• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,770 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 62: Hijinks in the Castle

You brush off the feeling of irony as your group nears the rickety looking rope bridge.

“Yeah, I’m just gonna say nope to that,” you declare as you start to fly over.

“Same,” Greta nods and follows.

“Obviously,” Ember agrees and does the same, followed by Grandbuggy and Garble.

“Oh come on!” Ahuizotl complains.

“What? You weigh the heaviest out of us Ahz, I ain’t gonna cross with you,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Ugh! It’s time likes these I curse my ancestors for not developing a way of flight!” he grumbles as he gingerly and carefully makes his way over the swaying bridge over the chasm.

And while everyone else watches his nervous stride over the death pit…

Kichi’s Comment

You can’t help but feel distracted by something down in the gorge. Floating halfway across the chasm, you spy a faint light down below at the base of the cliff, and you feel something powerful.

Is that the Element Tree? You wonder as you hover down a bit, but as you do so, you feel another sensation. An instinctual warning as if something dangerous does not like you. You gasp and stop your descent as your shards shine in response to this warning.

“What the buck is that all about?” you shudder as you ascend and the menacing aura dissipates.

“Not much. I was kind of hoping the bridge would at least crack or something,” Ember says in disappointment. You look back to her and notice that everyone else is still watching as a panting Ahuizotl sits on the Castle side of the gorge.

“Dios Mio, I do not want to do that again,” he pants.

“Oh don’t be such a crybaby,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes but he raises a brow when he sees you. “Shade, you okay?”

“Uh, yeah, why?” you say unconvincingly.

“You’re sweating worse than Ahz, what’s up?” he pushes and you realize you still feel a bit fearful.

“Oh, uh…” you try to think of an excuse before you just sigh and admit, “I just don’t think it’s a good idea to go look at that Element Tree.” Grandbuggy raises a brow at that curiously, but he can tell by your face that you are serious.

“Ha! You’re scared of a tree?” Garble mocks and starts to laugh, causing you to pout.

“Shut up,” you grunt and look away from him.

“Yeah, stupid, if she’s afraid of it, then that’s pretty good evidence for us to be as well,” Ember reprimands.

“I’m Not Afraid!” you deny and start rubbing your foreleg with your hoof. “I just…I have a bad feeling about it.”

“Hmm, if that tree is indeed the birthplace of the Elements of Harmony, then it would probably be a bad idea to go near it when she’s got the alicorn amulet embedded in her, “Ahuizotl observes.

“Yeah! That’s it! Totally it!” you point at him, knowing that it’s only partially the truth.

“Also, didn’t your mom get hit from that same magic?” Greta adds and you stiffen over the other aspect of your nervousness getting said aloud.

“It did,” Grandbuggy answers for you and gives you a knowing look. “So if you’re nervous kiddo, we can just skip that part of the field trip.” You give a small smile at that in gratitude.

“Pfft, forget that!” Garble dismisses before he starts flying downwards. “I’m gonna take a look at this stupid thing. It’ll be one thing even you can’t accomplish!”

“Oh for-Really?!” you call after him in exasperation.

“Yyyyyyeeeessss,” his voice trails off as he gets lower and lower. Exasperated, you look to the rest of The Outcasts who are all smacking their foreheads at the sheer stupidity.

“I can’t believe he and I are even in the same species,” Ember sighs in disappointment.

“Well, he’s most likely dead, I guess we better head on,” Grandbuggy says dismissively and starts walking away.

“Grandbuggy!” you exclaim.

“Oh, I was kidding! Yeesh,” he rolls his eyes. “But I ain’t going down there for him.”

“Me neither,” Ember says.

“I sure can’t,” you add.

“And I can’t fly,” Ahuizotl pipes up.

“And I…” Greta tries to come up with an excuse, but fails and everyone stares at her knowingly.
“…Alright fine! I’ll go get the dumbass!”

With that she flies up, but before she descends she looks back at the others.

“I guess I’ll meet you inside or whatever.”

“Be careful Greta,” you warn and she smirks.

“Hey, out of all of us, I think I’ll be the most fine. I don’t this magical pony tree would even care about a griffon in the long run.” After saying that, a young blue griffon back in Griffonstone sneezes.

“Alright chica, but watch out for star spiders. They’re not really venomous, but they like to crawl on creatures,” Ahuizotl warns.

“…Thanks for that terrifying thought,” she shudders and starts her descent.

“A part of me kind of wants to see what happens to that idiot…but the cat bird’s got this,” Grandbuggy shrugs before pointing to the castle entrance. “Shall we?”

Ello Calebero’s Comment

The rest of your group follows his lead as Mangle pops out of your bag and looks in awe at the Castle.

“I know right?” you say to your pet as you look at the looming crumbling ruins that tower above all of you. “Apparently, this was where I was born…”

“Skreonk,” the fox nods in amazement.

“Heh, it may not look like much, but you should have seen this place in it’s hay day,” Grandbuggy says before pointing to the left. “There used to be a bunch of tacky pink flamingo lawn ornaments that Starswirl experimented with.”

“Fix, you talk as if you knew the stallion,” Ahuizotl points out.

“Eh, I was more friends with Clover the Clever, but yeah, I crashed at this place when Sunny and Moony were out and about. It was the perfect place for royalty.”

“Royalty huh?” you say looking back to your birthplace. So maybe I am a princess, you think as you open the front door yourself.

Back in the Gorge

Greta, makes a beeline for the only source of light in the dark, craggy ravine...and as she does so, her feelings of irritation and frustration are replaced with a sense of ease and tranquility.

“Oh wow…this feels nice,” she says as a sense of warm nostalgia passes over her. Happy memories of when she received her first Neightendo, and played Mareio for the first time. Those warm feelings are gone almost instantaneously however when that light flashes extremely bright for a moment and she hears Garble’s strained yell of fright.

“OH BUCK!” she says in worry as she super hero lands in the mouth of the cave entrance. “Garble?! What…happened?”

Her breath is taken away as she spies the crystal tree that’s extremely important to the ponies.

“It’s…beautiful…” she gasps as the warm glow returns and she feels a bit more at ease again. She sees symbols carved into the tree of a sun, moon, and some sort of star, and six strategically placed crystal shapes embedded within it’s crystalline form.

“How could Shade be afraid of this? This is-“ her eyes land on a dark stoney form at the base of the tree.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

It is distinctly draconic in shape with arms held up defensively in front of it’s face and it’s wings outstretched, and it is not.

“Oh right, Garble!” she calls out and flies toward the form, but as she gets closer, she realizes that there aren’t really that many sharp features. Rather, it looks like the dragon was covered in rough stone, hiding his features.

She lands in front of the “statue” and reaches out, but brings her talon back in pain as it scorches her.

“Yowch!” she waves her digit and looks at the smoking stone. “Oh Gods It Killed Him?!” she shrieks as she starts to back up from the massive tree.

“Mhrmmttgggmmm!” a muffled voice comes from the statue, causing her to pause.

“Garble?” she asks tentatively.

“Mmmhhhhrrrrgggg!!!” the figure says as it shakes a bit.

“Oh thank goodness,” she sighs holding her chest in relief before she glares at it. “Now how the buck did you go and get yourself into this mess?!”

“Mmmm!” he responds from inside the stone.

“Did you try to eat the tree?” she reprimands.

“Mmmm…” the moan answers guiltily.

“Well, this is your own gorramn fault then!”


“Yeah I know, but you’ll have to break yourself out! The rocks are too hot,” she says.

“Mmnnggghhh Nnnbbbbppphhh! MMMM!”

“Oh alright,” she huffs and looks around. “Let’s see…Oh! This might help.” She picks up a loose stone and tosses it at the statue. Much to her surprise, this actually does help as the stone starts to crumble…completely into a pile of dust.

“…AAAAAAHHHHH!!! I KILLED HIM!!!” she shrieks in terror holding her cheeks. “Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck!” She then starts to look around shiftily and panicked.

“Okay Greta, no one saw this, you just found him like this. The tree disintegrated him with no help from you…Yeah, that’s it. No one will ever know!” she giggles madly, sweating profusesly.

“I’m not dead you dumb bird!” Garble’s voice says followed by a cough.

“You’re alive?!” she yelps in surprise, turning her head back around only to pause as she sees the state of the dragon pulling himself out of the ashen rubble. “What the…?”

“Seriously, how weak do you think dragons are?” Garble says as he dusts himself off and looks down on the griffon…only he can’t because her head is now much higher than his. “What the Tartarus?! How’d you get so big?!”

Greta just stares down at the red dragon in front of her before a snort escapes, followed by a giggle, and then full on laughter as she falls to the floor.

“What are you laughing at?!” Garble exclaims before looking down at his body and paling. “No…”

“AHAHAHAHAHAAAA-Oh My-OhMy-AH HAHAHA!!!” Greta continues to laugh her butt off as Garble finally realizes what’s happened to him.

“WHY AM I A LITTLE KID AGAIN?!” he shouts, his figure now around Spike’s size.

“Eh heh-Maybe-Heh heh-Maybe the tree made you look the age you acted-Bwahahahahahahahaaa!!!” Greta cackles as the little red dragon gets even redder from embarrassment.

“This is Bullspit!” he shouts as he looks at his tiny wings. “I already had to go through puberty! Why?! WHY?! WWWWWWHHHHHYYYY???!!!”

In The Castle Library

“…Did you hear that Twilight?” Spike asks as he looks around the dark interior.

“Probably just the wind Spike,” Twilight answers.

“I don’t remember the wind yelling “Why?” before Twilight,” he snarks but she shushes him.

“Keep it down Spike, this journal is really fascinating. Nothing really on Nightmare Moon, but I’m learning a lot about Celestia and Luna from when they were little.”

“Oh right…Nightmare Moon research…” Spike says nervously as he scratches the back of his neck.

Back With You

“Wow…this place is amazing,” you say wide eyed as you look at the frayed tapestries, the chunks of broken pillars, and the layers of dust all over the floor.

“Indeed, it is quite well preserved for something it’s age,” Ahuizotl nods expertly.

“I don’t know, seems like a dump to me,” Ember says matter of factly.

“Oh come on Princess, where’s your sense of adventure?” you prod. “This place is sure to have all kinds of neat stuff in it, besides my mommy’s old armor.”

“Are you sure it hasn’t been ransacked already? I smell pony in the air,” she says as she looks around.

“Well it is a castle built by ponies…” Ahuizotl shrugs.

“Maybe you’re smelling ghosts?” you suggest.

“No, I swear it’s pony,” Ember insists.

“It could be pony ghosts or ponies pretending to be ghosts,” you suggest.

“That’s not out of the realm of possibility, right Fix?” Ahuizotl chuckles, but the old bug does not respond.

“Grandbuggy?” you ask and turn around, only to see that he has stopped in place with a thousand yard stare.

“What’s up with him?” asks Ember.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Dang…meddling kids…and their dog…” he grunts, his mind still stuck in the past.

“Oh boy,” you say worriedly and Ahuizotl facepalms.

“Great, just what we need,” he sighs as he looks at the fading light through a glass mirror depicting Luna.

“Well, why don’t we just leave him in his little mind zone while we split up and look for clues?”

A blood vessel pops in Grandbuggy’s eye at that sentence.

“Split up…?” he all but whispers.

“Yeah, I guess someone really should wait for Greta and Garble…” you rationalize.

“Look for clues?” Grandbuggy seethes.

“That would be wise, though be wary of traps. This place reeks of them,” Ahuizotl warns.

“That stupid trap should never have worked! It was just gumballs on the ground and a rope snare! AAAAAHHHH!!!” Grandbuggy wails. “What good is being the miner forty-niner if you get taken down by gumballs! No! We are not splitting up and looking for clues! We are going to stick together! If we run into those kids and their diamond dog again, we are beating them down for all the times they thwarted me and-“

Grandbuggy feels a tap at his leg and he looks down to see Mangle.

“What do you want MACHINE?!” Mangle opens her jaws, and your recorded voice comes out of her.

“Hey Grandbuggy, you were spaced out for like five minutes straight, so we left you where Greta and Garble could find you with Mangle as a guard. We split up to look for clues. Be careful.”

“WHAT?!” he shouts finally looking at his surroundings and seeing none of you. Turns out he’d been stuck inside his own head a lot longer than he’d thought.

“OH GORAMN MOTHERBUCKING PIECE OF MONKEY SPITROAST ON A TUESDAY AFTERNOON!!!” he shouts, his voice reverberating throughout the castle.

Deeper in, Fluttershy and Rarity yelp.

“Oh my goodness…” Fluttershy shivers.

“Calm down dear, it…it’s probably just the wind heh heh…” the fashionista chuckles nervously.

You meanwhile, hear his shouts and smirk.

“Guess he finally woke up,” you say as you pass down a hallway full of armor. “Don’t worry Grandbuggy, Mangle will look after you.”

“I don’t see how that little mongrel can possibly be any help to him,” Ember shrugs.

“Well, it was better than nothing, besides, we need to stick in groups of two.”

“Then why did Ahuizotl get to go off on his own?” she inquires.

“Because he’s heavy enough to count as two creatures?” you joke which actually causes her to giggle.

Grandbuggy, meanwhile stops his ranting and sighs.

“I swear, half my plans would have worked if it weren’t for those punks,” he shakes his head and looks to the robot. “Alright you little abomination of science, I guess let’s you and I regroup with the bird cat and the dumbass.”

The Fox nods and hops on Grandbuggy’s back, who just shivers.

“Cold, lifeless metal…” he whimpers before he turns and starts walking toward the front door…

Ello Calebero’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment


Grandbuggy looks down at the stone his hoof has indented and he balks.

“Oh Son of a-AAAAGGGHHH!!!” he yells as the floor opens up and he falls into darkness with Mangle screeching as well.


A terrific crash resounds throughout the Castle as Grandbuggy lands on top of something that might once have been a soft mattress, but is now just rotted wood.

“Oooohhhhh…” he groans as he looks up above to the ceiling that closes. “Of course, bucking traps.”

“Skreonk,” Mangle agrees as she hops off his back.

“Gugh, I can’t believe I fell for that one. That’s the same one I pushed the Doc into when-YAGH!” Grandbuggy slips on some ball bearings and falls through an old shelf, which was blocking a staircase…with boxes stacked every other step.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash walk along a corridor with Pony hoof candelabras, when they hear a massive commotion and hug onto each other in fear.





“Son of a-“








"Wha…what was that?” asks Applejack shivering.

“I…I don’t know but…” Rainbow Dash coughs and puts on a false face of bravado. “But I wasn’t scared at all. Nope, no siree, I wasn’t.”


One last distant crash reverberates and she shakes a bit.

“S-sure you ain’t…” Applejack whimpers and pushes herself off of the speedster. “But seriously Dash, we don’t have to keep pushing this if you do-“

“Of course I want to! I have to! When I’m competing I’m not thinking of things!” she shouts desperately and pants a little as the farm pony raises a brow.

“You kept saying that this whole competition, what’s eating at you filly?”

“Nothing! My heart wasn’t ripped out of it’s chest and stomped on! Yours was!”

“Huh?” the apple pony sputters in disbelief.

Gorgeous Freeman’s Comment

Down below, Grandbuggy lies conked out in a pile of scrapped guard armor as Mangle hops down the steps and starts shaking him.

“Skreonk! Skreonk!” the plushbot barks and he raises his head in a daze.

"We need to leave or the gnomes will get us!" he quickly says before passing out again, causing the fox to sigh as star spiders start crawling on him.

Not too far away, Ahuizotl having heard the commotion wanders in that direction.

“I’m guessing Fix triggered a trap like the idiota he is,” he shakes his head as he passes a mirror and pauses as he sees his actual form. “Ah. Must have to stick by Nightshade in order for her disguise magic to work. Good to know.”

He then starts walking more towards the source of the noise. “Well luckily Daring Do isn’t here in this crumbling castle.”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Further into the castle, Pinkie Pie cracks her hooves.

“Alrighty then, prepare to be amazed by my awesome organ skills,” she brags.

“Why did you drag me to this again?” asks the bewildered tomb raider next to her.

“Mostly for comedic timing, but also because I thought you might like coming to an ancient castle. You do it all the time in your books,” Pinkie answers.

“That’s true…but I’m still a bit confused about the whole cloak thing you got going on,” she points out to Pinkie’s spooky clothing.

“Well, it is kind of chilly in here,” she shrugs. “Now, I know you’ve been feeling down in the dumps lately since your book was delayed, house was destroyed, and you may or may not have strange and complicated feelings for one of your rivals.”


“But don’t you worry your little head, because some good old atmospheric music will cheer you up,” Pinkie cheers before she proceeds to start playing the ancient organ, sending haunting atmospheric music throughout the castle.

“No seriously, what was that last thing you said?” Daring asks the Pink mare, but is ignored.

The key combinations cause a series of hidden traps to spring in the castle.

Outside of the Castle, a pouting kid sized Garble sits on top of a gargoyle pouting.

“Come on, just come down from there already and let’s meet up with the others,” Greta complains from below him.

“No! I can’t let my rival see me like this!” he whines and crosses his arms.

“They’re all going to see it anyway, and yes they’re going to laugh, so it’s best just to get it over with kid,” Greta chuckles.

“I’m not a kid! You and I are almost the same age!”

“Not anymore you’re not, heh heh.”

“Oh whatever!” he grumbles till his ear fins pick up something.

“Say, do you hear mus-AHK!” he shouts as the gargoyle spins and tosses him inside, much to Greta’s shock.

“Did…did the castle just eat him?”

Garble is launched head first into a wall.


“Agh! What was that?” Spike asks as he turns to look at the stone behind him. Just as he stands, the wall spins, “AGH!” switching him and the dazed Garble.

“Ooooohhhhhh…” the tiny red dragon groans dazedly and falls face first into Angel’s bowl of carrots.

“Spike, keep it down a little please?” Twilight responds absentmindedly, not looking up from her book. Angel meanwhile, looks at the seemingly color swapped and winged Spike, then to his half eaten carrot and then back before setting it down and backing away slowly.

You and Ember perk up at the music and look around.

“Did that old bug find an instrument or something?” asks Ember.

“You got me-Whoa!” you shout as a hole opens up underneath you and you fall into darkness. At the same time, a hole above Ember opens up and a yellow pegasus falls on top of her.

“OOF!” they both groan.

“Giddoff!” Ember shoves the pony off of her.

“Heh heh, Rarity? Is that you?” Fluttershy asks nervously as looks to the creature she landed on in the darkness. But thanks to the lighting, all she sees is a figure bigger than her with sharp teeth and draconic eyes.

“AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!! DRAGON!!!” she shrieks and flies off down the hallway, not realizing it was Ember. “Angel! ANGEL!!!”

Ember just cocks her brow at that display.

“Well buck you too,” she huffs.

Rarity meanwhile, finds herself climbing out of a hole, just as Greta makes her way inside. In the dark, Rarity’s horn stabs into Greta’s flank causing her to shriek like a cat and lift into the air, causing Rarity to lose her balance and fall back into the hole.

“AAAHHH! My butt!” the griffon yelps and flies off.

“Curse This Ungrateful Castle!” Rarity shrieks before she hits the floor again.

Kichi’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Applejack and Rainbow Dash shriek when they hear the music and look around themselves nervously.

“Alright, Iron Pony or not, let’s just call this one a draw huh?” AJ suggests but Rainbow looks at her defiantly.

“No! You can go on! But I’m staying!” she growls.

“Rainbow Dash, now’s not the time for pride!” the farmer chides.

“This is the perfect time for pride! I have to prove myself worthy so that maybe he’ll consider using me as a mistress!” she shouts.

“…What the buck are you talking about?” Applejack sputters.

“Oh don’t act like you don’t know, that’s why you’re trying to prove who’s the best as well!” she accuses

“I honestly don’t know-“

“I mean, he went and got married, even though I was his first kiss!” she says sadly looking to the ground.

“Huh?” Applejack gasps.

“Tennant…he got married,” Rainbow whimpers and her ears wilt.

What in the hay is she talking about? Applejack wonders as her friend grits her teeth.

"I heard it from Bulk Biceps, and everyone’s heard it from Aloe. Nightshade’s in town with her grandpa or something because Baker got married and is on his honeymoon…”

Huh…well that’s one way to give a cover story. Poor Rainbow, she still don’t know that-

“And apparently I wasn’t awesome enough to be his wife, but I could be his side filly!” she says with an unhinged chuckle.

“Rainbow Dash…What the Buck?” AJ says with disgust.

“What?! You’re doing the same thing! I know you want him all to yourself!” Rainbow accuses and Applejack’s eyes shrink.

“Wha-No, he’s mah…Blg,” she covers her hoof with her mouth as horror and disgust make’s her lunch act up. Before she had known who he really was, there had always just been something attractive about BST that she couldn’t explain. The biggest draw for her was his devotion to his daughter. Family meant everything to AJ, and that aspect of him just seemed…multiplied about him. It was so enticing, it took learning the truth to finally throw her off that path. Even still, all those past feelings for a family member were still very squicky, so after hearing those words, the she ran off to go throw up around the corner

“I won’t let you win Applejack!” Rainbow calls defiantly after her. “I’ll show whoever this hussy that stole him from me that I’m the better mare!” I’ll…I’ll…” she starts before her face morphs into one of shock and disgust. “Oh Celestia, what am I even saying? That goes completely against my freaking Element!”

Dash wilts as she looks to the ground in immense shame, while Applejack finishes being sick and leans against a statue.

“Oh Celestia. Get it out now girl before he comes back,” she coaches herself. “That’s still going to be all kinds of awk-WAGH!” she falls as the statue and wall spin, depositing her on the other side just as Ahuizotl rounds the corner.

Odd that this music just started playing, he muses. Fix must be messing around and…is that crying I hear?

Putting his head around the corner, he sees Rainbow Dash whimpering in the middle of the hallway.

What the…why’s an Element of Harmony here? He ponders. He thinks for a moment about just slipping back the way he came to continue his search for Nightmare Moon’s Armor, but her whimpering gets to him.

“I’m such a bad pony…” she sniffles and Ahuizotl sighs as he walks up behind her.

“Hola Ms. What seems to be the problem?” he asks, but the mare does not turn around.

“Me! I’m the problem,” she blubbers into her hooves. “I’m a terrible pony!”

“Hey, hey, I don’t think that’s true at all,” he comforts.

“Yes it is!” she responds defiantly. “Here I am, plotting and scheming to become a homewrecker, and my freaking Element of Harmony is Loyalty! That’s the exact opposite!”

“Oh…I uh…” he stammers. “Uh…at least you can recognize that before it’s too late?”

“I don’t know…” she says sadly. “I mean, I’ve never been like this before. What kind of mare gets jealous over someone else’s happiness?”

“…Lots of people actually,” he says truthfully. “Jealousy is a big hurdle for any creature to handle.”

Rainbow nods at this and sniffles. “I guess…but I still feel terrible. I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever had my heartbroken like this before. Sure there was that time the Equestria Games didn’t come to Cloudsdale, but this is so much worse.”

“Ah…heartbreak will be like that,” he nods.

“Yeah…It’s just, I’ve met some awesome ponies in my life, but there was just something about him. He just had this kind of…glow or something and everything he did, being awesome and helping me out when I was weak and needed someone, it all just stood out to me,” she says with a sigh. “But I guess I was just seeing things or grasping at straws…”

“I know the feeling,” Ahuizotl admits as he looks inwardly. “For the longest time, there was this mare that I thought I knew well. I thought that in our own little world of crossing paths and outsmarting and competing with one another that we had something…special.” He then shake his head at this. “But then I learned something about her that changed everything and…it hurt. It really hurt.” Dash sniffles at that.

“Did you at least tell her how you felt?” she questions and he pauses.

“No…no I didn’t,” he sighs. “And at this point I feel it might be too late.”

“No, it might be too late for me, but not for you,” she says to the ground. “I guess I didn’t clearly say my feelings to him…even though it was obvious, I mean, I kissed the guy twice and chased after him like all the other competition like Applejack…but I guess it wasn’t enough. I guess some folks are just oblivious.”

“Heh, don’t I know it. I know this little filly who is head over hooves for a dragon and keeps denying it.…but I guess you might be right,” he agrees. “I hope you can come to some sort of peace as well.”

“Thanks…I’ve really got to work out all these jealous feelings. The last thing I want is to make Baker miserable if he’s found happiness.”

“…Did you say Baker?” Ahuizotl asks as he realizes that Rainbow is one of the Thot Brigade that Fix mentioned who hounded his Grandson.

“Yeah…he got married I guess,” she says sadly. “Why? Do you kno-“

A new louder note from the organ sounds throughout the castle as a rope ensnares Ahuizotl and pulls him up into the ceiling. Turning around, Rainbow sees that she is alone in the hallway.

“…Who the buck was I talking to?” she says turning her head left and right. “Was…was that my conscious…or a ghost?”

Once again another off kilter key is hit on the organ which sends a shiver up her spine!

“AGH! Applejack! Where’d You Go?!” she shrieks as she runs off.

Down below, Pinkie facehooves. “No, no, that was two wrong keys in a row Daring!”

“I’m sorry! I’m better with stringed instruments!” the adventurer huffs as the Pink Pony takes over the keys again.

At the same time, a lost and confused Rarity cries out in fear as a tied up Ahuizotl lands in front of her.


“Oh, hola Ms. Can you please unt-“

“AAAAHHHH!!!” Rarity shrieks as she runs off.

“…Well buck you too!”

Applejack, after falling through her trap, has accidentally bumped Greta into a pile of armor, and when she rises out of it, all Applejack sees is a living suit of armor with large talons.

“YAAAAAHHHH!!!” she yelps and runs off.

“What?! What is that?! What hit me?!” Greta stammers, blind with the helmet on.

Spike, meanwhile, is stuck in a dark room and hyperventilates.

“Twilight! Twilight!” he shouts to no avail as he runs in a random direction…right into a blue scaly mass.

“Hey! Watch it!” Ember grunts as she looks down to the smaller dragon and her eyes widen, as does his.

“You’re…a dragon,” Spike gasps.

“Oh hey, look at that,” she snarks as she looks over her claw. “Listen little guy, is this your Dad’s home or something? Because there’s weird music and skittish ponies running all around it.”

“Huh?” Spike questions.

Elsewhere, Grandbuggy finally comes out of his stupor by the repeated slaps of tiny metallic paws.

“We all going to the supermarket ya’ll!” he cheers as he sits up before getting his bearings. “Huh?”

“Skreonk,” Mangle barks, her eyes glowing in the dark.

“Yagh! Don’t do that ya dang mechanical nightmare!” he grunts as he looks at his surroundings, seeing many smashed debris. “…I can’t believe I fell for that trap AGAIN! It’s been like a thousand years!”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As he tries to stand up though, he winces as there is a pain in his back.

“Oh…I’m gonna feel that one in the morning,” he grunts as he takes off his hat and reaches inside. “Gonna need a masseuse to get that knot out.” He then pulls out a nice looking cane and leans on it and sighs.

“Alright ya mangy mutt, you find any books or pieces of armor?” Mangle just shakes her head and shrugs. “Figured as much,” he grunts and starts walking again.

“And now I’m the one with the dog. Good one Lady Luck, you jealous hussy, very funny. I bet those stupid kids are laughing right now and not even knowing why,” he grumbles as he taps his way down the corridor. “And hey machine, is it just me, or do you hear music?”

Back With You

You blink your eyes and shake your head as you look at your surroundings, the organ music haunting the atmosphere.

“…Okay, I’m starting to suspect that my place of birth is haunted,” you grunt as you sit up. You find yourself in what can only be described as a throne room. There are old tapestries upon the walls, and two crumbled thrones at the top of some stairs in front of a large stain glass window.

For some reason though, you find yourself drawn to a dais, that has been cracked in half. A memory of a memory in a half remembered dream seems to wash over you as a strange feeling of déjà vu hits. You’ve never been here…but something in your gut tells you this place is significant.

“Is…is this where the stork dropped me off?” you wonder aloud, even though a part of you knows that’s not the case. As you reach the dais, you put your hoof out to touch it but pause as an echo of a voice resounds in your head.

Did you really think I would stand idly by as they all basked in your precious light? There can be only one princess in Equestria and that princess...will be ME!!!!!!” You gasp as you reach your hoof back and look around you.

The voice at first sounded like Luna’s but then towards the end, it started to sound like…

“Mommy?” you say aloud to the room just as the organ music stops playing. The world feels, ominous and empty as noling answers you. You back away from the dais, your shards glowing as your fear starts to get the better of you.

“Em-Ember?!” you call out for your friend, but she does not answer either. “Grandbuggy was right, splitting up was stupid!” you declare as you make you start to pant.

Ugh! Get a grip filly! You’ve been in scarier situations! You mentally berate yourself.

“Yeah! But at least I was with someling! I don’t even have Mangle on me!” you panic and look around.

The Night will last forever!!!” the voice echoes in your mind, and you are suddenly hit with an image of Princess Celestia’s fearful face as your POV lifts up and the moon eclipses the sun. You gasp as the princess disappears and you are hit with an image of your friends and family beaten and broken at your hooves, as you stand above them, fully grown, with the Alicorn Amulet reforged around your neck.

“I don’t want to be alone right now!” you shriek as you shut your eyes and hold the sides of your head.

As you say that, your shards glow a bit more and a figure bubbles it’s way out of the darkness. Turning towards it, you see the Imp with the commando helmet on as his eyes glow in the shadows.

“You rang mistress?” he warbles as he gives a toothy grin.

“I…I didn’t mean too,” you admit as you start to get your breathing under control and that horrible image out of your head.

“Very well then, I shall leave you be,” he bows and starts to melt back into the floor.

“WAIT!” you call out and he pauses. “Don’t…don’t go…please?”

“As you wish mistress,” he salutes and solidifies once more.

“Thank you,” you nod as you look his garish form over. “By the way, I know I probably should have asked this earlier, but what’s your name?”

“I have no name mistress,” he answers.


“I have no name, just as the other shades do not,” he says simply.

“But why not? Didn’t your parents give you one?” you inquire.

“We have no parents, for we were never born,” he says in his weird accent.

“What does that mean?” you ask in confusion.

“We the shades are not alive, we are the absence of light. We are only given sentience when the Mistress deems it so. Until you call, we are just the shadows of this world,” he says as he scratches under his helmet.

“Wha…but…If you’re not real then why do you look the way you do?” you ask and he smirks.

“We are the way you wish us to look Mistress. In this case, we look like video game, anime and comic characters for you, because that is what your subconscious deemed us so.”

“Wait…so you’re basically pieces of my mind then?”

“Something like that,” he nods and you start to get a headache.

“Oh this is so confusing…Okay so, the shadows are kind of like the bag for you right?”

“Not really, but if you want to make parallels like that you can,” he nods.
“Alright, I think? But yeah, so I let you out of the bag, and you can experience the outside world?”

“Only however you command it Mistress,” he smirks and you rub your temple.

“Nevermind, I’ll have Ahuizotl or Grandbuggy help me figure this one out. “Look, can you just stick by my side while I look for my Mommy’s armor? Something about this place feels like it has bad memories.”

“As you command Mistress,” he bows and hops to your side with weird jerky motions.

“Also, these other shades of mine, you command them right?”

“Only because you gave me that role,” he answers.

“Right…so can, you like send them out to look for pieces of my mom’s old armor? You know what it looks like right?”

“Indeed I do. You dressed in it two Nightmare Night’s ago. The helmet really worked with your mane” he reminds and you purse your lips.

“Oh right, the musical number. It wasn’t my idea, but Mayor Mare talked me into it because of my fur coloring,” you explain and he nods, despite already knowing this. “But yeah, go ahead and have the shades look for pieces…”

An idea then comes to you and you smirk evily.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“And you know what? If they come across my friends up there, tell them to spook them a bit as a good prank. This place could use some fun.”

“Done and done mistress!” he salutes giving his own wicked grin and you giggle, causing your shards to dim.

“Thanks…Imp,” you say patting him on the helmet and he gives a closed eyed pleased smile.

You know, I should really give you a name. Even if you are just a shadow that my subconscious gives life every now and again. You think as you walk out the door with him and the organ music starts again.

At least someone’s with me in this creepy place. I may have been born here, but it also holds bad memories for mom…

And as you continue your search, you unleash your prankster minions into the castle full of unsuspecting friends and family and everyone else in between.


Author's Note:

It’s all in good fun :twilightsmile:

Hey Hive-Mind,

Happy Halloween! I told you we’d synch this chapter up with it. So yeah, in an episode built on shenanigans and misunderstandings, let’s add even more with our Outcasts and shadow servants. Give me the haunted house experience.

To those going out tonight with younger family, or just handing out candy, be safe and have fun tonight. And for everyone else, see you in shopping aisles for 50% off candy :pinkiehappy:

Now, I know we haven’t had one in awhile, but let’s have a good old fashioned question poll.

What should Nightshade name the Imp?

His appearance and mannerisms are based on the Imps from The Darkness Video Games, so hopefully that gives you some ideas.

Have fun, and I’ll see you next chapter,

Brown Dog.

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