• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,777 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 91: Ice Breakers

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Seriously what was that? Is that a cut of that movie those Knights back in Applewood made? Who’s idea was it to add humans? Dad hates those,” you say in utter bafflement, though you can’t think too long on this as a plunder vine reached out and tries to grab you.

“Buck off you overgrown houseplant!” you shout blasting away the vine.

“Shade get down!” Spike shouts as he pushes you out of an ice blast from Frost. You and Spike look to colt walking towards you with rage in his eyes. “Would you lay off jerk?!”

“Stand aside dragon,” Frost says his eyes glowing blue with contempt. “My battle is with Nightmare Moon. I have no quarrel with you, surrender quietly and I can ensure no harm comes to you.”

“Like I’m gonna stand by and let you hurt her!” Spike roars as he got on all fours his claws extending in anger.

“So be it,” Frost says as two plunder vines zoom past him toward you and spike. Your horn glows as you blast away the vines as Spike roars and charges at the colt. The colt stomps a hoof as the dragon gets close and wave of slick ice spreads over the ground. Losing his traction, Spike slips and his momentum causes him to fall and slide to which the colt jumps over.

“Dang it!” Spike shouts as he crashes into the wall behind.

“Stay down for your own good,” Frost says as he summons a small barrier of ice around the dragon.

“Let him go!” you order as your eyes flash white for a moment and you fire a magic missile at the colt. Frost grunts as he extends his orichalcum blades from his foreleg gauntlets and slices through the blast, dissipating it.

“That is not how physics work! Twilight said so!” you growl in annoyance as the colt rushes you with the blades.

“Too Bad!”

Reaching into your inventory, you pull out the Power Pole and parry his attack with a flourish.

“Seriously, cut it out you dumb buck or someling’s gonna get hurt!” you growl.

“That’s the point!” he grunts as he starts wildly swiping, to which you parry expertly thanks to zebra sensei. Suddenly, a chunk of ice hits him in the back of the head.

“Agh!” he winces in pain and falters, which allows you to sweep his legs out from under him. Once he hits the ground, you then use the pole and hockey puck him along the slippery ground into a heap of vines which tangles him up.

“Oh for- You Stupid Plant!” he yells at the vines.

“Nice shot Spike,” you say to the dripping wet dragon who has another chunk of ice in his claws.

“Thanks,” he nods. Frost looks at him in confusion for a moment before his eyes wander to the barrier erected, only to see a puddle of water.

“Right…fire breath,” he grumbles.

“Yeah, no spit. Didn’t you see what he did on the field earlier?” you taunt and stand next to Spike. “Now you just hang there and stop being so crazy while we figure things out!”

“There’s nothing to figure out! I have my orders!” The colt then grits his teeth before his eyes glow and the vines around him start to freeze. And while the other vines recoil and head towards you and Spike, the frozen ones start to crack and shatter.

“Ugh! It is way too crowded in here for this!” you complain as you smack the vines away with the pole.

“You’re telling me?” Spike says as he turns another vine to ash.

“Time to make an exit then,” you say as you stomp the wall behind using your earth bending to open a hole. You then grab his claw and you both hop through your makeshift door into another hallway. Frost yells as he breaks out of his frozen bonds and jumps toward you, but you put your hooves together and seal up the wall again.


“Ow!” you hear a muffled exclamation on the other side.

“And here I thought bending crystal would be harder than that,” you quip, remembering how much of a big deal Sombra made it out to be.

“What now?” Spike asks as you two run down the hall.

“We find Grandbuggy and the others, hopefully, the plant monster didn’t nab them like the Deadly 6 and the princesses.”

“Right…that did happen,” Spike says with a sad look in his eyes.

“Don’t worry, we’ll save them. Some stupid cyborg pony isn’t going to stop us,” you reassure and a bit more hope enters his face.


You both look over your shoulder as several vines burst through the wall where you made your door, ice shards all around them as a mist starts to seep out. Frost then follows quickly afterwards.

“Stop running!” he cries out before his horn glows and an orb of blue energy appears in front of his mouth. Frost opened his mouth in a roar as three curving beams fired off from the orb toward the two of you. You stomp your back hooves and a wall of crystal pops up behind you, taking the force of the damage, but then more plundervines burst through that.

“Ice and vines working together huh? This is just like the fight my dad had in Applewood with the wyvern and the timberwolf,” you say as you strike another wall, forming another obstacle which slows the vines down.

“Like father like daughter I guess,” Spike shrugs before ducking an icy blast. “So why are we running now that we have more room and can beat the snot out of that guy?”

“Cause I really don’t want to hurt him, hurt him you know? Last time I went a little overboard on him thanks to the stupid amulet, and I kind of want to make up for that,” you explain before you scowl. “Plus the last thing I need is a stupid scenario where I just announced how I’m not evil to the world and then I go too far and it’s all for nothing! Seriously, that happened way too often with Dad and it’s not going to happen with me Gorrammit!”

Another blast of magic whizzes past your head and you turn back to see the hallway floor behind you freeze as Frost skates over the ice with ease and the plunder vines trailing not far behind.

“Well, he doesn’t seem too bothered to hurt us!” Spike says as he turns back and unleashes a blast of fire. One of the vines swoops in front of the young Black Sun member and takes the hit, allowing him to leap over the burnt vine and continue his charge.

“Yeah but he’s not the biggest threat here at the moment, those stupid plants are!” you say, letting off a magic missile at another vine.

“I’m not weak!” Frost yells and sends another blast at you to which you duck.

“I think he heard you.” Spike deadpans.

“You won’t get the best of me this time Nightmare!” Frost roars as he leaps onto a nearby vine. The vine quickly grabs hold of him and twirls him around before tossing him straight toward you, his blades extended out.

“I told you to stop with the knives already!” you shout, stomping your hoof which causes a pillar to rise, striking him in the gut.

“Oof!” he gasps as the wind is knocked out of him. With his momentum, he goes flying over the two of you, flailing like a ragdoll into a stack of crates and a forklift.

“Gah! Buck-! Son of A-!” The colt curses as he crashes through the objects, before his head on the forklift. You and Spike hiss at his pain.

“Ooh, that’s gonna leave a mark,” he comments as you both turn down another corridor leaving him behind.

“Sorry about that, but seriously, stop trying to stab me!” you call over your shoulder.

“Oww,” Frost grumbles from his entangled position, as a nearby plundervine flytrap stops by and chuckles at his pain. “Oh quit laughing and get them!” The colt orders as he picks himself up, rubbing a bump on his head.

After a bit more time running through several corridors, erecting walls behind you in the process, the sounds of the plundervines becomes fainter and fainter.

But then, as you come towards another door, you hear voices.

“Someone’s coming!” a familiar voice shouts just as you and Spike burst through into an employee break room.

“Wait, is that-“ you start to say before a red and yellow blur attempts to drop on you from above.

“Die cultist!” the figure shouts in the midst of a surprise attack…however.

“Shoryuken!” Spike cries out on instinct, and uppercuts the attacker, getting him right under his chin…and with spinning eyes, Garble goes flying into the ground with a thud.

Once the both of you realize that, your eyes widen as you take in the area. The Outcasts are all in this room, along with the CMC. Everyone just stares in surprise for a good few seconds.

“Umm…whoops?” you break the silence.

“Heh, nice uppercut there boyo, but maybe save it for the enemy?” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“Sorry, we’ve just been running from those vines again and we’re kind of amped up,” he apologizes, before shutting the door behind you. “Is he gonna be alright?”

“He’ll be fine,” Ember says as she shakes Garble.

“Pudding is the lifeblood of the universe,” he says dopily as he is pulled to his feet.

“Sure it is little guy, sure it is,” she says dusting him off.

“Grandbuggy! Everyling! I’m so glad you weren’t caught!” you say to the room before flying over and nearly tackling your older relative with a hug.

“Oof! It’s good to see you too honey. But we gotta save the hugging for later, this place is swarming with goons.” He says while patting your back. “I knew you’d be safe, but this just saves time from having to look for you.”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking,” you nod as you let him go. “But yeah seriously, what’s up with all this? I know I made a scene, but I finally got through to everyone to hear us out, and then some jerk comes back from the dead and ruins the moment!”

“Lady Luck honey, Lady Luck,” Grandbuggy sighs with a shake of her head.

“Lady Bucking Luck,” you spit. “I mean it’s nice to know that Daddy didn’t actually kill that guy, so that’s something, but the timing just sucks!”

“Eyup,” he says patting your head in comfort.

“And speaking of Daddy, did you see that movie or whatever that played on the screens?” you ask.

“Yeah I did and…I honestly have no idea what that was all about,” he shrugs. “And coming from me that’s saying a lot.”

“Well whatever it was, now that robot guy thinks he’s here,” you pout.

“Exactly, which is what’s going to give us our advantage,” he says sounding confident. You raise a brow at that, but then your eyes wander to Spike who is apologizing to Garble.

“Alright look, I think that after what happened during the migration, we can just call things even right?”

“Bullspit! I got my butt kicked by Nightshade’s Dad because of you!” he complains.

“Well, maybe you and your friends shouldn’t have been psychos and tried to smash Phoenix eggs,” he says with crossed arms.

“Oh buck you. If Nightshade wasn’t already my rival, I’d be coming at you like a hurricane you shrimp!” he growls.

“You don’t have any right calling me shrimp now tiny!” Spike says getting in his face as they both growl.

“You know if weren’t for the fact I saw your original size, I would say the two of you could be twins,” Ember chuckles.

“WE ARE NOT TWINS!” The two smaller dragons shout in outrage.

“Quiet you idiotas!” Ahuizotl said as he covers their mouths with his large tail paw. “We don’t want to attract the plant beast or those cloaked matones!”

“Ahui’s right, who knows how close those guys are,” Daring says as she keeps watch by the door.

“It would be much easier to deal with them if we had actual weapons!” Greta groans and for the first time you see that everyling is holding kitchen utensils, most likely pilfered from this very room. “Did you see the heat they were packing?! I doubt a frying pan is gonna stop a real-life laser gun!”

“Never underestimate the usefulness of a frying pan my feathered friend.” Grandbuggy advises. “A silver skillet once saved my life from a lycanthrope in Victorian Trottingham.”

“…Yeah, okay, but still. Rather have something better,” she says matter of factly.

“At least you have a frying pan, we only got forks,” Scootaloo grumbles as you notice the other fillies holding the silverware.

“Most of you all got forks,” Silver Spoon complains, being the only one holding a spoon.

“And I know, we ain’t slackers,” Scootaloo continues. “But I mean, yeah this definitely is more dangerous than a vampire uprising or the lovepocolapse.”

“One of those we became part of the problem more than anything.” Applebloom deadpans. “And the other we caused.”

“I mean living in Ponyville is one thing but this is crazy!” Sweetie shivers nervously.

“Not to mention those plants nearly tore up the town last time, and that was without being controlled by a giant magic plant monster!” Diamond adds.

“None of us are warriors, we’re just kids. What are we going to do?!” Silver Spoon asks shaking in fear.

“Girls!” You bark as you walk towards them, the volume getting a dirty look from Ahuizotl. “We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders, we’ve all faced big challenges before! I know Twilight and the others have always helped deal with these kinds of problems before, but they need our help now! If we work together we can do this!” You say giving them an encouraging look.

“Don’t worry girls we’ll watch your backs. Just make sure you watch ours okay?” Greta said giving them a grin.

“I’ve only seen you lot for a little bit, but I can tell each of you can be as ferocious as a dragon when things get tough,” Ember adds.

“You guys would definitely get along with my sister, and she’s no pushover,” Garble helps as well before pointing at Scootaloo. “Also, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were her turned pony through magic or something.”

“Come on girls, we may be kids, but we can still save our friends and our families!” Spike said reaching out a claw.

“Together,” You add putting your hoof on his. The girls look to each other and nod before putting their hooves together with yours. You are about to shout, when Ahuizotl looms over you lot and scowls.

“…Cutiemark Crusaders Saviors of Equestria Yay…” You whisper shout, which appeases him and he smirks, with the others smiling at your enthusiasm.

“Okay, I’m glad you little fillies are pumped up and everything, but don’t get overconfident okay?” Daring advises.

“She’s right ninas. Cutlery can only take you so far,” Ahuizotl nods.

“Don’t worry, I got that handled,” you say as you pull open your Inventory. “Mangle, bring out the armory.”

“Skreonk!” she responds, and in a few seconds the robot fox has dumped all of your weapons on the ground in a pile to which everyone looks at with dropped jaws.

“Well…that’s certainly better than a frying pan,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“Ooh! Dibs on the Dark Cannon!” Greta squees as she grabs the weapon.

“Junk jet please!” Scoots says pulling out the weapon, with the CMC gathering up the kitchenware more earnestly for ammo.

“It’s no spear but it will do,” Ahuizotl says as he grabs the mallet and stake.

“These jars may help us get away from those Black Sun lackies,” Diamond says.

“Gah! Keep those away from me please,” Greta says stepping back.

“Skreonk!” Mangle barks as she herself pops out of the inventory, with the pith hat on and gives a salute.

“Hey, that’s mine!” Daring all but exclaims and both you and Mangle freeze. “How long have you had that?”

“…I believe that’s a loaded question, so how about we just give it back and never bring it up again?” you suggest. She gives you a stink eye, but after a pat on the shoulder from Ahuizotl’s tail paw, she eventually just rolls her eyes and takes her stolen headwear from the fox and places it on her head.

“Deal…gosh it’s been so long,” she says rather happily patting the headwear.

Removed From The Inventory

5 Jars of Laughter
Dark Cannon
Junk Jet
Mallet and stake
Daring Do's Pith Helmet
Mangle, Plush Robot Fox Pet

“I expect to get most of those back,” you say giving a knowing look to Greta who hugs the Dark Cannon.

“Yeah yeah, sure,” she says as you doesn’t even look at you.

You shake your head before looking back to your inventory for any other possible weapons, and as you do your eyes catch something shiny, Frost’s Locket.

“Shade? You alright?” Grandbuggy asks noticing you sigh.

“He’s here Grandbuggy, the colt I hurt really badly back at the lake.” You say as you feel a pang of guilt wash over you. “He’s the one that was chasing me and Spike…”

He bites his lip at that and shakes his head before patting you on the back.

“Still going to try and make things right?” he asks and you nod. “Well just remember, just because you’re trying to set things right don’t mean he will. Sometimes you gotta smack someling upside the head before they listen to reason.”

“Yeah I know, doesn’t mean I have to like it though,” you grumble. “Besides, he’s just in the way. That plant monster is the biggest threat.”

“Don’t I know it,” he nods. “But before we tackle that big guy, we gotta get rid of the adds.”

“Alright everyling, here’s the plan.” Grandbuggy begins. “Right now we’re outnumbered and outclassed, but that’ll change if we get the magic dampeners down. Greta, Ahui, Daring, you three are the sneakiest so find them, they’re probably using some kind of large focusing crystal for the spell.”

“Right, find a specific crystal in the Crystal Empire that’ll be easy.” Greta snarks while Ahuizotl and Daring nod.

“Ember, Garble, I want you to get the girls out of this stadium,” he says to the two dragons. “They blocked off most of the exits with the plundervines, but you’ve both got fire on your side, and who knows, maybe you can grab help out there.”

“Hey! I wanna fight some baddies not rescue a bunch of ponies.” Garble complains.

“Grow up shorty, you can go ham after we do our job,” Ember chides while slapping him in the back of the head.

“You want us to get out?” asks Applebloom.

“That’s right. Your sisters and especially your Grandma would kill me if I didn’t get ya out. But that don’t mean I’m looking down on you all. Once the dragons get you to safety, gather whoever you can amongst those outside the stadium. We’ll need their help getting the hostages to safety.”

The collective CMC all nod at that as they go to stand next to the dragons.

“What about us Grandbuggy? What should we do?” You say as Spike walks up next to you.

“Since you two still have access to your full powers, I need you to look into freeing the Princesses and the Elements. Once we get that dampener down, their help will sure come in handy,” he says before looking at you intensely. “And whatever you do, don’t engage with Flag Burner unless it’s absolutely necessary. That crazy nut out there is after your pops more than you after all.”

“But Daddy isn’t here,” you point out and he nods.

“Exactly, and if he figures that out, a lot more damage is gonna ensue. Which is where I come in,” he says in a conspiratorial tone.

“What do you-“

He suddenly bursts into green flames, and standing before you is not your Grandbuggy, but The Hooded Offender.

Everyone’s eyes widen at this and your jaw drops as you know exactly what he’s planning.


“Someone’s gotta keep that nut preoccupied honey,” he says, still in his own voice.

“All by yourself?! Are you crazy!” Spike exclaims. “If his suit is anything like the ones Shining’s been going on about then you’ll need help!”

“I’ll be fine, I wasn’t one of the hive’s elite warriors for nothing.” Grandbuggy says in a tone of confidence as he takes the bowler hat from off the top of the hood and tucks it into the cloak.

“But Grandbuggy-” you try to argue.

“Nu-uh. Shade, I love you, but I don’t trust those shards in your chest,” he says putting his hooves on your shoulders. “They may give you a power boost but they’ll drive you nuts, and we don’t need to deal with two powerful crazy ponies. If you lose control, your little speech back there will be all for naught and we can’t let that happen.”

His words strike home. You’d just said the same thing not even five minutes ago to Spike. But just because he’s right doesn’t mean you have to like it.

“Spike I’m relying on you to reign her in if worse comes to worst. You’re the only one who can” he says looking to Spike in determination.

“I…” Spike falters for a moment before his eyes become steely. “I won’t let you down sir.”

“Good boy,” he nods before looking back at you. You want to argue, but you know he’s right.

“Honey, you focus on helping the Princesses, and you let me handle Burner alright?”

“…I don’t want you to get hurt Grandbuggy,” you say, your voice hitching because you know how big of a power difference there is between them. He flashes the hood off at that so you can see his face again, and he gives you a sad smile.

“I ain’t just gonna walk up and deck him in the snout like some brawler, your Grandbug’s a lot more wily than that,” he says before he kisses you on the forehead. “I believe in you sweetheart, you’re the strongest out of all of us. You’ve got your papa’s heart and your mama’s cunning, but just be sure to use that big brain of yours. That’s what makes you the best.”

You tear up at that and hug him hard. He grunts for a moment, but he hugs you back and ruffles your mane.

“You use your brain too Grandbuggy and be careful,” you command and he chuckles.

“I will honey, I will,” he reassures. You then break the hug and wipe your eyes with a sniffle before looking to your pet.

“Mangle! You go with him,” you order. Mangle barks and clambers up onto Grandbuggy’s shoulder who winces slightly. “You keep him safe alright?” Mangle nods and pats Grandbuggy’s head.

“Ah great, teaming with a machine again,” he grumbles under his breath before a tail paw rests on his shoulder.

“Fix…don’t try to be a hero,” Ahuizotl warns in worry and Grandbuggy smirks.

“Right back at ya bud,” he says before smiling back at you. The flames then return and his face is hidden by his version of the Nobody Cloak.

“Alright, Outcasts, Crusaders, let's do this. Stick to the plan and dinner’s on me tonight!”

“YEAH!” The group cheers.


NIGHTMARE!!!!” Frost’s voice shouts from down the corridor. You turn to see a fog of mist roll into the cafeteria from where you entered. A pair of glowing blue eyes pierce out from the fog as several plunder vines pour out from the corridor. “Our show isn’t over yet! It’s only just begun!”

“I told you all, no yelling!” Ahuizotl complains.

“Too late now!” Ember says as she starts ushering the fillies behind her.

Grandbuggy looks to the colt, but you step in front of him.

“All of you scatter! Me and Spike will handle him,” you order.

“That’s right, get going!” Spike adds in support.

Everyling nods to this as they each exit through different doors, with Grandbuggy being the last to leave.

“Love you kiddo,” he says.

“Love you too old bug,” you respond.

And with that, he takes off to handle his part of the mission.

The vines begin to split the floor, and the temperature plummets as the angry blue colt comes out of the fog.

“You’re gonna pay for what you did to me!” Frost shouts firing a blast of ice in your direction, to which Spike breathes a ball of fire canceling out his blast. “GRAH!! YOU WON’T ESCAPE MY WRATH!”

“I have no intention of escaping it,” you say stoically as you grip the Power Pole and Spike clenches his fists.

“What?!” he exclaims, taken aback.

“I said I’m not going to escape it. In fact I’m gonna calm that wrath,” you tell him and his eyes widen before hardening. “I’ve got something to take care of first though.”

And before he can respond, you stomp your hooves and encase him in a sphere of crystal.

“Hey! You-“ he shouts before becoming muffled.

“That’s gonna tick him off,” Spike quips before frying a vine.

“Eyup,” you say right before the two of you trot off out another exit. “But right now we gotta figure out how to free the princesses, otherwise the other’s missions won’t amount to anything!”

“Kind of risky with that guy following us though, that kid just doesn’t quit. He’s like a cold you just can’t get rid of,” he says in annoyance and you raise a brow at that. “What? Puns help me cope with crazy situations.”

“Yeah I know, but I would have gone with ‘he ain’t the common cold’,” you snark back and he smirks as you two continue down the corridors.

“Bad puns aside if we want him really preoccupied, why not use your shadow guys?” Spike suggests.

“Well, the last time I did that, I set a forest on fire, broke his leg and made fun of him while he cried as I beat him,” you say as guilt shoots through you and Spike winces.

“Understandable,” he says a bit awkwardly.

“Yeah, I just wanna take care of the more dangerous threats first and when everything’s calmed down, maybe I can talk some sense into him.”

You find yourself in a foyer in one of the main lobbies with two sets of stairs leading down to the lower floor. There is a lobby desk, a vendor full of stuffed toys, and various open hallways to other parts of the stadium, and at the very end of the lobby, you see a doorway leading out to the main field.

“Well, there’s the main field,” Spike points out. “Not exactly the sneakiest path, but that’s where the Princesses will be.”

“At least that means we know our beari-AGH!” you yell out as your left wing is struck by magic and immediately ices up. Seeing as how you were hovering, you immediately fall and begin bouncing down the stairs.

“Off! Ow! Sonofa-Agh!” you grunt all the way down before coming to rest in front of the decorative fountain in front of the lobby desk.

“NIGHTSHADE!” Spike screams while you groan and try to keep your eyes from rolling around.

“A’m Otay!” you respond before shaking your head and looking at your iced up appendage. “Seriously?!”

“There’s more where that came from!” Frost yells. Looking up you see as his glowing blue eyes glowing as he enters into the room. “It’s time to face the consequences for your si-“

“SHUT THE BUCK UP!” Spike says as his fist strikes into the side of the colt’s head.

“Gagh!” Frost cries as the sucker punch throws him off balance. “Why you-Agh!”

Spike interrupts the colt with another strike to his nose, drawing blood which immediately ices over.

“Whoa, uh...Spike?” you say taken aback by his ferocity.

“You Don’t Hurt Her!” Spike roars as he slams the colt into the wall and headbutts him.

“Agh!” Frost yelps as his eyes swim, but he grits his teeth. “She hurt me first!”

The colt then tries to slash at Spike with the blades on his right gauntlet, but Spike catches him around the wrist.

“I don’t care!” the dragon declares before opening his jaws and biting down onto the gauntlet. Frost yelps as he feels pressure in his right foreleg, but the biggest damage is to the glove itself, which was his intention. The metal which holds the orichalcum blades in place shreds off of the colt and the gauntlet falls to the floor.

“NO!” Frost yells.

“YES!” Spike roars back as he spits the metal debris back in the colt’s face.

“GRAGH!” the colt growls as he pushes off the wall, tackling the dragon and himself down the other stairs that you didn’t fall down…but they both lead to the same place.

And as Spike and Frost yelp and curse as the bounce down the stairs you take the time to channel shadowy magic through your wing until the ice melts off of it.

Ooh, that’s tingly and numb, you think as you rub the now freed appendage, feeling pins and needles in it as if it’d been asleep.

“OOF!” both the combatants grunt as they hit the floor in front of you, still tangled together.

Looking up you see as the plundervines are about to come through the door you all entered, so you block up the hallway with your bending and look back to the two.

“Alright you two break it u-”

“GRAAAHHH!!!” you are interrupted as the colt under Spike roars and a blast of fog shoots from him, plummeting the room into below freezing. You yourself get knocked back into the fountain, just as it freezes over, encasing you in ice.

“Oh Come On!” you shout at the chilly inconvenience.

“AGH!” Spike yelps as he is thrown off of him and disappears into the fog.

“Stay out of this lizard! I won’t warn you again!”

“Screw you psycho!” Spike responds from the mist causing the colt to grit his teeth.

“Fine! You want my attention?! You’ve got my attention! That gauntlet wasn’t cheap you know?!”

“Put it on my tab, I’ll pay it back NEVER!” Spike calls out before a burst of fire shoots out towards Frost, but he ducks before it even gets close.

“Nice try dragon, but I can feel your body heat. You can’t hide from me in my Mist of Cold!” and with that statement he fires off a blast of his own magic into the fog and you hear Spike grunt in pain.

“Spike!” you yelp within your icy cage, your shards flashing.

No no, not going all out. Just need a little bit…you mentally command, not wanting to give into the amulet’s influence. And with that they glow less intensely as you start channeling more magic around yourself to melt the ice. And while you do that, Spike sends another blast of fire from the fog, but the colt dodges again.

“Your fiery passion for your alicorn mistress is no match for my cold determined rage!” he declares and fires back, causing Spike to dive behind the vendor, which just so happens to be selling a lot of plushies that look just like him.

“That was so lame sounding! Ice puns didn’t work for Batmane and Robin, and it won’t work for you!” the dragon quips.

“I don’t even know what that is!” the colt declares.

“Consider yourself lucky!” Spike says as he grabs several of the stuffed versions of him, sets them aflame, and throws the randomly throughout the fog. Frost pauses at this turn of events and looks back and forth in all directions.

“What did you-“

“If you sense heat, trying narrowing me out of all the other sources!” Spike taunts which causes you to click your tongue.

Pretty clever there Spikey, you think as the ice cracks and falls all around you. You see Frost’s glowing eyes in the fog turn in your direction, but thanks to the many dolls on fire, he can’t separate you from the other heat signatures.

“ Fire can only burn so long in the grasp of cold justice and vengeance!” the unnerved colt shouts, this time barely dodging a blast of fire, with his coat getting singed.

“What justice!?” Spike retorts. “You are working for a literal mad pony! He’s attacking innocent ponies and threatening an entire nation with his insane philosophy! Equestria needs the princesses!”

“Those ‘princesses’ are nothing more than symbols of the ancient past!” the young cultist rants. “Ponykind has lived in prosperity for thousands of years at the expense of the other races, forcing out native inhabitants to make way for their own goals!”

“You mean peace and friendship?!” Spike counters.

“Are you serious? They only offer that to their own kind, and even in the beginning that was split in three categories! They sure as Tartarus wouldn’t accept the scarier looking races!” the colt growls as he fires and strikes one of the decoys. “Tell me something dragon, why was your egg in the hooves of ponies? How’d they get it? Don’t you wonder where you came from? If you have a real family out there?”

“I…” Spike starts apprehensively before shaking his head. “I’ve already got a real family! Twilight, Shining Armor, Nightshade and all my friends!”

“Bah! You’re a blind idiot! Pony kind has and always will fear that which they don’t understand. And what they fear, they hate and what they hate, they destroy!” he shouts before whipping his head around and firing right at Spike.

“AGH!” Spike yelps as his feet get frozen to the floor and he suddenly ices up just like how you were earlier.

“Little lesson for you, fire burns away fog and lets you see clearer!” Frost sneer as he aims to fire another shot at the trapped dragon.

“And so does monolouging!” you quip as you extend the Power Pole straight into his face, sending him flying into the reception desk. His blast goes wide and instead of freezing Spike, he freezes the doorway to the field.

“Oh Come On!” you complain again.

“There you are Nightmare! Couldn’t let your pet do all your dirty work?!” the colt says rubbing his jaw and extricating himself from the desk.

“Oh for the love of-I AM NOT MY MOM!” you shout, the shards in your chest amplifying your voice. Frost grunts as the force of your voice pushes him back, and he jabs his remaining blades on his left gauntlet into the desk for leverage. With him off balance you rush up, flap your wings and come down on him with your fiery back hooves. “FALCON KICK!”

You strike him right in the chest, sending him through the desk and into the wall behind counter, cracking it.

“And Spike’s not my pet either!” you finish with an edge to your voice. “He’s my friend. You okay by the way Spike?”

“I’m good, just give a second or two,” he says muffled within the ice as you see him struggling to produce flame inside an enclosed area.

Oof, maybe I should give him a hoof to-

“Friend huh?” Frost asks, drawing your attention before he begins coughing and holding his chest. You then see him spit out some blood which bounces along the floor due to the extreme temperatures. “Funny word for pawn, you’re just like all the rest, another bully with a superiority complex.”

He then holds his hoof up and another blast of that fog flies towards you, but you lift up the debris from the desk to intercept the blast, causing a small explosion.

“Please stop this! You can’t beat me!” You plead earnestly. Frost growls and prepares another ice beam, but instead of firing at you, he fires at the door to the field, strengthening the ice even further and denying passage to the plundervines that had come to investigate.


“Flag Burner can have you when I’m through with you. I’m sure he won’t mind if you’re missing a limb or two, just as long as you’re breathing,” Frost taunts throwing your own words back at you from your first meeting. He extends his remaining orichalcum blades on his left foreleg as he stands up on two hooves getting in a battle stance.

You sigh at this and shake your head, getting into your own defensive stance.

Guys, I sure hope you’re doing better on your parts, because I’ve got a slight detour.

Loganic’s Comment

With Greta

“Who’s bright idea was it to leave the magic macguffin to me? I’m a griffon not a flippin unicorn!” She grumbles as she sneaks about. “Sure yeah, let’s split up, so shocking that the cat guy thing and his new marefriend form one group and I get pointed in the other direction. And how in the buck am I supposed to know where this stupid heart is at? This stadium is huge! Do they expect me to just stumble into-“

“What was that noise?” someone says from around the corner.

EEP! She mentally yelps before dropping to the floor and donning her camouflage.

As to cloaked figures come around the corner, they pause and look around, not seeing her.

“Huh, could have sworn I heard somepony griping,” one of the figures says.

“It sounded more like complaining to me,” the other figure shrugs.

“Oh whatever,” the first one shakes his head. “But still, can Nightmare Moon turn invisible?”

“I don’t think so, the Offender never did that did he?”

“Not that I’ve heard…” the first figure says as he looks around again. “Well in any case if it was her we’d probably been attacked by now.”

“Exactly,” the other one nods. “You’re probably just being jumpy.”

“I’d call it cautious. This is Nightmare Moon we’re talking about after all. Even if she’s a kid now, she shouldn’t be taken lightly, even with these fancy weapons we got,” he says pointing at the rifle looking thing at his side.

“True, but we’re fine for now. Ain’t nothing down here except this suspiciously placed cardboard box in the middle of the walkway,” the second stallion says pointing right at Greta who begins to sweat.

Crap! I knew this wouldn’t work! Why do I gotta be such a gaming nerd?! She mentally panics as she prepares for a fight.

“Yeah I know right? That’s a tripping hazard, as well as a fire hazard,” the first stallion shakes his head in disgust. “Guess the Crystal Ponies still haven’t gotten a hang of modern safety practices.”

Wait, what? Greta pauses.

“I’m surprised they even have plumbing,” the second stallion chuckles.

“I know right?” the other one laughs. “But seriously, once Flag Burner’s in charge he should make sure safety guidelines are properly met at public facilities.”

“Definitely need more guardrails, that’s for sure,” the other one nods.

…The buck are they going on about? Why are they having water cooler conversations in the middle of a hostage situation?

“But anyway, let’s leave looking for Nightmare Moon to someone else, I really don’t’ feel like getting beat up this close to victory,” the first one suggests.

“I hear that. Let’s go check up on the guys watching the magic nullifier, say we’re back up, and just wait for this whole thing to blow over,” the second cultist says.

“Lead the way,” the first one says with a nod, and with that they start walking down the corridor.

…Well, that was incredibly useful and lucky, Greta shrugs as she starts stalking them from under her box.

“You know, for a second there, you and me with the box seemed straight of a Metal Gear game,” the first cultist chuckles.

“Oh please, that’s not Nightmare Moon’s style. And who’d honestly be dumb enough to hide under a box? It’s too ridiculous,” the second one guffaws as they keep walking. Greta gives a deadpan scowl at them through the hand hold hole.

Alright, you two have lost your consciousness privileges once we get to the magic thingy.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Zapper frost’s Comment

With Ahuizotl and Daring

As the two nemesis’ turned lovers stalk down the hallways, they hear the rumbling of the plant monster extending it’s tendrils throughout the stadium.

“You know, with as many tombs as we’ve raided in the past, this seems par the norm for us,” Daring points out. “Going through tight corridors, seeking an object of power, mysterious monsters and henchmen about? Classic adventure.”

“I was just thinking the same thing,” Ahuizotl says with a smirk. “Though I guess this is a first for us to be doing it together.”

“Yeah,” Daring says with a blush before coughing into her hoof. “But just like always, the stakes are high. Though there are far less traps to worry about.”

Suddenly Ahuizotl’s eyes alight with inspiration.

“Dios Mio! Why didn’t I think of that before?” he says as he starts stripping wires from the lights.

“What are you doing Ahz?” Daring says in surprise.

“Getting trap making material! I stick out with my size, so it’ll be good to leave a surprise for these cultists when they inevitably spot me,” he explains and Daring’s eyes widen before she smirks.

“Have I said how much I appreciate your foresight?” she says as she breaks a wooden crate and starts gathering up the fragments of wood.

“Many times if your books are any indication,” he says as he starts making nooses. “But even if they aren’t chasing us, when Fix starts causing chaos, the least we can do is entangle some of them.”

“Trap making while still searching for treasure? Wow, we really are cut out for this line of work aren’t we?” Daring snarks as they keep searching, stopping every now and again to booby trap the hallways.

With Ember, Garble and The CMC

“You know, when I started this day, I really didn’t think I was gonna be stuck on babysitting duty,” Ember complains.

“I know right? Why do we gotta be stuck with the kids?” Garble grumbles.

“I was talking about you,” she says with a roll of her eyes.

“We’re the same age!” Garble whines, thrashing his little feet wildly.

“Eh, debatable,” she shrugs and he grits his teeth.

“Come on Scoots, let me have a turn holding it,” Sweetie Belle whines as the pegasus holds the Junk Jet even closer to herself.

“No! I called dibs! I get to shoot it!” she argues.

“Come on, just a little?” Silver Spoon pleads.

“Yeah, it sure looks heavy for you alone,” Diamond Tiara coaxes.

“It is NOT too heavy! Shade handed it to me, so it’s mine! You all just gotta help me reload it!” Scootaloo barks.

“Well how about when we run into enemies, we take turns on who gets to fire it?” suggests Applebloom.

“Okay fine, but I get to at least hit five enemies with it first!”

“Ugh, will you five cut it out?” Garble snarls. “You’re not supposed to be looking for a fight, we’re trying to get you out to get help remember?!”

“Hey, if living in Ponyville when Nightshade and her Dad are around is any indication, a fight’s gonna come whether we try to avoid it or not,” Sweetie says seriously.

“That may be true, but the twerp does have a point, you are being loud,” Ember says over her shoulder. And just as she says that, they come around a bend and see an exit sign above some doors…that are wriggling with plundervines.

“Booyah! And enemy!” Scootaloo cheers as she aims the Junk Jet.

“Oi! Not yet!” Ember says pushing it down.

“Awww, why not?” she whines.

“We’ve fought those things before, you damage them, they’re gonna start focusing on you and more will show up,” Garble warns as he eyes the blockade.

“We might be able to burn it then make a run for it, but something tells me the exits are gonna be even more fortified for this very scenario,” Ember says before Garble can start shooting fireballs.

“Well if we can’t attack it, what are we gonna do?” asks Applebloom.

“Yeah? Because if this exit is blocked, all the others will be,” Diamond adds.

“You sure you can’t just burn it up?” Silver asks.

“Maybe if we didn’t have to worry about you five we could burn it and walk through the flames, but ponies aren’t exactly fireproof,” Garble points out.

“Oh! Oh! I saw this in a movie once!” Scootaloo hops up and down excitedly.

“What?” Ember asks.

“Well in the movie the bad guy had a reinforced door, but the walls around it weren’t so the hero just smashed through those instead!” she says pointing to the wall beside the exits. “Maybe I could blast a hole through that?”

“Those walls would be too thick for the Jet to get through,” Ember says before a lightbulb appears above her head. “But they are made of crystal! Garble, did you eat yet?”

“Uh, I had some pony food called nachos,” he says.

“Yeah, and I had a bunch of cakes and cheese with the Princesses earlier, but there’s always room for gems,” she says with a smirk.

Garble looks between her, the wall next to the blocked exit and back before gulping.

“You fillies watch our back while we pig out alright?” Ember says as she drags the intimidated Garble to the wall.

“Will Do!” Scooatloo salutes as she turns to face the hallway with the Junk Jet at the ready.

“I’ve never been intimidated by food before,” Garble whines and she bonks him on the head.

“Oh don’t be such a drama queen. You took a bite of that fountain earlier,” she reprimands.

“That was out of spite…mostly,” he says looking away.

“Well time to be more spiteful,” she says as she opens her jaws and takes a meaty bite out of the wall. “Mmm, got hints of amethyst and pyrite.”

“Amethyst you say?” Garble perks up before he starts biting into the wall himself.

And as the two dragons start their impromptu buffet and Scootaloo stands guard, the others watch in fascination before Silver Spoon starts picking up the shards of crystal that don’t go down the dragon’s gullets.

“Well, I guess we’ll have more ammo for if anyone does come,” she says to the others. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara all look at each other before shrugging and joining in on ammo collection.

With Grandbuggy

The old bug runs through the hallways with cultists not to far behind him.

“The Offender is on the third level! I repeat, the Ofender is on the third level!” one of them shouts. Passing a screen, Grandbuggy sees as Flag Burner looks estactic.

“I knew it! Route him hear immediately!”

“Too easy,” Grandbuggy smirks as he turns a corner and shapeshifts into a Black Sun member and falls to the floor. “Aggghhh…”

When the others round the corner, they look to him groaning on the ground.

“Which way did he go?” asks one of them and Grandbuggy points a random direction.

“That way I think, said something about popcorn,” he lies.

“Popcorn?” one of them asks.

“Of course! If he sets the popcorn vendor on fire, then the plundervines will be slowed on the third floor!”

“That devious changeling!” another one says as they run in the direction Grandbuggy pointed.

Once they are out of sight he just shakes his head and stands up.

“Idjits,” he curses as he heads back the way he came and down the stairwell.

Once on the second level, he finds another search party and pulls the same trick.

“The Offender is now on the second level!”

“What? How’d he get down there so quick?!” Flag Burner on the monitors bellows. But this time, since there are only two of the, when they round the corner he throws Mangle onto one of their faces.

“Skreonk!” the mecha fox screeches as it latches onto the stallion and starts tearing at his mane.

“Ah! Agh! Get it off! Get it off!” he screams and starts thrashing, right before Grandbuggy Falcon Kicks him in the nards. “EEEEEE!!!”

The other stunned Sun looks at that and back at Grandbuggy as he rushes forth and tackles them.

“Oof!” the figure grunts in a feminine voice.

“Wait a sec,” Grandbuggy says before pulling their hood back, revealing an orange colored pegasus mare. “What’s a pretty mare like you doing joining a terrorist group?”

“We’re not terrorists! We’re liberators and-“

“AAAAHHHH-*BONK*” the stallion Sun runs head first into a wall, knocking himself out as mangle gives him one last kick on the snout before jumping back onto your back.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever label you may put it, you’re still scum,” Grandbuggy admonishes. “Which is a real shame because you’ve got a face that could make a priest break his vows.”

“Oh, uh,” she stammers before smiling coyly. “Th-That means you won’t hit me right? Since I’m a pretty mare?” To this though, Grandbuggy gives her a deadpan look.

“I yearn for true gender equality. That means equal rights…” he then punches her right between the eyes, knocking her out. “And lefts.”

Mangle snickers at that as the old bug gets up and grabs the communication device the stallion was using.

“Report! Second level! Where’s the Offender!”

“He’s scaling the fifth level! Climbing up the wall like a spider!” he responds into it using the mare’s voice.

“Wait, he can do that?!” the Sun on the other end asks in surprise.

“Apparently!” Grandbuggy says.

“All Units! Fifth Floor! Fight Floor!” the Sun orders.

“Negative! He’s gotta be on the first! We just hits some traps!” another voice speaks up.

“Traps?” Grandbuggy says while looking at Mangle.

“Snare Traps, Dart Traps, You Name It!” the other voice yells.

“The Plundervines are going nuts in the basement level and there’s ice everywhere! Did the Hybrid fight him?!”

“I don’t know! Lost contact with him!”

Grandbuggy holds the ear piece away from him and grins at the robot fox.

“Well, looks like spreading chaos is working well for once,” he says.

“Skreonk,” Mangle nods.

“Alright you little abomination, let’s keep at it then,” he says as he transforms back into the Offender and runs off.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Back To You

Frost shouts as he charges you, his blades slicing through the air, but you doge him and use the Power Pole to push him on the back and cause his momentum to make him stumble away from you.

Okay Nightshade let’s just weigh our options here, you think as you glance around you, at the various frozen exits. I could break out of here no problem, one good falcon kick or magic missile and I can break down the ice walls. This close to the field, Flag Burner and the plant monster will definitely hear that though and make it harder to free everyling.

The colt then fires several icicle like shards towards you, but you block them all with the pole. Glancing over at Spike you see that despite a bit of struggle, he is still making progress in freeing himself, slowly but surely.

He’s got that handled, and really he’s safer in there for now. Can’t have him getting shanked by this dude, and I doubt he’d fall for the biting trick a second time, you determine as the colt makes the ground under you slippery, but you float up with your wings, negating the effect.

I thought that I could put this off until after the big picture was taken care of, but if I don’t settle this now, he’s gonna buck up everything, you think begrudgingly. Whether he listens to me, or I gotta beat him unconscious, one way or another, I have to end this quickly.

Horn glowing he levitates more shards of ice and tosses them toward you. You nimbly dodge most of them in the air, though some hit their mark and graze your hide leaving cuts. In retaliation, you extend the Power Pole right into nose again, and he grunts in pain.

“Will you just stop already?” you ask as you take a page out of the Tatzelwurm fight and start circling him with rapid fire attacks from the Power Pole.

“I’ll never stop! Not until ponies like you are broken and on the ground where you belong!” he says erecting ice walls around himself.

“Oh yeah? And what about Flag Burner? You really think that guy cares about what you want? Why are you even working for him!?” you grill and suddenly his eyes glow bright blue.

“ENOUGH!” he roars unleashing the walls around him, which strike and disorientate you. With this distraction he blasts you in the stomach causing you to fly backward and land on one of the sets of stairs.

“OOF!” you grunt as the ice starts to melt where they’ve come in contact with the shards.

“You think you can lecture me? You who tortured me? You who chased me with an army of monsters who nearly killed me? You know nothing of my life!” he growls as spittle flies from his mouth.

“Look, I’m sorry alright?! I’m sorry I hurt you I didn’t know you were-” You begin before he sends another blast at you to which you dodge by going over the stair railing.

“That I was a kid?!” he finishes your thought in a voice filled with rage. “It’s not like anyone ever thinks about who the Monster really is, especially when they’re trying to Kill them!”

“I didn’t want to kill you! I wasn’t thinking straight! I was-“

“Bullspit!” he cries out, sending more icicle missiles at you with a dangerous glint in his eye. “Your head was clearly in the game enough to send your horrifying wolves after me! And what was it you said? You were gonna BITE my hooves off? Or how about when you wanted to ignite the Spark to barbecue this grilled moron?” The wind current around him begins to grow faster as he gets to within melee range and starts slashing with his gauntlet and punching with his free hoof at you.

“Please, I’m sorry! The stupid amulet magnified my rage. I-” You begin but are interrupted as his blades rake across a few pieces of your shards, and a wave of red magic pushes the two of you away from each other.

“Gragh!” he growls as he skids across the floor.

“Ack!’ you grunt as you hit the wall. The shards are hot in your chest, and you can see the damage done on them by the blades, but it’s not nearly enough.

“Oh ‘the amulet made you lose control’ huh?” he spits in disbelief. “What a crock, you’re not losing control right now, and you didn’t outside when yelling at those stupid alicorns! So it’s just me that’s the exception huh?”

“Hey! I can’t control the stupid things! You’re the one who cut them and-“

“And let’s not forget that you’re the one who put this thing on willingly to stop Mr. Veggie outside!” he interrupts and you grit your teeth in frustration. “And don’t tell me you didn’t know the risks after what it did to that showmare the changeling almost killed!

“I didn’t have a choice!” you say through gritted teeth as the shards grow brighter.

“Oh, so someone made you put it on?” he mocks as he starts releasing more fog. “Typical pony logic, quick to blame everything else instead of admitting your own faults. You always curse Lady Luck for giving you misfortune and bad luck. Well guess what? I never had luck to begin with!”

“Oh I fully admit this thing was my fault,” you say in annoyance as you start flapping you wings hard to negate it’s effect. “And I still regret it, but what I don’t regret is saving all those innocents and my friends from the plant monster!”

“Innocent? Friends?! Ha! That’s one of the biggest loads of bullspit I’ve ever heard!” he taunts within the fog. “Among the ponies, there are no innocents. And friends? Another lie they use in order to keep everyone in line. But when it comes down to it, all their speeches about love and tolerance, kindness and loyalty, mean nothing when they’re faced with something that challenges their ideas and rules. Then their true colors shine, and they’re cruel, vicious, deceitful, manipulative and backstabbing hypocrites!!!”

While ranting he attempts to strike at you with his blade from the fog, but you parry with the pole, grab his hoof, put it behind his back and slam him up against the wall.

“Ack!” he grunts while you keep pressure on him, which sends chills down your spine.

“Yeah?! Then what makes the people you're working with any better?! They don’t care about you! They’re just using you to meet their own goals! And what makes you so high and mighty to call us out for being mean when you do no better?!” you interrogate into his ear. He stops struggling at that and the wind stops emanating off of him.

Wait really? Did that get through to-

Your thoughts are cut off as he starts to shake and let out insane laughter.

“Heh ...heh...hehe…haha ha ha AHHAHAHA!” he bellows as his body starts to become unbearably cold and you wince. “You (heh) don’t think (ha) I don’t know what they’re doing? You don’t think I recognize what they’re doing with me? I know they’re just using me for my power, so they can put their own regime over princesses' government. But I don’t give a buck about what they want or what their goals are.”

“Then why are you-EEK!” you wince as he kicks his back leg backward into your groin. Now, you may not have nards, but still, an icy shot in that area still isn’t pleasant, and you let go of him and stumble backward.

“Hey! That’s my gimmick!” you complain before he whips around and you see that not only are his pupils gone, but his mane is whipping about like how Sombra’s did, and his entire body starts to become translucent.

“You want proof?” he says with a broken voice as he waves his hoof across himself as if presenting a prize. As he does, his cultist cloak shatters around him and falls to the ground as he roars, “I’M THE LIVING PROOF OF THE CRUELTY OF PONY KIND!

Tears flow freely from his glowing eyes, forming icicles on his cheeks, and as his body glows ethereally the many scars he has shine with a white glow. They are old, but wicked, as if he’d fallen into a blender that was on fire. Unlike your dad’s scars, they are healed, but they still tell a frightening story. Burns and cuts in all shapes and sizes, with one wrapping around his throat. You gasp at the horrific sight, especially when you look at your contributions from the lake.

“This ...is what you ponies are truly capable of,” he all but whimpers with his shaky voice, recoiling at the sight of his own scars. “Violence and hatred because of what I am, a monster in their eyes, and I will pay it back TENFOLD!”

The wind starts to whip around him again and snow starts to pile up at his hooves.

“…All this because you’re half Windigo?” you ask with sympathy in your voice.

“Oh, figured that out did you?” he sneers. “Well, it’s not like I had a say in the matter, but that still didn’t stop them from tormenting me for being an abomination, even when all I wanted was a normal life.”

“I…” you try to say something, but you are taken aback.

“I didn’t fight back for the longest time, I didn’t want them to have a real reason to fear me, but that was naive. Because all it takes is lashing out once to make it all stop to give them their excuse.” He then starts slowly walking towards you, snow billowing all around him. “The excuse they were hoping for.”

“…Frost, listen. Not all ponies are-“

“DON’T!” he shouts in distress, his skin becoming even more translucent, showing his shining skeleton somewhat and causing the wind to whip harder. “Don’t you dare say that after what they did to me! It’s all just waiting under the surface, the desire to make a spectacle of the things they fear! Why else would they have had that enchanted noose ready? Why else would they have giddily dragged me through the town while it seared my icy flesh and they pelted me with rocks?!”

“I…” you say taking a step back.

“That stake they tied me to didn’t just happen, they were prepared for it! They wanted it so badly!” he says as his voice becomes more unhinged. “And you wanna know the crazy thing Nightmare? A part of me had seen it coming. Even as they set that pyre aflame, I knew it had been an inevitability…but I didn’t see them setting the house on fire too…”

The icy tears intensify as he roars,

“They killed my MOM!!!!!!!

The wind pushes you back and you cover your face with a wing.

“I was one thing, but they took her away from me first! All because of what my father was!” he rants lost in the horrid memory. “Even as the flames licked my skin, and the rope deprived me of air, I remember her cries coming from the burning house…I still hear them…”

He all but whimpers that last part and it hits you right in the feels. You’d helped a filly that had gone through such an injustice in the past…but Ruby had already been dead. Even still, you want nothing more than to console the poor colt, but before you can he looks to you with that mad gaze.

“And that’s when I finally snapped,” he says with that mad cackle. “They wanted a monster, so I gave them one. I froze them. I froze their whole bloody town.”

“You froze the whole town?” you ask sounding disturbed.

“Oh yes,” he nods with that mad glint. “It’s not that hard when they’re all surrounding you as you burn to death. I froze them all and myself…all of us frozen statues for over a thousand years.”

“A thousand years?” you gasp in befuddlement.

“That’s what the Suns said when they thawed me out, even though the pain is still fresh in my mind” he says now grinning manically. “And I’m inclined to believe them with all this modern tech I’ve seen in the last two years.”

“That…that actually makes a lot more sense,” you say aloud. You’d been wondering how ponies today could be so bloodthirsty, and now you have your answer. It wasn’t ponies today, but ponies from the past. And from what Sombra and your Mom have told you, the past wasn’t a kind place.

“Really? Because it doesn’t to me!” he spits. “How can a thousand years pass and nothing has changed?”

“But things have changed! Ponies in the old days were-“

“The same as they are today, but with less tech,” he argues. “But under the surface, they’re the same at heart, even the Suns. When I first awoke, I feared them, but they gave me a purpose and a place to belong, even training me to fight and giving me a gem to make me look like an adult. I knew they were using me, but it felt great to be part of something, and when Flag Burner finally awoke, I found someone who was honest with his intentions, not like that shady DWC guy.”

“DWC?” you ask never having heard that name before, but he shakes his head.

“It doesn’t matter, the point is Flag Burner was also someone who’s not exactly a pony, and he’s always been straightforward. Unlike you, he actually listened to what I had to say,” he spits.

“For the last time, I wasn’t thinking straight because of the amulet!” you excuse and he shakes his head.

“Excuses, excuses. That’s all you have. You know, when I first heard about you I sympathized?” he says throwing you for a loop. “Burner may want him dead, but when you were controlling the Offender, I understand completely. I mean, you were rejected by society and hated, forced to spend a thousand years on the moon, and when you came back, you were forced from your body. If that’d happened to me, I’d have controlled a giant buck to get revenge too.”

“I am not Nightmare Moon Gorrammit!” you curse as the wendicolt eyes become even more unhinged, but he doesn’t listen to you.

“But of course when I went to you, that sympathy went out the window. You’re just a hypocrite like the rest. A pony who attacks first and asks questions never! And when I came back beaten, Flag Burner looked at me in disappointment!” he laughs as his back hooves start to get whispy and gaseous. “And that means I’m not as useful to them, and they’ll no doubt throw me out after this is all over. I’ll be hunted and hated forever and never have a normal life!”

“Yes, because they’re the bad guys! But no one else will hunt you like that, I can help you!” you try to plead, but he keeps shaking his head in stubborn madness.

“Help me? You can’t even help yourself. And they’ve hunted you these last four years, an ancient evil now in child form. How would I be any different?!” he hisses.

“Because we’re not evil! For buck’s sake, take a moment and breathe and stop being a hypocrite yourself, this isn’t the way to ease your pain!”

“I’ve heard enough of you and everyone else's lies!” he refutes as he opens his mouth and fires another beam to which you block with a magic barrier.

“Come on! We can stop fighting! I don’t want to hurt you anymore!” you say as you open the inventory and reach for the Locket. “Look, I even have your-Wagh!” you yelp as you dodge another of his beams. “Gorrammit!”

“I’m tired of hearing your bullspit, I won’t be tricked again! Not by you! Not by anypony!” he declares in a broken hollow tone as he starts half walking, half floating towards you.

“Please don’t,” you warn him, but he ignores your advice and you sigh as you twirl the Power Pole. “Fine, come at me then.” Music then starts playing from nowhere as a music number is activated and he begins to sing.

It's time I finally accepted this lesson.
It's time that I finally understand.

He begins as more fog emanates from him.

I could never be given kindness from anyone
in this or any other land.

He fires off another blast, which you counter with your own magic missile, still not moving.

I once hoped for friendship.
To find a home among my kind.
But those were the childish wishes.
Of someone who was always blind.

He charges at you with his blades, one of orichalcum and one of ice. You parry both.

It’s time I opened up my eyes
To finally see the world from where I stand.
Alone, tortured and forgotten.
Robbed of the life I could never have.

“Yes you were robbed, but a better life can still be obtained!” you chide as you push the pole into his stomach and extend it, throwing him backward.

I’ve finally opened up my Eyes!
Given up my bittersweet and hopeful dreams
It's time to grow up and get wise
Come now, you stupid foal, open up your eyes!

“No! Don’t you give up! I know it’s hard to see all the good with all the crap that’s been thrown at you, but it’s still there!” you counter as he raises his hoof and sends more of the chilled icy air full of icicles, to which you duck.

I started out just the same.
With simple naïve love.
Shielded from the many ways.
That the world’s cruel and unjust

He continues, disappearing into the fog, causing you to take a defensive stance.

But then there came the moment
The truth that I had to face
If you have faith in others
You'll only end up in an early grave.

He then charges forth with his blade again and you parry, but this time he encases the grip of the Pole in ice, attaching it to his hoof.

“Hey!” you say indignantly as you two start to tug of war with it.

And as I took that first step,
Upon a path that I was forced to roam.
I saw it all so clearly.
The only way to survive on my own!

The ice on the pole then starts trying to crawl it’s way up your hooves, so you quickly let go of it and push him back with a telekinetic blast. As he skids to a halt, he un ices the pole and throws it off into the mist before pointing his remaining blade at you.

I’ve opened up my Eyes!
I now see the world for where it stands!
Cruel, unfair, and filled with pain!
A world where I would never be accepted.

The sloshy tears roll off his face, as he stalks towards you.

“Then let me show you otherwise,” you demand. Steeling your gaze in determination, you don’t move from your spot. Rather, you open your forelegs as if offering a hug.

I’ve Opened up my Eyes!!
And beheld the nonexistent light!
I’ve finally grown up and gotten wise.
Yes now, little one, I’ve opened up my eyes.

Not even caring that you’re standing still he dashes forth and leaps through the air, his whole body like a spear as he holds his blade out to skewer you.


He finishes as his blade inches towards your shrapnel filled chest.

“Then how can you still be so blind?” you say calmly as the crystal floor underneath shoots out like a claw and ensnares him.

“Urk!” he gasps as his momentum is instantly stopped.

“If your eyes were really open, then you’d see I haven’t even been going all out,” you say tiredly as you bend more of the earth to encase his legs. Growling, he starts to light up his horn, but you encase that in crystal too, blocking off his access.

“Grrrr,” he growls defiantly as he tries to thrash within his earthen snares. “You will fall to me!” He then opens his mouth to let off a beam, but you simply close his jaw shut and glare into his soul.

“And do you know why? Because unlike with your little song, I actually DID open my eyes! I’ve always been powerful, and this amulet gives it a boost, but letting it control me hurts folks that don’t deserve it,” you lecture as he is forced to listen to you. “And you know that better than anyone in this room.”

Your eyes then glow white and he trembles under your hoof.

“Even back at the lake, that wasn’t my full potential…and I’m not going to start now, because you don’t deserve that. You’ve been hurt enough, flailing around as blind as you are, so instead of opening up your eyes, maybe unclog your ears,” you order as the shadows billow around the stones and around the parts of him that are still ethereal. The moment they touch, he starts to solidify and he starts gasping under your hoof, a look of fear in his eyes.

“It’s over,” you say with finality.

“No…” Frost whimpers, from under your hoof. “No! It can’t end like this!”

“Yes it will, because it’s the only way you’ll see the truth,” you say before glancing off to the side. “Spike, can you come over here for a second?”

“Sure thing,” the purple dragon says as he walks up and hands you back your power pole, water dripping off him.

“So how come you didn’t jump in during the last bit there?” you ask him, having seen him standing on the sideline watching as the colt sang.

“I figured you had it handled, and I was right,” he says gesturing to the sobbing entombed colt.

“Well thanks for the confidence,” you smirk before pointing at the still extended orichalcum blade. “Think you can take care of that?”

“No problem,” he proclaims as he takes the extended and trapped left gauntlet and chews it away like he did with the right one.

“NOOOOO!!!” Frost’s muffled shout echoes from your hoof, but the deed is done as the deadly magic canceling blade clanks to the ground. Spike then picks up the blade, along with the other one from earlier.

“What do you want me to do with them?”

“Give them the T-1000 treatment,” you tell him. Locked out of time, the colt doesn’t understand what that means, until he sees Spike place them on the ground before breathing fire on them, focusing the flame until it gets hotter and hotter.

“AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” the colt roars and spasms under your hoof, but Spike keeps going until the metal turns red hot before melting away into useless slag.

He then begins whimpering at that as you turn your gaze back to his.

“I’m not going to hurt you anymore, but I can’t have you trying to hurt me or others at the same token,” you say as you finally take your hoof off his mouth.

“It’s not fair….it’s not fair!” He cries miserably within the shadowy and crystalline restraints.

“I know it’s not fair Frost. Life isn’t fair, but just because we got dealt a bad hand doesn’t mean you make it miserable for others,” you say in sympathy. He’s not a monster after all, he’s just a sad, lost, broken kid.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Zapper Frost’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

“I’ve lost everything though…aren’t I owed something?” he whimpers and you frown.

“Sure you are. You’re owed a second chance, a real second chance, not what those guys taking ponies hostage offered,” you tell him truthfully. “And most of all, you’re owed an apology.”

“What apology? What would that change when there’s so much misery and-“

"Listen!” you order sternly before he can start ranting again. “Don’t be a dumb buck like everypony else over these last four years and just listen. “I’m sorry okay?”

He doesn’t say anything to that, but he still stares at you with this mistrustful eyes and you sigh.

“I’ve said it before that I wasn’t thinking straight because of the amulet, and that’s true…but you were right, it’s not an acceptable excuse.” He seems taken aback by that admittance, but you continue. “Sure it twists your desires and emotions, but those have to be there in the first place and they were. I’ve just been so angry for the last four years. Angry at all the stupid ponies that kept chasing us and the countless villains that popped up along the way. Like you, I was angry that I didn’t get to have a normal life…and that night at the lake, I let my frustrations out on you.”

You then reach into your inventory and pull out the locket and his expression softens from the shock and surprise.

“I’m sorry I hurt you and made you think the worst about the ponies of today. They can stumble and buck up a lot, and there’s bad eggs amongst them, but there are a lot of good ones overall.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

The trapped colt is transfixed by the locket hovering in front of him as you give your lecture.

“This can’t be real….this has to be some sick-” He starts until you open the hatch revealing the portrait of the smiling unicorn mare. “....Mom,” he whispers gently as he tries to reach his hoof out towards it. Noticing this, you make the snares more malleable, allowing him to grasp his possession.

“I thought I’d lost this forever…” he gasps as he stares at the portrait.

“It was a bit dinged up, and I couldn’t reattach whatever magic was on it, but I fixed it up for you,” you tell him truthfully. “I’ve been wanting to give it back for awhile, though I was hoping it wouldn’t have been under such pressure.” He just continues to stare at the jewelry in his hoof for a few silent moments before looking to you with confused eyes.

“Why? After all I did, why would you do this Nightmare Moon?”

“Because I’m not Nightmare Moon,” you say with a sigh as you start to bend away all the crystal around him. “I never was nor ever will be Nightmare Moon. My name is Nightshade, and I’m so sorry for what I did to you.”

You then put a gentle hoof on his shoulder.

“And I’m sorry for what you’ve had to go through in the past.”

He starts to sniffle at that as he looks back down at the portrait in his hooves.

“I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I’d feel any different from you if someone took my Mom and Dad away from me, but believe me, I’ve seen it first hoof. You gotta let that anger go or it will fester and bubble forth and hurt those that don’t deserve it.”

“I…they…” he stammers not taking his eyes off the picture.

“Last year, I met a filly named Ruby. She was a ghost who had been executed centuries ago because she got her cutie mark,” you tell him and he looks up at that. “It was unjust and cruel and horrible, but her town had feared cutie marks because of a plague…but that didn’t justify it. And in her anger, her soul lashed out and cursed the town, to get vengeance on them.”

He nods, clearly knowing exactly how that poor filly felt, but you continue.

“But her anger lashed out to even those that didn’t deserve, even those that she’d cared for. Night after night the inhabitants suffered from a demon, but there were no doubt others who had stumbled into that town,” you say with a shudder. “But me and my cousin, we laid her to rest like she wanted, because after so long, she realized that holding onto that rage was torment for her as well.”

Spike then puts a claw on his other shoulder, and the colt doesn’t resist.

“You don’t forget the past, but you can’t keep living in it either,” he adds. “There are good creatures out there. All of them can be stubborn or pigheaded, but not everyone is out to hurt you.”

“But…my race. I’m not even a true pony,” he says weakly.

“Neither am I,” you say with a smirk. “I’m part changeling on my Dad’s side. And you know what? None of my friends care. They accepted me for who I was. That’s the difference between now and the tribal ponies of the past. It may take some getting used to, but there are places here that quite frankly don’t care what you are, as long as you’re a good person.”

“You can believe her buddy, the good outweigh the bad,” Spike says. “And um, let me apologize for punching ya in the nose earlier. Kind of got heated.”

“We all did, but that’s okay, we can move on, and you don’t have to do it alone. There’s plenty of good folks that can help you along, and give you a place to belong,” you encourage.

“I…” he says as he looks down at the locket before he starts crying again, only they aren’t sorrowful tears. He holds the locket to his chest and closes his eyes as he weeps, and you and Spike both give him a comforting hug. He’s still chilly to the touch, but nowhere near freezer burn. “I’m sorry too…thank you.”

His voice is still weak, but you can sense the lighter emotion in his tone thanks to your changeling heritage, hope returning back to his frozen heart.

“It’s no problem at all,” you say as you pat him on the shoulder and lean back with Spike. “And I wish I could sit here and keep reassuring you, but we don’t have the time.”

He looks up at that slightly confused.

“Why not?”

“Because we’ve got to rescue the Princesses and Elements,” Spike says looking back towards the frosted over door.

“Oh…right,” Frost says as he remembers what’s going on in the rest of the stadium.

“I was going to try and take care of that first before we had this moment, but you’re a pretty relentless guy,” you say in a joking tone to which he laughs at.

“Yeah, that’s one word for it…” he says quietly.

“I promise, we can talk and help you more, but we’ve got our mission, and we’re running behind schedule,” you say plainly. “I won’t ask you to help us fight the Suns, but can I at least ask you one thing?”

“I…sure?” he guesses more than anything.

“Can you clear a path to a stadium exit for us? The hostages are gonna need an escape route once we free them.”

“I…I guess I could do that,” he nods as he places the locket back over his head. “But uh, can you give me a moment to rest? I kind of used up a lot of power trying to hurt you guys…”

“Take your time,” you nod as you look to Spike. “Come on, let’s do this.”

And as you both trot away down a corridor that Spike opens up with his fire breath, Frost sits down and lets out a fogy sigh as he holds the locket to his forehead.


Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

Zapper frost’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

After leaving Frost behind in the main foyer, you and Spike go through a few rooms overlooking the field, but you both pause as you reach one with a bunch of magical recording equipment.

“Oh hey, this must be the broadcast booth,” Spike says looking around.

“So this is where all the signals are being sent to Equestria?” you ask and he nods.

“Yup, though I’m no expert in it.”

You look at all the many different TV screens displaying the chaos unfolding from many different angles.

“Wait a second,” you say as your eyes catch on an angle showing the captured Princesses and Elements. “Look at this Spike.”

Walking over he looks at the screen and winces when he sees all of his friends captured and in distress.

“That freaking sicko, making them all watch,” he growls.

“No, not that, look where the plant’s coming out from,” you say pointing. Looking closely, he sees what you noticed. The vine holding them is coming from an actual hatch in the stadium floor.

“What the-Why’s there a hatch there?” he asks.

“I remember Sweetie Belle talking about something like this in sports stadiums. Whenever there’s a hoofball game or something and there’s a half time show, they’ll have singers come up out of the ground by a cargo elevator.”

“So the plant that’s holding them has a blind underside?” he says finally putting two and two together.

“Exactly!” you nod and point at him. “We get to that hatch, we burn it out, and then everyling will just fall to us and we’ll catch them.”

“But how are we gonna find that path? It’s back in the basement level right?” he asks.

“We follow the cables,” you say pointing to the wires that lead from the monitors towards the various cameras around the stadium.

“Alright,” he nods as you both look to the monitor displaying the captives and begin to follow the wire…


When suddenly all the equipment in the room starts going haywire.

“What the buck?” you say as the images start distorting again and suddenly you see…”Mommy?”

Just like before, the weird movie is playing again, only this time it shows your mother being tortured and turned to stone by the Elements of Harmony.

“NOOO!!!” you scream in terror as the flashing images show your mother pleading, but she receives no mercy. “What the buck?! What the buck is this?!” you say as you start to hyperventilate.

“Ah, what’s this? Nightmare Moon trying to garner sympathy?” Flag Burner taunts as he watches the frightening images. “Well it’s too late to beg for mercy false godess!”

“Wh-What is this?” Celestia says in shock as she sees herself taunting the scared mare, even from her vine restraints.

“I…I do not know sister,” Luna says in shock as well. “And I don’t understand, why does Nightmare Moon look even more like me? We were never that size when we were joined.”

“I…Twilight?” Rarity asks in confusion, but the other mare just looks on in confusion.

“This…this didn’t happen…” she says in utter bafflement.

“Is this the future?” asks Pinkie Pie.

Then the images of a changeling with orange hair taunting the frozen alicorn show up, along with him kissing several mares, including three of them.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy says with a blush.

“What the what?” Rainbow sputters with her own.

“Okay, that definitely ain’t the future, not after all I’ve learned!” Applejack closes her eyes and shakes her head.

“R-Right,” Fluttershy nods before her ears flop. “Also, why are we being so cruel?”

“Oho my, getting a little saucy aren’t we?” Flag Burner cackles.

Back In Ponyville

“Octavia, why are we making out with The Offender on the screen?” Vinyl asks her friend as they and the rest of the Horde watch the screen in bafflement.

“I have no idea, but this is just defamation!” she snarls with pink cheeks.

Also watching is Aloe who is staring slack jawed as her doppelganger joins in on the screen.

“Are you okay sister?” Lotus asks.

“…I honestly have no idea. I’m still trying to wrap my head around Tennant being the Offender still,” she says, remembering the confrontation between you and Celestia before Flag Burner crashed the party.

“I don’t know if any of us saw that coming,” Octavia says feeling conflicted.

“Eh, either way, I’d still do him,” Vinyl shrugs and points at the screen. “And fake me up there agrees.”

“Whatever’s going on, I hope Jack’s alright,” Bon Bon whispers to herself.

“What was that Bonnie?” asks Lyra.

“Nothing, just…very confused,” she responds. And that confusion only deepens as the screen flickers and shows King Sombra being swarmed and tormented by ponies.

Back In The Crystal Empire

Gasps and screams ring out throughout the stadium from the crystal ponies as they see their former usurper appear on the projection screens.

“Sombra...” Shining Armor grits his teeth, remembering getting skewered by him.

“Why is he being shown?” Celestia gasps and Cadence starts to look on apprehensively, knowing what Nightshade had told her.

“Is that Princess Amore?” Luna asks in befuddlement, not having seen the dead mare in over a millennium.

Everyone watches as the tyrant is plagued by angry crystal ponies, the undead amore…and another crystal unicorn mare.

“Old, cold and alone…” she chants ominously, though heavily distorted, which sends a shiver up everyone’s spines.

“Uh…” Flag Burner pauses at the display. “What’s the point in showing this guy being tormented?”

“That mare, she looks familiar,” Luna says with a squint.

“As she should, she was the one who warned us of Sombra’s usurpation of the throne. She was also once a candidate for ascension,” Celestia says in remembrance.

“Radiant Hope…” Cadence says with understanding as she watches the dead mare torment the former king. And as he falls into an abyss of darkness, a part of her can’t help but feel a tug of sympathy for him.


“Sombra…” Radiant Hope herself says in worry as she sees her friend being overwhelmed by the crystal ponies, Amore, and a horrifying version of herself. “Wh-what is going on?”

“It seems like someone is trying to showcase his suffering by hijacking the signal,” Flim says with a whistle.

“Though what kind of technology that would take, I couldn’t tell ya,” Flam finishes.

She then watches as the images of him in a cage being taunted by the Hooded Offender and Nightmare Moon are shown, and she grits her teeth.

“Those monsters! They’re torturing him!” she snarls.

“Hmm, I wouldn’t expect less from my @#$%&,” the Queen of the changelings says as she looks with a crazed, longing look at the image of the changeling in the orange hair. “Though why he’s showing this, I couldn’t even fathom. But I’m not too keen on him with all those other mares earlier.”

“Well I don’t appreciate what he’s doing to Sombra!” Hope shouts at the queen. “Are we almost ready?”

“Just about little anxious pony,” Chrysalis smiles cruelly. “Just about…”
Her taunting is cut off as the screen flickers again, and everyone gasps as the Phase 4 Cloak is shown fighting an army of enemies.


DWC sits with a bucket of popcorn, his eyes nearly touching his screen as he sees Bugze rampaging, yet still losing to the army of the cloned enemies.

“Now this is getting good,” he says giddily. “Cracks in reality showing off their suffering?! Mmph! So good! Thank you cracks in reality! You make for a better show than ol’ scraphead.”

Back At The Stadium

You stare slack jawed at their suffering. First your mother, then Sombra, and finally, your father. He is in his Phase 4, and he fights a losing battle against the countless foes you’ve made over the years. There is no end in sight for them, as that winged human looking thing watches over him.

“Wait a minute, is that Twilight’s Human form?” Spike gasps.

“Wh-What?” you say tearing your gaze away from the image.

“That purple creature with wings! It looks similar to how Twilight looked when we went to the human world! Only…much darker looking.”

“Well what sense does that make? Twilight’s inside the mouth of a giant fly trap right now,” you point out.

“I don’t know, but I swear that thing looks similar,” Spike shrugs.

“You think this display will frighten me Offender?!” Flag Burner challenges. “With my tech I will crush you despite whatever gift your mistress has bestowed upon you!”

“This guy is like a broken record!” you huff as you start looking around the studio. “But seriously where is all this video coming from? Why’s Daddy in the Phase 4? Why are the Elements attacking Mommy? Why are zombies swarming Sombra?! Why…Why do I hear Rock Music?”

You didn’t notice it before with all the chaos erupting, but now the distant sound of Heavy Metal music catches your ear.

“Maybe it’s an audio cue for the broadcasters?” Spike theorizes but you shake your head.

“Nah, nah, this sounds warbled and weird,” you say as you start moving many wires and monitors out of the way towards the back of the room. Once you move an unused booth camera, you find the source of the noise.

“What the buck?” you mutter with a raised brow. In front of you is a shimmering…crack in the middle of the wall. The distant Rock music is coming from it, and being in it’s proximity makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end.

“This…feels familiar,” Spike says furrowing his brow.

“Well it sure doesn’t to me. It’s giving me an uneasy feeling more than anything,” you say as you study it more. The more you look at it, the more you begin to see tiny waves of energy radiating off of it in intervals. Whenever it does so, the broadcasting equipment starts to warble and those images of your family are shown.

“Wait, is this the other reality Dad-“ you start to say before being interrupted by a powerful voice.

“Get The Tartarus Away From My Dad!” the distant yell of a female voice rings out, startling both you and Spike.

“Ah Jeeze! I’m Sorry! I didn’t know this crack was your dad!” you apologize and back up before your face droops and you facehoof. “I just apologized to a crack in the wall.”

“Now I know I’ve heard that voice before!” Spike says in realization.

“You have?” you say in surprise and he nods.

“Yeah, I think that’s Sunset Shimmer,” he says, still sounding surprised. The name sounds familiar to you too as Spike had told you about his adventures in Human Land.

“Wait, that mare that stole Twilight’s crown and went through that mirror portal?”

“Yeah! I swear that’s her voice,” Spike says with surety.

“Okay…well who’s bugging her Dad this much that she’s so angry?” you ask, and for some reason a bit of jealousy hits you.

“I have no-“ Spike starts, but is cut off as the crack widens and more energy starts to waft from it, causing the videos from before to appear…but things have started to change.

“Is that me?” you gasp, going bug eyed as an image of you seemingly pep talking Sombra appears. He breaks free of his cage and the crystal ponies in the audience gasp. Though his words are distorted, everyone can see his regretful demeanor towards the hordes of crystal ponies in the darkness. There is then a tender moment between him and the image of Radiant Hope. Elsewhere, the real Hope touches her chest tenderly at the display while her allies roll their eyes.

“Um, I guess that other me did something?” you ask to Spike who just shrugs.

Then the image changes and shows you showing up to save your mother. The voices are distorted, but it does sound like you encouraging her to break out of her prison, which she does. She then blasts away all the mares around the image of your Dad before she tenderly speaks with him and makes him shoot blood out of his nose.

You avert your eyes at this, and look away with a blush.

“Ah jeeze Mommy,” you say in embarrassment and Spike chuckles nervously at the display.
Back in Ponyville, several of the mares represented in the broadcast feel a shiver go down their spine over Selena blasting them away.

“Is this supposed to tug at our heartstrings?! What is this sappy imagery Offender?!” Flag Burner calls out, losing patience.

The Elements and Princesses though are having their heartstrings plucked to the contrary of Burner’s words.

“This Nightshade filly…she’s guiding them?” Celestia says in shock.

“Sombra looked repentant…Nightmare Moon cast off her armor,” Luna says in disbelief.

“That’s the power of love Aunties,” Cadence says, sounding smug despite their situation. “Love for your family, Love for your special someone, and Love for your friend. Whatever the category, Love goes a long way.”

“Even Sombra?” Shining asks after seeing him holding the Hope mare. To that, Cadence bites her lip.

“I mean…I guess even monsters have loved ones…” she admits reluctantly.

“So…she really does love him doesn’t she?” Fluttershy asks hesitantly watching as Selena embraces Bugze.

“With those steamy eyes, I’d have to give a hard yes on that,” Pinkie Pie quips.

“Oh…My…” Fluttershy says, the guilt of her past jealous hatred eating away at her.

“Then…that filly was telling the truth,” Celestia says breathlessly.

“If these images are to be believed anyway,” Rarity points out.

“Where are they even coming from?” asks Applejack.

“I…I still can’t wrap my head around this,” Twilight stutters.

“Join the club Twi, neither can we,” Rainbow snarks.

“No, not about the transmissions,” she corrects. “I mean, true I’m baffled at the moment, but I was talking about that winged human.”

Even as she says that the image changes back to Bugze in the midst of Phase 4 battling everyone, and above is that figure, with a similar non winged figure just behind it.

“What about that figure Twilight?” asks Luna.

“Aside from the wings, that looks like me when I went to the human world,” she explains. The others all blink in confusion at that as they study the images more closely.

You and the literal captive audience all see as the Human Twilight thing is crying and not looking towards the battle, but then as he’s dogpiled by the endless swarm images of another him with yellow eyes appears and starts to pep talk him. His form begins to change back to normal as images of the past flash.

Images of happy moments, with Bugze in his many personas helping to save the day and making friends and bettering the lives of all those around him. Flag Burner snarls at the flashing images as the Bugze on screen starts to swell with confidence, while everyone else watches in rapt attention.

When the images of his bounty hunting days flash by, Celestia, Luna and quite a number of the population of Equestria drop their jaws.

In Canterlot

Flash Sentry, in the midst of mobilizing defenses for the city pauses as he sees the newest development.

"No way man..." he moans to himself. First Tennant my bro is outed as the Offender and now also the Crimson Vengeance?"

"Is something the matter sir?" Strong Head asks with a scrub bucket.

"Nothing! Get back in the latrine!" Flash orders a bit upset as his former CO whimpers and goes back to cleaning.

Looking back to the broadcast stream he feels very, very guilty.

"I can't believe I hunted my bro so many times and didn't even know it. Ya could have at least told me dude," he sighs before shaking his head and getting back to work. With the princesses captured, Canterlot needs to be on alert after all.

Back In The Empire

“He…he’s also the Crimson Vengeance?” Celstia says in disbelief.

“The hero who we awarded the highest award in the land?” Luna says, even more of her worldview shattering.

“He Is?!” Twilight, Shining and Rarity all exclaim as the Doctor’s Geas is finally completely destroyed.

“But…that means…” Luna starts as her brain starts to reboot.

“That he was using his powers to do good…” Celestia trails off before looking at her sister. “That Nightmare Moon…”

“Nightmare Moon…wasn’t forcing him into this…” Luna finishes, still sounding breathless.

“She was giving her power to him freely, to do with what he wished,” Cadence nods, still with a hint of gloating, but then her face falls as she sees a scarred version of herself stabbing Bugze. “What the what?!”

In a broken landscape, her doppelganger stabs the changeling, but the shadows of the Alicorn Mare in his head swirl around and break the blade, saving him, but bringing great harm to herself.

“I never did that! What is this?” Cadence says in disbelief.

“I don’t know…but she is saving him,” Fluttershy says, finally understanding just how far the mare on the moon has gone for Bugze.

More images flash showing happiness blossoming out of the depths of mayhem and heartache. Flashes of all the good each and every one of them has done. Then, there are images of humans, very familiar looking humans and his ineractions with them.

“I knew it! Those are my human friends!” Twilight calls out. “There’s Sunset and Flash and all your counterparts and…Me?”

Several images of Human Twilight wearing glasses are shown, as well as countless other humans.

“That’s Sunset Shimmer?” Celestia says with a gasp. “I…I haven’t seen her in so long.”

“Okay, this is stupid! What’s with the My Little Human bullspit?!” Flag Burner spits in disgust.

And then as the Bugze on screen is done reflecting on these good times, Nightshade appears on top of that yellow eyed doppelganger and smiles.

From there, he turns the tides against the shadowy enemies and challenges the winged humanoid as the world around him burns.

Everyone sees this who has access to a screen. EVERYONE. All across Equestria, creatures finally see the truth of the ones they call The Hooded Offender and Nightmare Moon. Even the Outcasts, spread apart as they are, see the display on the monitors, and they become filled with determination.

Above the stadium, blocked from view by the vines of the monster, more tears in reality begin to form.

“THAT IS ENOUGH!” Flag Burner yells as he shoots a laser on the wrist of his mech at the jumbo screen, which damages it. “Enough of this Turgid Passion Play!”

He then lumbers the mech over towards the Elements and he holds his laser wrist cannon towards them which causes them to wince and cry out as the vines squeeze them tighter.

“Offender! Nightmare Moon! Whoever! I’ve had enough of your tabloid journalism! If you don’t come come out on this field in Ten Seconds, then I start making examples!” he threatens. “One!”

“Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck,” you start to panic as he starts to count down.


“Crap, what do we do here? We can’t rescue them if they’re dead!” Spike panics as well.


“Well then you’re gonna have to head towards the hatch Spike!” you say as the shards start to glow.


“But Nightshade-“

“I gotta stall him Spike!”


“If I don’t then-“

“Alright, enough of your counting!” a familiar voice rings out.

“Huh?” you and Spike sputter.

Looking up, standing on the edge of the stands on the second story, stands The Hooded Offender.

“Hoody?” Fluttershy says in surprise.

“He’s returned?” Celestia and Luna gasp in unison.

“I’m here ya rusty bucket of bolts!”

…or at least that’s what most folks see. For you, Spike, and the Outcasts and CMC watching on the monitors, the robot fox on his back gives away his true identity.

“Oh no…” you say in worry.

“There you are Offender!” Flag Burner roars in excited glee as he lowers his mechs gauntlet and points at Grandbuggy. “Got tired of playing games with your mistress?”

“Something like that,” Grandbuggy says dramatically. With all eyes on him now, most of the Suns that were searching exit the hallways, and the ones still holding the audience members hostage have their sights set on him. “Now, how about you stop tormenting these nice folks huh? Your issue is with me!”

“You’re right, my issue is with you! After you killed me I-GYAGH!” before he even has a chance to monologue, Grandbuggy immediately pulls out his Bowler hat and that gattling laser from Appleloosa begins to fire out of it. Flag Burner takes a few shots before he raises a metal arm and the metal cockpit covers him.

Clearly not expecting this, the other Suns hesitate before trying to fire at him, which is all Grandbuggy needs to leap out from the railing.

“Start Slinging Abomination!” he calls out and Mangle barks in acknowledgement. You now see that she is wrapped around his back like a harness and you flash back to her capabilities back in Vanhoover as omni-directional gear. Sure enough, Mangle’s hooves launch out attached to cables and Grandbuggy starts zipping though the air, all the while continuing his assault on the robot suit.

“You bloody coward!” Flag Burner’s voice comes across the mech’s speakers.

“Says the guy holding hostages!” Grandbuggy declares.

“Alright Spike, let’s move!” you order the dragon as he’s got them distracted. “We need to get to the hatch before-“

“GYACK!” Grandbuggy cries out as a tendril from the vine monster strikes him midair and he falls towards the terrorist leader.

“Still as foolish as ever!” Flag Burner says as he punches his fist towards him and a blade shoots forth, stopping the changeling’s momentum on it.

“GRANDBUGGY!!!” you shout in abject horror and fear as the old bug dangles from the tip of the sword.

Gasps and cries ring out all across the stadium and the world.

“NO! NOOOO!!!” you rage as your eyes and shards blaze. You are about to jump out the window and unleash everything…when Spike grabs you by the wings.

“Wait, hold on Shade, look!” he urges you. Through your terror you look right at Grandbuggy again...and see that the sword is caught up in one of Mangle’s harness points at his shoulder.

The old bug is left dangling by the wire at the end of the sword.

“Bloody Hell! You Trying To Kill Me You Hunk of Junk?!” Grandbuggy exclaims and Flag Burner sneers.

“Something like that!” he says just as the vines wrap around Grandbuggy and tug him off of the sword.

“Ah Tartarus, I went and goofed this one up,” he grumbles as the vines wrap around him.

“Skreonk,” Mangle barks in agreement.

“Buck!” you say as you smash a monitor in front of you. “He’s still in danger Spike!”

“I know, but-“

“Spike, head on down to the hatch, I’ll take care of this,” you tell him urgently.


“Spike! Please! I’ve Got This,” youplead. He pauses for a moment with his mouth open, before he closes it and nods. He then gives you a quick hug before heading for the door.

“After I rescue everypony, I’ll come back for you,” he says stoically and your heart skips a beat. “I’ll be there for you if you start to lose control. Be careful Nightshade.”

“You too Spike,” you say, longing to go with him. He nods determinately and runs off, leaving you alone in the broadcasting room with the weird glowing crack that’s gotten even wider.

“Why aren’t you using the cloak Offender?” Flag grills Grandbuggy who struggles uselessly.

“Ah didn’t feel like it,” he excuses and the mecha-stallion growls.

“No, more like you can’t…these readings…” the cockpit opens again and the stallion glares right at Grandbuggy. “You are not the Offender!” Suddenly from the mech, a wave of energy washes over Grandbuggy, causing the illusion to waver and disappear.

The audience all gasps again as the old wrinkled bug with the bowler hat is revealed.

“Huh…well, ya got me,” he says trying to sound nonchalant.

“You’re just an old washed up changeling! Not the changeling I’m after!” he growls and Grandbuggy scowls.

“Buddy, I may be old, but I ain’t washed up. Best respect yer elders ya bucking idjit,” he scolds.

“Wait a minute that voice…” Twilight says from the side. “Mr. Quick Fix?”

“Ayup. Howdy bookworm,” Grandbuggy says to the bewildered Alicorn.

“B-But you’re a changeling.”

“Oh gee, I didn’t notice,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “Lands sake girl, I thought you were the smart one.”

“Oh, right, cuz Baker is a…” she trails off sheepishly, though Burner catches wind of it.

“Oh so you’re related then?” he asks the old bug.

“What? Can’t see the resemblance? Need a tune up in your brain ya Cyberpony wannabe!” Grandbuggy insults.

The robo-pony in response puts his metallic claw over his throat, shutting him up.

“I have no time for an insignificant withered cockroach,” Flag growls threateningly. “Now, where is the Offender?”

“Did-Hrk-Did ya trying looking up your chrome plated colon?” Grandbuggy quips as he grips at the metal around his neck. Flag Burner sneers and he starts to increase the pressure on the gauntlet. “Hrk!”


“LET HIM GO YOU BUCKER!” you cry out as you blow out the window of the Broadcast Room.

Kichi’s Comment

Flag Burner, the Suns, and the hostages all look towards you where you stand dramatically in the broken window.

“Ah, there you are Nightmare Moon,” Flag says with a smirk as the Plundervine monster hisses at your visage.

“I said let him go!” you order as the shards flash. Flag Burner chuckles, but he lets go of Grandbuggy’s neck who starts to cough.

“Ack! Shade! You gotta-Hmmph!” and suddenly the plundervine ensares him up to his neck in a fly trap like it did to the Elements and Princesses.

“There, I let him go,” he says cheekily and you snarl. “Now Nightmare Moon, why don’t you bring out your REAL pet changeling for me to play with?”

“How many bucking times do I gotta say this to you buckers before you get it through your thick bucking heads! I’M NOT NIGHTMARE MOON!” you screech as now you are on the broadcast screens as well.

“Denial is an ugly thing. And you may have these false goddesses fooled, but not me,” he accuses.

“Oh for-Fine! Be a stubborn robot flankhole!” you grunt. “But whether you believe me or not, I can’t call my Dad here!” He scowls at that and points his gauntlet at Grandbuggy.

“Then perhaps I need to give you incentive to-“

“He’s not here you jackass!” you interrupt, trying to buy as much time as possible for Spike. “He’s not even in this universe right now!”

“…What?” he says in disbelief.

“I mean have you seen these weird images on the screen?” you say pointing to the flickering image of your Dad, Mom and Sombra confronting the winged human surrounded by an army of fire allies. “I don’t quite know what’s going on, but there’s clearly no humans in our world!”

“Well of course! Because they’re fairy tale creatures,” Flag argues back. “And I have no idea what tactic you’re trying to pull with these videos but-“

“Buddy, do I look like I can make something like this?!” you say gesturing angrily.

“With your powers Nightmare Moon, I have no doubt,” he says sounding like he’s loosing patience.

“AGH! Look!” you say pointing to an image of your mom. “My mom used to be Nightmare Moon and you can see what she looks like on the screen! If I were Nightmare Moon why would I look like a filly instead of that!”

“Simple, this is how you were reborn back into the world,” Flag says confidently. “With The Offender’s help, you now have this form, and whatever that illusion on the screens is, is a bit of subterfuge.”

“I…No! You can’t have it both ways dude!” you grunt in exasperation.


“Look! If I Was My Mom “Reborn” then that means my Dad wouldn’t have his powers right?! Well he clearly does still, you saw him fighting all those monsters!”

“I…” Flag trails off, clearly not having thought of that.

“You see! Your stupid logic makes no sense! I’m not who you keep saying I am because he’s still got Mommy’s Powers in him!”

To that, you see him look baffled, but also the Princesses and Twilight seem to processing that statement.

“…There is logic in what she says,” Twilight says to the alicorn sisters.

“Yes…yes there is,” Celestia admits to herself.

“Well seeing as these are subterfuge then you are hiding that’s powerless now!” Flag growls as his red optic eye shines in anger and stubbornness. “And powerless or not I will have my vengeance on him before I conquer Equestria!”

“Oh for buck’s sake, why do all you villains try to conquer Equestria? Why not mix it up and give Griffonstone a try for once?! They don’t got much going for them.” You then look to the captured griffon athletes who look offended by that. “Oh come on, you know I’m right. Your library literally had a hole in it before that cyclops monster showed up.”

“I have no need of the Griffon Lands for now. Equestria must be liberated first because-“

“Because you’re stupid,” you interrupt his rant.

“Yes because we’re stu-Wait, No! Not that!” he says having been tripped up.

“Oh I beg to differ,” you argue. “Do you have any idea the number of ways this will go bad for you if you keep going this path? I’m not even that smart on how politics work, but I can give you at least 5 reasons why this will end badly for you.”

“Giving back power to the mortals is stupid? Getting rid of the stagnant corrupt nobility is stupid?!” he spits actually sounding on the brink of unyielding rage.

“Well, I don’t really mind if a few nobles lost their money, but if you start killing the Princesses and Elements, then it’s all over for you?!”

“How?!” he growls as he completely ignores the captured VIPs and Grandbuggy, his attention only on you.

“First and foremost, who the buck is gonna raise and lower the sun and moon?!” you ask.

“Unicorns did that job in the past, and no doubt there are trinkets within Canterlot that have serve the same function,” he says stubbornly.

“Yeah, good luck finding that. Point 2, you’ll have a war with the Dragons to deal with.”

“How do you figure that Nightmare Moon?” he sneers and you roll your eyes at the name.

“Princess Ember, daughter of Dragon Lord Torch is here. She was making friends with the Princesses for diplomat stuff, so if you hurt her or them, the Dragons will be pissed!”

“I see no Dragon Princess anywhere,” he says looking about before smirking back at you. “I think you’re bluffing.”

Back in the tunnels, said Princess spits out a mouthful of crystal wall and glares at the screen on the wall.

“That dude’s a moron,” she mutters to herself as Garble whines in stomach pain as he takes another bite out of their exit.

Back with you, you scoff at his stubbornness. You look to Grandbuggy who still seems somewhat baffled by what you’re doing, but you give him a slight wink to reassure him. He raises an eyebrow at that, but seems to trust your plan.
“Alright then smart guy, here’s a big one for ya,” you say as you point to the Elements. “You gonna hurt Fluttershy too?”

“Eep!” she says as all attention is now on her.

“One of the crown’s greatest weapons? Of course!” he says with surety.

“Well guess what dummy, you hurt her then you might as well have just killed the whole world!”

“The whole world? Really?” he says in disbelief.

“I don’t know if you heard braniac, but Discord turned over a new leaf.”

“Discord?! Bah! He’s one of the reasons why the Princesses must go! Such madness is not controllable!”

“Sure he’s still rough around the edges, but he’s getting there,” you argue. “And the only reason he’s even doing so is because of her!”

Flag then looks at Fluttershy who squirms a bit.

“I mean…he is a really great guy once you get to know him better,” she says while looking to the side with a blush.

“So yeah, you hurt her or her friends, then he won’t only be uncontained, he’ll be really bucking angry too!”

“Heh, now that would be a credible point, I have to give you that,” he says with mock respect. “Except I have it on good authority from “A Friend,” that that monstrosity has lost his powers.”

You pale a bit at that, as do the Elements and Princesses.

How the buck does he know that?! It was kept a secret! You think in frustration. Agh! Stupid Blue Flu!

“So I don’t think the world is in any real danger,” he says smugly before you grit your teeth.

“Alright then, the last point then. If you don’t stop all of this right now, if you keep pushing it, and you hurt anyone else, you’ll have to deal with me,” you threaten and he smirks at the challenge.

“I figured as much, though I’ve got more firepower on my side now,” he taunts.

“Oh no, you’ll definitely lose, because even if you somehow, million to one shot win, when my Mom, Dad, and Sombra get back, they’ll put you back in the ground again,” you say as your eyes shine white and killing intent washes off of you. “Do you really want to take those odds Flag Burner?”

“I do in fact Nightmare Moon, and you’re in no position to make demands,” he dismisses your challenge. “I hold all the cards here, and what I want is that orange haired changeling of yours! If you give them to me, then I’ll even exchange one of the prisoners to you, excluding the Princesses.”

“That’s a stupid bucking deal and you know it!” you grit your teeth and he smiles.

“It’s also the only option you have. I have the Plundervines, my men, and my fancy “Red Dawn” suit here. Fighting us is only going to cause the casualties you don’t wish for,” he monologues. “Now, give me what I want. Give me the Hooded Offender!”

“I’ve already told you before you idiot! I can’t do that! He’s not here!” you shout angrily.


“What the-?!” you gasp in shock and surprise, as does the rest of the stadium as a large explosion is heard.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Several cracks like the one in the broadcast room appear throughout the stadium, and the sound of Heavy Metal fills the air. One crack widens to fill up most of the stadium ceiling.

“What in the hay is going on-“ Flag Burner starts in utter bafflement, before a large, purple and black spectral dragon comes blasting out of the giant hole.

“REEEE!!!” the dragon shrieks as it is propelled by a beam of Rainbow Light, and crashes into the Plunder Vine Monster.

“GGGGRRAAAGHHHH!!!” the plant monster roars as it gets knocked over and falls backwards into an empty section of the seating area.

There is a moment of shocked silence as the distant roar of Rock plays through the shining cracks, before the Spectral Dragon pushes itself off of the plant monster and begins clawing at it.
“RRRAAAAA!!!” the plant monster bellows as several of it’s roots are torn from it’s chest and it whips a vine into the dragon’s face which makes it scuttle backwards across the field.

The two titans then begin duking it out in the middle of the field.

“…WHAT THE BUCK?!” you, Grandbuggy, Flag Burner and most of the crowd cry out at the same time, having absolutely no clue what is going on.

“I…what?” you sputter as the kaiju fight continues.

“What is happening?! What is this?! What is going on?!” Flag Burner bellows as he scrambles around the monster fight, trying not to be squished.

While the main monster body is fighting the dragon, the rest of it’s vines still hold the hostages in place and block off the entire stadium, but with it’s distraction, a plume of green flame strikes at the base of the vine holding the Princesses and Elements and Grandbuggy.

“GYAGH!” they all cry out as the vine shrivels and releases them, causing them, Shining and Grandbuggy to all fall down into the hatch beneath the field. Shortly after they do, the hatch suddenly freezes over with ice.

“What?! You-I-“ he sputters as he looks between the monster fight, the disappeared VIP’s and you. “You did this! Didn’t you Nightmare Moon?!” he accuses as the largest hole in the sky begins to close, as do the rest of them.

“Uhhhh…” you drone before he sends a laser your way, which strikes the wall beside you. “Whoa!”

“Gyagh!” Flag grunts as the tail of the dragon knocks him over. “Open fire on her!” The rest of his thugs do just that and a torrent of lasers head your way.

“Welp! Time To Go!” you say as you duck back through the window and crystal bend the hole shut, which takes the brunt of the damage.

And as you hear the kaiju battle continue along with a mass amount of cursing, you just pause and try to process what just happened in front of the widened crack which is slowly but surely beginning to shrink.

Okay, not sure what’s up with the ghost dragon, but at least my favorite dragon got everyone off the field…and I guess Frost teamed up with him? You theorize before shaking your head. Well whatever the case, we should probably get them out of here since it looks like the magic nullifier is still down and-

“Woohoo! Hell Yeah! That’s What You Get When You Face The Might of Heavy Metal!!!” a very familiar voice shouts and you look to the widened crack on the wall. Warbled and distorted as it is, you would recognize that voice anywhere.

“Daddy?” you call out hopefully.

In The Human World

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

Through the almighty power of Heavy Metal, The Wanted, Rainbooms, Dazzlings and anyone else who joined in have completely and utterly defeated Midnight’s Dragon.

The ghostly images of your stands in the sky all teamed together for one mega, all out attack in the form of a giant rainbow blast of energy which struck the dragon dead center and pushed it high up into the air. The burst of magic was so grand, that glowing cracks in reality appeared all around you all, including one right up on stage. And into the largest of these cracks, the Dragon was pushed through, disappearing into a bright white light.

With the dragon pushed through, the energy all around the campus begins to dissipate, as you and the rest of the musicians finish up the last of the musical solos with a flourish, and a hush falls upon the crowd.

You all stare in silence upon the crack where the dragon disappeared to…and it begins to close in on itself.

“We…we did it! We Bucking Did It!” you shout out in triumph. And as if that was their cue, the audience roars with thunderous applause.

B2 runs up behind you and picks you up in a hug, displaying you to the adoring crowd, who only shout louder.

“Was that a hell of a show or what?!” he shouts to the audience while holding your fist in to the air. The crowd keep shouting their enthusiasm and praise upon you all as the rest of your allies bow and celebrate along with the crowd.

“Not gonna lie man, I would have paid to see this show if I wasn’t in it,” you say to your counterpart who just grins ear to ear at you.

“You said it brother. We kicked the sh!t out of that dragon!” he cheers before pointing at the disappearing hole in the sky. “Woohoo! Hell Yeah! That’s What You Get When You Face The Might of Heavy Metal!!!”

The cheers and applause continue as the magic slowly dissipates from the air. Luna and Humbra then join the two of you in your victory pose, followed shortly thereafter by The Rainbooms, Dazzlings, Flash, Trixie and a nervous Twilight who is dragged along by several of the girls.

“That was the greatest acid trip I’ve ever had while being stone cold sober,” Humbra quips.

“I never could have imagined a better comeback than this,” Luna says as she takes B2’s hand.

“You said it guys, that was AWESOME!!!” Dash shouts with her fist in the air.

“Darn tootin it was!” Applejack yeehaws.

“With plenty of stylistic flourish!” Rarity blows a kiss to the crowd.

“The After Party is going to be lit!” Pinkie Pie giggles while bouncing up and down.

“I agree, but maybe we could hold off on that till we get those poor monkeys to a shelter?” Fluttershy suggests.

“Yes, perhaps we should,” Trixie agrees. “Though when the party does happen, don’t forget to invite Trixie alright?!”

“Yeah, I think maybe we hold off as well. It took a lot of effort, but saving the girl and the world takes a lot out of you,” Flash says as he pulls a stray piece of tomato off of his shoulder.

“That it does,” Sunset says before looking to Twilight. “But whenever the party is, we’ll all have plenty of time to help smooth things over and make new friends.”

Twilight looks down at that, holding puppy Spike to her chest.

“I…I’m still so sorry for what I put you all through. The power…it was…”

“Addicting, believe me, I know,” Sunset says patting her on the shoulder.

“When you think you can bring the world to it’s knees, the call to do so is always tempting,” Adagio says placing another hand on her shoulder.

“But going through with it just makes you enemies, and so you continue to lash out and feel justified,” Aria adds.

“But in the end, you gotta let that go before you lose everything,” Sonata says with a smile. “And when you do, you’ll see what’s truly important and you’ll gain so much more.”

Twilight looks around to the group around her and more tears come to her eyes as a group hug ensues, which gets the crowd going again.

“Thank you, thank you all so very much…”

As you look at this sweet and adorable scene, you can’t help but feel a little envious.

After all she’s done, they can forgive her, you think impressed. I wonder…

You’re not suggesting we stay here are you Bugze? Selena asks a bit apprehensively.

What? Buck no! you correct. I was just thinking that once we get things settled in the real world, maybe I could get some testimony from these humies to help your image along. I mean, real Twilight trusts this group.

Right, right. Woo! You had me concerned there for a bit, Selena sighs in relief overdramatically and you know she’s teasing you.

Har har har, you “laugh” good naturedly.

Not that I would never mind such company as these humans…but when it’s all said and done, I don’t think I would be able to thrive without magic, Sombra admits.

Exactly, you nod as you stare at the glowing cracks in the sky that are slowly diminishing. And as we’ve just seen, magic in this world isn’t exactly good for it.

“I-duh-wha-they…” a familiar voice sputters. You look to off stage where Principal Cinch gapes from the sidelines with the Crystal Prep Students, all of whom are still quite overwhelmed by what just happened.

“Word of advice there Cinch, find a bottle of something strong but not sweet,” Celestia says as she takes a drag of a cigarette sitting atop the knocked out monkeys. “You’ll be able to handle all the craziness and the hangover won’t nearly be as bad.”

“…Principal Celestia, I do think I will be taking that advice,” Cinch says defeated.

“Yeah I think maybe we should follow suit,” says Lemon Zest.

“No no no, no underage drinking!” Cadence scolds as she walks over to the group, covered in soot and ash.

“Aaaaahhhh!!!” the Preppies complain as she catches B2 and your eyes as she smiles, causing you both to smile back. And as the crowd continues to hoot and holler, you feel a tug at your shirt sleeve. Looking behind you, you see Wallflower.

“Oh hey Wallflower, didn’t see you there,” you tell her truthfully.

“Yeah, that’s normal,” she nods before pointing at the cracks. “But anyway, not to be a Negative Nancy or anything, but are those things dangerous?”

“Um…maybe?” you guess with a shrug. “I mean any glowing thing has a fifty-fifty shot of either being dangerous or shiny goodness and-“

“Daddy? Is that you?”

You stop dead set in the middle of your rambling as the voice of your precious little filly sounds off.

“Nightshade?” you, Selena and Sombra all say at the same time with your legion voice in surprise.

“Daddy? Mommy? Hello?” her voice says again. It’s soft, and the speech is warbled, and under normal circumstances, noling would be able to hear it over the roar of the crowd, but parental instincts trump all in many circumstances.

I don’t think that’s a manifestation of our psyche, I think that’s really her, Selena says sounding jubilant and surprised.

I agree, but where and how? Sombra says sounding just as perplexed.

Good question, you think anxiously.

You drop out of the line of your bowing group as your head whips left and right, trying to find the source of her voice. Noticing you wandering off, Sunset looks to your anxious face, before she addressed the crowd.

“And that has been the Battle of the Bands! We hope you enjoyed and autographs will be given after a short break!” she announces and the crowd whistles and hollers and chants exuberantly. “In the meantime, uh…Trixie, why don’t you show them a magic trick or two?”

“…You know, I think I’ll do just that,” she says as she starts pulling out props from the cases near her bandmates. And while they’re distracted, Sunset motions for everyone else to follow you and they do so.

Once everyone joins you backstage, the curtain is dropped, and they all see you standing over the peanut butter trap you’d set for Midnight…only there is one of those glowing cracks in the middle of the floor.

“Bugze?” Sunset calls out softly as everyone stares at you.

You turn towards her, with your jaw hanging open and you point at the glowing crack.

“I…I heard Nightshade’s voice coming from this thing,” you say to the crowd.

“Huh?” Sunset asks with a raised brow.

“My daughter…” you say as if you can’t believe it. “I…how is that possible? What is this thing?”

“It’s a dimensional rift in time and space,” Twilight says as she wipes her eyes dry.

“Say what now?” you gasp doing a double take.

“The origin of all the magic that’s been utilized today was your home realm Bugze. After the Timenado, I started noticing these cracks appearing,” she explains with a slight sniffle. “And today, with such a huge concentration, even more appeared. And since all the magic came from your dimension, that’s where it was all sent to again.”

“So wait a minute, are you saying that home is on the other side of those cracks?” Adagio asks in surprise.

“Yes,” Twilight nods. “But now that the magic concentration we built up has released, they appear to be closing off.”

“H-hey now, hold on, we could go home right now and not have to wait for Sunny here to open the gate?” Aria asks, her eyes filled with hope.

“I mean, I’m not positive on how stable travel through a dimensional rift is, but theoretically it could work,” she nods and your jaw drops even more.

“Home? We can go home?!” Sonata squees excitedly as everyone else processes this information.

“For as long as the rifts are open, perhaps, but they are closing even as we speak,” Twilight says pointing out how much smaller the opening already is.

“I…we…” you sputter as you look back down at the shining dimensional light. “We can go right now…”

Equestria…it’s just beyond this crack, Sombra says wistfully.

And Nightshade is already waiting for us. She’s calling for us even now, Selena says longingly. Even as she says that, you hear the distant warbled calling of your little filly.


“She…she is there!” you shout gleefully and start laughing happily and look to the Sirens. “She’s right on the other side of this thing! We can go home right now!”

The elated looks on their faces double as the sisters all look to each other filled with hope.

“…Yes, you can go right now,” Twilight says with melancholy.

“Well what are we waiting for?!” Adagio says as she starts dragging her sisters towards the rift, but you hold a hand up in front of them.

“Wait, hold up a second,” you tell them.

“Hold up? For what? We got a limited window here,” Aria says looking to the diminishing rift.

“I know, but…we’re really leaving right now so…” you say as you look to the group of humans watching you four, with somber looks.

“Oh…OH! Right, we should probably say our goodbyes,” Sonata says facepalming.

“Do we really have time?” Aria complains, but she is dragged and made to face the humans along with Adagio and you.

“Yeah…goodbyes,” you say apprehensively as you look to the strange group of friends you’ve made in this whacky world, each one a reflection of what could be in your reality.

“You, uh, you don’t have much time,” Twilight warns as she steps forward. “So, uh…” she then shakes her head and rushes forth and hugs you hard.

“Oof!” you grunt as she sniffles onto your coat.

“Thank you. Thank you for saving me from myself Mr. Bugze. I’m sorry for how much I hurt you,” she sobs and shakes. Smiling sadly, you pat her on the head and hug her back.

“No worries Twilight. All’s forgiven,” you comfort her and she shakes a little less. “And I want to thank you too.” She pulls back and looks at you at that.

“For what?”

“For showing me that even after everything, there is still a chance for forgiveness. You’re the living proof of that,” you say tenderly and she smiles.

You then look over at the Rainbooms as the Dazzlings bid their farewells to them and The Wanted.

“Still, I think I’ve got a long way to go to earn that forgiveness,” Twilight sniffles and wipes her nose.

“It’s a journey you won’t make alone,” Sunset says as she comes up.

“Exactly, you’ve got five girls right there that will help you know what friendship means, just like in my world,” you nod.

“Make that six,” Sunset says stoically and your head whips to her.

“Huh?!” you gape and she smirks.

“I’ll be helping her along with friendship, just like Princess Twilight helped me,” she explains and you’re taken aback.

“But…but the crack in reality is closing. You-“ you ramble and she just shakes her head and puts a hand on your shoulder.

“I’m not going back just yet Bugze,” she says and you feel like you’ve been dunked in ice water. Selena even makes a strangled gasp of surprise and shock, and even Twilight seems surprised.

“Wh-why not?” you ask, clearly not having seen that coming and she smirks at you.

“Princess Twilight left me in their care to learn more about real friendship. Thanks to them and you, I’ve gotten quite a good idea…but I still have more to learn,” she says as she looks back to the Rainbooms and Flash and then at Twilight. “And besides, it’s easier when you have a friend who’s shared the same hardship.”

Twilight looks grateful for the announced support, but you still feel like you’ve been slapped.

“But the rifts, and the gate. Three years…” you sputter and she shuts you up with a hug.

“I don’t think the time limit will come to that,” she says with confidence. “After all, if I truly get redeemed like that message on the portal, then I’ll be able to open it whenever I want.”

“Th-That’s true I guess,” you admit.

But Bugze! What about the adoption process! Selena whines tearfully and your eyes widen.

“Hey yeah!” you exclaim.

“Huh?” Sunset asks.

“Look, I get wanting to stick around in human land and being with your friends, but during the last battle….” You pause before you shake your head and look her in the eye. “What was up with calling me Dad?”

She immediately blushes bright red at that and pushes away from the hug and looks to the side.

“Heh heh, that was, uh, that was kind of spur of the moment and emotions talking,” she chuckles nervously.

“Those moments are usually when a person reveals their truest desires,” Twilight says scientifically and Sunset only blushes harder.

“Okay look, I never had a strong male parental figure in my life,” she admits in embarrassment. “Back in Equestria all I had was Princess Celestia, and here I didn’t have anything till you arrived! Going through puberty again really makes the brain weird!”

The others all look at her at that admittance, but she just looks at them and sputters.

“Sh-Shut up!”

You chuckle at this and pat her on the head.

“It’s okay Sunset, I understand,” you say and she look down at her feet. “And…well, Selena was really happy to hear you say that.”

Of Course I Was! I Still Am! She blubbers within your head, but you continue.

“But…even if we don’t look like it right now, you are older than me,” you say with a nervous chuckle and she nods solemnly at that. “But if you still want that from me, there is another way.”

She looks up at you quizzically as you point to B2 who is nearly passing out from the hug Sonata is giving him.

“Since you’re staying in this world for a bit longer, maybe you could look to him?” you suggest. “He is me after all, with much of the same wisdom and stupidity.”

“That is a very accurate statement,” Twilight adds. “There’s a reason for the longest time I couldn’t tell them apart.”

Sunset giggles at that and looks to B2 as Luna is the next one for the vice grip hug, and the others bid the Tsunderish Humbra goodbye.

“If you need someone to help you with that missing figure in your life, all three of them could help you with that…and you could really help them as well,” you say and Sunset looks back to you with curious eyes.

“Help them?” she asks and you nod.

“They’re doing better I think since I showed up, but they really are missing one critical thing,” you say as you look her in the eye. “They don’t have a Nightshade.”

Her eyes widen at that and you continue.

“Selena, Sombra and I all came through our own nightmares because of that little filly, and when we were all at our lowest, you helped remind us of that,” you explain, and Twilight twitches a little in guilt. “So if you’re going to stick around, can you keep watch over those three? Give them what they’re sorely lacking?”

“I…” she hesitates for a moment before she smiles with happy tears in her eyes, “Yeah, I think I could do that.” She then hugs you tightly again, and you return the gesture.

Ohohoohoooo, Selena bawls in your head at the touching seen.

You’re carrying on just a tad bit, Sombra grumbles.

Because I can’t argue with this whole assessment! She whines. Damn You Bugze for being so thoughtful and considerate for our other selves you sweet loveable bastard!

“And um, whenever you do feel like opening up that portal, we’d all love a visit, heh heh,” you add to appease your blubbering better half.

“You can count on it Bugze,” Sunset says as she breaks the hug. “I’m sure all of us would want to see you again.”

“I know I will,” your own voice says as B2 walks up to the three of you. There are tears in his eyes, but he’s trying not to let them fall.

“Hey, what’s with the sad face? It’s not goodbye forever,” you say wincing at the look.

“Yeah, well, it still feels that way,” he says sadly before he wipes his eyes. “Look Bugze, you…you were the closest thing I’ve ever had to having a brother.”

“I…” you trail off feeling extremely touched, but he continues.

“You came into my life when I was at my lowest. Another me from another dimension, and you changed my life for the better,” he says as he starts to get more emotional. “Thanks to you, I’ve got my band back, new friends, and I’m back with the woman I love. I…Thank you man.”

And with that he holds out a hand to shake. You own eyes well up, matching his face as you reach out, grab his hand and pull him into a manly hug.

The both of you stay like that for a moment as silence reigns backstage.

“You’re the one who got all those rewards buddy, all I did was give you a little push,” you tell him.

“Heh, don’t try that humble bullcrap on me. I am you remember?” he laughs and you smile and pat his back.

“Fine, you’re welcome. And thank you for showing me the ropes of this scary, crazy planet.”

“Anytime Bugze,” he says as you break the embrace. “You get along and have a good life ya hear?”

“You too B…no, you too #@%^&,” you say using both of your real names.

“Heh, sounds weird hearing that in my own voice,” he says while scratching the back of his head. “And actually, I was thinking…you think I could try out Bugze while you’re gone.”

You smile back at him as you look between Twilight and Sunset who both give you expectant looks.

“You know what, sure, if that’s really what you want,” you say. “Take pride in it Bugze, it’s a name that marked the beginning of my new life, and now it will do the same for you.”

He smiles and nods at that, but the both of you say nothing more as the Dazzlings return to your side and quickly hug Sunset goodbye.

“Daddy?” Nightshade’s distorted voice asks again, this time even further away as the hole gets smaller and smaller.

You look back at the crack, and then to the Dazzlings as you bite your lip.

“Girls, it’s time to go,” you tell them.

The three sisters nod with tears in their eyes as they stand back at your side and you all look to the group of humans.

“You all…you weren’t the worst,” Aria says in her usual tone.

“After a year of struggling, you made things fun for us,” Adagio tells them.

“I’m going to miss you all!!!” Sonata bawls and sniffles. And while her sisters pat her on the back, the humans look to you expectantly.

“I…” you start before you cough and look them all over. “Thank you, all of you for helping me on my mission, I can honestly say I didn’t see any of the stuff we did coming.”

You then look down at that, take a deep breath and start addressing them individually as fast as you can.

“Flash, keep that temper in check and look into law enforcement,” you advise. “The other you is one of the best guards there is.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he says and nods to you.

“Sombra, reach out to that Hope girl,” you say and both his and the Sombra in your mind are taken aback. “It’s never too late to start again.”

“I…” he starts before he closes his mouth and nods. “Yeah alright, but not because you said to.”

“Obviously,” you smile before looking to Luna. “Luna…please keep your sister from caving in your Bugze’s head please?” She smiles at that.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep him safe,” she says as she puts an arm around the other you who smiles.

Nodding, you then look to the Rainbooms, the Deadly 6 of this world who were your greatest allies.

“Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash…please just keep being your best selves. Keep teaching Sunset and Twilight the Magic of Friendship, and keep an open mind, cause I’m sure they’ll be able to teach you as well.”

“You got it bro,” Dash salutes.

“Yup yup yup!” Pinkie Pie nods.

“Of course darling,” Rarity agrees.

“You bet your britches,” Applejack tips her hat.

“We will Mr. Bugze, don’t worry about us,” Fluttershy smiles.

You nod as you wipe away a tear from your eye and you cough into your hand.

“This has…you all…you’ve all been great, and I’m glad to have gotten to know you. I hope that one day, the other you’s and I can… can have this kind of friendship,” you admit as emotion overwhelms you.

Not an eye is dry as you say that, but all of the humans still sport smiles.

“From myself, Selena, and Sombra. Thank you all…and, I can’t believe I’m saying this but…I guess I can finally admit that you humans aren’t so bad after all,” you strain to say and they all laugh.

“Preaching to the choir here Bugze,” Sunset says.

“We all know you love us,” other Bugze smirks.

“We’ll miss you, but we will see you again,” Twilight says confidently.

“Of course we will,” Sunset nods. “Now go before you miss your window.”

You nod at that as you turn to face the crack once more. It’s closing even faster now, but there’s still room.

Sonata takes one of your hands into her own, while Adagio takes the other while she holds onto Aria. The three sisters all look to you and nod.

Taking one last glance to your human friends, you all wave farewell.

“Goodbye,” you say.

“Goodbye,” Selena says with your mouth.

“Goodbye, my little humans,” Sombra finishes with your tongue.

And with that, holding hands for the last time, the four of you jump into the crack in reality.

Stars shoot past you at impossible speed and comprehension. A void of white filled with a rainbow spectrum of light circles around the four of you. You spin and spin and spin as your body reforms, and the sensation of having hands disappears.


Soon, you are jettisoned at a weird angle as gravity takes control over you once more.

“What the buck?!” someone shouts in surprise as you go streaking through the air.

“Wahaaaa-OOMPH!” you cry out as you and three other figures crash into a bunch of monitoring equipment and get tangled up in wires.

“Ooooohhhh…” you hear Aria groan.

“Anyone get the number of that bus?” Adagio says dizzily.

“That was fun!” Sonata says with a giggle.

“Clearly we have to sort out the definition of fun,” you groan as you put a hoof to your head and rub your temple.


Your vision comes back to you as you look at your appendage. The fingers are all gone, and in their place the superior chitinous black hoof you’ve had since the day you pupated.

“Yes! We Did It! We’re Back!” you cheer as you hug yourself with your forelimbs and feel your precious horn and wings. You also notice that you are still wearing the awesome jacket and get up from the other side, though it is now tailored for your real body.

“Ah yes! Sweet Glorious Hooves! How I’ve Missed You!” Aria cheers.

“My tail looks as gorgeous as ever,” Adagio says vainly.

“And our scales! They’re so polished!” Sonata squees.

“Oh right, you guys have your own forms back and…uh…” you trail off as you look to your companions and you raise an eyebrow. There before you, tangled up in the same equipment as you are the Siren sisters in their true forms. They are the very definition of what you expected a seahorse to look like with each of their color pallets matching their human forms.

They have an elongated fish tail, but their upper halves have hooves and are clearly equine in nature, despite the fins on the back of their necks and tendrils atop their heads and each one of them has their red stones wrapped around their throats. But there is something that takes you by surprise.

This…I was not expecting this, Sombra says.

Neither was I. I remember the Sirens being…, Selena says in confusion.

“Why are you guys so small?” you ask them dumbfounded. In body length, they are only slightly longer than you.

“Hey! I take offense to that!” Aria grunts as she flops around.

“No, I mean…with all the depictions and stuff in the books, I thought you guys were bigger?” you clarify.

“Oh, right,” Adagio says as she looks to her sisters and herself. “When we were going on our conquest, we made ourselves look bigger to seem more threatening.”

“Well, it wasn’t just us. All sirens made themselves look bigger when talking to outsiders,” Sonata points out as she…just sort of floats a bit off the ground with her tail.

“Yeah, well it clearly didn’t intimidate that stupid bearded idiot and his buddies,” Aria huff as she untangles herself and starts floating too.

“…How are you doing that floating thing?” you ask curiously.

“Magic,” Adagio hoofwaves.

“Really?” you monotone.

“What? How else do you expect us to swim on land?” Sonata points out.

“Good point,” you nod as they start inspecting you.

“And you know, we only briefly saw you during the Battle of the Bands, but I gotta say, you really pull off the spikey hair with the bug body,” Sonata compliments.

“Uh…thank you? And, I guess despite being my size, you three look plenty intimidating,” you compliment back.

“Awww, thanks Bugze,” Adagio says as all three smile.

“Right, well, now that we’re back home, first order of business is to figure out exactly where we are, then get one of those stones of yours back to Captain Jack so I can get Selena and Sombra their bodies. But first and foremost, we find my daughter. If her voice was coming out of that crack in reality then she can’t be too far,” you explain.

“Is she a small alicorn with black fur and a purplish blue mane?” asks Sonata.

“Yeah, actually,” you nod.

“Then I found her already,” Sonata says while pointing to the side.

“What?” you gape as you and her sisters look to where she’s pointing…and your heart immediately swells. There, standing in front of a wall where the crack in reality disappears, is your precious daughter staring slack jawed and with eyes of disbelief.

“D-Daddy?” she asks, uncertain whether what she’s seeing is real or not.

“NIGHTSHADE!!!” you, Selena and Sombra all shout at once as you rush forth and wrap your hooves around her.

She hesitates for a moment within your grip, before she immediately hugs back, hurting your ribs.

“DADDY! MOMMY! SOMBRA! It’s You! It’s Really, Really You!” she cries out in a mix of happiness and relief.

“Yes honey, it’s us,” you say as you start peppering the top of her head with kisses.

“We missed you so much my precious baby,” Selena blubbers.

“We have returned little overlord, oh how we’ve missed you,” Sombra says trying and failing to sound stoic.

“I…I’ve missed you so muuuccchhh,” Nightshade cries as she shakes within your grasp. “So much crazy stuff has happened while you were gone and…and…”

“Shhh now, it’s going to be alright now Shade. We’re back now,” you console her as she looks into your eyes. “We’re back and we’re not leaving any time soon.”

“You better not!” she says before digging her face back into your chest. “You better not…I love you. I love you all so very much.”

“We love you too Nightshade,” you tell her truthfully then start nuzzling the top of your little filly’s head as once more, your family is reunited. With the time distortion, you don’t know how long it’s actually been, but it feels like it’s been years.

All the hardship, all the pain, the sorrow and the many, many shenanigans, all have been worth it for this very moment.

Hmm, she feels heavier. I hope she hasn’t grown too much without us.

She seems to be around the same age as we left…but there is a presence about her now, Selena observes.

Something’s…something’s off. There’s an aura, something dark and familiar about her now, Sombra says puzzled.

Huh? you question, but are distracted.

“Awwwww, this is so sweet,” Sonata chirps from behind you.

“Ugh, I can’t handle it. We just had all those sappy goodbyes and now this?” Aria grunts in tsundere fasion.

“It’s enough to make a grown woman-er, mare cry,” Adagio says with both her hooves in front of her mouth.

Nightshade opens her eyes at that and looks over your shoulder at the three sirens.

“Um…who are they Daddy?”

“Oh, those are the sirens Nightshade. Adagio, Aria and Sonata,” you introduce. “Girls, this is Nightshade.”

“Hello,” Sonata waves excitedly and the others just nod.

“Wait, Sirens? They’re still alive?” she asks in surprise.

“I know, right?” you chuckle. “But yeah, there’s wibbly wobbly time stuff with the portal and…it’s a long story, but short version is, we got a Siren Stone Nightshade.”

“That’s great Daddy!” she says earnestly before looking apprehensively around her. “But um, maybe we could talk about that later?”

“Huh? What’s wrong kiddo?” you ask at her mood shift. “Also, where are we that you’re not hiding your wings? And what’s with the scarf? And where’s Grandbuggy?”

“Well…” she starts while rubbing the back of her neck.

“Oh hey, they got movies in Equestria now,” Sonata says pointing to a screen. “Huh, guess it really is the future here.”

“Wait, ain’t that that dragon we just blasted away?” Aria says with a frown. “And it’s fighting a plant monster?”

“Wait, what now?” you say turning to look at what they’re seeing.

“And is that a robot? The buck?” Adagio questions as you get a good glimpse of the screen. Sure enough, you see the spectral dragon you just defeated with Rock and Roll fighting some twisted tentacle like monster straight out of Neighpon, and what looks like a mech scrambling on the field.

“What the buck?” you say as you look at more monitors and see ponies in black cloaks holding futuristic rifles and holding a mix of crystal ponies and regular ponies hostage.

“DAMN YOU NIGHTMARE MOON! DAMN YOU!!!” the robot suit shouts in anger as it is knocked away by the dragon across what looks like a soccer field.

Crystal Ponies? Are We Back in the Crystal Empire? Sombra says in surprise.

And that voice…it sounds familiar, Selena ponders.

“I…wha…” you trail off as you look to your daughter who sheepishly chuckles.

“Okay, remember what I said about crazy stuff earlier? Yeah…that’s part of it.”



Author's Note:

A family finally reunited amidst dire straits….good times :pinkiecrazy:

Hey Hive Mind,

Three years. It’s been over three years real world time since Bugze, Selena and Sombra were separated from each other to pursue their quests, but now they’re finally back together. Although predictably with their luck it’s during a time when conflict is afoot, but what else would you expect from this chaotic family? Time is short for their reunion, but what better way to bond as a family than to fight a resurrected foe? I can’t wait for the fight.

Also, once again sorry for the over month long delay. Writing for awhile was hard for me with all I’ve been going through, and no matter what I tried, I just can’t seem to crank out words as fast as I used to. I hope the length of the chapter makes it up in some small way for you all.

But anyway, I hope you are all safe, healthy and happy in this new year, and I hope that you continue to have fun with this story while it lasts.

See you next chapter everyone,
Brown Dog.



Boomstick (Black Staff with Red Crystal. Causes shockwaves when slammed)

Jet Stream Sam Sword (Reversed High Frequency Blade)

Knock Out Luna Plushie

Ninja Stars (15)

Power Glove (Plasmid/Vigor Channel with Grappling Hook Attachment)

Second Law: (Air Shotgun)


Hover Board: (Catches Fire For Like, No Reason)

Disguises (Human)

Awesome JoJo Outfit: Currently Wearing (Jotora’s Outfit from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)

Smokey Joe Outfit: (Rain Slicker, Smelly Do Rag with Weed symbols)

Disguises (Equine)

Baker Sylvester Tennant (Brown overcoat, Yell and black striped pants, White panama hat, face mask, 4th doctor scarf)

Crimson Vengeance: (Alucard Hat, Immortan Joe Mask, Deadpool shirt, Vash the Stampede Coat, red pants)

El Hunko (Fancy Clothes with purple top hat

Hooded Offender Cloak

Stetson Hat with Orange Bandana


Blueprints: CHS, Crystal Prep

Bounty Hunter License

Brown Money Pouch: (45 Bits)

Cell Phone

Free Filly Scout Cookies For Life Card

Gameboy (Human Equivalent of Joy Boy)

Grandbuggy and Granny Smith Photo

Grandbuggy with Your Mother Photo

Instant Mail Transfer Container: (Cadence Direct Line)

Mangle Head (Still Alive From Human Side)


Patching Supplies (Vice-Grips, Duct Tape, WD-40)

Pink Lover’s Jewell Necklace

Powers and Spells List

Sapphire Shores Signed Photo (Probably Worth a Lot)

Solar Powered Charger

Trixie’s Black and White Bear Plushie: (Never Forget)

Potion Stash

Healing Potion (6)

Molotov Cocktail (4)

Stink Bomb (3)

Transformation/Disguise Potion (4)




Power Pole


Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems

Ocarina (Might be able to manipulate weather?)

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