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Sombra, the dreaded King of Darkness, was defeated and his body shattered, but his dark soul survived the return of the Crystal Empire and went into hiding. Some time later it found a path between worlds, a mirror portal, and arrived in a place called Hueco Mundo, where it gained a new body to start a new life. In the process Sombra loses his memories and becomes a shell of his former self, searching for something that he knows that he lost while having no idea where to find what he was missing.

Along the way he somehow finds his way to Karakura Town, into the hands of Kisuke Urahara, and learns more about his new body than he could have learned on his own, before coming into contact with Ichigo Kurosaki and his small group of friends. From there he starts an epic journey to help them save another friend from a terrible fate, fight the people that were in their way, and face an evil that was hiding in plain sight at the same time... along with finding out what happened to his missing memories.

(Bleach/ MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series, though reading the other stories is not required)
(Also, the story will not include the Fullbring or the Thousand Year War Arcs)

Chapters (75)

As an agent of the Jedi Council, Revan Vao, distant descendant of Republic Hero Mission Vao, has seen some of the worst examples of sapient behavior that the Republic can offer, when a freak occurrence forces her to crash on Equestria, she is stuck with no way home. Now she just has to adapt to a land based upon Harmony and Friendship and filled with talking ponies.

A HiE-style Star Wars/MLP crossover.

Featured on 07/09/16, thanks everyone! :pinkiehappy:

Final edits and revisions (hopefully) finished on 02/13/17 06/23/17.

Rated Teen for (mostly fictitious) language, innuendo, violence, and Cloud Kicker. Romance tag for later chapters, and Gore tag for a few specific chapters.

This work is a not-for-profit endeavor, no copyright infringement is intended, please don't sue me or any other party that distributes this work.

Chapters (34)

An average but nerdy young man goes to an anime convention dressed as Ichigo from Bleach. He was missing only one thing from his costume, where a mysterious merchant sells him just the item he needed. The next thing he knew. He was in a new place with no way home. Met some of the locals and got possessed.

Trapped in stone for a thousand years and no memory prior to that convention. He finally breaks free and is loose upon Equestria once more, even stronger then before.

But this time, is he in control?

This is a Displaced story

Note that MLP does not exist on the main character's Earth.

Chapters (29)

A human wakes up in Equestria, but not in the time of the Mane 6. He struggles to come to terms with this new world, full of magic and strange creatures. Will he ever be able to live his life in this new place? Will he meet the Mane 6? Can he ever learn to walk on these darn hooves? Can he admit that he lo.... lo.... gah! You get the idea!

Chapters (12)

After an accident in his Grandmother's attic, Silver found himself stranded in a world unlike anything he had ever imagined. Finding himself trapped in this new place, he has no choice but to learn to adapt and grow. Wings, magic, and cities that float high among the clouds are only some of the adventures he'll be faced with on his journey. But wondrous sights and new friends will not replace his old ones. Will he find a way home, or will he be forced to live out the rest of his days with home as nothing but a fading memory.

Chapters (24)

Isaac is a nice person to nice people that is how he is, however he isn't to pleased with him and his companions having to watch over the entirety of the main six and to be more specific twilight sparkle. Why did the princess decide to send twilight and friends into hiding, why does Isaac agree to it in the first place, Who is making dinner tonight because Isaac is a horrible cook. Find out next time on Fimfiction.

Chapters (13)

Captain Flowers thought it would be just another ordinary day. Be there for his men, keep the fighting to a minimum, and make sure nothing bad whatsoever happened to Church. Just like any other day in Bloodgulch.
And then the little pony appeared and refused to let go of his charge. This was going to be interesting...

Part of the PWNY-verse.

Another side of the story is being written by cyberlord4444, and can be found here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/386172/rock-in-the-gulch-analysis-anarchy

Edit: New Cover Art by ProfessorCatPro
Edit 2: Fan art by Cookie_Girl! So adorable!

Chapters (61)

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The young Cutie Mark Crusaders find him. A year later, a Hogwarts owl unleashes the CMC, Harry, and Equestria upon wizarding Britain! And adorable cute magic-wielding ponies upon the rest of the world.

Copyedited by gerandakis. Excellent cover art by Mix-up.
Made Featured Stories starting Ch. 18, Jun 25, 2018!
Made Front Page Popular Stories – Jun 11 (15), July 10-13, 16-17, 19-21, 23 (24-29), Aug 1-2 (32-33), 9-10, 13-14, 22-23, 24-25 (35-38, 41-42), Sept. 14 (49), Oct. 5 (57), 2018!

Inspired by Dogger807’s hilarious story, “Magic School Days,” here on FiMfiction. While there is humour (and tree-sap) in this story, that is not its only focus.

Wow, Sir Chaos Omega made a TV-Tropes page for the story! Thanks!

Published on the FiMfiction website with the kind forbearance of the copyright owners of My Little Pony (Hasbro) and the Harry Potter series (Scholastic Press).

The timeline for “My Little Pony” is messed up. That is, if you look closely, the order of the shows as aired is out of order of their logical sequence. Evidence: in Swarm of the Century (#10) we see the dresses that Rarity makes in Suited for Success (#14) — so unless Rarity time-travelled, #14 should take place before #10! Also, in The Ticket Master (#3), the other five seem to know Twilight and Spike quite well, yet in Boast Busters (#6) they don’t seem to know Twilight at all.

With careful attention to details such as those, you can put the three years of episodes prior to Princess Twilight Sparkle (#65, Season Four) into a two-year stretch of time. If you work hard enough, you can even squeeze them down to one five-season stretch of Summer to Summer.

I used the two-year seven-part timeline mapped out by deviantart’s tobyandmavisforever (do a Google search for “tobyandmavisforever mlp timeline” as the fastest way to find them). Thus, Harry arrives in Equestria shortly after the Crystal Empire two-part episode, and Twilight and Spike have been in Ponyville just under a year even though the Crystal Empire episodes start the third year of My Little Pony.

Chapters (128)

Nothing is right.

Jake has no idea why he woke up as a pony mare in Equestria. He has no idea why he can't remember what he was doing before it happened, and he has no proof that his human life is even real to begin with. Just his memories. Memories he can't even trust any more, because even the Equestria that he's found himself in doesn't match what he remembers and everypony he meets think he's a unicorn by the name of Skitch-Sketch, who's been right at the side of the Element Bearers.

And then there's that creeping sense of dread. Feelings that he's run from for a long time. And the sensation that some other, deeper doom is bearing down on the planet Equis.

But surely the Mane Six can fix everything....right?

Cover Art by the awesome GatesMcCloud!

And fan art by the loveable and huggable Angermuffin!

Starting story of the Skitchverse

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to A Skitch in Time (Revised)

The threat of The Collector has been vanquished, and peace has returned to the land of Equestria. Everything should be back to normal, right?

If only it were that simple.

The nations beyond Equestria's borders now stare at the sister monarchs with suspicion, viewing them as potentially compromised and dangerous; forcing Celestia and Luna to play international politics while they hurry to keep tabs on wards and prisons for dark forces long sealed away.

Meanwhile, the former human, now pony known as Skitch-Sketch struggles to find purpose in her life in Ponyville. Fear of other threats dominate her nightmares, and to make matters worse she will have to face her most deadly foe yet...

A mortgage!

Oh yeah, and her cutie-mark is fading away too.

Chapters (9)