• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,777 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 77: The Sombra Problem

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Kersey475’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Well?” Cadence asks as she stares at you and Grandbuggy.

For a brief moment, you are somewhat intimidated by her demand.

Okay, let’s try to calm this situation down. I don’t think it will go that far, but even if it does I will NOT use the Dark Canon on Cadence! You give yourself a mental pep talk before answering her.

“I mean...daddy and mommy have reined him in kinda?” you say trying to dissuade your cousin.

“Reined him in?” she asks inquisitively.

“Yeah,” you nod. “I mean, we’ve practically beat the evil out of him by this point.”

“…So, you think he’s reformed because you think you “beat the evil” out of him?” she asks skeptically, and a bit unnerved.

“No! Not just because of that! At first we did kind of beat him into submission, but then Daddy decided I could reform him, and I did, even after what he did during the Trixie Incident…but I got through to him at Appleloosa,” you explain. Even after that roaring recommendation, she does not seem swayed.

“While I have no doubt that Bugze, your mother and you probably had some form of effect on him, he’s still KING SOMBRA!” she huffs. “He took over the Crystal Empire over a thousand years ago and he nearly did it again when it returned!”

“Until the boy stopped him that is,” Grandbuggy beams.

“By EATING him,” Cadence deadpans while raising an eyebrow. “Do you think he’s forgiven him for that?” You look to Grandbuggy for an answer but he shrugs helplessly. For all this time gathering artifacts, you never really thought about who you were releasing back into the world.

“I mean he’s been nice to me?” You say trying to come up with something.

“Nice? Last I saw he was trying to destroy you and from what I saw in your memories he hasn’t exactly been keen on letting go of his evil ways.” Cadence points out.

“But that was then, this is now! Sure we all hurt each other in some way and form, and for awhile I think he was trying to turn me to the Dark side and kept referring to me as an Overlord like how Bob and my other minions worship me…” you look up and see that this isn’t helping your case in her eyes, so you shake your head and get to the point. “But besides all that when it came down to it, he helped save Daddy and Mommy in Appleloosa because of me! Surely you saw that in the Milk Shake right?”

“I did…” she admits but her eyes become resolute. “But that could just be a case of saving his own skin…or rather soul.”

“Well that doesn’t make much sense there,” Grandbuggy argues. “If the boy had fallen, then ol’ smoky would have been freed.”

“Yeah that’s right,” you nod. “Plus, I had to convince and beg him to get out of his zoned out sadness which he was in ever since Daddy zoned out. He felt guilty because he had hurt me most of all with what he did, but I forgave him.”

“He was the turning point in that battle Princess,” Grandbuggy agrees and her lips purse.

“…Even if you feel that way, that just means he has a fondness for you Nightshade,” she argues. “That doesn’t make him good, or reformed, that just makes him have an affinity for you.”

“What, you don’t think someone caring about me is reform enough?” you say snarkily and she frowns.

“Those shadow creatures are far from good Nightshade, and yet they “love” you dearly,” she points out.

“Hey, Jackie and the others aren’t that bad…” you argue weakly, remembering how demented and vicious they could get when you ordered them to.

“Even still, just because Sombra cares about you, doesn’t mean he cares about others. The fact that your parents have been stuck with him in another dimension without you actually worries me,” she says sincerely.

“Well I’m sure the boy and Selena have tempered him in this other world,” Grandbuggy interjects. “Shade did make him promise to keep them safe after all.”

Human World

“GAAAHHHHH!!! I HATE EVERYTHING!” Bugze roars as he burns down another section of the fair for the 30th time. “I CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE OF THIS!!!”

I agree my bug, but burning down the fair won’t solve anything! Selena scolds tiredly, before whispering under her breath, Despite it being very cathartic.

I still have no idea what’s going on here, but you two sound more deranged than usual, Sombra says nonchalantly as a popcorn stand explodes with heat. Perhaps I should take over for a bit in light of this madness?

Absolutely no- Selena begins only to be cut off.


WHAT?! No Wai-

Bugze’s body goes limp for a moment among the destruction as Midnight flies by and sees him.

“Bugze! Stop setting fire to everything! Just calm down and give me the-” she stops as she starts to feel a dark presence radiate from him, before his eyes open as his pupils turn to slits and his iris’s turn red.

YES AT LONG LAST I CAN FINALLY RAMPAGE!!! Sombra’s voice booms from Bugze’s mouth as he pulls out the magic draining device from the inventory. NOW I CAN RULE AND FINALLY LIVE OUT MY DREAM OF MAKING MY OWN MY LITTLE HUMANS SHOW! AHAHAHAHAH!!!

The tyrant then uses Bugze’s body to chase after the fleeing carnival goers amidst the blazing inferno.

“RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! I’M GOING TO SNUGGLE ALL OF YOU ADORABLE CREATURES!!!” he cackles a group of teenagers run for their lives in terror.

“…I think I’m gonna sit this one out,” Midnight says slowly backing away from the insanity much to Selena’s anger and Bugze’s sudden regret.

Back With You

“Huh…does anyone else feel a sense of comedic irony?” Grandbuggy asks scratching under his hat.

“A little bit yeah,” you nod with a shiver.

“I don’t feel anything,” Cadence admits before scowling at Grandbuggy again. “But to what you said, if he didn’t like them before, why would he now? Without Nightshade around, he might as well just be a rabid dog they have on a very, very tight leash.”

“Oh come on, that’s not fair,” you pout. “He’s still a grouch, but when we were living in Appleloosa for those few months after Twilight became a princess, he mellowed out. The worst he did was be snarky, and we all do that.”

“Because he doesn’t have much choice I would think,” she counters stubbornly. “If he were to be freed, then I doubt he’d just be giving lip.”

“Well what are we supposed to do then?! Leave him in the boy’s body?!” Grandbuggy grumbles in frustration.

“No! I’m not saying that but we can’t just let him out to run a rampage again,” Cadence rebuttals.

“But all of their souls are connected by this point, and we might not be able to separate Selena from my boy without releasing him too,” he says defiantly. “Don’t you want Nightshade to be able to have a mother out here in the real world?”

“Don’t pull that over on me!” she snaps at the old bug. “I want Shade to be happy more than anypony, but there has to be another way besides releasing someone more evil than Queen Chrysalis, Tirek and Grogar combined!”

Your ears wilt in awkwardness as the argument seems to be getting a little heated, so you decide to head it off with something you are generally curious about.

"Who's T-Rex and Grongo?" you pipe up, cutting through Grandbuggy’s and Cadence’s glares as they look to you. “I mean, I know how crazy the Changeling Queen is, but I’ve never heard of those two.”

"It’s Tirek and Grogar," Grandbuggy corrects, “And Cady here’s being a little liberal in her evilness math.”

“I beg to differ,” she disagrees.

“And I beg to differ your differ,” he continues. “Land’s sake, that’s like saying the jagoff Con Artist’s I kicked out of town today are worse than the Somnambulan Sphinx.”

“Wait, what now? Con Artists?” you ask.

“Remember them snake oil salesmen back at Rainbow Falls? Flim and Flam? Well they were around today trying to dupe us old folks, including your Great Granny, so I roughed them up a bit.”

“Oh, good job Grandbuggy,” you congratulate and he smirks.

“Dang right it was. Applejack helped as well, though she took pity on their plant in the audience, some shaky guy with glasses, but hey, not everyone deserves a flank kicking I suppose.”

“I…I see,” Cadence says a bit worriedly before turning back to you. “But yes, to answer your question, Tirek and Grogar are both villains from the past from when Auntie Celestia was young.”

“Mmhmm,” Grandbuggy nods. “One was a bastard of an old goat who claimed he was the Father of All Monsters, and the other was a parasitic centaur with Daddy issues.”

You and Cadence look at Grandbuggy curiously at that, but he just shrugs.

“What? I calls it like I sees it.”

“Implying you actually met them?” Cadence says with a raised brow.

“I’ve done my fair bit of time traveling sweetheart,” he hoofwaves before turning back to you. “But yeah kiddo, Sombra ain’t nowhere as bad compared to all of them.” Before Cadence can argue that point, you follow up on that.

“Why? What did they do?”

“Well, as he said, Grogar was the Father of all Monsters-“

“A very, very big overstatement in the annals of history,” Grandbuggy interrupts.

“…And Tirek devoured the magic from other living creatures.”

“Ew,” you shudder, images of how that would happen dancing in your head.

“Exactly,” Cadence nods. “And while Tirek was sentenced to Tartarus, and Grogar disappeared entirely, I still feel Sombra is the bigger threat.”

“Really?” you ask skeptically. “Even at his strongest, me and Spike would have beaten him if Dad’s little rampage hadn’t gotten in the way. Besides, that goat guy you said disappeared so with the track record of other ancient threats popping up, maybe you should be worrying about him more.”

“Ah no need for that Shade,” Grandbuggy says with a confident smirk. “Last I saw of that bleating idiot, the Doc threw him into the epicenter of a black hole after Gusty drained him with that bell.”

“Wait, what?” Cadence asks.

“It’s what he got for trying to steal the power of a Time Lord,” he says plainly. “It also goes to show why you never earn the fury of The Doctor.”

“…I think I’ll just table the talk of this Doctor for now,” Cadence says putting a hoof to her head. “Bugze wrote about him as well and it’s still rather confusing.”

“I wouldn’t watch the show then, he says a lot of things are exaggerated,” you say helpfully. “Also, the Doctor knew about Sombra too and he didn’t throw him into a black hole.”

“Would have been a lot more helpful if he had,” she sighs. “My point is though, that Tirek sought strength, Grogar wanted to create, and even Chrysalis wanted her people to thrive.”

“Really? You’re going to defend Prissy Chryssy?” Grandbuggy demeans and Cadence bristles.

“Don’t get me wrong, I hate that harlot from the bottom of my heart for what she did to Shiny and Me. Her actions are horrible and evil, but at least she had some sort of driving motive. But Sombra…he’s just a tryant. He wants slaves and control for his own selfish gain, for the betterment of no one but himself. Just like those other ancient evils, but even more cruel.”

“I don’t think it’s just that simple,” you argue, remembering the glimpses past his grumpiness to the sad, yearning pony who only wanted a friend. “And sure, yeah, he was clearly evil, noling’s going to dispute that, but for crying out loud, Discord was also evil and did mind control, and look at him now. Fluttershy reformed him by herself, just like I did for Sombra!”

“I don’t know if that’s an apt comparison,” she counters. “Discord was never one for violence, and don’t get me wrong, I like the guy, but his reformation seems very loosey goosey in my opinion.”

“Oh come on!” you grunt at her stubbornness.

“I actually gotta side with her on that point,” Grandbuggy admits and you look at him with a look of betrayal. “What? The guy’s a loon. Plus the whole reforming him thing was Celestia’s idea.”

“Why do you say that like it’s a bad thing?” Cadence asks confused and Grandbuggy just looks at her deadpanned.

“Because she’s a dang hypocrite, which seems to have rubbed off on you a little,” he says pointing at your cousin.

“What do you mean by that?” she demands.

“Well, the long and short of it is, the only ones allowed to be “redeemed” are the ones she signs off on, like her sister and Discord,” he lectures. “But anyling else that don’t fit her perfect “infallible” rules can just buck right off. And it seems you’ve got some of those tendencies too Cady.”

Her face goes a bit red at that as she hisses through her teeth.

“He. Stabbed. My. Husband! And I’m not just going to let him do that to Nightshade. Metaphorically and definitely not literally."

“Cadence…” you start to argue but she shakes her head.

“I don’t care if it makes me a hypocrite or not, but I don’t think I can ever trust him, even if he does somehow come around. I don’t want him setting hoof back in the Crystal Empire.”

“…I understand,” you say after a moment of reflection. “I get why you won’t forgive him or want him back at the Empire, but I don’t think he should be denied a chance to make up for it.”

“Nightshade...” she sighs, but you wave your hooves to cut her off.

"I'm not telling you to forgive him for what he's done to you and what he's done in the past, all I'm saying is give him a tiny chance, even if it's for a moment. I'm giving Discord a chance, and he's gotten somewhat better so far, so could you do the same?" You plead, and she sighs again.

"I... I can't. But... if- when I encounter your father again, I'll ask to speak with him, and maybe, just maybe, depending on what he says, even if I don't trust it, maybe I'll make an attempt...but that’s a big maybe."

"Thanks, Cadence." you say a little more relieved. “I know it’s a lot to ask, and I don’t trust him entirely myself, but for better or for worse, he is my friend.”

She sighs once more and holds her forehead.

“I don’t know how you managed that, seeing as his only motivation is slavery and tyranny.”

“He’s a lot more complex than you think,” you defend. “You’d be surprised but a lot of what he does is because of his old friend, and also how much of a jerk Princess Amore used to be.”

“Huh? But Princess Amore was a well loved defender of her people and-“

“Not gonna lie Princess, but she painted a target on her back,” Grandbuggy interjects. “Also, she ain’t as clean as history wants you to think. She made the dang amulet after all.”

“Yeah…” you say with a frown at your slightly glowing scar. “Thanks a lot Amore.”

“I…I didn’t know that,” Cadence says taken aback. “And he’s revealed some of his past to you?”

“Mmhmm,” you nod and look down. “It’s really sad actually. His only friend was named Hope, who in the end betrayed him to the Princesses and he never saw her again.”

“And…and how can you know he tells the truth?” she inquires and you frown.

“Because you can’t fake sadness like that,” you say pointedly. “I bet if you look it up, you’ll find something on her.”

“Many texts on Sombra’s past were destroyed, either by himself or by the Crystal Ponies after they were freed. Perhaps Celestia or Luna would know, but they might get curious if I start making such inquiries,” she informs.

“He did say he kept a journal that he hid somewhere in the Crystal Palace, so maybe that could be proof enough” you say and both of them look at you strangely. “What?”

“Why did he tell you about a journal? How did that even come up?” Grandbuggy asks and you begin tapping your hooves together nervously.

“He, uh, he suggested that I get a Diary.”

“He did?” Cadence asks in surprise.

“Yeah. He said it’d be healthy for me to express my feelings…but I decided not to because I didn’t want Daddy sneaking a look and then trying to hurt Spike…Or anyone for that matter!” you add hastily with shifty eyes.

This actually gets a small smirk out of Cadence, and a roll of the eyes from Grandbuggy.

“There are such things as diaries with locks on them,” she says good naturedly which embarrasses you. She then puts a hoof to her chin in thought. “Though if there is a hidden journal somewhere in my home, it could be tough to find.”

“Maybe Twilight could help?” You suggest and she raises a brow. “I mean, if anyling could find a book like a bloodhound it’d be her right?”

“Heh heh, it’s funny because it’s true,” Grandbuggy chuckles and even Cadence gives a giggle.

“I suppose it would help learn more about him without alerting Luna or Celestia. I could cover it up as wanting to bond with Twily and I do want to know more about the ponies I rule over.” Cadence mulls. “But I still don’t think bringing Sombra back is a good idea.”

“It’ll be easier to discuss when the boy gets back. We can sort it out then,” Grandbuggy says tiredly before you all start debating again.

“…Fair enough,” she concedes and sits back in her chair. “I’m just glad we were able to talk it over at all.”

“Yeah…it’s definitely a tricky subject,” you nod and relax a little as well.

“But speaking of tricky subjects, I’ll also have Twilight and my own subjects looking into the Alicorn Amulet. Perhaps even Sombra’s journal might shed light on how to dispose of it.”

“Hopefully,” you nod warily. “It’s really brought nothing but trouble.

Cadence looks at you sympathetically at that, before biting her lip nervously.

“Yes, about that…Nightshade, you mind if I ask you about something concerning that trouble?”

“Uh, sure?”

“It's about that...colt you met at Misty Lake Forest,” she says gingerly. Grandbuggy flinches at that before looking over at you in concern. A cold breeze blows through a nearby window as the memories of that night flash in your head.

“Oh….that,” you say as the shards on your chest glow slightly more.

“I’m not trying to guilt-trip you if that's what you think!” Cadence says quickly seeing your downcast look. “I’m just wondering about what that colt was doing chasing you?”

“Right…” you say guiltily as you remember his panicked words on the ice pad. “I thought he was the one who kidnapped Grandbuggy because he had a cult motif and said he was from the Black Suns, the same jerks that bought the Dragon Egg out from under us and left a mocking calling card.”

“The Black Suns?” Cadence asks curiously and you nod.

“We didn’t really look into them after all this craziness happened, and I didn’t really listen to what that kid said, but he kept calling me Nightmare Moon and kept talking about an offer.”

Cadence’s ears wilt at that.

“Oh dear. An offer for what they presumed to be Nightmare Moon can’t be anything good,” she mentions and you nod.

“Yeah, I know. Especially if they’re making kids look like adults for their members.”

“I still have that calling card,” Grandbuggy says as he digs it out of his hat and hands it to Cadence who looks it over and her eyes widen upon seeing the symbol of the bleeding black sun with an arrow through it.

“This…this looks similar to the Crimson Knights logo,” Cadence whispers fearfully.

“Yeah, but more gothy,” Grandbuggy nods. “But trust us, it ain’t them.”

“How can you be so sure?” Cadence asks. “I mean, I know the majority of their organization was a front by Chrysalis, but some of those Generals were dangerous.”

“They were more idiotic than anything,” you disagree. “And Grandbuggy’s right, Captain Jack sent them on a mission in space.”

“…Who did what now?”

“An immortal stallion who will mount anything that moves and access to alien and futuristic technology,” Grandbuggy explains. “The Knights work for him now and last we heard, they were about a galaxy away fighting aliens or something.”

“I…” she gapes as she sees how serious you two are and her eye twitches. “I am still so lost on this. I thought some of those memories in the Shake were TV shows.”

“To be fair, some of them kind of are,” you shrug.

“Either way, this symbol looks to similar, and even if it’s not them, we may be looking at copy cats here,” she says tapping the card.

“Who would want to copy those dorks?” you ask skeptically.

“Any number of loonies out there on any given day,” Grandbuggy says pessimistically before raising a brow at Cadence. “Have you heard anything about them?”

“Nothing aside from this note and that announcement you made on the radio Nightshade,” she admits before tapping her chin. “But I do remember Shining discussing some curious threats that were suggested to be from “Nightmare Moon” sympathizers.

You shudder at that thought and sigh.

“I swear, if we have to go town to town bounty hunting again, I’m gonna-“

“Don’t worry honey, I don’t think that will be the case,” Grandbuggy cuts you off. “Because something doesn’t seem right about this.”

“What do you mean?” asks Cadence.

“I mean, if we are worst case scenario looking at yet another splinter faction here, why send this card? Why taunt us, and then try to recruit Shade? That don’t make a lick of sense.”

“That’s…” she trails off. “I don’t know.”

“Exactly,” he nods. “So maybe we just got a conspiracy going on here and there’s something we’re just not seeing.”

“Or they could just be idiots too,” you point out.


“I just don’t understand it! We’re supposed to be slipping under the radar! Who keeps leaving these taunting notes?!” the cyborg stallion grunts and tosses a bunch of calling cards onto a desk.

“Oh don’t worry about it, it’s just some bravado amongst the troops, there’s no conspiracy behind it,” DWC lies with a trollish grin.

“Ugh! I swear if this screws up our plans for the Games…”

“Don’t worry your chrome plated head, everything’s going to be fine,” he dismisses.

For me anyway. Seriously, how stupid are you not to even ask if I did it? He thinks maliciously. The key to subterfuge is choosing all the sides, and yet none at all. Speaking of, I wonder how Sombra’s Ex is doing?

Somewhere Else

“So let us get this straight,” Flim starts.

“You want us to build machinery for you,” Flam adds.

“And you’re willing to pay us?” they both say.

“That’s right,” Radiant Hope says with a smile. “My friend recommends you, and that’s good enough for me.”

The two brothers share a glance between one another, then look at the Crystal Mare and back to one another.

“Give us a sec would you?” Flim says before he goes into a huddle with his brother. “What do you think Flam?”

“I say it’s very convenient her arrival after our little venture in Ponyville failed today,” Flam says skeptically.

“My thoughts exactly,” Flim nods before frowning. “Stupid old stallion and his stupid hat!”

“He must be related to the Apples if he can hit that hard,” Flam says rubbing a bruise on his jaw.

“Well he was defending Applejack’s Grandmother, so there is that,” Flim nods. “If only he’d drank the stupid potion before he kicked our flanks, we could have marketed that!”

“Well it’s no use now,” Flam sighs. “Though at this point, suspiciously convenient or not, this mare’s got coin brother.”

“You’re right. Coin she’s willing to just throw away…” Flim agrees.

“Um, if it helps make up your mind, my friend also wanted me to let you know that helping me would get back at Applejack,” Hope pipes up helpfully.

“We’re In!” the brothers respond immediately, startling the Crystal Pony.

“That’s great news!” she says excitedly. “Just follow me, and I’ll lead you to workshop of sorts.”

“Whatever you say boss lady,” the brothers say in unison.

“Perfect,” she chirps as they begin walking through the night. “Sooo, listen, I’ve heard your good with machinery, but how well are you at building something that can break magical locks?”

“Hmmm, never been asked for that service before,” Flam ponders.

“But I’m sure we can get it done,” Flim says. “How strong of a magical lock we talking?”

“Oh, you know, Alicorn level strength,” Hope says with a chuckle and the brothers suddenly become wary.

“We’re not breaking into Canterlot Castle are we?” Flam asks nervously.

“Oh no, nothing that dangerous,” Hope reassures.

“Oh thank goodness,” Flim exhales in relief.

“It’s actually this ancient castle out in the middle of a forest where some more allies can be found,” she explains and they raise their brows.

“More allies?” they ask.

“Mmhmm,” she nods. “On the request of my friend, I’ve been talking with their Queen. She’s agreed to help us if we help them out.”

The brothers again look nervous, but keep following the mare who gains a determined look.

And once we get them all better with some of their food, then we can draw out Nightmare Moon when my friend gives the go ahead, she thinks stoically before smiling. I’ll rescue you from the belly of her changeling host Sombra, just hold on a bit longer…

Back With You

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Well whatever the case, I’ll have Shiny look into these Suns a bit more, maybe we’ll uncover something,” Cadence says as she hands the card back to Grandbuggy.

“Good idea,” he nods. “It’s better to know who’s bucking with ya instead of remaining in the dark.”

Plus if we ever figure out where they are, I could find that Frost kid again and give him back his necklace. I hope the Doctor can fix it, you think sadly.

“My thoughts exactly,” Cadence nods to Grandbuggy. “The last thing we need is someone stabbing us when we least suspect it.”

“Yeah,” you nod. “Daddy had to go through that and I wouldn’t wish that on anyling else.”

Cadence winces at that as she puts a hoof to her head.

“That reminds me, now that I know Bugze is also El Hunko…how did he get that wound from that day in the Empire?”

“Oh, well it’s like I was just saying, he know’s what it’s like to go through with being stabbed,” you say, remembering the wound that he got in the Otherworld that put your Mom in a coma and didn’t quite heal right.

Cadence frowns at this.

“Was that Chrysalis’s doing as well?” she growls with some heat in her eyes.

“Umm, no it wasn’t her,” you say warily.

“Then who was it?!” she demands which startles you.

“Um…” you trail off.

I can’t just say it was you from an Alternate Universe, that would hurt your already hurt brain.

“Well? Who stabbed my friend and left him in that state? I remember that day clearly?!” she all but orders, which actually intimidates you somewhat.

“Listen Princess, it ain’t her tale to tell,” Grandbuggy interrupts. “If he wants to tell ya, he will.”

She glares at Grandbuggy for a moment before she seems to get ahold of herself.

“You’re right, I’m sorry…” she says to you both. “It’s just when I think about all these times he was suffering and in pain and I didn’t know any better…”

“It’s okay Cadence. What happened to him that time couldn’t have been stopped by you,” you reassure her and put a hoof on hers. She smiles at that before her face becomes stoic again.

“Even still, if he ever tells me and I found out who the whorse was that did that to him, I will do all in my power to punish them severely for what they did to Bugze,” she seethes. You share an awkward glance with Grandbuggy at that and you can read in his eyes the same faint amusement that you share at the situation.

She’s talking about herself in a way. Though the last thing we want is Mia being caught up in her wrath.

“If it helps any, that wound is more manageable now that Zecora tended to it,” you placate.

“That does help a bit,” she nods before sighing again. “I’m sorry again if I’ve made this little reunion awkward with so serious of topics.”

“Don’t worry about it cuz. It’s been over a year after all,” you reassure and the atmosphere drops back down.

“Besides, there’s so many other things we could talk about,” Cadence says as she puts a leg around your shoulder. “Like how I’ll soon have yet another Aunt who will officially make me your cousin.”

“I know, right?” you say happily now that you’re onto much better topics.

“Which means Bugze will become my Uncle In Law?” she says scratching her head.

“Something like that,” Grandbuggy shrugs. “There ain’t exactly common rules for this kind of situation with semi-immortals and what not.”

“Yeah, also I wouldn’t call him Uncle Bugze because that would just make things really awkward I think,” you point out and she nods.

“It’s awkward just thinking about it,” she admits. “Plus the whole thing with you also being related to The Apples, which makes them In Laws as well I think?”

“Would that make Applebloom kind of like your niece then? Or like…a second cousin?” you ask scratching your ear.

“I don’t really know,” she admits and Grandbuggy just shakes his head.

“Again, normal rules ain’t gonna help in this,” he says before a thought comes to him. “But if that’s true, does this mean the Apple Family is now royalty?”

"In a way, yes!" Cadence chuckles and Grandbuggy’s jaw slacks.

“Just like the gypsy lady said,” he mutters under his breath.

"You say something?" you ask.

"Uh er nope!" he denies quickly. “Definitely don’t owe anyone else 20 bits!”

You give him a sharp look, remembering his stubbornness with Slendermane, but you just wave it off for now.

“Oh, I know!” Cadence suddenly perks up. “Let’s make a scrap book family tree tomorrow!”

“A family tree?” you question and she nods excitedly.

“Of course! I’ll be staying with Twilight tonight so I could look up more on the Apple Family line, and of course I know my Auntie’s side, so this could be a lot of fun!”

“Hey yeah, and then we can present it to everyone when Daddy’s back and we’ll all know what to call each other!” you say getting into the spirit of things.”

“Oh gods,” Grandbuggy facehooves as you and your cousin start enthusiastically making plans for the next day.

“You seem pretty accepting of the fact that the former Nightmare Moon’s gonna be your new aunt,” he mumbles as he grabs some juice from the fridge.

“Grandbuggy!” you chide for his callousness, but Cadence just giggles good naturedly.

“Well, at first I was kind of taken aback by the whole thing. I mean she’s another half of Luna, almost like a twin at this point, so by that logic she already is my family. And unlike Sombra, I can tell from Nightshade’s side of things that she’s someone I can trust.”

“Heh, I knew showing you the good times in the dreamscape with her would be a good idea,” you say triumphantly.

“Well yes, there is that, but it’s also because I glimpsed something else in your memories. Something a lot more telling,” she says slyly.

“Huh? What’s that?”

“Tell me something Nightshade, you remember that Pink Lover’s Jewell Necklace that Bugze kept in his Inventory?”

“Oh, you mean my old night light?” you ask remembering the softly glowing pink gem. “Yeah I remember it. Though I kind of stopped using it because it got too bright to fall asleep too at a point.”

“Oh it got brighter did it?” she asks excitedly.

“Yeah, it was kind of a pain. That’s kind of why I stopped sleeping in the Inventory when we were in Appleloosa…among other reasons.” She smiles at that as if that’s exactly what she wanted to hear.

“And that’s exactly why I know I can trust her.”

“Huh? Why? What does that Gem even do in the first place?” you ask in confusion at her logic and she giggles.

“Hold on a sec, did you say the Lover’s Jewell Necklace?” Grandbuggy pipes up startled.

“Yes I did,” she says with a grin and Grandbuggy has a look of realization on his face.

“Well Gorramn, that explains a buck ton of things with all them loopy mares,” Grandbuggy says as he slumps in his chair. “And shoot, here I thought he got the lady killer genes from me.”

“That’s not how genetics work Quick Fix,” Cadence giggles.

“What are you two going on about?” you say completely lost and Cadence looks to you with a smirk.

“The Lover’s Jewell Necklace is an…enhancer of sorts,” she explains.


“Basically, the wielder of it will have certain parts of their character become…more desirable to a potential mate who’ve they caught the eye of,” she says simply.

“…I’m still lost, what does this have to do with Mommy and the other mares?” At this, Grandbuggy takes over.

“All the mares that have been chasing after your pops have found something about him that they were attracted to. And because of the jewel, it made it even more potent,” he explains.

“Exactly,” Cadence nods. “Such as Applejack when she would talk about BST. The most attractive thing about him was his dedication to his family, something she likes a lot.”

“Which is kind of disturbing now that the truth’s come out,” Grandbuggy winces.

“I know what you mean,” Cadence says with a look of disgust as well.

“So wait, is this Jewell like the Lovepocalypse juice?” you say fearfully.

“No, no, nothing like that,” she hoof waves. “It’s more like a light that shines on something they subconsciously like.”

“Although many of these mares are pretty shallow about it,” Grandbuggy says. “What with the Rainbow one liking his “awesomess” the masseuse for his body, and them musician gals for idolatry purposes I would assume.”

“Perhaps it wasn’t shallowness, but rather just ignorance,” Cadence shrugs. “I mean, if they are all claiming their love for someone who they don’t even know fully, then it could also be desperation.”

“So wait, all these mares like Daddy for only a few things about him?” you ask and she nods.

“Or what they perceived with his personas,” Cadence nods. “At this point, it seems to have bled into an obsession on many of their parts.”

“Like the shy animal gal,” Grandbuggy nods. “I always got the taste from her that she has a thing for the bad boy types.”

“Really now?” Cadence asks in surprise before her eyes widen. “So that’s what those readings I was getting off of Discord meant…”

“Alright, alright, hold on,” you say. “If my old night light just makes parts of Dad cuter or whatever to all these mares, then why does it glow? And what’s it got to do with you trusting Mommy?”

“Well, in the presence of an interested mate, the Jewell with glow. In the old days, it was worn when a mare or stallion were looking for a special somepony, and the glowing would be an indicator of that.”

“But it was always glowing, even when we were away from all the thots,” you point out and Cadence nods.

“Exactly. Because there was always somepony nearby your father who had feelings for him,” she says in a teacher like tone and you see what she’s driving at.

“Ohhh, because Mommy was always around, I get it,” you nod before frowning. “So wait, you know you can trust her because she loves my Dad?”

“Of course,” she smiles.

“But…wouldn’t that have already been a given? They’re my parents, so of course they love each other.”

“Er, well…” Cadence stutters. “That isn’t always the case with some couples.”

“It’s not?” you ask innocently.

“All you need to do is look in a gossip magazine about celebrities to know that ain’t always the case kiddo,” Grandbuggy nods.

“Oh…” you say wondering why anyling would marry someone they didn’t love.

“And just like with the other mares that obsess over him, the jewel didn’t glow any brighter until recently right?”

“I guess so,” you say with a shrug. “I mean, I noticed it getting brighter after that camping trip where Scootaloo fell into the river, but it got even more bright after the Appleloosa Invasion.”

“Well obviously something started changing that night when you were camping, because that Jewell glows even brighter in the presence of genuine love and affection for the wielder,” Cadence says with a smirk. “And anypony who loves Bugze that much is okay in my book.”

“Wow, really?” you ask in surprise. “Umm…is there any like, Sun and Moon jewels that my Mommy could make glow too to make Celestia and Luna alright with her?”

Cadence giggles at that, but ultimately shakes her head.

“Sorry Nightshade, but as for my aunts, it’ll probably be a little trickier to convince them,” she says and you sigh.

“I figured as much.”

“But I do know someone else that will be convinced about your Mom, or at least be willing to hear things out,” she says and you perk up.

“And who’s that?”

“My husband of course,” she says.

“You really think Armor will go for that after going after the boy all these years?” Grandbuggy questions and she nods.

“He knows a thing or two about the power of love. And in that field, he trusts my judgment,” she says confidently.

“Well if he doesn’t then maybe we can have Discord make up another brain blast milkshake once he gets better,” you suggest and everyone at the table chuckles.

After a few more plans made, Cadence realizes that it’s getting late and needs to head back to the Library before Twilight starts getting suspicious. Tomorrow morning, you’ll meet up at Sugar Cube Corner to start making your family tree.

“I’ll see you tomorrow little cuz,” she says giving you a hug.

“Not too bright and early big cuz,” you smirk back with a squeeze. And with that, she wishes you goodnight and flies off, leaving you with Grandbuggy.

“Well, all things considered, that went pretty smoothly,” he observes.

“Yeah, except the whole Sombra thing,” you point out and he pats your shoulder.

“Not everyone can be so easily forgiven kiddo,” he says and you nod. “Well, you better get some rest. You got a “fun” filled day tomo-“

“Grandbuggy?” you interrupt. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure kiddo, what is it?”

“…Today when I was alone with Discord, he told me something. Something about our family.”

He frowns at that and his jaw tightens.

“And what does that overgrown cat-snake think he knows?” he asks, sounding offended.

“He said that he smelt a curse on us, and that Lady Luck herself placed it,” you explain and he stiffens. “He said I should ask you about it.”

Grandbuggy just stares at you in silence for a few moments before he slumps his shoulders and sighs.

“Stupid two-bit god rattling his gorramned jaws,” he curses.

“So you do know something?” you press and he nods.

“Yeah, yeah I do Nightshade,” he says solemnly. “I know all too much about the curse. I was there when it got planted on me.” Your eyes widen at that.

“What happened?” you ask and he sighs again.

“I never told anyone other than The Doctor. Not your dad, and not even my daughter…” he starts sadly, so you put a hoof on his leg to steady him and he continues. “To give you the highlights, I slighted Lady Luck herself because I chose your Great Grandma over her.”

“Wait, what?” you say in surprise and he nods.

“Yeah, my thoughts exactly. You turn down a celestial and they think you’ve burned their house down,” he huffs. “I mean, I did that too, but that was an accident.”

“So…Lady Luck was jealous?” you ask.

“That’s one word for it,” he spits. “Dang strumpet couldn’t stand being second best so she cursed me. Every generation in my direct line would have worst luck than the rest. When I got myself banished from the hive, I tried to launch myself to the moon because I figured if I was the source then it would die with me. I thought I’d give the boy a better chance in life without me around, but a fat lot of good that did.”

“…You know, I don’t feel bad now about cursing at her,” you determine and he smiles.

“Nor should you,” he smirks and pats you on the head. “Jealous bitch has brought enough misery to our lives, and the only way we can get back at her is to live and be happy.”

“Well, I think we’re doing a pretty good job on that one,” you smile and give him a hug.

The Next Morning

You find yourself waiting for Cadence at Sugar Cube, accompanied by Greta and Ember.

“Why are we here again?” Ember asks in puzzlement.

“Because we all need girl time. Plus, Cadence is a Princess and so are you, so this will help with diplomacy and stuff,” Greta answers for you.

“Then why are you here?” she counters.

“Because free food and girl time?” Greta says as if it’s obvious.

“She’s got you there,” you say smugly and the dragon princess just face claws.

“Could we at least do something less namby pamby? Like what about this Paintball thing I’ve heard about?”

“That sounds amazing, and I’m down for it, but this comes first,” you admit. “She’s my family after all, and I want her to get to know you guys as well.”

“Ugh, fine,” she crosses her arms. “But where are all the serving ponies? Can’t I at least get a milkshake?”

“They’re helping Pinkie Pie set up for Rainbow Dash’s birthday, moving anniversary thing for tomorrow,” you point out remembering the big banner with the filly fooler’s face on it.

“Ugh, so it’s either work on this, or set up work, great,” Ember complains.

“What, you’d rather stay at the barn with that hipster looking dude loitering around?” Greta asks and Ember gags.

“Oh Tartarus No! That guy seems like a creep.”

“Oh you mean that guy that McStabFlank was leading around?” you inquire, remembering the skinny, bespectacled stallion from this morning.

“Yeah, and from one gal to another, I don’t think he was at all interested in the white one,” Greta gossips.

“I mean who would be? She’s the worst,” you shrug.

“I guess, but the dude’s tongue was hanging out of his head and he was drooling everywhere when Applejack was around,” Ember shudders and you raise an eyebrow.

“He was?” you ask feeling disturbed.

“Yup,” Greta answers. “Even had some blood leaking out his nose.”

“Huh…Wouldn’t figure a rich stuck up guy to like a country girl,” you say in surprise.

“What’s that? Are we talking about love?” Cadence suddenly asks as she bursts into the nearly empty Sugarcube corner.

“Maybe? Apparently that guy Rarity likes, likes Applejack instead,” you say and she grins widely.

“Oooh, Love Triangles huh? Sounds like fun,” she says as she sits down at your table.

“…Should we be concerned?” Ember asks to Greta who just shrugs.

Introductions are then made between your cousin and your friends, before she slaps down a large scrapbook, some papers, glue, and more than a few scrolls and tomes.

“Alright, I laid out the preliminary work last night, but saved the arts and crafts for today,” she says giddily.

“How did you shake Twilight?” you ask.

“Well, between caring for Discord and helping Pinkie Pie, she’s a bit drowsy,” she smirks. “And speaking of Pinkie Pie, you’ll never guess what I found in the Apple Family Tree records!”

She traces the diagrams and names on the pages until they converge with another family tree. The Pies.

“…Are you saying I’m related to her too?” you ask, your mouth agape.

“It would appear so,” Cadence says giddily. You share a look of bewilderment with the griffon and dragon who don’t seem to understand the implications of that statement. “Oh, I can’t wait to tell her.”

“I-Wha-Shou-Bu…” you sputter as the implication that Pinkie Pie is also in your bloodline hits home.

Who the buck am I NOT related to at this point?!

“Oh hey, there she is now,” Greta says pointing out the window. Looking out, you see most of the Deadly 6 and a crowd of other ponies who have stopped putting up the decorations. Instead, they seem to be focusing on Pinkie Pie who is talking to a stallion in a poncho and hat with a rubber chicken on his back.

“Oh, what’s this? Who’s the cowboy?” Cadence says aloud.

“I don’t know. Probably just some weirdo coming to yank all their chains,” you dismiss.


Author's Note:

Yes, that was a bad pun. You may express your hatred with emojis.

Hey Hive-Mind,

Looks like Cheese Sandwich and Trenderhoof are in town together. So while Rarity is going nuts, so too will the newest member of Nightshade’s family. This could turn out to be the greatest girls day out ever :rainbowlaugh:

But anyway, have fun everyone, and Happy 6th Anniversary to Life of a Wanted Changeling! Holy Heck I can’t believe we’ve been doing this for this long. Thanks to everyone for sticking with us through the years, and especially thank you Down With Chrysalis for giving us these characters and scenario in the first place.

Check out my blog post for a more lengthy and proper thanks to the community from both of us, because you all deserve it.

Let’s keep this 6 year old train moving just a bit longer to the station everyone, and have fun.

See you next chapter,

Brown Dog.



6 Jars of Laughter

Dark Cannon (Laser Gun with Limited Shots)

Junk Jet (Cannon that Launches Junk)

Mallet and Stake

Power Pole

Scone of Bludgeoning


Bloodstone Scepter Shard

Golden Idol of Boreas

Magical Power Ponies Comic

Petrified Dragon Egg

Piece of Nightmare Moon Armor

Ring of Scorchero


Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems

Daring Do's Pith Helmet

Ocarina (Might be able to manipulate weather?)

Mangle, Plush Robot Fox Pet

Rubber Quesadilla

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