• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,777 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 32: Visiting Hours Are Clearly Listed

You bite your lip in nervousness as you begin to ponder the two choices that Grandbuggy has provided for you.

AllenNoir’s Comment

OK, OK, get it together girl. Making decisions is easy. You just have to sit down and weigh the pros and cons to reach the best answer. Exactly what Daddy doesn’t do.

You nod at your own deduction, and ignore the weird feeling that your dad just sneezed in the other world.

OK, so we can either skip town or see Trixie. Skipping town would mean we get back on track and are that much closer to getting Mommy out of Dad’s head and finally having a normal family for once. On the other hoof that would mean we’d miss sneaking into a medical ward in the middle of the night filled with possible inequine doctors, creepy corridors, and patients doped up on drugs only to see a mare that I sort of feel responsible for…

Now that you’ve thought through it, the answer seems relatively straightforward. Sure you want Mommy to have her own body, and to help out Sombra too, but on the other hoof…

Gorramn guilt, you sigh and wilt your ears before shaking your head in determination. Well let’s get to it then.
Looking up at Grandbuggy he raises a brow and smirks.

“You wanna go see Trixie I’m guessing?” he asks smugly.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

"Well, of course, I want to go see Trixie! I owe it to her!" you blurt out. Grandbuggy only smiles more at that.

“Well, then I guess it’s decided. We’re going for a visit,” he says as he tilts his hat up.

“Wait, hold on, we’re talking about that mare in St. Megan’s that you said was your dad’s friend right?” Greta interrupts.

“Yeah that’s right,” you nod.

“What do you mean you owe it to her? Were you the one to put her in there?” she asks innocently, but that hits you hard and you wince.

“I…No she…” you stutter and look down. Sensing your hesitation, Greta tries to back off.

“Oh, I mean…You don’t have to answer that if it’s painful or anything,” she says nervously.

“No no it’s just…” you sigh and look at the griffon. “The last time I saw her, I punched her in the face and told her I hated her. Shortly after that she…hurt herself.” You don’t explain anymore after that, but you’re sure Greta gets the gist.

“I may not have put her in that hospital, but I at least owe her an apology,” you say with conviction.

“Well said Shade,” Grandbuggy nods as he stands up. “But let’s get too it then. The quicker we get this done, the quicker we can get some rest and get going before that faceless creep shows up asking for 20 bits.”

He then starts walking for a cave exit and Greta follows suit.

“I still don’t understand why you don’t just give that thing the money you owe it?” she asks.

“Because the minute I give it to him, he’ll think he can push his luck and ask for more, and I don’t negotiate with terrorists!” he argues, his voice echoing along the crystal walls.

You begin to follow them as well when you realize that Ahuizotl hasn’t moved from his spot on the couch, still looking off into the distance.

Feeling sympathetic, you walk over to him and tap his leg.

“Hey Mr. Ahuizotl, come on. We’re going to go to a Mental Hospital. Surely that will get your mind off Daring Do?”

He just sighs in melancholy at that. “I don’t think it will niña. But I suppose that if everyone else is going, I might as well too.”

He then sluggishly gets up off the couch and starts walking towards the exit with you.

Yeesh, you find out the person you thought you knew turned out to also be the person you hated for so long and you get all mopey. You then stop in your tracks as an epiphany hits you.

Whoa, is that what everyling’s gonna act like if they find out Daddy is BST, The Crimson Vengeance and the Hooded Offender?

Looking at the dour cat creature in front of you, you shudder at that scenario.
The atmosphere would be such a downer that I don’t even think Pinkie Pie could cheer it up.


Your group stand on the cobblestone road in front of St. Megan’s. The hour is late, and all the street lamps give everything an orangish hue. You stand at the forefront of the group as you give the front door a hesitant look. Suddenly you feel Grandbuggy’s hoof lower gently on your shoulder. Looking back at him, he smiles at you and gives a head tilt towards the door. Nodding, you work up the courage and walk forward, opening the door into the front lobby.

Kichi’s Comment

You’ve only been inside a few hospitals in your short life, never for yourself, always for Daddy, but the lobby seems like all the rest. There are chairs, magazines, and the usual reception desk behind a window. The only difference is the locked off doors on either side of the hallways.

Must be so the crazies don’t escape, you shudder, remembering all the patients at Arkhay.

“Ugh, I hate hospitals. They smell too much like medicine and death,” Greta shudders.

“Well that kind of comes with the territory birdie,” Grandbuggy snarks causing her to ruffle her feathers. “Just be sure to wash your talons if you touch anything, germs are all the rage in here.”

“Ick,” Greta gags as she daintily picks her talons and paws up and tries to tipy toe as much as possible.

You decide to take no chances and follow suit, but Ahuizotl apparently doesn’t care. Because of your daintines, Grandbuggy takes the lead and reaches the reception window first and he gives it a knock.

A few seconds go by, but there is no answer, so he knocks again. Yet again, there is no response and Grandbuggy’s cigar dips in his lip.

“Well that’s a fine how d’ya do for a response. What happens if some guy comes in and is bleeding out an-“

The window opens up suddenly interrupting his tirade and startling you all.

"What is the emergency?" asks a bored sounding white unicorn mare in a nurse hat.

"Hello, there missy,” Grandbuggy tips his hat. “We are here to-“

“No Smoking Aloud,” she says in that same bored tone and points to the a wall plaque with a cigarette inside of a lined circle.

Grandbuggy takes his cigar out of his mouth at that.

“Don’t worry, it’s not lit. I just like having one at all-“

“No tobacco products are to be in sight of the hospital staff or patients sir. Please get rid of it.”

“But it’s not even lit!”

“Rules are rules sir,” she says still bored.

“Grr, fine,” he grumbles as he takes off his bowler, sticks the cigar inside of it and places it back on his head. “There, it’s out of sight and out of mind, ya happy now?”

“Not really sir. This is my fifth double this week. I wasn’t even supposed to be here today,” she says in monotone.

“Oh,” Grandbuggy says in sympathy. “Well I’m sorry to hear tha-“

“What is your emergency this late sir?” she interrupts in the same tone causing his eye to twitch.

“…OK, I’ll just get right to it then. We’re here to visit a friend, so if you would kindly-“

“Visiting hours are over, please come back tomorrow,” she dismisses.

“What? Now come on, I’m sure there can be an excep-“

“The minute Princess Luna raises the moon, visiting hours are over. No exception. Good Night Sir.”

“But I-“

Grandbuggy is cut off as the nurse closes the window on him and he is left a bit speechless.

“…Okay, that just happened,” he slumps his shoulders before taking his cigar back out of his hat and popping it in his mouth. “Now what?”

“Don’t worry Grandbuggy, I got this,” you say confidently as you push him aside and knock on the window yourself.

"Yes?" asks the nurse as she opens the window and looks down at you.

“Ma’am, can you pwease let us come in and see our fwiend? I just want to see her so badly…” you say activating your best puppy dog eyes.

“Hrk!” you hear Greta and Ahuizotl grunt as they clutch at their chests, while Grandbuggy weathers the storm. The nurse on the other hand…

"Yeah, no.”

This breaks you out of you cuteness stare.

“No? What do you mean no?”

“Just what I said, No,” she responds plainly.

“Bwah-I-Wha...” you sputter as she continues to stare at you boredly. “What’s going on here, didn’t my cuteness effect you at all?”

“Kid, I’ve worked here for a long time, and after many years of foals pulling that to get out of taking their medicine or not eating the terrible hospital food, I’m immune.”

“More like heartless,” mutters Grandbuggy.

“Now, unless you have an emergency or are a doctor please leave. Visiting hours begin at 10:00 A.M. Goodnight.” The nurse then closes the window once more and puts up a Do Not Disturb Sign on it.

“…That whorse seriously didn’t feel anything from that cuteness bomb?” you say in befuddlement. Sure others in the past have been able to shrug it off, but at least they all winced.

“Well, if it’s any consolation, you nearly gave me a stroke,” Greta comforts.

“It does help a little,” you admit as you trot over to them. “But what are we going to do now? We can’t wait till tomorrow, we got a train to catch.”

“Oh! Maybe Ahuizotl can go up there and say he’s visiting a dying patient and he’s their favorite Daring Do character,” Greta offers.

“…That’s a bit morbid,” Grandbuggy says.

“Yeah, that’s too messed up,” you admonish.

“Well it was an idea,” she huffs and crosses her arms. “Besides, he’s in the right mood for it as mopey as he’s been.”

True to her statement, Ahuizotl still seems bummed out, even after suffering your cuteness bomb shrapnel.

“Come on Ahzi,” Grandbuggy encourages, “You gotta stop being so glum just because you found out the lady you hated was just your marefriend in disguise. It’s not the worst surprise you could ever receive.”

Despite the bait Grandbuggy throws, he doesn’t take it, though he does look a bit contemplative.

“A disguise…I might have an idea for your problem,” Ahuizotl announces. “Give me five minutes.” He then unceremoniously walks out the door and into the night. You, Grandbuggy and Greta all look at each other before shrugging and taking seats in the lobby.

As you all wait for your ally, you try to remain busy, even reading the old crusty magazines provided.

“Is it just me, or are these magazines really old?” asks Greta.

“It ain’t just you birdo,” Grandbuggy says as he holds up his magazine. “This is the same magazine that another hospital had when me and the boy infiltrated a hospital some years back.”

“Oh yeah, Daddy told me that one. He said you lost your pretend medical licenses when you started doing unnecessary surgery to an intern.”

“Yeah…I kind of got hopped up on laughing gas by accident that day. But anyway, I remember reading this exact magazine. Look, it’s even got the same article on Princess Luna.”

“Yeesh, a four year old magazine? How cheap can they be?” Greta says.

“It’s older than that,” Grandbuggy chuckles as you read the headline.

Thy Princess of the Night, Luna Hath Been Banished to the Moon...Seriously?”

Before you can think too much on how a 1,000 year old piece of parchment hasn’t crumbled into dust Ahuizotl returns wearing fake glasses and a medical coat.

"What the buck are you wearing?" Grandbuggy asks pointedly.

“Isn’t it obvious? It’s a doctor’s outfit.”

“Okay. Second question, where did you get that?”

“There was a laundry cart around the back. I just took one of the less smelly coats.”

“And the glasses?” you ask.

“Got lucky, found them in the coat pocket,” he says adjusting them.

“Do you really think that’s gonna get us inside?” Greta asks with disbelief all over her face.

“Hey, if it worked for Daring then it can work with me.”

“He’s right you know? It’s surprising how most ponies are very oblivious once you add a hat, coat and glasses,” you say thinking about all the costumes your dad has worn.

“Exactly senorita. After today’s revelations, I now see how easy it is to pretend to be another person with ease…Speaking of which, I wonder of the publishing house has her house on file? Despite everything, I still haven’t gotten my share.”

Mumbling to himself, he walks towards the window and raps on it with his hand tail. Once more the nurse opens the window.

"What?" she asks in the same bored tone, though her scowl indicates she’s losing her patience.

"Hello, I'm doctor uh... Quetzalcoatl, I'm here to check the information of one of my patients."

“Yeahhh, No. Firstly, all the doctors here are ponies, and you’re clearly not. Secondly, you’re wearing Doctor Quacksalver’s old coat, and he was let go months ago for screaming about ‘Six Limbed Horse-Monkeys’ to the patients,” she points to the nametag still stitched on the coat. “We use that coat now mostly for window cleaning, which means you stole it from the laundry. Please leave now or I’ll call for security.” She then slams the window once more, this time a little more forcefully.

“...Mierda!” Ahuizotl grumbles as he walks back over to you all. “It didn’t work.”

“Yeah, no spit Sherlock,” Greta chuckles. “Here, let me try. I’ll pretend to be a patient trying to commit herself.”

Greta then starts walking to the window, but before she can even knock on it, it opens and the nurse shouts.

“No!” before closing it again. Greta, beak agape, just turns to you all and says,

“Well that was rude.”

“Alright, the system as failed us, time for Plan B,” Grandbuggy grunts as he stands up and walks to the door.

“What’s Plan B?” you ask.

“Good old fashioned breaking and entering.”


Zapper frost’s Comment

“Gorramit! Why do all these windows have bars on them?” Grandbuggy grumbles as he ineffectively tugs on the iron barriers on a window in the alleyway.

“Maybe to keep crazy people from getting in?” you guess like a smart alleck.

“Well that’s silly. There’s crazy folks inside right? They’re clearly to keep them in. Who would think of breaking into a hospital?” Greta asks.

In response you just point to the frustrated Grandbuggy who has taken Mangle and shoved her face to the bars.

“Eat the bars ya cyber-demon. Eat it!”

“Skkkrooonnnkkk!” Mangle protests and flails about.

“…Good point,” Greta acquiesces.

“Grr, there’s got to be a blow torch setting on this evil little-Yowch!” Grandbuggy utters as Mangle bites his hoof, and scrambles out of his grip before diving back into your inventory.

“That little bucker! Now I’m gonna get Robo-Rabies,” he grunts and shakes his hoof.

“Grandbuggy, next time just ask Mangle for help,” you roll your eyes.

“Heh, asking a machine for help is how they get ya! You have to keep ordering machines around or else they’ll take over the world!”

“…So that’s where daddy gets it,” you mutter under your breath before looking back up at him. “Whatever. I don’t think we’re getting through those bars anytime soon, and Robo-Rabies isn’t a thing, right Ahuizotl?”

“How the heck should I know?” he asks.

“Oh, sorry, you’re still wearing the coat and…nevermind,” you shake your head. “The point is we need a new way in.”

“Hmm. You’re right sweetheart,” Grandbuggy nods and sighs, before reaching into his hat and pulling out a roll of duct tape. “Didn’t think we’d have to resort to this, but if that overworked dish won’t let us in willingly then-“

“No no no,” you wave your hooves to stop that train of thought. “Let’s do something that doesn’t require assault.”

“Alright fine, take the wind out of my sails why don’tcha?” Grandbuggy shrugs and returns his duct tape. “What’d you have in mind then?”

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Well…I know how to teleport.”

Grandbuggy raises a quizzical eyebrow at that.

“Ya do huh? How accurate are ya?”

“I’m better than daddy, that’s for sure…which really isn’t saying much,” you admit

"Well, it doesn't hurt to try kiddo," Grandbuggy says. "Give it a shot.” He then motions for Ahuizotl and Greta to block the view to you from the alleyway. “There you go, plenty of privacy. Now go on, do the thing.” You nod and take a deep breath.

"Hoo~ Okay..."

In a flash of fire green, your horn appears once again. Closing your eyes in deep concentration, you channel your magic.

The magic on your horn starts to get brighter as your face holds an expression of calmness. It takes Grandbuggy and the rest a few moments to realize that it’s getting brighter by the second due to the serenity on your face, but by the time they do, they must shield their eyes.

"Uh, Sweetie?!" Grandbuggy raises his voice over the noise of your magic. "I'm no expert, but I don't think you need this much magic to teleport!"

"Sweetie Belle isn't here," You answer calmly with your eyes still closed, the magic getting louder and brighter.

Ahuizotl, still shielding his eyes, notices some of the buildings down the road are getting their light switches flipped on.

"I think we're waking up some of the ponies amigos."

Even some of the barred hospital windows lighten up as their occupants awake. Thankfully, unbeknownst to you, Trixie still slumbers not hearing your magic. The glow of it though does seem to soothe her though.

“What’s going on?”

“Who’s authorized a rave this late?”

“Why is the moon so bright?!”

Angry pony voices call out from some of the nearby buildings, some even opening their windows.

"Nightshade, honey, maybe you’re overdoing it?” Grandbuggy says nervously.

Grandbuggy’s voice doesn’t reach you though because you are completely focused on Trixie. You don’t know which room she’s in, but you know she’s in there, and so you make her your focal point.

You remember your mom telling you that Trixie tried to end her own life, and while you don’t know a single thing about depression or any mental illnesses yet, you know it was still a terrible thing. You have to fix her, and if not fix her, ask for forgiveness. It’s the least you could do.

She wanted to be your friend, even if she was using a crazy method to do so. Everything she did was for the sake of you and your dad. She cared for both of you, and you can't deny that anymore now. This is what your dad wanted, both himself and you to be known as a forgiving and friendly. Trixie will be another step towards that.

Opening your now glazing white eyes, you float into the air and at last, used the spell of teleportation to travel inside the hospital.

Feeling a bit dizzy, you find yourself laying on the floor in some room. Shaking your head, you get up and look around, and your heart skips a beat.

Lady Luck is on your side for once, for you have managed to teleport straight into her room.


Not noticing you didn't bring the other three with you, you trot slowly and quietly to the sleeping mare. She is different from the last time you saw her. Aside from being skinnier and her silver mane cut to a shorter style, you notice the scar.

Gasping, you cover your mouth, because even months later, you can see how damaging the wound was. It reminds you of Daddy’s chest scar, jagged, rough, and with burn marks as well. If you had any doubts before, they are gone. That was a killing blow.

“Oh Trixie…” you whisper sadly as you look at her face.

Despite everything though, a small smile touches her lips as she slumbers.

Grandbuggy said you were doing better. That in less than a year you’d probably be out and about. I’m just glad you can still smile.

You then twiddle your hooves because now that you’re here, the pressure returns. Your dad was able to find, comfort and apologize to her through the Dreamscape, and it seems to have helped tremendously, but you are here in the waking world.

Oh, how do I do this? Just shake her awake? What if she doesn’t want to see me? What if she doesn’t remember me? What if she sees the others and starts screaming and-Where did they go?

You train of thought is derailed as you finally notice that your three companions are not with you.

“…Oh gorramnit,” you curse, realizing you still aren’t as good with teleporting as Twilight Sparkle is.


Puzzling Frost’s Comment

After you abruptly left your group they find themselves hearing a horde of angry ponies leaving their houses and coming to investigate.

“Well great she woke up all of Canterlot with that spell!” Greta groans.

“Dios mio! We need to hide! I’m still wearing stolen property” Ahuizotl panics as he quickly backs against the wall trying to hide in the shadows.

“Calm down you two! This may just what we need to get in the hospital. With all these ponies about the hospital security will be distracted!” Grandbuggy says looking at the building.

“If we’re not caught!” Ahuizotl whimpers as he leans against a mobile dumpster, before throwing the coat and glasses into it. However in his panicked state he accidentally pushes the dumpster just enough for it to exit the alleyway and slide down the street.


“Welp it’s closing time. Another successful day of business,” an old looking stallion merchant says as he closes up his firework stand. “Ahh thirty years I’ve sold my fireworks all across Equestria. With the money I’ve saved I’ll be able to retire soon! Hehe! And never in all those years was there ever an accident. Well just goes to show what hard work, proper training and a little luck can do.”

The stallion laughs merrily at this, but it is cut short by the sound of something heading his way. He turns and sees a rapidly approaching dumpster heading right for him.

“Ahhh!” He screams as he dives out of the way. The dumpster’s wheels can’t handle the increasing speed and collapse under the pressure, flipping it on its side and causing it to slide down the street, making sparks as it goes. With his hooves over his head for safety, the stallion watches as the broken dumpster grinds to a halt just inches from his precious stand.

“Woo! That was a close one, for a second I thought I was a goner,” the old stallion sighs in relief and knocks on the dumpster in victory. This causes a dirty doctor’s coat which had caught flame from the road sparks to fall out of the overturned trash bin and right into his stand.

“Oh fiddlest-“

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment


All three of them can only watch as the firework stand explodes, sending debris and fire everywhere, except the hospital oddly enough, and the mob of confused ponies shouting in fear, surprise, and even awe. Greta and Grandbuggy turn to Ahuizotl with deadpan glares.

“Eh heh oops?” Ahuizotl stutters nervously.

“Oops? That’s it?” Greta sqawks. “Cheese and Rice man, even Michael Beigh would say that was a little much.”

“It was an accident. And don’t even compare me to that idiota! If I made a film, I’d have made Bad Colts 3 instead of ruining a beloved toy franchise!”

Before Grandbuggy can break up their squabbling, the owner of the firework stand lands in from of them, having been launched by the destruction of his stand.

“Owwww....” The old stallion groans, his coat blackened with soot and covered with several singe marks. A tuft of his mane is even on fire, which Ahuizotl puts out with his tail hand.

“We need to get him into the hospital stat!” Greta yelps. Grandbuggy nods and grabs the poor pony and runs to the hospital entrance with Ahuizotl and Greta in tow.

“Wait, do you think there might be a fire risk after that explosion?” Ahuizotl asks in worry.

“Even if there is, this is the rich snobby side of Canterlot. They got insurance,” Grandbuggy remarks as he kicks open the door and marches right up to the receptionist window. Like the countless other times tonight, he pounds on the window, and it opens up.

“Look buddy, I said we’re closed! Now go before I call secur-“ she stops when Grandbuggy lifts up the poor stallion for her to see.

“I believe this counts as an emergency,” he deadpans.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

The mare just stares at the clearly guilty looking pony, creature, and griffon before she sighs and rubs her temple.

"Alright, fine I'll let you in,” she groans as she presses a button under her desk and a door buzzer is heard.

“But please get rid of the fake injured pony before you freak out any of the other patients."

The three look at each other in confusion before Grandbuggy awkwardly coughs into his hoof.

"Uh Miss, this isn't fake, this guy is probably suffering from major burns...and maybe a concussion from hitting the ground so hard."

"Don't forget the possible mental trauma from seeing his life’s work go up in flames," Greta adds.

"Or any broken bones from the explosion or the fall," Ahuizotl finishes.

“My glorious mustache…it took 25 years to grow,” the old stallion whimpers as he pats his now clean shaven face.

Grandbuggy nods his head at this before looking back at the nurse.

"Right, all that too."

“Whatever you say,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “Seriously, you go through the trouble of making a bunch of loud explosions outside and waking up like half the patients, so go on. I don’t care anymore. Go see whoever you came to see.”

“Well we are here to see someone, but this guy still-“

The nurse slams the window in their faces and begins grumbling.

"Stupid desperate ponies and their bucking stories. Tonight was supposed to be my night off but noooo, I had to cover for Healing Heart cause she had some dumb 'clan' mission or something. I swear everybody takes their ninja roleplaying too far, its a bucking hospital for bucks sake!"

The three amigos look at each other in confusion and then at the groaning burnt pony before Grandbuggy shrugs his shoulders.

“OK then, looks like we’re also going to be raiding the medicine cabinet as well. Don’t worry old geezer, I pretended to be a doctor in the past, you just need plenty of bandages and soup and pills.”

“The gypsy pony said this day would come, but I didn’t believe her,” he whimpers as Grandbuggy drags him through the door.

“Oh quit your grumbling. I’ll fix ya up right quick, I still gotta find my Great Granddaughter.”

“How exactly are we gonna find the kid?” Greta asks. “We didn’t get a room number from that lady.”

“And I doubt she’ll open the window again,” Ahuizolt says nervously looking at the still grumbling mare.

“I’m sure we’ll just stumble on her if we just go with the flow. Now quit yapping and steal me some painkillers for this guy.”

And with that, the trio walks into the Hospital Proper, ignoring the still grumbling and confused ponies outside, as well as the distant fire brigade sirens.


Just as you are berating yourself for not practicing the teleportation spell as much, a loud thunderous and bright explosion fills the night sky. The window in front of you rattles, and even items inside the room shake.

“Holy Buck! What Was That?!” you squeal in shock as you watch the many different colors fade and see distant fiery embers land on rooftops and businesses.

“Fireworks?” a voice gasps from behind you causing you to freeze up. Looking over your shoulder, you see the mare you came to visit sitting up in her bed looking around bleary eyed.

“Huh, I could have sworn I heard…Oh, it must have been a dream.” She then sits up in bed and grabs a glass of water and takes a sip. “One day…one day those fireworks will be for me again.”

She then goes for another sip, but she pauses with the glass to her lip as she spots you in the window light.

You stand there, frozen in anticipation, not knowing what to say or do now that the moment has finally come as Trixie lowers her glass. Her eyes widen in surprise as she gets a better look at you, and she gasps in a hopeful voice.



Author's Note:

Happy New Year Hive Mind, I hope you all didn't party as hard as I did :pinkiecrazy:

A New Year, A New Me as the saying goes. I hope this year, with whatever new job I get, I will be able to keep a consistent schedule for you all.
But anyway, it's taken some time to get here, but a long overdue heart to heart is about to occur.
Let's see if you can tug on my heartstrings.

And since 2018 has finally died, let's have a chapter question.

What 2019 movie are you most excited for?

I'm hyped for quite a few films, but which ones have you all giddy with anticipation?
Let me know, but also don't forget to comment story stuff too.

See you next chapter,
Brown Dog

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