• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 8,877 Views, 1,275 Comments

My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 10: The Elements of Harmony

"Shining Armor. Just what do you think you're doing taking on Nightmare Moon on your own?" Big Macintosh said. He had never expected someone like Shining Armor to be so quick to leap into the fray. He'd have expected that from Soarin. But there was nothing that could be done to change what had just occurred. "Do you actually think you stand a chance against her? You won't last five minutes!"

"Cousin Big Mac, would ya'll quit talking to yourself?" Braeburn asked.

"Well what else can I do?" Big Macintosh asked "Shining Armor's all alone, facing off against Nightmare Moon. He's gonna get himself killed!"

"Never thought I'd meet a pony who could be more reckless then Rainbow Dash." Soarin said.

"Come on guys, we have to have faith in Shining Armor. We have to believe that he'll find a way to win." Fancy Pants said.

"Fancy Pants is right." Thunderlane said "We just need to believe in Shining Armor, like he believed in us when we helped him out."

"So instead of standing around and arguing let's do something productive and find out where he is." Braeburn said.

"Hey guys, look over there!" Soarin said "There's some kind of light show going on." He pointed towards a far off area of the castle where lights were flashing. Clearly this was a sign of something.

"We've got no time to waste!" Big Macintosh said, taking charge "Let's find a way over there and go help Shining Armor!"

Shining Armor coughed as a cloud of smoke announced his arrival. It didn't take him long to realize he'd been subjected to a teleportation spell. And he knew who had cast it.

Sure enough, there stood Nightmare Moon. The Elements of Harmony right behind her. "Welcome young Shining Armor." Nightmare Moon said "At last we meet on the battlefield. A pity no one will be around to witness your last moment of glory."

Shining Armor gasped as lightning flashed in front of his eyes. Nightmare Moon was showing off her power. He knew he couldn't defeat her in a head on fight, he would need to find some way to outsmart her. Then suddenly, he knew what to do. He began to charge up his horn.

"You're kidding. You're kidding right?" Nightmare Moon asked "Surely you don't believe you can defeat me. If you do then you're either really brave, or really stupid."

Shining Armor didn't reply and merely charged forward with his horn glowing brightly.

"Well, if that's how you want to play then so be it." Nightmare Moon said, charging forward as well "Prepare to meet your doom mortal!" Shining Armor and Nightmare Moon charged at each other, from the looks of things they seemed ready to crash into one another. But then suddenly, poof! Shining Armor disappeared in a puff of smoke. Nightmare Moon was shocked. "What?" she asked, then she realized what had just happened "Oh you clever little colt."

Shining Armor winced as he teleported to the Elements of Harmony. The teleportation spell had taken a lot out of him. But he couldn't worry about that right now. "Just one spark. Come on. Come on!" he said and began to power up the stones holding the Elements of Harmony. His intent was to unlock their power and wield it to defeat Nightmare Moon.

But Nightmare Moon wasn't done yet, not by a long shot. "Not so fast!" she said angrily "Two can play at that game!" She quickly teleported in front of Shining Armor. Shining Armor was too busy trying to power up the Elements of Harmony. Nightmare Moon was quick to seize on her advantage. A quick bolt of magical lightning was all it took to send Shining Armor flying back. He tried to get up, but he found the task to be rather difficult. He was already starting to grow fatigued.

The five stones around Nightmare Moon began to glow brightly. "What?! No! No! It can't be!" she said, if the Elements of Harmony were activited she was doomed. But the glow faded a moment later.

Shining Armor was confused. "But I thought the spark was suppose to-" he said.

"You fool!" Nightmare Moon shouted as she brought her front hooves down hard on the ground. The stones and the elements they contained shattered. Shining Armor could only watch in horror as the scene unfolded right in front of him, his mouth hung open in shock. The Elements of Harmony had been destroyed, and with them had gone the only thing capable of stopping Nightmare Moon. "You little foal! Thinking you could defeat ME, the mighty Nightmare Moon! Now Equestria shall never see its beloved Princess Celestia, or her sun. The night, will last, forever! And I will reign supreme! A pity you won't be around to see it." Nightmare Moon boasted.

"What are you talking about?" Shining Armor asked.

"It's simple really." Nightmare Moon explained "You have proven to be far too dangerous to be allowed to live. I can't have you running about, thwarting my plans! So I'm afraid you've left me with no other choice, I shall destroy you and anyone else foolish enough to get in my way!" She promptly laughed "It's all over for you."

Shining Armor hung his head in defeat. "I'm finished. I'm sorry Princess Celestia, I couldn't protect you, and I couldn't defeat Nightmare Moon. Some royal guard I turned out to be. And I'm sorry to you too Twilight, I promised I'd come back. Looks like it was a promise I couldn't keep. Take good care of mom and dad for me, I know they'll miss me." he thought to himself.

But just as he resigned himself to his fate, and waited for the end to come he heard five familar voices. "Hang on Shining Armor, help is on the way! You can do it Shining Armor! We're here for you Shining Armor, you don't have to be afraid! We've got your back buddy! No stallion's getting left behind on our watch!" they called out.

Shining Armor gasped as he realized who the voices belonged to. Then suddenly, it hit him. He knew know why the Elements of Harmony had not worked. He plucked up courage. "Let me ask you something Nightmare Moon." he said boldly "Do you think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony so easily. If so then you're even more pathetic then I thought. You pride yourself on knowing everything about what defeated you the last time. It's a pity that you can be so smart, and yet so stupid! You haven't destroyed the Elements of Harmony. The spirits of those elements, are right here!" As he finished speaking that sentence Big Macintosh, Soarin, Fancy Pants, Thunderlane, and Braeburn all appeared next to him. The stone fragments of the Elements of Harmony began to glow and flew into the air.

Nightmare Moon was speechless. "What?" she asked "What's going on?!"

"Allow me to explain." Shining Armor said "Big Macintosh, who reassured me when I was doubt, and trusted me when no one else would. He represents the Element of, Honesty!" All of the pieces of one of the elements flew over to Big Macintosh and encircled him.

"If you think I'm going to let you continue then you're wrong!" Nightmare Moon said, her eyes glowing brightly "It's time to silence you once and for all!" She fired off the most powerful blast of magic she could muster. But it bounced off of a protective barrier.

"I thought you might try something like that. You know it's really rude to interrupt somepony when they're not done with their speech." Shining Armor boasted "Oh, and don't even think about trying to break through that barrier. This is my trademark shield spell, I've spent years perfecting it. Anyway as I was saying. Thunderlane, who saw what no one else could see, and showed true compassion to a raging manticore. He represents the Element of, Kindness!" Like with Big Macintosh pieces of an element flew over to Thunderlane and encircled him.

"Braeburn, who banished fear by chuckling in the face of certain danger, and kept us all happy with his antics and positive attitude. He represents the Element of, Laughter!" Shining Armor said. Pieces of an element flew over to Braeburn and encircled him as well.

"Fancy Pants, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a very meaningful gift, and tarnished his own beauty to do so. He represents the Element of, Generosity!" Shining Armor said. Pieces of an element flew over to Fancy Pants and before long they had encircled him too.

"And finally Soarin, who refused to abandon his new friends, even for his own personal gain. He represents the Element of, Loyalty!" Shining Armor said. The pieces of the last remaining element flew over to Soarin and encircled him.

"It was the spirit of these five ponies that got us through every obstacle you set up for us!" Shining Armor said "And it explains why they failed."

Nightmare Moon could not believe what she was seeing. But then she remembered something. "But you still don't have the sixith element." she said with a smirk "The spark didn't work."

"Oh it did. But it was a different kind of spark." Shining Armor said, he turned to the other ponies "The spark ignited inside of me when I realized how happy I was to hear you and see you. How much I truly cared about all of you. The spark ignited inside me, when I realized that you all, ARE MY FRIENDS!" The instant he spoke those words there was a blinding flash of light. In an instant a sixith stone appeared and descended until it was hovering just about Shining Armor's head. Shining Armor quickly realized what was happening. "You see Nightmare Moon. When those five elements are ignited by the, 'The Spark' that resides in the heart of us all. It creates the sixith and final element. And that is, the Element of, Magic!"

Nightmare Moon gasped in horror at the scene that unfolded before her very eyes. One by one the six stallions were enfused with the power of their respective elements, and given golden necklaces that hung around their necks. Then a golden tiara appeared on Shining Armor's forehead as he and the others became surrounded by colored auoras. And then a bright rainbow colored beam of light shot out from above them. It wrapped itself around Nightmare Moon, preventing her from escaping. "NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THIS CANNOT BE! YOU.....CAN'T......STOP......ME!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, she knew she was finished. The beam of light engufled her, trapping her in a rainbow colored vortex. Shining Armor's eyes glew bright white as a blinding flash occurred.

And then, silence.

Author's Note:

I don't know how soon the next update will come. I have to get my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow and boy will I be sore after that. And to top it off I have to work on Thanskgiving Eve at Walmart because they start their Black Friday deals at 6PM on Thanksgiving. So yeah, sucks to be me.

I'm still aiming to get this finished by the end of the week and before December roles around. Then after that I probably won't post another fic anytime soon because I'll have finals for my college classes.

Just stay tuned and try not to be too surprised if the final two chapters take a little while to come out.

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