• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,770 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 42: Fright Night

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Twilight stares slack jawed through her cameras at the sight of two Bugzes.

"How? When? Why are there two of them? Where did the second one come from? Or was he always here?" Twilight says confused. She also notices the second Bugze's apparent beard. "Wait were they just swapping places at the school? Are they twins? That's the most logical conclusion. But why'd he hide this from me? Ooh I'm gonna have words with him, I mean the other him, err both of them Grr," she growls in frustration causing her puppy to look at her funny. After taking a deep breath, she looks more closely at the camera feeds she’s hacked and how full of conviction both of the Bugzes look.

“Which one of you is the one who produced that fireball then? And how did a rockstar gain access to that power?”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Now, Twilight considers herself to be a smart person, to which her numerous awards from past science fairs and report cards can attest to. She is a being of logic, one who doesn't get distracted by her emotions when it comes to science. She has pledged her name to science, and she cannot stand by when a clearly unexplained phenomenon has happened and needs to be investigated, hence why she set up this little trap for the friendly janitor who briefly made her life at school less stressful thanks to his tips and advice with handling her bullies.

Even though lying to him about being kidnapped by evil robots and tricking him into revaeling his powers from the mall could be considered immoral, she takes what she's been taught quite seriously.

And if he/them have taught her anything, it’s that it is perfectly okay to 'prank' people if they did you wrong. Like ditching her amazing future Sister-In-Law Cadence during lunch, or apparently having some sort of flame based power and not telling her despite her clear interest in science, or how he had a twin brother/clone/lookalike/android and again never told her, or how he got fired from the school cause of his stupid stunt at the mall leaving her all alo-

Calm down Twilight, focus on the task at hand.

She takes another deep breath as she continues monitoring the cameras of both Mr. Bugze's group and of Indigo and Sour.

And while the two bullies shake and hold onto one another while the Chicken Animatronic you’ve hacked bangs on their door to keep them terrified, both Bugzes look a bit concerned.

“Twilight! You in here?!” your call is picked up by her monitor and she winces.

“Oh, I hope this isn’t all for nothing in the end Spike,” Twilight says with worry before snapping herself out of it. “What am I saying, of course it will be! For Science!”

And with that she presses a few more buttons on her tablet.

“Perhaps it’s time to set things into motion...”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With You

“Yo Twilight?! Cavalry’s Here!” you call out again, but just like last time, all you hear is your reverberating voice before it goes back into silence. Or rather, the strange unsettling ambience that passes for silence in this place.

“I don’t think she’s answering,” Flash points out. “So maybe stop broadcasting our location to murderbots.”

“Hey, it was worth a shot. If there’s one cliché I hate in horror movies it’s where one survivor rounds the corner and is attacked by another one thinking they’re the killer because they didn’t say anything.”

“So, which one are we in that analogy?” asks Rarity.

“Both,” you say as you all make your way through the first door. And while outside in the lobby near the ticket booths was relatively try hard, the inside of the first hallway does make you shiver. The flickering lights casting shadows where untold number of robots could jump out at any moment cause you to gulp.

“Alright, when we go in there, keep your eyes and ears open and keep your heads on a swivel. Who knows where Twilight and the others could be,” you say to the group who nod in agreement.

Kichi’s Comment

“You know, a thought occurs, why don’t we just call the cops?” asks B2 and you all pause and look at him. “Better yet, why don’t we try to call Twilight and that way we can know exactly where to beeline it to so we don’t have to wander aimlessly?”

“That’s…actually not a bad idea,” you say, a bit jealous you didn’t think of it.

“Yeah, that might be sensible if what you said about these robots is true,” Applejack nods as she brings out her cell.

With Twilight

“Whoops. Forgot to activate the jammers.” Twilight then presses a button and a high frequency goes throughout the attraction which jams cell phones.

With You

“Uh, My magic phone thing is acting weird,” you say as your phone doesn’t call Humie Twilight.

“Yeah mine too,” B2 says as he shakes his.

Soon, all the girls and Flash echo the same sentiment.

“No signal my butt! My plan is supposed to work even in the middle of the woods!” Rainbow grunts angrily at her phone.

“Well if that isn’t just typical of a horror movie,” you grumble.

“Well, maybe it’s best we don’t call the police, since we’d get arrested for trespassing,” Pinkie says plainly.

“Yes, I doubt they’d believe killer machines were afoot,” Rarity agrees.

“Oh yeah, because that’s what we should be worrying about when all of our phones go on the fritz at the same time,” B2 deadpans.

“Um, he’s right. This definitely isn’t normal,” Fluttershy says nervously. “Maybe we should leave the building and try to-“

“There’s no time for that!” you say in determination. “We’re the only ones here now that can make a difference and…” A thought comes to you as you look to the side and see a restroom sign.

“Hang on, one sec,” you say as you jog to the restroom, open the door and put your head inside.

“I thought you said there was no time, and you’re going to the can?” Rainbow asks.

“I’m just checking something. The last Fazbear’s I was in the machines couldn’t go into the bathrooms,” you call back before speaking into the dimly lit toilets. "Hello! Is anyone there?"

Your voice echoes off of the tiles…and there’s no response. Entering the bathrooms, you open each of the stalls, seeing no heads or tails of anyling, not even any secret doors.

“Huh, well I guess that answers that,” you shrug as you rejoin the group outside by the first hallway.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” asks Sunset.

“No, but I just had to be sure,” you say. “Last time there was a ruse with some creep and there was a secret room and all kinds of torment, but human land is still different.”

Not to mention this establishment isn’t a restaurant but a horror attraction, Selena adds.

That too, you nod as you finally steel yourself and lead your group into the lion’s den.

After the last one through the door (Flash) walks through, the door closes shut behind you. And while nearly everyone else eeps or jumps at that, you and B2 roll your eyes.

“Yeah, typical haunted house,” B2 drones.

“So clichéd,” you grumble and continue trudging forward.

As you walk through the flickering narrow hallways, the lights illuminating old wallpaper and burnt children’s drawings, Sunset comes up beside you and whispers,

“So, do we even have a plan besides randomly searching every square inch of this place?”

Master of Shadows’ Comment

“It’s all we really have Shim,” you shrug. “I mean, unless we could find the security office and someone could check the cameras.”

“Wouldn’t the cameras be outside of the scary parts?” Applejack asks.

“Uhh…oh right, I keep forgetting this isn’t the pizzeria,” you bop yourself on the forehead.

“Well, there is a security office room somewhere in here that’s a part of the attraction,” Pinkie says in thought.

“Does it actually have cameras and stuff?” asks B2.

“Oh no, it’s just another room to spook you,” Pinkie says with a smile.

“And how do you know that?” asks Flash.

“Derpy told me,” she answers. “She and a date went here a few weeks ago.”

“Huh…human Derpy huh? Does she have a lazy eye in this world too?” you ask curiously.

“Yeah, but she doesn’t like talking about it,” Rainbow informs.

“OK then,” you say filing that info away for later. “Well if this place doesn’t actually have cameras then nevermind. It’s best we just stick together.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With Twilight

The bespectacled girl lets out a sigh at that as she looks around her little base of operations, the “security office.”

“Well it’s got cameras now,” Twilight mutters. “Besides, it’s easier to handle all the electronics here in the center than up in the real Security Office anyway. Also, even if you somehow bypass the animatronics, I’ve got places to hide here.”

As she says that, she activates the Purple Rabbit animatronic to head in their direction.

“There we go. Now to sit back and analyze…” she trails off as she looks around the room again before back at her puppy.

“You think these others might get hurt if one of the Bugze’s uses that power Spike?”
The dog just looks at her obliviously, panting.

“Hmm, we’ll see what happens with the rabbit first, then I’ll make a decision. Know any good places to hide in case they pass through here?”

Spike stops panting and looks under the desk she’s behind.

“Hmm, simple yet affective. Good boy,” she says patting his head as she looks under the desk. Surprisingly, she finds some buttons.

“What the heck?” she asks as she looks closer at them, noticing that they are covered in dust and look unused. "I wonder what this one does?"

She presses one with a question mark symbol on it, and suddenly one of the old prop computer monitors at the desk she’s at turns on.

“Huh,” she says curiously. “I thought this stuff was just for show.” After a few moments of booting up, a video appears on the screen and a boy who looks around her age wearing horror merch appears.

He-hey! Welcome to the crew! So, uhh- let me just update you real quick, then you can get to work. Like, the attraction opens in like a week, so we have to make sure EVERYTHING works, and nothing catches on fire! Um, when the place opens, people will come in at the opposite end of the building, and work their way towards you, and PASS you, and out the exit.

“Huh, that doesn’t sound right. Must be their old set up,” Twilight observes.

Uh, yeah you've officially become part of the attraction. Uh, you'll be starring as... The Security Guard! So not only will you be monitoring the people on the camera as they pass through, you know, to make sure no one STEALS anything or, (makes out?) at the corner, but you'll also be a part of the show! It'll make it feel, really authentic I think.

“Hmm, that doesn’t sound very productive. No wonder why they changed it.”

The teen then goes on to describe how to check the cameras, check the ventilation system, and how to reboot the systems if they go offline. Being the tech wiz she is, Twilight just hacks into the systems with her tablet so she doesn’t have to use the outdated system.

Um, but the MOST IMPORTANT THING, you have to watch for, is the Ventilation. Look, this place will give you the spooks man, and if you let that ventilation go offline, then you'll start seeing some crazy stuff man, keep that air blowing!

Looking towards the steadily blowing ventilation grate, she hears a fan going.

“Did they really think this place was airtight enough to cause air stagnation? I suppose he could be talking about heat exhaustion, but it’s not all that warm in here,” she says as she pets her dog.

Also we found some vintage audio training cassettes. Dude, these are like, prehistoric! I think they were like, training tapes, for like other employees or something like that. So, we hooked them up to the speaker system, all you gotta do is press that button with the phone on it and they’ll play.

Looking on her tablet, she sees the system for it and shrugs.

“I guess that could make things creepier for them, especially for Indigo and Sour.”

But I have an even better surprise for you, and you're not gonna believe this! We found one. A REAL one. .Not those animatronics we made from scratch, but a genuine classic Freddy Fazbear suit. Uh, some guy who helped design one of the buildings, said there was like, an extra room that got boarded up..? So we checked it out and found it in there just collecting dust. Sadly we can’t get it working yet, it’s like mostly metal and wires, you know classic build so it’s gonna take a bit to get up and working again. Also it kinda reeks, probably in need of clean up, but we don’t want to mess with it till we find the design for it, so leave it be for now. Talk to you later man!"

“Hmmm,” Twilight ponders as the video ends. “Another animatronic huh? Well, if I can’t get him to display that power utilizing the ones I have already, then I can look into that. But anyway, let’s see what’s on these tapes.”

Pressing the icon on her tablet, the speakers all throughout the warehouse buzz to life and Spike huddles underneath the desk whimpering.

With You

You continue down the endless stretching halls, never going too far so you don’t lose the group. It’s kind of a tight conga line, but it’s better than splitting up and looking for clues.

“How did those teens and that diamond dog thwart Grandbuggy when they kept breaking that rule?” you wonder aloud.

“Huh?” asks B2.

“N-Nothing,” you say shaking your head from the past.

Just then, a strange buzzing sound is heard throughout the complex before…


"GAH!!" Everyone yells at the sound of a phone ringing. You look up to see it's coming from some built in speakers. Suddenly a voice comes through.

"Hello, hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night. Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person. Upon discovering that damage or death has occurred, a missing person report will be filed within 90 days, or as soon property and premises have been thoroughly cleaned and bleached, and the carpets have been replaced.
Blah blah blah, now that might sound bad, I know, but there's really nothing to worry about.

“Uhhhhhh…” you blather as the shockingly cheerful sounding human male continues to talk about how the animatronics roam at night, and how it’s not a big deal to fear them.

Uh, they used to be allowed to walk around during the day too. But then there was The Bite of '87 Yeah. I-It's amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe, you know?

You all look at each other at that declaration and you see that everyone is equal parts confused, and creeped out at the recording. The man then goes on to talk about how the animatronics will try to stuff you into suits full of metal and wires which will kill you, and how playing dead will make them shove an exoskeleton into you. He then wishes whoever he made the recording for a good night.

After the phone call ends, you and your group (along with Twilight, Indigo and Sour) are understandably disturbed.

“The bite of 87?” You say aloud to the group, but all of them shrug.

“Don’t ask us, we weren’t born yet,” says Rainbow.

“I may have been, but I was in Equestria as you know,” Sunset says.

"Wait what? How old are you?" Flash asks in surprise and she blushes.

"I don't really know anymore. I got de-aged when I got here and time works differently on the other side."

"Not for me apparently," you say as you all look to the only other person who might know something.

“Well…the place did get shut down in the eighties, I do remember that. But yeesh, didn’t think it was because of that. I’m surprised the reopened in the nineties.”

Wow seems this version of Fazbear’s was more gruesome. Glad it closed down back in our world, and I burned the resurgence to the ground you think.

Indeed, though it begs the question, what caused this version to have such events. Selena muses.

Because humans were involved, obviously. They build evil death trap busses and giant metal birds, why wouldn’t their evil animatronic robots be even more eviler?

You then wait for the inevitable blow up from Sombra over insulting his precious hummies, but he stays silent.

Uh, you gonna react there at all Zambo?

I sense, something sinister...something dark, Sombra mumbles under his breath and you roll your eyes.

Yeah, no duh. We’re in a haunted house genius, you insult.

Idiot, I mean I sense something aside from the atmosphere and machines, he barks.

…Like magic? You ask.

Perhaps. It’s faint.

Selly, do you sense it? You ask.

I’m not sure, she says. The terror of your human companions is very distracting.

You look back at the group of teens and see that they are indeed rather spooked.

Yeah OK, I’ll handle that. Let me know if that sense gets any closer Sombrero. Maybe some other Siren artifact is here…

You then clear your throat and get everyone’s attention.

“Alright, you all heard the speaker guy, these things will try to stuff us in suits so be on guard and try not to get separated!” You say taking charge, while also trying to keep everyone calm.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Surprisingly the only other people as calm as you are are Sunset and Rainbow, though you can't tell if that's just her usual false bravado or not.

“Well that’s a start. Just stay behind me,” you order as you keep your Boom Stick at the ready. It’s got a magic base, and with Gloriosa’s gem in your hand, it should still pack a punch.

As you walk through the attraction, you come across a room where there are tables with fake gore on them, and torn up presents.

OK, that right there, that was never in the real world. Why would animatronics serve kids to other kids and tear up their gifts? This is just more try ha-


You suddenly feel something latch onto your back and your inner mantra goes out the window. You whirl around and raise your Boom Stick to strike the monstrous animatronic, before you realize that it’s Hu-Fluttershy who is shaking like a leaf and holding onto your coat like a life line.

"S-s-sorry Mr. Bugze. I-I'm just...just very scared,” she whimpers and you guiltily put your staff down.

Aw geeze, here I am making another Fluttershy cry.

“Hey hey, it’s gonna be alright, you just startled me is all,” you try to reassure. “You are listening to orders after all. Just give some forewarning next time, I need to attack at a moment’s notice.”

“O-Okay,” she nods.

“And don’t worry so much, you’ve got 8 other people here, and if we all work together, everything’s gonna be fine.”

She does stop shaking a little after that and her grip lessens, but it doesn’t look like she’s letting go anytime soon.

Thankfully, Rainbow Dash and Applejack stick right by her to make her even more comfortable, so you continue on.

"So Mr. Bugze, you said you've dealt with evil animatronics before right? Did they stuff people into suits as well?”

At Rarity's question you get flashbacks to your first Knight capture and the eventual robot monstrosity you had to cut to pieces three times. You didn’t exactly go into all the details of your life back home.

"Yeah...something like that."

"Well do they have any weaknesses?"

"Well the only one I really fought was a metal monstrosity of a whole bunch of them that had been cannibalized by one of their own on my suggestion. It took several explosions, chainsaw strikes, plasmid attacks, and kept ticking, plus it was be driven by a changeling using kids as love batteries. And the only way I was actually able to beat it was by causing it to explode twice, and also melting it with amazing flaming goodness along with the rest of the building. And then the original animatronic was plushified and is now my little filly’s loyal pet."

There's a few moments of silence before Rainbow looks over to Sunset and says,

"Okay...how come your dimension is so freaking awesome even though it’s just a bunch of ponies! I mean..." Rainbow struggles to say anything as she gestures to you, to which Sunset sighs.

"I wouldn't exactly call that awesome, if anything it sounds terrifying!"

"Eh, honestly at this point it’s more normal than anything for me,” you shrug your shoulders. “Anyway, I doubt anything like that will happen here without any magic so just smash them till they stop moving...I guess."

And while they nod and Human Twilight on her tablet raises an eyebrow about the talks of dimensions and ponies and magic, a robotic purple rabbit enters the room and glares it’s red eyes right at you.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” everyone of you screams as the thing raises it’s arms and gives a mechanical screech at you.

It’s a mechanical nightmare, one that you’re having to live through again. A highly advanced robotic monstrosity. A no good, dirty rotten MACHINE!!!

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“EEEEVVVVIIIIILLL!!!” you cry out as your zealous phobia takes over and you rush right at the bunny and jab your Boom Stick right into it’s chest.

As it hits, the gem in your hand glows briefly and the red gem at the end of your staff in turn glows and a deafening boom is heard.

Not only does the filthy machine fly backward, but you too are launched back into your group, who all groan as you hit them.

Holy Buck, that was stronger than normal! You think in both giddiness and surprise.

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment


The animatronic crashes into a prop ice cream machine. It’s head twitches and sparks before it goes still.

You all stare at this for a few moments before you and the others all cheer.

“Holy Crap that was awesome!” Rainbow says in awe.

“That thing packs quite the wallop,” Applejack whistles impressed.

“That was amazaciting!” Pinkie shouts.

“Uh, I think you got it, good job,” Fluttershy says softly.

“Very well done darling,” Rarity congratulates.

“Wait, did I get hit with that thing before?” Flash asks.

“Wait, how did you get magic to work on this side?” Sunset asks curiously.

“Yes yes, I know I’m awesome,” you brag as B2 picks you back up.

With Twilight

She bites her lip as the animatronic she hacked goes offline, dead after one shot from you.

“Ugh, that wasn’t what I wanted!” she slams her fist and Spike barks. “I wanted to see that fireball with his hands. That concussive stick of his is impressive, but it can be explained away!” She then starts typing furiously on the tablet.

“Come on, Come On! Get Back Up!” she begs, but the machine won’t come back online.

“Grr, well time to send the…wait, is that thing smoking?”

With You

“Is that thing smoking?” asks Sunset as the rabbit sparks and the “ice cream machine” begins trembling.

"Don't worry guys! It's an ice cream machine, it won't explode in fire, it'll just be icy goodness!" Pinkie Pie informs everyone cheerfully.

“But it’s just a prop, there’s no ice cream here Pinkie!” Flash informs.

“Oh…right…” she says sounding depressed.

"WHERE'S THE EXIT?!?!" Rarity exclaims as the machine starts shaking more violently.

“This is just a haunted house though, there shouldn’t be anything exploding in here,” Applejack exposits.

“Well say that after it explodes!” Rainbow exclaims as everyling attempts to take cover, but you are all still jumbled up. For you in the epicenter time slows down as you look to Rarity and let out a giggle.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Rarity asks in alarm.

"Oh, no reason. I'm just soaking in the feeling of nostalgia from what's about to happen," You answer smoothly.

"What do you mean by-EEEK!” she shrieks as you grab her by the shoulders and hold her in front of you.

"THIS IS MY MEAT SHIELD!! THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT BUT THIS ONE IS MINE!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!" you cry out, feeling a strangely absurd level of joy from uttering those words for some reason.

And then the ice cream machine explodes.

In Equestria

Rarity suddenly drops a swath of fabric and gasps in alarm.

“What is it Rarity?” asks Spike.

“I don’t know…I feel strangely jealous and disowned for some reason…”

Back In Human Land

Human Twilight looks over the small explosive that just occurred and grabs at her shirt collar nervously.

“OK, it seems these machines are prone to explosions…good to know.”
Spike then looks at her judgmentally.

“What?! That’s good info to have! I mean…it is dangerous to have them all grouped together like that if these things blow up. To be safe, I should separate them and focus my efforts on the Bugzes…” She then starts tapping some more buttons on her pad.

Back With You

You all hack and cough from the explosion as you all stand up. Aside from some minor force and fire damage, you’re all pretty much OK.

“OK Gang, it seems we’ve found their weakness. Point Blank Annihilation,” you say proudly before you are slapped by Rarity. “OW!”

“Don’t you ever do that to me again!” she growls, her hair standing on end and darkened, her clothes are even a bit singed.

“Sorry, sorry, it was instinct. The first time I ever met the real you this happened and-“

“I don’t care what Pony Me allows to happen, if you do that again I shall introduce your legs to the wrong end of a pair of scissors!” she threatens, her eye twitching and you gulp.

Well, looks like she can be considered Tacky McStabflank here as well.

You’ve certainly lost some trust points with her I’d imagine, Selena adds.

“Alright, alright, calm down everyone. Let’s all keep our cool, there’s still three or more girls we gotta save,” Flash interjects.

“Hmmph, very well then,” Rarity scoffs and walks away from you.

“That wasn’t very nice Bugze,” Pinkie admonishes you.

“Maybe not, but…yeah OK. But seriously, you all should have seen this coming. You know I’m not the most mentally stable individuals if you paid attention to my stories.”

“You can say that again,” Sunset mutters.

Thankfully it seems that this place isn’t as fire prone as the last Fazbear’s, and you all move past Bonnie’s remains.

“OK, no doubt even more evil filthy machines heard that, so be on the lookout,” B2 says to the others.

“Yeah, and make sure you take steps back when I destroy them.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

After saying this, you all step into a larger room with multiple hallways and doors, which is a far cry different from the corridors you were just in.

“Oh...well this certainly complicates things,” you say looking at all the options.

“Guess it’s not just straight shot then,” Rainbow shrugs.

“What do we do now?” asks Fluttershy from beside you.

“It will take forever if we search them all one by one,” Sunset observes.

“Hmmm,” B2 ponders. “Here, why don’t we just spread out and poke our heads through the doors and hallways while still in site of one another and see if there’s any distinctions.”

They all look to you at that suggestion and you just shrug.

“Yeah alright, sounds good to me. If you see any robots, just holler.”

Nodding their heads, you all start branching off…and almost immediately walls come from out of the ground separating you all into groups.

“Oh Come On!” you shout as you, Sunset, Fluttershy and Rarity are cut off from the rest.

The speakers turn on again as a different voice echoes across the building.

“Welcome to the Maze of Fazbear my dudes! Are you ready for Freddy?” The voice finishes excitedly.

“First creepy messages and now a maze?! Ugh, a maze is just another word for puzzle!” you think in trepidation.

“Hey, you guys alright over there?” you hear B2’s muffled voice.

“Yeah, we’re fine…I think,” you say looking to the trembling Fluttershy, nervous Sunset an still upset Rarity.

“OK cool. So uh…should we just solve the maze?” he asks.

“Probably. If the machines are running the show, they know where we are now, so we better get going.”

“Yeah, good idea. I guess we’ll meet you-“

“AAAAHHH!!! Pirate Fox! Run!” you hear Pinkie’s voice shriek, followed by the sounds of the others screaming and their hurried footsteps.

You begin sweating a little as you look back to your group.

“…They’ll be fine…I hope.”

“Yeah sure, let’s move before our own monster shows up,” Sunset encourages.

“Yeah, OK,” you nod as you lead the three girls towards one of the doors…only for it to burst open and a Bear in a top hat roars in your face.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” you all scream as Freddy grabs you in a bear hug (pun intended).

“No! Bad Touch! Bad Touch! I Need An Adult!” you shriek as you kick your legs wildly, your Boom Stick pinned uselessly at your side.

“EEK! We Need To Do Something!” Fluttershy says panicked to Rarity and Sunset.

“Like What?!” Sunset counters. “Maybe last night when we were all amped up on magic, but now we’re-“

“HYAGH!” Rarity cries out as she kicks the animatronic in it’s nether regions, and though it doesn’t have nads, that kick plus your flailing causes the machine to stumble back with you into a wall.

Sunset and Fluttershy look at the disheveled Rarity in shock and awe.

“What? Just because I’m a lady doesn’t mean I don’t know how to defend myself,” she says.

“That’s nice and all, but could you maybe do that again? He’s still hugging me against my will!” you plead as the bear attempts to get off the wall. Then, due to your struggling, Freddy’s back scrapes across an electric panel in the wall and is suddenly shocked by electricity, and ergo, you as well.

The animatronic screams as the current fries it's circuits.

“AHHH!!!” You scream in pain as electricity is sent through your body.

“Bugze!” Both Sunset and Selena shout in fear. However as luck would have it your magic geode reacts to the electricity and sends a feedback of purple magic into the system.

With Twilight

“Urgh! Why isn’t he using it? The bearded one just ran away with the others, but why isn’t he using his power when he can’t use that stick?”

As she watches you continue to flail, she bites her lip in worry.

“Ohhh, Perhaps I went too far.” Twilight says in alarm just as she sees a purple flash surround you and Freddy and suddenly the power goes out cutting her feed. “No, No, NO!” she shouts at her tablet. “Oh this isn’t good. This isn’t good at all!”

Spike simply gives Twilight a judgemental ‘really’ look. “You’re not helping! Oh come on where’s the backup power on this thing?!”

She frantically flips switches and presses buttons on the old set up as she tries restore power.

“Come on, come on! Work darn you!” In anger she smashes her fist into to the console, unknowingly as her fist hits the panel the magical bolt of energy surges through it.

“Gah?!” She yelps as she’s shocked. It causes her to fall backwards and out of her chair. Spike rushes up to her. He licks her face trying to get her up only to receive a shock, though not as bad as the one his master received, it does make him dizzy. Twilight groans getting up from her fall as she looks herself over to see if there’s any serious damage only to find herself standing up from the shock.

“Ugh and I just got my hair done,” she grumbles as she sees a faded power symbol on one of the buttons under the desk. “Of course, why wouldn’t it be underneath?!” she growls but stops when she hears her tone. “Whoa where’d that come from? Ugh never mind let’s get this place up and running again.”

Unbeknownst to her, her eyes briefly glowed when she raised her voice, but Spike saw it and whimpers again.

Once the power comes back on she finds numerous systems glitching. The lights in the facility now barely give out any light, the cameras keep going staticky, and the ventilation is completely offline.

“Ugh let’s hope this place’s repair system still works. And it seems that power outage took out the Freddy animatronic. It’s totally unresponsive! I’ll have to fix that later.” She sighs getting back in her chair. “Foxy is still chasing Bearded Bugze, Indigo and Sour are still preoccupied with Chica, so I guess I’ll activate the rest…” She then presses more buttons as she takes a bite of pizza she’d brought with her.

Meanwhile in a Boarded Up Room

In a dark room a single yellow animatronic lays motionless on the ground on top of a live wire. Suddenly a purple electric current goes through the wire shocking the machine. It groans as magically fueled electricity goes through its body. For a few moments nothing happens. Then the lights come back on in the building though now severely more dim. The animatronic opens its eyes glowing with magic. The animatronic simply gazes out into the room lazily,

“Fazbear…” Suddenly it hears a scream come from down the hall. The animatronic eyes turn purple.

“Children...heh..heh.heh.” The animatronic says as it stumbles to find it’s feet. When it finally stands up, it looks to the boarded up door before it punches through it, it’s purple eyes glaring in the darkness.

“Children….Follow...Me.” The animatronic says with a scary grin on it’s face as it stumbles into the attraction.


With Indigo and Sour

Both girls are still extremely freaked out as the chicken robot continually bangs on their door. After the power outage, they shrieked up a storm, but even with the returned lights, there situation is still dire.

“Ohhh, why did we ever come to this stupid place!” Sour Sweet growls, holding her face in stress.

“Because we were promised free pizza for some contest we’d won!” Indigo all but whimpers.

“But we didn’t enter any stupid contest! AGH! Why would a horror attraction even have pizza? There’s no kitchen here!”

“I don’t know! I’m sorry OK?!”

“Shut up!” Sour orders holding her hand up.

“I said I was sorry!”

“No! Listen, I hear screaming people,” she says. Sure enough, both girls hear distant yelling even above the pounding on their door.

Both girls look at each other.

“There’s others here?” Indigo says in hope.

“HEY! HELP US!” Sour starts yelling through the door.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

With B2

“Hey, anyone else hear screaming?” asks Flash.

“Of course we do, it’s us!” B2 hollers as they take another turn as they sprint away from the pirate fox.

“No, I think I hear it too. Maybe it’s those kidnapped girls,” Applejack agrees.

“Well there’s not much we can do for them until we get this jackass off our tails and-AAAHHH!!!”

B2 comes to a screeching halt, and the others bowl into them, causing a dogpile.

“Why’d we stop?!” Pinkie shrieks.

“THAT!” B2 yells pointing at yet another robot fox, only this it’s white and pink, and missing a few pieces.

Cornered by two horrifying monstrosities, B2 thinks quickly before pointing at the white and pink one.

“Say, you look like you could use some extra parts. You know who’s got some? That guy!” he points to Foxy.

The other fox stares with it’s one good eye at B2 before whirring noises can be heard coming out of it’s head, before it looks at the pirate one.

“Yeah, I mean, you wouldn’t want to capture humans without being 100% complete would you?”

The robot looks to B2 then back at Foxy before what sounds like a computer restarting comes from it’s mouth. It then leaps at the other robot and begins tearing into it.

B2, Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Flash look at this robot on robot violence in both shock and relief.

“Well…that worked,” B2 shrugs.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Back With You

You, Sunset, Rarity and Fluttershy leave the unmoving body of Freddy behind you as you make your way further into the maze.

After that shock, your hair is standing even more spiky, even through your awesome hat, but you are pretty much no worse for wear.

“After we find Twilight, we should probably tattle on her to her parents so that she never dabbles in the realms of machines again,” you suggest as you brush some more soot off of you coat.

“Indeed,” Rarity says, her face still smudged with black.

“Um, maybe when you shut down the power all the scary robots got deactivated…hopefully,” Fluttershy says.

“Hopefully, but I doubt it’ll be that easy,” Sunset shakes her head.

“Of course it’s not, you’re all around me. Easy is never in my wheelhouse.”

As you say that, back where you came from the Freddy animatronic suddenly sparks with that purple electricity as it boots back online, not even registering on Twilight’s grid.

When it sits back up it’s head twists left and right.

“Friend…Friend? No. Killer. Have to Pay Killer. Killer Must Die,” it warbles out in broken mechanical speech as it gets up and starts looking for it’s “Friend.”

Far ahead in the maze, you eventually come to a room full of drawings and a burnt merry go round. What immediately catches you and your group’s attention however is the angry chicken animatronic banging on a door and the calls for help coming from inside.

Alright, they’re explosion prone, and they conduct electricity real well. Hopefully I can take it down without harming the girls inside…


Author's Note:

Hey Hive-Mind,


That is all :pinkiecrazy:

See you next chapter,

Brown Dog.

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