• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,777 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 80: How Are These Things Still Alive?!

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

After Fluttershy finishes explaining Breezie biology, and how weak their constitution is, you are flabbergasted.

“So let me get this straight, these tiny fairy things actually need pegasi to control the wind so that it’s only a breeze, otherwise they’ll crash?”

“Yes that’s right,” Fluttershy nods.

“…How in the buck have these things not gone extinct yet?!” you exclaim.

“Oh, language,” she gasps but you ignore her.

“Seriously, there’s like a million and a half things in this world that can gobble up a pony, but at least a gust of wind won’t kill us!”

“Well the thing is they actually live in their own little dimension, and they only leave once every so many years to get pollen and-“

“I mean for goodness sake, how does the Tooth Breezie even get kid’s teeth without dying to someone snoring?” you ask in exasperation.

“Oh, well, the Tooth Breezie is actually not-“

“Equestria’s got hydras, dragons, my dad, smoke monsters, timberwolves, bugbears, daddy, a literal gate to Tartarus, Cragodiles, Changelings, stupid ponies, and of course my dad, so how can things that weak and delicate survive?” you list.

“Well they don’t tend to go through such territories…also did you list your father multiple-“

“You know, I gotta agree with Shade on this Fluttershy,” Scootaloo speaks up.

“Really?” asks Applebloom.

“Yeah,” she nods. “My parents are wildlife experts, so the fact that something that is so fragile and doesn’t contribute that much can survive in the wild is nuts.”

“Thank you,” you say with vindication.

“Now hold on now, Fluttershy was saying that they collect pollen, so maybe they’re like bees,” Applebloom argues. “Going flower to flower, they help pollinate many different plants, so they might be useful that way.”

“But bees don’t go splat when someone blows out a birthday candle,” Scootaloo retorts. “Also, from what Fluttershy said, they don’t have built in defense stingers like Bees do.”

“That’s right,” the pegasus nods. “They are soft and delicate and-“

“THEY CAN’T EVEN DEFEND THEMSELVES?!” you shout. “How the buck…?”

“Maybe predators don’t attack them because they’re so cute?” Sweetie Belle suggests and you, Scootaloo and Applebloom look at her incredulously. “What? It could happen.”

“If that were the case then bunnies wouldn’t be gobbled up by practically everything,” you point out.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy winces.

“Oh, right,” Sweetie Belle pouts.

“Well girls, the Breezies are for the most part in their own pocket dimension, only coming to Equestria whenever they need pollen.”

“Wait, so they’re stealing pollen for their own dimension, and ponies have to help facilitate this?” Applebloom asks.

“It’s not really stealing, they do require it to survive though,” Fluttershy says, starting to sound antsy.

“But that just brings up another question on how their society and culture developed this way,” Scootaloo ponders with a hoof to her chin. “Where in history did this symbiotic relation with pegasi take place, and why? Pegasi don’t get anything out of this deal.”

“Because it’s a kind gesture?” Fluttershy suggests.

“I heard pegasi in the old days were all militarized and stuff, so that is a good question,” you nod, remembering some tales from Grandbuggy.

“Maybe they were overcome by their adorableness like I said?” Sweetie Belle interjects.

“Hmmm, that might be the case,” you say, knowing the many times you’ve freaked out over adorable creatures.

I’m still mad I didn’t get to keep that Wombat from the Crystal Heart Festival petting zoo, you think bitterly, remembering how Sombra was overwhelmed by it’s fuzziness.

“But then how did they survive the warring tribes times when the wendigos were around and there weren’t no pollen?” Applebloom asks.

“Oh right, didn’t even think of that one,” Scootaloo nods, and you remember that colt’s ice power.

“Yeah they definitely wouldn’t survive that, so how would they-“

“GIRLS!” Fluttershy suddenly interrupts with a rare raised voice causing all four of you to pay attention to her. “I’m sure all these questions are intriguing for Biologists and Historians to ponder over, but right now they don’t matter. The Breezies are coming and they can’t handle a party atmosphere!”

“Well why is it a problem now if it hasn’t been in the past?” you ask and she sighs.

“Because in the past their migratory patterns didn’t even go through Ponyville, but they’ve been diverted thanks to that Forest Fire,” she says plainly and suddenly, your pupils shrink.

“Oh…” you mutter, suddenly feeling guilty over being responsible for this problem in the first place. “Oh okay fine, but this discussion is far from over,” you say nodding to the CMC.

“Noted, but moving on, we have to figure out how to divert them without messing up their migration,” she insists.

“Hmmm, if they’re like little bug ponies, we could spray insecticide around the town so that they don’t enter?” Sweetie Belle suggests and you all look at her again.

“That…that would kill them!” Fluttershy shrieks.

“Big surprise there,” you roll your eyes.

“Why? Doesn’t insecticide keep bugs away from things?” she asks innocently looking to Applebloom.

“Yeah, by killing them,” she says as if it’s obvious.

“Oh…well then let’s not do that,” she backtracks.

“Yeah, let’s not,” you agree. “My Dad always freaked out about bug spray in the past, so I don’t wanna chance it myself, or with Grandbuggy around.”

“Wait a second, that’s it!” Scootaloo chirps.

“Huh? What’s it?”

“You, since you’re part changeling that means you’re part bug and part horse, just like the Breezies, so you could control them.” she explains.

“Hey! That’s…it’s…” you try to argue in offense but you come up dry with that logic. “Okay, maybe we are part bug horse, but that doesn’t mean I can control them!”

“Really? What about your Grandbuggy with that Hive Mind thing?” Applebloom asks.

“That’s only for Changelings and Daddy kind of broke that back in Appleloosa,” you point out. “And he was only able to do that with the Insect Swarm plasmid which I do not have.”

“Oh…” Scootaloo’s ears droop. “Well there goes my idea.”

“Maybe not,” Fluttershy speaks up and you raise a brow. “Perhaps there could be something we could use with your shared heritage.”

“Shared heritage? Are you saying that Changelings and Breezies are ACTUALLY related?” you balk and she rubs the back of her neck.

“Well, not officially,” she admits. “But some scientists believe that most sentient bug like species today stemmed from the ancient Flutterponies and-“

“Changelings aren’t FLUTTERPONIES!” Grandbuggy shouts, superhero landing beside you five out of nowhere and startling you all.

“Grandbuggy, what are you-“

“I felt the call of blasphemy in the air!” he says adamantly eying Fluttershy who eeps and hides behind her mane. “Get this straight all ya’ll, Changelings did not come from those wimpy Flutterponies! They died off because they couldn’t handle cold weather! Every true blooded Changeling knows that!”

In The Human World

While B2 and Hu-Luna fight a corrupted Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie atop a crashing blimp, Midnight Sparkle is attempting to cook in one of the deserted bakery food stalls.

"Changelings are not Flutterponies!" Bugze suddenly shouts as he throws a brick through the oven she’s using.

"My soufflé!" Midnight cries in anguish.

“There will be no heresy on my watch!” he shouts in determination as he starts setting fire to the other stalls.

In Equestria, In a Castle Prison

“Changelings are not Flutterponies!” Chrysalis suddenly shouts, startling the mare on the other side of the door.

“I never said they were,” says Radiant Hope.

“Excuse me, that was involuntary. Someone must have spoken blasphemy…” the malnourished queen mutters.

“Oh…Okay then,” Hope shrugs. “But yes, if you agree to help me save Sombra from Nightmare Moon, I will get you out of here and you also will be able to get even with The Elements of Harmony.”

Chrysalis smirks at that.

“Such a tempting offer is hard to refuse, but I have a condition little crystal pony,” she sneers.

“And what’s that?” Hope questions suspiciously.

“I get to eradicate Nightmare Moon and keep her host body to myself,” she says with venom.

Hope raises a brow at that but then shakes her head.

“Of course, after all the destruction I’ve heard she’s caused, it would only be practical,” she admits. “And you can have her host AFTER I free Sombra from him.”

“…Very well, we have an Accord,” Chrysalis smiles with intense satisfaction as the rest of her Changelings buzz about.

“Great! Just give me a bit of time and Flim and Flam will cook something up to get you all free,” Hope assures.

“We look forward to it…” Chrysalis smiles evilly.

Back With You

“Okay, I understand, Flutterponies and Changelings aren’t related,” Fluttershy placates.

“Good girl,” he nods. “So, what we talking about that they got brought up?” he asks to the group.

“The Breezies,” you answer.

“Oh don’t even get me started on those little twerps!” he starts complaining. “I swear this world is in the wrong timeline where they survived and the Sirens didn’t!”

“Yeah, we already went on a little tirade already about that,” Applebloom speaks up before you all start debating again.

“Oh…so what about them then?” he questions.

“They’re coming through town and we gotta figure out a way to divert them so Rainbow’s Birthiversary doesn’t splatter them,” you tell him plainly while Fluttershy shudders.

“What, you can’t just get a couple pegasi to change the wind patterns?” he asks Fluttershy with a raised brow.

“Everypony seems so busy right now though,” she says as she sees ponies already partying.

“Well Sparkle ain’t too busy, and she’s got wings,” Grandbuggy points out. “She’s currently letting that freeloader Discord recover on her guest bed, but I think she can spare some time.”

“Oh goodness, so he really is sick?” she mutters.

“I wasn’t fibbing!” you say in offense.

“Oh dear…well I best go check on him as well when I see Twilight. Maybe a friendly face will help him recover,” she says hectically as she speeds off. “I’ll meet you at the North end of town!”

“Wait! Why am I now involved?!” you call back, but she is already gone from sight.

“Ugh, I hate getting volunteered for things! True I would have said yes, but I like getting asked first!” you grumble and kick the dirt.

“…Does anyone else feel like Fluttershy was in a hurry to get back to Discord?” Sweetie Belle asks.

“Sweetie, no!” you shriek holding your hoof over her mouth and looking to the sky apprehensively. “Cadence is still around and we don’t want to give her any ideas!”

“Wasn’t she staying at Twilight’s though?” Scootaloo points out and your pupils shrink.

“Oh…well that problem is over there and over there can take care of itself,” you say washing your hooves of the whole mess.

“He’s still a god so I don’t think her magic would even affect him kiddo,” Grandbuggy says.

“He is sick though, so who knows?” you shrug.

“Oh, maybe he’ll stop being a god if Cadence gets to him,” Sweetie Belle says, taking your hoof off her mouth.

“Say what now?” Applebloom asks.

“Like, maybe he’ll become mortal through the power of love and then a new god of Chaos will be born?” she says wistfully and you facehoof.

“If that’s the case, my bet’s on Pinkie Pie getting all that chaos," Scootaloo chuckles while the rest of you shiver at that image.

“If that happens, I’m leaving this reality,” you say as you look up at the sky seeing some partial cloud cover. “Hey Scoots, is it scheduled to rain today?”

“I don’t think so, why?” she answers.

“Just had a thought about the Breezies and the weather. Maybe it’ll be easier to not kill them if the skies are clear.”

“Well, I can’t exactly help with that,” she says self deprecatingly.

“Nah, but I might,” you say as you bring out the Ocarina and start playing some notes.

“Why are you playing the Song of Storms?” asks Sweetie Belle and your eyes widen, causing you to stop.

“Ah shoot, I mixed that up with the Song of Sun!” you say and start looking around worriedly…but nothing changes in the weather.

“Huh, guess maybe that is just a regular ocarina then huh?” asks Applebloom.

“I suppose,” you shrug a bit disappointed. “But oh well, a storm right now wouldn’t have helped anyone.

Unbeknownst to you, a couple hundred miles away in Cloudsdale, the weather ponies are suddenly hit with rainstorms inside their factory, causing untold amounts of stress and overtime for the workers.

Awhile Later

While the party has begun and countless ponies are dancing in the streets and enjoying food and party games, you are now at the North End of town with the currently available Outcasts and Deadly 6. There’s you, Grandbuggy, Garble, Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy, and the CMC. Spike wasn’t available apparently because he was showing Ember around the party, though you totally didn’t almost crack a tooth in rage upon hearing that, nope!

“Okay, I’m glad you’ve all gathered here on such short notice,” Fluttershy says.

“Why am I even here? I heard something about weak squishy bug ponies?” Garble interrupts.

“Yes, the Breezies,” you nod. “And you’re here because you have wings, which apparently we need.”

“Wait, but don’t you also-URK!” you elbow him in the gut before Twilight hears that.

“From what you’ve said Fluttershy, I don’t know if a dragon’s wings can affect the wind like you want,” Twilight says.

“Yes darling, are you sure we shouldn’t just ask Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asks.

“I don’t want to ruin her party,” Fluttershy says meekly. “And to get the breeze we need, we only need two pegasi at most, so I think I could help take up the slack even if Garble’s wings don’t work right.”

“Hey! What about me?! I’ve got wings!” Scootaloo says in offense and everyone bites their lips and avoids eye contact with her. “Hey! Don’t ignore me!”

“I think you need to be able to get off the ground though,” Garble explains, though not in a condescending way. Even still, Scootaloo growls and tackles him to the ground.

“AGH! Why?!” he complains as she starts hitting him.

“Because reasons!” she snarls, before Sweetie and Applebloom pull her back.

“Stupid ponies,” Garble complains. “I try to be nice because you have the same colors of my sister and this is what happens.”

The adults watch this petty squabble unfold before turning back to one another.

“Anyway, I hope it’s enough with you me and Garlbe,” Twilight says looking at the lively town. “I would have asked Cadence but she’d already flown off saying she had important work to do.”

“Is she bugging Pinkie Pie again?” you scoff and roll your eyes.

“Nah, she said something about Daring Do and dashed off,” Twilight says and Grandbuggy just coughs into his hoof.

“So she’s clearly busy,” he says changing the subject. “But this is a bit of a gamble having to divert around the whole town with only a pegasus, an alicorn and a runty dragon.”

“I’m only runty because of that stupid tree!” Garble whines and stomps his foot and glares at Twilight. “When are you going to be able to fix that again?”

Twilight winces and rubs the back of her neck.

“Sorry Garble, but I’ve been busy with Discord,” she excuses.

“Who is doing much better in spirit when I saw him earlier,” Fluttershy says with a happy grin. “He actually took more of his medicine without complaining.”

“Wait, is he just by himself if everyone’s outside of the library?” you ask, feeling a bit concerned yourself.

“Oh no, Owlicious is watching over him while he’s sleeping,” Twilight says. “If he needs anything, he’ll come find me.”

“Well I hope he gets better soon! I tried to talk with Crackle yesterday but she just kept laughing at me because I’m tiny!” he harumphs.

“There there Gar-Gar, this look is rather quite cute on you,” Sweetie tries to soothe, but Garble rounds on you.

“Why would you tell them that nickname?!”

“Because they’re my friends and it’s funny?” you shrug.

“Anyway! Breezies migration!” Fluttershy gets everyone back on track. “While Twilight, Garble and I flap our wings, we need the rest of you to ensure that nothing and nopony comes close to where we’re herding them.”

“Ugh, that sounds like a lot of work!” Garble moans. “Why don’t we just take Ponyville and push it somewhere else so it’s not in the way?”

There is stunned silence from everyone after that declaration as Twilight winces at it’s stupidity.

“Garble, that idea is-“ she starts

“Actually getting somewhere,” Grandbuggy interrupts.

“What?” she gawps.

“Think about it, if the whole town ain’t in the way, then they can’t rightly fly through it,” he points out. “I did something similar in the old west, though we had more helping hooves and a toll booth to slow down the bandits.”

“Well…” Twilight speaks up hesitantly, trying to process that image. “Like you said, you had more hooves to-“

“I don’t doubt that Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich could accomplish that,” Rarity says much to your shock. “She’d probably have everypony in town thinking it was some sort of game.”

“Rarity! The logistics of uprooting houses and foundations, not to mention plumbing and water would-“ Twilight starts, only to be cut off again.

“We could set up a lemonade stand for the Breezies so that everypony else would have more time to move the town,” Scootaloo pipes up.

“Lemonade? If anything we’re selling Apple Fritters,” Applebloom insists.

“Why not both? A snack and a drink would give everypony even more time,” Sweetie Belle suggests.

“Wha-buh-Huh?” Twilight flounders looking at everyone.

“Umm, I suppose if Discord were better it would be possible,” Fluttershy says quietly and Twilight’s mane becomes even more messy.

“This is-You…Nightshade?” she looks at you pleadingly.

“I mean…” you admit reluctantly and you see the hope fade from her eyes.

“Not you too,” she whimpers.

“Look, I’m just saying, it could work if you don’t care too much about property damage,” you say before nodding at Garble. “Good idea Gar-Gar.”

“Wow, thank y-Hey!”

At that Twilight double facehooves, along with both her wings as she gives a muffled scream.

After going on a tirade about the logistically fallacies of moving the entire town, you all agree to shelf that idea for later so that she doesn’t burst a blood vessel. And so, you all stick to the original plan.

And while you and the CMC keep a perimeter, with Scootaloo grumbling the whole time, you wait in impatience since you can smell all the wonderful party foods and hear the many games going on.

“If these stupid fairies don’t show up within the next five minutes, I’M going to be the reason they go exit-“

“Oh look! There they are!” Sweetie Belle points along the road.

“Finally!” you grunt. Following her line of sight, you see what you think at first are a swarm of butterflies, but as they get closer to Twilight, Fluttershy and Garble, you can make out more details. “Oh wow, they actually are pretty cute.”

They look like miniature, skinny ponies with insect like wings and long antennae on their heads.

“Oh my gosh, Fluttershy’s description don’t do them justice,” Applebloom says in amazement.

“Yeah…they’re neat looking,” Scootaloo admits, losing her grumpy scowl.

“They are gorgeous!” Rarity says with starry eyes. “I think I’ve got an idea for a new line!”

“Easy there sis,” Sweetie Belle says while you watch them, mesmerized by their movements on the slight breeze.

“Eh,” Grandbuggy dismisses and you all scoff at him. “What? Try actually talking to one and you’ll lose those praising looks.”

Despite his grumpiness, you lot continue to shepherd the Breezies around the town, and towards the forest where Fluttershy claims there is a portal leading to their dimension.

“You know Sweetie, maybe you’re explanation of them being too adorable to die has some merit,” you admit and she beams brightly.

“Told ya so,” she says with an air of smugness which she’s earned.

As you get down to last few Breezies that need to enter the forest though, something goes wrong, because of course it does.

“Just ask the Cello Player out already!” you hear Cadence’s voice cry out.

“I’m not ready yet!” Bulk Biceps shouts in anguish as he speeds off between Fluttershy, Twilight and Garble, followed shortly by your cousin.

“Oh for buck’s sake!” you curse as the airflow is interrupted and a group of the Breezies at the back get cut off from the rest and start to spiral out of control towards the ground.

“NOOOO!!!” Fluttershy shrieks and your blood runs cold. You may have wondered how these weak creatures still thrived in a harsh world, but you don’t actually want them squished in front of you. So, before anything catastrophic happens, you call upon your minions to soften the shadows where they are about to hit. Sure enough, when the tiny fairy things touch a darkened spot, they are unfazed. Before Twilight has a chance to wonder what just happened, you switch your hold to that of your horn magic.

“Good catch Nightshade,” Scootaloo congratulates as you all rush over to see the gathered Breezies.

“Give them some room, they just went through a traumatic ordeal,” Fluttershy begs as you set them gently on the ground. Up close, they are even more cute and you force yourself not to just pick them all up in your arms.

“Are all of you okay?” Fluttershy asks the tiny creatures and all of them start speaking in a squeaky voice.

“What did they just say?” asks Garble.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“They just asked who saved them?” you say and everyone looks to you. “What, you guys didn’t hear that?”

“No, that just sounded like gibberish,” Scootaloo says.

“Nightshade, you can speak Breezie?” asks Twilight curiously.

“Uhh…” you look at Grandbuggy who gives you a subtle look of reproach.

Oh right, the bug horse connection thing.

“I guess?” you shrug.

The Breezies then speak up again, but only you and Grandbuggy seem to understand them.

“Who saved us?”

“I’m the one who saved all of you, you’re not hurt right?” you ask and they all turn their adorable round eyes towards you in reverence.

“You are the Messiah?” they all ask in unison.

“…Grandbuggy, what does Messiah mean?”

“Basically a long awaited god,” he says with a disturbed look.

“Oh,” you say before you look back down on the Breezies. “No, I’m not the Messiah.”

“She Is The Messiah!” they all shout before all of them fly into your mane.

“Hey, what are you-Heh heh, that tickles!” you giggle as they all write around you.

“The Messiah’s mane is so soft and smells good!” they say with squeaky voices.

“Well, I do use both shampoo and conditioner,” you tell them as everyone watches the spectacle unfold.

“Ummm, Nightshade, what’s going on?” Fluttershy asks.

“I guess I’m their god now or something?” you say, just as lost as her.

Of course you are mistress, all will serve you in the end, you hear Bob speak up in your head.

That’s not reassuring at all Bob! You mentally shout while the Breezies get settled in your mane and on your back. All of them except one that is a blue one with a pink mane who starts berating the others.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

“She is not the Messiah you dolts, she’s just a little filly,” he says in Breezie before speaking to the rest of you in Ponish. “I am sorry about them, they are drama queens.”

Now, as surprising as it was to hear a Breezie speak in basic ponish, it’s nothing compared to how thick his Shetland accent is. Quite frankly, it’s downright adorable.

“…Okay Sweetie, you were right, they are TOO adorable to go extinct,” you say as you grab the lone Breezie and bring him to your chest.

“Hey now!” he complains, but you ignore him.

“Shhh, it’s alright. You all went through a terrible ordeal but Mama Nightshade will make everything better,” you say snuggling him as the rest cheer.

“Okay, and we thank you little filly, but we do have to go home,” he says trying to pry himself out of your grip, but you don’t relent.

“Sure, sure, you can go home, but first you should hang out with me for a bit,” you say snuggling him into your scarf.

“Be gentle Nightshade!” Fluttershy warns. “They’re very fragile.”

“I know, I know, I’m not going to hurt Chester,” you argue.

“Who is Chester?” asks Applebloom.

“Him,” you say pointing at the grumpy Breezie.

“My name is Seabreeze!” he barks.

“Right, Chester Seabreezington,” you say patting his head and he starts to grumble.

“Heh, Seabreeze? A little on the nose there huh?” Grandbuggy laughs and the Breezie glares at him.

“Don’t go insulting me name you muckle damned poofy hat wearing piece of leather!” he growls and Grandbuggy suddenly frowns.

“Oh I know you did not just insult my hat you pansy pixie pest!” he says with murder in his eyes, advancing on you. The rest of the Breezies gasp and hide in your mane, tickling you more as Seabreeze pushes further into your scarf.

“You hat is a boiled haven for lice and broken dreams!” he says and Grandbuggy turns red.

“Quick Fix, please no!” Fluttershy intervenes as you turn away protectively.

“Lady, did you hear what the bucker said about my hat?! My honor has been stricken!” he complains.

“Mr. Fix, it’s just a hat,” Twilight defends but Rarity scoffs.

“Twilight dear, Tartarus hath no fury like somepony’s fashion being scorned,” she says dramatically. “And that bowler is exquisite.”

Grandbuggy smirks and gives an appraising look to Rarity.

“You know Diamond Buns, you’re shallow, desperate and manipulative, but you sure do know fashion well.”

“…Rude,” she says after a bit.

“Well whether he insulted your hat or not, these Breezies can’t handle anymore trauma. They need to rest and relax until they’re well enough to go home,” Fluttershy demands, putting her hoof down before turning to you with a smile. “Nightshade, since they like you can you help me lead them to my cottage?”

“Sure no problem,” you nod. “Just so long as I get to hang onto Chester for a bit.”

“Seabreeze!” he complains but is ignored.

“What about the party Nightshade?” asks Scootaloo.

“I’ll be back, I can’t exactly bring these guys around with me can I?” you point out.

“Fine, just take us somewhere and let us be then! This scarf isn’t comfortable at all with these jagged pieces of crystal in them!” Seabreeze whines and your eyes widen.

“What was that?” Twilight asks curiously.

“Nothing! It’s just course cat hair!” you yep as you gently prod Seabreeze away from your hidden shard pieces. She raises a brow at that, but you quickly start to push Fluttershy towards her house. “I’ll meet you all at the party.”

“Oh alright, don’t be too late kiddo, and learn that thing some manners for insulting my headwear!” Grandbuggy shouts after you.

“Will do,” you wave back before looking at your new captive. “You hear that Chester? Respect headwear!”

“Respect Headwear! So sayeth the Messiah!” the rest of the Breezies chant and Seabreeze sighs.

Eventually, you reach Fluttershy’s Cottage and walk inside.

“You know, I’m really coming around to these little guys,” you tell her plainly. “Now I know why you were so upset that they’d be coming through town.”

“Exactly! Aren’t they so cute?” she coos looking at your mane, where many of them dart and hide.

“Hey! Fluttershy’s cool, you can hang out in her mane and stuff,” you chide.

“Yellow Pony is Friend of the Messiah!” they shout and many dart over to Fluttershy who giggles and smiles.

“Let me get some cushions and pillows for you cuties,” she chirps and walks off.

“The Messiah has bounty within her bags!” you hear a few of them shout as they look into your Inventory. “She has slayed a dragon!”

“What? No I didn’t! That’s just my life sized doll of Spike!” you say before your eyes dart around. “I mean, what doll? I don’t have anything creepy in there!”

“Shall we take it off your hooves Messiah?!” they ask.

“NO! No touchy!” you shout and they shrink back in fear.

“Uh, I mean, no thanks,” you say more gently. “And please, enough with that word, just call me Nightshade.”

They all then start complaining that they couldn’t possibly do that.

“They want to worship you because they are stupid,” Seabreeze complains in your scarf.

“I wouldn’t say stupid,” you counter as you know from their point of view you are in fact a god. “Okay, how about Mistress instead? I’m already used to that one.”

“The Mistress has spoken!” all of your Breezies chant.

“…You know, for some reason when Jackie and the other shadows say stuff like that it’s not as creepy. Maybe it’s because you guys are much cuter than them,” you ponder aloud.

Ahhhh, Bob whines within your mind and you frown.

You literally have jagged fangs and glowing evil eyes, I’m just stating a fact! You reprimand your imp. And while you do that suddenly you hear all of the Breezies gasp.

“An enemy of The Mistress! Attack!” they shout and start swarming around your neck.

“Huh?” you sputter as they sweep past your neck and land on a table. You then see a good chunk of them curb stomping a mosquito to death. “…Huh, didn’t think there was anything that wouldn’t kill you.”

“There’s not many things, but bloodsuckers are one of the few things we can defeat,” Seabreeze comments.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy gasps as she walks in with the other half of the Breezies and some cushions. “What’s going on here?”

“I guess I have more minions for tiny threats,” you say with a shrug as they move on to other mosquitoes flying around.


Author's Note:

I still stick by the sentiment that Breezies are useless.

Hey Hive Mind,

So, now Nightshade is a god to two races, one very useful and one not so much. Now the question is, are these fanatical freeloaders going to leave her alone now? You tell me.

Anyway, have fun, stay safe, and I shall see you next chapter everyone,
Brown Dog.



5 Jars of Laughter

Dark Cannon (Laser Gun with Limited Shots)

Junk Jet (Cannon that Launches Junk)

Mallet and Stake

Power Pole

Scone of Bludgeoning


Bloodstone Scepter Shard

Golden Idol of Boreas

Magical Power Ponies Comic

Petrified Dragon Egg

Piece of Nightmare Moon Armor

Ring of Scorchero


Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems

Daring Do's Pith Helmet

Ocarina (Might be able to manipulate weather?)

Mangle, Plush Robot Fox Pet

Pinkie Pie Fan Shirt and Hat

Rubber Quesadilla

Spike Doll (Life Sized)

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