• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 8,877 Views, 1,275 Comments

My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 187: Into Thin Air

It had been a few weeks since Starlight Glimmer had left to travel with Trixie, things had been peaceful in Equestria and Twilight's School of Friendship was running smoothly and without incident.

So it was that Rainbow Dash had taken the liberty of hosting a field trip to Cloudsdale, which Twilight had approved of. Many of the students were seeing the majestic city in the sky for the very first time. To say they were impressed would be an understatement.

"Wow! This is like a dream come true!" Sandbar happily exclaimed as he bounced from cloud to cloud. "I always wanted to visit Cloudsdale, but my parents said it was impossible."

Twilight beamed a bright smile. "It would be for most of you if not for the cloud walking spell I discovered. You wouldn't believe how often it comes in handy."

Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, was happily showing off all the sights and sounds of Cloudsdale to all the eager students. "And thanks to that you all get to say what makes Cloudsdale awesome!" She gestured a hoof to a nearby sports stadium. "That there's the Cloudsiuem, the place where only the finest pegasi athletes compete. It's where yours truly won the Best Young Flyer's Competition a few years back, and where you can often see me and the rest of the Wonderbolts quite often," She trotted past it while flapping her wings, soon turning her attention to another building. "And over there, in the distance, you can see the weather factory. It's where the weather for all of Equestria gets made: Rain, snow, rainbows, you name it. I'd love to take you all inside, but there's lots of machinery and delicate weather making that could be quite dangerous." A few groans of disappointment escaped the lips of most of the students.

But Gallus didn't care, he had something much better in mind. He was currently standing on the edge of a cloud bank, peering down at the ground below and how tiny everything seemed from up here. Being the naughty griffon that he was, Gallus' face morphed into a teasing smirk as he turned his attention to one of his friends: The somewhat unsettled Yona. "Hey, Yona," He called while trying to keep a straight tone of voice. "Why don't you come over here and check out the view? Or are you too scared?"

Yona trotted forward one hoof at a time, trying to keep her teeth from chattering. "Y-Yona not scared," She insisted as she made her way towards Gallus' location. But then suddenly, something unexpected happened! One of Yona's hooves went right through the cloud as if it wasn't there to begin with! And the rest of Yona's hooves sank through the cloud as well! Yona barely had time to react! "Now Yona scared!" She screamed as she began her descent!

"Yona!" Sandbar screamed, before suddenly he found himself sinking through the clouds as well! And several other creatures who couldn't fly were doing the same!

"What the-" Rainbow began as her eyes widened! But she had little time to finish her sentence, she had to act fast to save everyone before they hit the ground. So she gave a whistle to the few flyers that remained. "Everyone who can fly, follow me and grab hold of someone who can't! Quickly! Go, go, go!"

The flyers didn't need to be told twice, they all sprang into action! Silverstream and Ocellus were able to catch Twilight and Sandbar respectively, and Gallus and Smolder were able to work together to hold up Yona and lower her carefully to the ground. "It's alright, Yona, we've got you." Gallus encouraged the yak.

"And you love flying, remember?" Smolder pointed out.

Once on solid ground Yona immediately frowned and folded her hooves in a pout. "Yak love flying! Yak not love falling, especially to yak's doom!"

Even Sandbar seemed shaken up by what had happened. "This was a nightmare! I thought for sure we were going die!"

All eyes quickly fell on Twilight, who looked quite concerned. "I... don't understand! I know I didn't mess up on casting the spell. There should be no reason why it failed."

"What are we gonna do now, Headmare Twilight?" Silverstream questioned the mare. "Should we be hysterical?"

Twilight shook her head and quickly tried to regain control of the situation. "Everyone, just calm down! I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for all of this, this is not the time to panic. Let's just... get back to the school and see if we can figure out what's going on. The field trip has been cancelled."

Twilight and the students returned to the school a short time later. Twilight was quite exhausted since her magic wasn't working, and thus she had been forced to make the trip on hoof on short notice.

Shining Armor happened to be watching over the headmare's office, so he was more than a little surprised to see his sister and the students come barging in unexpectedly. "What are you all doing back here so soon? Aren't you supposed to be on a field trip?"

"Well we were," Twilight began as she tried not to break out into a nervous sweat. If her brother could see how troubled she was he would surely suspect that something was wrong, and she didn't want to alarm him when she didn't yet know if it was something worth worrying about. "But uh... we kind of ran into an unexpected situation and had to cut it short."

But a chatterbox like Silverstream couldn't stay quiet, she immediately blurted out! "It was the strangest thing! Suddenly everyone who couldn't fly started falling through the clouds!"

At that Shining's eyes grew wide! "What?!" He gasped in alarm and immediately locked eyes on Twilight! "Twilight, how could you let that happen?!"

"I didn't! I swear, I have no idea what happened!" Twilight insisted to her brother. "One moment the cloud walking spell was working just fine, and the next it just suddenly fizzled out without warning. Like all of a sudden my magic just... vanished."

"But that can't be. Magic can't just disappear." Shining commented.

Twilight gulped. "Well apparently mine did. I know my spells, I know there's no way I could've cast that spell the wrong way or misread it. I've done it so many times before it's like second nature to me."

At that the prince let out a deep sigh. "I was afraid you'd say that," He rose from the headmare's desk and trotted towards Twilight and the students. "Believe it or not, you're not the first one to come to me with word that magic just suddenly stopped working. Fancy Pants said his horn stopped working all of a sudden too, and so did Rarity's. And now that your horn stopped working too, that can't be coincidence. I've got a very bad feeling about this."

Just then, who should come rushing into the office but Spike?! He appeared to have something lodged in his throat and appeared to be trying hard to either spit it out or swallow it! His face seemed to be turning blue from a lack of oxygen!

Twilight immediately rushed to the dragon's side, even if he was no longer her baby dragon she still felt a motherly attachment to him. "Spike, what's wrong?! Come on, spit it out!"

But Spike couldn't, his face grew bluer and bluer by the second! Pretty soon it looked like he might pass out!

Thinking quickly, Twilight put her hooves around the dragon's scale and made a few quick thrusting motions! That did the trick, Spike spat out a scroll that landed on the floor. Spike breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness. I've never gotten a letter stuck in my throat before."

"You send letters?" Smolder questioned Spike.

Spike nodded. "It's not natural dragon magic, it's something Princess Celestia taught me. Which means even her magic must be affected by whatever's going on."

As if in conformation of Spike's hypothesis, Shining struggled to pick up the scroll with his magic. He was able to eventually get his horn to spark though, and he immediately scanned over the scroll. "Well, it looks Princess Celestia is aware of what's going on," He commented. "She wants my friends and I to all come to Canterlot at once."

"What?! Now?!" Twilight gasped in surprise and shock! "But... who's going to watch Flurry Heart?! You can't just leave her!"

"I'm sorry, Twilight, but this is an emergency," Shining declared. "You'll have to take my place until whatever it is Celestia needs for me is taken care of. We need to get to the bottom of this sudden disappearance of magic, 'cause if we don't there's no telling what might happen!" And then he rushed away to gather up his friends!

Author's Note:

And so we come to the "School Raze" arc. Since I wrote out Starlight a few chapters back I decided to replace her role with Twilight's here, though Twilight won't be occupying the exact same role Starlight did in the original two parter.

Spike was aged up to about Smolder's height back in my chapter covering "Molt Down" in case you're wondering.

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