• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,777 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 52: Let's Split Up and Search For Clues

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As you shudder at how obsessive poor Humie Twilight has gotten, you examine the evidence boards more closely.

You know, if you end up on her Vengeance board you will blend the two goals she has, Sombra points out and you eye twitches.

Thanks Zamboni, just what I wanted to think about in this mad scientist lab. Yet another Twilight wanting to hunt me down! You think in annoyance. Shaking your head you peer at the photos, and at first, you are alarmed as some of them have X’s through them. Oh Tartarus, did she go uber vengeance and take people out? You think with fear.

No, this is still the Magic board dummy, Selena says with a roll of her eyes.

Oh…right, you chuckle in embarrassment as you see that she’s right. Most of the X’d through photos even have notes scribbled on them. You see a picture of Fazbear’s Fright that’s been crossed out, with the word NO written on it, as well as the Canterlot Mall and a picture of Flulk with Questions Marks on it.

There’s also a picture of two girls, and from their attire you suspect they're pop stars of some kind. The words, Time Anomaly?? are written underneath them. Another picture shows another girl at a carnival fair. The words, Magical projections?, are written underneath her photo. You also see a picture that hits you in the gut as it shows a blue skinned girl with white hair, in a familiar hat and cape on stage with a wand with the words Real or Fake? On it.

Well, if Trixie is a stage magician in this world too, then I’m sure she’s got nothing to worry about, you think as you remember the real Trixie. I hope she’s still doing better back home.

Selena doesn’t say anything to this, but you know she gives a sympathetic nod, while Sombra just looks away. Coughing into your fist to distract you from sad thoughts, you look over more photos and do a double take as something catches your eye.

It’s a newspaper clipping of your double’s band, showing off Humbra with long flowing hair playing the drums, B2 in his cloak on guitar, and what looks like…

"Is that Humie You Selly?" You ask in confusion. The picture shows who you assume is Human Luna clad in a rock star version Selena’s old armor, and jamming out with the happiest expression you’ve ever seen on a human, other than human Pinkie. Humie Nightmare Moon even has draconic pupils like Selena does now, though you think those are probably contacts.

Selena says nothing as you stare at the picture, but you know she’s taking in the details just as much as you are. You both read the headline above the clipping.

The Wanted’s new hit single, The Nightmare in Me, hits all time high. The clipping has pins in it that lead to pictures of B2 in his janitor jumper, Humbra bald and yelling at a cloud, and Human Luna who looks bland and boring compared to her rocker get up as she sits behind a desk.

What Happened? How Are They Connected To The Magic? Is scrawled over your doppleganger’s pictures. There’s also an offshoot of string leading to a picture of Cadence with a sticky note next to her. How Much Does She Know?

"Oh boy, she's looking into why B2’s band broke up, and thinks they know more than they think,” you say nervously.

My other self had such beautiful hair. Why did he go bald? Sombra groans in annoyance.

“Hey, you got it easy, B2 ended up on the streets, and Selly…Uh…” you trail off.

I don’t even exist in this reality, she says sounding a bit hollow. I was just a persona of hers, thrown away and forgotten…just like in our world…

Seeing her mood souring, you step in.

Hey now, at least in the real world, you had me to make sure you could become your own pony, you comfort and she sighs.

That is true…though I still feel somewhat regretful that my double was just a costume here.

Hey, at least you’re not a dog, you say pointing to Puppy Spike who is sniffing the floor like crazy and she chuckles at that.

There is that, she smiles and brightens a bit.

But no seriously, Sombra interrupts. Tell me Ponies in the modern age have cures for baldness. I don’t want to risk such a thing when I become flesh once more.

I mean, there’s wigs I guess? You shrug and he groans again in dread while Selena laughs at his misery. Ignoring the fallen king’s grumbling, you see another line connecting B2 to a picture that is folding over. You push it up and step back in surprise.

"That's-" Selena begins.

"Chrysalis." You say with venom in your voice. There’s no mistaking the human for anyone else with that coloring. The real former queen is serving her sentence and has been dealt her justice, but from what you’ve been told, Humalis didn’t so much as get a slap on the wrist for what she did to B2.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Hmmph, she’s just as bitchy looking as that whorse back home, Selena snarls with a grit of her teeth.

Probably just as megalomaniacal and idiotic as that overgrown cockroach as well, Sombra nods.

And no doubt completely and utterly insane with her obsession over me, you shake your head remembering that last look she gave you back at the prison. And if she is, I hope B2 can somehow get this one behind bars as well.

Oh you can garun-bucking-tee that we’d help him beat this skank down if she showed up! Selena says in steely determination and you can’t help but smirk at that.

Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that, you think as you let the picture fold back over.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Putting her out of sight and mind, you hear a camera snap sound as Flash comes up next to you.

“That can’t mean anything good,” Flash says pointing to yet another picture. You follow his sight and see several pins connected to a photo of Canterlot High, and it is circled multiple times in red marker. Magical Origin Point? Is underlined next to it, along with photos of the Human Deadly 6 (aside from Twilight of course) and Sunset.

“Hmmph, looks like someone at your school talked about that night…or she hacked your phones with her magical internet skills,” you shrug. Flash looks nervously at his phone before he puts it away.

“That’s a scary thought,” he shudders.

“Of course it is, she’s going full on mad scientist here,” you gesture to the wall and at all the sciency doo dads throughout the garage.

“Though what scares me more is what his Twilight will think if she finds out about Princess Twilight…” he says with worry.

“Oh don’t worry about her, she’s basically a demigod now…and in another dimension” you handwave. “And what did I tell you about thinking of Pony Twilight?”

“I’m sorry OK?” he huffs. “She was the cute new girl, and she left an impression on me.”

“Yeah yeah,” you roll your eyes. “Well stop with the weird dreams that won’t come true, Ponies and Humies don’t mix. You’ll find some ugly human like you in no time.”

He scowls at that, before he looks over at Aria and Sonata who are looking through notes and gadgets. Well, more like Aria is trying to keep Sonata from on, but still.

“You know, you did say back when we first met that you knew some sisters you’d intro-“ Flash starts with a smirk but you smack him upside the head.

“They’re giant sea horses that are chronologically a thousand years older than you, cut it out,” you chide.

“Oh for-Is every girl that catches my eye a freaking alien?!” he harrumphs and crosses his arms.

“…I don’t know, maybe? Maybe dating Sunset for so long poisoned your brain or something.”

He just lets out a sigh and shakes his head at that.

“Well, you could take baby steps I suppose. There are plenty of magical human girls, so maybe that will scratch your itch,” you say pointing to the targets on the evidence board.

“Please stop,” he begs.

“And who knows, maybe after we find Humie Twilight and stop her evil mastermind ways, maybe she’d go for you…or not, just in case that resurrects the voices again.”

Groaning, Flash turns away from you and walks to another work bench.

“Oh Come on Aria, let me turn it on!”

You look back at the Siren sisters as Sonata holds what looks like a popcorn maker with electric diodes all along it.

“For the last time NO! That thing might fry what little brains you have left!” Aria shouts as she tries to flip through notes.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“I’ma do it!” Sonata says with a smirk as she holds her finger over a switch.

“Don’t you dare!”

“I’m gonna!” she says getting a little closer.

“Don’t!” Aria orders and you walk over.

“She’s right, don’t turn it on, it’s got latent magic in it,” you warn.

“Ahhh, but I want popcorn!” she whines, giving you a pleading look.

“So would I honestly, but you can’t trust anything in here. Escpecially not machines!”

“Uhh, what’s wrong with machines?” Aria asks.

“They’re evil!” you shout.

“Evil? Why? Because of the Twilight girl?” Sonata asks.

“No! That’s just a bonus! All machines are inherently evil! When you start relying on them too much, that’s when they take over! Just look at the buses of this world, or those stupid animatronics from the other night! Pure unfiltered EEEEVVVVIIIILLL!!!” you rant, some foam coming out of your mouth.

Sonata and Aria look at each other worriedly before looking back at you.


“The Only Solution Is To Burn Everything In Here Down! Fire It Up! Fire It Up! Fi-“


“Agh!” you cry out, startling the girls as you rub your head.

Bugze… Selena scolds you as if you were a kid caught sticking his hoof in the cookie jar.

“…Sorry,” you say aloud to everyone. “What I meant to say is, let’s not mess with anything too gadgety while we’re here.”

“Oh…OK then,” Sonata nods as she sets the machine down…right onto the switch. The thing starts to whir.

“Oh Luna No!” you scream.

“You Idiot!” Aria scolds.

“Whoopsie!” Sonata says sheepishly. You grab the girls and dive over a table as the machine hits it’s crescendo and…starts spewing popcorn.

The three of you blink in silence for a few moments before Flash walks by.

“Ah sweet, popcorn,” he cheers as he takes a handful and starts munching on it.

You and Aria look to Sonata who just sticks her tongue out at you two and hops over and joins Flash.

“…I’m starting to feel like this place isn’t as dangerous as we think,” Aria grumbles.

“Well stop it,” you warn as you stand up and dust off your coat. “Because I promise you, when it comes to Twilight, Pony or Human, there’s always danger afoot.”

Kichi’s Comment

“Then why are we snooping around when she’s clearly not here?” Aria asks.

“Because we need clues of course. We have to put a stop to her shenanigans before she goes overboard,” you say.

“OK, maybe it’s because I’m new to the whole, hunting overpowered villains thing, but why don’t we just talk to her family about it?” she suggests.


“I mean, human you is chatting with them right now, why don’t we just go up to them and tell them what’s going on instead of sneaking around?”

“Oh sure, let’s just tell them their little sister got drunk on dark magical powers and is planning all sorts of nefarious schemes,” Flash snarks pointing to the two evidence boards. “I’m sure they’d believe us.”

“Hey Human, you’d be surprised what’s possible to believe around here,” she huffs.

“Yeah, for example we learned that we were the last of our kind like an hour ago and that we’ll use time travel to fix that when we go home,” Sonata says munching on some popcorn. Flash turns a skeptical eye to you and you shrug.

“To be honest, they did put up a fight, but they saw the truth in the end.”

“Exactly,” Aria adds. “And besides, family looks out for each other. I know if Sonata or Adagio started going crazy I’d like to be informed so I could help them.”

“Awww, thanks sis,” Sonata coos.

“Shut Up Dork!” Aria snaps, but Sonata still smiles with a mouthful of kernels.

“Diplomacy huh?” you say with a finger to your chin. “I have a spotty record of that because Lady Luck hates me.”

It is a possible avenue, though we would have to reveal our entire story once again to more humans, Selena points out.

“Ugh, I need to make a video of it so I don’t waste so much time,” you groan before a thought comes to you. “Can’t we just like, say Twilight is really dangerous and needs to be stopped without revealing the magic thing?”

“How would we be able to hide that factor?” Aria asks with a skeptical brow.

“I don’t know. Flash here got freaked out when I pulled Second Law out, maybe we could just say Twilight’s got a gun or something?”

They all just stare at you quietly for a few moments.

“What?” you inquire.

“How exactly does her having a gun give her wings and magical supervillain powers?” Flash deadpans.

“Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense at all,” Sonata says in pity.

“Pretty stupid,” Aria nods.

“Oh Come On! It Was Just A Thought!” you whine as everyone poopoos your plan with logic.

“Hey, if we do decide to tell her family, I think the truth is the only way to go,” Flash says with a shrug.

“Ugh! Fine! But if I have to spend another few hours explaining this whole tale again, you’re sitting along with me!” you threaten and he pales.

“Soooo, yay or nay on telling them?” Sonata asks and you sigh.

“Just keep looking around for now. It wouldn’t do to barge in on B2 while he’s got that handled. For all we know Sunset and Adagio found some clue while Cadence and Shining are being distracted.”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Inside The House

"So...Sombra! How have you been? I haven't seen you in such a long time!"

To say the tension in the room is thick would be like saying pudding taste amazing, obvious and no need to even mention it. B2 didn't even think it would be possible to top meeting his alternate self in terms of awkwardness, but here it is, sitting at a large dining room table across from the niece of his ex while sitting next to his former bandmate/druggie with his two supposed daughters at the end of the table.

Oh, and let’s not forget the suspicious glaring husband sitting next to his wife, looking he'd rather be curb stomping him then chatting over his wife's lasagna.

"Oh you know, this and that. Just been trying to make ends meet so I can keep my girls happy." Sombra struggles to say in an even tone, but even B2 can feel the not so hidden heat behind his words.

"Oh that is just grand! You know I tried looking you up after your band split, but I just had no luck after you left Vegas!"

To make matters even worse, for some reason Cadence is way too overly positive about this whole thing. It's like any of her previous cynicism just didn't exist anymore!

"I think you may have taken a bit too much of her skepticism,” Sunset whispers.

"Yeah...I'm starting to realize that,” Adagio replies.

Of course, it’s the magical fish pony that made Cady so optimistic. God...where has my life been going when that sounds normal to me!?

While B2 wallows in self-pity with how weird his life has been lately, Cadence's husband decides to add B2 to the conversation as he asks,

"So @!$#, my wife tells me you used to know her aunt back in the day?"

B2 can’t stop himself from tensing slightly at the mention of Luna, but he quickly tries to shrug it off.

"Uh-ye-yeah I did. She was a part of our band back in the day, we-we used to be pretty close.”

“I see…” he says eyeing the orange haired man skeptically.

“Yup, that’s why I used to call him Uncle back in the day,” Cadence giggles before looking to the girls. “Would you two like some more? I’ve got plenty?”

“Uh, no thanks ma’am,” Sunset declines.

“I’d actually like some more,” Adagio says holding out her plate.

“No problem! Be right back. Oh Sombra, you’re so lucky to have such cute and polite little girls,” Cadence squees as she takes the plate and skips to the kitchen.

“Uh huh, sure,” Humbra nods as Sunset gives her “sister” a glare.

“What? I’m still hungry!” she grumbles.

Shining just looks back to where his wife disappeared and shakes his head.

“I have no idea what’s gotten into her.”

“Uh, what you mean by that?” B2 asks nervously.

“I mean, the past few days all she’s talked about is how rude you were and how you’d get a piece of her mind, but now she’s all sunshine and rainbows,” he says utter perplexed.

“Ah…Yeah it is a mystery,” B2 lies nervously.

“Seriously, this whole situation is strange. First she tells me who you were, how you disappeared then showed up and worked as a janitor, and on top of that, my little sister tells me you were doling out wisdom,” he accuses.

“Ah yeah, Twilight. She’s a good kid. How’s she doing by the way?” B2 stammers.

“She’s fine, working away on her science projects practically every night, but that’s not important right now,” Shining changes the subject. “I just want to know why you were so adamant about coming to my house after ghosting Cady for like a week?”

“Oh…I…wanted to apologize?” B2 lies and Shining raises a brow.

“Uh Huh. And so why is he and his kids here?” he asks pointing to Humbra.

“Uhhhh…they wanted to come along?”

Shining just stares down B2 who sweats nervously.

“It’s true,” Sunset lies and Shining looks to her. “Uh…Dad said his old friend needed a ride and we thought we’d tag along.”

“Yeah, B2 is a pretty cool guy, and he said your sister might be around to meet,” Adagio adds.

“Hmm,” Shining nods. “Well she’s not here tonight unfortunately…and who’s B2?”

“Oh, that’s what I go by nowadays,” B2 speaks up.

"B2? What kind of name is that anyway?" Armor asks with a suspicious glare.

"Uh, well you see my twin brother came to town an-"


B2's flawless (read: poor) attempt to explain his recent name is interrupted by Cadence's shocked outburst as she reenters the room, surprising everyone at the table. The fact that her eye starts twitching was also another alarming factor. Of course, B2 also picks up the fact that the others are sending him side glares for letting slip the existence of Bugze.

"Hehehe...well ya see there's a funny story to that..."

“Oh please tell, I had no idea!” Cadence says cheerfully as she gives Adagio more food and sits down in rapt attention.

“…Seriously Cady, are you drunk or something?” Shining asks.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Back With You

“Wait a minute! Who decided that B2 going in alone was a good idea? I wouldn’t trust myself not to screw up a distraction by myself!” you say aloud in alarm.

You did Bugze. You came up with the plan, Selena sighs.

“…Oh right,” you acknowledge before shrugging your shoulders. “Oh well, he hasn’t cried Rutabaga yet so we’re still fine.”

"Hey over here! Twilight's scent is strongest over here!" Spike says at the far end of the barn. You and the others walk over to Spike to see a desk of some kind.

"What is this?" Aria asks.

"It's Twilight's main work desk outside of her room at Crystal Prep and home," Spike says before hopping onto a nearby chair. "She does her main work over here." You examine the desk and there's several notes and such all over it, including blueprints to CHS and Crystal Prep buildings and more.

“Oh, so that’s where my blueprints of Crystal Prep went,” you say in recognition.

“Why did you have these?” asks Aria.

“I kind of thought the portal to get back home was at that school since it’s the mirror location to the Crystal Empire where the other portal is and…Never mind. Point is, it wasn’t there and was a waste of time.”

“Not really. Twilight used these plans to prank those mean girls that laugh at her,” Spike says.

“Oh yeah, forgot about that,” you nod.

“And now she has the blue prints to Canterlot High,” Flash says with a shudder and your eyes widen.

“Right, we’re taking these with us,” you say scooping up the blue prints and throwing them into the inventory.


CHS Blueprints

Crystal Prep Blueprints

“I’m pretty sure she’ll just get more,” Aria says after you close back up the bag.

“Yeah, but this might delay her. We have no idea what she’s planning, but if I taught her anything it’s sneaking around in public places at night.”

They all look at you funny at that.

“Shut up!” you yell at their unspoken judging. “But yeah, even if we don’t see her tonight, we know she’s interested in CHS thanks to this and the evidence board.

“Hey look, I think I found her diary!” Sonata chirps. When you look at her, she is holding a notebook open, but she suddenly frowns. “Oh wait, it’s just more boring technobabble junk!” She then tosses the book down, and the cover catches your eye.

“Project Midnight?” you ponder as you pick it up. Just as Sonata said, it is a bunch of technobabble, with sketches of some sort of weird amulet. There’s even a bunch of numbers written down with a star at the end.

“Hmm, it looks like a combination,” Flash says reading over your shoulder.

“Really? Like that safe thing over there?” Sonata speaks up. You look to where she’s pointing and see a wall mounted safe with a number pad stuck to it.

“Huh, good eye Sonata,” you praise and she grins.

“You know, this girl doesn’t seem as smart as you claim if she’s leaving all this stuff out in the open like this,” Aria observes.

“Well when you go the villain route, you tend to get cocky and do stupid things. I’m sure you guys know all too well,” you point out as you walk to the safe.

“…Adagio did start laughing a lot more for no reason and we followed suite,” the purple girl reminisces in realization.

“Hey Bugze, maybe we shouldn’t look in there? It might be her brothers cash or something,” Flash warns but you ignore him and start entering the code.

"10102010" You say aloud as you enter in the numbers. The panel lights up as a hissing noise fills the room and the small compartment opens up to reveal the amulet in the book.

"What is this thing?" You say turning around for the others to see. Unnoticed by you a small red light turns on the moment you take the amulet and a high pitched frequency goes off, unnoticed by the others except Spike who shakes his head in annoyance.

In The Everfree

“Thanks again for these. You’re contribution to science will not be forgotten,” Midnight Sparkle says to Timber Spruce holding the 6 companion gems to the one she got from you. “Say, you’re pretty cute. You doing anything this weekend?”

“You just beat up my sister and now you’re asking for a date?!” the green haired boy shouts in exasperation as he cradles the still dazed Gloriosa.

“Hey! She started it!” Sparkle says with her hands on her hips. “If she had just given me the stones when I politely asked, I wouldn’t have had to use my sick powers on her.”

“You crashed through our roof while we were eating dinner! Of course she was going to retaliate!” he argues.

“Oh Nag Nag Nag, look, you wanna go to the carnival or not?” she asks with a roll of her eyes.

“I mean…I wouldn’t be opposed…" he admits after looking her up and down. "But still, kind of still upset about the whole knocking Gloriosa out thing!”

“Ugh, fine. I’ll ask again when you’re in a better mood,” she grumbles as she takes out her phone. “What’s your phone num…What the Hell?!” Her shriek is caused by the warning message that her phone is giving off.

“Seriously?! Who the Hell is Messing With My Stuff?! It Better Not Be You Cadence!” she growls before looking to the boy with a creepy smile.“Sorry cutie, but I gotta go deal with something,” she says as she puts her phone away. She then queezes all of the stones together, causing her to glow with even more power.

“Oh yeah, that’s the stuff…” she moans before winking at Timber. “See Ya!” She then blasts off into the sky with her powerful wings over the monkey sanctuary and towards Canterlot.

“But…I didn’t give you my number…” Timber whimpers as she disappears into the distance.

“Oh goodie! Lower Primates! You’re definitely coming with me!” Sparkle giggles in the distance.

After awhile of sitting on the ground with his knocked out sister in his lap, two vehicles pull up, illuminating him with their head lights. Applejack exits her pick up and tips her hat at Timber.

“Howdy there, you doing alright?” she asks.

“Uhhh…” he stammers and she raises a brow.

“I’ll take that as a no,” she says cautiously looking to Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy still in the vehicles. “I know it may sound strange, but did you come across a girl with wings tonight?”

Timber just gives the cowgirl a deadpan look as Gloriosa moans and stirs.

“You could say that,” he nods.

"Dang It Fluttershy! I told you we shouldn't have stopped at the Monkey Sanctuary!" Rainbow Dash complains.

"...Sorry," Fluttershy apologizes.

Back With You

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Anyone else hear that?” Spike asks as he paws at his ear.

“What? The sound of my brain melting trying to understand this sciency nonsense?” you groan as Flash still reads off notes about the Amulet.

“No, I mean that high pitched whining noise?” he clarifies.

“Aria, can we please go now! I’m hungry!” Sonata whines.

“You Just Had Popcorn! Suck It Up!” her sister scolds.

“Yes, yes I do hear that Spike,” you nod and he growls in annoyance.

“Yeah, I’m still not getting the gist of this,” Flash admits as he stops reading aloud and closes the book. Sunset probably would get a better grasp of it.

“Can’t argue with that logic,” you nod. “OK, let’s go link back with the others and-“ you are interrupted as Flash’s and your phones chime with a text. Looking at it, you see it’s from Human Pinkie Pie.

Hey, so we made it to Camp Everfree, but we were too late and Twilight already stole their magic rocks. Sorry :(

Your eyes widen as you look to Flash who got the same message.

“Does this mean she’s even more powerful?” he asks shakily.

“Yeah, yeah I think it does,” you sigh and facepalm.

I would not suggest a direct confrontation with her then if she’s even stronger Bugze, Selena warns.

I figured as much, you nod as you look at Aria and Sonata.

“OK so bad news, Twilight hit Camp Everfree and now has even more magical rocks making her OP.”

“Oh…that’s bad right?” asks Sonata innocently.

“Yes that’s bad stupid,” Aria grumbles and looks to you. “So what do we do now?”

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Well, if she’s just completed a mission, my gut tells me she might come back here at any moment to further her villain progress…so I say we stake this place out. I’ll try to talk her down, but if it doesn’t work, you, Sonata and Adagio do your Siren thing and subdue her.”

“But Adagio is still at the main house,” Sonata reminds you.

“Well give her a text as a heads up, and if it all goes bad before we reconvene just yell Rutabaga,” you say in exasperation.

“OK, why is the code word that?” Flash asks.

“Because it’s funny sounding and I’ve never heard anyone accidentally say it,” you explain. “But anyway, let’s find some places to hide.”

“Alright, you wanna saddle up with me partner?” Aria asks Flash, giving him lidded eyes to which he starts sweating.

“Uhhhh…” he stammers and takes few steps back.

“OI! Cut that out!” you chide, throwing a bit of popcorn at her for good measure. “You’re a sea horse, don’t forget that!”

“Ugh!” she groans as she facepalms. “Sorry, sorry, it’s this stupid body’s fault!”

“Right, no worries, heh heh,” Flash chuckles with a blush.

“Seriously, does it only take a year in this place before you start thinking apes look attractive? Even Sunset held out for a few years,” you shake your head in disappointment.

“Do you have any idea what it’s like to go through puberty again?! Because it really, really sucks!” Aria growls at you.

“Well excuse me for being my own age in this stupid world!”

“What’s puberty?” asks Sonata.

“Not Now!” you both yell at her and she winces.

“Seriously, that is NOT a conversation I want to have right now,” you say trying to dissuade her.

“…Alright then. If it’s making things weird, I’ll hide with the cute guy,” Sonata says.

“Yeah alri-Wait, Wha-“ Flash babbles before Sonata seizes him by the arm and pulls him away.

“You’re coming too Spikey!” she says excitedly as she picks up the puppy.

“Why do I have to hide? I belong here more than you guys do?” he asks as she carries him under one arm and drags the teen with the other.

“...” Aria glares at you silently while they disappear.

“What?” you question.

“Really? Not gonna yell at her?”

“Nah, she’s too innocent for thoughts like that. Reminds me a lot of Pinkie Pie only without the reality warping powers,” you admit and she sighs. “But yeah, guess you and I are hiding together.”

“Oh Goody,” she snarks as you two walk off.

“Hey, the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get home before you go full on native and live out every sicko Humie’s disgusting dream.”

“Alright, why do you keep saying Humie? I know it’s derivative of Humans, but still,” she asks in annoyance.

“Oh, that’s the name of these weirdo adults that watch a filly’s show called My Little Human back home. And trust me, it’s just as bizarre and sickening as you think,” you shudder, picturing Lyra.

“They watch a little kid’s show? Heh, how pathetic can you get?” Aria smirks with a laugh.

“I know right?” you agree.

Haters, Sombra grumbles.

“But yeah, don’t be like them Aria, fight the teenage brain chemicals and be normal. I’ll have to deal with that enough as it is in a few years, but I sure as buck don’t want to deal with it now,” you admit in fear as you picture how torturous teenage Nightshade is going to be.

“Ugh, quit harping on it! I got it, I got it!” she groans as she stumbles across something big. “Oh hey, this could work.”

Looking to where she’s pointing, you see a car, far more fancier than Humbra’s piece of junk. The only thing that gives you pause is that sciency things are lying around it…but then again, you don’t know much about car repair which Flash said Human Shining does, so you shrug it off.

“Yeah, this could work, and it’s got comfy seats,” you say looking inside.

“I call driver!” Aria says as she opens the door and hops in.

“Eh, go ahead. Last time I was allowed to drive something it literally fell apart. And that was just a derby racer,” you relent as you get in the passenger seat, not even realizing that there is a large rocket engine attached to the back of the vehicle.

“Alright, time for a magical stakeout,” you say in determination.

Some Time Later

“Ugh! Stakeouts are so boring! We’ve been here forever!” you complain and slump in your seat.

“It’s only been five minutes,” Aria says.

“AGH! Even Worse!” you whine as you look for something, anything in this stupid human car that could entertain you.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

And that’s when you see it, a big red button right on the dashboard. It’s colors shine in the darkness illuminating your whole world as an angelic choir beckons you to press it.

Bugze, don’t you even think about pressing that, Selena scolds.

Oh, but it’s just sitting there, taunting me, you argue.

Yes, but I have a feeling that this button won’t produce popcorn. Don’t Press It! She warns.

…Can’t I just feel the texture of the button without pushing down?


Go for it, just get it over with, Sombra encourages.

Oh, so I’m not the only one, You think happily

What?! Why Would You Say That? Selena snarls at the king.

Because arguing is just delaying the inevitable, you know he’s going to push it regardless, so why fight it?

Because I like encouraging his self preservation thank you very much! She yells. BUGZE, DO NOT PUSH THAT BUTTON!

Alright fine, geeze, you relent and cross your arms. I just wish I had Flash’s phone still so I could look at cat videos.

You see? She says smugly to Sombra. He knows when to listen to common sense and-


“What was that?” Aria asks as she lifts her foot from the button where she kicked her feet up to relax.

Told you, inevitable! Sombra goads.

To be fair, it wasn’t me, you chuckle nervously as the car starts to rumble.

…Gorramit, Selena curses tiredly.

Inside The House

“So what you’re saying is, this mysterious twin brother and you kept disguising yourselves as each other while you were working at Crystal Prep?” Shining asks in disbelief.

“Yup,” B2 nods. “That’s why Twilight kept getting different advice. In fact, you can blame anything bad on my twin brother! He’s the trouble maker!”

Humbra, Sunset and Adagio give perplexed glares at you as Shining clearly doesn’t buy it.

“Oh, that makes complete sense to me,” Cadance says without a hint of sarcasm.

“Cadance, what are you talking about? That’s complete bull crap!” her fiancé asks in exasperation.

“Oh Shiny, you’ve got to be more optimistic,” she says with a sweet smile. “Sure he might have lived on the street for a few years after cheating on my aunt and is now trying to restart his career without her…but I’m sure he’s being honest.”

“Wha…I…” Shining just looks at his wife in total confusion.

“Hey Now, that whole cheating thing wasn’t by choice!” B2 defends a bit angrily.

“Oh really? I’m sorry then,” Cadance apologizes.

“Baby, what’s going on with you?” Shining asks in desperation.

“Hey girly, you think you can do this voodoo on my bitchy neighbor?” Humbra whispers to Adagio.

“I could, but what’s in it for me?” she asks slyly.

“No! No More Mind Manipulation! This is going so poorly,” Sunset says facepalming. “That text I got from Pinkie earlier said Twilight might be on her way, and we’ve made no progress.”

“Hey, at least we’re in the safest spot for when she does come,” Adagio points out.


Irony strikes as a large explosion happens outside, startling everyone.

All of the dinner guests get up and look out the window to see a car hurtling out of the barn, which now has a hole in it, and moving at high speeds as flames shoot out the back, and two figures inside scream to the heavens.

“What The Hell Is That?!” Shining shouts in anger as the car wildly swerves down the road.

“Uh, uh, Sombra’s Car Just Got Stolen! Filthy Car Jackers!” B2 lies badly as everyone facepalms.

“But that was my car!”

Ello Callebero’s Comment

“RUTABAGA! RUTABAGA!!!” Sonata yells, flailing her arms wildly as she runs out of the hole in the garage, followed by Flash and Spike.

Shining turns his twitching eye towards B2 who sweat nervously.

“…Yup! Stupid Teen Car Thieves!” he doubles down.

“Alright you filthy bum, I’ve had enough of your suspiciousness,” Shining says as he advances on B2. “Tell me what’s going on right now orrrrrrrr...Right, car thieves, I can’t believe they stole your car.”

Everyone in the know looks as Adagio sucks up more green smoke into her pendant.

“What?! He was getting violent!” she defends.

“…Yes. Car thieves. They broke your barn too,” B2 takes advantage of the situation.

“Those little punks! How Dare They?!” Shining scowls and looks out the window at the befuddled Flash.

“It’s awful what this neighborhood is turning into,” Cadance shakes her head.

“I’m calling the cops,” Shining says as she digs out his phone.

“Uh, there’s no need for that! Everything’s cool!” Adagio says in a panic as she starts absorbing more green energy from the couple.

“…Yeah, everything’s cool,” Shining says sleepily as he sits down.

“It’s all fine,” Cadence agrees with a yawn.

“Really?” Sunset chides.

“Shut up kid! We’re in too deep, it’s all or nothing now!” Sombra defends.

“Don’t tell me to shut up! You’re not my real Dad!” Sunset argues.

“Ain’t that the truth,” he growls.

“Quit shouting or I’ll harvest your negative energies too!” Adagio threatens. And while they argue and B2 has a mild panic attack…

Back With You

We find you screaming for your life as the siren turned human steers the super sonic car as best as she can down the street.

“This is worse than a bus! This is so much worse!” you screech as she swerves around several more vehicles.

“I’m trying my best here!” Aria yells in abject terror as she tries not to get you both killed.

After scraping vehicles, avoiding pedestrians, and running more than a few red lights and stop signs, vehicle starts to run out of thrust, though at this point you are halfway through a city park, messing up all of the grass and heading straight for a duck pond.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!” you shriek as Aria yells, gluing her foot to the brake. Thankfully the car stops…just as soon as you enter the shallow end of the pond.

The both of you panting heavily, you look at each other, then at the water halfway up the car doors before you both climb out the windows and get onto dry land.
Sopping wet, you both catch your breaths on the shoreline in the middle of the gigantic park as the car steams.

“…If anyone asks, you did this,” she pants. “I’ll never hear the end of it from Adagio.”

“Oh Buck No, you made this bridge, now burn it!” you sneer at her.

“I don’t think that’s how the saying goes,” she points out.

“Whatever!” you throw your hands up. “But yeah, my thesis on machines being evil has yet another piece of evidence added.”

I’m actually starting to lean that way myself, Selena says, sounding rattled.

…I thought it was fun, Sombra mumbles under his breath.

Before anymore conversations can be had though…

“Well, well, well, look what we have here?” a very irritated and distorted voice says from above you. You freeze in shock before your eyes travel upwards, and you see the dark demonic visage of human Twilight flapping her wings.

“Oh, uh…hi Twilight?” you say lamely with a wave.

“Holy Crap! This is her?” Aria says a little spooked. The flying girl ignores the Siren as she just glares right at you.

“Mr. Bugze, whichever one you are, what do you think you’re doing stealing my car and amulet?” she asks with venom as her eyes glow.

You start to shiver as you look into those eyes, and even now, you can sense how much stronger she’s gotten with the other gems in her possession. Basically, You’re Bucked.

“I…well you see,” you stammer as she scowls at you.

“Choose your next words carefully…” she threatens as she snaps her fingers and flying out of the darkness around her, are some familiar looking simian terrors you encountered some weeks ago. Only this time their eyes are glowing purple and they all have their own ethereal wings.

“Flying Monkeys? Are You Bucking Kidding Me?” Aria gasps.

…I don’t like this new side of her, Selena says in worry.

You can bucking say that again!

Midnight Sparkle and her flying monkey minions hover above you and Aria. You are soaking wet, separated from your allies, and alone in the middle of the night in a park.


Author's Note:

Fight or Flight, What’s It Gonna Be?

Hey Hive-Mind,

We’ve got a superpowered maniacal evil genius who is irked at our bug boy who only has access to one Siren for support. Oh, and to top it all off, she’s absorbed all 7 magical gems, and Bugze is just a squishy human with most of his arsenal locked away. Have Fun With That :trollestia:

When writing, remember where all the players are. The Humane 5 are still at Camp Everfree, and the others are currently at Shining’s place.

And for a reminder, here’s the Inventory.



Boomstick (Black Staff with Red Crystal. Causes shockwaves when slammed) NEEDS MAGIC

Jet Stream Sam Sword (Reversed High Frequency Blade)

Knock Out Luna Plushie NEEDS MAGIC

Ninja Stars (15)

Power Glove (Plasmid/Vigor Channel with Grappling Hook Attachment) GLOVE STILL FOR AN ENQUINE. USING PLASMIDS HURTS IN THIS WEAK HUMAN FORM.

Second Law: (Air Shotgun)


Hover Board: (Catches Fire For Like, No Reason)

Disguises (Most For Equine Biology)


Awesome JoJo Outfit: Currently Wearing (Jotora’s Outfit from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)

Smokey Joe Outfit: (Rain Slicker, Smelly Do Rag with Weed symbols)


Baker Sylvester Tennant (Brown overcoat, Yell and black striped pants, White panama hat, face mask, 4th doctor scarf)

Crimson Vengeance: (Alucard Hat, Immortan Joe Mask, Deadpool shirt, Vash the Stampede Coat, red pants)

El Hunko (Fancy Clothes with purple top hat

Hooded Offender Cloak

Stetson Hat with Orange Bandana


Blueprints: CHS, Crystal Prep

Bounty Hunter License

Brown Money Pouch: (45 Bits, a Few Hundred Human Dollars)

Cell Phone

Free Filly Scout Cookies For Life Card

Gameboy (Human Equivalent of Joy Boy)

Grandbuggy and Granny Smith Photo

Grandbuggy with Your Mother Photo

Instant Mail Transfer Container: (Cadence Direct Line) DOESN’T WORK ON THIS SIDE

Mangle Head (Still Alive From This Side)


Patching Supplies (Vice-Grips, Duct Tape, WD-40)

Pink Lover’s Jewell Necklace

Powers and Spells List (Not So Useful as a Humie)

Sapphire Shores Signed Photo (Probably Worth a Lot Back Home)

Solar Powered Charger

Trixie’s Black and White Bear Plushie: (Never Forget

Potion Stash


Molotov Cocktail (4)

Stink Bomb (3)

Transformation/Disguise Potion (4) HAVEN’T TRIED YET ON THIS SIDE

See You Next Chapter,
Brown Dog.

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