• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,770 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 93: Rules of Nature (Equestria Games Finale)

Reunited Opening:

Kichi’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Haryou Changer’s Comment

You and Flag Burner rush up to one another, and almost as if you’d planned it, the two of you both go for a headbutt and strike each other dead center in the forehead. Your skull meets the metal with a clang, and the both of you stumble backwards from that one, you with a bumping head and him with a loud ringing in his ears.

After shaking that off, you both rush forward again, with him trying to skewer you with the arm blade, and you deflecting it with the High Frequency Sword.

Sparks ignite as the two metals meet, and the two of you continue to try and strike one another.

The magic broadcast cameras are still rolling after all this time, even though a few of them have been destroyed or damaged by the dual battles.

Currently, a few at different angles are centered on you and Burner, but the devices struggle to keep up with your movements. Every other second, the swift movement of air can be heard, followed by your blurred forms and the resulting dust clouds that followed them as you and Flag lay into each other with surprising speed and ferocity.

In Canterlot Flash Sentry watches as a bead of sweat trails down the side of his head. He winces as the clashing of your blades rings out.

Many ponies in Ponyville watch anxiously, and Aloe even holds her hooves together and prays to the gods, rooting for you all the way despite things.

The camera nearly misses you two dashing across it's view, sparks flying as your blades cross over and over again.

"Bugze..." Trixie breaths out nervously within the hospital room as Burner cuts through one of your tails, causing it to dissipate painfully.

“Grrrr,” you growl as it starts to reform painfully, and the camera manages to catch you dodging Burner’s follow up punch as you jump back deftly.

Young colts and fillies look on with awe, as if they are reading their favorite comic book, or show come to life.

Burner ignites the thrusters in his suit and flies straight at you, but you dodge underneath and strike at one of his gauntlets, which throws his trajectory off. He skids to a halt before righting himself and flying back at you again.

Zecora watches in anticipation with a steady look, hoping for your wellbeing, while also being impressed by some of your moves. Especially when you flip over him, which the cameras only barely catch.

While you are still in the air, he spins and strikes at you, to which you block, and the momentum sends you back to the ground hard on your hooves. Still using his momentum, he flips and dive bombs you, but this time, you dodge his right hook and wrap a tail around your hoof.

"Falcon Shoryuken!" You yell as you get him under his metal chin with a large clang.

“Ack!” he grunts as his momentum whiplashes him to momentarily float in the air. Taking your chance, you spin and yell,

"Falcon Kick!" Kicking him towards the stands, breaking some of the seating with his abrupt landing.

Cheers erupt from the captive audience from the safety of their homes as that was a solid hit…or so they think.

The mecha stands back up from the destroyed seats, not fazed in the slightest.

"Not bad,” his speakers warble, and you just know he’s smirking.

"Could say the same to you." You say glaring at him with a flash of your eyes. "Unfortunately, you're not putting much work, the suit's doing all the work for you."

"Like the so called spirits in your head aren’t assisting you as well?" He laughs. "In war, there are no rules." He says, taking a battle stance again.

“Yeah yeah, ‘War Never Changes,’ and all that you Brotherhood of Steel fanboy,” you insult and hold the sword in front of your face defensively. “I’m pretty sure the ponies of the past didn’t have laser guns.”

“Maybe they should have,” he laughs as once more you two charge one another and your blades meet over and over again. Sometimes the cameras catch your movements, and sometimes, all that is heard is the sound of metal on metal.

For those spectating, it’s a sight to behold either way.

At one point you are able to parry and then use your wings to launch into the air for a downward sword breaking strike, but once again both blades meet in the middle, neither side gaining an advantage. The force behind each strike would be enough to shatter normal blades, but Orichalcum and the Jet Stream Sam sword are anything but normal.

And while your blades are connected in a power struggle, a panel on one of the mech’s knees opens up and dart like projectiles fire out, piercing you in the gut.

“GACK!” you cough as sharp pieces of metal stick out of your belly. They aren’t deep wounds, but they sure as buck hurt a lot. You then watch as Flag’s empty hand pulls back to punch the darts further into you, but you flap your wings and bound backwards from the punch, landing a safe distance away.

“Motherbucking cheapshot!” you growl as six of your tails pull the spikes out, the tips covered in your dark blue blood.

“You’re one to talk!” Flag says as more darts fly forth from the compartment, and you start to strafe, duck and weave around him, trying to close the distance. “Quit dodging and come and meet your death!” Flag taunts as more darts fly towards you from his joint compartments.

I have a rendevouz with death, the poem echoes in your mind and you grit your teeth.

“Not bucking today I don’t!” you say as you power slide under one of the projectiles and swing upward for what would normally be a devastating nad shot, but since he’s in a metal suit all you do is end up punching him off the ground a bit.

“Oh, and that isn’t a cheap shot?!” Flag taunts as he comes back down with an overhead powerstrike of his own, but you deflect with the frequency sword and roll to the side Dark Souls style, but he back kicks you mid roll causing you to tumble down the field.

“AAAHHHH!!! MMMMAAAACCCHHHHIIIINNNNEEESSS!!!” you curse to the heavens in rage as you stand back up.

“Preach It Boyo!” you hear Grandbuggy encourage in the distance, but you ignore him as you face the oncoming mech.

Gods, even Discord wasn’t this hard to fight! And he’s a literal god! You think bitterly as you parry another of his strikes, and slam him away from you with five of your tails.

To be fair, he wasn’t trying to murder you like this madstallion is, Selena points out as you flip over a spearing thrust.

Yeah, he even admitted that much, you sigh as you give a spinning falcon kick to the mech’s back thrusting it forward and off balance. I mean, if that guy ever really got serious so many problems could be solved easily. But of course, just like whenever any crisis happens that could decide the fate of Equestria, he’s not here!

Burner then spins his arm around to strike you, but you duck under it and strike across his middle with the sword, which leaves a scorch mark.

Did Nightshade not say that he had lost his power and was sickly? Sombra counters as you jump back from another blade strike.

Oh that’s just an excuse! You grunt as Flag ignites his boosters and knees you in the chest. You then block another strike in another battle of strength.

“Just give in Offender. Let me put you and Nightmare Moon out of your misery,” his speakers warble.

“Buck Off!” you growl as your tails sweep at his leg. It isn’t enough to knock him over, but it throws him off enough for you to uncross your blades and get to a better distance.

“It is inevitable, just stop struggling!” Burner demands as he shoots more darts at you.

He sounds like a broken record, Sombra say in annoyance.

And just as you two are about to cross blades again, the both of you are thrown apart as the Plunder Dragon flies, skimming the ground between you as it heads for the others.

“Agh! Stupid Monster!” Flag yells at the thing, still pissed that he no longer has control thanks to the mutation.

…You know, fighting a mech and a giant monster at the same time just made me flashback to Vanhoover for a second, you say as a bit of nostalgia hits you.

Or Fazbears, which was a mech AND giant monster, Sombra nods in agreement.

Boy do we run into the same tropes often, you realize as pick yourself up off the ground.

Indeed we do, which is why I advise keeping him away from that monster when we defeat him, Selena advises as you spin the sword around in your grip.

I’m assuming it’s for some other reason than because of the obvious distraction? You guess as you rush forth and swipe at the mech, but this time he dodges.

Indeed, she responds. With our luck in the past it would not surprise me if at our moment of victory, he would somehow try to fuse with the creature and become an even bigger monstrosity.

Oh come on! Why would you even suggest something like that and tempt the cosmos?! Sombra complains and facehooves.

Because I’d rather be prepared rather than surprised by such an event since they happen too often! She counters and you scowl.

Well, if Lady Luck is thinking of pulling that card, she is going to be sorely disappointed! you think as you dig your tails into the ground, jump back and then slingshot yourself towards the mech, blade first.

“Your struggling is in vain you-“ he starts, but you are able to parry his blade above him and give him a drop kick which sends him flying.

"If you can't say anything original, just shut up!" you demand as you rush after the tumbling mech.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

While your parents and Sombra are having an epic sword battle with the cyborg, your collective group is now facing a kaiju.

“HERE IT COMES!” Rainbow shouts as the monstrosity charges toward you. You let loose a volley of magic missiles as the other alicorns, Rarity and Shining all fire their own respective blasts. The monster roars in as its body splits apart letting the blasts pass through harmlessly.

“OH, THAT’S BULLSPIT!” You, Aria, and Spike shout in annoyance.

“Spike!” Twilight scolds before teleporting out of the way of the creature.

“Scolding later! Fight and Survive now!” Shining shouts as he barrel rolls out of its way. The monster bashes against the stadium bleachers breaking through several layers of crystal.
“We have to keep it in here! If it gets out the entire city will be at risk!” He ignites his horn and summons a bubble shield around the beast as it tries to stand up. You and the other princesses add your magic to the mix keeping in its cage. The beast’s head reshapes itself to face you.

"SHA DO RU!" It roars as its eyes glow before firing off a pair of red lasers and pushing against the shield cracking it.

“Hold it back!” Luna cries, only for it to open its maw and unleash a torrent of midnight hellfire from its maw. The combined blast cracks the shield further before it expands its wings breaking the bubble.

“SHA DO RU!!” it cries as it fires off a hail of flaming plant seeds.

“Look out!” Rarity shouts before summoning a diamond-shaped shield. The rest raise their own shields while the flyers dodged the fire.

Suddenly a burst of flaming tendrils and flytraps launch out of the ground all around you.

“¡Ah, eso está caliente!” Ahuizotl shouts as one of the tendrils slash at him. The others are confronted by more as they pop out of the ground.

“Oh great, these buckers again!” you growl angrily as you flashback to Rainbow Falls.

The Dazzlings fly up behind the beast, all take a deep breath, and release a banshee scream that echoes all across the stadium. The sound waves push the monster back to keeping it at bay momentarily.

“Dang, they sure know how to hit soprano,” Pinkie quips as she jumps on top of the head of one of the tinier vine creatures.

“These dang weeds sure are nasty!” Applejack says as she follows Pinkie’s leads and starts stomping another one back into the ground.

“They’re not just nasty, they’re hack frauds! Frauds I say!” you huff as you slam the Power-Boomstick into the ground. The shock wave cracks the ground around you uprooting some of the flaming vines, to which Applejack gets to stomping on. But while she’s doing so, you see as a flytrap sprouts behind AJ. Before you could do anything a black arrow beam slices it in too

“TAKE THAT YOU FLAMING FRENZY PLANT!” Greta shouts as she flies out from one of the stadium entrances.

“Greta!” You shout happily. She winks at you before firing off some more blasts on the plants.

“Way to go girl!” Grandbuggy shouts as he slices a plant with his bowler hat.

“Burn Baby Burn! Ahahahahaaaa!!!” Garble laughs as he starts turning several of the flytraps to ash with a heavy torrent of fire.

“Control yourself Garb, we’ve got a lot more to burn,” Ember advises as she catches one in her claws, before spraying blue fire down it’s throat.

“She’s right, don’t go all out on the adds, save it for the big boss!” Spike advises as he claws one’s head off before burning said head with a quick breath of flame.

“Let me have my fun gorrammit!” Garble curses just as one slaps him in the back of the head.

“Hey now, those sirens are getting to close to-” Daring shouts, but is cut off as the monster slaps away the sirens with its wing. “Yup, called it,” she sighs before twisting another flytrap’s head off.

“AAAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!!” the sirens cry out, but you ignite your horn and catch them before they crash.

“Did anyone get the number of that bus?” Sonata says dizzily.

“The buck’s a bus? You ask before shaking your head. “Never mind, you guys okay?”

“Yeah, still doesn’t hit as hard as that stallion with the shovel did,” Aria grunts and holds her head.

“Yeah, that guy-Kid look out!” Adagio cries out in alram as you turn to see a flaming fly trap lurching towards you. Just as you bring begin to bring up the Power-Boomstick to deflect the shot, an ice spike shoots from out of the ground and skewers it, causing it to freeze over. You turn to see Frost, who gives you a reluctant nod.

“Nice shot!” you call to him as you shatter the frozen vine with a twirl of the pole.

“Yeah, well-“ he starts before the ground around him cracks and several vines wrap around him. “Gah!”

“Oh come on!” you complain.

“SHA DO RU!!” the monster cries once more as it flaps its wings and leaps into the air and hovers over all of you. It then extends its wings as several flytraps appear on its body. They lurch back before vomiting balls of midnight blue fire towards the ground.

“Incoming fire! Literally!” Pinkie screams before dodging a blast.

“Darn piranha plant rip-offs!” Greta yells flying out of the way of the fire.

“Shields now!” Celestia orders as she raises her own above her and your allies. While Garble and Ember and Spike meet fire with fire.

“Frost! Put up your shield!” you order to the struggling colt. His eyes widen with fear a moment before the fireballs booms around him and you gasp.

“Buck!” you curse as he is enveloped…but then you see a form above him.

“Ugh! Are you alright little guy?!” Cadence asks as she hovers over him with a shield, along with Fluttershy as she stomps down on the partially frozen vines.

“Uhhhhh…” Frost drones as his mind does a reboot.

“Bad Plants! Naughty! Bad!” Fluttershy shouts, stomping the tendril into pieces causing the Windicolt to stare between the two in bewilderment and fear.

“Whew, thank goodness for that,” you sigh in relief before glaring at the plunder dragon. “I went through the trouble of keeping that guy alive you bucker!”

Cadence then lands next to the colt.

“Try to stay in a groups, it’s safer that way,” she orders him.

“Yes, and are you alright?” Fluttershy asks changing to a calming tone as she stomps.

“…Yes?” he guesses to both of them and they nod.

"SHA DO RU!!!” the beast roars once more, before firing off its blue hellfire.

“Run!” Applejack shouts as the fire hits the ground, a wave of flame blanketing the field.

“Oh no you bucking don’t!” you shout as you quickly earth bend a wall of rock around the fire preventing it from reaching the others.

“KKKKKKRRRRRAAAAAWWWW!!!!” it roars as it dives toward you.

“This freak doesn’t know when to quit!” you shout in annoyance.

“Hit the deck!” Daring yells as it collides with the ground. You brace yourself as the beast sends out a shadowy shockwave knocking you all back.

“SHA DO RU!” it screeches as it picks itself up.

“Why does it keep shouting that?!” Grandbuggy grumbles as he dusts off his hat.

“Maybe it’s saying its name like a pokemon? Shadoru?" Greta suggests causing you and those close to her gave her a deadpan look causing her to become defensive. "What?! Plant Dragon types exist And it’d be nice to call it something instead of plant monster dragon thing!”

“I don’t know, Plunder Dragon’s got a nice ring to it,” Ahuizotl points out.

“Well if it is a pokemon, we ain’t got a pokeball big enough for it,” you grit your teeth as the thing starts to flap it’s wings again.

“Tarry not friends! This battle is far from over!” Luna commands as once more everyone starts attacking it.

“Alright, girls, give it a more aggressive tune!” Adagio orders.

“We talking headbanging aggressive or mosh pit aggressive?” Sonata asks.

“Yes!” her sister clarifies.

“Ugh, I hate screaming tunes, they make me lose my voice” Aria groans as the sirens start up another song.

And as they’re rocking tune pumps everyone up and their astral projections form again you can’t help but sigh. Honestly, it feels as though you’re only taking potshots at the thing and dodging instead of doing any real damage.

“You get the feeling that we’re not hurting it as much as we could?” you ask aloud as Grandbuggy starts firing at it with his bowler gattling lasers.

“Eyup, and quite frankly I’m blanking on how much some of us can help,” Applejack says as she dodges out of the way of flying piece of debris as the thing takes flight again.

“Really? All those times you fought Daddy and other threats and now you’re drawing a blank?”

"Well, darling, sorry is just that we usually don't have to fight giant monsters,” Rarity says as she uses her limited magic missile strikes against the thing.

“Yeah that’s more your dad’s department, and it’s not like I’ve got enough room to do a sonic rainboom…if that would even do anything” Rainbow says as she gets buffeted back by the thing’s wing flaps. “Unless of course Fluttershy can talk it down?”

“I most certainly cannot!” Fluttershy says with surety. “It’s not a natural creature! Even that red dragon was still sentient.”

“Yeah, but like, aren’t the vines originally made from Discord’s magic? Can’t you like calm them down now or something since you’re dating him?” Rainbow counters and Fluttershy’s face flushes red.

“What?! I-I-I’m not d-dating Discord…who told you that?!” she sputters in embarrassment.

“You did when you were a vampire,” Rainbow says before she gets struck by a passing vine into the stands.

“I can’t be held accountable for what Flutterbat said!” the yellow pegasus shrieks before she is pushed out of harm’s way of a vine by Daring Do.

“Get your head in the game lady! Once we’re through this I’ll give you some advice for interspecies relationships with a larger creature. I hope you like stretches!” Daring says as they fly out of another vine swipe.

“MMMMM!!!” Fluttershy screams in embarrassment with a closed mouth.

“SHA DO RU!” once more, seedling projectiles fly out, and more of the ads are spawned.

“Oh for, can’t you just use a deadly sun laser already and finish the thing off in one go?” you ask Celestia. Celestia then looks to you with an aghast look as she severs a talon off of the creature, causing it to roar.

“Using a solar beam of the size could have catastrophic consequences,” she explains. “On top of possibly setting most of the city on fire-“

“I like the sound of that!” your Dad says in the distance, but she continues.

“I could also potentially melt a large chunk of the snow leading to lowland flooding in Equestria.”

“Oh…” you say not having thought of that before looking to Luna. “And I’m guessing summoning a meteor or something would just end up causing a disaster movie huh?”

“More than likely!” Luna says as she grasps one of the creature’s claws in her magic, keeping it from swiping at Shining and Twilight who have put their horns together to cause a large beam of magic to strike out.

Like before, the thing causes a hole to form in it’s body, but the secondary explosion from their attack catches it off guard and cause it to screech and stumble forward.

It’s then that the now two headed Mangle launches forward with cables like she’s in Attack on Titan and attaches herself to the Plunder Dragon’s face and starts hacking, biting and clawing at it.

“KKKKKKRRRRRAAAAAAWWWW!!!” it shrieks as bits of vine fall to the ground.

“Good girl Mangle!” you call out to the robot as you dig into your mostly empty inventory, coming up with the Ocarina.

“Well, let’s see how this goes,” you shrug as you place the instrument to your lips and play out a little tune.

“Nostalgia incoming!” Greta cries out in joy, and sure enough a thunder cloud appears within the stadium, above the monster.

“Well buck me running, I guess it does work,” you say looking back down at the ocarina. The black clouds then start pouring and lightning bolts start coming out at random, causing everyone to scurry.

“My bad!” you call out as Ahuizotl is almost struck.

“Mierde! Pegasi! Get to controlling that thing!” the large cat thing yelps.

“Ah yeah! Thanks Nightshade!” Dash calls out as she, Fluttershy, and Daring Do all fly up to the storm and start stomping on the clouds, directing lightning bolts towards the Plunder Dragon.

“SHA DO-” it starts, but then Mangle hangs onto it’s lower jaw, while the Siren’s projections wrap their tails around it.

With it temporarily immobilized, the lightning strikes true and the creature roars in pain.

“Now we’re talking,” you smirk as you twirl the Power-Boomstick and rush forth towards one if it’s knees.

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

“KKKKKKKKKRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!” the plant monster roars as thunder rumbles within the stadium. You would take more notice of it, if you weren’t currently getting your bell rung over and over again.

“ACK!” you yelp as Flag flails you into the ground by a few of your tails. He then raises you up and swings you to the opposite side, giving you the same face to ground treatment. “BLAH! Let Go Of Me!”

“Not a chance!” he laughs as he gathers up your other tails in his arms and starts to spin around and around like a Hammer Throw.

“Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!” you cry out as you start to get extremely dizzy.

Oh gods, my stomach, you hear Selena gag and hold her mouth shut.

We don’t have those! How are we feeling sick?! Sombra complains as he too starts to turn a bit green.

After an unknown amount of swings though, you feel as though Flag Burner is about to let you go, launching you with the momentum…

“WAHA?!” he calls out as he slips and falls onto his back and you are tossed at a weird angle, only going into the air with a spin, to which you are able to correct out and land safely with the crystal wings.

“Ha, getting a 0 out of 10 on that score card!” you taunt as he sits up and growls. The both of you then see the reason for his tumble.

“Ice?” you both say at the same time as you see the slick patch cracked underneath him.

The both of you then follow the trail of random patches of snow and ice towards the battle with the Plunder Dragon, as a blue colt puts up an ice shield as a vine strikes through it and throws him into the outstretched arms of Greta who flies him back out of reach.

“What in the-What the Tartarus Frost!” Flag yells in that direction and you see as the colt in the griffon’s arms looks over and his eyes widen and his ears wilt.

“Uh…” he stammers.

“Are you really helping the Princesses you little traitorous bastard?!”

“I, uh, it…” the colt stammers.

“Ah buck it, I’ll deal with you later you little ingrate,” he dismisses and turns back to you. In the distance you hear the colt whimper slightly, before he and the griffon are blasted out of the air by a gust of wind from the dragon’s wings. “Honestly, the depths of those false godesses’ indoctrination knows no bounds.”

“Says the zealot preaching his own radical ideology,” you counter and he sneers.

WARGAMES’s Comment

“It may be radical, but it’s what will save this nation!” he declares shooting another harpoon cable towards you. This time though, you parry the projectile into the air with the sword, grab the hunk of metal in your tails, and reaching into your inventory, you pull out the tazer in your gloved hoof.

“Would You Kindly Ride the Lightning?!” you shout as the electrical current flows down the cable and into the inside of the suit where you see some sparks fly and the joints of the robot tense up.

“Bbbzzzzztttt!!!” Flag cries as he gets shocked, but then he detaches the cable to stop the current. And to avoid giving him another weapon to play with, you toss the harpoon up into the air, turn your sword backward to the sharp side and slice the offending projectile into useless scraps of metal.

Growling and smoking, the suit rights itself and points it’s blade arm at you. With the chunks of harpoon metal raining around you, you flourish the Jet Stream Sam blade and hold it above your head in both hooves.

The both of you stare down one another not moving, as excess rain from the storm cloud that mysteriously formed pelts the both of you.

You steel your glowing orange and red eyes as you hear whirring inside of the robotic suit, before seemingly without warning, the two of you move simultaneously.

Haryou Changer’s Comment

You go to meet blades once more, but this time Burner feints a strike and a new hatch opens up on his chest, where a deep blue glow emits causing your eyes to widen.

“Oh Bu-“ you start to curse and bring your blade up defensively, but the magical beam canon catches you fully.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” you, Selena and Sombra scream as the magic permeates you and sends you flying into the side of the field and impacting through the wall which sends dust everywhere.

For those at home, the camera broadcasts at an angle behind Flag Burner who stands still watching the cloud of dust which hides his view of you.

"Come out Offender we both know that's not enough to stop you,” he says in a booming voice, but there's no hint of movement in the smoke.

"Bugze?" Trixie says in worry from the hospital.

"C’mon, cuz..." Big Mac says gritting his teeth as Granny Smith watches with bated breath at Sweet Apple Acres.

Still, there is no movement within the smoke and the cyborg grows impatient.

"If you don't come out I'm going to take out the false goddesses and all their bootlickers while they’re distracted,” he threatens to the cloud, but still you don’t respond as the raindrops plink off his armor.

"Enough games, Off-“

"Lives aren't to be played with, Flag Burner,” you say from behind him as he hears the sound of several elastic like bands being pulled. He whips around and sees you with four of the competition ice bows aimed at him with your tails. "And this isn't a game."

Before he has a chance to react, fire all four arrows which strike at his blade arm and leg joints. The arrow itself doesn't do damage, but the enchantment on it certainly helps as it flash freezes faster than even your ice plasmid can.

“Ggggraaaahhhh!!!” Flag growls as the joints on his weapon arm lock in place.

That isn't going to be enough, Bugze," Selena says as you already see the ice cracking.

I know, you think as you sprint forward, lighting your horn. But now he can't dodge until he breaks out of it!

The ice begins to crack more as you close the distance, the high frequency blade humming as it cuts the air.

"Help me with this one!"

Coming out of your horn, projections of Selena and Sombra appear, sprinting at the same speed to your right and left.

“Will this work like in the Human World?” you ask Selena and she steels her eyes.

“Only one way to find out!” she answers as she flies forward ahead of you two.

“Nightmare Moon!” Flag has a moment to gasp as he struggles and she grits her teeth.

“IT’S SELENA!!!” she roars as she cocks her hoof back, right at the exact moment Burner manages to break the ice. He attempts to swing at her…but she strikes him first. And then she strikes him again, and again, and again, then another one after that.


“GGGYYYAAA!!!” Burner cries out inside the suit as the last blow knocks him up in the air as you see cracks starting to form on the suit as Selena dissipates back into your head.

“My Turn!” Sombra declares as he encases his hooves in dark magic sharpened by crystals and begins his own rapid fire assault.


“WWYYAGGHH!!!” Flag Burner yells as Sombra too dissipates, his last punch sending the smoking mech speeding towards the ground, right where you stand.

Sheathing the sword momentarily, you wrap your tails all around your hooves as your eyes glow even brighter.




Your barrage juggles him in the air, with bits of metal cracking and flying off. Right before the last strike, you reach to the gun sheathe, and pull the trigger, sending the frequency blade shooting out, to which your tail encased hooves catch and swing diagonally across the mech’s chest.

"ATOU!" you cry out as the final strike sends the machine rocketing across the entire field to the far side of the stadium, past even the Plunder Dragon which claws and swipes at your allies. Flag eventually comes to rest as he strikes the far wall and just like with you earlier, a large cloud of dust erupts.

For many watching, their jaws refuse to close at what they just witnessed. Even your allies on the field take a moment to glance in awe at what you’ve done. Though in many of their cases, it was more the fact that they witnessed Selena and Sombra’s flurry of blows that’s left them bewildered, especially the Princesses. They quickly though turn back to facing the Plunder Dragon you sprint past them towards the dust cloud.

“Nice job Dad, Mom and Sombra!” Nightshade congratulates as you rush past.

“Thanks honey!” you say as you continue to run, until their battle is once more at the back of your mind. Within the dust cloud, you hold your sword at the ready, even as it dissipates with the wind and rain from the battle behind you. Through the dirt, you see Flag Burner’s mech, and it is not looking so hot. The machine is so busted that you would bet your entire life earnings that the stallion wouldn't be able to use it anymore. Then, you see the shadow of Flag Burner eject from the seat through the dust. He’s vulnerable now! you observe.

Be cautious my bug, you never know what else he might have up his sleeve, Selena warns and you nod.

“Flag Burner! You’re suit’s scrap! Give up now or else I’ll-“

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa…” Flag starts to laugh, and with his tinny voice, it is downright creepy. “Scrap you say?” he questions just as steam dramatically gushes from the wreckage and pieces of it go flying everywhere, causing you to shield yourself from the pieces with your tails.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"You utter FOOL! If you think I simply stole this mecha then you have another thing coming. Much like myself my benefactor upgraded this glorious machine past its previous limits. It is no longer a shoddy attempt to fight back against your dark magic! Instead..."

Dodge!!! Selena shrieks and you do soon instinct, just in time to avoid having your skull skewered by the orichalcum blade.

“Holy crap!” you gasp as the blade comes down at you in a slicing motion, but you parry with your sword.

Fast! Sombra yelps, echoing all three of your thoughts in one concise word. Now that the dust and steam are cleared, you see now what you’re facing.

The once bulky robot mech is now far slimmer and sleek, almost looking like some sort of suit of armor, complete with a helmet covering Flag Burner’s head, all sporting the same dark red coloring of the previous armor. Said armor pieces rest in the crater of the wall where you launched it, albeit missing a lot of pieces.

The suit then starts bending and moving about in ways far more flexible and speedier then its previous form, and even the orichalcum blade has become sleeker. A menacing aura bleeds off of the suit as Flag Burner opens up the face plate and laughs.

"Tremble in fright at the speed and ferocity of Red Dawn Mk. 2!” he boasts.

“Oh for-How many layers do I have to crack on this stupid thing?!” you growl as you hold your sword defensively.

“More than you can handle Offender,” he smirks before the faceplate closes. “Now, kneel broken before my hooves!”

And with that, the robotic suit thrusts its sword at speeds vastly superior to its original form, and it’s only due to having three sets of eyes that you are able to keep up with the fast past.

This is ridiculously fast! Selena grunts through gritted teeth.

I know right? Why didn’t he use this in the beginning? You growl as the blade keeps giving you shallow cuts along your arms, chest, and the rest of your body despite your parrying.

The original model is more powerful, this appears to be an emergency measure in case of critical damage to the original, Sombra theorizes as you can hear the whirring of the gears going hundreds of miles an hour within the suit.

Well it’s doing a very effective job if it’s just a back up! You snarl as the blade strikes through one of your wings, leaving crystal to fall to the ground.

I think I understand, Selena says. They’d expect you to exert a lot of energy fighting the original form and be exhausted and then swoop in with blinding speed when you thought you’d won.

Well we fell for that plan hook line and si-

“GRAGH!!!” you shout as the blade slices through one of your tusks. “You Motherbucker! I don’t have dental insurance!”

The point is, he can’t keep this speed up forever, the suit is far too small for such an energy source. You can literally hear it burning up right now Sombra explains.

Yeah, well I hope it runs out soon because I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up! You yelp as you struggle.

And it’s true. You don’t know how long he’s been attack with that rapid speed, but you have not so much as been able to go on the offensive since he started. And as all the little cuts and nicks start to pile up, he continues to taunt you.

“Yes, give into the delightful pain and let me end this for you!”

“Not! On! Your! Li-“ you struggle to say, before his blade slices along the top of your hoof. “BUCK!” you shout as the Jet Stream Sam Sword falls from your grip. With another flourish, he sweeps the sword away from you both where it lands in the field, blade down.

“OH BUCK!!!” the three of you say in unison as you are forced to parry his attacks with your tails, which is very painful.

Even as Sombra’s magic encases their ends with crystals, they don’t last long as they whip about blocking his blade, and one by one they fizzle out as they succumb to the Orichalcum.

When you are down to one singular tail, with the rest reforming painfully slowly, he doesn’t even attempt to slice at it, instead aiming to pierce right for your heart.

“Game Over!” he says smugly as the blade thrusts out. Time seems to slow down as you see the hunk of metal coming straight towards your chest. It’s not the first time you’ve been skewered, but all three of you know that this time, there will be no surviving it.

And just as the point reaches your chest…

“SSSSKKKKRRREEEEOOOONNNNKKK!!!” a red hulky form suddenly blindsides Flag Burner, tackling him away and only causing the blade tip to graze across your chitin shallowly.

“H-H-H-Holy Crap!” you stutter as your heart beats a mile a minute and you take a knee clutching your chest.

That was far too close, Selena pants as adrenaline shoots through her as well.

Yeah know Selly, I know, you nod.

Well give thanks to Divine Intervention then, Sombra says getting his own breathing under control as the tails reform around you. You then take a look at your savior and what you shocks and amuses you.

I think the term you’re looking for is Deus Ex Machina, you quip.

For there punching Burner into the ground with their massive fist is Mangle, or rather both Mangles in a form that is eerily reminiscent of their Mangleoid form.

“Ah! Don’t! Stop! Gah! You! Blah!” Flag cries out as the two headed fox monstrosity slams it’s fist into his chest, slowly causing a crater to be formed. And as he continues to be pummeled, you take note that the bulky, wire exposed body the Mangles are using is made up of Red Dawn MK1. Looking back over to the crater in the wall, you see that the scrapped suit is indeed gone, having been taken over and absorbed by the terrifying animatronics.

“You know, usually I would rant and rave about machines and their inherent evilness right about now,” you say as you get back to your hooves and walk over and pick up your sword. “But right now, I’m just glad I let Nightshade keep this mechanical monster.”

Mangleoid 2.0 then picks Burner up by the back legs and slams him over and over again into the ground before tossing him into a pile of crystal rubble.

“Ack!” he cries out, and you see sparks coming from the suit.

“SKREONK!” the mechanical amalgamation roars, causing the stallion to growl and to start thrusting his blade out at Mangle, who simply either tanks the hits, or bats them away. And as he does so, you three notice something.

“He’s not as fast as before,” you say for all three of you as animatronic batters him senseless.

Ha! I was right! Limited Power Source! Sombra cheers.

Well then, I suppose it’s time for some payback my dear Bugze, Selena says with a sinister smirk.

Right you are my fair Selly, you grin maliciously before saying aloud,

“Oi Mangle!”

“Skronk?!” the two heads bark in unison.

“Fast Ball Special!” you order holding the high frequency blade like a baseball bat, causing the two heads to give their own toothy grins.

“Aha! Got You!” Flag shouts in triumph as he skewers one of Mangle’s hands, but the machine only responds by grasping it’s fingers over his hoof. “Hey, Hey, Hey!” Flag tries to wriggle free, but Mangleoid lifts him above their head and spears them right towards you.

“WWWAAAAGGGHHH!!!” Burner shrieks as he flails towards you.

“Batter Up!” you laugh and before he can orientate himself, you strike with the blunt blade, causing a wonderful crack to form down his chest and you hear the delightful sound of the wind being knocked out of him. Your strike serves to pitch him into the air, so you follow up with several punches from your tails, juggling him slightly, before grabbing him by the shoulders and slamming him helmet first into the ground, burying him up to his shoulders.

Flag Burner back legs slump to the ground and you see as he takes a moment to unbury his head from the dirt while sparks randomly come from the suit. And while he’s still stick, the Mangles walk over to your side as you smirk.

“Skreonk?” she barks questiongly.

“Good girls Mangles,” you say give both heads a pat with a separate tail. The two heads smile blissfully at this with their eyes closed. “If it weren’t for you, our bacon would have been cooked. When this is all over, I’ll look into getting you a better upgrade.”

“Skreonk,” she barks in agreement.

“SHA DO RU!” you hear in the distance.

“Stop Shouting That!!!” Nightshade shouts as the plunder dragon continues to battle.

You share a look with both Mangle heads, and without having to speak it aloud, you both give a knowing nod. Without hesitation she uses the incorporated mech legs to bound across the field in a single leap and pounces upon the beast’s mouth. The unprepared dragon falters back as Mangle keeps it’s jaws closed and starts clawing at it’s glowing eyes.

And to think, I actually defeated that robot last year, you think in bewilderment before shaking your head and looking to the heavily damaged Flag Burner who finally pulls his head out of the ground.

“Oooohhhhh,” he groans and holds his chipped helmet. “What in the…what was that?”

“Animatronic Karma,” you say simply as you start slowly making your way towards him. “Now how about we try this again without your wannabe Speed Force bullspit?”

“…Gladly,” he growls as he suddenly dashes forward with his blade extended.

“Too slow!” you say as you dodge and strike him with five tails right in the chest.

“Bah!” he grunts as he is thrown back and you start in on your own rapid attacks, putting him in on the defensive.

“Not so fun is it?!” you shout as you parry one of his attacks and sweep back around with the sword, damaging a section of the leg armor.

And while you finally have him on the ropes…

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

“Holy crapbaskets! Mangle you look so awesome!” you squee as your precious pet goes Saddle Rager on the Plunder Dragon after having momentarily disappeared from the fight.

“SKREONK!” she bellows back as the dragon attempts to shake her off.

“Yeah, I don’t know if awesome is the right word,” Greta says shakily with fear in her eyes as she flashes back to the night of Fazbears.

“Oh come on Greta, from what I heard she was much scarier looking then, right now she’s awesome!” you say, but the griffon still doesn’t quite buy into that.

“If you say so,” she shudders before taking a pot shot at the Plunder Dragon’s eye.

“Besides, she’s a separate creature entirely than Mangleoid since the other Mangle head came from the Human World, so I don’t even know how to classify her. She’s in a class of strength all on her own though if she’s able to stagger the dragon by herself, but then again the sirens did that with their voices and-“

You start rambling excitedly, gushing over your upgraded buddy and the others just look at you incredulously.

“Well, she is her father’s daughter, going off on tangents in the middle of battle,” Twilight shrugs before firing a magic missile at the thing’s chest, to which it again makes a hole, causing it to pass through.

“Yeah she is adorable isn’t she?” Spike mutters taking a moment to daydream, watching you act like a dork.

“What was that?” Twilight asks and his eyes go wide.

“Uh, nothing? What are you talking about? I didn’t say-“ his embarrassment is cut off as Mangle is flung off the face, landing between him and Twilight.

“SKREONK!” Mangle screeches angrily and sits back up.

The Plunder Dragon then starts flapping it’s wings rapidly, causing wind and dust to pick up, making many of your allies lose their footing, and for the thunderheads above it to disipate.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

"For Bucks sake does this thing not take a hint?!” Rainbow groans as the beast roars again.


“Oh Sho duh BUCK YOU!” You shout as angrily after seeing Mangle get hurt. You stomp your hooves to the ground, and with a flash of your eyes a large dome of earth and crystal shifts around the beast sealing it inside. You hear the beast roar as it bashes against the makeshift cage and the Princesses look at you in amazement.

“Incredible…” Celestia gasps.

“Such strength for someone so young,” Luna says in equal awe.

“Yeah yeah, I know I’m awesome, but that ain’t gonna hold him for long. Are we even putting a dent in this thing?!” you grunt as you concentrate on the bending.

“Hitting it with blunt force isn’t working, it just keeps growing back,” Granbuggy summarizes helping AJ up to her hooves.

“Fire works on the grunts alright, but it doesn’t hurt the big guy as much,” Garble huffs, wiping soot off his cheeks.

“Yeah it’s like that ghost dragon thing made the plant resistant to it. I mean heck, it’s even breathing fire too,” Ember adds as she helps Shining Armor to stand up straight.

“Can’t we just separate them?” Sonata groans, rubbing her bruised head.

“Yeah, the dragon was much easier to deal with by itself,” Aria agrees.

“We did kick it’s ass with the power of rock not too long ago,” Adagio finishes.

“Then we’d be back to dealing with two monsters instead of one,” Cadence says using some healing magic on the others.

“I doubt we can separate them now. They’ve become one in the same,” Celestia sighs readying her magic as the earth dome starts to crack.

“The only other option I can think of is the Crystal Heart,” Rarity interjects. “Though I fear using that may hurt Nightshade and her father.”

“Well that’s one of only two problems with that,” Shining Armor responds as his wife heals him. “Because right now the Heart online, otherwise it would have already activated when these Plundervines first showed up. As of this moment, we have no idea where it is.”

“Yeah, we already know that! Ember already told us it’s starting to snow!” you grunt in annoyance over the repeat in already known info. “Which is why we gotta take this thing out fast!”

And as you say that, a blast of midnight fire bursts through the top of the dome as the head of the beast pokes through.

“SHA DO RU!” it roars and fires off its eye lasers, one going for the ground crew and the other for the fliers.

“Omega beams incoming!” Greta yelps ducking out of the way of one of the beams.

“Can’t hit me you dumb monster!” Rainbow boasts barrel rolling over a beam…until it makes a 90 degree turn and heads for her again. She yelps in shock and dives down as the beam trails her. “Now that’s just cheati-AHH!” Rainbow yells as the beam clips one of her wings causing her to fall.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouts in worry as she catches her friend with her magic, to bring her down safely. This causes the other beam to arch towards her, but she quickly raises a magical barrier around the two. Instead of hitting the barrier harmlessly, the laser curves around it and heads towards Luna.

“Foolish Mistake Creature!” she snarls as she fires a beam of magic which collides with it. A struggle of dominance then ensues as the Princess grits her teeth, keeping the beam from hitting her, but also from going towards anyone else. It is a deadlock for a few moments until Celestia adds her own magical beam into the mix.

“My sister’s right, you are a fool!” the Princess of the Sun sneers as the two push the attack back towards the monster, until it strikes it in one of it’s eyes, obliterating it.

“KKKKKKRRRRAAAAWWWW!!!” it shrieks and thrashes in pain, causing your earthy prison to crumble all around it.

You and the others dodge the falling debris with the only ones not having to being The Dazzlings who use their astral forms to fly at the pained monster and give it each a tail whip in the gob. The monster stumbles backwards into the stands, before it turns to the singers, it’s missing eye covering over with vines as it spreads it’s wings and more tendrils shoot forth from it and the ground.

“Enough with the angry noodles already!” Pinkie yells blasting away one with her party cannon as the siren sister scramble in the air away from said angry noodles.

“Si! This is getting ridiculous!” Ahuizotl huffs as he grabs one with his hand tail, two more in his regular paws, and ties all three together.

“Gah! I can’t think straight with all this!” you growl as your anger starts to rise and your shards start to shine.

“Nightshade!” Spike says running to you with Frost in tow. “You okay?”

“Ugh yeah, just give me a second,” you say trying to clear your head as Mangle leaps onto one of the Plunder Dragon’s wings, causing it to tilt and fall to the side.

“Nightshade, I think I know how to beat that thing,” Frost speaks up as the thing crashes down and Cadence and Shining start blasting it.

“You do?!” you say looking up to the colt incredulously.

“Yeah, when the princesses blasted it’s eyes out there was a glow in it’s chest, I think it might be it’s core,” he explains.

“It’s core?” Spike questions.

“Yeah, when we-er the Black Suns retrieved the vine at Rainbow Falls, there was oval thing inside it. That’s where Flag Burner inserted that chip thing or whatever it’s called before it came back to life.”

“Well that would have been useful to know at the start of the fight dude!” you grunt in exasperation as the creature buffets back Rainbow, Fluttershy and Daring Do.

“Hey, I thought it was destroyed when that ghost dragon thing merged with it so I didn’t think it was anything special till now seeing as how Burner can’t control it anymore,” he defends before gritting his teeth. “And seriously, buck that guy! He calls me a bastard and says he’ll ‘deal with me?’ He didn’t even give me a chance to say anything!”

You three briefly glance over to said stallion’s fight with your Dad, and it looks like Daddy is kicking his ass.

“Well, the guy is an evil jackass, I wouldn’t worry about it too much,” Spike says patting the colt’s shoulder sympathetically.

“Yeah seriously,” you nod in agreement as you put a hoof to your chin. “But if this glowing thing in it’s chest is what brought it back…”

You briefly flashback to your fight with the Plundervines at Rainbow Falls. Within the chaos and ordering your minions around, you briefly recollect a glowing source at the monster’s center. Your eyes widen in understanding as you figure out what it is.

“It’s a seed!”

“SHA DO RU!” the plunder dragon bellows and another burst of Dark Flame washes over everyone as you and the rest of the magic uses erect your barriers as the fire burns around you.

“Oh, I guess that makes more sense than what I was thinking. I thought it was it’s heart,” Frost admits.

“There’s probably little difference at this point,” you say as the flame breath ends.

“So if we take out it’s seed heart, then we’ll be able to destroy it,” Spike says catching onto the plan.

“The only problem is getting to it. Even when it was making holes in itself to let attacks pass through, I didn’t see it exposed,” Frost points out.

“Well it’s better than nothing!” you respond “And we got no other options so what do we have to lose?”

“The Empire? Our lives?” Spike snarks and you roll your eyes.

“Yeah but those things are always on the line,” you snark back.

“SHA DO RU!” it roars yet again, and unleashes yet another torrent of midnight flames.

“Shields now!” Celestia yells, dragging everyone over with her magic before creating a yellow bubble shield.

“Way ahead of you Princess!” you call back as once more the flames pass over you. Even through your barrier, you can feel as the heat licks your flesh, but thankfully you have a half windigo inside your bubble to help regulate the temperature. Once the fire ends once more, you call out to the others.

“Alright gang, we have a plan!” you shout and everyone looks to you. “There’s a glowing seed somewhere in that thing’s chest that we need to destroy! We need to hold it steady so that we can open him up and find it!”

“Ah, a glowing weak spot, classic,” Greta nods.

“But how are we going to get to it?” asks Fluttershy as the Sirens unleash another sonic scream at the thing.

“Easy,” you say as your eyes roll over white with power and your shards glow. “I’m gonna stop holding back.”

Everyone looks taken aback by this but you begin to walk forward despite their gawks.

“You sure about this Shade?!” Applejack says looking to you in worry.

“Positive. It’s the only thing we got,” you say in determination before glancing back at Grandbuggy. “Let’s do this quick so I don’t lose control okay?” He stares at you apprehensively before he sighs.

“Desperate times I suppose,” he says with a reluctant nod.

“But Nightshade-“ Spike starts but you hold a hoof up stopping him before you look to the Princesses specifically.

“I’m about to start slinging some crazy magic here and I might start laughing and enjoying it so…keep me in check alright?”

The Princesses seem hesitant at your request, not sure what you’re about to do, but then Cadence speaks up.

“Very well, but stay strong Nightshade,” she encourages and you nod before you turn back to the Plunder Monster and extend your wings. Shadow magic, erupts from your body, not just your horn and covers several spotlights around the stadium, bathing the Plundervine in darkness.

“Hey! We still need to see that thing!” Aria calls out in outrage before flinching back as she and her sisters sees the power radiating off of you.

“Sorry girls, but I needed to call in some friends,” you say as a malicious smirk forms on your face.

“Friends?” Twilight questions, while the Outcasts all widen their eyes in understanding.

“Oh gods, those th-things?” Frost stutters as he can’t help but feel a twinge of fear.

“Yeah. Those things,” you grin.

“KKKKKKRRRRRAAAAWWWW!!!” the plunder dragon roars in pain, as the sound of a swarm of demonic cackling and snarling fills the air.

“No more Mr. Nice Filly,” you quip as you lessen the darkness on the lights, just in time to see as the plunder dragon stumbles forth with a horde of your shadow minions covering it.

For those not in the know and at home, the image of the demonic creatures swarming the kaiju is something out of a horror movie.

“Mistress! We have taken the hill!” Jackie cheers at you from inside the monster’s throat. Not just on it, he is literally sticking his head out between the vines, as are many of your grunts.

“Good Job Bob! Now make it regret having pain receptors!” you order and the imp salutes. The dragon then begins to thrash about as your minions swarm him.

For the Elements, Shining and Daring seeing these creatures in their great numbers is horrifying.

“So…cool…” well, except for Dash who’s into it, but otherwise everyone’s reactions are just what you expect with Rarity and Fluttershy supporting each other so as not to faint, Twilight’s eye twitching at the spectacle, and Pinkie adding a dot on a bingo sheet for some reason. Then there’s Cadence and Shining who watch with their jaws dropped, the Dazzlings shiver in disgust and dread, and Celestia and Luna blink incredulously.

“The Shadow Imps…I thought only I could call upon their services,” Luna gasps as your minions crawl over the Plunder Dragon like ants.

“Yeah, well you’re not the only one who can use Moon and Shadow magic,” you quip before your horn alights and the shadows created from the dimmed lights coalesce and surround the dragon and it’s many vines.

It tries to flap it’s wings to blow the shadows away, but you stomp both sets of hooves into the ground causing a conical shape of rock to emerge from the ground, followed shortly by a burst of magma which singes through one of the wings.

“KKKKKKKKRRRRRREEEEEEEE!!!” the dragon bellows as vines try to reform and plug the hole, but Bob and the others hold the wriggling tentacles in place.

“Since when could you make lava?!” Grandbuggy bellows impressed.

“I don’t know, since now I guess. It’s still earth technically,” you shrug not even questioning things as you start to feel the slow effects of a power high coming.

Seeming to feed from this euphoria, your demons up the ante on their assault and thrash about like wild hyenas. No matter how many of them get crushed or squeezed into dust, they quickly reemerge from the darkness inside the Plunder Dragon itself and continue doing as you’ve ordered.

We have found the core mistress, but it’s glow is too much to handle, Jackie says inside your mind.

“Then start making a path for us then, we’ll burn the thing out ourselves!” you order, you voice filled with power as you flap your wings and lift into the air.

“…Truly you are powerful,” Celestia says breathlessly looking to you in admiration and fear.

“Yeah, no spit! Now would you all kindly stop slacking off and help me hold this thing in place?!” you order as the shards start to get brighter. “I’d rather do this quickly!!!”

“You heard the little lady! Hold that bucker and help tear it apart!” Grandbuggy yells, rallying everyone out of their stupor as they all charge.

All of the Princesses, with Grandbuggy and Rarity and Shining all combine their magical auras into one super attack, the Fliers swoop in at all angles, the ground force and Frost start ensnaring it’s bottom limbs with magic and ropes, and Mangle just Saddle Rages once more as the Sirens belt out another epic tune, having their astral forms do the heavy lifting.

And as they do, you hold out a hoof to Spike, Garble and Ember, stopping them.

“You three, I’m gonna need you to wait for the right moment…”

The three dragons listen to your plan as Royals, Elements and Outcasts alike swarm the creature, adding to the Horde of your demonic minions. And as the plunder dragon screeches and falters, finally on the defensive…

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

You hear the commotion in the distance as the plant monster roars in pain and the stadium light dims, but you are more focused on the cyborg in front of you. Mainly, kicking his ass.

After all the bullspit he’s put you through today, he is now the one against the ropes, struggling to dodge and parry as you do not relent with your sword strikes. Despite being dull, the blade damages, breaks and even at times slices bits and pieces off of his Mark 2 armor, which isn’t all that helpful to him now that the speed boost is gone.

“I! Won’t! Let! You! Win!” he struggles to say through gritted teeth.

“That’s Too Gorramned Bad!” you insult as you sweep upward with the sword in a golf like motion which sends him tumbling head over hooves into a goal post, bending it. “Now get out of that armor already! It’s already useless.”

“As if, I’m dumb enough for that,” he pants as he stands back up and holds his blade ready.

“Fine, then I’m gonna smoke you out,” you say with finality as you hold up your power glove to the frequency blade.

“Have you learned nothing? This armor is fireproof!” he challenges.

“Maybe for you, but metal can still melt,” you threaten before shouting, “Would You Kindly Light It Up?!”
The spark ignites from your glove, coating your sword in glorious, wonderful flame, but you don’t stop there. No, you ignite the shadows surrounding you, causing you light up like the glorious golden acolyte of fire that you are. And the best part is, you don’t feel the heat as your own shadows keep it from harming your body.

Flag falters a bit at this scene as you glow as hot as the sun. Your orange and red eyes stand out among the flames as you flap your wings, causing smoke and shadow to billow around you.

“What are you-“ Flag sputters.

“I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE! AND I BRING YOU! FIRE!” you declare maniacally before you slingshot your way towards Flag Burner.

Wincing back, he raises a gauntlet and from his wrist small darts shoot out, but you are in the zone. You spin and dodge and weave and parry with your sword as you create a vortex of flame in your wake. And right as you get within his personal space and he raises his sword to parry, you strike with your full force, causing his own blade and yours to slash across the main body of the armor, causing a large chunk of it to fly off.

“Aaaaaahhhhh!!!” Burner yelps in pain as his sword goes flying into the stands, far from his reach. Not letting this opportunity go to waste, you wrap your arms and tails around him, spin around to where your chest is against his back, and you perform a Germane Suplex which shatters the ground and causes a bonfire to ignite with you two at it’s center.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

You continue to hold onto to your foe as the flames burn away at his suit. You hear him grunting and panting insides, but you do not relent, keeping him from moving. Eventually, you are rewarded as pieces of slag start to drip from the metal and sparks erupt in a lot of areas, causing the suit to shudder.

“Damn It!” Flag curses, and suddenly, a burst of steam blasts from all of the joints and the seams of the suit, putting out your flames as the stallion inside is ejected at high speeds. You watch as Burner tumbles and rolls about thirty yards away, the only metal pieces on him now being the ones incorporated into his body. The rest is exposed fur and flesh.

“Finally!” you declare triumphantly as you squeeze with all of your tails, and the heated metal causes the suit to cave in and jumble into a ball of junk.

Bugze, while I’m sure that was epic and inspiring looking, please refrain from setting yourself on fire in the future, Selena chides.

I agree, you’d never tried that before and it was reckless, Sombra instructs.

Ah calm down, it worked didn’t it? You hoofwave as you stand up, with smoke still coming off of your shadows.

The cameras pick up as Flag looks to you, panting as his red mechanical eye glows fiercely and the national audience waits in baited breath.

“Do you…have any ungodly idea of how much that thing cost?” Flag Burner growls, his organic teeth clenching against his metal ones.

“No, not really, because I sure as buck ain’t gonna pay for it,” you say as you sheathe your blade and start stomping towards him.

“It was perfect…absolutely perfect,” he mutters as he gets to his knees and glares at you. “You would have been dead if it weren’t for that meddling robot.”

“The funny thing is Flag, that is not the first time I’ve heard that exact sentence,” you tell him truthfully. “And if I’m honest, probably not going to be the last time either. Now are you going to come along quietly, or do I still gotta smack you up?”

“I’m not done yet!” he declares as he attempts to punch you with his metal arm, but you ensnare it with four of your tails.

“Enough already!” you order him but he growls as his mechanical eye lights up.


“I said stop it!” you shout as your other tails wrap around the mechanical half of his skull and the laser is smothered in the darkness.

“Not on your life you fraud! Not on your-“ he starts, but you shut him up by slapping him in the face, over and over again. It’s not with your claws, or tails, but your regular hoof as you slap both his metallic and organic bits of his face.

"This is for trying to kill my daughter" *SLAP* "This is for almost ruining her progress!" *SLAP* "This is for being so stubborn and not listening to bucking reason!" *SLAP* "This is for trying to conquer Equestria again!" *SLAP* "This is for ruining the Equestria Games!" *SLAP* "This is for capturing the Princessses and Deadly 6" *SLAP* "This is for making my return as chaotic as possible!" *SLAP* "And" *SLAP* "this" *SLAP* "is" *SLAP* "for" *SLAP* "making" *SLAP* "me" *SLAP* "think" *SLAP* "you" *SLAP* "Died!!!"

That last slap sends him sprawling back into the dirt, with blood dripping down his nose and a noticeable dent in his mechanical jaw.

“Now stay down and give yourself up Burner, it’s over! You’ve lost!” you demand of the beaten cyborg.

"Lost...lost?...LOST!?" he roars in a loud metallic shriek. Despite being in clear pain Flag forces his body to stand up, glaring in pure hatred at you.

"This! This isn't a loss! You have no idea what a loss is! You can't even begin to comprehend what it means to truly lose, to be beaten into the ground with no hope of ever getting back up! Of what I’ve lost!" he rants, pointing at you with his organic foreleg. Around his wrist, you spy the smiley face key chain that gave you the scar above your eye and a twinge of sympathy hits you as you remember the daughter he lost which led him down this path of vengeance and destruction.

You can sympathize, and even understand, but that’s the end of what you share with him. You try to interupt the madstallion, but he continues.

"I have crawled my way out from the very depths of Tartarus itself! I have beaten, deceived, manipulated, and killed to reach where I am today! To the cusp of my victory, ready to finally achieve what I have longed so much for! To bestow my vengeance upon everypony who has ever wronged me! AND YOU!" he jabs his hoof out again and you see the swirls of madness within his true eye.

"You robbed me of my victory! You stole from me what was rightfully mine! I was so close to getting my revenge and you had to get! In! My! WAY!"

The raw hate in his tone actually causes you to step back subconsciously, and even has Sombra and Selena shivering at the sight. Unwelcome images of their own power madness from the past reminding them of their past sins.

"Well no more! Today is the day I finally have my revenge! You can't stop me, nopony can ever stop me again!” he declares before a compartment on his metal leg opens up and a syringe with some sort of strange square needle pops out.

“I don’t know if you heard, but poison doesn’t work on me Flag,” you tell him plainly, though you still get into a defensive stance.

"Oh I know fully well that it doesn’t, but it will work on me,” he declares and you are thrown for a loop.


“DWC gave this to me, a last resort to finally reach my calling at the cost of, well, me." His nonchalant tone at that causes you to stare at him in horror, which is seemingly what he wanted as he laughs mockingly, "At this point, I don't care. I'll do whatever it takes to claim my vengeance. Besides...."

Flag gives you a cruel smug look as he says,

"Even if I fail, I'll die knowing you will forever blame yourself for it. After all, you killed me once before so what’s another death to ya? Just remember Offender, its your fault!"

And with that declaration he stabs the syringe into his neck before you have a chance to react, and the effect is almost instantaneous. Flag's red coat becomes much lighter and steam escapes his every haggard breath. His muscle mass increases on his organic parts, but even more bizarrely, his metal parts do as well. His face whips towards you, foam dripping from his snout as he wails and charges you, his pupil gone, leaving only white nothingness emitting nothing but rage.

You expect him to strike with his metal appendage like before, but it’s his bulging organic arm that punches out. You go to block with your tails, but the force behind the blow pushes them into you and flings you backward, tumbling head over hooves along the ground.

“What the buck is this?!” you demand to know and through gritted frothing teeth, the stallion growls,

"Nano-machines son!" before roaring like a wild beast and punching at you yet again.

You swing out four of your tails to strike him, but he deflects them with his organic arm, and the minute they make contact, his arm turns black and craggy as if it’s made of metal itself.

“What in the-“ you start to say before you quickly block the punch from his metal arm. You forearm throbs with pain as the appendage strikes you and sends you skidding across the ground again.

“GGGGRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!!” the frothing stallion roars as he does not relent, throwing blow after blow at you with reckless abandon. The strikes are hard and they hurt, and none of your attacks seem to hurt him.

This one last trick up his sleeve, his one last all or nothing gamble is seemingly working as you take blow after blow. What was once a stallion lost to the grief of his daughter is now nothing but a hollow mess of rage and spite. All that remains is Rage.

“Son of a-Ack!” you grunt as he gut punches you off your hooves, causing you to land on your back. He then jumps atop of you and starts raining down blows like a gorilla.

There is no rhyme or reason to his movements! Selena tells you.

Whatever these nano-machines are, they harden his flesh when we attempt to strike it, Sombra also instructs.

There’s gotta be something that’ll hurt him! You think with a grunt as he continues to wail on you.

“Would You Kindly Bucking Bronco?!” you yell pointing the glove below you and jettisoning you both up into the air. The maddened cyborg flails around violently while you outstretch your tails to the ground and pull yourself out of the gravitational field.

I believe it might be hurting him more than anything if his words were to be believed, Selena points out as you see steam rising off of his reddened flesh.

If it’s burning his internal adrenaline at such a rate, then soon his entire body will fail, Sombra theorizes and you scowl.

I’m NOT going to let that happen! You declare as you stare at the twitching stallion. I said noling’s dying today and by the gods I meant it!

You then unsheathe your sword once again as the high frequency blade hums with energy.

Whoever this DWC guy is, this whole situation, down to the mech, the long monologues and now nano-machines, this just screams of a psycho who’s obsessed with video games!

What do you mean Bugze? Selena inquires.

I mean this whole situation, even down to me fighting with the Jet Stream Sam sword, this is set up like the last boss fight in Revengeance! It’s not even funny how blatantly similar they are! You explain.

Are you saying you believe somepony set this whole thing up just for a reference? Selena says baffled and you nod.

That’s exactly what I’m saying, which is scary thinking someone has this much time on their hooves to pull such a thing off, you admit just as the Bucking Bronco cuts out and the ball of rage strikes the ground hard before glaring back up at you, his mechanical eye piercing red.

“RRRRRAAAAAAA!!!” he roars as he pounces towards you once more, his veins in his neck and chest and organic legs pulsing. Instead of trying to dodge though, you hold your sword at the ready.

What are you doing? Sombra inquires nervously.

Testing a theory! You say plainly as he closes the distance. You two, watch closely to where I strike him!

Heeding your words, the three of you focus your vision as the cyborg attacks. Using your tail and hooves, you quickly and precisely strike him at three points with the frequency blade, one on his regular arm, one at the chest, and the other on the metallic limb.

As usual, the flesh hardens as you strike each area, even on his metallic limb which is baffling, but then with speed only possible with your tails, you strike the same three areas multiple times. And as you gather information from this test, he strikes you right in the face, causing you to skid backward.

“Gah!” you growl as blood leaks out your nose and your vision swims, but your hypothesis has been tested.

Bugze! You were right there was something! Selena says hurriedly.

I figured as much, you think as you focus your vision on the lumbering behemoth coming towards you.

The areas you struck hardened yes, but when concentrated from one to another, there is a brief moment where his true flesh and even metal were being struck, Sombra instructs and you shake your head.

Just like in the freaking game, you think disturbed by the psychopathy of whoever DWC is. Well if that’s the case, I know exactly what to do…

Once more, Flag Burner is upon you, his flesh steaming hot and his remaining eye bulging as his breathing becomes erratic. His only animalistic goal is kill or be killed, but you aren’t going to let either of those happen.

As he throws out another bone cracking punch, you strike once more at his regular foreleg which bounces off with a spark like the previous attempts, but quick as you can, you sheathe the frequency blade as the rage filled stallion reaches his metallic arm towards your throat. You do not flinch or take your eyes off of where the fluctuation in the armor flickers, and when you see your moment you take advantage of the weak link. You invert the sheathe in your grip and pull the trigger causing the sword to rocket outward. With speed and dexterity not seen outside most creatures, you grip the hilt with one of your tails and angle it right into the weak spot.

“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!” Flag screams to the heavens as the sharp part of the blade slices through the metallic limb like butter, flinging it into the air. The nano-machines ripple across his body, both organic and metallic as the stump sparks with electricity. Without missing a beat, you reach out with the Power Glove and shove it right into the sparking mess of his stump.

“Would You Kindly Electro Bolt?!”

Your biological lightning connects with his machinery’s current, and the cyborg lights up like a Hearth’s Warming Tree. His metallic parts smoke and spark while the organic ones seize and spasm, as do your muscles as you are also electrified.

“GGGRAAAAAAHHHH!!!” you shout through the pain as the competing currents go through both of you. But after an eternity or perhaps a few seconds, the electricity stops pumping in either direction.

Smoke whiffs off the both of you as you stare each other down, neither side moving…but eventually you both gasp as you fall to your knees and Flag falls flat on his face, his bulging muscles decreasing down to their normal size.

“Ooooohhhh…” you both groan as you feel the burning pain, but you know he’s had it worse. The stump of his metallic arm is not reforming, and the light of his mechanical eye has cracked and gone offline. His organic eye spins for a bit, but it looks up at you, wearied yet still full of malice. You pant for a good few seconds before you get back to your hooves and look down upon him.

“Heh…looks like I shocked some sense back into you,” you taunt and his scowl deepens. “Have your DWC friend send me the bill for that serum since it was clearly wasted.”

Groaning, the cyborg attempts to move, but none of his robotic parts respond.

“You’re beaten Flag,” you say simply as his eye darts around in confusion. “Just like I said you would be. And guess what? It wasn’t my fault, but yours.”

Wincing, he looks back at you and sneers to the best of his ability.

“…Kill me then…do what you failed to do in Fillydelphia…” he croaks and you frown as the Awakened Cloak fizzles out.

“No…no I don’t think I will,” you say with a sigh and look down on him in pity.

“You better, because I will never stop hunting you, I will come for those you love again and again and again. I will never stop I-“ you stop his rant by putting your hoof over his mouth, shutting him up.

“Flag…we’re not doing this again. Last time, despite having won, I gave into my anger and did this to you…” you say looking at the grafted robotic parts before looking him back in the eye. “But I’m not the same changeling I was back then…I’m sorry.”

His eye glares at you inquisitively, but you continue.

“Even if you are a monster, I’m sorry for what I did to you. I know that’ s not going to change anything between us…but it’s the truth,” you apologize. “So I’m not going to kill you Flag Burner, because that would make me a liar and let you win.”

Grunting from under your hoof, he weakly reaches out with his organic hoof and grips your ankle. You feel the sizzling burn from the Orichalcum charm around his wrist, but you don’t pull away as he pries your hoof from his mouth.

“You’ll never succeed with that attitude. Nothing will ever truly change with that weakness,” he hisses and you sigh.

“And that’s why you’ll never succeed,” you say as you reach into the inventory. “Because you honestly believe that…”

You then pull out the Knock Out Luna Plushie and hold it up in front of his undamaged eye. There is a sharp intake of breath as the toy’s magic takes a hold of him, and his eye glares into your soul the entire time before it’s eyelid droops, and finally closes. After that, all that follows is the rhythmic breathing of someone deep in slumber.

Roker12’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Heh…heh,” you chuckle to yourself as he breathes steadily at your hooves. “I did it…I Did It! I actually went and Gorramned Did It!”

You just start chuckling out loud as the adrenaline wears off and you feel the soreness and pain setting in, but they are only a distant feeling compared to your jubilation.

“I BUCKING DID IT!!!” you shout out loud holding both hooves up in the air in victory.

The cameras pointed at you capture your euphoria and all across Equestria, every ally and even just causal passerby cheer for you. Whether they be in Canterlot like Trixie and Flash, Ponyville with the Horde and your Apple relatives, or even down in Appleloosa, where everypony has been supporting you since last year, they all cry out in the same triumph as you do. Some more emotionally than others.

But you don’t even think of all these possible witnesses, you are too caught up in the moment as you look upon your defeated foe. The stallion who was your single greatest mistake has now become one of your greatest victories.

“I did it…” you say with a loopy grin.

Was there ever any doubt my Bug? Selena says supportively with a playful smile.

Heh, maybe a bit back there when he injected Saddle Rager juice, that poem did flash through my mind again but…you trail off as you smile like a dope. I made it right…I did what I should have done two years ago…

After many a night, wondering what you could have done differently, you finally went and did it.

A second chance…you think as a tear comes to your eye.

And hopefully, not the last to come, Selena says with a proud smile.

No…definitely not the last one, you say tenderly to her, before looking over your foe and realize that everything you said to him was the truth. Noling died today. Not him, not any innocent bystanders…

I have a rendevouz with death…

And certainly not you.

“Rendezvous my flank,” you say under your breath as you look towards the magical broadcast cameras. “If death wants a meeting, then he can take a ticket and wait his bucking turn.”

Unbeknownst to you, many across the world hoot and holler even more, cheering and chanting your name.

Well done on your redemptive rematch, but it’s not over yet, Sombra points out and you look to the others who have the Plunder Dragon on the ropes.

“Right, should probably help with that,” you say as you duct tape Flag Burner up on the off chance of him waking up early.

Though at this point, what can we even contribute? Selena points out as the monster begins to whither under the assault.

Sure enough you see as all four Princesses have restrained the monster’s wings to keep it out of the air, one of it’s legs is frozen over and stuck to the ground from some blue colt, The Elements, Shining and most of the Outcasts have the other limbs all tied up in a variety of ways, The Dazzling’s giant projections and Mangle have the neck and jaws locked down and Nightshade using her magic, has mostly ALL of it seized up as shadows cover the monster and you see impish creatures biting and tearing at it from that darkness, opening up a hole into it’s chest where a large orb shines midnight blue.

Even from this distance, you can see as your daughter’s eyes burn bright white, and her mane and tail whip about like Celestia and Luna’s, but also as the shards on her chest glow fiercely.

“Oh son of a-“ you yelp as you stuff Flag Burner into the Inventory and rush towards the plant monster. “We’ve gotta stop that thing before-“

“Spike, Ember, Garble! NOW!!!” you are cut off as your little filly calls out in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

On cue, three forms shoot up into the air in front of monster, one blue, one red, and one purple. The two with wings carry the wingless drake into the air before tossing him straight up to the point where he is straight above the glowing center orb.

All three dragons then take deep breaths before letting out three different torrents of flame directly into the monster’s chest from different angles.

Spike’s green flame, intersects with Garble’s orange and Ember’s blue creating an epicly beautiful fireball which encases the Plunder Dragon in a glorious display.

“KKKKKKKKKKRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!!” the beast roars as the flames begin turning it’s body into ashes.

“Oooooooohhhhhh…” you trail off in mesmerized glee as the monster lights up but it unable to move thanks to your Daughter and everyling else.

“Just…A Bit…More!” Nightshade says with gritted teeth as everyone but her and the Princesses let go of the monster’s limbs.

As if fulfilling her wishes, you watch as Spike’s flame becomes even stronger, overtaking the other two dragons’s flames and causing the conflagration to become bright white as it not only encapsulates the thing’s chest, but it’s entire body.

The surrounding grass on the field blackens just from the proximity to the heat, and the Elements, Princesses, Sirens and Nightshade and her friends all scramble out of the heat radius as the Vine Monster roars it’s last gurgling roar and the impish demons all cheer out insanely as they are overtaken.

“KKKKKKrrrrrrrrr…” the monster’s bellow fades as it’s body is consumed, and a blast of magic from it’s core detonates, knocking everyone off their hooves, including you.

“Oof!” you grunt as you fall on your butt, but you do not take your eyes off of the display. The glorious white flame wisps out of existence, leaving only a gust of wind full of ash and dust.

“…Holy…Crap…” you say with gaping jaw as the Plunder Dragon is no more.

“Aaaaaaahhhh!!!” Spike cries out as his spiraling form comes jettisoning towards you, and without even thinking, you cushion his fall with a burst of Air Bending. “Aaaahh…Huh?” he sputters as he realizes he hasn’t careened into the ground.

That…that was…Selena says mesmerized.

Incredible… Sombra finishes, just as amazed.

I didn’t know the little guy had it in him, you think in bewilderment as you stand up and pick the drake from where he safely landed and hold him in front of you.

“Oh, uh, hi Mr. Tennant,” Spike says as he realizes just who’s picked him up and gets a bit nervous. “Uh, I mean Hooded-No, er- I mean Mr. Bugze…or whatever you want to be called?”

He begins to sweat a bit as you don’t say anything, your eyes darting between him and the fiery debris of the former monster. You see that everyone else is getting back to their hooves, and though they are all covered in soot and ash, noling is looking hurt. Nightshade’s eyes and shards have even stopped glowing as they all sigh in relief, before they start cheering in victory.

You then set the small dragon down beside you as you take in the cheers and hollers of the many different groups on the field.

“Um, uh…” Spike stutters nervously wringing his claws. “Is there something I can help you wi-“

“Spike, you have permission to marry my daughter,” you say breathlessly looking at all the fiery debris.

“Wait, What?!” he asks taken aback.

“N-Nothing! I didn’t say anything!” you say with shifty eyes as your conscious mind realizes what you just said.

“R-really?” he asks in disbelief and with a blush. “Because I thought I heard you say-“

“You didn’t hear anything!” you deny. “Just because I think your fire is amazing and worthy of my daughter’s hoof, you still have to wait until you’re like way older before you even BEGIN to consider the thing I didn’t say!”

“…Okay?” he guesses and you let out a sigh of relief and pat him on the head.

“Good boy,” you say awkwardly as you cough into your hoof.

“Daddy, are you already bugging Spike again?” Nightshade asks with a roll of her eyes as she walks towards the two of you, dusting some ash off of herself.

“NOPE! Not at all! Ain’t that right Spike? Heh heh…”

“Uh…sure?” he says unsurely.

“See? Peachy Keen,” you smile and she raises an eyebrow.

…Bugze, you’re not fooling anypony, you know that right? Selena deadpans.

I just need to fool myself, you bemoan and Sombra chuckles.

Too late for that cockroach, he guffaws at your misery.

“Well alright then,” she shrugs before she starts trotting in place excitedly. “Oh My Gods! Dad! Mom! Sombra! Did you see us take down that monster?!”

“Yeah honey, we all saw that, it was kind of hard to miss,” you chuckle as you pat her mane.

“I know right?! That thing wanted a rematch with me and boy did it bite off more than it could chew! We were all hacking and slashing, and punching and roping and roasting! It was Epic!”

“Yeah it was…but didn’t we tell you not to go all out?” you scold lightly and she scoffs and rolls her eyes.

“That wasn’t me going all out Daddy, believe me. And besides, I had plenty of friends around to keep me in check just in case I did freak out,” she hoof waves and you raise an eyebrow before sighing.

“You know, I guess it’s hard to argue with your results,” you say with a shrug.

“I know right? But really if it weren’t for having awesome dragons on our side, we wouldn’t have been able to take it down so easily. Ain’t that right Spike?!”

“Um, uh, yeah, I guess so,” he stutters a bit before puffing out his chest. “Fire Type is always gonna trump Plant Type after all.”

“Heck ya it will!” she says as she breaks from you and starts hugging the drake. “And that’s twice in one day Equestria’s seen how tough you are Spikey! You’re so freaking cool!”

“Heh, heh…well…you know…” he stutters with a blush as he looks at you apprehensively.

And it’s weird. You still have that twitch of anger of fatherly instinct flare up within you seeing your daughter hugging a boy…but it seems lessened somehow, and that makes you feel anxious. On top of that, the display also gives you a sensation of adorableness and sweetness, which you weren’t expecting.

Daaaawwww, Selena coos.

So…cute… Sombra grunts, his voice hitching.

It’s…adorable…MUST STOP IT! You grunt as your heart hitches.

“Ahem, yes, that was pretty awesome on all of your parts,” you say stiltedly as you gently separate the two. “I’m…I’m proud of you…both of you.”

They both beam at that, and the sweetness threatens to overwhelm you, especially when Nightshade says,

“We’re proud of you too Daddy.” She places a hoof on yours and looks you in the eye. “You, Mom and Sombra, you saved the day once again. I couldn’t have asked for a better reunion.”

“…Dang it Nightshade,” you sigh, giving into your emotions as you scoop her up and hug her tightly with tears leaking out of your eyes. “Why do you have to be so gorramned perfect?” Those watching, international and in person feel a tug at their heartstrings at this display.

“Because that’s the way you all made me,” she says back simply and pats your back. “It’s gonna be okay Daddy, you don’t have to cry.”

“I know, I know, just…let me calm down like this for a moment?” you ask and she smiles.

“Yeah, alright then,” she nods as she snuggles into your chest.

And for a good long while, the two of you, or rather the four of you stay like that, reunited after so long, a few moments of peace where the weight of the world isn’t pressing down on your shoulders. It feels far too short, but you compose yourself and wipe the tears from your eyes…and you see her do the same.

“Better now?” she asks.

“Yup,” you, Selena and Sombra say at the same time, which surprises you all and causes everyone to chuckle.

“That legion voice is kind of cool and creepy at the same time,” Spike says from the side and Nightshade smirks at him.

“Yeah, but we’ll fix that soon enough,” she says before her ears flop down. “Or rather I hope we will.”

You follow her eyesight towards where the Princesses and Deadly 6 are regrouping with some of Shining Armor’s guards as they start manacling the still mesmerized Black Suns.

“Yeah…” you sigh as you realize that despite the victory, you’re not out of the woods yet.

“How are we going to handle this?” Nightshade asks you. You take stare at the ones who have hunted you and yours for so long…before you smirk.

“You tell us Shade, you’re the one who set everything up right?” She seems taken aback by that at first, but then she smiles widely.

“Well, I was thinking we could walk up to them, berate them a bit more for all the past bullspit…and then we could all go to the palace and talk things out,” she says confidently. “And worst case scenario and some stupid bullspit happens, we could just play it by ear.”

“…I like that plan,” you say with a smile.

“As do I,” Selena says.

“Probably won’t be that simple, but I’m down,” Sombra finishes.

“Awesome!” she cheers, pumping her hoof.

“Yeah it is kiddo, but maybe before chatting with the Princesses, how about we have the team say hello first?” a grizzled old voice interrupts causing you both to look to the side…

PonyGamer12’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Jayo Jack’s Comment

Skiny_Boy’s Comment

And there you see, with his trademark bowler hat and unlit cigar, is your Grandbuggy. He’s covered in ash and has a few bruises and scrapes here and there, but he is still the same old fart as you remember. Behind him, equally as battle worn, are the assorted group of creatures that Nightshade has called The Outcasts.

You take a moment to stare in shock at them all as Grandbuggy smirks at you with pride in his eyes.

“…You know old bug, at some point in the future I’m gonna give you a good punch in the nose for taking Nightshade on dangerous missions and getting her hurt,” you say simply and he grins even wider.

“Ayup, I figured as much,” he nods before he spreads his forelegs apart expectantly, and like the good Grandson you are, you hug him.

“It’s so good to see you again Grandbuggy,” you say with relief as you embrace the old changeling.

“It’s good to see you too boyo…and to all three of ya, welcome home,” he says warmly as he thumps your back heartily. You thump his back just as much before you both break apart and look each other over.

“…So, you and Granny Smith are back together?” you ask and he chuckles.

“There’s a lot we’ve got to talk about there boy…but yeah, we’re back. And let me tell ya, she really wants to have a sit down with ya.”

“I’ll have that sit down if I can,” you say glancing towards the Royals and Elements.

“We’ll make it happen one way or another,” he grunts. “And I’m pretty sure kicking that evil machine’s arse will go a long way in helping with that.”

“SKREONK!” the double headed Mangle barks unhappily, towering over everyone.

“You know what I meant ya dang abomination!” Grandbuggy curses at the monstrosity.

“Yeah Mangle, why don’t you go back to normal now that we’re done fighting?” Nightshade suggests.

The two headed beast nods, before you hear a very familiar sound effect from one of your favorite cartoons, and suddenly the little fox looks like the plush your remember.

“Oof, you’re heavier now,” Nightshade says as she picks her up. “Guess that extra head made you gain weight.”

“Skronk,” Mangle huffs and crosses her arms in offense.

“Great to see you again Mangle…Mangles, whatever,” you shrug and give the fox a pat on the head to which she purrs at.

“That still creeps me out,” Grandbuggy shudders before gesturing to the others behind him. “But anyway, say hello to this merry band of weirdoes that your daughter collected while ya’ll were gone.”

“Hey! You helped collect them too!” she harrumphs and he chuckles.

“Yeah, just a tad. But if you’re gonna slug me one boy, they’ll all need one too,” he points out.

“I do not consent to that you old cockroach!” the blue female dragon growls. “If you remember I was forced to come along, so I don’t share any blame! By the way Hi, I’m Princess Ember, nice to meet you Nightshade’s dad.”

“Uh, Bugze,” you nod. “And what do you mean by ‘forced to come along’?”

“Yeah, my stupid dad Dragonlord Torch lost me in a bet so I’ve been traveling along with them,” she says with a roll of her eyes.

The dragons have royalty now? Sombra ponders.

I vaguely remember a massive Dragon named Torch from a thousand years ago, Selena says.

“Wait, hold on a second, you won her in a card game?!” you exclaim to Grandbuggy.

“To be fair, me and the old fart were pretty hammered,” Grandbuggy laughs and your face falls.

“Yeah, so she’s kind of a slave, but not really. She’s more just hanging around learning about pony culture and stuff with us,” Nightshade explains.

“Yeah, which for the most part is pretty chaotic, but they’ve got good things like sweets and pillows and stuff,” Ember says.

“Still a bit hung up on that whole slavery thing,” you say a bit conflicted.

“Ah don’t worry about it, she certainly isn’t,” the small red dragon says beside her. You stare at the tiny dragon, remembering what Nightshade said earlier.

“Are you really Garble?”

“Yeah, that’s me Offender,” he says a bit arrogantly.

“The same Garble I beat the crap out of in the dragon lands and then got whooped by Nightshade in Applewood?”

“Yes, that’s me! Geeze!” he growls and crosses his arms tersely. You can tell he’s trying to look tough…but in this new body…

“Bwahahahahahhahahaaaa!!!” you start laughing and he scowls even harder.

“Yeah, yeah, get it all out, not like I haven’t heard it before after that stupid tree!” he grunts and looks away with a pout.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that-hahahaha-It’s just that your little chubby face when you’re angry is-Bwahahahahahahaaaaa!!!” you laugh uncontrollably and the other Outcasts start snorting and giggling at the display.

“Come on, I just helped burn up that plant monster thing, don’t I get any credit for that?!” he whines as everyone laughs at his misery.

“Heh heh, yeah you get credit Garb,” Nightshade says and pats him on the shoulder. “That was pretty cool what you and Ember did with Spike.”

“Thank You!” he says in exasperation, which only gets everyone giggling again.

“Ooohhh, oh that’s too good,” you say getting your laughter under control. “But yeah, thanks for helping out my daughter little guy, I’m sure you’ll get your true height back.”

“I sure bucking hope so,” he grumbles to himself.

“There will be kid, every magical macguffin has an off switch,” the tanned pegasus with a pith helmet comforts before looking to you. “Hi, I’m-“

“Daring Do! Of course I know who you are, I’m a big fan of your movies!” you say excitedly as you are really seeing her in the flesh.

“Oh gods another one,” she sighs. “Look, I have barely anything to do with the films, the books are a bit more accurate to-“

“Accurate is a bit misleading chica,” Ahuizotl says teasingly as he wraps his tail paw over her shoulders lovingly.

“EEEE Ahuizotl! You’re even bigger in person!” you fanboy out over them both as one of your ships is finally confirmed and Nightshade giggles.

“I get that a lot,” he says. “But pleased to make your acquaintance Senor Bugze. Your daughter has been a delight to be around.”

“For the most part, I only just recently got my hat back from her,” Daring pouts.

“I am definitely wanting an autograph later!” you say excitedly.

“Alright yeah, no problem. I still owe you one after all,” Daring sighs.

“You do?” you ask perplexed.

“Yeah, now that all your disguises are out of the bag, I’m pretty sure you’re the guy who gave me the Heimlich maneuver on the train about four years ago,” she says and your eyes widen.

“Wow, holy…I vaguely remember helping a mare out back then,” you admit as the incident comes back to you of your early adventures. “That was you? You looked completely different with the glasses and hat and-”

“SHHHSHHHHHSHSH!!!” she shushes you frantically eyes darting to all the cameras.

“Yeah, dad keep that on the down low, she’s got an alter ego just like you do,” Nightshade explains and your eyes widen.

“Ohhhhh, gotcha,” you nod. “Well I look forward to that autograph, and I’m just stoked Nightshade got to be around characters I didn’t think were real!”

“Believe me boy, a few weeks with Ahzi and you’ll wish he was fictional,” Grandbuggy says with a smirk.

“Oi! Callate you wrinkled prune!” Ahuizotl chides Grandbuggy.

“Wrinkled my arse, I’ve got chitin remember?”

“Your eyes still are baggy idiota,” he spits and you are confused.

“They’re old buddies,” Nightshade explains and your jaw goes slack.

First the Doctor and Now Ahuizotl, how many supposedly fictional characters does Grandbuggy know?!

A line of inquiry for another day I suppose, Selena shrugs.

“And last but not least, we got catbird here,” Grandbuggy says and the griffon rolls her eyes.

“That nickname is getting older than you gnat,” she insults before turning to you and looking a bit nervous. “Uh, hi Offender, or Bugze or whatever, I don’t know if you remember me but-“

“Yeah I remember you Samus, how’s it been?” you interrupt and her eyes widen.

“Um, good! Really good. Samus was the code name though, it’s actually Greta,” she corrects and you smirk.

“Yeah I know, but I knew you as that name longer,” you point out and she chuckles. “But yeah, good to see you’re doing better in life outside of gangland activity.”

“I mean, if you think about it, we’re kind of a gang,” Nightshade interrupts.

“I have yet to make a profit hanging out with you lot, so I’d have to disagree,” Greta corrects before smiling back at you. “But yeah, I’ve kept my promise ever since you let me go, been doing a bit of good with these guys.”

Well at least that’s one decision we didn’t make in vain, Selena says with smile.

“Nice job Greta. We’re proud that you turned your life around,” you congratulate and her eyes sparkle.

“R-Really?” she asks elated before she coughs into her talon and changes to a more composed cool sounding tone. “I mean, yeah, it’s whatever.”

“Greta, take the compliment, getting praise from my Dad is one of the best things in life,” Nightshade chides and the griffon’s head feathers ruffle.

“I’m taking it, I’m taking it,” she argues with your child before looking back to you. “Th-thanks…to you and everyone else in your head.”

“No problem,” you grin as you look over to the blue colt with an icy wisp about him that still doesn’t look like he feels he belongs anywhere.

Ah, that must be the half windigo kid Nightshade was talking about, you think with sympathy as you see several scars across his body. I sure hope that wasn’t Nightshade’s doing.

Most likely not, from the looks of it those scars are a year or two old, Sombra says knowledgeably.

Or rather a millinia old since she said he was from the past as well, Selena says sympathetically knowing a thing or two about that. Poor frightened child.

Nightshade, noticing you staring at the kid says,

“Oh, that’s Frost, he’s uh…he’s the kid I told you about,” she says sounding a bit guilty. Hearing this, the colt’s ears flatten nervously.

“You already told him about me?”

“Um, just a little bit,” she admits.

“Yeah, I don’t know the whole story kid, and I’m sure there’s still a lot you’re dealing with but…I saw you out there helping everyling else fight that plant monster. Nice job out there and thanks for helping my family,” you tell him with praise and his eyes suddenly take on a hint of enlightenment.

“I, uh…yeah no problem,” he says looking to the side, not being able to meet your compliment head on.

“And don’t worry about Burner, he ain’t hurting anyone ever again,” you say with confidence, which also serves to raise the colt’s spirit.

There we go, that’s a better look to be had on a kid’s face, you think as you see a small smile.

Still he looks like an abused dog, Selena exposits. If he is in fact someone out of time, perhaps Captain Jack can help his situation.

Or better yet, the even older bug since we’ll be traveling though time anyway to help the sirens, Sombra counter offers.

Eh, whatever the case we’ll worry about it later, you shrug. Just so long as he doesn’t turn out like the original Sub Zero, I’m sure he’ll be fine.

You then take one last glance at the gathered creatures and nod in satisfaction.

“Nightshade, you made a pretty good team here.”

“I know right? And that’s not even counting Slendermane and the Merchant, though they were kind of only around for a little bit,” she hoofwaves and you get goosebumps.


“Eyup. He’s actually pretty mellow as long as you pay your debts,” she says giving a cross look to Grandbuggy.

“Bucker took my nacho recipe,” he mumbles under his breath and everyone else there rolls their eyes.

“Who’s talking about nachos? I heard nachos!” a cheery voice says from above you. Looking up, you see Sonata looking excitedly around for the mexicoltan cuisine, as her two haggard looking sisters rein her in.

“We’ll get nachos later, we got princesses that owe us now,” Adagio points out.

“Buck yeah they do,” Aria nods in agreement.

“Hey Dazzlings, great work back there,” you congratulate and they smirk.

“Of course we did great, we never put on a bad show,” Adagio brags and you roll your eyes.

“Yeah yeah, well I guess proper introductions are in order. This is my Grandbuggy and all his friend, Grandbuggy and company, this is Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk,” you introduce.

“Hi everyone!” Sonata waves happily as Aria and Adagio wave properly.

“Nice to meetcha,” Grandbuggy tips his hat. “I must say, if you gals are the ones Starswirl threw through that portal way back when, you’ve aged like fine wine.”

The three sisters all arch their eyebrows at that.

“We are in fact those three,” Adagio starts.

“Yeah, are you hitting on us?” Aria asks disgusted.

“Gross,” Sonata says simply and Grandbuggy’s cigar droops.

“Well excuse me for adding some flattery with my politeness ya dang ancient crones,” Grandbuggy growls.

“Hey! Who you calling ancient?!” Adagio counters.

“Yeah, you look in a mirror lately buddy?” Aria laughs.

“Gross,” Sonata says again and he purses his lips.

“Not sure I like these living fossils boy,” Grandbuggy grumbles to you and you roll his eyes and thump him on the shoulder.

“They’ll grow on you,” you say before you turn to notice as the Royals and Elements start making their way towards your group.

You suck in a gasp of air, a feeling of stage fright worming it’s way up your spine, but two hooves get placed on you, one on your shoulder and one on your hoof.

“It’s okay Daddy, you’re not alone here,” Nightshade comforts.

“We’ve got your back, no matter what,” Grandbuggy encourages. Behind them both, you see The Outcasts and Dazzlings nodding steadfastly in agreement.

Whatever happens Bugze, we do this together, Selena bolsters.

And if all goes to Tartarus, we’ll just do whatever you always do, Sombra says trying to sound indifferent.

In other words, you’ll wing it, as you’ve always done. You feel emboldened by the support of so many, and your chest swells with pride as you turn and face Equestria’s most powerful elite and stand a little taller.

“Alright then, let’s try this talking thing one more time…”

When the procession gets within ten feet of you, they all stop, forming a line which mirrors your own team’s horizontal line. It’s as if both sides are opposing teams in a hoofball match, with you as the center of your group and Celestia in the center of hers. The short distance between you all seems like a canyon as you all observe one another, noling saying a word. The wide array of emotions they display though are worth a thousand words themselves.

Celestia and Luna look reserved, apprehensive, and just plain lost as they study you and your group. In all their long lived lives, you have the feeling they can’t find the right words.

Celestia looks like she did when she first met your Hooded Offender ego all those years ago, aka blank faced as if her entire reality just collapsed and now she has to reevaluate everything she’s ever been taught.

Luna has a strange mixture of shock, awe, shame, relief, and interest you’ve never seen. You can kind of understand most of those reactions, but that last one fills you with uncertainty and causes to Selena to feel a tad apprehensive herself.

You see as Fluttershy and Cadence are giving the same small smile. It’s a smile full of vindication for their faith, and one that is just plain happy to see you, yet both hold a bit of reservation for different reasons, mainly the two souls sharing your mindscape.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash seem lost in how to convey themselves, for on one hoof they are also happy to see you, but on the other hoof…it is a tad awkward seeing you face to face again knowing your past.

Rarity seems curious more than anything, none of your alter egos having really interacted with her much aside from using her as a shield, and Pinkie Pie of course is just smiling goofily as she always does and is waving profusely at you all.

Shining Armor gives you the same look he’s always given you, one of inherent reservation…but weaved into that now is something akin to respect, similar to how Flash always looked to you. You see as he subconsciously rubs at the scar on his belly, and you know his greatest apprehension is the fallen king in your head.

And then there’s Twilight Sparkle, the newest princess in the land. A mare who throughout the last four years, has been equal parts your arch-nemesis, and a good friend. She is stone faced, betraying no emotion as her analytical mind processes you.

Neither there side, nor yours makes a sound, noling daring to break the terse silence. In a way, you feel as if you’re in a western stand off just waiting for someone to draw.

The suspense is killing me, you think as you bite the inside of your cheek.

Nopony is brave enough to break this stalemate it seems, Sombra muses.

Indeed, but this game of chicken must end Bugze, Selena encourages, though you know she doesn’t take her vision off of Luna.

Yeah I know, you think with an internal sigh.

“Ummm…” you say in discomfort before you dig into the Inventory and take Flag Burner out and toss him into the center of your two groups. “Here you go, still alive and well for you all. Might want to look into de-machining him.”

They all stare at the cyborg as his chest rises and falls in slumber, but still no one says or does anything.

Ugh, what more do you want from me? A speech?! Just- Your inner monologue stops dead in it’s tracks as someone on the other side finally makes a move.

Prince Shining Armor steps forward, his eyes trained onto yours. Once he reaches the unconscious stallion, he places a hoof on him and briefly glances down as if to confirm your claims. After a moment of contemplation, he nods and looks back up at you.

Throughout all these years, you two have perhaps had the rockiest of relationships when compared to the others…but in this moment he looks at you with something you never expected.


His hard scowling eyes soften somewhat, and though his grim face still shows no sign of breaking, he gives you a single nod of acknowledgement, before his horn lights up and magical runes and enchantments start to form around Flag’s form.

Well…that’s a first, you think in awe at the unspoken words that passed between the two of you. You don’t get to reflect for too long though, as someling else from their group stirs.

Still stone faced, Twilight Sparkle begins walking at a steady pace through no man’s land right towards you. All the other royals and Elements freeze in anticipation at this, as does your allies as she passes her brother and Burner and stops right in front of you.

The both of you look into each other’s eyes, still silent as the world watches on. You aren’t sure what to think, because with Twilight Sparkle, things could go in any number of directions. Not even an hour ago, you hugged a mournful version of her goodbye, and those emotions still stick with you even for this one.

One heartbeat, two heartbeats, three…the two of you don’t break eye contact as the silence settles once again. Realizing that you can’t stand the suspense anymore, you make a move to say something, anything…


But are interrupted by her purple hoof as it introduces itself to the side of your face. Those around you on both sides gasp in shock and you see that Selena, Nightshade and Grandbuggy all get varying degrees of pissed at this…but you hold up a calming hoof and chuckle awkwardly.

“Heh...guess I deserve that one huh?”

“That was for all the chaos you caused, regardless of what clothes you wore,” she says, still blank faced before striking you across the other cheek.


That was for lying to me and your friends for years.”

“Okay, yeah I had that one coming to-“


“That was for all the times you made us mourn for you unnecessarily.”

“Okay yeah, I’m sorry about th-


“That was for breaking my friends’ hearts and leading them on for so long.”

“Well to be fair they all came onto m-“


“That was for being the most insane, infuriating, illogical, idiotic Changeling on this entire planet.”

“Hey! Now that’s just a low blow!”


“That’s for all the mental stress you’ve caused me and everypony I love.”

“Alright! Enough with the slapping alrea-“

This time you are interrupted not by a slap, but by a hug, which causes you to freeze. She embraces you as if you were a long lost family member that she hadn’t seen in years, with her head resting on your shoulder. Not too long ago, you were in this exact position with another her…only in that instance, you were saying goodbye.

“And this is for all the times you saved us,” she whispers and you feel as she starts to shudder and her voice shakes with emotion. “This is for all the times you were scared, hurt and alone because of us, for all the times you needed a hug and understanding and didn’t receive it…and for being a friend despite all of that.”

She then grips you even harder and her voice fills with the same remorse you heard from her human double.

“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry…”

Her words flip the switch of everyone who before had been defensive. Grandbuggy and Nightshade smile at the display, and you feel as Selena is moved to tears, and even Sombra feels touched by this, for it’s as if she’s said it to all of you. She embraces you like a true friend, exactly how a princess of friendship would, and so you return the gesture.

“It’s alright Twilight, we forgive you,” you tell her plainly.

"I don’t know how you can so easily,” she sniffles.

“Well, I mean, I already did it like an hour ago, so it’s not so hard since the situation is nearly the same,” you chuckle. “There was even a defeated magic dragon in that scenario too.”

“Huh?” she questions and pulls back from the hug.

“Long story, which I’m sure you’d like to hear,” you wave off. “By the way, Sunset Shimmer says hi.”

Her eyes widen a bit at that, before she smirks and looks you over.

“I really would like to hear about that then…” she trails off as she looks at your scarf, to your hat, the cloak and every other piece of clothing you have.

“After all these years, how could I have not seen you were also Tennant, Hunko and Crimson Vengeance? All the signs were there," Twilight groans.

"Yeah heh heh." you chuckle nervously. “I guess being a changeling does pay off after all in disguises.”

You think she’d buy that it was a Time Lord’s doing? Sombra snarks.

At this juncture perhaps, but best not to have her hounding Ms. Do’s family anytime soon, Selena says sagely.

Yeah, even if I forgive her, I don’t like the image of her running off with the TARDIS, you think with a shudder.

“Well, whatever the case may be, I think that-“

“Move over Sis!” Cadence interrupts Twilight as she shoves her out of the way and glomps you.

“OOF!” you grunt as the mare who gave you your new name squeezes the life out of you.

“EEEE Bugze, it’s so good to see you again, I missed you!” she squeals as you feel your ribcage straining.

“Cadence!” Twilight and Shining both say in alarm at the same time, but she keeps going.

“Finally, everypony knows you’re not evil, we can get everything fixed and organized, especially with Selena! Nightshade told me all about how the Lover’s Jewell is always glowing in your bag, so that will be proof enough and-“


Her Pinkie-esque rambling is cut off as an unexpected sound escapes from your mouth, which takes her aback, causing her to loosen her grip and let you gasp in some much needed oxygen.

“GWWWAAA!!!” you inhale and cough a bit.

“Take it easy Cuz, I’m sure he’s happy to see you too but he did just fight a robot,” Nightshade berates.

“Heh heh, sorry about that,” Cadence says with a look of embarrassment as she rubs the back of her neck and all the others on both sides of the field look at her incredulously. “Got a little overwhelmed in the moment seeing Twilight hugging him.”

“Understandable,” Nightshade says to your oldest friend good naturedly. “By the way Dad, what was up with that chew toy sound that came out of your mouth?”

“I have no idea,” you say finally catching your breath. “Was that one of you two?”

Not me, Selena says.

Sure as Tartarus wasn’t me, Sombra agrees.

“Yeah, so I have no clue,” you shrug before looking back to your first friend with a grin. “It’s good to see you too Cadence, from all of us.”

She beams at that, before you see a slight look of apprehension pass over her features and she takes a step back next to Twilight.

“Right, right, ALL of you including…Sombra…” she hesitates at the name.

“Yeah…” you say awkwardly.

I did skewer her husband, so this could be tricky… the crystal king himself ponders.

That’s the understatement of the century, Selena grunts.

A strange look of guilt appears on Cadence’s face briefly at your tone, before Twilight coughs into her hoof.

“Well, rest assured that’s something we will be discussing.”

“Right, on top of a million other things,” Cadence nods and looks at you strangely.

“Have a little faith Heart Hips,” Grandbuggy advises to the Princess of Love.

“Oh, I have faith Mr. Fix, it’s just…” she trails off and looks at you questioningly. “Why was there an image of me stabbing you earlier?”

“Uh, heh heh, that’s um…” you stutter awkwardly, realizing she’s talking about Mia in the other world. “We’ll get to that…”

“Yeah…” Nightshade trails off with you.

“Yeah…” Grandbuggy trails off as well.

“I’ll hold you to that I suppose,” she says, giving a small grin.

“I gotta say, these versions of Cadence and Twilight are a lot easier to deal with. Way less yelling and scolding,” Sonata quips causing the two alicorns to look at her and her sisters.

“…Yeah, I’m gonna need a lot of parchment for notes,” Twilight mumbles to herself, and you see as Spike pulls them from…somewhere and presents it to her.

“Got you covered Twilight,” he says giddily.

“Thanks Spike,” she says and takes the paper, giving you vibes from when she experimented on you a few times.

“Right, well…” Cadence says as she motions Twilight to look back at the rest of their squad. No one else has really moved since the two ran up and hugged you, but you can see most of them on the verge of doing the same. The only thing keeping them back it seems, is their glances to Celestia and Luna, who still look at you and Nightshade as if you’re a riddle that’s impossible to solve.

“Princesses?” Twilight ventures.

“Aunties?” Cadence asks as well.

Their words seem to reach through to them, as you see that vacant, thousand yard stares of theirs lessen. Almost in synch, the Sun and Moon Princesses step forth, stopping at the halfway mark as Shining did.

It’s here that everyone, including you, hold your breaths as the two towering princesses look down upon you. Their wings extend, making them look even larger…but then the two of them bend their front legs and bow their heads to you.

“Buuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh…” you drone as the almost impossible display continues, with the rest of the Elements joining suit.

“Bugze the Changeling and Nightshade the alicorn, you have our gratitude for your actions this day,” they say in unison which is a bit creepy, but then they both look up at you with their still bowed heads. “We seek now your forgiveness for the sins we have committed against you. We apologize for our actions and ignorance.”

The declaration is magnanimous and majestic and you are so bewildered by it. You never, ever truly thought this moment would come with the two rulers of Equestria prostrating themselves in front of not only you, but the entire nation. Twilight was one thing, but them? It almost doesn’t seem real. But now that it’s here before you, you find your emotions mixed to say the least.

There is relief and hopefulness and even the forgiveness which they have just asked for…but there is still discomfort and a small amount of anger for the last four years.

You look to your daughter who looks back up at you and she smiles in encouragement. You look back to the Princesses as Cadence and Twilight wait with bated breath beside you.

“…I’ll forgive you,” you start and they open their eyes. “But only if that apology and gratitude goes towards Selena and Sombra as well.”

They freeze at that, and you even hear some in both your groups gulp and gasp.

“They helped this day just as much as I did, and I know your history with the both of them is rocky to say the least…but they deserve that apology as well.”

Bugze…Selena coos affectionately.

I appreciate the sentiment changeling, but that might be a bit of a tall order, Sombra says apprehensively, but you know he was touched as well.

Both sisters lift their heads at that, looking at you apprehensively, but you do not budge in your conviction. They share a glance between each other before looking back to you.

“We are…open to that suggestion,” Luna starts and you raise an eyebrow.

“But in order for that to happen, we will need to speak with them…with all of you,” Celestia states and you nod.

“I figured as much. So let’s just call it ‘Forgiveness Pending’ for now…but as for the gratitude, it was no problem,” you finish with a smirk.

The two sisters nod at this, business like once again.

“Very well then,” Celestia says in agreement.

And just like that, a lot of pressure eases off of your shoulders. You see as Cadence, Twilight and the rest of the Elements are just beaming now in relief.

All across the nation, those watching breathe more easily as well. They know as well as you do that the situation is still tense, but that for once, there is a beacon of light at the end of the dark tunnel.

“So, uh, should we chat right here in all the rubble or-“ you start but are interrupted as Fluttershy zips over and gives you a hug on Cadence’s level.

“I’m so glad to see you again Hoody,” Fluttershy says as you are once again deprived of oxygen. “I’m so so happy that this day has finally come!”

Ah yes, this one…Selena with a bit of growl at the edge of her voice.

“Uh, hi Fluttershy, it’s good to see you too,” you gasp as your ribs feel like they’re going to crack.

“Oh we all missed you so much,” she says and pulls back. “And now everyone knows like I’ve always known that you’re not evil and…and…” her ears flatten a little and she looks away from your face. Her tone then changes to her usual quietness, and you feel as though she strains to say the next bit “And, uh, sorry for wanting to destroy Nightmare Moon a little bit for so long…”

“That’s not my name anymore,” Selena says plainly with your mouth which causes the pegasus to shudder a bit. “And we’ll work on that apology later when you can actually look me in the eye.”

“Alright, alright, take it easy everyling,” Nightshade plays mediator as you see Cadence giggling at the interaction.

“Yeah, we’re all friends here,” you add before looking back to one of your oldest friends and grin. “But yeah, thanks for holding out the faith there Fluttershy, because I sure as buck never thought this day would come.”

“Well, there were many ways I thought it could have happened but…” she trails off before wincing and looking away again awkwardly, “Yeah this is good enough.”

“You kidding? It’s Daddy. If he didn’t come back in the middle of a bunch of B.S. shenanigans the universe would implode,” Nightshade snarks and the group around you chuckles.

“…I suppose that’s fair,” Fluttershy says with a giggle.

“It’s not fair, it’s just Lady Luck as usual,” you shrug. “Which is why I never thought this could happen because this all seems too good to be tru-“

“GROUP HUG!!!” Pinkie shouts, cutting you off.

“Wha-No wait-AGH!” you screech like a little filly as the Pink Psycho sheppards the other mares glomping you.

“It’s been too long dude…uh, sorry if things feel awkward between us,” Rainbow apologizes rubbing the back of her neck even as she has another one wrapped around your neck.

“Yeah, same…but welcome home cousin,” Applejack stutters and you burn a little red from shame and embarrassment.

“Hmmph, who’s the shield now?” Rarity says a bit vindictively with a smirk on her face as you feel she is more strangling you than hugging.

“Hee hee hee, finally some proper story advancement!!!” Pinkie cheers as all the mares smother you.

So is this how I die? After everything we’ve been through, it’s getting hugged to death? You mentally whimper.

Oh don’t be such a drama queen, Selena laughs before becoming stern. Though this is far too many mares hanging off of you. You think perhaps we could use a little bit of the cloak to-

Calm your jelly teats, they’ll break off him soon enough, Sombra chides her and she flushes red for a number of reasons.

“So, uh…What happens now?” Nightshade asks as you start to lose consciousness under the pile.

“Well first of all, I think we should all get outside and pause the impending blizzard, right Princesses?” Grandbuggy suggests and all four of their eyes widen.

“Right, yes that,” Celestia coughs nervously into her hoof and alights her horn.

Awhile Later

You now sit with Nightshade and Grandbuggy on one side of a conference table inside of a meeting room in the Crystal Palace. On the opposite side, facing you are Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Spike. The Outcasts and Dazzlings are in another room, resting after the day’s events, while Shining Armor is on patrol with some of his guards combing the town for any stray Black Suns.

After escaping the glomp and learning how to breathe again, both of your groups exited the damaged stadium. Sure enough, there was an impending arctic storm filling the sky, but with the power of all four Princesses, and that Frost kid playing on Nightshade's Ocarina a barrier was erected around the city.

Strangely enough, the crystal ponies and other citizens of the empire weren’t panicked and causing mayhem like you all expected with the Heart not being on the pedestal. In fact, many of the population appeared to be holed up inside their homes, and those that were evacuated from the stadium had quickly dispersed to houses, inns and hotels fairly quickly from what was witnessed. Almost uniformly even…

After reaching the palace, you were all surprised to see the Crystal Heart simply sitting by the pedestal, though not on it or activated which baffled everyone. For the time being, they decided not to put it back upon the pedestal lest it do something to you, Nightshade, Selena and Sombra before you even had your talk, so now it is in Cadance's possession until they can safely put it back on the pedestal.

Flag and his cronies were locked in the dungeons below, and everyone was also greeted by Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, though they seemed out of it according to Nightshade. You and their sisters couldn’t exactly blame them per se after the day’s events, but still…

But despite the mental and physical exhaustion all across the board, it’s now time to finally do something that quite honestly should have happened years ago.

Finally Having a Rational Bucking Conversation with the Ponies that hunted you and your loved ones for so long.

“Alright, I suppose we should begin then?” Luna starts but Grandbuggy raises a hoof.

“Hey now, shouldn’t we wait for Jack?” he suggests and Celestia sighs.

“Shining Armor and his guards are looking for him as well, so I expect we’ll see him whenever he decides he wants to show up,” she explains before putting a hoof to her chin. “Though in situations like these he’s usually in the thick of things and not hard to find…”

“Eh, he’s probably doing secret spy stuff,” Nightshade hoofwaves. “He did say that Aqua and…uh…” she hesitates as she glances at Cadence. “And Mia were doing secret stuff as well.”

“Wait, so the three members of Torchwood who aren’t currently fighting aliens in space are all here in the Empire?” you question and Grandbuggy nods.

“Eyup, though a fat lot of help they were,” he spits and something itches at the back of your mind.

Why didn’t those three show up to the battle with Flag Burner? Sombra ponders exactly what you’re thinking.

Trying to piece together the motivations of an immortal with an endless libido is folly if you ask me, Selena points out.

“Yeah, well we’ll chew him out the next time we see him,” you say aloud and look at the Royals and Elements right in the eyes. “But you’re right, it’s time we got this out of the way.”

“Yes, it’s been much too long,” Fluttershy encourages.

“You can say that again,” Cadence agrees.

“There are several topics that we’ll need to cover, and probably a lot more we won’t be able to get to today,” Twilight says holding up a list. “Top of my list is talking about the Alicorn Amulet inside of Nightshade, but really this all boils down to talking to all of you. And I mean, ALL.”

You nod at that, and your horn lights up, projecting Selena to your side with Nightshade, and Sombra to your side with Grandbuggy.

The others all stiffen at their appearance, especially to Selena’s new form looking so similar to Luna’s, albeit a bit smaller. Cadence still looks uneasy looking at Sombra, as do the rest, but noling shrieks or attacks, which you take as a very good sign.

Taking the initiative, Selena looks squarely at the other Princesses as she moves closer to Nightshade.

“Alright. Shoot.”


Reunited Ending:

Author's Note:

Four years their time, nearly seven our time, can the misunderstandings finally be cleared?

Hey Hive-Mind,

Talk about an epic homecoming huh? I hope you all enjoyed the rematch with Flag Burner, I know I did seeing as how I’m the one who created him way back when. So I guess in a way I’m directly responsible for Bugze’s angst since the middle of Season 2…huh :rainbowhuh:

But anyway, Redemption has occurred and now Bugze, Selena, Nightshade, Sombra and Grandbuggy have to do something even more perilous and frightening.

Having a rational conversation about the future with the freaking Princesses and Main Characters! :pinkiegasp:

So yeah, go ahead and let’s finally clear the air a bit while things are nice and calm. I mean, it’s not like anything suspicious is happening with the Crystal Ponies and CMC acting weird, and Jack, Aqua and Mia Missing in Action right…? :trollestia:

But in any case, there’s four years of things to get off of everyone’s chest, on both sides of the table, literally in Nightshade’s case.

So go on and get to discussing and I’ll see you next chapter,

Brown Dog.



Jet Stream Sam Sword (Reversed High Frequency Blade)

Knock Out Luna Plushie

Ninja Stars (15)

Power Glove (Plasmid/Vigor Channel with Grappling Hook Attachment.

Second Law: (Air Shotgun)


Hover Board: (Catches Fire For Like, No Reason)

Disguises (Human)

Awesome JoJo Outfit: Currently Wearing (Jotora’s Outfit from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)

Smokey Joe Outfit: (Rain Slicker, Smelly Do Rag with Weed symbols)

Disguises (Equine)

Baker Sylvester Tennant (Brown overcoat, Yell and black striped pants, White panama hat, face mask, 4th doctor scarf)

Crimson Vengeance: (Alucard Hat, Immortan Joe Mask, Deadpool shirt, Vash the Stampede Coat, red pants)

El Hunko (Fancy Clothes with purple top hat

Hooded Offender Cloak

Stetson Hat with Orange Bandana


Blueprints: CHS, Crystal Prep

Bounty Hunter License

Brown Money Pouch: (45 Bits, a Few Hundred Human Dollars)

Cell Phone

Free Filly Scout Cookies For Life Card

Gameboy (Human Equivalent of Joy Boy)

Grandbuggy and Granny Smith Photo

Grandbuggy with Your Mother Photo

Instant Mail Transfer Container: (Cadence Direct Line)

Mangle Head (Currently fused with other Mangle)


Patching Supplies (Vice-Grips, Duct Tape, WD-40)

Pink Lover’s Jewell Necklace

Powers and Spells List

Sapphire Shores Signed Photo (Probably Worth a Lot)

Solar Powered Charger

Trixie’s Black and White Bear Plushie: (Never Forget)

Potion Stash

Healing Potion (6)

Molotov Cocktail (3)

Stink Bomb (3)

Transformation/Disguise Potion (4)




Power Pole combined with Boomstick (Black Staff with Red Crystal. Causes shockwaves when slammed)


Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems

Ocarina (Does in fact manipulate weather)

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