• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,770 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 70: This Episode Sucks (Literally)

As Flutterbat continues to giggle maniacally on the other side of the glass, a knock comes from the barricaded door.

“Oh Twiliiight. Spikey-Wikeeeeyyy. Can you spare a moment of your time and about 8 ounces of something to drink?”

“Oh No! They got Rarity!” Spike shrieks and clutches his face.

“Oh no, they got Rarity,” you mutter sarcastically.

Kichi’s Comment

Twilight looks nervously to Flutterbat licking the window and the soft hooffalls of Raribat on her door and bites her lip.

“Okay, all but me and Pinkie have been turned, so at least we’ve avoided that problem,” she says. Almost immediately, Pinkie Pie bops her on the head with a paper fan. “Ouch! What was that for Pinkie?!”

“You should know not to say that!” she scolds.


“Because you’re throwing up red flags! How do you read so much and not understand that?!” Pinkie shrieks, shaking her shoulders.

“Yeah, you’re just tempting Lady Luck big time like that, and she already hates us,” you interject.

“You’re gorramn right,” Grandbuggy nods and Twilight looks at all of you bewildered.

“Oh come on, you don’t seriously believe that right? That tempting fate actually leads to ironic consequences?”

“Lady, you run with these guys long enough, you just kind of accept that as fact,” Ember adds.

“But there’s no basis in scientific fact for such a-“

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Vampires, YAY!” shout four young voices from outside, followed by a mare screaming.

“…” you all silently stare at Twilight whose face droops at that declaration.

“…Okay, that IS significantly worse,” she admits.

“No spit,” you roll your eyes and facehoof.

“Oh boy, is Applebloom gonna regret missing out on this!” you hear Sweetie Bat shout.

“We’ll just turn her when she comes back from Appleloosa,” Diamond Batara says.

“Oooh, but Appleloosa’s got lots of Apples too right? We could just go there!” Silver Bat giggles.

“Hey! Hey Rainbow Dash! I just turned Berry Punch and I feel funny!” Scootabat warbles.

“Good job squirt,” Rainbow Bat congratulates and you sigh.

“My own friends better not start calling me Mistress,” you mutter under your breath.

“Well whether the situation is worse or not, we need to figure this out!” Greta growls as she places a crate of boxes in front of Fluttershy’s window.

“Yes Princess. Vaminos!” Ahuizotl commands.

“I’m trying, I’m trying!” she huffs as she flips through another book. “But we could use some help as well. Spike! Send a message to Princess Celestia!” she commands.

“On it!” he says as he brings out a pen and paper, but you put your hoof on his claw.

“Don’t,” you command quietly.

“What? Why not?” he asks startled.

“Because right now we’re dealing with Vampires! Vampires! So what exactly do you think will happen if the Princess of the SUN gets involved?” you insinuate and his pupils shrink.

“Oh…” he trails off.

“Yeah, exactly, “you nod. “And the last thing I need is Mommy and Daddy coming home to find that everyone in Ponyville got turned to dust because of me!”

“Right...” he nods as he stows the paper.

“Spike! Did you send that letter?” Twilight asks as she flips through pages.

“Uh…It looks like we’re out of parchment Twilight!” he lies and she groans.

“UGH! Of course we did!”

“Hey Twilight! I could give you some extra parchment for the cheap price of your neck if you let us in,” Applebat says from another window.

“I’ll give you an even greater price! I’ve got all these wonderful ideas for outfits to accentuate our sensual new forms,” Raribat offers.

“No! Go Away!” Twilight yells at the door.

“…You know, I kind of am curious,” Grandbuggy starts but Ember slaps him on the back of the head.

“Okay, besides Celestia, who’s a safer option to call for vampire outbreaks?” you ask.

“Hmm, let me check,” Pinkie says as she pulls a notebook out of her hair and starts flipping through the pages. “Let’s see, Richard Belmont?”

“That’s a video game character!” Greta shouts as she nails a board across the window blocking off Applebat.

“Oh, right. How about Dante, Nero, or Soma Cruz?” she suggests.

“Also Videogames!” Greta squawks as an orange hoof punches through the glass and reaches for her.

“Hmmm, Hunter D?”

“That’s an anime character,” Flutterbat says from behind her blocked window. “Though I wouldn’t mind giving him a nibble…”

“Gross,” Pinkie gags before looking through another one. “Well, I would suggest the WhinnyChester brothers, but Flash had a hard enough time getting in contact with them, so why even bother?”

“And chances are one of them’s died and the other’s had to do something stupid to resurrect them…Again,” Grandbuggy says in agreement.

“Too true, too true,” Pinkie nods before tossing the notebook into the fireplace. “Sorry, looks like that’s a bust.”

“Great…” Twilight groans, just as a pair of blue hooves snatch the notepad and carry it up the chimney.

“Mine Now!” Rainbow Bat laughs.

“AGH!” Ember shrieks before instinctively lighting up the hearth with fire.

“YOWCH! Dick Move!” the vampiric filly fooler shouts before the sound so scrambling up the chimney is heard.

“This is getting way out of hand,” Spike says nervously.

“That’s one way of putting it,” you nod as you look at the mountain of books lining the shelves. “Is there seriously no books to help with monsters?”

“There are, but there’s kind of a lot!” Twilight grumbles as she tosses another one to the side.

“Fair enough,” you nod as you pick a random book off of the shelf. “Let’s see, You Can Never Be Too Paranoid: Protective Charms For Your Shoelaces and More!...What the buck is a shoelace?”

“They’re those strings that Rarity has on her fancy boots to keep them in place,” Spike explains.

“Oh Spikey, are you talking fashion in there? That just makes my mouth water even more~” Raribat singsongs.

“In your dreams ho!” you yell at the door before looking at a heavy book called The Scientific Book of Science. “Science can’t help us here, this is the supernatural! This is no use at all.”

“We could use it to bash their skulls in,” Greta points out.

“Yeah, let’s not,” Twilight interjects as she goes through another book.

Nodding in agreement, you pick up another book and do a double take.

“Hey Twilight, did you write a book about yourself?” you ask curiously.

“Not yet I haven’t, but I plan to in the future,” she responds.

“Okay, then what’s this book about? Why are there hands holding an apple? Is this a My Little Human book?”

“Whoops! That’s not something for the faint of heart!” Pinkie declares as she suddenly takes the book and throws it in the fireplace.

“Hey, what the-“

“Believe me, I just saved you some brain bleach,” she says seriously and pats you on the shoulder.

“Pinkie!” Twilight chides after seeing one of her books reduced to ash.

“Sorry Twilight, I’ll make it up to you after we don’t get turned into monsters. How’s that coming by the way?”

“Not good! I’m an expert on magic not this!”

“You’re telling me! Is there no one else in this town that knows more about the occult?” you ask and Grandbuggy puts a hoof to his chin.

“Hmmm, I know you dabble in strange magics Ahz, but I think you’d have said something by now.”

“Yeah, I haven’t exactly meddled with something like THIS before Fix,” Ahuizotl deadpans as you hear a chorus of foals chanting in the street.

“Twilight Time! Twilight Time!”

“…That sounds nightmarish,” Ember shudders.

“Wait! What about Daring Do? She goes into ancient places and stuff too!” you say as a light bulb goes off in your head.

“Hey, good idea kiddo,” Grandbuggy congratulates before looking back to his buddy. “So how bout it Ahz? Your marefriend run across vamps?”

“She’s not my marefriend!” he denies with a blush.

“LIAR!!!” Rainbow yelps down the chimney. “My Ship Will Never Sink!”

“…But anyway, I have no idea if she has or not,” he continues after an awkward moment of silence.

“Having read every one of her books, I can accurately say she hasn’t,” Twilight says frantically as she looks through another old tome. “Aside from Ahuizotl and Caballeron’s minions, she’s dealt with mummies, wereponies, living skeletons, genies, cultists, and demons, but never vampires.”

“Well buck me running!” you kick at the ground.

“Oh Nightshade, such language. It’s beautiful. May I have a sip from your silver tongue?” Flutterbat coos from in front of another window.

“No! Buck Off! Go Suck Someone Else’s Tongue!” you shout.

“Yeah Shy.” Rainbow interjects. “Look, remember that club Aloe started? Just get a partner, join up, and when Shade’s dad returns we can play with him and his new wife.”

“I tried, but Discord didn’t show up when I called for him,” she says sounding pouty. “And I really wanted to see what he tasted like.”

“Oh, there’s an idea! Discord could solve this problem!” Twilight says suddenly with hope.

“Oh yeah, that turd is most likely watching,” you agree.

"Do you actually trust him?" Spike asks.

“Eh,” you shrug. “But his powers are better than dusting everyone. But how exactly do you call for him?”

“Uhh…” Twilight trails off unsure.

“Oi Discord! Get your lazy chimera arse her and unbuck this situation!” Grandbuggy shouts to the surrounding air.

“*GASP* Is Discord coming?!” you hear Flutterbat squeak excitedly but you all ignore her. After a few heartbeats of no answer you look to Grandbuggy.

“I don’t think it worked,” you say.

“Which one is Discord again? Is that the overly muscled pegasus?” Ember asks, but is ignored.

“Come on Discord! We need your help!” Twilight pleads. Suddenly, Pinkie’s eyes turn white and her jaw drops and a deep voice comes from her throat.

"The god that you are calling is busy or outside your range... Please try again later." Then there is a clicking noise and Pinkie returns to normal.

“Whoa, that was weird,” she says as she rotates her jaw.

“Oh Come On!” you throw your hooves up in frustration.

“So are you not going to open the door darlings?” Raribat huffs.

“No!” everyone shouts in unison.

After that declaration, there is suddenly an unnerving silence.

“…Did they give up?” asks Ember.

“I don’t think so,” Greta says with suspicion.

“Keep your ears open, they’re planning something,” Grandbuggy advises.

“Well, maybe they went off to get easier prey?” Ahuizotl suggests.

“If that’s the case, then we just wait till dawn when they sleep right?” Spike asks, but suddenly the foals from before being to sing.

“One, Two, Flutter’s coming for you…”

What the…?

“Three, Four, she’ll blow up your door.” Your eyes suddenly widen at that.

“Everyling get down!” you shout as you hit the deck. Everyone else follows suit, just as a blast of energy punches a hole through the door and bookshelf, and on the other side is a smiling Flutterbat with your Dark Cannon.

“AH! Stop shooting up my home!” Twilight yells as she sends her own blast of magic out the hole, which the vampires dodge.

“Sorry Twilight, but you’re taking forever and we’re thirsty,” Flutterbat complains.

“Darn tootin!” Applebat proclaims as you hear another window shattering.

“Twilight Time! Twilight Time!” the children chant as the tree becomes completely surrounded.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kersey475’s Comment

"Great, now we got bat ponies galore all over us!" Greta groans as she slaps an outreaching hoof from a window.

“You are all paying for my windows!” Twilight shouts as she puts up a barrier on her front door when Fluttershy tries to shoot again.

"Is there any other way out of here?" you say looking to a terrified Spike.

"No! It’s a library! The only way out is the front door or the kitchen,” he shakes before his eyes widen. “THE KITCHEN!”

And like that he rushes off into the other room.

“Ugh! Why are there so many windows?!” Greta complains as she follows him.

“I’m really starting to think maybe you should have let the drake send that message Shade,” Grandbuggy says to you as you hear yelps and the sounds of breaking glass in the kitchen.

“…But I don’t want to dust everyone. Even some of my friends and Garble got vamped,” you say as you bite your lip.

“You little traitor! Get out of here!” Greta squawks.

“Come on! I just want to chew a ya a little!” the vampiric red dragon says from the kitchen window.

“Uh…Twilight?! Any info on how to fix this?!”

“NO! I don’t exactly have too much on supernatural entities!” she grunts as she puts up another bubble in front of the stairs, after the sound of breaking glass is heard upstairs.

"Hey, what about that rhyming striped pony?" Ember asks suddenly. "Didn’t you say she was a shaman or something?”

“Ember, you’re a genius!” you exclaim, and mentally berate yourself for not thinking of her sooner.

Zebra sensei could solve all of this with her potions or something!

“Yeah, and how are we gonna get to her through all of these blood suckers?” Greta calls from the kitchen.

“Maybe if I open my mouth, maybe her voice would come from me like Discord’s?” Pinkie suggests.

“I’ve got a better idea,” you say before turning to Grandbuggy. “Make sure Twilight doesn’t see me please.” He looks at you with a smirk and nods.

"Here, book horse let me help ya out,” he says as he takes what looks like an avocado out of his hat and throws it out the hole in the wall. After a moment, there is the sound of coughing and screeching.

“…Do I even want to know why you have a tear gas grenade?” she questions.

“Nope,” he responds simply.

With her distracted, you enter the downstairs bathroom and summon forth your little minion.

"Yes, mistress? You summoned me?" he asks with a bow.

"Bob, I need you and a few other shadow minions to go and get Zecora for me. Tell her there's a Vampire Apocalypse going on and we need her help. Keep her safe and don't let anypony bite her!" You say with worry.

"Of course mistress, anyone else you may think could help?" he asks snapping his fingers and sending a few shadow minions away. You pause and think for a moment.

“Um…anypony else who hasn’t been turned, keep the vamps out. They won’t be able to drink you guys because you got no blood.”

“Of course mistress,” he bows again.

“Hey Shade! Who’s your friend?!” Sweetie Bat presses her face against the bathroom window.

“Yeah, he looks tasty! Can you and Spike come out to play with your hooves up?” Scootabat asks, sounding inebriated.

“Ugh, will you two just stop! At this rate someone’s going to stake you on accident!”

“Oooh, I’ve heard of Steak. Apparently Griffons eat cows and grill them,” Sweetie exposits.

“Far out, I could go for some of that,” Scoots grins, exposing her fangs even more.

“Shoo! Shoo!” you gesture and close the blinds, just as Bob melts into the shadows. Exiting the bathroom, you see Flutterbat pressing her face against the barrier.

"Come on Twilight I just want to share a drink with you~" she singsongs.

"Oh enough of this," Ember starts preparing to light the bat pony ablaze, only for a paw to clamp her jaw shut.

"Are you loco chica?! Fire won't solve our problems, especially in a WOODEN BUILDING!!" Ahuizotl hisses and she slaps his paw away.

"And what am I supposed to do? Sit here and let them break-in? I ain't going out without a fight!" she growls.

"Oh quit your bickering! Fighting with each other won't help us! Besides I'd very much like to wake up tomorrow in a not destroyed house thank you very much!" Twilight groans. For some reason, you can’t help but feel a sudden sense of dread after she says that, but you don’t know why.

“Alright, I think I got an idea,” Grandbuggy says. “All of us except for Ahz can fly, so now, hear me out, we leave you behind as bait while-“

“No Fix! Not again! Not after that incident with the Wild Orthos’s!” he exclaims.

“Yeah, and the skies aren’t so safe either,” Greta calls from the kitchen as another crash is heard.

“Hey! Let go of that frying pan!” Spike exclaims.

“Never!” Garble yells in defiance.

“You okay in here?” you ask from the doorway.

“Not really!” Greta barks as she tries to board up the kitchen exit with the table and Spike tries to wrestle a frying pan out of Garble’s grip.

“Ugh! Let go right now or I will bury you you jerk!” Spike growls angrily.

“Ha! I’d like to see you try!” Garble taunts as his arms try to yank the pan through the hole in the door. Suddenly, another light bulb goes off in your head.

“Great idea Spike!” you shout running back to the others in the living room.

“What? Burying him?” he calls after you but you announce to the others,

"Everyone! I know how to get out of here!" They focus on you curiously and you continue. "If we can't walk or fly our way out..." You stomp your hoof and make a hole in the floor and grin. "We can dig our way out!"

"My floor!" Twilight groans.

"Good idea shade! Vampires aren't known for digging. At least I hope so," Greta cheers.

"But we need a way to defend ourselves! One bite and we become one of those vampiros!" Ahuizotal points out.

“Well don’t get bit then!” you answer simply. You are cut off though when both Greta and Spike shriek. Running back to the kitchen, you now see Rainbat Dash with her jaws wrapped around Greta’s throat, pulling her out the door.

“GRETA!” you shout, but before you can do anything, the griffon is yanked into the night, leaving a hole in the door.

“Oh sweet, an entrance!” Garble laughs and starts to climb through.

“No! Buck off! Get Back!” Spike yells as he starts tossing various foods at him and hiding behind the overturned refrigerator.

“Ha! Not so tough now without your frying pa-AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!” Garble suddenly shrieks in pain as his scales sizzle and he jumps back through the hole. Shocked, both you and Spike look at what hit him and see a clove of garlic.

"Oh, duh! Vampires hate garlic! Quick Spike! Get all he Neightalian food you can grab, and some apples too!" You command as you earth bend a column in front of the door and start tearing apart the cabinets and pantry.

"MY KITCHEN!!" Twi shouts from the other room.

"Okay, garlic I understand but why apples?" he says gathering the food in a basket.

"When I accidentally sliced Applejacks big apple with my dark cannon, (Which I swear I'll get that back even if I have to knock Flutter’s lights out a bit.), they dove and feasted on the apple juice that bled from it! We can use them as distractions to lure them away!" After gathering all the available food, you and Spike run back to the group.

“Okay, so good news and bad news. Good news is, we got some deterrents,” you say holding up pasta and apples.

“And the bad news?” asks Ember.

“Greta got vamped,” you admit sadly and everyone winces.

“Hey guys, I think I was being hard on this earlier. This feels really cool!” Greta calls from outside.

“Great, now catbird’s against us. This just ain’t our night,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“Are apples really vampire repellants?” asks Twilight skeptically.

“No, but they really want to eat them just as much as our blood,” you say as you throw an apple through Twilight’s barrier and Raribat and Applebat suddenly fight over it.

“…So they do have some tendencies like the bats,” she says academically. “That means…that means that if I can get them all in one place, I could potentially use the same spell I used on the bats and make them not want to eat us or apples!”

“I mean…maybe?” you shrug.

“Doubling down on mind control huh? Sure, why not?” Grandbuggy says sardonically.

“But we’re not going to get them all in one go here,” Ahuizotl says.

“Maybe all you have to do is cure the head vampire and it will cause a chain reaction with all the others?” Spike suggests and you all look to him. “What? It worked for Batmane in Batmane vs Drakeula.”

“Well, he kind of killed him in order for that to happen…” you remind. “And the head vampire would be Fluttershy…”

“YEAH!!!” Suddenly rattles the library and a barreling into Twilight’s barrier and actually denting it is a vampiric Bulk Biceps with tiny bat wings.

“Oh cripes! They got him too?!” Ember shrieks.

“Yes Bulky! Break down the barrier so mama can suck them dry!” Aloe commands seductively.

“Okay, I’m taking that as my cue to leave,” Pinkie deadpans before she suddenly drills through the floor with her hair, into the basement and into the ground after that. You all look at this spectacle in awe.

“…Okay then, ready or not, here we go!” you shout and use your earth bending to increase the holes she and you made, causing everyone to fall into the basement. And just as you do so, Bulk breaks through Twilight’s barrier.

“Oh Yeah!” he shouts and they all start swarming in.

“Knock Knock! Here’s Fluttershy!” the pegasus shrieks as she dives over the meat head. Gulping, you stomp your hooves and seal the hole above you.

“Oh, that is going to take days to fix!” Twilight groans as she lights up her horn. You give her an apologetic look before punching a nearby wall and making a path.

She just looks at your sheepish face and sighs.

“…Why wasn’t she helping us build the bunker this morning?” Ahuizotl asks Grandbuggy.

“…Because I honestly didn’t think about it,” he admits and the taller creature facepalms.

“Alright everyone, make like a Diamond Dog and Dig!” you say as you punch another hole and see Pinkie Pie.

“AGH!” you yelp reflexively.

“Hi! I’m way ahead of you there Shadey,” she smiles, seemingly imbedded in the dirt which hurts all of your heads. “So, where we going again?”

“Somewhere where we can pop out and get to Zecora,” you say.

“Okie Dokie Lokie,” she salutes and starts drilling with her hair again.

You all watch her drill and drill out of your light range and all of your eyes begin to twitch.

“…Fix, she and Nightshade could’ve finished the groundwork today,” Ahuizotl complains.

“I know, I know,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

Eventually, through Pinkie’s Pinkieness and your earthbending, you all emerge into an already pre made tunnel system.

Huh, must have been from that time Daddy told me he ruled over the Diamond Dogs, you theorize. Not lifting a gift in the mouth, you all take the tunnels which lead to an exit in the Everfree Forest.

“Oh hey, I think the Mirror Pool is around here,” Pinkie exposits as she hops out of the cave.

“It’s weird to think the Everfree at night is more comforting than Ponyville,” Twilight says as she shakes some dirt off of her.

“You get used to it girlie,” Grandbuggy comforts before looking around. “So where’s this sultry shaman at from here?”

“That’s a very good question…I don’t know,” you admit since all the trees look the same to you.

“If Pinkie’s right and the mirror pool’s nearby, then she shouldn’t be too far,” Twilight informs.

“Good, let’s get going before more of those bat pony things show up,” Ember says hecticly.

“Technically they aren’t bat ponies,” Ahuizotl corrects. “Bat ponies, or thestrals are a subrace of equine that-“

“I don’t care! Before those THINGS show up!” she huffs.

“Too Late!” a shrill voice pierces the night, followed by a white and purple blur, and suddenly Spike is no longer next to you.

“What the-?”

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“AAAAGGGGHHH!!!” Spike cries out from above and when you look up, your face pales and your blood begins boil.

Calm down Spikey Wikey, you’ll only feel a little pinch,” Raribat says as she holds the dragon in her hooves.

“What? No! No! How Did You Get Here So Fast?!” you cry out in frustration.

“I mean, you guys were talking pretty loudly back at the library about coming out here,” Rainbat Dash says nonchalantly as she holds a squirming Pinkie in her grasp.

“Dashie! Let Go! I don’t want to be a vampire!” Pinkie cries out.

“Sorry Pinks, but I’m in the mood for something sweet,” she says plainly before sinking her fangs into Pinkie’s throat…only for her eyes to widen and she immediately lets go and starts rolling on the ground. “Oh Celestia! It’s too sweet! TOO SWEET!” she exclaims holding her throat and retching.

Everyone stops and stares as the chromatic bloodsucker shovels dirt in her mouth and starts crying.

“…Pinkie dear, I know we’ve said it before, but perhaps you should lay off the sweets?” Raribat says in concern, still holding Spike.

“I DON’T HAVE A PROBLEM!” she exclaims.

“Pinkie, I’m pretty sure you just gave Rainbow diabetes,” Twilight points to the crying vampire.

“Dia-What?” Ember asks.

“It means you can’t eat peanut butter,” you simplify and she nods in understanding.

“Oh it’s much more than that,” Grandbuggy remarks.

“Hmmph, I don’t have to take this! I’m gonna run for my life in a less judgmental atmosphere,” Pinkie pouts before drilling into the ground again and disappearing.

“…Right. Anyway, I don’t think you’ll be overly sweet Spikey-Wikey,” Raribat says turning back to Spike and caressing his chin with her tongue. “I’m sure you’ll be just right…”

“Aduh…” Spike trails off dumbly at the intimate caress. He still stares ahead blindly as she brings her mouth towards his neck…but in an instant, you are right behind her in the air stopping her with your hoof on her shoulder.

“Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru…” you say with glowing white eyes.

“Nani?!” she exclaims just as you simultaneously uppercut her further into the air with a flaming hoof, and tear Spike from her grasp. And as she screams into the distance and disappears with a star twinkle, you hold the dragon closer to your glowing chest protectively.

“Um…thanks Nightshade, but you’re kind of squishing m-“

“Mine…” you growl as you stare into his eyes which widen.

“Wha…Huh…?” he gasps in surprise and confusion, which triggers your brain to fire correctly again.

AGH! Did I Just Say That Out Loud?! You mentally scream as your eyes unglow and you blush in embarrassment.

“I-Uh-Fine! I Said Fine! Everything’s Fine!” you stammer as you land back on the ground.

“Uh-Yeah, sure,” he agrees hecticly, blushing as well.

“Hey! Now’s not the time for that icky stuff!” Ember interrupts to which you’re grateful for. “What do we do with this one?”

“Oh Celestia above, I’ll never drink blood, cider or apples again if you just take this pain away!” Rainbow bellows pitifully in the dirt.

“I don’t know…I feel bad about leaving her behind in this state,” Twilight says hesitantly as she reaches out to her friend to which Ahuizotl stops her with his tail hand.

“Allow me,” he says before pulling out a length of rope from somewhere and hogtying the vampire up.

“…Where did that rope even come from?” Ember questions and he frowns.

“Oh don’t you start that again!” he warns.

“Hey! I think Rarity got launched from over here,” Applebat’s voice echoes through the trees.

“That sounds like Nightshade alright,” Flutterbat coos.

“Yeah!” Bulk Batceps roars.

“…Time to go.” You exposit.


Ello Calebero’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

You all now stand in Zecora’s Hut, with the still crying and tied up Rainbow Bat lying on her floor.

“Ahuizotl! What’s the big idea tying her up?!” Daring Do accuses.

“She is literally a monster idiota! Would you have just had me let her roam free?” he grunts.

“You could have used something other than rope! I know those knots well! You use them on me all the time!” she huffs and crosses her forelegs.

“Because they are sturdy and not easily broken!” he argues back.

“Um, aren’t you going to stop them Zebra sensei?” you ask as the two continue to bicker, but she shakes her head.

“Those two have unresolved tension it’s true, but getting myself in the middle of that is not something I’m going to do,” she shudders.

“Their issues aside, we need your help Zecora,” Twilight interjects. “Apparently something we did earlier when dealing with Applejack’s bat problem turned Fluttershy into a vampire and she started infecting most of the town. Rainbow Dash here is only a small part of them.”

“I am relatively informed of the situation Twilight, for I had a shadowy messenger come this very night.”

“Huh?” Twilight asks but Zecora doesn’t answer and just gives you a wink.

Guess Bob did his job then. Hopefully the other minions are keeping others safe.

“So magical striped pony, can you solve this thing or not?” asks Ember as she glances out of a window.

“I have a few ideas that could be the answer…but first I must ask, what happened to her?” she asks pointing to the sick looking vampire.

“She bit the pink one and got overloaded on sugar,” Grandbuggy answers and Zecora just looks at him questioningly.

“It’s true sensei,” you add. “Maybe Pinkie is the key to all of this?”

“Hmmm, perhaps high levels of glucose could be the answer somehow, but where is Pinkie Pie now?”

“She kind of tunneled away when we told her she had to cut back on sweets,” Twilight says sheepishly and Zecora looks at her stonefaced.

“Either way, we have Rainbow Dash to work on for the time being,” she says before her eyes widen. “Wait, tell me you weren’t followed here as you were fleeing?”

“Hey! I found that Zebra’s house you stupid ponies!” Greta’s voice calls out from above the hut.

“What do you mean you found it?! I did!” Garble growls.

“Oh calm your scales, there’ll still be plenty to drink,” she snarks back.

Zecora just looks down from her ceiling and back to you all in exasperation.

“…We might have loudly been talking about it back at Twilight’s,” you chuckle nervously.

Zecora just facehooves and pushes past the still arguing rivals as she starts gathering ingredients and potions.

“Twilight Sparkle, I need you to tell me, to the best of your ability, how you handled those bats magically.”

“Uh, right. Well it’s all based on the concept of changing one’s desires for certain…” and she keeps rattling off science stuff.

“Uh guys?! More figures approaching!” Ember warns from the window.

“Yeesh, these parasites are relentless,” Grandbuggy grumbles as he grabs and apple and a clove of garlic.

“I know right?! We just got out of a siege!” you agree.

“Hey! Glad you guys showed up,” Garble says to the approaching figures. “The purple pony and the striped one are inside for sure and-“


“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” both he and Greta shriek in pain, and even Rainbow Bat squirms and hisses as a weird distorted sound fills the air.

“What the buck was that?!” you exclaim.

“It was those other ponies!” Ember says in shock. “They have some sort of…Wait…Crackle?!”

“Crackle?” you question before looking out the window. Sure enough, the six legged dragoness stands with four other ponies, as she stands over the writhing form of Garble.

“C-Crackle? Is that you?” Garble asks in surprise before her eyes narrow and she frowns.

“Honk Honk!” she exclaims before back kicking the smaller dragon into the woods.

“Aaaaaahhhh!!!” he cries fade as he is launched further away.

“Oi! Stop with the loud noises you-“ Greta starts but is interrupted by another blast of loud noise.

“AAAIIIIEEEE!!!” she shrieks before using her featherless batwings to fly away.

“AGH! Now my ears hurt too! What did I do to deserve this?!” Rainbow cries still wriggling on the floor.

Ignoring the pained vampire, you all stare out at the figures who play yet another loud noise with the objects in their hooves.

“What is going on out there?” Twilight asks.

“I think we got reinforcements,” Grandbuggy guesses.

“And quite unexpected ones at that,” you say dumbfounded. For outside beside Crackle the dragon are Lyra, Bon Bon, Octavia and Vinyl.

“Heh, I’m glad the mail mare’s husband gave me all those upgrades I asked for,” Vinyl says as she cranks the volume up on her boom box.

“You know, I hated what you had done to my Cello until this exact moment,” Octavia nods.

“I appreciated it from the beginning, getting to blast ponies back with my harp,” Lyra giggles.

“Yeah, well they’re only deterrents anyway,” Bon Bon says as she holds a super soaker and has a clove of garlic around her throat.

“Are you still salty because we wouldn’t let you stake Roseluck?” Vinyl rolls her eyes.

“Yes!” she huffs.

“Bon Bon, these vampires are still our neighbors and friends, so we can’t just murder them. You’ll feel terrible after all this gets resolved,” Octavia chides.

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” she relents.

“Just be thankful those shadow monsters showed up so we didn’t have to resort to that,” Lyra sighs, wiping her brow.

“Yeah, but those are a question for later,” Bon Bon hoofwaves before shooting a stream of water out at a tree. The hidden Caramel shrieks and flies off, smoke coming off of his body.

“Thank goodness for Mr. Waddle’s holy water,” she smirks before looking towards the hut. “Oh Ms. Zecora! Would you kindly let us in?”

“Honk Honk!” Crackle adds.


Author's Note:

Looks like the core Horde Members are still going strong.

Hey Hive-Mind,

The night’s still not over, but it’s time to end this vampiric scourge once and for all. Have fun on the last stand against the bloodsuckers. Also, sorry for the delay, working overtime on an accumulated 7 hours of sleep over three days didn’t encourage me to write as much.

But anyway, for last chapter’s question, it seems only the well known vamps are popular. If you’ve ever caught any of my JoJo references throughout this story, you’ll know one of my favorites is Dio Brando himself because…well, it’s Dio :pinkiecrazy:

I’ll see you all next chapter everyone,
Brown Dog.

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