• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,777 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 63: Thrill Me!

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Alright, how about Bob?” you ask the Imp as you climb a set of stairs.

“Bob?” he asks as he keeps in step with you.

“Yeah, short for the mythological Belz of Bub…I think that’s how you spell that name anyway.”

“Whatever you wish mistress,” he shrugs.

“Oh, oh, or you could be like that main character from that video game I based you on. Jackie I think that stallion’s name was.”

“Whatever you wish mistress,” he repeats.

“Hmmm, Bob and Jackie might be too common sounding though…Maybe we could do a theme since you’re a part of me like…Night Shadows,” you throw out.

“Whatever you wish mistress,” he repeats.

“Although Night Shadows sounds like one of my aliases,” you realize before you start to philosophize. “Let’s see, you come from the darkness, and the darkness is an absence of light, and you said you are nothing until you are called forth, so how about Void?”

“Whatever you wish mistress,” he responds.

“…Really? Not going to compliment me on sounding smart and having a deep brain blast using words and concepts that Sweetie Belle would be proud of?” you snark.

“You are always smart to me mistress,” he shrugs.

“Heh, yeah I guess I am,” you smirk before you tap your chin. “But maybe that was too much smartness. Maybe we need to dumb it down like…Uhh…Dark Imp?” To that he raises an eyebrow and you chuckle and rub the back of your neck.

“Okay, maybe that was a little too simple.”

“Whatever you-“

“Ugh, stop saying that you sound like a broken record,” you complain as you reach the top of the stairs, and you once more hear that organ music that fills the castle halls.

“Seriously, who’s playing that?” you ask aloud. The imp’s eyes glaze over for a second before he reports back to you,

“It appears to be an adventurer and a fool mistress.”

“An adventurer and a fool?” you ask and he nods before you jump to the obvious conclusion.

Ah, Ahuizotl and Garble. Grandbuggy must have sent the scale head to him after he woke up as a joke.

You smirk at the image of those two playing some ancient piano thing.

“Alright, those two are tough so tell the others to go all out on pranking them,” you instruct and he salutes.

“Yes ma’am!”

Kichi’s Comment

On another floor of the castle, Spike still looks at Ember in surprise and intrigue.

“Wait a second, you have blue scales…are you Princess Ember?” he asks in awe.

“Oh sure, don’t answer my question,” she rolls her eyes and puts her claws on her hips. “Yeah I’m Ember.”

“Oh wow! Nightshade told me all about you!” he says giddily as he holds his claw out for a shake. “My name is Spike, nice to meet you.” Ember looks at his outstretched claw and his big goofy smile.

“Uh….right,” she says hesitantly as she lightly bops his claw. “I’ve heard about you too.”

“Really? Like what? You haven’t heard bad things have you?” he stammers and she takes a step back.

“Whoa, easy there kid. I’ve heard about how great you are and how the sun basically shines off of you all the time and other cutesy stuff,” she all but gags while his eyes sparkle at the news.

“Really?” he gasps.

“Yeah…look no offense or anything, but I’m kind of busy right now so…” she points behind her and starts walking away.

"Wait!" he calls out and she turns back to him as he wrings his claws nervously. "I... Could you tell me about you?"

"About me? Why?" she asks in surprise.

"Well, the thing is, I don't know much about other dragons... aside from Garble and his friends," he says with a frown.

“Oh yeah, dude, not the best example those idiots,” she claw waves getting a chuckle out of the younger drake.

“I know right?” he laughs and she smirks. “But yeah, Nightshade told me how you were nicer than them and all…”

“I’m not nice!” she says defensively and Spike holds his claws up in a placating gesture.

“Um…I meant, you were more agreeable than them…so yeah, I wanted to learn more about someone like you.”

“I don’t know, can’t we do this later? I’m kind of looking for something and mamby pamby ponies are screaming at me in the dark and-“

“There’s ponies screaming at you…here?” he asks in confusion.

“Yeah, that Butterfly or whatever her name is,” she nods.

“Fluttershy?” Spike asks incredulously. “What the hay is she doing here?”

“Ya got me,” she shrugs.

“Huh…well, what if I help you find whatever it is you’re looking for. Nightshade told me everything,” he suggests.

“…Sure, why not?” she shrugs and starts walking. “But don’t blame me if you fall through a wall or the floor, this place is nuts.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” she shivers and looks around as he follows her. “Sooooo, about dragons….?”

She sighs and faceclaws, “Oh boy, this is going to be stressful.”

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Further in the castle, Daring rolls her eyes as Pinkie plays yet another tune.

“Listen Pinkie Pie, I appreciate the gesture and everything, but I’d rather be exploring ancient ruins for treasure than making music.”

“Okie dokie, I understand,” Pinkie nods, not looking up from the keys. “Hey, maybe you’ll run into Applejack and Rainbow Dash. I know they were doing a competition because of their insecurities and broken heartedness, maybe you could pretend to be a ghost and give them a good scare?”

“…Yeah, the last thing I want is to be pranking that Rainbow Dash, then she’d think we were chummy or something,” Daring shudders. “I mean, my house and all my unfinished work was blown up, and yet she still kept asking me for writing updates, ugh!”

“Well she is your number one fan,” Pinkie points out.

“Yeah I guess,” she sighs. “Still better than the fans that just complain all the time about my newer stuff, but still…” She trails off as her eyes widen as her eyes fall on the lengthening shadows behind the Pink mare.

“P-P-P-P,” she starts stuttering as the shadows seemingly solidify and yellow eyes and pure white teeth manifest.

“Oooh, that’s a good beat there Daring. P-P-P-PARTY! WOO!” Pinkie cheers obliviously as she changes up her tune to match the stutter.

“Apaghaflagnagahaba!” Daring gasps in terror and starts patting at Pinkie’s shoulder, trying to get her to look at the countless monstrous beings.

“Heh heh heh, quit it, that tickles, and you’re making me play out of synch,” she giggles as the creatures close in.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!” Daring screams as she gives up on Pinkie and flies down a hallway.

“No, no, It’s OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH, if you’re pretending to be a ghost!” she calls back, still not seeing the shadows around her. A few of the minions look at each other flabbergasted at the mare’s seeming lack of peripheral vision as she continues to play.

Meanwhile, Ahuizotl finally is able to mostly untangle himself from his binds.

“There we go,” he muses and holds the rope up in front of his face. “Ah, quality hemp if it’s still sturdy after a mileni-“


“WAGH!” Ahuizotl cries out as a screaming brown and grey form slams into him, sending both tumbling backwards like a tumbleweed, before coming to rest, tangled together in the rope.

“Oh Dios Mio! Really? I just got the last knot out!” Ahuizotl complains as he shakes his head from the dizziness and looks to the smaller figure on his chest and his eyes widen.

“Uuuugh, sorry. I was fleeing from these shadowy…” Daring starts to say as her own eyes clear and her jaw drops.

“Daring Do?” he sputters.

“Ahuizotl?” she gasps.

“What are you doing here?” they both ask at the same time, before both their eyes narrow and they say, “I asked you first! No I did! Stop copying me! Get off of me!”

The then both try to sit up, only to fall back down. Looking at their situation a little more clearly, they find that they are entangled, chest to chest and face to face. They both blush in embarrassment at that momentarily and look away.

“What is with you and tying me up?!” she accuses.

“I didn’t plan this! I didn’t even know you were here!” he balks and his eyes narrow.

“A likely story! Your little changeling friend blew up my house, and now I find you coincidentally in a ruin not too far away from where I’ve been crashing?! Are you stalking me?!”

“Do not degrade my character like that! Oh wait, you already have A.K. Yearling!” he growls.

“Oh will you put a sock in it already?! You’ve tied me up and thrown me into countless death traps over the years!” she grunts.

“Yes, because that was our thing! It was our fun little dance, and you made me out as a sadist and monster because of it!”

“Th-They weren’t fun!” she stutters as she looks away.

“Oh? Then why did you keep falling into them? You know they weren’t really REAL death traps. I gave you all those hints and clues to get out!”

“Well that doesn’t make for a compelling narrative!” she shouts.

“I still want my money then!” he growls as he butts his head against hers.

“Yeah, well you’ll just have to keep waiting because a lot of it’s going into getting a new home!” she butts back.

“Oh like you don’t have millions and millions of bits!”

“I give most of my earnings to charity and museums!” she counters.

“You hurt my feelings Daring!” he shouts.

“Yeah, well you…wait, what?” she falters as she looks at the hurt on his face.

“You hurt me when I found out you were A.K. Yearling…” he admits, remembering his talk with the Rainbow haired mare earlier. Seeing the change in tone, Daring is thrown for a loop.

“…Ahuizotl, I-“

“It hurt knowing that it was actually you that wrote those things about me. You who I…” he trails off.

“I…look Ahuizotl, I didn’t mean to…” she falters as he actually does make her feel guilty. “I just…”

“You just what Da-“ he stops as he notices her wide fearful eyes looking back the way she came.

“Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck! They’re still coming!” she whimpers and Ahuizotl looks up seeing some nearly imperceptible figures in the dark and he pales.

“Wh-What are those?” he asks, not clearly seeing the figures he saw from Rainbow Falls.

“Spirits or demons or poltergeists or whatever!” Daring pants and starts rocking back and forth. “They already ate that Pink mare, so we have to get out of here!”

“R-Right!” he nods as they both work together and keep rolling down the hallway away from the very amused minions.

“Keep rolling, rolling, rolling!” she commands.

“What?” he asks as he rolls on top of her followed by her getting on top of him.

“I said keep ro-Wha!”

“AGH!” they shout as a trap door opens underneath them.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Further up in the Castle, Twilight flips a page in the journal and giggles.

“Heh, it seems that Starswirl the Bearded once accidentally made himself young, and had to grow old once more. I always wondered how he could have lived for so long,” she says to herself before she feels a tug on her hoof.

“Huh? What is it Angel?” she asks the rabbit who is frantically pulling at her and pointing under one of the library tables. She looks under and thinks she sees Spike snoring on his belly underneath, his face in a bowl of carrots.

“What? Does he have a stomachache?” she guesses and the bunny grabs at his ears in frustration before grabbing her book and throwing it at “Spike.”

“Hey! There’s no need for that Angel!” she scolds the rabbit as she starts walking towards the book. “Just you wait, I’ll tell Fluttershy about how you’ve…” she trails off as she sees how Spike has seemingly grown wings and turned red and gold.

“Hyah! Spike! What happened to you? Why are you red?! When did you get wings?!” she gasps in wonder.

“Gah? Wha?” Garble responds drunkenly and looks up at Twilight who gasps again.

“And your eye color has changed too?!” she responds in bafflement before shooting a desperate look to Fluttershy’s pet.

“Angel! What happened to Spike?” The bewildered bunny just shrugs and shakes his head before his eyes widen and he looks fearfully behind Twilight.

“What? What is…” her question dies on her lips as she sees the shadowy figures melting out of the books.

“AAGGH! Nightmare Moon’s minions from Rainbow Falls!” she yelps as she takes a defensive stance. Hearing that, Angel books it out of there, leaving the Alicorn and Dragon behind. “What did you do to my baby dragon?!” she shouts.

The shadows in response start dumping all of the books onto the ground trollishly and Twilight snarls in anger.

“Oh you monsters! Stop that!” she orders, but they don’t listen. As they continue to annoy her, she picks up Garble with her magic and plants him on her back.

“Don’t worry Spike, I’ll protect you. Whatever they did to make your scales change, I will fix!” she says soothingly to the dragon who looks at her in a daze.

“Huh? Mom?” he asks and Twilight’s heart skips a beat.

“I mean, more like sister right? Heh heh…” she chuckles happily before snarling back at the shadows. “Now you listen hear you cretins! If your dark mistress is here then she’s a fool! The Tree of Harmony will destroy her and save the Hooded Offender! And she will change Spike back!”

She then starts blasting at the shadows while Garble holds onto her in a daze.

I have no idea what’s going on…but this blanket is so soft and comfy… he thinks with a goofy grin as he snuggles into Twilight’s back and sleeps once more.

“Nightmare Moon! If you’re here come out and face me you coward!” Twilight roars as she blasts one of the minions back into lifeless shadow.

Kichi’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Commnet

Back with you, you swear you feel rumblings in the stone as your imp chuckles.

“We gots a feisty one, heh heh,” he says to you with a toothy grin.

Probably Grandbuggy not taking a joke, you roll your eyes as you feel another rumble and some dust lands on your mane. Brushing it off, you are about to ask to the imp to lay off the old bug, when that strange feeling of Déjà vu washes over you again.

“I think there’s something in the room ahead,” you say to the imp who perks up. He gets that distant look in his eye and he smiles again.

“There is something there,” he confirms. Nodding, you trepidly walk ahead because just like in the throne room, this weird dream of a memory has a fearful feeling to it.

Pushing open the door, you enter into a large room, with a damaged roof that lets in the moonlight.

“Dang, I guess we’ve been in here longer than we thought,” you muse as you look to an ornate pedestal, and your shards pulse at the sight. Even though they haven’t rested there in well over four years, you can still feel the residual Harmony magic pulsing from the pedestal.

“This…this is where it happened,” you say as you look to a far corner of the room where a hole has been blasted. “This is where the Deadly 6 separated Mommy and Luna…and almost killed her.”

You woefully and begrudgingly follow the massive scorch mark that lines the ground, and a cold sweat breaks out on your brow. The imp places a comforting claw on your back, and with that you are able to grit your teeth and gulp as you go forth to the blasted out crater.

“Nooooooooo!!!” you hear your mother’s phantom cries and the impression of intense burning crawls over your body as you look inside. Nothing but rubble and ash greets your eyes.

“Do not cry mistress, the past is what it is,” the imp pats your shoulder. You didn’t even know you were crying, but sure enough, your hoof gets wet when you bring it up to your cheeks.

“I…I know, but still, this is such a sad place,” you sniffle as you look down at the crater, the real deal, not the replica you wore during that musical number on Nightmare Night. “Sure she wanted to rule and make the night last forever…but everyone seems to forget that Mom only came about because of Luna.”

The Imp says nothing so you continue.

“She didn’t feel loved or appreciated, and then my Mommy came around. They may have been misguided, but they were there for each other, even after getting sent to the moon…And then the Deadly 6 formed, blasted them, and Mom was left abandoned…left to die.”

No one has ever explained this to you in this way, but standing at ground zero, you instinctively know this as the truth.

“If Daddy hadn’t shown up then…” you start, but don’t finish. You dread to think about that kind of world. A world without you and your family.

“But your sire did show up mistress, he did,” the imp consoles and you give small sad smile.

“Yeah…he did…” you say as you hear another phantom memory.

“This is my meat shield! There are many like it, but this one is mine!”

“I will create a book fort with all these ancient tomes!”

“Hmmm, should I grab that armor? I think…Yes!”

You smirk as a sense of hope and comfort washes over the sadness, and how strange it is that buffoonery could lead to a second chance. You sigh and look over to the Imp.

“There’s nothing here. I didn’t realize it until just now, but Daddy took Mommy’s armor from this crater and put it in the inventory…this is just where they found each other,” you say softly.

Your first real non hazy memory was popping out of the Inventory and greeting your Dad. You were so happy and excited to finally meet him, and he passed out from the shock. You wrote him a letter to let him know you’d be sleeping in the bag. Until just now, you’d never really thought of what you looked like when you greeted him. Now that you have, you recall there being a set of small armor on you that was a replica of your mommy’s. But that armor disappeared as your lives progressed. It probably was just a cosmetic piece made with your changeling magic. But as for your Mom’s actual armor, you never saw it, almost as though it had been dissolved.

“You’re wrong mistress, there is still something there,” the imp disagrees, knocking you out of your reflection as he hops into the crater and starts digging. “Aha!”

“What? What is it?” you ask as he hands you a fragmented piece of light blue metal no bigger than a bit and you gasp. “This…this is a piece of her cutie mark crest from her breastplate.”

It seems your dad didn’t pick up all of the armor, just the important parts with your mom inside. You smile, close your eyes and hold the piece to your heart, which actually gets the glowing shards to die down.

“Heh, it’s all because Daddy’s not very thorough that I found this…and it’s also why Mommy will get a body.”

You smile again and look at the shiny piece of metal with happiness before putting it into your inventory.


Piece of Nightmare Moon Armor

“We have completed our mission mistress. Do you wish us to return to the darkness?” the imp asks causing you to smirk at him.

“Nah, not yet. Make sure everyone’s been spooked enough, and then I’ll call you all back,” you say patting his head.

“As you command,” he bows. You are about to head out and search for Grandbuggy…


When suddenly, a large crashing sound is heard from a room down the hallway you came from.

“EEP! What was that?” you ask and begin walking towards the commotion.

Moments Ago

“What do you mean you don’t like rocks? Nightshade said they were your favorites?”

“Well I don’t know what she’s been smoking, but rocks are bland! Of course I love gems!”

Spike continues to pester the older dragon for any and all information.

“Huh…wonder why she would tell me that then?” he ponders to himself.

“I got no clue,” Ember shrugs. “But yeah, if you’ve got a stash of gems, I’ll partake when we get back to town.

“Yeah, maybe I should just bring some by the farm. Twilight’s been reluctant to allow another dragon in the house after Crackle.”

“Oh right, I heard she was here. Garble wouldn’t shut up about it,” she rolls her eyes. “I guess I missed her. She was always one of the ones who treated me like a dragon and not a princess.”

“…I wish I could say the same, but I honestly don’t miss her now that she’s moved out,” Spike admits bluntly and Ember smirks.

“Heh, knew there had to be some actual dragonisms in ya,” she says with pride and Spike blushes in embarrassment.

“She ate a lot of my snacks without permission…Ahem, but anyway, how does one grow up faster without being greedy?”

“Wait, you had a greed growth?” she asks in surprise.


“How bad?”

“I…kind of wrecked a few houses and a water tower,” he admits.

“Dang little guy,” she whistles. “Hasn’t been one that bad since when my Dad was little. Didn’t your parents help out with that?”

“I…don’t have parents,” he admits and Ember raises a brow.

“Wait for real? I thought you were raised by ponies?”

“Well, yeah I was,” he nods.

“And a pony hatched you?”

“Yeah, Twilight…but she was a little filly when that happened and we kind of grew up together…it’s complicated,” he sighs.

“Sounds like it,” she nods. “I mean, you were raised by a little kid?”

“Uh, no, there was also Twilight’s parents Night Light and Velvet, but I was never adopted or anything. Princess Celestia also helped watch over me, but that doesn’t really count.”

“This is giving me a headache,” she rubs her temple.

“I told you it was complicated,” he points out.

“Yeah, but…you don’t see this Twibright as your mom even though she hatched you?”

“Not really,” he admits. “I mean, she’s never really acted like a real mom.”

“…And what exactly constitutes a real mom to you?” she inquires.

“Huh?” he asks before he thinks for a moment. “Well a mom is someone who takes care of you, who loves you tucks you in at night and-

“Bfaaaahahahahaha,” Ember starts to laugh which startles Spike. “Oh man, ha, y-you think hahahaha!”

“Hey! Quit laughing at me just because I don’t have a real dragon mom like you!” he shoots back in aggravation.

“Heh heh, you actually think that dragons are touchy feely about emotions like that? That they’re gonna pamper you like a pony would?”


“Ever heard of a thing called tough love? That’s what dragons get. Even my smothering parents didn’t go light on me,” she tells him plainly.

“Well I-“

“And don’t get me started on how dumb they can get. My dad actually sold me off for a bet! Sure my mom kicked his butt, but here I still am, technically owned by that stupid old bug.”


“And beds oh the beds! Have you seen the size dragons get when they're older!? It actually takes a conscious effort just to avoid squishing their kids and you think-

“ALL RIGHT I GET IT!” Spike shouts, cutting her off. “Dragon parents are just as terrible as Garble and his friends, I get it.”

Ember pauses at that as she sees the hurt and disappointed look on his face.

“I mean…not all are-“

“Thanks for letting me know. Hearing it from you just confirms my suspicions,” he sighs.

“…You, uh, you don’t look very thankful,” she says trepidly as he looks down.

“I guess I’m disappointed. I just thought, you know, knowing about older dragons would help me find I don't know... Who I am? Does that make sense?”

Ember feels a twinge of guilt in her gut as she sighs and places her claw on his shoulder.

“Listen Spike, I was just messing around with ya. I am a dragon after all.”

“But you just said-“

“I know what I said, and I may have been being a bit jerky there…but like you said, I’m nicer than other dragons. As bad as my folks could get, they still raised me, and it wasn’t all terrible.”

He looks incredulously at her before she sighs.

“Look, we’re not our parents, even if they do shape our lives. My folks got flaws, but they’re still great, and I guarantee you, you’re as you are now because of your pony parents.”

“But I don’t…” he trails off.

“Yeah you do. Look kid, a parent doesn’t always have to be the one who hatched you, but so long as you’ve got a strong connection with someone, you’ve got a parent,” she says with conviction.

“I…Huh…” he says as he reflects on this.

“And hey, Dragons may not be big on friends, but we’ve got connections and weak namby pamby parts too. Look at Garble for instance, I heard from Nightshade that he plays the Bongos even though he does the whole tough guy act.”

“He Does?!” Spike asks in shock. “Garble? Red and Yellow jerky Garble?”

“That’s the one,” she smirks.

“I…wow…” he says in awe. “How the heck did that even happen?”

“I got no clue,” she shrugs. “Shade said something about a hippie preserve or something, but I wasn’t really listening. The point is kid, don’t put too much stock into some unknowable past, and move forward with what you’ve already got. You’re a nice squirt, and judging how you view what a parent is, I’m sure you’ve already got someone like that in your life.”

“…I think I do,” he nods and smiles up at her. “Thanks Ember.”

“Anytime kid,” she pats his head.

“You know for a dragon that isn't 'touchy feely' you're really good at this stuff,” he says with a smirk.

“…Yeah, don’t go spreading that around,” she insists going back to her indifferent facade.

“Right…” he nods and scratches the back of his neck. “But anyway, what sorts of hobbies do you ha-“

Suddenly the floor beneath them gives out and they both fall onto a slide.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” they shout as the trapdoor reseals itself.

Down Below, Pinkie Pie screams as well.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” she shrieks with her back against all the keys, setting off a cacophony of traps in the castle. “What are you things?!”

The shadowy minions don’t answer her as the mare pants fearfully…until she abruptly stops and sits up from the keys.

“Oh wait a second, you’re those little shadow servants that Nightshade can summon right?” she asks, no longer afraid. The shadows look at each other, not expecting this turn and Pinkie giggles. “Well good job on the little prank there, you got me.”

She then starts laughing to herself for a few more seconds as the spirits shrug and start to move on.

“Wait! Don’t go yet!” They stop and look to her. “We’ve got a great opportunity here if you’re up for it?”

The shadows look to her blankly, but they gesture with their tendrils for her to continue with her pitch and she smiles conspiratorially.

“Awesome! So…how good is your hoofwork?”

Back to Now

You walk towards the room that you heard the crash from, and you hear groaning and bickering.

"How the heck was that slide that big?! How could we have possibly fell for that long?!” grunts a voice that could only be Ember.

“Magic most likely,” another voice speaks up and your eyes sparkle. “I mean, Nightshade’s got a saddle bag that’s bigger on the inside than the outside, so anything’s possible.

“Okay, better question, why do ponies have all of this junk in their castles?!”

“I don’t know. There aren’t any at Canterlot Castle, but Twilight did say something earlier about the Princesses designing this when they were young so…”

“Bwah! This is so dumb. At least we landed on something soft…speaking of which, you mind getting off me?” you hear her ask, sounding embarrassed and you raise a brow.

“Uh…yeah, sorry,” he apologizes sounding just as embarrassed. Wondering what that’s all about you start to open the door.

What in the heck is going on in-WHAT THE BUCK?! Your eyes widen as you see a most horrific sight. Spike, lying belly to belly with Ember on a bed as he crawls off of her.

“Thanks, and if you say anything about this, I will skin your hide and use it as a towel for Garble, capiche?”

“Yeah, no problem, I-“

“YOU!” you shout, your shards glowing red, startling both of them.

“Nightshade?” Spike asks but you seethe as you look at the blue dragon.

“Hey Shade, uh, what’s with the l-“

“SILENCE HUSSY!!!” you shout as you send a magic missile into the Princess who hits the wall behind her.

“AGH! What the Tartarus?!” she growls.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“I Said Silence Tramp!” you shout back and she winces.

“Nightshade what are you-“ Spike starts to ask in shock before you silence him by grabbing him around the neck and bringing him against you.

“I told you to back off from what’s mine!” you snarl at the two faced she dragon who holds her claws up defensively.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I wasn’t trying nothing! We just fell that way and-“

“A likely story!” you dismiss her. “I know all your tricks, just like Tacky McStabFlank! Well if you thought you could snatch him away for yourself, you’re dead wr-“

“Mistress?” you imp asks.

“WHAT?!” you snarl, but he doesn’t recoil.

“The purple dragon is turning blue,” he points out. You look to Spike in your protective bear hug and you see that you’ve been keeping him from breathing and your eyes widen.

“Oh No! Spike!” you shout in fear and let go of him.

“Bwaaaaggghhh!!!” he gasps as his lungs fill with air and he starts panting. Your concern over him causes your shards to unglow once more.

“Oh my gosh, I am sooooo sorry!” you apologize profusely.

“No *pant* problem,” he says as his scales return to their regular color.

“Yeesh, you accuse me of stuff and here you are hurting him,” Ember harrumphs and you look at her guiltily.

“Ember…I’m sorry I just…” you start to apologize, feeling like a bully again.

“Yeah yeah, I know, your amulet and all that,” she claw waves. “But yeah, nothing happened!”

“Yeah, we just fell, she wasn’t trying to kidnap me or anything,” Spike says.

“Right…kidnapping….totally what I thought she was doing to you,” you say with shifty eyes and Ember faceclaws.

“Yeah amazing. Can we just find the stupid thing and get out of this place? It’s really starting to get on my nerves,” she grunts.

“Oh, I already found that thanks to my buddy here,” you point to the imp.

“Yo,” he waves and Spike backs up a bit.


“Oh don’t worry, he’s the leader of my minions. I’ve been trying to think up a good name for him.”

“I see…” he says as he looks at the monster in fascination. Ember, who has seen the little devil before just rolls her eyes.

“Alright then, let’s find the old bug and get out of here,” she says.

“Good idea,” you nod before a thought comes to you. “Wait a second, Spike, why are you even here?”

“Oh, right,” he bonks his forehead. “Twilight and I came here because she wanted to look at the old library for more info on…well, your mom.”

“Of course,” you let out a sigh. “And did she find it?”

“Not really, but we did find a hidden reading room with an old journal, and then Angel Bunny showed up, and then the organ music started and I fell through the wall…”

“Which has happened to me far too many times this night,” Ember complains.

“Right, well if Ms. Twilight’s here then let’s slip out before she notices us and…” your eyes widen. “Oh Crap!”

“What?” Spike asks but you turn to the imp.

“Did you send the others to prank her as well?!”

“Yes mistress. Per your orders, they are spooking everyone in the castle.”

“Buck! That’s what that rumbling from before was!” you pull at your mane.

“Okay, new plan, we pull back the minions and…” you pause as the organ music is replaced by something a little hipper.

“Nightshade?” Spike asks nervously and you look back to him.

“Uh…I know this sounds weird but, do you guys have the sudden urge to dance?”

“Now that you mention it…” Spike says as his foot starts tapping.

“Wh-What is this?” Ember asks fearfully as her feet start moving of their own accord.

“Uh Oh, someone’s started a musical number!” you say as you feel compelled to dance throughout the castle.

“Hmm, it seems as though the others are entranced as well,” the Imp adds as he starts waving his arms around.

“So…we gotta dance with each other?” Ember asks confused.

“Well actually,” Spike starts but you cut him off.

“I’m dancing with Spike, you just follow and keep up!” you order and she gulps and nods as the three of you move out of the hallway.

Down Below, Pinkie Pie has ditched the cloak for a red sparkly jacket, and a boom box plays the tune as she dances amazingly to the delight of the minions.

“Keep up with me if you can ghosties,” she giggles before she starts to launch into song.

It's close to midnight
Something evil's lurking from the dark.”

She sings as the minions fall into step with her movements.

“Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart.”

Applejack accidentally runs into Greta in the dark and only sees her avian eyes.

“You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it”

Rainbow Dash is spooked by Angel’s hopping shadow and shudders in fear.

“You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between your eyes
You're paralyzed”

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!!” Applejack and Rainbow shriek as they run in opposite directions and Greta falls down some stairs as Pinkie choreograph dances with the minions.

“'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
And no one's gonna save you
From the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller
Thriller night
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer thriller tonight, yeah,”

She and the minions then exit the pipe organ room and dance down the hall

I'm gonna bring it tonight.”

Grandbuggy hears the commotion with Mangle on his back, before a Fluttershy bursts through a door, striking him in the face as she runs out.

You hear the door slam
And realize there's nowhere left to run.”

Rarity, in the dark bumps into the still tangled up Daring Do and Ahuizotl and shrieks.

“You feel the cold hand
And wonder if you'll ever see the sun.”

Twilight stares down the now dancing minions as she exits into a hallway and prepares a larger spell.

“You close your eyes
And hope that this is just imagination,”

Rarity pushes the tied up duo away from her and they fall into a hallway behind Fluttershy who stops and stares behind her.

“Girl, but all the while
You hear a creature creeping up behind
You're out of time,”

She sees the silhouette of their tied up forms and the blood drains from her face as she runs.

“'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
And no one's gonna save you
From the beast about to strike.”

Rainbow and Applejack crash into each other as they enter the main entrance hall, but starting running again after Angel jumps onto Rainbow’s back.

“You know it's thriller
Thriller night
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer thriller tonight,”

Fluttershy and Rarity end up in the same hall as they all start running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

“Night creatures calling the dead start to walk in their masquerade,”
There’s no escaping the jaws of the alien this time,
They’re open wide, this is the end of your life,”

You, Ember and Spike come to a balcony and see the madness, even as you tap your hooves and feet.

What the buck? You mouth to your two confused companions as the shadows cut off the four panicking mares

“They’re out to get you
There’s demons closing in on every side
They will possess you
Unless you change that number on your dial,”

Pinkie sings as she puts her arms around all four of her friend’s shoulders.

“Now is the time
For you and I to cuddle close together.”

They look at her in abject fear and confusion as she stands them all up in a row.

“All through the night,
I’ll save you from the terror on the screen
I’ll make you see,”

And with a smile to the other mares, and almost as if it were practiced, they all start dancing with the minions.

“That this is thriller
Thriller night
And no one's gonna save you
From the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller
Thriller night
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer thriller tonight, yeah,”

You stare with your jaw dropped as Fluttershy, Rainbow, AJ, and McStabFlank all dance in synch where moments before they were shuddering, screaming messes. Spike and Ember fare no better in trying to comprehend this scene. You are joined on your view by a frazzled Grandbuggy, Mangle, Greta, and Ahuizotl with Daring Do tied to his chest as you all look flabbergasted at the scene

“'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
Girl I can thrill you more
Than any ghost would ever dare try,
Thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a,
Killer, Thriller

And suddenly the music cuts out and they all freeze frame as the minions all laugh in a deep unsettling tone in unison.



Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Suddenly, the hall is filled with a very bright explosive which dissipates your minions and momentarily blinds the ponies below.

“Everypony Stop! Now’s Not The Time To Dance!” Twilight shouts from the top of the stairs.

“Ah, come on Twilight, that was such an awesome end to a Michael Moonwalker classic,” Pinkie complains.

“We can sing and dance later! Nightmare Moon has launched an attack on us with her minions! Look what they did to Spike!” she yelps holding up the shrunken Garble.

“Spikey Wikey No!” Rarity shrieks as all the other Elements gasp in alarm.

“What the-Who’s that?” Spike sputters.

“Oh right, the idiot got himself shrunk from the tree,” Greta says and your eyes widen.

“It can do that?” you ask.

“Apparently,” Grandbuggy grunts.

“Well sure, but why does she think he’s me?” Spike sputters.

Before anyone can answer in your group though, Twilight continues.

“Yes! Now hurry! I damaged a lot of the infrastructure fighting these beasts! Either Nightmare Moon is far away or she’s playing with us!” Twilight declares.

You notice Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy exchange a look at that.

“Uh, sure sugar cube but-“ Applejack starts, only yelp as a chunk of ceiling falls next to her.

“OH NO! IT’S STARTING!” Twilight shrieks before she lights up her horn, enveloping all her friends and they disappear in a flash of light.

Another chunk of debris falls…but then all is silent. Your group just watch the now empty hall as headaches start to form and the Imp just casually melts into your shadow.

“…Did I just get replaced?” Spike asks in bewilderment.

“Nah, it’s more like a downgrade with that idiot,” Ember pats his shoulder while he thousand yard stares. You give her a quick glare and she immediately takes her claw off him, and you replace that comfort with your hoof.

“There there Spike, we’ll clear the whole Garble thing up with her soon,” you say.

“How?” he questions.

“Well…uh…” you look to the others and they shrug.

“We’ll figure it out in the morning, my head is killing me,” Grandbuggy rubs his temples.

“Yeah, good call,” Greta nods.

“Yeah alright, I’m sure Applejack will let you stay the night,” you say patting his shoulder again.

“Well, I guess that wouldn’t be too bad,” he shrugs.

“Yes…not to bad at all, and you’ll be staying in mine and Applebloom’s room FAR away from anyone else…” you say with a warning glare to Ember who just flinches.

“Yeah, let’s try to find this armor piece another day,” Grandbuggy exhales some cigar smoke as Mangle starts massaging his shoulders.

“Oh don’t worry about that, I found the armor piece,” you tell him and he sputters.

“Well hot dog filly, that’s all you had to say,” he says with a smile.

“Also Spike knows where the library is…which we can look at later I guess,” you say looking at how distressed everyone is.

“I concur, I am physically and emotionally drained,” Ahuizotl agrees with a slump of his shoulders.

“…I’m still tied up to you you know?” Daring Do speaks up and everyone looks at her tiredly. “I just…hi?”

“Seriously Ahz, what’s with you and rope?” Grandbuggy admonishes and the guardian beast facepalms.



You awaken with a splitting headache, much worse than the one you got after Flak Seed gave you those weird dried mushrooms and you ran around screaming you were a banana.

Groaning, you open your eyes and see that you are in some sort of wooden interior. Not only that, but you are lying on the softest thing you think you’ve ever slept on. As the bleariness clears from your vision, you see you are lying in some sort of basket like bed, with a very fluffy pillow under your neck.

“Where in the heck?” you mumble as you look around. You see a larger bed next to a window, and outside you see bright sunshine.

Okay, what happened? You ponder. I went into the woods with the others, I bit that shiny tree and then…Your eyes widen as you remember Greta’s laughter and look down at your body.

“AH COME ON!!!” you shout, realizing that that wasn’t a horrible nightmare, and that your body indeed has regressed back into a child.

“Spike! You’re awake!” a female voice says in relief and worry.

“Huh?” you sputter, and moments later, a purple pony with a horn and wings fills your view. Startled and confused, you sink yourself deeper into the bed and pull up the blanket on reflex.

“Oh Spike, it’s alright, you’re far from that castle now,” the pony says soothingly as she puts a hoof to your cheek.

“Spike?” you ask in confusion, knowing it’s the name of that pipsqueak that led to your banishment.

“Yes…don’t you remember your own name?” she gasps and her eyes widen.


“Oh no, this is bad,” she holds her face. “The scale color change and wing sprouting was bad enough, but this? Oh no, oh no. oh no.” She then starts panicking as she paces back and forth.

“Uh….” You trail off beyond confused. “Nightshade?!” you call out, hoping beyond hope that your rival has played a massive trick on you. This gets the purple pony’s attention and she snaps back to you.

“Yes! You don’t have amnesia! You remember Nightshade!” she says with a sigh of relief.

“Of course I do,” you grumble, thinking of the many times she has defeated you.

“Don’t worry Spike, I know she’s back in town…even if I haven’t seen her myself after that monster incident at Applejacks...” she says sounding a bit guilty. “But yeah, we’ll look into seeing her when you’re back to normal.”

“Back to normal?” you ask.

“When your scales change back. I’ve been researching through the night about this, and haven’t really found anything, but I’ll keep searching,” she says in determination.

“Uh, Twibright listen…” you start, but she interrupts you.

“And don’t worry, you can take today to relax. Look, here’s your favorite comic books, and here, have some ice cream, and some extra pillows” she says as she places said things into the basket with you. Your jaw drops as you look at all the comforts this mare is showering upon you, just because she thinks you’re the little chump that Nightshade’s obsessed with.

“Is there anything else I can get you Spike?” she asks earnestly and you stare at her curiously.

“Uh…can I get some gems?” you venture.

“Of course! You can have as many as you want,” she says happily before rubbing your head and rushing down the stairs to get them. She then teleports back in with a handful of them and drops them into the ice cream.

“There you go, just holler if you need any more okay?” she asks and you nod dumbly. She then takes a moment where she bites her lip and looks you over, before she goes in for a gentle hug which takes you by surprise.

“I’m going to fix this Spike. I’m sorry I took you to that castle when you were so scared, but I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” she says sounding on the verge of tears.

“Ummm…No problem Twi?” you say as you give her a pat on the back. She smiles and breaks the hug, looking at you with renewed hope.

“Everything’s going to be alright…Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta get back to my research,” she says before trotting back down stairs, leaving you alone once more.

“…You know, I have no idea what’s going on, but this ain’t so bad. No wonder that chump loved ponies so much,” you say as you snuggle into the comfy bed even more and take a bite of delicious gem filled ice cream. “Oh yeah, definitely need to bring this goodness back home.”

You briefly wonder where Nightshade, Greta, Princess Ember and the rest are…but for right now, you are on cloud 9 and decide to take advantage of the situation.

“When in Roam, right?” you shrug as you pick up one of the many comic books that got dumped on you. “Power Ponies huh? Sounds lame, but whatever,” you say as you begin to read. Unbeknownst to you, one of the issues in that stack is a little more special than the others.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

You shudder as you feel something stupid is about to happen.

“What is it?” asks Spike.

“I don’t know…Probably something whacky I’m sure,” you say as you continue to walk towards the library.

“Maybe it’s your subconscious realizing this is a dumb idea?” asks Ember who is still a bit miffed at you. “Garble and I look nothing alike, much less siblings.”

“Yeah, well Twilight doesn’t know that,” you roll your eyes. “It’s easier explaining that there was a switcheroo with another Princess’s little brother who were sleeping in that castle than tell her the truth, which we can’t.”

“Yeah, the last thing we need is Twilight learning that Garble tried to eat the Tree of Harmony,” Spike agrees.

“Okay, but why is the old guy here?” Ember asks pointing at Grandbuggy.

“Because I ain’t just about to let ya dang kids go waltzing inside the house of our most dangerous enemy and blowing our cover,” he rolls his eyes.

“Okay, but why is Greta coming along too?” she asks.

“Because the last thing I want is to be around that weird unresolved sexual tension going on between Ahuizotl and that adventurer mare,” the griffon shudders. You’d all left the two behind at the farm while Applejack and Zecora helped explain things to the tomb raider.

“I don’t know what that means, but yeah, it’s pretty awkward around them,” you agree.

“But how does a griffon fit into our story of me picking up my little brother?” Ember asks.

“I don’t know, a bodyguard? We’ll figure it out,” Grandbuggy shrugs.

“Skreonk,” Mangle adds with a nod from atop his back.

“Exactly,” he smirks and pats her.

As you keep walking though, you can’t help but remember that strange feeling.

I feel like Garble’s about to do something real stupid…more so than usual.


Author's Note:

Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t take advantage of that set up with lots of ice cream and comics?

Hey Hive Mind,

Well as you can tell from this chapter, I slip further and further into randomness and insanity every chapter, but it’s all for your benefit :twilightsmile:

Anyway, looks like Garble might set off another episode, but who else will be around for when that comic is read? Who will fill what role? Let me know.

Now, here’s the Straw Poll to vote for the name of the Imp. Voting will end in a week, so get your picks in, and thanks to those that suggested the names.


I’ll see you next chapter everyone,
Brown Dog.

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