• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,777 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 39: The Market Crashes

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Now while most of the creatures and ponies around you start running away in a panic at the attacking vines, you just send your Grandbuggy a smug look. To this he gives out a tired sigh.

"Okay, so maybe we do end up fighting everywhere we go. But by no means did you know that these would be what we would fight!" he argues.

You just roll your eyes playfully before you say,

"Whatever you say Grandbuggy,” you roll your eyes.

“Mierde, the sun and moon are out of balance, and these things…” Ahuizotl mutters.

“Do you think it’s those Black Suns or whoever that stole the egg?” asks Greta.

“Who knows with a mysterious enemy, can’t put nothing past the unknown,” Grandbuggy shrugs.

“So, uh…should we be fighting, running, or fighting each other?” asks a very disturbed and confused Garble.

“Let’s put a hold on our little sparring match,” you chastise before looking to the train station. “We should probably fight to reach there if everyone wants to make it out of here.“

“Well, we’re fighting regardless,” Grandbuggy says pulling his bowler on firmly. “So we’ll start with that and see where it takes us.”

“Right. Now..." With a determined glint you start to rush into the fray and yell out, "Let's get this party started!"

The rest of the Outcasts soon join you, along with Garble, as all Tarturus soon breaks loose!

As you all charge into the fray, dodging fleeing creatures, you see that the vines ensnaring ponies, breaking booths, and otherwise causing quite a nuisance. Now of course while most ponies would either run in terror at the sight of these things, you instead rely on your instincts and go with the only obvious solution.

"EAT LAZER BUCKERS!!" Yes, you instantly pull out the Dark Cannon and yell as it finishes charging and fires. The arrow looking like shot zigzags through vine after vine, almost acting like a homing shot as it tears them to pieces. Eventually the arrow beam hits its last target and fades away, leaving chunks of burning vine in the aftermath.

The few ponies and creatures who witnessed that attack stare at your smug form as you lean onto your weapon with pride.

“Holy crap, how long have you had that thing?” asks Garble in shock.

“Awhile,” you say simply. “Greta’s old friends bought a bunch of things just like this.”

“Yeah…good times,” she says wistfully.

“Nice job and all honey, but try to save the powerful attacks till later,” Grandbuggy instructs.

“Why? Why does it always have to come later? Doing it right off the back makes much more sense,” you say as you look over at the ponies and creatures that you helped save.

Taking a bit of inspiration from Rainbow Dash you start to brag.

"I know I know, my laser was bucking awesome! Those vines don't got nothing on m-"

You boasting is cut off when, what you thought were dead vines, suddenly start to regenerate. While the bits that were cut off remain withering on the ground, those that were still coming out of the forest start to grow again. In fact, it’s almost as if the vines are angry as they start to lash out even more violently than before and seem to be growing even faster as more of the market is consumed by them.

The ponies and creatures looks of awe change to looks of shock/annoyance, which only causes you to chuckle nervously.

Huh...so this is how Daddy feels like when he bucks up.


“Uh, don’t worry, I can fix this. I got other weapons!” you call out to them as you pull out the Junk Jet and the Scone of Bludgeoning.

“Eat trash monster!” you yell as you fire the scone, which knocks over one of the vines.

In response, three more vines whip out in your direction as your eyes widen.

“Oh Buck!”

Holding the Junk Jet as a shield you are whipped backwards and into the air.

“Nightshade!” Grandbuggy calls out in alarm.

“AAAAHHH-Someone Pick Up My Scone-AAAAAHHHH!!!” you shout as you fly away from your group. After quite a distance, the ground is coming back to meet you and you begin to brace yourself before you mentally bop yourself on the forehead.


With a flash of green light, your wings appear at your sides and you flap them madly, which leads you to gently hovering to the ground.

“I gotta stop forgetting about these,” you chide yourself as you fold them back to your side. “In fact, everyone but Ahuizotl could fly, so technically we could all get out of here that wa-“

“AIGGGHHH!!!” comes a cry as a few pegasi are snatched from the air and brought back to the ground.

“…Or just buck me then I guess,” you grumble at your plan immediately getting broken.

Speaking of broken, there is plenty of junk and debris around from the plants attacks. A buck ton of it.

“Alright, infinite ammo!” you cheer as you start loading up the junk jet and rocket launchering those bucks left and right.

You fire a teddy bear at terminal velocity towards a vine attacking a scared colt, you launch a tea set at another that’s bugging a fancily dressed mare, and you even fire a toy cart and save that Diamond Dog from earlier.

“Rhank Rhu!” he says in gratitude before he proceeds to haul flank.

“No problem!” you salute.

Dodging this way and that around the black monstrosities, you eventually catch site of Grandbuggy and the rest of your friends, but the only problem is that a wall of vines cuts you and several other ponies off.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Ahhhh! We’re trapped!” yells a stallion from next to you.

“The buck we are!” you say as you look around for more ammo. “Agh, just small stuff. What I wouldn’t give for one of those tactless Discord lamps right now.”

And even as you say that, you hear a magical noise behind you and the startled cries of a few ponies. Turning around, you find a small pile of the ugly things.

“Well that’s convenient,” you smile not questioning your good luck as you load them up in the Jet Junk and take aim.

“Smile for the camera!” you quip before firing. The glass lamps explode on contact, and shreds the wall into tiny pieces, which causes the ponies beside you to cheer and continue escaping.

“…Dang. Maybe I should have bought some of those things,” you say in amazement as you run along with the group, trying to catch back up to your group.

You eventually come across the cowering forms of Flim and Flam as they hide behind their stand.

“Oi! You got anymore of those healing tonics?” you ask.

“Yes! Just take it and go before they see us!” they both say and toss you one a piece.

“Wait, hold up-Ah!”

You are only able to catch one since your hooves are full and the other one goes falling onto a nearby vine which breaks over it. The vine surprisingly begins to melt as the liquid eats through it like acid.

“…What the buck kind of healing tonics are these?” you accuse them, but even as you turn around, their stand has a new crudely drawn sign over which says,

Flim and Flam’s Weed Killer. 15 Bits.

“Step right up and get your weed killer!” Flam calls.

“Kills giant vines on contact!”

“It’s a steal for 15 bits a bottle!”

And just like that, ponies begin throwing their money at the two stallions and gathering up bottles.

“…Really?” you say flabbergasted at this turn of events before you just shake your head and move on.

As you round a corner, you see three vines block your path and three more coming up from behind.

Kichi’s Comment

Master of Shadow’s Comment

“Ugh! Why are you buckers singling me out?!” you yell as you junk jet the Tonic at the three in front of you, causing them to sizzling into goo.

But before you can dash forward, the ones from behind ensnare you.

“AAAHHH!! Let Me Go! Let Me Go!” you squirm and thrash about.

“Get Off Of Her Ya Damned Perverted Things!” an old gruff voice shouts as suddenly the restraints go slack. You look around just in time to see Grandbuggy’s bowler flying like a boomerang through another vine that was trying to sneak up on you before it returns to his hoof.

“Grandbuggy!” you shout happily as you hug the old bug.

“Don’t go flying off like that again little filly,” he lightly chastises you before glaring at the severed vines.

“I’ve seen enough neighponese adult cartoons to know where this is going, and they ain’t gonna touch my filly!”

“Quick, for goodness’s sake,” Ahuizotl facepalms.

“What? I don’t get it,” Garble asks just as confused as you.

“Nah he’s right, I’ve seen those same videos,” Greta shudders. “If that logic holds, they’ll be going after the females mostly.

“There’s no basis for that,” Ahuizotl argues.

“AAAHHH!” comes a mare’s scream due to comedic timing.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Looking over you see the Pinkie clone from earlier wrapped up in several vines and dragging her away to the forest.

"Ahhhh! Evil black vines dragging me off to my uncertain doom! Just like the gypsy mare said!"

“Huh, that sounds familiar,” you ponder before leaping into action.

“And uncertain is an understatement, we all know the truth,” Greta says following you.

Pulling out your Power Pole you whack one of the vines and pin it while Greta uses her claws and beak to shred the tentacles enough for Laughing Mary to escape.

“Oh, thank you so much,” she says in gratitude. “I escaped the Purple Death, the last thing I need is to be taken out by these squirmy things.”

“No problem,” you say. “No go before they get you again!”

“Righto Roony,” she says before zipping off.

“AAAHHH!!! Now I’m The Butt of the Joke!” Greta screams from behind you as the tentacle you were in charge of grabs her.

“Doh!” you facehoof before you…

WARGAMES’s Comment

Dig out Mangle from your inventory.

“Mangle! I choose you!” you cry out as you toss the robot fox onto the vine. Seeing as how her old chew toy Griffon is being assaulted, Mangle cries out in mechanical rage and starts biting and slashing at the thing with machine efficiency.

When she is loose, Greta flies out of the dying thing and gives a hesitant look to Mangle.


“Skreonk!” Mangle says with a salute.

After that, you regroup with the rest, and duck into another stand as more vines block your route. Looking around, you see several beasts in cages.

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“Oh hey, it’s that Beast Stand,” you say as you look at all the trapped and helpless monsters with their master nowhere in site. Biting your lip, you give a pleading look to Grandbuggy who sighs.

“Fine, let the abominations out. What’s the worst that could happen,” he shrugs. Smiling, you start opening up the cages as several monsters happily start running away.

“Run along, you’re free now!” you say happily…only to wince nervously as several of the monsters get ensnared by the vines.

“Oooohhhh,” you say pulling at your imaginary collar.

“Well that was fun while it lasted,” Grandbuggy says looking to the only remaining monster, the bunny. “But let’s keep him in there and-“

A stray vine comes up in the middle of the tent and knocks the rabbit’s cage over, setting him loose.

“Buck You Lady Luck!” Grandbuggy spits.

“Mierde!” Ahuizotl shouts as he stands stock still in fear of the little fuzzball.

The evil rabbit looks around at all of you, looks at the vines, and then looks at the corner of the tent that hasn’t been destroyed and smiles. Hopping over there, he suddenly pulls out a freaking Blunderbuss as he aims it at the vines and all but vaporizes them with the explosion.

The little terror then starts laughing maniacally and evily as it hops out the tent with it’s weapon and stars shooting at all the vines.

“…Well that just happened,” Greta says.

“Is that a good or bad thing?” you ask.

“Both,” Grandbuggy rubs his head.

“Let’s go the opposite way, that rabbit is dynamite,” Ahuizotl warns and you take heed.

“...Did that rabbit have a freaking claw cannon?” Garble asks still a bit stunned.

As you all head towards the train station, ducking in and out of stalls and tents as stealthily and quickly as you can, you come across one that was selling electronics, and one of the radios is blaring.

Kichi’s Comment

“Emergency News! This Just In!” comes a raspy authoritative voice on the radio. “With the disappearance of the Princesses and the stasis of the Sun and Moon, Canterlot has been put into a state of emergency due to the appearance of giant black vine creatures. With Princess Twilight in Canterlot, Prince Blueblood is acting ruler, and claims that this is the act of The Hooded Offender, the current host of Nightmare Moon.”

“Oh Come The Buck On!” you scream in annoyance.

“No news yet on Princess Cadenza or the Crystal Empire, but citizens are advised to stay in their homes and not confront the creatures. If this is a power play due to Nightmare Moon, be on the look out for her followers known as The Horde. And on behalf of the brave guards all over the country, they ask one thing, defend as the Burning Avenger of Justice would and carry on. If you’re out there Crimson Vengeance, Help Us In Our Time Of Need.”

“Yeah, amen to that, we could definitely use your dad right about now,” Greta says as she throws a Joy Boy at a vine.

“Well he’s not here right now!” you huff, still upset over that stupid radio message. “Dragging Mommy’s name through the dirt again…and how the Buck is Blueballs in charge? Has the whole world gone mad?!”

“Well, it sounded like the Moony and Sunny got kidnapped by these things,” Grandbuggy deduces. “Maybe that’s why they’re so keen on going after you Shade.”

Looking at your wings, you have to admit that sounds reasonable.

“OK got it, vines hate alicorns,” you nod.

“Most things do,” Garble grumbles under his breath, but you ignore him.

Still kind of ironic that stupid news pony condemned and asked for Dads help in the same message

Shaking your head, you get your mind back in the game as your group run and guns it once more.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Awhile Later

The vines have taken over the train yard, so that option is no longer a viable escape, and many of the market goers have formed into a large group in the center, not knowing what else to do. Some of them defend themselves with various tools and objects, but there’s noling on the offense.

As you knock away several vines with your Power Pole you hear the sound of slashing. You turn to see the merchant pony defending his stall with a sword in his mouth. You run toward him knocking away a sneaky vine coming at him from behind.

“Look out!” You shout.

“Thanks for the help little one. I have to keep these vines away from my goods, who knows what could happen if they got a hold of one of my items.” As he says this you see Ahuizotl having trouble dealing with the vines. A strange looking vine appears next to him, at the end appears to be a flytrap about to grab him.

“Mr. Merchant! Look!” You direct his attention to Ahuizotl.

“Behind you!” The merchant shouts tossing his sword into the mouth of the flytrap. Barely missing Ahuizotl’s head.

“Oi you nearly took my head off!” He shouts in anger.

“I just gave you a weapon! Use it!” The merchant says pulling out more weapons from his stall. He whistles attracting the others’ attention. He tosses them to your gang.

Greta grabs a pair of gauntlets, she puts them on and they deploy some claws.

“Sweet!” Greta says flying over to you.

Ahuizotl catches two more pairs of swords, one red, the other green.
Once in his palms they ignite with magic energy, one with blue electricity, another with blazing fire, and the double bladed sword causing wind and air to swirl around it.

“Interesting!” Ahuizotl says, before he takes a simple machete into his tail hand and starts slicing a pathway to you.

Grandbuggy grabs a large sword that lets off some steam.

“Nice,” he says puffing out his own cigar smoke before teleporting next to you. The merchant then pulls out a large looking axe And starts hacking away at some that come near your group.

Both you and Garble look at your staffs respectively and at the other’s cooler weapons.

“I feel like we’re kind of being left out,” he says jealously.

“I know right?” you agree.

“You’re both deadly enough as is,” Grandbuggy jests. Nodding at that, you look over at all the many ponies who have been corralled by the vines and you are suddenly filled with determination.

Looking at your group, you nudge Mangle to start playing some inspirational music.

“Outcasts! Who are we?!” You shout.

“Those who society shuns!” Greta says.

“Villains in the eyes of the law!” Ahuizotl says.

“Monsters in the eyes of the people!” Grandbuggy shouts.

“And what do we do?!” You shout as the vines turn their attention to your group. Nearby creatures turn and look at the commotion.

“Hide in the shadows to protect the light,” The merchant says joining in.

“Protect the defenseless from harm,” Garble says readying his staff “Or so my sensei says…”

“And why do we do it?!” You shout.

“We fight to ensure that all are safe from the forces of evil!” They shout. You turn and grin at the horde of vines and plants rushing toward you.

“And because it’s bucking fun!” You roar as your group charges toward the enemy.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Greta goes all Wolverine on the vines, using her new bladed gauntlets to hack and slash them one after the other.

“Rest in pieces!” she spouts as she keeps giving one one-liner after another.

“Sale! Everything Half Off!” she continues. They’re all bad cutting puns.

Ahuizotl, now armed with three swords, one in each hand and the other in his tail hand, is going to town on the monstrosities in a spinning whirlwind of death.

“Can you see me now DARING! Can you see your foolish oaf now!” he shouts in the midst of his carnage.

Yeesh does he have issues, you shudder.

Your Grandbuggy, being the kickflank that he is, is dodging vines left and right while taking them out as they pass him with that big sword of his, and using his hat as a slicing boomerang weapon . You honestly think he would be a lot cooler if he didn't get distracted flirting with every mare he saves from the vines.


“Hey sweet cheeks, no need to worry, I am here.”


“I know you’ll have trouble not falling in love with me, but that can come later.”


“See, age don’t mean a thing, experience is everything,” he says with a wink causing you to roll your eyes as yet another mare backs away from him. You seriously are starting to think your Grandbuggy has a bit of a problem with his flirting habits.

Thankfully, them taking action and your little speech earlier has gotten more ponies and creatures involved in fighting back, many of them fighting with gardening equipment, bare claws, or whatever else they can grab.

Utilizing your magic missiles, earth bending, and power pole, you deftly move through the vines as they come, knocking them right good. Even as you do, Garble keeps pace right with you, clawing and biting and breathing fire on top of his own impressive bo staff techniques.

“Huh, guess you have been practicing,” you say impressed.

“Buck ya I have,” he says with pride as he smacks another vine into the dirt.

WARGAMES's Comment

“That’s 36 for me, what are you on?” he says smugly.

“53 last I checked *WHOMP* Nope, 54.”

“What?! Gorammit. I’m not gonna lose this time!” he says as he kicks and claws two more. “38!”

“55!” you call out as you magic missile another.

“41!” he calls out after firing up more.

“57!” you proclaim as you tie two into a knott.

“44!” He proclaims back.

And the both of you keep on at it, making a game of the whole situation. But eventually, even your jovial score keeping goes quiet. After the initial push of The Outcasts and the rallied market goers, the vines have started fighting dirty and sequestering groups off so that strength in numbers can’t be spammed.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

You aren’t any exception as you are cut off from your fellow Outcasts, and end up being back to back with Garble as the vines slowly surround you.

You start looking around in slight panic as you try and think of a solution out of this mess.

Come on brain, think! What would Daddy do in this situation!?

An image of your dad laughing maniacally while setting fire to everything pops into your head.

OK, that may be true, but that’s not exactly helpful right now.

From behind you, Garble lets loose a ring of fire around the two of you to keep the vines back, and it seems to be working as they halt their approach.

…Or maybe it is. And like that you gain a idea that would make your Daddy swell up in both pride and awe as you rummage in your inventory.

"Quick Grable, how long can you breath fire at a time?!"

Your self-imposed eternal rival gives you a confused glare as he says,

"What?! Why would I tell you that? You would just use that information in our next battle against me!"

You can't help but roll your eyes in annoyance as you grunt out,

"Oh come on man! We're surrounded by evil plants and unless you tell me we won't even have another battle! Besides, aren't rivals supposed to reluctantly help each other out in times of crisis?"

Garble doesn't respond right away, but after a few moments of silence you get annoyed.

"GARBLE!" Your shout manages to snap him out of it as he groans.

"Alright alright fine! I can use my flames for about thirty to forty seconds before I need to take another breath. Now how is that supposed to help us?"

You just smirk as pull out the Ring of Scorchero.

"Well, tell me Garble, how do you feel about giving these nasty vines a little heated message?"

He just looks at you confused.

“Uh what?”

“Oh for, just get ready to breathe through this thing, trust me.”

“Alright, not like I can do much else,” he shrugs.

And in an almost perfectly synched motion you climb onto Garble’s back, as he is taking the deepest breath he can, and hold the ring in front of his mouth. Once his lungs are full he calls forth his flames, and as he does you cry out.


And in true beautiful fashion Garble's flames travel through the ring, and as they do they suddenly get far larger and hotter. His flames, imbued with the power of the ring become a single superheated beam that unleashes devastating destruction on the vines surrounding you both. Almost nothing remains of them as they all burn to ash consumed by the extraordinary heat.

There's no doubt in your mind that if Daddy were here, he would have fainted at the display of fire given today.

“Holy Tartarus! What in the world is that thing?!” Garble says beyond impressed at the Ring.

“Some ancient macguffin. Honestly, I didn’t even know if it would work, but hey, results speak for themselves,” you say in giddiness.

“Uh…yeah. Let’s keep doing that then,” he declares as you hover next to him. You two then go to wall after wall, burning them to cinders with your mega flame technique.

Kichi’s Comment

As you take the fight to the enemy, a radio continues to blare it’s news unheard by you.

“Breaking news. There have been a few sightings of hooded individuals in the town of Ponyville. With members of The Horde present, there is some merit to Prince Blueblood’s accusation about Nightmare Moon being involved, though reports say these individuals are actually fighting the tentacles. Whether this is true or just a misdirection on their part, we have no clue, but stay away from these menaces if you spot them. This is J.J.J. of the Pony Bugle, and we’ll update you as the news comes.”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment


When Princess Twilight Sparkle rushed back to her home of Ponyville, she expected many things. Perhaps the town being overrun by the same black vines attacking other towns near the Everfree, or even to see some of her fellow ponies panicking in the streets.

What she did not expect was to see the town relatively unharmed, and for a group of ponies wearing the Offender's cloak of all things fighting effectively against the black vines.

"What...what is going on?!" she asks the ponies.

"Princess Twilight!" a few of them shout.

Wincing slightly at her new title, Twilight prepares to speak to them again, only for them to scatter in her presence.

“Hey! Get Back Here!” she orders but they don’t listen causing her to groan.

“I think they’re scared of you Twilight,” Spike says from her back.

“Oh gee you think? The ponies dressing up like Nightmare Moon’s vessel?” she snarks.

“Twilight!” comes a familiar southern drawl. Looking over Twilight relaxes slightly as she sees her friends, running down the street.

"Applejack! Girls! Please tell you know what's going on!" she asks as she lands.

Rainbow nervously rubs her hoof behind her head as she mutters out,

"Well...you see...funny story. When those vines started attacking we tried fighting back, but nothing was working.”

“But then those Horde guys started attacking them and we were able to push them back near the forest entrance!" Pinkie chimes in.

"The Horde? I thought that group disbanded after the Offender's true nature..."

"Ah don't know what to tell ya Princess,” Applejack shrugs. “I guess once a fan always a fan.”

Twilight looks to both Spike and Fluttershy.

“Did you two know about this?”

Wincing slightly at the accusation Spike says,

“N-No Twilight, I swear.”

“And, I…Well I haven’t been a part of The Horde since the Fillydelphia Incident. I didn’t even know they were still operating,” Fluttershy admits.

“OK…sorry about that,” Twilight apologizes and looks to the distance where many of the hooded ponies are using fire weapons to their hearts content.

“Well, I’ll give them this, they’re fighting like he used to,” Pinkie says.

“Yeah…” Twilight says trailing off before shaking her head. “But anyway, we’ll worry about them later, right now I’m just thankful for an extra pair of hooves. It doesn’t matter right now that it’s from a group sensationalizing a victim of Darkness…”

Everypony puts their heads down in shame at that for a moment, but that is interrupted as an explosion rocks the street.

"BUCK! I'M OUT OF MOLOTOVS!" comes a slurred voice.

“Then stop drinking them idiot!” comes a peppy voice.

"Oh! If only we still had Mr. Tennant’s Shack around!” a voice with an undertone of classiness utters. “We need more fire power!"

“Let’s raid Berry Punch’s bar for supplies!” the slurred voice returns.

“Excellent idea! But no tasting these ones!”


The purple alicorn and her friends just watch this situation in dumbfoundment as the vines start creeping back in as some of the members go to steal booze.

“I…Just…Today is just…Gaaaahhh” Twilight facehooves.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment



The battle has gotten intense with the sounds of fighting all across the market as your group holds off the vines. You and Garble are back to fighting physically as he has practically drained himself of fire breathing for awhile, but thankfully a new route out has opened up.

Further up the mountain at it’s rockiest, the vines can’t seem to penetrate, and so countless market goers have begun to evacuate there as your group and a few others continue to fight. And despite having fought plenty of bad guys in the past, you are starting to feel tired.

Usually the enemy is already down by this point! You think as sweat drips down your brow and you earth bend another vine into the dirt.

Your thoughts are interrupted though as another vine flings you into a random potion stall.


You crash into the back of it and several potions fall off the shelf breaking on the ground. One however lands in your lap. Unlike the others that are bright and colorful, this one looks more like black ooze in a bottle. A flytrap comes into the stall and prepares to attack. Without thinking you toss the bottle at the plant. Splattering it with the potion it shrieks and recoils back outside. You get and look outside as the vine you saw recoils in agony and is coated in the black liquid all over and it stops moving.

“Huh, if only I had some more that I’d-“

The tar black flytrap then screeches to the heavens and begins thrashing wildly and all the other vines around the market place stop their assault.


All the other vines in the area then are dragged towards the one you assaulted as they begin to fold into a black ball of vines, the liquid spreading all over them.
Eventually the combined mass slinks into the ground creating a hole, which quickly fills up with that black potion. As the noise of the plants dies down, your weary group make their way to you.

“Nightshade honey, what in Equestria did you do?” Grandbuggy asks both sounding impressed and shocked.

“I…I threw a bottle of something at one of them then…” you gesture to the hole “This happened.”

“Well, at least it’s giving everyone the time they need to get out,” Ahuizotl points to the evacuees, many of whom who have stopped running and watching your group in curiosity.

“Is it too much to hope that the battle is done? I’m getting tired,” Greta says wiping her brow of plant juice.

“Yeah, I don’t think I can breathe fire for like a day after this,” Garble pants sounding sick.

“I hope so, I mean the thing just-“ You stop as your hoof brushes against the discarded bottle of the potion and you pick it up. There’s a note on it.
Warning! Unstable dark magic potion! Name: Chemical X. Do not use on any form of living life form, pony, animal, or plant. Results unknown and untested. You stare slack jawed at the warning.

“Oh crap baskets.”

Suddenly a large black tree rises from the hole and towers over you all, larger than a full grown dragon. It shakes as it’s branches change to form limbs made of the stringy vines that continually move. It’s body is constantly shifting but a facsimile of a face appears, nothing more than hollow eyes and a mouth, which still somehow stretches into a grin The eyes of the creature open. It’s sickly mouth smiles.


An evil legion like laugh escapes from the monstrous creature

Oh Buck!” you all shout.


Discord sits in a floating cinema chair looking through binoculars at Rainbow Falls.
“Oh how unexpected! I’m going to need more popcorn!” he says excitedly.

“Discord! Pay attention,” Twilight says sternly. “Do you know anything else about these plants?”

“Huh? Oh probably, just go talk with the Zebra, you’ll figure it out,” he dismisses as he points to a haggard looking Zecora.


By now everyling is screaming their heads off as you’ve somehow, someway made the situation beyond worse.

“Why would anyling even have that in their shop in the first place!” you shout to the sky as the vine abomination.

“Because it’s a Trade Market!” Grandbuggy hollers as the thing starts slithering towards you all like a snake.

Every other creature is trying desperately to run for the hills as the giant mega plant starts stalking everyone.

“I’m sorry! I’m so so sorry!” you apologize profusely as it’s tentacles slam all around you.

“Incoming!” Greta calls as another large clump of them come from overhead.

You all brace for the attack…but it doesn’t come.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Looking to the “fist” of the creature, you see it being held aloft by another set of dark tentacles which lead back to a lanky faceless pony in a suit.

“Slendermane?” you ask in surprise.

The plant monster growls at this interruption and turns it’s attention to the eldritch monster.

“Oh great, that’s all we need,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“Grandbuggy, he just saved us,” you point out as you all run.

“Yeah, but only because he can’t get paid if I’m dead,” he says.

“Surely he deserves those bits now,” Greta insists.

“Like Tartarus!” he shouts stubbornly.

“Umm, who’s the creepy faceless pony?” asks Garble.

“Someone he owes money to,” you “explain.”

“Oh…OK, because he’s about to die,” Garble says.


Looking back you see that the giant has picked up Slendermane by his own tentacles and is swinging him around like a chain, before promptly throwing him down the mountain.

“OH Buck!” you shriek.

“He’ll be fine,” Grandbuggy hoofwaves.

As you all keep running, the monster sends out a wave of it’s arms, and several of it’s vines slither off of it’s body and act like snakes as they move with no tether.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

You and your group fight them off as best you can while still running away from the behemoth, but you’re all so exhausted.

Geeze...how does daddy do this so often?

So tired and deep in your thoughts you don't notice a vine whipping towards you till its too late. It manages to hit you and sends you flying through a few stands. When you hit the ground you roll a few feet and let out a groan of pain as you finally come to a stop.

"Ugh, this isn't good. Why did we have to exhaust Garble’s mega flame and my Dark Canon so early?”

Looking up from your position, you see that Greta, Garble, Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl are all being lifted up by the monstrosity, as are countless other ponies and creatures.

“Buck! What do I do? It’s not like I can earth bend that much. Ugh!’ you kick the ground in frustration. “I can move the freaking moon, but I’m still not strong enough to help anyling. Why can’t I be more powerful?!”

As if to answer your plea a flash of light catches your attention at the corner of your eyes. Looking towards it you gasp in shock as a very familiar looking object that should not be here is...well here, along with a scroll with a familiar seal on it.

You hesitantly read the scroll.

Dear Nightshade,

Without your Dad around, folks are gonna need another powerhouse to save the innocent. You’re a strong filly, but even you have limits, but with this little trinket, you’ll put even your pops to shame.
I know you may be hesitant to put it on considering what happened last time, but there’s a key difference with you.
You Are An Alicorn.
You can handle a little something from your own namesake can’t you?
Of course you can.
Happy Hunting little filly.

A Friend.

Biting your lip you look back at the object in worry. Picking it up you can feel the power in it, yet at the same time you know just what happens when someone wears it.

The creature laughs again as even more ponies are ensared by it and brought up to it’s hollow face and you grit your teeth.

“Buck you Friend! I still don’t trust you but I’ve got no choice!” You then slowly place the object around your neck. "I'm...I'm really going to regret this. Sorry Daddy, sorry Mommy..."

In the human world, Bugze, Selena and even Sombra suddenly feel an immense feeling of dread.

Over with the monster, Grandbuggy is frantically cutting at his binds he and the rest of the Outcasts are brought towards the monster’s mouth.

“I hope I give you heartburn you bucker!” he spits with venom.

Just then, a massive blast of midnight colored magic slams into the thing’s face causing it to groan in pain, and bits of it to catch fire. Grandbuggy ,Greta and Garble are dropped, but they catch themselves and Ahuizotl since they can fly, but countless other ponies plummet to the ground…only for them to be caught by a magic field. Dozens upon dozens of ponies all saved with one magic spell.

“What in tarnation is…Oh no…” Grandbuggy’s eyes widen as do countless others as they see the source of the spell.

You…only not quite.

“Everypony, Get The Buck Out Of My Way While I Kick That Thing’s Flank!” you cry out with authority as you set the one’s you’ve saved to the ground.

“Fix…what’s happened to her?” asks Ahuizotl in fear.

“Is…is that really her?” asks Garble.

“Hot damn kid, what did she find now?” whistles Greta.

“Ah Tartarus…” Grandbuggy says, disappointed in himself. “My boy’s gonna kill me.”

The creature then takes it’s chance to roar at you, but you turn your blazing white eyes to him and send out yet another massive magic missile which makes it stumble back. The magical power well at your disposal is...amazing.

“Oh, I could get used to this," you smile as you flap your wings and lift yourself into the air gracefully. Long dark shadows bleed off of your body like a cloak, similar to your parent's nightmare cloak, which makes you appear larger than you are, and your now ethereal mane whips about on it’s own. In the center, the most striking part of your attire, the Alicorn Amulet shining brightly against your chest.

Looking up at the sun and the moon both in the sky, you decide to correct that as you move BOTH at the same time to their correct space. It almost feels natural now.

With just the sun shining once more, all now can view your majestic form. The ponies and creatures you saved haven’t run yet though as they now look to you in awe, amazement, gratitude, and fear all at the same time.

“It’s…it’s…” the crowd murmurs until the dam bursts.

“It’s Nightmare Moon!”

You grit your teeth at that in frustration before you let out a long drawn out sigh.

“You know what? Fine. I doubt any of you idiots would believe anything else,” you chastise before looking to the giant plant monster with a smirk.

“Nightmare Moon it is…”


Author's Note:

Well…I’m sure everything will be fine.

Hey Hive Mind,

That’s right, our strong as hell little filly has just gone god tier with the Alicorn Amulet in order to fight this threat. She’s got all of her own moves, but now they’re even more maximized, plus maybe a few tricks she learned from the Trixie battle.
Let’s see what she can do.

As usual, the main characters aren’t here since they don’t show up in canon, and no killing, aside from the plant monster that is (the Mane 6 killed vines, so Shade's got free reign). Our little filly isn’t insane and evil yet, she only just put the thing on after all.

With all that in mind, have fun everyone, and I’ll see you next chapter.

Brown Dog

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