• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 99: Our Town

Starlight turned to Double Diamond, immediately asking the stallion. "So, who are these guests you've brought before me?"

Double Diamond smiled, as he bowed. "They say their names are Big Macintosh, Thunderlane, Braeburn, Fancy Pants, Soarin, and Shining Armor."

"Prince Shining Armor," Shining spoke up, offering his hoof to Starlight. "So, you're the leader of Cutie Markless Village?"

Starlight nodded and politely responded. "Indeed I am, though we prefer to call it 'Our Town'. You can understand how a name like 'Cutie Markless' would give ponies the wrong idea. Dare I ask, how did you hear of this place? We haven't received a visit from an alicorn, let alone an alicorn prince."

"It's kind of a long story," Shining nervously replied. "But let's just say, my friends and I have come here as part of a goodwill tour. We found your village on a map and thought this would be a good first stop."

Starlight smiled. "Ah, how nice of you. I must say, you have fine taste in choosing to grace our humble village with your presence. And we're more than happy to have anypony that wishes to experience true friendship for the very first time."

"'True friendship?" Big Macintosh asked, eyeing Starlight skeptically.

"Oh, indeed," Starlight innocently responded. "It may be a lot to take in, but that's exactly what makes this village so unique. Around here, we don't need to flaunt our special talents, because we have none to speak of. Everypony is the same."

"That would explain those strange cutie marks," Shining commented, and then to Starlight he asked. "Has there been any sort of 'trouble' around here?"

"'Trouble'? I don't think so, certainly not since we gave up our cutie marks," Starlight confessed. "But you don't have to take my word for it. Why don't I show around and you can see for yourselves just what Cutie Markless Village has to offer? In fact, we've been working on a special song just for such an occasion."

"A song?!" Braeburn excitedly commented.

Starlight nodded, then replied. "Hope you enjoy it. Now come on, the official tour of the village starts now!" Stepping out of her hut to the sound of drum beats, she began barking out orders. "Alright mares and gentlestallions, here we go! Heads high, ponies! Marching loud and proud!" She continued to toss out instructions to what sounded like a whistle blowing. "All together now! Every one of you! No pony left behind!" And then she began to sing:

Life is so grand in Our Town,

We're always filled with cheer.

We never have to look around,

To know that we're all here.

All the stallions, mares, fillies, and colts in the village then began to chime in, singing:

In Our Town, in Our Town,

We don't have to wait.

To find out that our destiny,

Is just to emulate.

Starlight watched the procession carefully, making sure to bob her head up and down as needed so the villagers would keep the beat. Then she instructed: "Good, good. Now let's see those big, happy smiles!" And then she sang:

Life is a smile in Our Town,

Our cutie mark's the same.

Because we do not separate,

Ourselves by more than name.

Some of the villagers proceeded to sing loudly:

In Our Town, in Our Town.

We dare not compete.

'Cause winning only breeds the worst,

Ego-filled conceit!

"You see? Now everypony wins!" Starlight proudly boasted, before she sang:

Life is a joy in Our Town,

We're all equal here.

No one is superior.

And no one shakes in fear!

After taking a moment to correct a villager who had not styled her mane and tail like the others (all the while the villager just stood there and smiled), Starlight turned back to the mares and stallions and watched them march side by side as they proudly sang:

In Our Town, in Our Town,

We work as a team.

You can't have a nightmare,

If you never dream.

"Guess that explains why Princess Luna never found about this place," Shining thought to himself. "But who in their right mind would never want to dream? Dreams aren't something you can just shut off at will." But he didn't dare to say such a thought outloud, especially not when Starlight drew close and seemed to tauntingly sing:

Other ponies argue,

And do you ever wonder why?

When you think your talent's special,

You don't see eye-to-eye.

There's just too many differences

That lead to disarray.

But when you learn to act as one,

It's like a holiday!

During the song, Starlight stepped in to correct a mare dancing differently than the rest, but no one seemed to pay attention to it. Thunderlane actually found himself bobbing his head along to the beat, until Braeburn gave him a stern look and shook his head in protest. Even so, the villagers just went on singing:

In Our Town, in Our Town,

We don't complicate.

But when you learn to simplify,

Then life is oh, so great.

Join in our utopia,

And come out of the dark.

Banded by equality,

By our cutie mark!

The song ended with the villagers parting into the formation of an equal sign, and a few pegasi flew past carrying a banner.

"So you see?" Starlight smiled, as the song concluded. "That is what our humble town is really all about. A life of cutie marks leads only to heartache. So, rather than allow those ridiculous symbols to dictate our lives, we choose to live without them."

"You expect us to give up our cutie marks?" Soarin remarked. "No offense, but I say we've been just fine with our marks as they are. You don't hear us complaining."

"Maybe, but it's not our place to judge now is it?" Thunderlane commented. "We may be fine with a life of cutie marks, but that's no reason to say these villagers are wrong for being without them. Besides, they seem to be satisfied with their decision."

"Don't believe their smiles, Thunderlane. They're not real!" Braeburn whispered harshly.

Starlight didn't seem at all bothered by any of the odd looks or complaints she was getting, she just innocently replied. "We have no judgements here in our village. Each of us was confused once as well, blinded by the false promise of our cutie marks. That's why we founded Cutie Markless Village."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second here," Soarin spoke up, pointing to Starlight. "Is she for real? Cutie marks are a part of who you are, why would you ever want to get rid of them? Don't you know it's the pony who determines what the mark means, not the other way around?"

"Soarin, please, let's not make a scene here," Shining advised, though a part of him had to admit Starlight's logic seemed fishy at best. But then again, Shining had heard lots of ponies complain about their cutie mark at some point, so maybe Starlight was onto to something? Deciding it best to defuse the tension, he apologized to Starlight and told her. "When we came to this village, we assumed we were going to help you in some way. But, well, it doesn't seem like you need any help. And as far as you know, there's been no trouble here?"

"None at all," Starlight smiled back. "And did you ever consider that perhaps you were drawn here for a reason? Maybe we could help you?"

Now Shining was certain something was up, Starlight was acting way too friendly and seemed ignorant of any complaints or remarks directed at her. "She's hiding something, I just know it," He thought to himself. "I just wish I knew how to nudge the conversation in that direction without prying, for all I know she could have a valid reason to run her village without cutie marks." But all he said in response to Starlight's offer was. "Whatever do you mean?"

Continuing to smile, Starlight explained. "It's simple. Nopony has ever come to our village and wanted to leave. Why should you be any different?"

"Is that a threat, Miss. Glimmer?" Shining commented, raising an eyebrow in concern. "I may not technically rule a kingdom, but I still very much have royal authority. If you're thinking of holding me or my friends here against our will, think again."

"Oh, I harbor no such intentions, you can be sure of that," Starlight innocently answered. "You're free to leave this village at anytime. But I do hope you'll stick around, there's still so much that 'Our Town' has to offer. We're all quite fond of our little slice of Equestria. And I have no doubt you'll be as well, once you've had a chance to truly see what it has in store. Double Diamond, please help our guests with whatever they might need for the duration of their visit."

"Of course, Starlight. Your wish is my command." Double Diamond happily replied.

Starlight smiled. "Always nice to have ponies who know how to follow orders, I knew I made the right choice in recruiting you as my right hoof stallion. As for you, Party Favor, I sense we won't be needing your services any longer. So you may go."

"Thank you, Starlight!" Party Favor grinned, eagerly dashing away.

Starlight then trotted off, content that Double Diamond could manage the six strangers to her village. When she was certain no one could hear her, she said to herself. "This is working out better than I could've imagined. Just when my cause is most in need of a boost, one's practically dropped into my lap. And when the rest of Equestria finds out that the only alicorn prince gave up his cutie mark to join us, then they'll all finally understand just what I'm trying to accomplish."

Author's Note:

I tweaked a couple of lyrics to the "Our Town" song, and opted to have Starlight formally dismiss Party Favor, since he's seen working alongside Double Diamond and reporting to Starlight in the original episode, but then disappears afterwards until he resurfaces with Sugar Belle and Night Glider.

I also decided that some of Starlight's comments and explanations should raise some eyebrows, specifically her comment about how no one who's come to her village has ever wanted to leave, and her clear distaste for something that is a major part of Equestrian society (cutie marks don't just signify what your special talent is, they seem to point you in the direction of a career path. Though of course, the show has made it clear that a cutie mark can be interpreted differently by different ponies. Case in point: Diamond Tiara interprets her cutie mark to represent leadership and ordering others around, whereas others might believe her namesake cutie mark symbolizes only wealth or even a career in jewlery).

Next chapter is the big 100th chapter milestone!

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