• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,777 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 44: Fright Night 3, The Frightening

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

With B2

B2 wasn't exactly sure when things started to get out of hand.

Maybe it was when another version of him from another dimension filled with ponies showed up when he was at his lowest.

Maybe it was when he decided to tag along with said double on some adventure to find dangerous magical artifacts.

Maybe it was when he chose to stick with this quest despite a rampaging teenager inadvertently advertising a comeback he never planned or dreamt of.

Maybe, just maybe it was when he decided going into a clearly dangerous looking building to fight evil robots and save a couple of teenagers from said evil robots.

Whenever he lost control, he has no clue, but what he does know is that watching some abomination of robotics vaguely resembling the white fox animatronic he convinced to attack the other robots, fighting a demonic looking robot rabbit was about all the weirdness he could handle for today.

He doesn't even know how it happened! One minute he and the others were heading back into the maze to search for his double and his group, the next some evil ass looking robot bunny spots them, growls out something about 'children meet your nightmare' or something and then started charging at them!

The others hid behind him as if he was the version that had mystical magical DNA splicing powers and could easily kick the rotted bunny down. Of course, he couldn't just dodge since his legs not only froze in fear, but also because he had a feeling he'd really regret letting the teens hiding behind him get hurt under his watch.

So he just braced himself for pain, only to watch a Mangled monstrosity burst through the f@#$ing wall like it was the Kool Aid Man and charged the demon bunny down the hall.

So now here he and the others are, watching the demented bunny fist-fight a robot animal monster that knew how to punch, bite, and also stab!

"What even is today? What happened to my life!? Am I just tripping balls somewhere in a dumpster right now, is that it?” he says in monotone as the mangled fox spears the bunny through one of the shoulders into the wall.

“Well if you are, then we’re along for the ride,” Applejack says just as confounded.

“Woohoo! Go messed up Fox thing!” Rainbow cheers while Pinkie Pie just watches while eating popcorn that she inexplicably has.

“Should we be really cheering that thing?” asks Flash.

“Well, at least it’s attacking that thing and not us,” Pinkie says between munches.

“Yeah she’s right,” B2 nods. “It could be worse.”

Just as he says that, a muffled explosion is heard and suddenly, through the hole that the Frankenstein Fox burst through, he and his group see waves of fire spreading..

The two fighting robots pay it no mind as they continue their brawl, further getting away from the group as they fight. However, before the robots are out of sight the evil bunny manages to rip one of the giant’s many arms off, causing sparks to fly and the Fox to screech in pain before growling and tackling the bunny.

As both creatures disappear down a hallway, the dislodged limb goes flying and hits above the exit entrance, and fiery debris suddenly falls from the roof blocking it.

"…God Damn It! Why'd I open my stupid mouth?!" B2 groans in frustration as the teens suddenly look very anxious.

“Please for the love of God tell me that wasn’t the only way out?” Applejack gapes.

“Well if it was, there’s not much we can do about it!” B2 grunts. “Where the hell did that fire come from anyway?”


Zapper frost’s Comment

“Didn’t we start it?” asks Rainbow.

“Of course not Dashie. We didn’t start the fire, it was always burning since the world’s been turning,” Pinkie Pie smiles.

“Now’s not the time Pinkie!” Rainbow growls.

“Maybe it’s remnants from when that first rabbit exploded?” suggests Applejack.

“It could be that, or it could be my magical double who can shoot fire out of his hands,” B2 counters.

“That explosion would’ve been much bigger then,” Flash says since he was on the receiving end of it.

“Yeah well, maybe it was his stupid hoverboard that keeps flaring up yet never seems to disintegrate.”

“How does that even work?” ask Rainbow.

“You got me,” B2 shrugs. “We may be doubles, but the inner workings of his life still confuse me.”

The group, with no other safe way to go, follows after the sounds of the fight since they are further away from the spreading flames.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With You

As you and your group stare slack jawed at the talking machine several thoughts go through your mind but one screams out above the others.


Bugze don’t you dare start! Selena begins only to be cut off as the group, minus Sunset, begin screaming in terror.



“I DON’T WANT TO DIE!!!” Both Indigo and Sour scream in unison as they hug each other.


Oh for the love of- Not you too! Selena groans.

“YES YOU’RE RIGHT! DOWN WITH ESCALATORS! STAIRS ARE LOVE! STAIRS ARE LIFE!” you shout in crazed agreement as you start running around in circles with the other panicking girls.

Yes! One Small Victory in this Sea of Nonsense! Sombra exclaims in triumph as Selena audibly facehooves just as Sunset does.

The hippo animatronic just stares in confusion at the screaming teens and adult and even Twilight in her room can’t help but watch the insanity, even amidst the fire warnings.

“MAAACCCHII- *SLAP* OW!” you cry out and stop running as Sunset Shimmer gets up in your face and grabs you by the jacket.

GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!” She yells which of course makes Rarity, Fluttershy, Indigo and Sour stop screaming and turn their attention towards you.
“Calm down and focus!” she orders shaking you like a doll before forcefully sitting you down on the ground.

“Uhhhhh,” you stammer in shock as she turns her attention to the other two who sit down immediately, as to not anger her.

“Uhh…” The hippo says raising a finger to interject.

“You shush! I’ll deal with you in a moment!” She chides, giving it a ‘Don’t test me’ glare. The hippo wisely snaps it’s mechanical mouth shut as Sunset turns her attention back to you, Rarity and Fluttershy.

I suddenly have new found respect for this girl, Selena mutters in amazement.

“You all finished?” The five of you nod. “No more screaming?” You all nod faster.

“Good. Now if you’ll excuse me for a moment.” Sunset says before calmly walking past the robot and down the corner.


After a few tense moments where the five of you share an uneasy glance with the hippo, Sunset walks back, dusting herself off and fixing her messed up hair. She returns to her original position and looks back to the hippo.

“Ahem...now, let’s try to decipher this thing calmly,” she says in a calm polite matter.

You and the rest of the teen girls nod as you all shakily stand up and look to the animatronic as it nods.

“Right,” you nod as you look back on the last thing it ‘said.’ “So, you said I am when talking about the guy on the tapes right?”

The hippo nods so you continue, “So are you saying that you literally are that Phone Guy?” It nods again.

“Hey you’re doing great-“ it says.

“...Ok, but why are you a robot hippo?” Rarity asks.

“Were you always a hippo?” Fluttershy asks confused.

“Yeah! Why would a family restaurant hire sentient machines?!” you scream, before being knocked upside the head by Sunset’s fist as she gives you a terrifying glare.

“Don’t you bucking start again!” she threatens.

“Yes ma’am!” you salute, sweating nervously.

If I was in my own body I’d want her as my pupil. She’s already touched dark magic, Sombra says impressed.

I want to adopt her. She’s actually a pony and would be a good sister for Nightshade, Selena mutters.

What? you and Sombra say in response.

Nothing! Selena says blushing.

“Um…OK-Th-Th-That’s not what I meant.-a missing person-first-human,” it explains with it’s choppy audio.

“You were a person?” asks Sunset and it nods.

“How does that work?” you inquire before it opens it’s mouth and an entire audio file plays.

A purple electric shock passes over the hippo making it shake its head as it shivers in horror at the memory.

“Y-yeah, they don’t tell you these things when you sign up.” Everyone stares with different expressions, some shock, others horror, and finally sadness.

“You’re...dead?” Indigo asks cautiously. He nods and a sighing sound effect is heard.

“Wait how are you here if you’re…deceased?” asks Rarity.

“I had an idea,” The Hippo Guy lifts his robot paw and points at the small glowing geode in your hand. “That’s-my-best-guess.”

“Oh, so that’s why you’re sparking with purple electricity,” you nod in understanding before your eyes widen. “Oh crap! I hit Freddy with this and didn’t break him, not to mention anything else in the magical backlash!”

“Magical?” asks Sour.

“Yes magical! Get with the program hummie,” you chide as the Hippo suddenly looks worried as it shifts it’s head left and right.

“oh no...you-all-Gotta-move on. danger,” it says.

“Why what’s wrong?” Fluttershy asks in worry.

“animatronic characters here-live-now. be aware-he doesn’t like being watched.”

“What? There’s more living robots?” you interpret.

The Hippo then starts to play the audio clip that B2 and his group heard.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

With Twilight

The purple teen is currently having a panic attack as literally everything that could have gone wrong tonight went wrong and even further beyond that.

"Evil monster robot bunnies fighting assimilated foxes, secret twin janitors, talking machines and now the BUILDING IS ON FIRE!? Ohhhhh…." Twilight’s hands slide down her face in anguish. "Maybe whichever Bugze said that bad luck follows him around and throws Murphy's Law like bullets at him wasn't too far off?"

With another sigh, the purple neurotic scientist picks up her beloved dog and looks him right in the eye.

"Okay Spike, we need to meet up with both Bugzes before it’s too late. Neither will leave unless they find me, and I don’t want anyone else to get hurt. I only hope he-they-whoever can forgive me for this mess when they do."

The dog whimpers sympathetically to his owner.

“Alright Twilight, let’s go find your friend then,” he nods, still fearful of his surroundings.

“Right…friend,” she nods with a smile. “I like the sound of tha-“ Her eyes suddenly widen to the size of dinner plates as her overtaxed mind registers what just happened.

“SPIKE! Did…did you just talk?” she gasps.

“Did I?” the puppy asks before it’s own eyes widen hearing itself. “Huh, that’s weird,” he says as some residual purple static zaps off of him.

“I-Buh-Gih…” she stammers as the sheer concept of her puppy speaking pushes her over the edge of rationality. So absorbed in this revelation, she doesn’t notice the tall bear like shadow behind her.

“Twilight! Watch Out!” Spike barks, baring his teeth.

"Huh? Wha-“

"Fri-friend f-found!” a warped mechanical voice says as a brown paw grabs her.

“Must pro-pro-protect. Must ge-get to Hel-Helper!" it declares as it starts picking her up. And as she is lifted and her suddenly voiced dog starts barking and swearing up a storm, the teenage girl can only do one thing as her eyes suddenly glow deep blue.



Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With You

After the recording stops, you all stare aghast with varying array of emotions. Indigo Zap and Sour Sweet are holding onto each other tighter in fear, Fluttershy has tears in her eyes, Rarity is in a state of shock, and Sunset looks about ready to kick something. You however just feel an uneasy aura of rage build within you as both Selena and Sombra share your anger.

“What the buck is up with your stupid human world?!” you growl as your fists tighten, imagining Nightshade in that terrible situation.

The hippo looks at you, tilting it’s head in confusion at your words, but before anything else can be said…

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" a very familiar voice screams and your head snaps towards it’s direction.


The others and the Hippo look towards the scream in fear and concern as well as the magic geo shard starts glowing brighter than it has before. The magical essence climbs up your arm as a wide array of emotions hit you.

Fear. Anger. Desperation. Panic…Guilt.


"Uh Mr.Bugze, are you okay?” asks Fluttershy. “Your eyes are-"

“BUCK THIS WORLD!!!” you shout as your eyes flare orange and red and you start sprinting down the hall, leaving the others behind.

After a moment of shock and hesitation, they all begin trying to catch up to you.

You round a few corners, frothing at the mouth, and you notice that some of them are blocked by a wall of flames. Normally, your most guilty pleasure in the world, right now you don’t have time for them.

My Bug you must calm down and come to your senses before you do something drastic! Besides your eye-

"Calm down!? You expect me to calm down when Twilight is clearly in danger!? The building is one fire and there’s forsaken child powered evil robots! I have to get to her now!"

That may be true, but if you just charge needlessly in then-

"IT'S MY FAULT DANG IT!" you shout as you bring out your boom stick and punch a hole in a wall so you can go around some fire.

My Bug... she says sympathetically after a moment of silence. Please don't do this to yourself. You had no way of knowing any of this would happen.

"Doesn't matter!” you bark heatedly. “This world is garbage, and so are the people in it, but Human Twilight put her trust in me! I gave her this dumbflank idea of a prank and I'm the one who encouraged her to do it! She's my responsibility, and I need to make sure she's safe!”

And I Want To Make Sure You’re Safe! Selena shouts mournfully. You’re MY responsibility, and you can’t save anyone if I lose you!

Your eyes dim slightly at that, but you still push on.

“I will be OK, I’ve got experience,” you try to reassure as you grit your teeth. “But right now, I gotta risk a lot. I’ve already lost the chance to be actual friends with the Twilight back home, and ugly human or not, I won’t make that mistake again.”

“Bugze! Slow Down! Who Are You Shouting To?!” Sunset calls from behind.

Before anything else can be said a large crash happens before you, and out of a new hole in the wall comes a vaguely Mangleoid looking creature like the one you fought back home but smaller and more damaged. It seems to let out a whine of pain as what looks like a demonic robot bunny follows out of the new hole looking only slightly damaged.

You'd think you'd be disgusted by its appearance, and you are. But honestly you’re pissed and you've seen far worse.

The monster turn towards you, points, and growls,

"Th-the night-nightmare en-ends tonight. Yo-you sha-shall experience it-it in full be-before de-death shal-shall come!"

You just angerly glare down at the human made beast, rage coursing through you at the mere sight of it.

"Sorry buddy, I've already experienced a Nightmare. And dude, you’re nothing compared to it,” you growl.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kersey475’s Comment

As you stare down the mechanical beast in front of you, you can feel the malice and murderous intent radiating off it and it’s sickening. It turns its head to see Sunset and the girls and it’s eyes narrow and glow a sickly purple.

“Children…come...with...me!” It groans out as it takes a step forward. You immediately take a defensive stance, your eyes glowing orange and red, the geode in your hand reacting to your anger.

“Oh no no no you miserable pile of scrap, you’re facing me! I won’t let you harm them!” You growl. The machine roars as it charges you, and you reciprocate as you both attempt to strike the other. In the last second both you and the machine catch each other’s fist with the other hand, and while it hurts your weak human appendage, you hold on. The resulting standoff sends off a wave of air with electricity flowing around both of you.

“You...different…” The yellow bunny robot says as it stares at you like a wild beast.

“No Spit Sherclop,” you taunt as you give the creature a swift kick in the nads…only for the top of your foot to start smarting because you kicked a robot with no junk.

“Owie owie owie,” you groan as you shake your foot, but sensing your moment of weakness he grabs your arm in a quick motion and begins to spin you.

“AHH! Put me down!” You say trying not to hurl as you spin faster and faster. The beast then let’s you go, tossing you into the pile of mechanical parts.

Huh, he's stronger then he looks, Sombra observes.

He's clearly different from the others, Selena adds.

"Yeah the actual speech and bits of flesh poking through his suit are kind of a giveaway," you say aloud as you stand up and point Second Law at the monstrosity.

“Eat This!” you quip and pull the trigger…only for a blast of wind to fire out and only make his ears flap.


Oh buck, oh buck I’m out of ball bearings! You think in worry as the creature rushes you.

You strike it across the face with Second Law, but it doesn’t slow down as it grabs you and slams you into the wall repeatedly.

“AGH!” you groan out as the back of your head hits the wall and you turn your gaze to him, your eyes glowing.

“Eyes…eyes like holes…” the creature says.

“At least I have eyes you filthy degenerate MACHINE!!!” you cry out as you poke one of it’s eyes. It doesn’t even blink, but you cut your finger on the exposed wires and stuff inside.

“Stupid machines and their inability to feel real pain!” You grunt as you slam The Boom Stick onto it’s foot, making a shockwave that propels you sliding along the wall and it stumbling backwards.

You lose your footing on a bunch more scrap metal and become entangled in wires.

“Dang It!” you shout as you flail around, and are are immediately greeted to three familiar heads staring at you.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“GAH!” you shriek kicking the heads of Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica away from you into the pile. You turn your head to see Mangle’s head staring at you with curiosity just outside the pile slowly trying to rebuild itself.

“Uh good robot?” You say patting it’s head which it seems to enjoy. Five screams grab your attention as you look and see the robot bunny ready to pounce on the girls. You leap up, brandishing your Boomstick and rush toward the robot.

“BATTER UP!” you yell as purple electricity flows through your staff as it hits the machine. The staff glows sending the robot flying off into a wall, purple energy flowing around it as you turn your attention to the girls, “You guys alright?”

“Yeah we’re fine, you stopped him before he could get us,” Sunset thanks.

“Uh, what’s that?” Fluttershy says pointing behind you. Turning around you see Mangle's head hopping towards you as it lets out a friendly bark and rubs itself against your leg.

“Don’t worry, she’s friendly…ish,” You say as you pick up the head and it seemingly pants. “Guess even in this world you can’t help but defect."
The girls are understandably very confused as you cradle the robotic head when the Hippo animatronic rounds the corner.

“responsible for damage to property or person,” it says pointing to the hole.

“Gorramned Right!” you say.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” you hear Twilight shout again.

“Oh no Twilight’s still in danger!” You say as you shove Mangle’s head into your inventory and start running.

Mangle Head Added To Inventory.

“Bugze Wait!” Sunset calls after him as the others join the chase.

“a bit overwhelming-“ the hippo seemingly sighs as it starts marching as fast as his little robot legs can go just as B2 pokes his head through the wall Mangle made.

"We gotta find the others fast! I don't think the building can handle more damage,” He says stepping through followed by his group.

"I'll say. The sooner we get everyone out the better," Flash agrees stepping through only to stop when he sees the Hippo.

"AHH! Another one!" Flash shouts getting everyone's attention and causing them to jump.

"Alright pal put em up you big meanie robot!" Pinkie says putting her hands into fisticuffs. “This place is burning to the ground so it’s no more Mr. Nice Girl!” The Hippo just tilts it’s head to the side in confusion before it’s playback voice comes out.

"No-bite. Friend!" it defends.

“Well, it’s saying a lot more than just pizza…but still likely story,” B2 says with a scowl.
Before anything else happens though, they all hear Twilight screaming.

“no-time-move-now-“ the hippo says as it runs in the direction you and the others went.

“Ah hell! It’s going after Twilight! After it!” B2 says as he and the others chase after the hippo.

As the group rushes past, Springtrap pulls itself out of the wall.

“C-c-come back children…it’s time…”

Up ahead, as you round yet another bend, you start feeling the heat of the place increase more and more.

Shoot! I hope the others are OK. We’ve got to get out of here soon!

“AAAHHHH!!!” you hear Twilight’s voice once more followed by the sound of metal clashing. As you double your speed, you can’t help but feel like that scream sounded more angry than fearful.

You round the corner and finally see the Freddy Animatronic flailing against a familiar purple girl.

“STAY AWAY FROM HER!!” You shout as you smack it in the back with the Boomstick, causing it to cry out.

“Thanks Bugze,” Twilight says, your view still cut off by the robot, and again, she sounds eerily not frightened.

“No problem kid, you have to don’t worry anymore, because I AM-“


“SSSSKKKRRREEE-*CRASH*” Freddy is blasted back past you by a purple blast of magic as he skids across the ground, heavily damaged.

“…Here?” you finish as you turn to look at the human girl…and her eyes are glowing blue.

“Thanks for the assist, he just kept struggling, saying ‘friend’ over and over again,” Twilight says with a cruel smile and a slight reverberation to her voice.

“Uhhhh…” you droll as you see purple energy snaking around her and Spike the Puppy whines uncomfortably by her feet.

“Oh this power is amazing,” she says studying her hands before she looks past you at the robot. “Thankfully these machines are hearty.”

Wh-What happened to her?

She’s gained magic obviously! Sombra says to you like you’re an idiot.

I can see that, but how?!

The purple glow, Selena answers. It’s the same that courses through some of those machines. She must have latent Siren blood in her.

You look at your fist where the geode crystal glows.

Ah crapbaskets! I did this!

“Well, guess he’s ready for round three, and he’s brought friends” Twilight says as she points at the sparking and damaged Freddy as a creepy looking puppet thing floats next to him.

“Uh, Twilight, forget about them! We have to go! The building is on fire and-“ you start but are interrupted as your group rounds the corner and gasps.

“Twilight?” asks Sunset as she sees her glowing eyes.

“Yes? And you are?” she says kind of arrogantly which takes her aback.

“That’s Sparkle?” asks a freaked out Sour, and Twilight narrows her eyes at the girl.

“What happened to her?” asks Indigo as she takes a step back.

“She looks scarier than Princess Twilight,” Fluttershy sputters.

“Indeed,” Rarity nods with wide eyes.

Sunset seems very confused and looks to you, the two animatronics separating you and back.

“Bugze what’s going on?”

“Humie Twilight’s gotten magic!” you answer back.

“What? How did-“ she starts before there is a commotion from behind them.

“Freddy. Friend-“ the Hippo says as it moves through the girls and crouches beside the other two robots.

“Get back here you hungry hungry jackass before I-Oh hey, there you guys are!” B2 says as his group enters the room and sees yours.

“Twilight!” Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Flash all say in unison and happiness.

“Hmm, more strangers that seem to know my name. Interesting,” she states, sounding rather bored which takes them aback.

“Oh thank buck! B2! We gotta get out of here!” you call out.

“I figured as much! Now kill those three bots before…Whoa, what’s up with Twilight’s eyes?” he says noticing Twilight for the first time.

She just looks to you with a raised brow.

“B2 huh? Interesting. Perhaps my clone theory wasn’t far off,” she mutters.

“Look, let’s talk later,” you say eyeing the machines who haven’t moved from their spot. “We’ve got to get out of here before-“
You are cut off as the torso of the yellow bunny bursts through the wall next to you and grabs you.

“AAAAHHH!!!” you cry out as you struggle.

“Him…” all three robots say.

“BUGZE!” the accumulated group yells as it tries to drag you into the wall.

“Power…give…” the creature says trying to pry your fist open.

“BUCK OFF!” you shout as you slam the Boomstick onto the ground, which launches both you and him out of the wall at an angle towards the other three machines. In the process though, your weak human hand is jostled loose from both the Boomstick and your purple gem.

“Gorrammit!” you shout as you land face down with the rabbit on top of you.

Immediately, three mechanical shriek of the other three as they in turn pounce on the rabbit, adding their weight to you.

“AGH!” you cry out as you struggle to breathe. The yellow rabbit shrieks itself as the others tear into it, but it will not let you go.

“Mr. Bugze!” Twilight shouts out.

“Get the Hell off of Him!” B2 yells as he tries to push the creatures off of you, but to no avail.

Can’t…Breathe! You think as your vision begins to swim.

Bugze No! Stay Conscious! Selena implores in worry.

Yes! Do Not Die Now You Moron! Sombra urges sounding angry.

“Bucking…Machines…” you croak as darkness closes in.

“Twilight No!” Sunset shouts somewhere in the distance.

With a ripped off ear by the hippo, Freddy’s jaws wrapped around his neck, and the Puppet, elbow deep into his back, Springtrap pulls it’s face to your ear.

“Si-Si-Sing…Sing f-for m-“


The demonic rabbit and the other animatronics are suddenly blasted off of you by another purple beam of magic, but this one is more intense.

Gasping in pain and surprise, you fill your lungs with oxygen and cough.

“God Damn,” B2 says in awe as he lifts you to his feet, still looking behind you. You see the others staring slack jawed as well, and when you turn around you see Twilight floating with a purple miasma all around her as she holds Gloriosa’s stone in her hand.

“What in the…” you say speechless as she opens her eyes which glow an even more intense blue as suddenly, her whole outfit changes as she sprouts dark purple wings, and her glasses become like some sort of mask around her eyes.

Impressive…Selena says in amazement as you all sense her magical essence.

Beautiful, Sombra agrees.

Creepy, you finish as you get an unsettling feeling about your human friend.

“I’m tired of this drivel,” she says in a demonic sounding voice as she glides past you and your double towards the four heavily damaged animatronics, three of which are still beating the crap out of the yellow rabbit.

As the thing shrieks she grabs it by it’s head, and suddenly a stream of purple electricity is pulled out of the monster and into the geode in her hand.

“Skkkrrrrnnnkkk,” Springtrap chokes out as he spasms and his movements become sluggish..

“Holy Buck!” you say in shock.

“You can say that again,” comes a familiar voice and looking down by your foot you see puppy Spike whining as he spits out your Boomstick.

“…Did you just talk?” B2 asks as you pick it back up.

“Twilight’s gone crazy and you want to ask me that?!” he says with a roll of his eyes.

“…I mean, he’s got a point,” you shrug.

“Holy Moly! Another Demon Girl Two Nights In A Row?!” Pinkie’s voice cuts through the air. You look over at your companions and see signs of absolute shock all over their faces, none so much though as Sunset.

The demonic Twilight just looks at everybody and smirks as the Hippo, Freddy and the Puppet start dismantling the nearly functionless Springtrap.

“It ends here…” the puppet says as it tears an arm off.

“N-No more n-nights!” Freddy sputters as he bites half of the face off.

“no-More-deaths!” the hippo says as he starts tearing mechanical and decayed organic innards out of the creature.

“Oh hey stupid robots, why don’t you be good pieces of junk and give mama her gift?” Twilight says cruelly as she suddenly siphons the electricity from them as well.

They all scream in pain and you and your companions back up in shock as you feel the power in her grow more.

“Much better,” she says in satisfaction as the animatronics all look a little less lifeless, though they still continue to hold Springtrap in place.

“Twilight?” Sunset asks nervously causing the demonic girl to look to her.

“You say it so familiarly, but I don’t know who you are weakling,” she says causing the Unicorn girl to take a step back.

“Hey now kid, calm down,” B2 interjects. “You’re acting a bit loco. Since when were you this cruel?”

“Since when were you TWO people?” she snarls back at the two of you.


“You see…” you both struggle to say anything as a burning beam then falls behind the rest of the group and they let out shrieks of fear.

“Oh right, fire,” Twilight says rolling her eyes as she suddenly snaps a finger and a hole is blasted out of the roof. “Guess you jerks don’t like that huh?” she says boredly before you are all levitated off the ground.

“What in Tarnation?!” Applejack sputters as everyone else shrieks or stammers as they leave the embrace of gravity and out of the building through the hole.

“Wait! What about Hippo Bro?!” you shout looking down at the piled animatronics.

“What about it? It’s just scrap anyway,” demon Twilight says with a snicker as she flies past you all lifting you above the building which is just spewing smoke.

As you are carried away you see the struggling Springtrap as the Hippo, Freddy, and Puppet continue to hold it down despite their weakened states. The Hippo even gives you a wave as you are lifted to safety.

“No! NO!” the monster shouts as it weakly tries to get away, but the others do not budge. “I’ll-Come-Back! I always-“ he is silenced as the Puppet tears it’s lower jaw off.

“Burn now Afton…” it says.

“Burn now… Killer…” Freddy says.

“not-see the light of day again-“ the Hippo finishes as the fire envelops all four of them and they shriek for a few moments before all goes quite.

You don’t know why, but there is a sense of peace as they burn, like some weight has finally been lifted. Speaking of being lifted, you are all unceremoniously tossed to the street where you all end up in a pile.

After you all untangle yourselves from this position, Twilight just hovers over all of you with a smirk as the fire burns behind her.

“So Sour, Indigo, let that be a lesson to you. Don’t F#$% with my locker again!” she warns, power radiating around her.

“This was all you?” Sour interrogates, albeit a bit timidly.

“Ah doi!” Twilight mocks. “You needed some comeupence obviously. Also, I had to figure out where Bugze’s power came from at the mall, so two birds with one stone.”

“You know about that?!” you ask in shock and she looks at you with her glowing eyes.

“Everyone else in this town may be an idiot, but not me!” she snarls and you all back up. “And I thought maybe you would have told me without having to resort to this, but here we are.”

“But…but kid, this was messed up,” B2 says sounding hurt.

“Hey, no one got hurt too badly, and I found out the secret to your power,” she says holding the gem. “Magic...What a flawless plan. True the machines gaining sentience was a hitch, but I came out on top.”

“Twilight! You have to let those powers go right now!” Sunset begs. “Just last night I let myself become corrupted by-“

“Yeah, listen, I don’t know you, and you don’t know me,” she interrupts and begins pointing at all the human Deadly 6 and Flash. “Sorry you all got thrown into this, but hey, I’m sure you had fun. In the end, it was just a prank, and there’s nothing wrong with that.” She gives you and B2 a pointed look and smirk as says this.

She then starts flying higher into the air as fire engine sirens are heard.

“But if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go do more experimentation with this magic to test my limits. I’ll see you two later for more interrogation” she says pointing to you and your double.

“Twilight! You’re acting all scary!” Puppy Spike pleads and she looks down at him with a softer, kinder smile.

“Don’t worry Spike, no one’s going to get hurt…permanently.” The puppy of course is not assured by this. “So stick close to the two Bugzes, I’ll come pick you up later. I’ve got lots of Science to do!” she declares as she cackles and lifts off into the air, flying out of sight.

You sit there in the parking lot as Fazbear’s burns to the ground in shock as all the teens look at each other in absolute confusion.

“So…that just happened,” you say as the emotional roller coaster of the day’s events catches up to you.

“What? What just happened?!” B2 asks, all but pleading for an answer.

“I Don’t Knoooowwwww!” you whine as you grip your scalp in frustration.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

Near The Dragon Lands

“What do you mean you don’t know?” you ask your Grandbuggy as he trots next to you on the cart.

“I mean I don’t know kid, I can’t make it more simpler than that,” he shrugs.

“Grrr,” you growl in frustration as you look at the embedded amulet shards on your chest. “Well if there’s even a risk of Spike turning evil, I won’t ask him to bite this out of me.”

It’s been a few days since waking up to your discovery, and though the initial freak out was huge (you stress ate Garble’s breakfast and lunch) you’ve felt fairly in control of yourself. When you fought that plant monster, you knew the signs of losing yourself as the impulses were strong, but with it in your chest, you don’t feel any eviler or crazier. Still, the last thing you want is having a bejeweled scar, even if it looks cool, because you’ll never hear the end of it from your Daddy.

“Him chomping into your chest and causing an even bigger wound aside, that would be the smart thing to do,” he says.

“That and Dad would obviously freak out thinking he was trying to eat me or something stupid like that,” you sigh and shake your head.

“I could do it if you want,” Garble volunteers. “I’m sure I could bite it out.”

“You’re just saying that so that you can hurt me and open up a weak spot!” you chide.

“Wha? I would never,” he badly lies and you give him the stink eye.

“I’m sure there’s more practical means little one,” the Merchant says as he pulls the wagon. “Perhaps a bit of plastic surgery.”

“The guy selling all kinds of weird magical stuff recommends modern medicine?” asks Greta as she flutters along next to the wagon.

“You can’t solve everything with magic,” he points out.

“Hmmph, or so Daring Do would have you believe,” Ahuizotl quips.

“Oh will you quit bellyaching about her? It’s getting annoying,” Greta whines.

“Oh I’m sorry that my trust and understanding of my one true nemesis was destroyed and is ticking you off griffon!” he huffs and you all roll your eyes.

“Cripes Sake Ahz,” Grandbuggy facehooves and shakes his head. “When you two meet up again, you both should just do it and get it over with.”

“Wha-I-That’ll never happen!” Ahuizotl blushes.

“Not with that attitude it won’t,” Grandbuggy admonishes.

“Yeah seriously, next time you see her just do it,” you agree and all of the adults all look at you in worry. “What? Even I think they should just kiss already.”

“Oooohhh,” they all say in relief and understanding, which confuses you.

“What? What did you all think I meant?”

“Never you mind kid,” Greta says with a chuckle.

“Oh Come On!” you growl as you are once again denied the adult knowledge they keep hidden from you.

They just don’t want me to grow up! They just want to keep me a filly forever and never leave the bag! You think bitterly before your eyes go wide. Now was that my own bitterness or the Amulet crazy talk? Ugh, I can’t tell!

And as you have an existential debate with yourself, Garble suddenly speaks up and points at a mountain on the horizon.

“There it is, home sweet home,” he says happily before his ear fins droop.

“What? Why so glum looking?” asks Greta.

“It’s just that I don’t know if my Dad and Uncle Torch consider me worthy enough to return. I was kind of doing a penance run with the ponies and searching for my Ex Crackle before I devoted myself to defeating Nightshade.”

“Eh, you’ll probably be alright so long as you don’t piss me off ya dang lizard,” Grandbuggy says as he lights his cigar. “Torch and I go back a long time, and there’s no reason he wouldn’t pay his dues.”

“What, just like there’s no reason why you shouldn’t pay that faceless pony that always follows you?” quips the Merchant.

“Buck Him!” Grandbuggy says as he turns and looks at the slowly walking Slendermane who can be seen a few miles back. “You’re Not Fooling Anyling Ya Dang Bum!”

You roll your eyes at his antics, before facing the mountain which has smoke coming out of the top.

“So you’re sure the Dragon Lord will be nice to us?” you ask timidly.

“Eh, as nice as the old git can be,” Grandbuggy shrugs. “He is pretty intimidating though, so if you want you can hang out with his daughter while we chat.”

“Which is code for losing your money at cards,” Ahuizotl riffs and Grandbuggy shoots him a look.

“He’s got a daughter?” you ask surprised.

“Yeah, about the size of chuckle buck here,” he says pointing to Garble. “So she’s less scary than her pops.

“Ha! Princess Ember NOT scary? In your dreams,” Garble laughs.

You ignore the dumb flank and look intently at the volcano.

Well, scary or not, we need to get that Egg and Scepter piece. The sooner we get done with our hunt, the sooner we can figure out how to get this stupid amulet out of my chest.


Author's Note:

Well we didn't last Five Nights, which is true to life for me the one time I played a FNAF game :pinkiecrazy:

Hey Hive Mind,

Looks like we're back in Equestria with the Outcasts. We'll be back to Bug Boy having to deal with Midnight Sparkle being loose in the Human World eventually, but for now let's guide our filly through the land of dragons.

Will Nightshade make new friends? Will Grandbuggy get to play a game of poker? Will Garble stop being a complete and utter tool? I don't know, let's find out.

And before I leave you, I just want to give a shout out to another Comment Driven Story that's fairly new, but is already tons of fun, especially if you're a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Fan.

Stand For Equestria: Origin of Harmony By Greatness492.
It's a story about You, Shooting Star, a Pegasus who gains a Stand called [New Divide] right as Season 2 Begins.
If you're a JoJo fan, I recommend it, and even if you're not, still give it a read, you might just enjoy yourself :pinkiehappy:

That's all for now. I'll see you in the next chapter,
Brown Dog

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