeah, Mr. Time Turner. He’s from Trottingham I think,” Sweetie mentions and you chuckle nervously.

“Oh, well I guess I’ll look into that then…” you stammer while internally you debate with yourself.

Daddy and Grandbuggy said the Doctor retired and married Derpy, but that he wouldn’t remember himself. Would this be a problem? I gotta ask Grandbuggy…

Filing that away for later, you return for the second time that day, to Sugarcube Corner.

“I think I’ll get that chocolate banana cake again,” you tell them as you walk inside. Earlier, you and Spike had only encountered Mr. and Mrs. Cake who had been tinkled pink seeing you again, but now that evening is setting in, Pinkie Pie is behind the counter.

“Oh, Hi Nightshade!” she waves enthusiastically, and you chuckle nervously.

“Hi Pinkie,” you say as you get to the counter with your friends. She then looks left and right before leaning down to you all.

“So, are you all now part of the conspiracy?” she whispers.

“Eyup,” you answer for your friends.

“Great! More members means more party goers,” she giggles before looking pointedly at Spike. “Don’t let Twilight read your mind by the way.”

“She can’t do that Pinkie, we’ve been over this,” Spike sighs.

“You never know…” she says spookily before looking to you and grinning. “So, what will it be? Anything you want on the house.”

“Wait, really?” you ask taken aback.

“Sure! You’re now possibly part of my family now. I know we’re like cousins and stuff, but would it be alright if I treated you like a niece? EEE, I can’t wait for you to meet my parents and sisters.”

“I, uh…” you stammer looking to the others who only shrug. “I guess that’d be alright…also I already met your sister Maude.”

“…Oh right, she did talk up a storm about fighting along the Crimson Vengeance in Applewood, and now that we know the truth, of course you met her. She’s the greatest isn’t she?!”

“She’s tough alright,” you answer, trying and failing to imagine her talking up a storm as Pinkie claimed. “But anyway, why didn’t you tell me back at the meeting that we might be related?”

“Oh, I didn’t think of it at the time with all the revelations. Really me possibly being related to Apples is still fresh news and hasn’t really settled. Applebloom, Me and her family went on this awesome road trip and everything last week, and it was awesome! But there’s already been enough road trips this season so that’s why it’s already happened.”

“Wait, what?”

“Huh?” she asks obliviously to that weird thing she ended on.

“…Never mind,” you roll your eyes. “Can I get-“

“Here you go!” she squees, putting a giant slice of chocolate banana cake in front of you.

“…How did you-“

“Hey, we’re family now,” she smiles before adding, “Probably.”

“Right…thanks Pinkie.”

And with that, you and your friends sit around enjoying the rest of the day with sweets and plans for the Flag Bearing competition.

This. This is the love and comraderie that you’ve desired for so long. You love Appleloosa as much as your Dad, but Ponyville is where your friends are.

If we can solve all of this, if everyone can know the truth and let us be a family, then maybe we could live here, you think optimistically imagining your Mom and Dad and even Sombra living in a house and your friends coming over to play. …Please let that be a possibility.

The Next Day

“No, but seriously, where’s these music ponies at?” Garble asks again for the millionth time and you regret telling him anything.

“For the last time Garble, I’m not just gonna let you go out on your own. Crackle never had anything nice to say about you, and the last thing I want is you two fighting around flammable pony houses!” you chide.

“Come on Shade! She’s been missing for almost two years! When I was banished, my Dad told me to try to find her and send her home and it would lessen my banishment,” he pleads and you roll your eyes and look to Ember for assistance.

“…What? I don’t particularly care if she comes back or not,” she shrugs. “She once ate a Ruby Heart I’d been saving for a special occasion.”

“Wow, I’ve heard of cold, but that was sub-zero,” Greta chides.

“It Was Almost Ripe! You know how hard it is to find such a perfect fire ruby?!” she growls back.

“They’re that rare?” you ask and she nods. “Oh…so Spike gave that hussy something really precious then…” As your shards start to glow and you frown, Ember speaks up again.

“This Spike guy gave something like that to a pony? Why?”

“Probably for a courtship thing or something,” Garble shrugs.

“That is not the case! She scammed him out of his own birthday present!” you spit back with gritted teeth.

“Really?” he asks confused. “Because if I remember correctly, didn’t that little twerp have like mad game when it came to pony females?”

“Huh? What games?” you ask confused and he raises a brow.

“Like, kissing and stuff?”

“NO!” you shout and he holds his claws up.

“Look, that’s the impression I got from this town when he and I first met,” he defends and Greta just looks at him disbelieving.

“Nah dude, if a guy like you wants loose mares, you go to Las Pegasus,” she chuckles and he rolls his eyes.

“Wait, is this Spike guy really into females outside his own species? Is that why you two are so close?” Ember asks and you just hoof and wing palm in embarrassment and frustration and groan real loudly.

“Alright ya’ll, enough locker room talk,” Grandbuggy chuckles as you all continue walking through the woods.

“He’s right, it’s Star Spider season and they are attracted to lots of noise,” the still disguised Ahuizotl adds. He’s really the only one since he hasn’t wanted Daring Do to see him.

“Oh thank buck,” you sigh in relief.

“What do you mean by that? Spiders are creepy,” Ember shudders and you frown.

“Not all Spiders! Some of them are adorable and misunderstood!” you defend.

“Really?” Greta says in exasperation.

“Many changelings have an affinity towards lesser bugs due to our heritage,” Grandbuggy says. “It’s a genetic thing. I myself am partial to grasshoppers.”

“Well whatever,” Garble grunts in frustration. “Why are we going to this haunted run down castle again?”

“Because, idiota, one of our few remaining artifacts is there,” pony Ahuizotl answers.

“And since all the other Elements of Harmony are busy today, and it’s not too far, now’s our chance,” Grandbuggy says.

“I’m just thankful for getting off of that farm,” Ember huffs and looks at you. “I thought you said you were going to show us around?”

“Well I was going to today before Grandbuggy sprang this on us,” you defend. “Plus all of this conspiracy pact we’ve made with everyling else and catching up with my friends and family have kind of taken up all the other time.”

“I actually kind of wanted to see who won between Applejack and that Rainbow haired pony with their whole competition,” Greta mentions.

“Yeah, no thanks, they were gonna cover themselves in bees while that Pink weirdo watched,” Garble shudders.

“Ain’t nothing wrong with bees. It’s wasps and hornets that are the flankholes,” Grandbuggy says. “Now, keep focused. If we find pieces of Shade’s mom’s armor quickly, we can be home in time for dinner.”

You pause at that.

“Mommy’s armor? From when she was…”

“Yeah…” he nods before giving you a quick grin. “Essentially, we’re going to where your parents met and where you were born.”

You really don’t have anything to say to that because you’ve never thought about it like that.

This is where I was born? You think in wonder just as you all exit the trees and stand in front of a rope bridge leading to a dilapidated castle.

“The Castle of the Two Sisters huh?” you say in awe as you look it up and down.

“Yup, also, there might be some tomes inside as well pertaining to that Umbrum bling you got,” he says pointing to you.

“Wow, something this close to Ponyville could hold so much for us,” you say thoroughly impressed.

“And somewhere down below should be that crystalline tree your cousin informed us of,” Ahuizotl adds pointing down into the ravine below.


“A crystal tree you say?” asks Garble enthusiastically.

“That sounds tasty,” Ember agrees.

“Don’t even think about it you two,” Greta warns.

“We can take a look at it on the way out, but let’s get looking before it gets too dark,” Grandbuggy suggests. “It shouldn’t be hard to explore if we split into teams and take different sections, and it’s not like anyone else is going to bother us.”

“I know right? Who besides us would willingly go exploring an abandoned castle today?” you smirk, not knowing why irony has hit you like a ten ton weight.


Author's Note:

And on that ten ton weight is a message saying, “You Will Interfere With Canon Episodes and You Will Like It!!”

Hey Hive-Mind,

Sorry for the delay, I got a bit overwhelmed planning for a DND Horror Oneshot over the weekend (Huge Success by the way) plus hecticness at work. And these last two days I just kept adding more and more to this chapter so…yeah.

But yeah, hope you enjoyed the younger generation finally knowing the truth and making even more progress for the Bugze family.

Anyway, if the clues weren’t painfully obvious, it’s time for Castle Mania. What Scooby Doo shenanigans will the Outcasts run into while the Mane 6 have their own shenanigans? Let me know preferably before Halloween so we can synch that up :rainbowlaugh:

Also, take a look at this amazing sprite created by Puzzling Frost for our dear Bug Boy. I was going to put this in last week’s A/N…but I’m a forgetful idiot :twilightoops:
But yeah, take a look at this awesomeness.

See You Next Chapter,
Brown Dog.

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