• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,770 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 72: Midnight Discussions

They all stare back at you, and at each other then back again.

“So…you want our opinion on how to capture an out of control super powered teenager?” asks Luna.

“Yep,” you say frankly and she just looks even more lost.

“Aren’t you like the expert on that?” asks Aria.

“If I was an expert, you think I would have been stuck for three months in a magical time loop?” you snark.

“…Good point,” she nods.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“Yeah, speaking of which, are we just going to keep glossing over that?” asks Luna and everyone stares at her.

“What you mean Nim?” asks B2 and she looks at him incredulously.

“We were stuck in Groundhog Day and it nearly destroyed the universe apparently! I’m still trying to rationalize that in my head.”

“Eh, it’s in the past, no sense worrying about it now,” you reassure and she looks at you quizzically.

“This…this kind of stuff…is this normal for you?”

"Screaming and running in terror?" Adagio asks.

"Fires and destruction everywhere?" Humbra adds.

"Crazy out of control magic?" Aria points out.

"Random insanity, obscure and blatant references to TV shows, movies, comics, novels, and anime?" B2 interjects.

"YES." You, Selena and Sombra said at the same time.

"Don't forget he's holding three people in his body instead of one!" Sonata pipes up casually drinking a smoothie.

“Hey! I was saving that smoothie for later!” Humbra complains.

“Didn’t see your name on it,” Sonata taunts, sticking her tongue out at him and causing him to grumble.

“I just…” Luna shakes her head and presses a hand to her temple. “I don’t even know how to comprehend that on top of everything. A horse Sombra and my stage persona in your head? How do you handle that?”

"By trying to keep these two from causing more problems. Emphasis on trying," Selena says taking control for a moment.

OI! You and Sombra complain, but she just smirks.

“…You know, that’s incredibly freaky hearing my voice coming from your mouth,” Luna shudders.

“It’s not your voice, it’s MINE!” Selena emphasizes with a bit of heat and once more Luna flinches.

“Okay, Okay just…” she holds her palms up and sighs. “My head really hurts.”

“It’s okay Nim,” B2 says putting an arm around her shoulder, which she accepts. “Believe me, it gets easier with time.”

“Like hell it does,” Humbra grumbles.

“Thanks @#$%&,” she says as she holds his hand. “But I think what really helps is having you along to temper the madness.”

And with that, she rests her head against his shoulder.

“Hmmph!” Selena grunts before relinquishing control back to you.

Give a warning next time Selly. Whatever happened to Assuming Direct Control? You complain, but she doesn’t answer you back and you get the feeling she’s watching B2 and Luna pointedly.

It’s not the first time this has happened. After your perfect speed run of that last carnival loop, the two humies have been inseparable like some lovesick couple from those terrible soap operas McStabFlank wouldn’t stop yapping about. And though you shudder, remembering how she adamantly talked about the Mexicoltan character’s relationship the same way Lyra talked about her My Little Human Fan Fiction, a part of you can’t help but feel a bit grateful that another version of you has finally gotten some much deserved happiness.

After all the crap B2’s been handed in this life, you think he does deserve this break…even though it’s a bit gross since they’re filthy disgusting humans and all, but still. But other than that, you can’t quite place why Selena feels so perturbed by them, aside from another version of her estranged “sister” being happy, but you don’t think she’s that petty.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” you say with your own voice and both look to you. “She and pony you don’t exactly get along.”

That is a complete understatement! She grumbles and Sombra chuckles at her misery.

“Well…if she’s anything about how I used to act on stage, I can kind of understand,” Luna says.

“You can?” Humbra says in bewilderment before glaring at Adagio. “And who said you could eat those chips?!”

“What? I was hungry DAD,” she says smugly as she eats one and his eye twitches.

“I am not your Dad Thot!”

Ignoring that idiocy, Luna continues,

“When we were all performing, there was a lot of good times sure, but maintaining this dark mystical character was taxing,” she says in remembrance. “I mean, I had a lot of anxiety and insecurities when I was Nightmare Moon. Really, it’s like she was a completely different person than me.”

“Nah babe, it was always you. You just can’t deny the more darker aspects of yourself,” B2 encourages sweetly. You feel Selena bristle at that a bit and you start to get worried at this line of talk.

“Oh just eat my entire pantry why don’t you?!” Humbra hollers.

“It’s just one lollipop dude, it’s not a big deal,” Aria rolls her eyes.

“Yeah Sombra, they’re just snacks,” B2 adds.

“That I paid for! Gyagh!” he tantrums like a toddler and everyone rolls their eyes.

“Alright, maybe we should get back on track instead of yelling about snacks or thinking too deeply on what constitutes another person,” you say with a clap of your hands. “Twilight is still out there, and I’m not hearing any ideas fro-“

“Hey Bugze, I came up with a few ideas!” Sunset interrupts as she barrels through the front door, startling everyone, including her. “Oh…I didn’t know there was a big meeting going on…”

“Sunset Shimmer, what are you doing here when you should be at school?” Luna asks accusatorially.

“Uhhhh…I could ask you the same question Vice Principal?” she counters unsurely and Luna’s eyes widen.

“…Touché,” she nods.

“If it helps, all the rest of the girls are at school,” she chuckles.

“At this point, does school even matter?” you point out. “She’s part of the Superior Equestrian Crew after all.”

“Which is the best kind of crew,” Sonata says with a giggle.

“Obviously,” you nod in agreement.

“Right…well I called in sick as well, so it’s fine,” Sunset handwaves before closing the door behind her. “By the way Mr. Sombra, do you have anything drink?”

Sighing, Humbra gets up and walks into his kitchen.

“At least she had the courtesy to ask,” he complains.

“So anyway, what you got for us Bacon Hair?” B2 asks enthusiastically.

“Well, it’s not so much something physical, but something practical that Midnight will need. Of course you probably already figured that out Bugze,” she explains and you deadpan at her.


“Wait, seriously?” she says taken aback.

“Yeah, he’d already given up and was begging us for ideas,” Aria snarks.

“You all should know at this point that thinking isn’t always my strong suit. I get bursts of out of nowhere genius from time to time, but for the most part I just kind of react to the situation as it happens.”

“…Well, at least there’s that thing in common,” Luna prods at B2 who just slumps a bit.

“The worst part is I can’t even argue with that,” B2 pouts.

“Please, you can’t be any worse than when Sonata “invested” our money a few months ago,” Adagio says with a glare at her sister.

“How was I supposed to know that that Nigerian Prince wouldn’t come through with the goods?!” she huffs. “And I said I was sorry!”

“…Anyway,” Sunset says getting back on track, “Like I said, I’m pretty sure I know what Midnight’s next move is.”

“And that is?” you inquire.

“Surprisingly, what those two are arguing about, money.”

“You think she got internet scammed too?” Arai asks curiously.

“No. I think that Midnight is going to try and acquire her own. A lot more actually,” she says just as Humbra walks in and gives her a soda. “Thank you Mr. Sombra.”

“Sure, no prob,” he says crankily before sitting back down in his recliner.

“Why do you think she needs lots of money? Did you find an Equestrian Object that’s expensive?” you ask and she shakes her head.

“No, it’s more simpler than that. Right now she’s avoiding going home or to her brother’s place after she caught on to us,” she extrapolates.

“Don’t her parents wonder where she went? Or her teachers and classmates?” Luna asks.

“From what our fellow evil robot survivors at Crystal Prep have told me, she’s one of the few students that can actually just take her classes online if she chooses. Guess having your Sister in Law be the Vice-Dean has it’s perks,” Sunset answers.

“Okay, but speaking of Cadence, what about the rest of her family? Haven’t they seen her?” Luna asks flabbergasted but Sunset shakes her head.

“So as far as her parents are concerned, she’s diligently at work for school and staying at her brothers.”

“But she’s clearly not, Cadence would have said something,” Luna argues.

“Yeah, that’s kind of on us,” Adagio says. “We kind of sang and made them selectively oblivious.”

“They still think she’s coming home, just late at night. Also they don’t even notice that Spike can talk and is keeping his precious doggy eyes open for her,” Sonata chimes in.

“That’s…deeply disturbing,” Luna says aghast.

“Yeah, what she said,” B2 nods. “I mean, that’s really messed up messing with their brains like that.”

“Hey, better this than having Humie Law Enforcement get involved and making our job harder,” you counter and Sunset nods.

“Agreed. But yes, she knows we’re watching both these locations, so we know she’s been staying elsewhere. That camp counselor boy said he hadn’t seen her in days, so if she’s anywhere else, she’s paying for it.”

“Hmmph, if she’s smart she’ll be somewhere cheap,” Humbra says.

“No, if she’s smart, she’ll use her magic to make some dough. That’s how we lived comfortably this last year,” Aria counters.

“Precisely,” Sunset nods. “But that pales in comparison to why she’ll really need lots of money.” You all stare at her silently until she finishes that thought, “She’s going to be looking for a new lab.”

“But she’s already got a puppy. A talking one, and she hasn’t come back for him,” Sonata says and several of you facepalm.

“No, a science lab dummy,” Adagio rolls her eyes.

“Ooohhh…yeah that makes more sense.”

“It does…It makes way too much sense,” you say as you suddenly know what Sunset’s getting at. “Since she can’t go home, she needs a place where she can perfect the magic prototype thing.”

“Yup,” Sunset smiles. “And as a high school student, she doesn’t have the funds necessary for the equipment that she had at the school and her brother’s garage.”

“So you’re thinking she’s going to try and buy her own?” Luna asks with a raised brow.

“Nah,” Humbra disagrees. “Some things sure, like some beakers or burners and such, but it’s all about the location. She’ll want someplace secure and out of the way where she can take all her suspicious lab stuffs. Anything more complicated she’d steal with them fancy powers.”

You all look at the bald human in shock before he frowns.

“What? Ain’t you ever seen Breaking Bad?”

“You know, that does actually link up with what I was thinking,” Sunset says impressed.

Ha! See?! My Hu-Sona does bring things to this table! Real Sombra says brightly and you roll your eyes.

“So she needs money for some equipment and a secure location where we would have trouble finding her, and then she’s going to just steal whatever else she needs, is that the gist of it?”

“Pretty much,” Sunset nods. “So keep your eyes open for news about stolen equipment and funds that seem downright impossible.”

“Hey now, I know she may be a little power hungry, but Twilight’s still Twilight right?” B2 interjects sounding unsure. “I mean she was a by the book kind of girl.”

“Buddy, just like the real Twilight, she’s one thing above anything else. A scientist,” you point out. “As I can personally attest, she will go to any means necessary to figure out a problem.”

“I…I suppose that’s fair,” Luna nods. “I mean, if she’s able to crack the code on this otherworldly magic, she would be set for life in the scientific community.”

“So kind of an ends justify the means kind of thing. Just like every mad scientist ever,” you sigh before B2 looks at the Dazzlings.

“Well, if we do hear something, I guess we could sic you guys after her since you can kind of track magic signatures right?”

“It’s not that precise, but yeah,” Aria nods.

“At the very least we’d be able to narrow down her location from the residual mana signatures,” Adagio agrees.

“But that could take forever!” you throw your hands up. “Just waiting for her to strike then hoping we find a pattern. What if she’s not even in the same country right now?”

“She won’t until she’s gotten enough money,” Sunset explains. “And right now, Canterlot is the only place in this world that Equestrian Magic is located thanks to the portal. If she wants to study it, she won’t stray that far.”

“So before those thefts can occur, she’s gonna need a location and dough,” Humbra muses before putting a finger to his chin in thought. “Now if you had magic and wanted to get rich quick, what would you do?”

“Run wild at the casino and use your magic to cheat?” B2 suggests.

“She’s not old enough to gamble hun,” Luna says.

“She’s not old enough to be a supervillain either, but guess what?” he counters.

“Take over Fort Knox?” Aria suggests.

“That would literally bring too much attention onto herself…but not a bad idea kid,” B2 smirks.

“What’s this fort knocking thing?” you ask confused.

“It’s like the royal treasury in Canterlot back home,” Sunset explains and your eyes widen.

“Oh…okay yeah, I think she would be smarter than that,” you say with a shake of your head. “And since Humans value gold and gems more than us, that’s even more dangerous.”

“I know right? Kind of makes me wish we’d had more of those when Beardo banished us,” Adagio complains.

“Ha, amateur way of thinking,” Humbra scoffs. “Even if you had a bag of gold, it’d be really hard to sell unless you managed to smelt it or find someone on the black market, or have some very loose bank yuppies.”

“Learn that from your depressing show as well?” snarks B2.

“No, that I got from the History Channel,” he says smugly.

“Oh, what if she attacked other bad guys and stole their money like that fox guy with the bow and arrow?” Sonata suggests.

“This isn’t a cartoon dummy,” Aria rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, vigilante shenanigans never work out, I know from experience,” you say with surety.

Did we not spend the better part of a year doing exactly that AND getting paid for it? Selena points out.

…Yeah, well, I had a license to do that and I’m sure she’s too young to be collecting bounties, you excuse.

“I’m just throwing this out there, but why couldn’t she just sell some of her magic inventions? She’d get millions in no time,” B2 says.

“Because she’d want to research it more,” Sunset shoots down. “And she’s not going to sell the secrets to something that’s so limited in this world.”

“But what about your world?” Luna asks and everyone stares at her. “From what I understand, magic’s like air over there right? Wouldn’t she have much more research that way?”

“…Holy Buck,” you say as you and Sunset lock eyes.

“You don’t think?” she starts.

“It would make sense right? After all those loops, she knows there’s another world full of magic, and she glimpsed it through those cracks in reality,” you continue.

“But I thought we couldn’t get through till the portal opens or Sunny here gets reformed,” Adagio interjects.

“But she doesn’t know where the gate is…but if she finishes her prototype thing, then she’ll find it and…I don’t know, science a solution to open it up early?” you guess.

“Is that even possible?” asks B2 and you shrug.

“It’s Twilight, so anything’s possible.”

“Well hey, if that’s the case, then why look for her at all?” Aria says. “If she gets her money and all of her lab stuff and opens her own portal, isn’t that good for us?”

“I…well…” you start to argue but then really think about it.

Bugze? Selena inquires.

“We would be able to go home quicker, that’s for sure. We only came over here to find the Siren Stones after all,” you say.

“Right,” Aria nods. “So instead of waiting three years or for whenever some vagueness for Sunset is met, why not let her do it?”

“Because…Uh…” Sunset tries to argue before putting a hand to her chin.

“Uh, isn’t her getting to your world a bad thing?” B2 asks as all of the not really humans thin, about this development.

“I don’t see why it should,” Adagio answers. “If she opens a portal, that’s our ticket back home, and if she tries to do any super villain stuff, then her pony version will knock her down a peg.”

“They do have the Elements of Harmony, along with the Princesses,” Sunset nods.

“Yeah, so she goes through and kablamy! She hasn’t really hurt anyone, so they should just make her normal again right?” Sonata asks you.

“…Maybe?” you say with a shudder. “But I’d rather not find out. The portal idea is nice, but the Rainbow Death Laser is something I wouldn’t wish on anyling.”

You feel Selena nod approvingly at that as Humbra speaks up.

“Also, who’s to say she would even get blasted? Your dumb ass has been running around for 4 years with dark magic and they haven’t been able to stop you.”

“…Huh, didn’t think of it like that,” you say taken aback.

And the last thing we need is someone smart and competent with that level of magic running around, Sombra concurs.

Ye-Hey! You shout.

“Well even if she doesn’t know all the risks of entering Equestria, I think that that will still be her main goal,” Sunset continues. “She’s a lot like me in that regard.”

“So you think she plans to make an army of mind controlled teens to wage war on horses?” Luna asks seriously and Sunset flinches.

“No, no, I don’t think she’s as bad as that. It’s just…I wanted to get here so bad. When I was Princess Celestia’s student, I became so obsessed with the portal mirror, I shirked all of my other studies and duties that I felt it was my destiny to cross over and become a princess,” she admits guiltily.

“Oh…” Luna says sympathetically.

“So I did everything in my power to get here, feeling like the whole world was against me…but after I got here, I felt like I’d been betrayed. I’m not saying Twilight might go through the same thing if she gets to Equestria, but I’d rather not have her go down the same hole I did. She’d be alone, hated, and desperately seeking forgiveness and acceptance and not getting it…” she starts to choke up and get teary eyed.

“Hey, hey, you’re not alone,” B2 says soothingly.

“Yeah, you got the Human Deadly 5 as friends remember?” you add.

“Do I?” she sighs. “If it weren’t for Princess Twilight, would they have even given me a chance after all I did to them?”

“Kid, there’s no sense in thinking like that, it’ll only make you sadder,” Humbra comforts as well.

“I know but…Twilight left and hoped that things would turn out better…but with all of this going on and no way to consult her-“

“Sunset,” you say soothingly as you put a hand on her shoulder. “You’re not alone. You’ve got everyone in this room and the Human Five at school. Everyone in this room has done bad things in the past, some worse than others, but we learn from our mistakes and carry on in a better way.”

She looks at you hopefully at that and you give her a smile.

“He’s right Shim,” Adagio says with comfort. “I mean Tartarus, we were going down the revenge route too until Bugze came along. Even Aria, Sonata and I had each other, we thought the whole world was against us and that we were alone…but we weren’t.”

“Sure we lost sight of that a few times,” Aria says looking apologetically at Sonata. “But we came around.”

“Exactly, and that means there’s still hope to get that Sparkle girl out of her emo dark purple phase and turn a new leaf too.”

“…You guys,” Sunset smiles and wipes her eyes, just as Luna hugs her from behind.

“I had no idea you were going through so much…I’m sorry for being so stern with you,” she apologizes and B2 puts a hand on her shoulder as well.

“You’re a testament to how we’re going to save Twilight kiddo,” he says. “Even if she does go the same route as you did, that just means she’s gonna get redeemed the same way.”

“…Thank you,” she says as she leans on to Luna’s shoulder in a touching scene.


AH! What the buck Selena?! You yell in your mind, wincing from the ethereal reverberations.

I laid claim to her first! She’s supposed to be OUR daughter! Not theirs! She shouts in frustration.

Oh for-Selena! We’ve been over this! We can’t just adopt a mare who’s fifteen years older than me!

Timey Wimey Stuff has happened! You’re older now and the perfect father for her! Just like the others. She insists and you sigh.

The sirens already have parents which we’re going to reunite them with the TARDIS remember?

Hmmph. I still want more children with you, she grumbles.

You…you do? You ask bashfully as your cheeks flush and her eyes widen.

Uh…I mean…she stutters.

Ugh, can you two possibly be even more obvious Yeesh! Sombra groans in frustration, but before that awkwardness can settle, Sunset breaks the silence.

“Sorry for bringing the mood down with my stupid human teenager hormones,” Sunset apologizes.

“Heh, preach it sister, we know the feeling all too well,” Aria says with a smirk.

“Yeah, puberty round two is a bitch,” Adagio grins.

“Seriously, what is that word? I still don’t get it,” Sonata asks, but nobody answers her.

“Well, I can say this much. It’s a lot easier when you don’t have access to magic and constantly want to set fire to judgmental nobles, or the Princess’s nephew when he won’t stop hitting on you!”

“…So my idiot nephew has a pony counterpart as well?” Luna asks suddenly apologetic.

“Oh yeah, big time,” you nod. “And you have my sympathies for having to deal with young No-Balls.”

“No-Balls?” Sunset asks.

“It’s a long story.”

“Did you punch him in the nads?” B2 asks.

“…Okay, it’s not that long, but still.”

“…Okay,” she shrugs. “But sorry for the detour. If Twilight’s aiming for Equestria, we have a basis on how to stop her.”

“And if worse comes to worse, we hope that the Deadly 6 on my side Rainbow Blast her…but I’d rather that be the last resort,” you nod.

“Yeah…it’d be better if she came back to her senses before the nuclear option,” Sunset says shuddering at the memory of her own taste.

“Wait, I’m confused. Wouldn’t they just take her Midnight side and make her her own person?” Humbra speaks up.

“Huh?” you ask.

“Like with you right? The blasted bad half of pony Luna is in your head, so wouldn’t Midnight and Shimmy here have their own dark brooding half thanks to the Rainbows?...God I wish I was high when saying that.”


“I don’t think so,” Sunset shakes her head. “According to Bugze, Luna and Nightmare Moon were together for over a thousand years on the moon before they were hit. I only had a maybe 10 minutes powered up, and Twilight hasn’t deviated to that extreme.”

…Well that’s a weight off my mind I guess, Selena says with a sigh.

“Wait…you keep saying how she’ll be looking for a way to get into Equestria, and the only entrance is under the Wondercolt statue right?” Luna pipes up.

“Mmhmm,” you nod.

“Then…we know exactly where to draw her into,” she says. “If she doesn’t know about it, we draw her there with some bait.”

All at once, all of you look to the Dazzlings.

“Wait, us?” Aria guffaws.

“Who else? You’re the only ones using magic aside from Bugze,” B2 shrugs.

“And I’m not even using a portion of what I once had. You three though do kind of light up when using yours,” you agree.

“Heh, being bait huh? Just like that creepy old man sad,” Sonata giggles.

“That’s not what he was talking about dork,” Adagio shakes her head.
“But yes, we have you three draw her near the statue, and when she’s busy with that we-“

“We what? Defeat her? How do you propose we do that?” Adagio interrupts.


“Because after three months of looping, and not even at her full power, apparently none of us could contain her,” she pushes.

“She’s…she’s got a point,” you nod. “If this were Equestria I’d be able to restrain her no problem but here…”

“She’s also not dumb, she isn’t just going to stick around and fight when it doesn’t reward her,” Aria says with a frown.

“So unless we could defeat her quickly and without too much of a struggle, she’d slip right through our fingers,” Adagio finishes.

“…Dang, I thought we had something there for a minute,” you purse your lips.

“Sorry, but I agree. I don’t think we’re strong enough,” Sonata apologizes.

“Strong enough…” you whisper before your eyes widen. “Wait a minute!” Your shout startles everyone.

“What?” Sonata asks.

“You guys get your power from making arguments and stuff right?”

“Yeah, but what we get from humans is pitiful compared to-“

“Equestrian Magic,” you nod. “And guess what, thanks to Sunset, two different sets of magic were used on a large number of high school kids.”

Adagio’s, Aria’s, and Sonata’s jaws drop as your thought connects with them and Sunset gasps.

“That’s right! I mind controlled the whole school, and then Princess Twilight’s Rainbow Magic swept over them all! That means…”

“That means that all of the humans in Canterlot High have been exposed to and infused with magic. Meaning that they’d be stronger in it than regular humies right?”

“It…it could work,” Adagio says rather excitedly.

“Even if it’s only a bit of magic still in them, it’d probably be about the same as the ponies in those coastal towns!” Aria exclaims.
“So if we drained them, they’d make us stronger!” Sonata squees.

“Exactly! See, I told you I had random out of nowhere bursts of genius,” you smirk.

“Wait wait wait, hold on, are you suggesting that we cause my students to riot and become hostile to each other to give you a power boost?” Luna says in bewilderment.

“Well...yes,” you nod.

“But that’s just downright irresponsible! What if someone gets hurt?!” she argues.

“It’d be the only way to capture Twilight in your plan hun,” B2 takes your side and she still looks lost.

“But…I just…”

“I do feel a bit iffy as well Bugze,” Sunset admits. “Making everyone hostile…”

“It doesn’t have to be just hostile, more like…competitive,” Adagio clarifies.


“Yep,” Aria nods. “The inner negative emotions build and become stronger when working towards a prize that only one can win.”

“Back home, we had it so that some of the ponies would get some gold or something and we cheered them on with singing before sucking those emotions up,” Sonata giggles.

“Ah, like cheerleaders,” you say. “Is there any sporting events coming up that all the students would be in?” you ask Luna.

“Well, there’s the Intramural Friendship Games coming up with Crystal Prep, but that would be even more dangerous. Some of those competitions include bows and arrows,” Luna pales.

“Well, we’re more into singing if you couldn’t tell so…” Adagio gestures towards her necklace.

“But no, this is a good idea,” you continue. “If we can just find a fairly safer way to make sure the Canterlot Students are prepped and competitive, then these three can get a power boost and we can stop Midnight once and for all.”

“If there’s a way to incorporate the Friendship Games, that would make the competiveness be even higher. Our schools are rivals after all,” Sunset agrees.

“Yes, but still, what could you possibly rile them up with that wouldn’t result in physical violence?” Luna all but pleads.

“Music,” B2 pipes up.

“Huh?” Luna asks but he just looks up at all of you.

“Music. That’s what the Dazzlings are good at, and there’s a way to get pumped and competitive with it” he explains before looking at Luna and Humbra. “Remember the throwdown at Rockapalooza?”

The other two human’s eyes widen at that.

“The Battle of the Bands?” Humbra says, nearly choking.

“Bingo,” B2 smirks.

“But #$%@&, that was far from non-violent! That mosh pit got out of hand fast,” Luna shudders.

“Because we’re metal heads,” he hand waves.” And besides, from what these gals have sang, I doubt there’s going to be that much of a thrashing for their upbeat pop.”

“A battle of the bands…” Adagio trails off as the three sisters consider it.

“It would make everyone pumped up,” Sonata nods.

“And if we were a part of it, then we could ensure that we won at the end and got all of the loser’s and spectator’s emotions from it…” Aria theorizes.

“I…it’s not brainwashing is it?” Luna asks in desperation.

“Not really. The worst thing that will happen is that they’ll be sluggish and out of it for like a day afterwards,” Adagio reassures.

“So kind of what you all did to Shining and Cadence?” you inquire and she nods.

“Yeah…but this could work. We challenge Canterlot High to a Battle of the Bands, we win it, and then we’ll have enough power to defeat Midnight.”

“And there’d be no way she wouldn’t hear about it. That Wallflower girl has a publicist cousin remember? We could get the word out and make this even bigger!” B2 says excitedly.

“Those two singer humies from the carnival do owe us big time as well,” Humbra throws in.

“Oh, if they got involved, we’d double our audience even more. Even if it’s weaker juice, the amount should go along nicely with the magic irradiated humies,” Aria says with a far away look.

“This is…I like this idea,” you say in agreement.

It is rather reckless and a gamble…but I agree as well, Selena admits.

Far be it from me to turn down more human customs, Sombra chuckles.

“Oh! I’m so excited!” Sonata claps.

“That…that would definitely draw her out,” you concur. “But we wouldn’t want her there too early because what’s to stop her from stopping us?”

“Simple,” Adagio smirks. “We wouldn’t lay claim to our hard earned worked up emotions till the final song. Even if she’s there, she won’t be able to draw out the nonmagical emotions that we gather, and then we spring our trap.”

“I see,” you stroke your chin. “It’s definitely a gamble, but with a lot more witnesses she’d be hesitant to show her Midnight form. The only reason she stopped giving a buck in the loop is because our consequences kept getting erased.”

“You guys are getting way too hyped for this,” Humbra grumbles but is ignored.

“So while we keep an eye for her money getting ways and form a grid pattern for her location, we build up the Dazzling’s powers. If she shows up for the final note, we attack, but if she stays away, then at least we’ll have a fighting chance against her for when she does strike at the portal.”

Luna sees all of you forming this dangerous, insane plan and just sighs.

“That’s all well and good, but you’re all forgetting one thing,” she interrupts and you all glance at her. “With something this large, how are we going to convince my sister to let this happen on the school grounds? Especially since we’re already spending so much on the Friendship Games and building the courses as we speak.”

You all glance at each other nervously for this glaring oversight.

“Oh…right. Forgot about her,” B2 gulps.

“Maybe we could all talk to her?” you suggest and he, Humbra and Luna pale.

“Uh bud, she kind of hates my guts,” B2 chuckles nervously.

“And she won’t exactly be thrilled to know that we’ve gotten back together,” Luna admits.

You then look to Humbra who looks just as perturbed, but isn’t saying anything.

“And why would she hate you?”

“No particular reason, I never did anything to her,” he admits.

“Then why are you-“

“Because she’s scary alright?! I still haven’t forgotten that time when we accidentally broke her pool,” he shivers.

“And I’m not exactly in her good graces after the Fall Formal…” Sunset admits sheepishly.

“And we have no idea who she is, so…” Adagio shrugs.

“…Okay, I know this looks bad and all, but hear me out,” you say holding your hands up. “What if we asked her really, really nicely?”


“LUNA! What the Hell is He Doing Here?! And Why Are There Two Of Him?!” Celestia shouts, pointing at you and B2 while the rest of your group, including the Humane 5 and Flash crowd around her kitchen. “And why is everyone eating my snacks?!”

“Yup, knew this was a bad idea,” Humbra sighs as she stares daggers at you and your doppelganger.

What other me said.


Author's Note:

She’s just overreacting. It’s perfectly normal to find over a dozen people raiding your fridge after a hard day’s work.

Hey Hive Mind,

As you can tell, I went and did it again. I don’t really have any excuses for the delay other than it was hard for me to muster the enthusiasm to write. Had a bad couple weeks and my mood’s been sour, but I’m getting out of the funk, slowly but surely. I do hate making you all wait though, and I am truly sorry :fluttercry:

But anyway, nothing like a hero endorsed villain plot eh? Hopefully Celestia gives in willingly.

Give me shenanigans, and I’ll see you next chapter (which I pray is not delayed again),
Brown Dog.

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