• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,777 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 29: Embarrassments All Across The Town

As you and the others exit the train, the first thing that catches your eye is the magnificence of the city. You’ve only really seen it from a distance in Ponyville, and only had glimpses of the inside of the Castle from way back when you used to nap a lot. It’s certainly eye catching and beautiful.

“So, once we get Mommy a body, and we somehow get everyling to stop being a butthead to Her, Daddy and Me, would we have to live here?” you ask Grandbuggy who just raises an eye.

“What sort of logic made you jump to that line of thinking?” he asks.

“I don’t know,” you shrug, “It’s just that Mom’s technically a princess, which means I would be too, and this is really the only place that royalty lives right?”

Snorting a bit, Grandbuggy just claps you on the shoulder.

“Kid, if you’re royalty, you can live any dang place ya want. This place is nice and all, but it is full of snobs. Besides, that somehow implies that we’ll all be chummy with the Princesses and Elements. It’d take nothing short of the end of the world to make your Ma and Moon flanks play nice.”

Looking around, you do see that many of the shops look overly fancy, even more fancy than Tacky McStabflank’s place.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I don’t know if Daddy would be able to afford this place.”

“Knowing how he is with throwing away money at the drop of a hat, I doubt it,” Grandbuggy nods.

Human Land

Bugze suddenly sneezes on the entrance doors to Crystal Prep.

“Ah dang it! That’s just one more thing to clean!”


“I don’t know, everygrif I see looks kind of shabby,” Greta chimes in as she points at a group of ponies outside the station.

Kichi’s Comment

The ponies in question are wearing very familiar clothing which causes Ahuizotl to stop in his tracks.

“Que?” he says in bafflement at the group of ponies all dressed like Daring Do.

“K?” you ask in surprise. “I figured you’d be disturbed by ponies dressed as her.”

“No, not…nevermind, what is going on? Her style isn’t that normal and…Is that supposed to be me?” he gasps as somepony in a cardboard costume of him walks by.

“Hmm, very close likeness, 10 out of 10,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

As you all exit the station and into the streets proper, you see even more of these dressed up ponies chatting, and walking further into town.

“Am I missing something here? Why’s the big guy freaking out? And why’s someone dressed like him?” asks Greta.

“Because everyling’s dressed like Daring Do and stuff,” you say like it’s obvious because it is.

“Oh, those campy action movies? I’ve never seen them,” she explains causing all three of you to look to her.


“You only know about the movies?” Grandbuggy asks.

“Well vaguely, they didn’t seem my style.”

“So you haven’t read the books?” you ask.

“No, I’m not much of a reader. I’m a game fanatic remember?”

“Well you shouldn’t read them! They’re slanderous and expose my failures and I don’t even get paid for them,” Ahuizotl huffs and walks away from the group.

“Yeesh, what’s up with him?” Greta asks.

You and Grandbuggy look to each other and back to her.

“You know he’s a character in those stories right?” you ask.

Greta raises an unbelieving eyebrow. “For real?”

“Huh. Guess we never really talked about it around you that much,” Grandbuggy shrugs. “But yeah, he’s kind of the main villain of the series, however the buck that worked out.”

“Excuse me senor, can I ask you something?” you all hear Ahuizotl say as you turn to look. He’s approached an Earth Pony Stallion in a pith helmet wearing a shirt that says I Heart Ahuizotl on it.

"Wow, dude, what a great costume" he says to Ahuizotl.

"Uhhh...Thanks, but it’s not a costume, I’m really Ahuizotl.”

The stallion laughs at that, “Yeah, sure pal, and I’m Dr. Caballeron.”

"Right...” Ahuizotl trails off as he scratches the back of his neck. “So quick question, why’s everyone all dressed up?” The stallion raises a brow at that clearly confused.

“For the A.K. Yearling book signing of course. Don’t you know this? You’re dressed up too.”

“Oh right, the book signing, dios mio heh heh, the sun must just be getting to me in this...costume,” he lies nervously.

“Well take a load off friend, the signing won’t be for awhile, but it’s got us all excited. Why don’t you go rest in the shade?” he suggests with a sympathetic pat to Ahuizotl’s knee.

“Sure…let’s go with that,” he huffs and walks away towards you guys.

“See you at the signing,” the stallion smiles as he walks the other way.

As he gets up to you guys, his mood is sour.

“Soooo, you’re really a character from some pony kid’s book?” Greta asks bluntly which causes him to grind his teeth.

“Fix, do you happen to have a shovel handy?” he asks gruffly. Grandbuggy’s cigar dips in his lip as he gives an “Are you Serious” look to Ahuizotl.

“Ahzi, we’re not going to be hitting no writer’s over the head with shovels today,” he says sternly.

“Oh come on! It’ll only be a little tap to the head. She’ll still be alive even as I bury her along with her thousand pages of lies!” Ahuizotl whimpers.

“No! None of that, shame on you,” Grandbuggy scolds and Ahuizotl dips his head lower.

“But Fix, Yearling is a terrible bruja that Daring Do gives her tales to. Her writing is terrible. TERRIBLE!”

“I mean, to be fair she is a good writer. I didn’t think you were real until I met you,” you pipe up.

“Even worse! She makes me out to be some sort of buffoon. Surely Daring Do knows me better than anyone and would tell of my deeds, but this Yearling lady just butchers who I am!” he complains.

As if to defy this statement, several dressed up ponies all go,

“Oooohhh,” and start clapping at the performance in front of them.

“Uuugh! Don’t look at me!” he cries out and hides his face from the crowd.

“Amazing, you’re way better than the guy in the movies,” a mare says.

“Yeah, you should definitely head to Applewood, most of the districts have been rebuilt after the Beigh v. Shamalamadingdong incident,” a stallion says.

This only causes Ahuizotl to whimper more into his paws.

“Uhhh, he’ll take that into advice,” Greta says awkwardly. This seems to appease the ponies who continue walking away.

“Ahuizotl, you shouldn’t feel sad, those ponies liked you. You are popular you know?” you try to cheer him up.

“But I don’t want to be popular, I want to be feared and respected,” he complains. “I want to best Daring Do then release all of the photos of the drawings I’ve done on her face, and then I can confidently tell her I’ve won and then she’ll think better of me, is that too much to ask?”

“What about having her cradled next to you on cold winter nights while you brush her mane lovingly?” Grandbuggy speaks up.

“Yes, that too and…Wait what? I didn’t-You-I-I didn’t say that!” he blathers as his cheeks turn red and Grandbuggy laughs. Rolling your eyes at their antics you continue your speech,

“Look, whatever you do or don’t want to do with Daring Do-“

“Say that five times fast,” Greta mutters.

“The point is, you can’t just go and attack her writer friend, she probably doesn’t even think you’re real. Attacking A.K. Yearling would be bullying someone innocent Ahuizotl and bullying is wro-WHAT THE BUCK IS THAT?!”

“Huh? You talking to me little filly?” asks a rotund unicorn stallion.

“Yes I Am! What the Buck Is That?!” you growl pointing to the poster in his grasp.

“Oh this? This is the artwork she unveiled for the next book she’s writing. She previewed it back in Manehattan and I’ve been having her sign it in every city she visits.” The stalkerish fan then shows you all in more detail the poster that has A.K. Yearling’s signature all over it. Once he does, Grandbuggy understands your outburst a little more.

The poster shows Daring Do with a lantern in her mouth at the bottom of a pit, while at the top, Ahuizotl, Cabelleron, a Changeling in a derby, and a dark alicorn filly laugh evily.

“Pretty cool huh?” the oblivious stallion asks. “She says she’s workshopping a few names, but so far Daring Do and the Temple of Nightmare Moon is her frontrunner. Personally I think she’s just cashing in on the whole Hooded Offender situation, but hey, gotta strike while the iron’s hot right?”

You just stare ahead blankly in seething rage and don’t answer him, so after a few awkward moments of silence, the rotund stallion just walks away.

“…Ahuizotl I changed my mind, let me see if I have a shovel for you,” you declare as you whip your Inventory off your back and set it in front of you.

“Shade honey, for goodness sake,” Grandbuggy facehooves.

“No, no facehooving!” you demand. “I’ve said it again and again, I’m not Mommy. Heck, she isn’t even Nightmare Moon anymore. We even told Daring Do what’s up, but no, some stupid writer is going to lie about her, Daddy AND Me!”

“Finally! Someone gets it!” Ahuizotl says happily. “What do you have little amiga?”

TartarusFire’s Comment

“Well, I’m not a hoarder like Dad is, but let’s see what I’ve got.”


Dark Cannon (Laser Gun with Limited Shots)

Junk Jet (Cannon that Launches Junk)

Kendo Stick

Scone of Bludgeoning


Golden Idol of Boreas

Ring of Scorchero


Daring Do’s Pith Helmet

Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems

Ocarina (Might be able to manipulate weather?)

Mangle, Plush Robot Fox Pet (Currently Hopping out and onto your back)

“Oh Hi Mangle,” you say patting your pet’s head before turning to Ahuizotl. “Well, I don’t have a shovel. I got this awesome kendo stick though, I’m sure we could knock her out with that.”

“A stick? Too simple child, way too simple,” he admonishes.

“Anything else I have is too dangerous though. Well, except for this rock hard scone,” you say taking said item out.

“Hey, isn’t that Gilda’s pastry?” Greta asks.

“Sure is. And if it bounces off her and towards us, I got protection,” you say as you put Daring Do’s stolen helmet on your head.

“Oooh, devilish, I like it. Now, all we have to do is follow these fanatics and-“

Darkinfinity666’s Comment

“Alright alright, enough of that,” Grandbuggy declares as he takes the kendo stick and scone and shoves them back in the bag.

“But Grandbuggy we have to-“

“Alright, I’m gonna stop ya there kid. I don’t like being the reasonable one by any stretch of the word, but some things I gotta put my hoof down on. We ain’t assaulting some random writer.”

“But-“ you try to argue again, but he cuts you off.

“No buts. We all knew this was a possibility when running into Ahzi’s squeeze,-“


“But we all agreed that if it did get written up, it would be considered fiction. This isn’t going to hurt us kiddo.”

“But she’s going to make it sound like Mom is me, and make her sound evil and stuff,” you complain.

“Shade, there’s a whole holiday that already does that for your Ma, and everyone has fun and kids get candy,” he points out.

“Oh…well…I mean…Hmmm…” you fail to counter argue that point because even you love Nightmare Night.

“Exactly. Just let bygones be bygones kiddo. We’ve got plenty of fights ahead of us, let’s not make an unnecessary one here.”

You still fill a bit upset that you’re going to be a villain in one of your favorite book series, but you can’t really fault Grandbuggy’s logic so you just sigh and give up.

“Fine. No assault and battery of writers.” Grandbuggy nods and smiles at that.

“Good,” he then turns to Ahuizotl. “That also means no more peeps out of you got it?”

*Sigh* Yes Fix,” Ahuizotl says slumping his shoulders. Grandbuggy nods and then points at Greta.

“And you…”

“What? What did I do? I’m still confused on this whole pony book in real life scenario,” she defends.

“Exactly. Keep being oblivious, that way we have a neutral party,” he chuckles before addressing the group as a whole.

“Alright, now that we’ve got our heads out of our arses, let’s try and have a relaxing day in Canterlot. We don’t often get this chance.”

You, Ahuizotl and Greta all nod in agreement.

“Right, now I can stop being all parental and go back to being the cool Great Grandparent,” he says happily before pointing to Mangle on your back.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“You, abomination of science,” he says causing Mangle to cross her arms in displeasure, “Play something soothing and jaunty while we walk.

You all look at Grandbuggy a little weirdly.

“Why do we need music?” you ask.

“Because with that writer in town, there’s a bunch of nerds everywhere talking nerd talk. I’d rather not hear fan theories and ships and other stupid talk while we enjoy ourselves.”

Even as he says that, two stallions argue down the road.

“Are you kidding? There’s clearly subtext between her and the Somnambulan bar singer in book 7.”

“That was just an info grab like she’s done countless times before. Daring Do has no feelings for anypony. She’s just a personification of the classic adventure tales from-“

“I second that motion. Play something Maquina!” Ahuizotl pleads.

Mangle looks at you all focused on her before giving a glance to you.

“Yeah, go ahead,” you give her permission. Shrugging her shoulders, she opens up her mouth, and a very relaxing melody comes out.

“Hmm, I like it,” you say and the others agree.

“Not bad,” Grandbuggy nods. “So, now that we got our tune, let’s get some donuts eh?”

Your eyes immediately light up at that.

“Oh Buck Yeah!”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment


We currently find you and your group eating at the fabled Donut Joe’s place, if by eating you mean you scarfing down enough of the holey pastries to make a sumo wrestler blush. If you could speak at this moment, you would vocalize just how delicious and heavenly the treats are, how it’s been so long since you could go to town on food, and just how short Spike was selling this place. The eponymous Donut Joe himself watches in both horror and fascination as you go through several dozen of his magical creations. Surrounding you at the booth are your compatriots, who haven’t even touched their snacks.

“It’s like a carriage crash, I just can’t look away…” Joe says absentmindedly.

“Yeah, well the little filly’s been on a diet with her parents due to financial practicality, but I like spoiling her,” Grandbuggy says as you inhale a maple, brown sugar and cinnamon donut.

“I’ve seen colossal beasts eat less than what she’s packing, and with more grace,” Ahuizotl says in awe.

“Yeah,” Greta agrees, “Where does she even pack it? If I ate that much it’d go straight to my thighs.”

“Heh, ain’t nothing wrong with big thighed bird gals,” Grandbuggy exposits waggling his eyebrows, causing Greta to roll her eyes and take a bite of her bearclaw.

“It’s just…Spike told me about how much ice cream you could eat, but I didn’t quite believe him…” Joe says still in shock.

Gulping down a combination of an apple fritter, powdered donut, triple chocolate, and the infamous Haybacon Voodoo donut, you give a very unladlylike belch and pat your belly.

“Ahhh, that was soooo good. I’m sorry I can’t eat any more Mr. Joe, I gotta save room for dinner,” you apologize to this Godly Stallion amongst mortals.

“Room for…Sweet Celestia you are something else,” Joe says putting a hoof to his head.

“Heh, you’re lucky she’s not eating you out of a job after saying it was on the house,” Grandbuggy chuckles and bites into a raspberry filled donut.

“If I had known that Spike’s special lady friend’s stomach was the epicenter of a black hole, I would have reconsidered,” Joe whimpers.

Now normally, you might feel a bit slighted by the insult, but the first part of his statement takes up your attention.

“Sp-Special lady friend?” you ask with a blush.

“Yeah, Spike talks about you all the time when he comes in. He writes to me every so often, and mentions you a lot,” Joe says taking a long drink of water. His statement only causes you to flush more.

“H-He’s not-I’m not-“ you stammer before scrunching your face up. “It’s not like that!”

“Heh, could have fooled me,” Joe says as he wobbles away from your table to go take a nap in the back. As he goes, the others at the table give you smug looks.

“Quit looking at me like that!” you growl and hiccup from the enormous donut consumption.

“Heh, alright,” Grandbuggy ruffles your mane. “Just so you know, you keep denying something long enough, someone’s bound to get hurt.”

“I’m not denying anything!” you deny.

“Kid, I’ve never even met the guy, and I know a lot about him from you,” Greta says.

“Because he’s my best friend!” you counter. “Besides, I only kissed him once…On the cheek! So it’s not like, real and stuff,” you blather your eyes darting around.

“She’s not a good liar is she?” Ahuizotl chuckles.

“You’re one to talk Mr. I Love Daring Do,” Grandbuggy counters and his eyes widen.

“What?! I don’t-You-I-She’s my mortal enemy! Why would you say that?! Who’s been talking? Because it’s not true! Clearly False!” he stammers with his own blush.

“Yeah! Totally, she’s that to him and nothing more, just like me and Spike!” you defend the tall cat thing.

“Exactly! What the little filly said. Baseless accusations the whole lot of you!” Ahuizotl switches sides and agrees with you causing Greta and Grandbuggy to roll their eyes.

“B-Besides, even if it was true, not saying it is, he and I would need to be bigger,” you counter.

“Well, I guess that would be the mature way to think about it,” Greta says.

“Exactly. Right now only I’m able to beat daddy up, but if when we’re bigger our tag team could mop the floor with him…if he and I were something that is,” you add eyes darting back and forth.

“…I stand corrected,” Greta mutters.


“Mr. Bugze, why are you staring at Spike like that?” Human Twilight asks our favorite bug boy who is gritting his teeth and clenching both fists in front of the nervous puppy.

“I don’t know, but I feel like he’s pissed me off somehow. Did he eat my cookies in my sack lunch or pee on any of the walls?”

“No, Spike’s a good boy,” Twilight argues and holds him close to her.

“Right, right…” he nods. “Excuse me, I have misplaced aggression to attend to!”

He then walks towards where some familiar mean girls of the school are and begins punching their lockers.

“Dude, what the hell?!” one of them shrieks.

“It’s routine maintenance! Nothing to see here!”


As you all walk along the streets, your left eye twitches as somehow, someway, you know daddy is doing something stupid.

“Ugh, let’s not talk about dating or anything for awhile please? I think Dad’s freaking out right now” you groan and rub your brow.

“Yes, gladly,” Ahuizotl nods. “What should we talk about then, aside from all these fanatic Daring Do fans around us?”

TartarusFire’s Comment

You think for a moment for any topic that they can’t turn around and tease you for, when you come to an idea that’s been swirling around in your head for awhile.

"You ever think we should have a group name or something?"

Clearly not expecting that line of conversation, your companions raise their brows.

“A group name?” asks Greta.

“Yeah, you know, like a super hero team name. All of us are different and we’re hunting treasure, and that’s cool so we should have a cool name. Ooh, something cool and scary sounding.”

“Uh Shade, going around with fancy labels is asking for trouble. Just look at what it’s done for your dad,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Oh that doesn’t count, besides, Daddy only gave himself a cool and scary name, and I didn’t get squat.”

“Heh, I do like the sound of that actually,” Greta nods, “I mean, I have some experience being in a labeled gang after all.”

“Extra Lives Gang was pretty cool sounding,” you agree.

“But she had a theme with her nerd friends,” Grandbuggy points out. “I certainly wasn’t expecting this group to form like it has, and none of us have anything in common, so if we’re gonna have a name, it’d probably have to be generic.

Your brain slaps you mentally on the side of the face. "Oof. I didn't think about that. Hmm."

"Hmm indeed mi little amiga." Ahuizotl says with a paw to his chin. You are brought out of your own pondering as your stomach growls.

“Unfortunately I can’t really think when I’m hungry,” you admit.

“Still?!” Greta squawks.

“We’re on our way to lunch honey, you can think as much as you want there,” Grandbuggy says.

“No! If I don’t pursue this conversation then you’ll all start bringing up stuff that embarrasses me. I need a snack now!” you declare.

“But we’re-“

“Done!” Ahuizotl declares as he runs off to a food stand and purchases two caramel apples and rushes back.

“Oh sweet!” you chirp as you take the treat from him. Grandbuggy just gives Ahuizotl a displeased look.


“Yes really,” he affirms. “I’d rather not we go down that conversation line as well. By the way, you’re reimbursing me.”

“You guys are seriously oversensitive,” Greta chastises, “If you like someone just admit it and you’ll feel-“

“How about, I don't know, the organization without a cool acronym?" Ahuizotl interrupts her causing her to huff.

You peel caramel off your face from the massive bite you just took and say,

"Nah, doesn't have enough flare. Needs something more. Plus it doesn't sound scary."

"Carumba, little miss, you wound me."

"Well I did basically single hoofedly bring down your temple after all." You say that a bit too cheerfully.

"Aye... You know I could take back that half of caramel apple I gave out of kindness."

"You wouldn't dare!” you gasp. “Plus you're probably planning to make Granbuggy pay for it anyway. Besides I've got a name. We can be the Fearless, Awesome, Retroactively Tenacious, Exemplary Reagents of Sabotage!"

"Dios mios, where did you come up with that?" asks a stupefied Ahuizotl.

You happily stick out your tongue. "I put all the cool, big words I learned from Sweetie Belle’s word calendar."

“Yeah, well did you happen to learn what an acronym was?” asks Grandbuggy.

“Uhh…is that some sort of vegetable?” you ask obliviously.

“Nah, it’s that word for when you take the first letter out of words to make a name,” Greta clarifies with a smirk.

“Ohhh, like S.H.I.E.L.D. right? The guys that help out Captain Amareica?”

“That’s right kiddo,” Grandbuggy nods with his own smirk. “Now apply that to what you just suggested.”

“Oh, OK, that’s F, A, R…” your eyes suddenly widen as you realize what you’ve accidentally spelled out.

“Oh Come On!” you shout as the others start to laugh.

“Hmmph, fine let’s table this for now, I still think we should have a group name though,” you pout.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment


So in trying to avoid embarrassing topics, you only served to embarrass yourself more, which you pouted a bit about as you walked through the town on the way to the fancy food district. Along the way, every building just screams rich and gaudy compared to Donut Joe’s simple diner aesthetic.

“Seriously, why does the supermarket look like it’s covered in diamonds?” Greta says pointing to some place called Safe Hay.

“Because when you’re rich, ya gotta look as rich as possible in every little thing you do,” Grandbuggy explains.

“But what about Diamond Tiara’s Dad? He’s rich and his store was all wooden and stuff,” you counter.

“Yeah, well that guy’s less snobbish than your average rich snob. Got a little something called Humbleness,” Grandbuggy explains.

You are about to counter that argument with Diamond’s mom because you’re still sour and want to argue, but something catches your eye and causes you to falter.

“As rich as they all are, I doubt they’d sell anything good like Bacon,” Greta grumbles.

“Si, real pig bacon, not that stupid hay substitute ponies love,” Ahuizotl agrees.

“Oh you’d be surprised by what some of these folks would try and…Shade? You OK honey?” Grandbuggy stops and looks back at you staring at the building in front of you.

St. Megan’s Psychiatric Facility…” you read the wording above the entrance in hesitation before looking over to Grandbuggy. “Is…Is this the place?”

Understanding comes to Grandbuggy’s face as he sighs and nods.

“Yeah, yeah this is it.” Your suspicions confirmed, you turn back to the building with it’s many windows and you feel small.

Walking back to you from a confused Ahuizotl and Greta, Grandbuggy puts a hoof on your shoulder and asks,

“So, what you want to do kiddo?”

“I…I don’t know,” you admit shakily. “I mean, if Trixie is in their right now, then she’s probably lonely and wishing for a friend to visit her but…but would it even be good for me to go?”

“You still feel unsure huh?” asks Grandbuggy.

“I mean yeah,” you say in obviousness, “The last time I saw her before she...you know, I hit her in the face and said I hated her.” Your ears go down as you remember that moment.

“I don’t know if she’d want to see me after that. Daddy said he talked to her in her dreams but…how do you apologize for something like that?”

Grandbuggy sees the confliction and hesitation on your face as you shake a bit before he claps you on the shoulder.

“There’s no manual Shade, you either do or you don’t. It doesn’t have to be today either if you’re not up for it, it was just an option.”

“Oh…” you say as you look back up at the hospital.

“Here, it’s still early, and you still haven’t had lunch yet. Why don’t we take some time for ourselves, let you gather your thoughts, and then if you feel up to it, we can come back here on our way out?” he offers.

After thinking it over, you decide to take his advice.

“Yeah, yeah ok,” you nod as you stand up and start to follow him back to the others. You pause once more to look up at the hospital and Mangle gives you a sympathetic pat on back at your hesitation.

Will sorry even be enough? You wonder as you continue on your way.

Unbeknownst to you, in one of the many windows of St. Megan’s, a blue unicorn mare with a silver mane has witnessed you on the streets below. She thinks to herself that the dark earth pony filly reminds her of Hoody’s alicorn daughter Nightshade. She thinks on the memories of that little filly and it brings feelings of shame, but also a very large chunk of hope. She thinks to herself how wonderful it would be to see both him and her again. The doctors have told her that she’s been doing phenomenally, and that if things stay on track, she’ll be released in only a few more months. She smiles at that, but at the same time she wishes that she’d be able to see them sooner.

As your group continues past the hospital, Ahuizotl speaks up.

“So, what was all that about?”

“Just…just trying to figure out how and when I’d be able to talk to Trixie,” you admit with your head down.

Ahuizotl raises a brow and turns to Grandbuggy.


“She’s a mare that’s…got some history with Shade and her Dad,” Grandbuggy skirts the truth.

Kersey475’s Comment

“Oh, is that one of the mares that’s all gaga for him?” Greta asks.

“Well…not in the way you’re thinking,” Grandbuggy explains. “No, this is actually one of the few mares that’s legitimately just a friend.”

“Really?” asks Ahuizotl.

“Yes really,” you roll your eyes. “Trixie only really wanted a friend…even if we weren’t friendly.” You then shake your head from these sad thoughts. “B-Besides, there’s way too many mares chasing Daddy, she doesn’t need to be added to that list.”

"Is this so called list real, or are you all just exaggerating?” asks Greta.

“It’s real, trust me,” you roll your eyes again, but at Greta’s unbelieving face, you grunt.

“I’m telling the truth, even some of the Deadly 6 won’t leave him alone!”

“Who?” asks Greta.

“She means the Elements of Harmony,” explains Ahuizotl.


“Nah she’s right, half of them do like em, or his personalities anyway” Grandbuggy interjects. “And they’s some good ones, ya got the athletic aspiring Wonderbolt, the sweet ex-supermodel beastmaster, and the tough farm girl.”

“Yeah, and as I’ve only found out recently, that farm girl is his cousin!” you gag.

“…Yeah, the less said about the last one the better,” Grandbuggy shudders.

“Wait, The Element of Honesty is related to your Grandson?” Ahuizotl asks in surprise.

“Yeah, via my Ex...Which I’m not going to go into now,” he says sternly.

“So this grand list is three mares, one of which is his relative, got it,” Greta smirks.

“Oh there’s more,” Grandbuggy interrupts. “And far less squicky as well. There’s a lustful masseuse who knows her way around oils, a classy cellist with great eyes, a punk rock DJ party girl with no boundaries, and those are only the regulars, there’s been others that’s have caught a passing fancy to him.”

“I’m pretty sure Carrot Top too,” you add, “She was always “Accidentally” breaking stuff so Daddy would come around way back when.”

“Ooh, nice, I know the gal you’re talking about. Heck, as sick as it is, the former Changeling Queen even had a thing for him.”

“That’s…like, way too many girls chasing after one guy that’s already married with a kid,” Greta says a little disturbed.

“Well, it’s not a traditional union they got. Tartarus if I were in his horseshoes I’d do the sensible thing and start a herd,” Grandbuggy complains.

“Those kinds of practices ended after the tribe unifications Fix,” Ahuizotl explains.

“I know, I was there! Oh those were the times when a hero could have literally all the mares he wanted…Nightshade, when your Dad gets back kick him in the nards for me.”

“Why…?” you ask disturbed.

"To make sure he actually still has a pair, and because I’m a bit upset he didn’t take a route that was only offered to me once some thousands of years ago,” he grumbles. “Dang boy acting like a Neighponese cartoon character…”

“Yeah, I’m not going to do that,” you deadpan. “Aside from those animes being trash, I only need one mommy.”

“Heh, but more mommies would mean more food kid,” Grandbuggy says wistfully.

“I don’t eat love Grandbuggy. Mostly pony remember?” you say patting your holeless legs for emphasis.

He shakes himself out of his reverie for a bit as he looks at you.

“Right…right, sorry there kid, got caught up in my own past. I didn’t end up taking the herd either. The Doctor ran out on his marriage to Princess Platinum and I kind of got a bounty on my head because of him, so I had to skedaddle.”

“…What the buck is he talking about?” asks Greta.

“I have no idea, I think he’s just exaggerating to make a point, he’s not that old” Ahuizotl shrugs.

“Of course there was really one mare I ever truly loved,” Grandbuggy contemplates, “Same went for your grandparents, so he probably gets that conviction from that.”

You perk up a bit hearing that because it’s more info about your grandparents.

"Hay, your grandma was so dense at romance that when your grandpa suggested "practice kissing", she went along with it and didn't think it was a big deal because it was just practice."

"I'm guessing you beat up grandpa for that?" you ask.

“Well, in normal circumstances I would’ve,” he snorts. “But he was her only friend and she wouldn’t have appreciated that. Also, she still only thought it was practice and that kind of brought him off Cloud 9 so I felt a bit sorry for him.”

“…So are we done talking about herds and polygamy in front of the little filly then?” Greta interrupts.

“Apparently so,” Ahuizotl says.

“Well thank buck for that,” Greta exhales.

“Quiet, I’m trying to learn more about my Grandparents I never knew,” you chastise.

“Yeah alright, go on then, anything’s better than talking about your Dad’s libido, or lack thereof.”

“Hmmph, well the boy more than likely got that lack from his mother.”

“Oh my gods,” Greta faceclaws.

“Really,” Grandbuggy insists before looking back to you. “She was oblivious, but would still get super angry and jealous if any other gals came onto “her friend” even if she didn’t know why. That trait seems to have been passed down to you as well.”

“…I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you deny.

“Really? No harsh feelings when “your friend” goes off with Rarity in those gem caves alone for hours?”

“We’re not talking about this! We’re talking about my Grandparents!” you growl out heatedly causing him to chuckle. “And speaking of which, you said Grandpa didn’t have any other friends, why would mares be after him? Was it like with Daddy?”

“Heh, Tartarus no. You’re Dad’s situation is still mysterious, even for me, but for my idjit son in law, is was all about genes. Any ol floozy in the old hive wanted their hatchlings to be more effective, and with his success record, that was all they saw. I never fell into that trap because I’d met the Doctor, but he didn’t falter because he was devoted to my girl…So I guess that explains the boy’s morals now that I think about it.”

“Personality traits aren’t genetic…unless that’s something exclusive to changelings,” Ahuizotl wonders.

“I’m starting to think they are more and more because my little girl would pound some of them strumpets into paste if she so much as suspected them of hitting on him. It’s like she had a radar for it.”

"Dang, seems kinda excessive to try to kill somepony just for trying to steal your jeans," you conclude.

"Yeah- wait what?"

"I mean how would stealing someone’s pants make their children better at missions? Are they magic pants or just super lucky? Where can we get pants like that?"

"No sweetie I meant- Oh never mind, I'll have your parents tell you when you're older." Grandbuggy sighs.

“Why do you always say that?! If we have these fancy jeans, and they’re kill worthy, then not even Lady Luck could buck with us!” you grunt, and for a moment, something sad flashes behind his eyes which confuses you.

“…Huh, I kind of wondered why you always talked about dirty stuff around the kid, but I guess most of it just goes over her head,” Greta says in understanding.

“Well it wouldn’t go over my head if I knew what any of this so called “Adult Stuff” meant!”

“And that’s a conversation from someone else for another day kiddo,” he smirks and trots ahead.

“UGH!” you growl and trot off feeling sour again.

“…You know, I’m starting to wonder why I agreed to travel in this strange little group,” Greta says to Ahuizotl. “But at least the madness is more entertaining than anything back home.

“Agreed chica. Their family issues could fill up several books I imagine.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As you continue your tour of Canterlot free from talking about anyone’s relationships, you see many other sites. Several clothes shops filled with fancy suits and dresses, the airship dock where both trade and luxury ships come into port. You even pass by the Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns, which now has the recently added slogan of “Home of Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Wow, they’ll just slap her name on anything won’t they?” you mutter.

“I know right?” Greta agrees. “I mean, what’s the big deal? Some unicorn got wings, big deal.”

“Ascension is no laughing matter gato,” Ahuizotl reprimands. “It’s something many seek and fail to achieve. I know I’ve tried.”

“The day you become royalty is the day I eat my hat Ahzi,” Grandbuggy laughs.

“Hmmph, you say that now,” he grumbles just as your stomach does so as well.

“Well can we at least find Ms. Twilight’s favorite restaurant? We’ve passed by like 15 places already,” you complain.

“I don’t know where the bookworm ate at, but trust me kid, we don’t want to go to any of those places,” Grandbuggy spits as you pass by another one. “Those places are all flair and no flavor, plus they give you portions that would barely satisfy a rabbit.”

“Wait, seriously?” you gasp.

“Fraid so,” he nods. “You basically pay top dollar for something blander than Styrofoam that won’t even fill your belly.”

“It won’t fill you up?” Greta says confused. “Even the crummy food in Griffonstone would make the hunger pangs go away.”

“You don’t believe me? Take a whiff of the next place we pass.”

You do just that as you pass by a restaurant…and you smell nothing. Absolutely nothing.

“Yeesh, even my dirt poor minions could whip up something that at least smelled good,” Ahuizotl chastises.

“If these are the fancy food places you were talking about, then why did we even leave Joe’s?” you whine.

“One, because ya need some proper foods besides sweets, and two, because not every restaurant is like this. There’s some gems hidden in the rough,” he smirks and suddenly turns left.

As you all follow, a very pleasant scent does hit your senses, and it’s something you’ve never really smelt before.

“Oooh, what’s that awesome smell?” asks Greta as she too seems entranced.

“It smells like…Indhayan food?” Ahuizotl guesses.

“Correctomundo friendo,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“Huh, I don’t think I’ve tried that kind of food before,” you say in amazement because you have tried almost everything.

“I figured as much,” Grandbuggy nods. “This little place here is big a couple years ahead, but right now in it’s early days, you don’t have to wait hours for a dang table. Plus if I remember correctly, the owner’s daughter is quite a dish herself.”

Before you can scold Grandbuggy for that comment, the source of the heavenly scents comes into view.

The Tasty Treat huh?” you smile at that. “Straight, simple and to the point.”

“Exactly, plus it’s quiet and hasn’t been corrupted by snobbishness yet,” Grandbuggy smirks as he goes to open the door. “Now let’s get a nice delicious-“

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

As if right on que, Grandbuggy is interrupted as he opens the door by an annoying voice.

"You call this food?! I've eaten hospital trash better than this!" The hairs on the back of your neck prickle as you recognize that douchey voice.

“Oh for buck’s sake, really?” you complain as you confirm your suspicions and see the source of the yell.

"This food is the worst thing I've ever tasted! If I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to poison me!"

Sure enough, it’s Prince Blueballs himself, acting as prissy as ever as he argues with a male and a female unicorn in foreign garb.

“Seriously, this is the first time I’ve been able to get out of the Castle since my grounding, and already an assassination attempt!” he snaps and throws a bowl of food to the ground. The young mare sighs and bends down to clean the mess.

"Your highness please we would never try to poison you!" The older plumper unicorn of the two pleads. Blueblood just looks to this mustached stallion in his simple orange shirt and raises his nose into the air.

"Hmph, like I'd believe the likes of you, I know what real food tastes like, I’m friends with THE Zesty Gourmand you know?”

You don’t know who this Zesty is, or why both restaurant workers stiffen nervously at that, but you get an overwhelming feeling that they’re probably a flankhole. The mare in exotic clothing and big hair stands up with the bowl.

“Please your majesty, we don’t want any trouble, I can bring you something else more to your liking,” she pleads. He crosses his forelegs and smirks at her.

“Oh I sincerely doubt there’s any of your weird exotic “food” I would enjoy…unless of course you’re on the menu?” he raises his eyebrows at that causing the mare, you, and even Greta to gag.

"Oh! I never!" The mare huffs.

“That is my daughter sir!” the stallion grunts.

“And? She should feel exuberant at my compliment. It’s the only thing in this dirt hole worth looking at.” Grandbuggy lets out a sigh next to you.

“Yet again, if the Doctor had just married Platinum, this waste of space wouldn’t exist.” He then looks to you.

“He ever see you as an Earth Pony?”

“Nope,” you grit your teeth. “But I’m feeling up to using that extra strength on him.”

“Not yet kiddo, we’ll see how this plays out,” he says as he ushers you into the door. None of them notice your entrance.

“Now obviously I won’t be paying for that swill you tried to murder me with, so if you feel you have to bring me something less poisonous, then I expect it on the house.”

“But-“ the mare tries to speak.

“And you better get to it quick, did I mention I invited Zesty to meet me here soon?” At that they pale even more.

“Y-Yes sir, right away,” the mare says as she runs back to the kitchen.

“…We’re sorry for any inconvenience,” the rotund unicorn says reluctantly.

“Very good,” Blueballs says smugly as he lifts a book out and begins reading snobbishly.

Sighing, the rotund stallion looks towards the front and sees you all.

“Hello, welcome to the Tasty Treat,” he says with a sad smile. “How can I help you?”

“…We’d like a table for four as far away from that bucker as possible,” Grandbuggy seethes looking at Blueblood.

The stallion smiles genuinely for a brief moment before he nods and leads your party further back, all of you giving Blueblood the stink eye.

As you pass by him, he gives you all a cursory glance and goes back to reading and you hear him mutter,

“They let any riff raff in this dump. That’s not even a good Ahuizotl costume.”

And while Ahuizotl’s tail hand crackles into a fist at that statement, you see that Prince Douchebag is in fact reading a Daring Do novel.

Great, now I feel dirty for enjoying the same books, you grind your teeth.

As you all are seated, the stallion asks.

“Alright, what can I get you folks?”

“I’d actually like to try whatever it is that Blueballs hated,” you speak up.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, give me one as well,” Grandbuggy agrees.

“Make that three,” Ahuizotl says.

“…Well shoot, far be it from me to be the odd duck out, make it four,” Greta shrugs. That actually seems to relax him a bit.

“Alright, I’ll let Saffron know then.“ He then trots back to the kitchen past the reading prissy prince. Besides you and him, noling else is in the dining room.

“Sooo, we’re eating this food vindictively right?” asks Greta.

“Oh buck yes,” you say. “I wanna enjoy this food so bad right in front of that jerk. Tartarus, I also want to throw it in his eyes.”

“Yes, he’s such a rude creature with bad taste in literature,” Ahuizotl sneers.

“Keep your heads for now, I’m in agreement in learning him some manners if he gets too out of of hand, but gorramnit, I want some good food!” Grandbuggy grunts.

You nod at Grandbuggy’s sentiment and stare intently at the moron across the room as he takes a sip of his water and overly dramatically winces.

“How dreadful. Honestly, if I wasn’t technically supposed to be outside the castle while Auntie’s gone, I’d have the guards swarming this place for health code violations.” He then sighs and starts reading again. “But alas I don’t want to get sent back to my room today. A.K. Yearling’s here and I’m not missing out on her signature.”

After a few moments, the stallion from before comes back out with four bowls of delicious smelling…something.

“Here you go folks, I hope you enjoy. Let me know when you’re ready for an entrée.”

“Wait, this is only an appetizer senor?” asks Ahuizotl.

“Oh yes. Just a sample before the main course.”

For something that’s only a sample, it smells divine. All the foreign mysterious spices mix together hitting your nose and making your mouth water.

Smiling ear to ear, you momentarily forget about Blueballs and pick up your spoon to dig in…when all of a sudden you feel your neck go cold.

What the Buck? You think in confusion as it feels like all the joy and happiness in the world is slowly being sucked away, as if something pure evil is nearing.

Looking up, you see that Ahuizotl and Greta don’t seem to notice, but the grimace on Grandbuggy’s face let’s you know he feels it too.

“Umm, is there something wrong?” the stallion asks nervously right before you all hear the entrance door opening.

You all look and see…the most horrifying thing you’ve ever seen in your life, and that’s saying something.

A pale monstrosity stands in the entrance way, it’s skin pulled way too tight over it’s frame, it’s black overcoat sucks in all light that touches it, and it’s eyes squint evily around the room as the temperature drops a good thirty degrees.

You shiver and drop your spoon, Grandbuggy’s cigar falls from his mouth from his chattering teeth, Ahuizotl freezes in place with his spoon near his mouth, the waiter stallion’s coat goes white as he pales and Greta’s feahers ruffle and she poofs up as you all take in the creature before you.

“Wh-What the buck is that thing?” you whisper as a fear you’ve never known before washes over you.

“Evil…pure evil…” Grandbuggy shudders.

“Oh Zesty Hi!” Blueballs says happily and waves.


Author's Note:

Well look on the bright side, at least it’s not Svengallop.

Hey Hive-Mind,

I’ll start off first and foremost by saying that I hate my fricking job. Last minute schedule changes, fluctuating hours, and just a general disrespect are trying my patience to it’s absolute limit. Aside from basically having no social life, it also cuts into me trying to keep a consistent schedule with writing for you all. I’m currently looking into other options, because it’s getting way too ridiculous. So yeah, when things get better, then hopefully we can have consistent chapter releases.

And with that out of the way, I hope that you have fun with this one, I know many of you out there hate this awful food critic with a passion of a thousand burning suns.

Last Chapter’s Question garnered a few suggestions for a group name from you all, and here’s the Straw Poll for it. Voting Ends in a week, get them in.


That’s all for now, see you whenever the next chapter is,

Brown Dog.

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