• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,777 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 35: Panicking, Panicking, and More Panicking

Gorgeous Freeman’s Comment

Zapper frost’s Comment

“Uhhh, what do you mean what happened last night? It’s all good,” he says nervously as his eyes dart around.

“Really?” You deadpan at his very obvious lie.

“Uh, eyup. Everything’s fine. Nothing strange happened last night during the dance. Anybody who says otherwise is a liar.”

“Flash, do I have to kick your flank again?” you threaten and he audibly gulps.

“N-No?” he stammers.

“Then tell me what happened. I know there was some sort of giant rainbow magic lightshow last night, and I’m guessing that crater wasn’t always there. So spill the beans already.”

“Ok, ok,” he holds his hands up in defeat and sighs. “Look, everyone’s not exactly talking about this because it was weird and most people wouldn’t believe it.”

“Kid, I’m not ‘most people,’ you reassure before a thought comes to you. “Wait, did you Flulk out again and-“

“No no, it wasn’t me, I swear,” he defends. “I haven’t done that since the mall.”

“Then who did? What six people did that and against who?”

“Wait, how did you know it was six people?”

“Because I’m good at magic,” you grunt in frustration. “Now, get to explanations!”

Kichi’s Comment

“Alright, alright. OK, so remember I was asking about advice for the dance the other day?”

“Uh…I vaguely remember brushing something like that off yes. Don’t have the best experiences when it comes to dances,” you shudder remembering Prom at the Hive.

“Yeah, well, there was this girl there, she was real cute, but my ex kind of went nuts and got this tiara and…actually, it will just be easier to show you,” he says as he takes out his phone as his fingers move around the buttons at high speed.

"How are you doing that?" you ask in amazement.

“What, typing?” he asks.


“Because I have a phone?” he guesses unsure what you mean. Seeing as how that doesn’t seem to satisfy you, he moves on. “A-Anyway, check this out.”

He then turns the phone screen to you and it shows a video. It’s shaky, and there are other people murmuring in the background, but you can clearly see an orangish female human with fiery red hair shouting at a group of other human girls who are farther away from the video.

“Yeesh, what is this? Some sort of Mean Fillies type situation?” you ask as the orange girl in the leather jacket yells at the others

“Mean what?” he asks, but you don’t answer him as one of the other girls catches your eye.

“Wait a minute, is that Twilight?” you ask as you pull the phone closer to your eyes. Sure enough, the purple girl in the video bears a striking resemblance to Human Twilight, though her glasses are gone and her hair is down.

“You know Twilight?” Flash asks sounding excited for some reason.

“Yeah I know her she-Wait that looks like the Element of Magic. What’s that other girl do-Oh Sweet Luna!”

The orange girl puts the tiara on her head and transforms into a red, batwinged demonic looking creature as she laughs triumphantly.

“Sweet Luna?” Flash says with a raised brow, but you ignore him as a wave of energy comes forth from the demon girl and the video tumbles and goes out.

“That’s it? What happened next science phone? What happened next?!” you say in frustration as you shake the phone. Flash takes it out of your hands as quickly as he can and puts it back in his pocket.

“I dropped the phone. You see, after Sunset turned into that thing, me and the rest of the school kind of turned into zombies,” he says rubbing the back of his neck.


“Mmhmm,” he nods. “I mean, we could all still see and stuff, but we were compelled by what Sunset wanted, and we shambled to her command. Luckily we weren’t the brain eating type.”

“No? Oh, that’s good then,” you say as you lower Second Law back into your Inventory.

“Was that a gun?” Flash asks nervously.

“No, it was a Native Buffaloan rain stick,” you lie.

“A what?” he sputters, but you ignore him and move on.

“Alright, so this girl Sunshine, she found this magical tiara and put it on, becoming a demon and she brainwashed everyone right?”

“Yeah,” he nods.

“Where did she even get it?”

“Well, she stole it from Twilight after she’d been crowned, I guess she was jealous or something, but I have no idea where it came from originally. The Principal usually buys them from somewhere.”

“…Are you telling me that this clearly magical tiara was being used as a prom crown?” you ask flabbergasted.

“I guess? I mean, none of us knew it was magic until Sunset changed.”

You shake your head and facepalm.

I can’t believe. The counterpart to one of the pieces of the evil death rainbow that’s stalked our lives for over three years, and they were just keeping it in a high school. How haven’t humans gone extinct yet?

Sheer luck I’d wager, Selena offers. Though this situation confuses me greatly.

What do you mean?

If this human girl became this demonic entity, then how did we witness and feel that expenditure last night?

Well clearly this girl used it right? You’ve both said how powerful all of these Elements are, Sombra guesses, never having felt or witnessed the Elements firsthand.

But that’s just it, that blast was Harmony magic. Even if that girl corrupted it’s usage, what we saw and felt was not the dark magic we saw her utilizing.

Hey yeah, you’re right, you nod. Also, where are the other Elements? Magic alone can’t get results like that. If they could, we would’ve been stoned years ago.

“Flash!” you say, coming back to reality. “You said you were zombified last night right? How did you get…unzombied?”

“Uh, that’s actually kind of a tricky answer,” he says scratching his head. “From what we all saw, Twilight and the other girls kind of started glowing, and sprouting wings and fuzzy ears and then there was this big light, and everything was back to normal. Sunset wasn’t a monster anymore, and then we all partied.”

“…Twilight and some other girls started glowing, is that what you just said?” you ask apprehensively.

“Yeah, it was kind of amazing.”

“…Who were these other girls with her?”

“Oh, well, let’s see,” he says putting a finger to his chin. “There was that soccer girl Rainbow Dash, that farmer chick Applejack, that quiet girl Fluttershy, that rich glamour queen Rarity, and Pinkie Pie.”

“Oh…Really now?” you say sweating bullets. “Wait, Pinkie Pie doesn’t get a special description?”

“Everybody knows Pinkie Pie,” Flash shrugs.

“…Good point. Will you excuse me for one sec?”

You then turn around and whip out your own phone and start doing that text thing B2 taught you.

This is bad. So very bad. I know Human Twilight not knowing the other Deadly 6 was different, but I didn’t think them meeting each other would immediately bring this world’s Elements online.

Verily. The lines of fate seem to latch onto those Six, despite the rules of the world.

I know right? It’s Bullspit!

You then finish up your text, which is filled with smiley faces, random pictures of food, and other emojis that all the humans add, and it reads.

Hey Twilight,

Your old pal Bugze here. Sorry I haven’t called since getting fired and all. But anyway, do you mind explaining why you were at another school across town last night and when you realized you could harness magical energies to fight demons?

K Thx, Bye.

“And sent,” you say aloud before turning back to Flash.

“Who were you texting?”

“Someone I thought I had a good read on until a few moments ago. Seriously, she’s a technobabbling science nerd without any friends, what’s she doing out on a school night at some other school winning prom queen, making friends, and spewing magic?”

“Wait, you have a link to Twilight? She’s back?” Flash asks all excitedly as he invades your personal space.

“Whoa, down boy. Sit! What’s gotten into you? And what do you mean by back? Back from where, Crystal Prep?”

“No, from her world,” he explains. “I think she called it Equestria or something.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down With Chrysallis’s Comment

The air goes quiet after Flash says that. You hear no sounds of traffic, of humans walking and talking, nor the wind through the trees. All is silent as the grave as you, Selena, and Sombra process what you just heard.

“Did…did you just say Equestria?” you ask, your voice hollow and gaspy.

“Heh, yeah. I know it sounds all cutesy and all, but it fits her. She said she was a Princess there,” he says in fondness.

You stand there for several seconds before you grab Flash by the jacket and shout in unison with Sombra and Selena in your legion voice,


“Y-Y-Yes sir, that’s what she said her name was,” Flash stammers in fear.

“I…I…” you are at a loss for words.

Human Twilight was real Twilight this whole time?! How?! When?! Why?!

The chances of that are astronomical! Selena shouts in paranoia.

That doesn’t make a lick of sense, but I can’t think of anything else! Sombra grumbles as well.

“Uh, Mr. Bugze?” Flash tries to gain your attention.

How did she know to come through on that day Jack sent me? She was right there when I first came through. Does Torchwood have a spy? Did one of those Knight idiots find out and blab? What? WHAT?!

“Mr. Bugze!” Flash shouts pulling you from your thoughts. “Maybe we should talk somewhere more quiet?”

Catching his drift you look around and see that a few human students have stopped to give you weird looks as you’re all but choking Flash.

“R-Right,” you nod and let him go before looking to the others. “Do not worry, this is all just a drill. Return to your meaningless, pointless lives.”

Your order is met with confusion and double takes, but as you start walking away, and Flash shrugs with a nervous chuckle, they move on.

After Flash leads you to somewhere more private, the Soccer field, he says,

“You gotta try to not make a scene man. It was a miracle nobody recognized me as that monster at the mall.”

“I’m sorry, it’s just…How could Princess Twilight have been here this whole time?” Flash shrugs at that.

“I don’t know. She showed up here three days ago mysteriously, and after the dance, she said she was going home and poof, she was gone.”

“She went back home? How? Did she poof out, or did she go through a big horsesh-Huh?”

Your phone buzzes, cutting you off. Opening up the message, you see it’s from Twilight.

Hi Mr. Bugze,

It’s good to hear from you, but I have no idea what you’re talking about. I was studying last night for a quiz today, and though I respect your opinion, I still find the idea of magic to be absurd. Have you been drinking again? I hope you aren’t. Cadence said she was supposed to meet with you today. You remembered right?


“So, the way you’ve been talking about her, you clearly know Princess Twilight right? How did you meet her? How do you contact her? When will she-“

“Pipe down Flash!” you shush as you read the text again.

This…this doesn’t make any sense. If she went home like Flash said, how could she text? Why would she still be acting like a teen?

A sharp gasp comes from Selena, and then Sombra groans as the realization dawns on them.

So that’s how it is, Selena mutters.

What? What’s how it is? You ask.

Bugze, she says slowly so even an idiot like you could understand. Think of yourself and B2.

The hamster in your brain finally gets the wheel going fast enough and the answer is obvious.

Oh Buck! That means Human Twilight wasn’t an impostor in disguise, she really is a teen human girl, which means Real Twilight was here last night!

“Savior of the Universe! Did those other girls mysteriously appear with her?!”

“Uh, no. Pinkie Pie’s been in my class since the third grade, and Rainbow Dash keeps winning every track meet gold medal and-“

“So it was just this Princess Twilight that showed up then?”


“And that crown that Sunlight had, you’d never seen it before either right?”

“Well, it was differently shaped than the last three, now that you mention it. But yeah, Sunset was using it to control us so we could invade the Princess’s home world, but she and the others glowed and took her down.”

You take a few steps back as your legs give out and you slide your back down a bleacher pole to the ground.

She was here. Someway, somehow, the now all powerful alicorn with deadly harmony magic was here and she was able to utilize it with ease, you panic. We can’t even use our magic properly, but she can still fire that deadly rainbow laser? And without the other Elements to boot? What the Crap?!

You slam your fist onto the ground, before shaking it from the pain.

“Bugze, are you angry?” Flash asks apprehensively.

“What? No, why would I be angry? It’s not like she just conveniently keeps showing up in my life no matter how many steps I take to keep ahead,” you grunt sardonically.

Easy there my Bug. Calm down. Having a panic attack won't change the situation, Selena says soothingly.

How can I not? Somehow that egghead keeps following me no matter where I go.

But she didn’t follow you, she points out. From what we’ve heard, it seems her own Element was stolen, and she followed it here. She left as soon as she got it, and you weren’t even asked about it.

…Yeah, you’re right, you nod as you take a deep breath. She left and still doesn’t know I’m here.

Exactly, which means she knows how to travel between worlds.

Oh my-Yeah! She must know where the mirror is. Surely some of these humans saw her use it! You say starting to feel pumped up again.

Exactly, Selena smiles. Now pick yourself up, we have to get through this. For all are sakes.

Yes yes, listen to your wife and get on with it already. There’s so much info we still need, Sombra says in frustration.

"MY/HIS WIFE?!" you both shout blushing.

“Huh? Who’s your wife?” Flash asks in surprise at your outburst.

“N-Noling! I’m not married! Not yet at least!” you shout.

Y-Yes! There’s been no official ceremony or anything! Selena stammers.

“Exactly! Heh heh,” you laugh nervously as Flash looks at you as if you’ve gone even more off your rocker.

Oh for- worry about semantics later you idiots. Now ask where the portal is, Sombra grumbles.

“R-Right! Hey Flash, where did Twilight go after beating this demon lady? I’m assuming she dragged her off with her to some giant horseshoe or something?”

“Well…Like I said, I don’t really know HOW she and Spike left, but her friends and Sunset might know,” he admits.

“The demon girl is still here?”

“Mmhmm. After the battle Sunset was given the task to repair the school with her two accomplices Snips and Snails."

Snips and Snails? Weren't those the two colts that brought in that Ursa Minor three years ago? You think angrily at the memory. Figures they'd do something like this. Also…

“You said Spike right?”

"Yeah, it was kinda freaky her having a talking dog and all," Flash nods rubbing his head.

"Really? After transforming into a literal Saddle Rager, and becoming a zombie slave to a wanna be conqueror, a talking dog is weird to you?" You deadpan.

“Hey, Hulking out and magical girls straight out of some anime are one thing, but talking dogs is a whole other ball park entirely,” he defends.

“…I find your parameters very skewed,” you mutter as you begin to ponder to yourself.

But seriously, if Spike came here too, why was he a dog? I mean his counterpart here is also a dog, but still. Is it cause he’s a dragon? I find that highly speciest.

I find it hilarious, Sombra snickers.

That dog could still beat you and your counterpart with no effort, Selena shoots back.


Well, at least if this world ever gets a Human Nightshade, there’s no chance of her being wooed by his counterpart. Hah! At last the human world does something right!

Turning back to Flash, you ask one more question.

“So, after Twilight and the gang beat up Sunny D, she left and you didn’t see how? You’re sure?”

“No, I didn’t,” he holds his head down sadly. “It’s a shame though, she was really cute and I wanted to say one more goodbye.”

“…Did you just call her cute?” you ask in shock.

“Uh, yeah?”


“Because she is? Is this a trick question?”

“…You like Twilight?” you monotone.


“The magical pony Twilight?”

“Yes,” he responds simply again.

“The magical princess pony Twilight from another dimension?”

“Yeah, look I know it may sound weird and all, but she’s really beautiful and I think she might have liked me back,” he defends.

You just stare at the human teen before you get a case of the willies and shiver all over.

Ew, ew, ew! That’s just…Ew! And her being interested in you? Well, she was friends with Lyra at one point if that freak was to be believed, so maybe some of that Humie fantasy stuck with her.

And even as you shudder from this disgusting scenario,

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

You hear the whispered mutterings of the hateful voices return.

Kill the Waifu Thief.

Snap Him In Two.

Boil His Brain!

Eat His Spleen!

“You guys again?!” you growl aloud, causing Flash to look around trying to find who you’re talking about.

I knew losing you at the mall was only temporary, but come on!

It’s different this time Bugze. They don’t appear to be as loud.

Indeed. I can actually hear myself think, Sombra agrees.

Hey yeah, you say as you realize they sound distant. But still, the fact that they’re here at all means…

Your eyes widen as you put one and one together to get two, before grabbing Flash’s shoulders with a manic, but not murderous, look in your eyes.

"I KNOW HOW TO STOP THE VOICES!!!!!" you exclaim close up to Flash's face, causing him to blink.

"W-wait, really?" He asks in stunned disbelief. "How?"

"You need...to never talk to Princess Twilight again. Ever," you explain seriously. This causes him to look at you like you’ve just kicked a puppy, but the voices actually do shut up at your declaration.

"Why?" He asks in a whimper. “How can that be the solution?”

“Because it’s science! I’ve been around the other you and her plenty of times to know that this is the answer!” He raises a brow at that.

“The other me? And that’s like the third time you’ve said you know her. How do you know so much about her?”

"Okay, so, bit of a bombshell here for you, but..." you begin to explain.

Bugze, what are you doing? Selena asks in alarm.

Throwing around the one thing he's supposed to keep secret like it's candy, apparently, Sombra deadpans.


"-I'm also from Equestria, and I'm friends with the Flash Sentry on the other side." Bugze you explain causing Hu-Flash’s eyes to widen. "And he has to deal with the voices too. We never figured out why they happened, or where they came from, but they only ever got really bad while he, on the very rare occasion, encountered Twilight in our world. And just now, as soon as you mentioned your crush on her, they started yelling again."

This causes Flash's eyes to widen even more in extreme nervousness.

"Uh..." He squirms around trying to get out of your grip.

"And since they keep mentioning some kind of "waifu" that you're supposedly stealing," You continue, ignoring the discomfort of the teenager "my guess at this point, is that Twilight is the waifu they're talking about!" you declare, imagining yourself having a Shercloppe Holmes hat on your head from putting the pieces of this mystery together finally. "So to make them stop...just don't be interested in her! Just stop. Give it up! Halt the ship, and swim away before the voices sink it by making someone sink you," you conclude with certainty.

“But isn’t that just bullying me into getting what they want?” he asks sadly as he finally squirms out of your grip.

“Maybe, but it’s better than being killed over something so stupid.”

“But I really do like her,” he pouts. “I don’t care if she’s a pony. She’s a hot girl in this world.”

“Bleh, maybe to you, freaking humie,” you shake your head in disgust. “But no. Just to be safe, stay away from this world’s version of her too.”

“There’s another Twilight?” he asks with interest.

“No, shut up! Bad Humie!” you say slapping him on the forehead.

“Ow!” he grunts and rubs his the spot.

“They’re both the one that got away. Maybe you should consider going back to your Ex Girlfriend, You know, make amends and all that.”

“But she’s the one that broke up with me and she enslaved everyone remember?” he grumbles.

“Huh? You used to date the Demon Girl?” you ask in surprise.

“Yes. And I doubt Sunset would ever want to get back with me. Besides, I’m still not entirely over the Zombie thing.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Yeah, not to mention she’s probably going to jail after she finishes fixing the school right?” you add.

“Huh? Why would Sunset go to jail?” he asks in all sincerity.

“…Because she enslaved the whole school and was going to invade another world, creating an interdimensional war?”

"Oh no, that doesn’t need to happen. Twilight said her new friends would try to teach her the magic of friendship and reform her." Flash said shrugging.

You, Selena, and Sombra think for a moment on what you learned about this Sunset Shimmer. She stole Twilight's Element of Magic, used it to transform into a demon, brainwashed a bunch of high schoolers from another world to use them as foot soldiers to conquer Equestria, and her only punishment was to repair the school and be 'reformed'? Seconds tick by as the three of you compare her punishment to what the ponies want to do to you.

"What...the....BUCK?!?!?!" You all shout to the heavens in rage.

“Hey now, keep it down before somebody comes to investi-“

“Community Service?! That’s all she bucking gets?!” you rant. “Community service, after enslaving minds and turning into a monster intent on bringing a war, and she gets that slap on the wrist?!”

“Uh, she was stopped before anything really bad could-“

“That’s Bullspit! I have been accused on countless occasions on brainwashing ponies, which is something I can’t even do, and every whorse under the sun wants my scalp! This stupid humie ex girlfriend of yours does the exact same thing, and they’re all ‘Oh, just add friendship. It’ll fix itself.’ BUCKING BULLSPIT!!!”

Not to mention she gets hit with the Elements of Harmony, and is allowed to live whilst I was left to die in discarded armor! Selena growls.

“Yeah! Exactly!”

And I was banished through time and space because I killed a secret keeping despot who allowed me to suffer for years without telling me why, and enslaved her Empire!

“…OK, maybe you might have deserved some of what you got-“


“But still, if you hadn’t been in my gut when the heart went online, you’d probably just straight up be dead. This Sunshine got off scot free!”

“Who are you talking to?” Flash asks nervously.

“Don’t worry about it!” you growl. “Now, you are going to take me right to this strumpet so I can vent my frustrations out on her!” To this Flash looks offended.

“Hey! I’m not going to let you hurt her alright?!”

“Huh?” you blather.

“Sure she might have broken my heart and enslaved my mind, but we still dated and I’m not just going to let you harm her got it?!” he says getting into a fighting stance.

“I’m not gonna-I wasn’t-“ you huff before you throw your arms up and grunt.

“I know our last match ended with me getting beat up despite being 9 ft tall, but I will-“

“Oh put a sock in it humie, I’m not going to punch her or anything, I just need to yell in her face and hopefully make her cry so I can feel better about myself!”

“…I don’t know if I want you to do that either,” he says still scowling, but lowering his fists.

“Whatever, just take me to her!” you order.

“She’s in class right now though. I should get going myself before I’m late,” he says looking at his watch.”

“Oh for-Are you saying I have to wait all day to yell at this witch?!”

“Actually, she’s going to be working on the restoration during lunch so that she won’t have to do as much after school,” he answers. “But if you’re going to yell at her, I’m going to be right there beside you supervising.”

“Ugh, fine MOM,” you pout and cross your arms as you sit on the ground. “Well run off to the living Tartarus of High School. I’ll just sit here stewing in this filthy human skin until lunch time.”

“Are you sure? I mean, that’s a few hours of-“ he is cut off as a bell goes off on the school and his eyes widen. “CRAP! I’m gonna be late! Fine, I’ll see you at lunch, don’t do anything crazy!” He then dashes off towards the gigantic building full of broken hopes and dreams.

“Hmmph. That’s definitely something I don’t miss. But yeah, what the buck is up with Twilight? Why is she willing to forgive this Simmer Sun but not us?”

Because she is a hypocrite, Selena growls. Now that she has ascended, she’s trying to make it look like she’s kind and benevolent, but only to ones that suit her needs.

Nothing good ever comes from princesses, Sombra agrees.

“Exactly,” you nod. “What’s so special about this random humie, aside from her clearly being a Siren Descendant and a powerful one at that?”

Shaking your head in disgust and anger, you hear the final bell ring for the High School while you sit on the dirt.

“Whelp, I got a few hours. Let’s see if this ‘Gameboy’ even holds a candle to the Joyboys back home,” you say as you pull out the handheld gaming console and start tapping it with your fingers.

And as you get absorbed into a humanized version of PoneMon, still angry at the world, Lady Luck, and Twilight you can’t help but feel like that lunch with Human Cadence would have been far less dramatic.

Ello Calebero’s Comment



After Sombra went to drop you off at the school, B2 spent his time preparing for his meeting with Cadence. After stealing a bowler hat from Sombra’s collection, he went to meet the Vice Dean at the café/bakery while you angrily played videogames.

After finding her, and ordering some coffee and some baked goods, she got right to the chase.

“So, you’re probably wondering why I asked you here today?”

“Well, yeah, I was wondering that truth be told,” B2 chuckles. “Does Cinch want one of my organs in lieu of severance pay or something?”

“No, that’s not it” she sighs. “Actually I’ve called you here for something serious.”

Her tone makes B2 sit up a little straighter, and a part of him wonders if he made the right decision coming here instead of that blown up school from the night before.

“OK, what’s so serious Ms. Amore?”

She just looks at your bearded counterpart with inquisitive eyes before she lets out another sigh and looks down at her coffee.

“You don’t remember me do you?” To that B2 raises an eyebrow.

“Uh, you were one of my bosses till four days ago. Kind of hard to forget something like-“

“No no no,” she handwaves with a grunt looking downcast. “I meant before all that. Back when you were still singing.”

His eyes widen at that and he begins to sweat.

“Uh…” he says looking at her, trying like all hell to remember. “Were you one of the roadies that traveled with us?”


“Were you a groupie? If you were don’t feel bad I don’t remember any of them because I didn’t do the usual rocker thing. I had a girlfriend and-“

“No no, EW,” she says shaking her hands to dissuade him. “I was 10 when we first met.”

“Wow really? Your parents let you go to one of our shows at that age? That’s very irresponsible.”

She facepalms at this before she scowls heavily at him.

“You dated my aunt you moron. You’d come by for Christmas and Thanksgiving and other random times with her!”

And as she says that, it’s like a fog clears in B2’s head as he looks at her face and hair color and matches it to his old memories.

“Wait a minute. You’re little Cadie?” he says in surprise, finally causing her expression to soften. “Holy crap you grew up.”

“Yeah, no duh. It’s been 15 years,” she says with a smirk.

“Wow I feel old,” he says shaking his head. “I remember giving you tour shirts and bobbleheads and stuff.”

“Heh heh, yeah,” she giggles. “Aunt Celestia wanted me to throw them out, but I didn’t.”

“Oh God, Celestia,” he says holding his head from phantom aches. “She always wanted to skin me alive. The only thing that held her back was Nimmy and…” he pauses as he realizes what this means. Looking back at Cadence he’s about to ask her about her, but she holds her hand up, stopping him and says calmly.

“That’s actually the reason I called you here today.” Shaking his head in understanding, B2 let’s her continue.

“Aunt Luna hasn’t gone by Nightmare Moon since the day you broke up. She has a steady respectful job now, and until a few days ago, she was content and happy.”

“Oh…OK,” he says still expecting more.

“That said, I want some more information before I divulge anything else,” she says giving him a pointed look.

“Uh, like what?”

“Well, first of all. What’s going on with your life? You show up at my school about a month ago looking like you’ve been living out of a trashcan, you get a job as a janitor, and then when everything seems like it’s normal, you go and pull that stunt at the mall.”

“Oh…I…you see,” he stammers.

“Where on earth did you get the money to do that? And if you are starting the band back up again, why didn’t you let Luna know?”

“I…Look, that whole stunt at the mall, that was just a situation that got out of hand. And I lost contact with Nimmy years ago after…well, you know.”

“Yes I do,” she scowls judging him. “But whatever happened in the past I don’t care, I want to know what’s going on now, because if this band is coming back, my aunt is owed her share.”

“I-It’s not really official or anything,” he says sweating nervously.

“Giant explosions and animatronics being used at a public event isn’t official?” she asks skeptically.

“Well, I mean…”

“And isn’t it something that while you were working at my school you became kind of a mentor to my fiancé’s little sister? A little sister who’s a genius and who I know has been dabbling with robotics recently?”

“Uh…” B2 starts to panic.

“Did you even pay Twilight for her work, or were you just using her to get your dead career back off the ground?”
“OK, look the robot thing is clearly being taken out of context!” B2 defends.

“Then give me some context @#%$&,” she pleads using his real name. “I want to believe that you’re still the Cool Uncle from when I was little, but this last month has been confusing. Please tell me what’s going on so that I can better play mediator for when my aunt gets here.”

“…WHAT?!” B2 shouts, causing Mrs. Cake to look over from the counter.

“Nimmy’s coming here?!”

Sighing, Cadence says, “Yes, Luna will be here in a few minutes, though she only thinks I’m going to be here.”

He then begins hyperventilating as he looks down at his appearance and just how low he’s fallen.

“So before she gets here, just give me something to work with OK?” Cadence asks with a sincere smile.



“You jumped out the bathroom window?” you say in befuddlement on your cell phone.

“I panicked man!” B2 says breathlessly from the other end. “Cadence was asking all these questions I had no answers to, and I couldn’t let Nimmy see me like this! I still look like a damn bum!”

“Oh for-She’s only going to think that’s more suspicious B2, and news flash, you are still a bum!”

“I know, I know,” he pants. “But it was the only way. That whole meeting was a trap!”

“OK,” you grunt pinching the ridge of your nose. “Just get your flank to Sombra’s and calm down. We’ll figure this out later.”

“Yeah yeah, good idea,” he says as you hear his footfalls from the other side of the receiver. After a few moments his breathing gets more under control and he starts talking again.

“Hey Bugze?”


“I did catch a glimpse of her pulling up in her car as I snuck away…She’s still absolutely perfect…but I’m not.”

Sighing you say, “Don’t think about that just now. We’ll come up with our story later. Just get to Sombra’s, I’ve got a teenager to yell at.”

And with that you turn off the phone and turn back to Flash Sentry who had come to retrieve you on his lunch break.

“Who were you talking to?”

“My twin brother, you remember him right? Bearded fellow?” When he nods, you continue, “Well let’s just say he’s dealing with stuff and leave it at that.”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Shrugging at your evident insanity, Flash leads you back to the front of the school back towards the crater. Once you get to the edge, you finally see the girl from the video. In daylight, he red and orange hair seem to shine brighter, and she wears a leather jacket despite it being fairly warm out. In person, she doesn’t seem that threatening at all.

“So there’s the witch that got off easy huh?” you mutter as you view her working. “Hmm, I thought her accomplices were supposed to help her?”

“Those two idiots didn’t come to school today. Guess their parents got upset with them almost hurting a puppy,” Flash explains.

“Ah, that’d do it,” you nod. “On one hoof that’s good parenting, on the other, it’s leaving her to pick up the slack. Guess that’s some small justice. But where are the other girls that Twilight left to be her friends?”

“Eating I’d imagine,” he shrugs. “They don’t have to pick up debris, they saved the school.”

“Phew. Well, that just makes this easier,” you think with manic glee as you start to walk forward. You are stopped as Flash holds his arm out.

“Remember, If you try to hurt her I’ll turn on you,” he warns and you roll your eyes.

“Flash you need help. You’re either fantasizing about alien princesses you should be forgetting forever or your ex girlfriend the demon overlord. Listen, I know three human teen sisters that your human brain might find attractive, I’ll introduce you later.”

And with his flustered face, you start walking towards the bacon haired villain as she starts putting debris into a wheelbarrow.

Alright you tart, you may think you’re special because Twilight’s a two faced whorse, but I’ll teach you the meaning…of…justice?

You trail off as you catch a glimpse of her face, more specifically her eyes. It’s within those eyes that you see a familiar look, one you yourself had for so long. A look of sadness, regret, shame, and worst of all, self-hate.

As she lets out a sad sigh, she reaches down for a larger chunk of concrete, and struggles to lift it.

…Oh Gorramnit, you sigh yourself as you walk forward.

“Here, let me help you with that,” you say reluctantly which surprises the girl.

“What? I-Oh, OK,” she says as you lift the other end of the concrete and help her load it into the wheelbarrow, an act which surprises her Flash big time.

Once it’s loaded up, she looks at you with uncertainty.

“I…uh…Thank you,” she stutters.

“No problem, I’m here to help,” you say with a reassuring look. Yelling at her now would be like kicking a puppy.

“Help?” she asks hesitantly.

“Yeah, help,” you nod.

“Really? That’s news to me,” Flash says in shock, causing Sunset to notice him before quickly looking down.

“Oh…hey Flash,” she says shamefully.

“Hey…Sunset,” he says nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

The three of you stand there in awkward silence for a few moments before you break the tension.

“OK, I’m just going to jump right into this then,” you say as you place a hand on her shoulder.

WARGAMES’s Comment

“I know it must be hard. You woke up one day and realized that you could do magic in a world where magic wasn’t around. That’s because in your ancestry, these giant sea horses called Sirens were sent to this world, turned into humans just like Princess Twilight, and had families.”


“And then one day, some purple lady saying she’s a pony shows up, you see her crown is all magicy, and you decide ‘I want some of that.’ You take that crown, become even more superpowered and it goes to your head, so you think, ‘Hey, maybe I should invade a realm of magic since I’m very powerful.’ Well, let’s just say good thing you didn’t because there are some Magically Overpowered individuals over there.”

“I think you might be confusing me with-“

“But you get defeated,” you interrupt her. “And all seems lost since you had that taste of magic. You think everyone hates you, and they probably do, but you do have a second chance, something some of us don’t get.”

“…Who are you?” she asks nervously as she looks between you and Flash.

“My name is Bugze, and I’m from Equestria.” Her mouth goes agape at that.

“You are?”

“Yes,” you nod. “And over there, I haven’t exactly been treated fairly for a number of reasons, and I’ve been accused of acts that you did last night.”


Sighing you explain, “Princess Twilight and her friends are the Elements of Harmony, and they don’t like me all that much.”

“W-Were you a villain too?” she asks sounding awed and shamed.

“No, I’ve never been a villain, but they’ve made me out to be one because ponies are dumb and speciestic and won’t listen to reason. The stuff you pulled last night is stuff they think I did, and they still hunt me. So take comfort in that fact kid. You got forgiven because of your weird human and Siren nature.”

“…I’m totally confused,” she says putting a hand to her head.

“It’s ok, it is a confusing tale. A bunch of stupid stuff happened, but that’s neither here nor there, I just want to you to know that it does get better, and that since she decided for whatever reason to forgive you, you’ll have an easier time healing.”

“…OK, that sentiment is nice and everything,” she says taking your hand off her shoulder. “But I’ve only just met you.”

“It’s OK Sunset, he’s…well, I don’t want to say on the level, but he’s legit,” Flash explains.

“…So is he the reason you became a monster at the mall?” she accuses.

“How do you know about that?!” Flash blurts before his eyes dart around, “I mean, what are you talking about, I wasn’t at any mall. What mall?”

“Flash, we were together for 3 years, I know you’re face. I just couldn’t understand how you had access to magic, but I guess an Equestrian Villain would expl-“

“Stop stop, I hate that cliché,” you roll your eyes. “I’m not a villain, more anti-hero. Flash stumbled upon a Siren artifact by himself, and I just happened to be there.”

Raising a brow she asks, “Just happened to be there huh? OK, but why would Twilight not forgive you if you were only accused of doing the horrible stuff I did?”

“Because ponies never give me the time of day because I’m a changeling and because of who my family i-.”

“YOU’RE A CHANGELING?!” she shrieks and takes a few steps from you.

“Oh Don’t You Start!” you chastise with hands on your hips.

“Alright, I’m totally lost here,” Flash pipes up. “What’s a changeling?”

“Changelings are these bug horse things that can shapeshift into whoever or whatever they desire and they steal all the love from you by force,” she says frightfully as she gets on the other side of her wheelbarrow.

“Ok, yes that’s true and all,” you defend. “But come on, not all of us are bad. Heck, I’m just like you two. I’m a hybrid and…wait, how do you know what a changeling is?”

“Because I’m a pony,” she responds which causes both yours and Flash’s mouths to drop.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“…What? You’re from Equestria too?”

“Yes of course. I don’t even know what these Siren things are that you keep mentioning.”

“So…you’re a pony too?” Flash asks seeming very concerned.

Sighing she looks at the boy and says, “Yes Flash, I’m a pony just like Princess Twilight.”

Your eye twitches at that before you turn around to the shocked Flash Sentry and back to the cowering Pony turned Human.

“So…knowing full well that this isn’t actually your real body, you dated a human?” you ask with a gag.

“Hey! Don’t judge me!” she growls and looks away nervously. “I was de-aged and had to go through puberty again as a human. B-Besides, he was the most popular guy around, so he boosted my standing.” Flash actually looks a bit sad at that last bit, but you ignore his pain.

“That sounds like excuses to me,” you say judgmentally. “Let me guess, you were a fan of My Little Human right?”

“Well I was a Unicorn Filly, so yeah,” she nods as if it’s obvious.

“Oh OK, this makes much more sense now. Nothing ever good ever comes from that overhyped show!” you throw your hands up in frustration.

You shut your whorse mouth! Sombra growls.

“Hey! My Little Human didn’t make me evil!” Sunset defends.

“You turned into one, dated one, and then became a demon. I’ll let the evidence speak for itself.” You then look over to the befuddled human boy.
"Seems you have a type Flash."

“Ugh, whatever,” Sunset grunts and turns away from you. “It doesn’t matter anyway. After all I’ve done, Princess Celestia would never welcome me back there. I don’t even know if I’ll fully be welcomed here again as it is…”

Princess Celestia?” Flash pipes up, but you ignore him as Selena gasps as some revelation comes to her.

What is it Selly? You inquire.

Bugze, don’t you remember what Jack told us before we traveled here? About Celestia’s former protégé before Sparkle? She says excitedly.

Oh yeah, the unicorn mare that noling knew the name of! But…

“Oi, Sunbeam!” you snap your fingers causing her to look at you indignantly.

“It’s Sunset. Sunset Shimmer,” she corrects.

“Yeah, that. Were you Princess Celestia’s former student?”

She looks down sadly at that, giving you all the answer you need.

“You said you were deaged when you got here? By how long?”

“About 5 years,” she admits. “It was freaky living through that again.”

“But…Twilight’s been Celestia’s student since she was little, and she’s a full grown mare…”
You turn back to Flash and say,

“That’s another weird thing, Twilight hitting on a high school human, gross,” you gag.

“Yeah, well, time works weirdly once you go through the portal. For me it’s been five years, but over there apparently I’ve been gone for like 15,” she explains.

“Oh Luna…then how long have I been gone there if I’ve been here a month?”

“There’s really no way to tell,” she shrugs. “Trying to understand Quantum Mechanics in relation to magic is such a pain.”

“Tell me about it,” you groan as you rub your temple.

“…OK, this is a lot to process, I think I’m going to sit down,” Flash mutters as he goes and sits on a pile of rocks.

Sunset watches him go looking a bit guilty before she turns her attention back to you.

“So changeling-“

“Bugze! I have a name so use it,” you demand.

“Fine, Bugze,” she relents. “I still don’t know why you’re here, aside from trying to motivate me, but I doubt that’s what brought you to this world.”

“That’s correct. I just felt bad about how down in the dirt you looked, but yeah, my mission is to find some artifacts relating to the ancient Sirens. I swear to you, I’m not a villain, and I’ll be leaving as soon as I find my quarry.”

“Well…OK then,” she nods. “The last three days have been crazy enough already, I think I can accept this.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Alrighty then. And if you need help with this debris, just ask. It kind of sucks that your sidekicks aren’t around to help, or your new friends.”

She hangs her head when you mention that.

“That’s a challenge I have to get through myself, making friends. But this is my burden, I couldn’t ask you or them to help.”

“If that’s the way you want it,” you nod. “Oh, and before I forget, since you’re like a godsend and everything, can you point out to me where the portal is for when I’m ready to go?”

She looks flabbergasted at that.

“Um…over there?” she points at the big horse statue Flash is sitting next to on his rocks. Giddily, you skip over to it, and now that you’re this close, you can sense some sort of faint magical presence to it, but that’s it. You reach your hand to touch the stone, and aside from a tingle, nothing.

“OK, but where’s the giant horseshoe part of it?” you ask.

“It doesn’t look like the one on this side remember?”

“Yeah not really, I only saw the mirror once like last year. I didn’t use it to get here though, but I’ll need it to go back.”

"So…you didn’t use it to get here?"

"No, I used something else, but I broke it when I landed here," you admit.

"Then…then you don’t know about it’s timeframe,” she says as equations are solved in her head.

“Timeframe? What timeframe?”

“It, uh…it only works every 30 Moons,” Sunset explains giving you a nervous smile.

30 MOONS! Selena and Sombra shout at once startling and confusing you.

“Wait for real? Twilight won’t be able to come back for that long?” Flash blurts out sounding sad.

“Oh, that’s all?” you say with a grimace before letting out a sigh of your own. “That’s ok. It’s only another month. It might be hard, but I can get through not seeing my baby for another thirty days. Hopefully it’s not too long on the other side.”

To this Sunset raises an eyebrow.

“Thirty days?”

“Yeah, you said thirty moons right? And the moon comes up every night so…”

Bugze! Selena shouts sounding upset. A moon cycle is from New Moon to full moon and back. One moon is a whole month!

Your eyes widen as the numbers add up.

“WHAT?! That’s like two and a half years!” you shout aloud startling Sunset and Flash.

“Uh yeah, why do you think I waited so long to-“

“I’M GOING TO BE STUCK IN THIS TARTARUS HOLE FOR TWO AND HALF YEARS?!!” you shout as you run towards the statue and start punching it.

“Whoa, wait a minute, don’t crack it!” Sunset shrieks.

“My baby is going to grow up without her parents! We’re going to miss her getting her cutie mark! She’s going to look like a teenager when we get back! She’s going to start dating, and Spike is going to swoop in without me there to kill him! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” you throw all caution to the wind.

I won’t be able to see my baby! She’ll think we abandoned her! Buck You Lady Luck! Selena cries out in heartbreak herself.

The young overlord will have no one to teach her the art of war! This is unacceptable! Sombra bellows.


Author's Note:

Hey Hive Mind,

Looks like Bugze’s been told some bad news and making a scene. So business as usual. This is still Equestria Girls 1.5 time, so that portal isn’t opening anytime soon. Have fun with that.

Happy Valentine’s Day for those that have someone. For those that don’t, Happy Cheap Candy Day for the 15th. :trollestia:

See you next chapter Hive-Mind,

Brown Dog.

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