• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 29: Urgent Meeting

In the city of Canterlot, Princess Celestia paced nervously back and forth in the royal palace. "I can't believe he escaped without my knowledge." she thought to herself "I can only hope it isn't too late to stop him."

Just then, her thoughts were interrupted, as the palace doors were opened. In rushed Shining Armor and his friends, all of them out of breath and panting heavily.

"Ah, good. You received my message." Princess Celestia said with concern "I was worried that it might not go through, given the circumstances."

"What's going on Princess Celestia?" Shining Armor asked "Is this about the strange weather, and the out of control wildlife, and why my magic doesn't seem to have any effect on it?"

"Indeed it is." Princess Celestia replied "But I'm afraid there is something far worse that is behind all of this. Come with me, and I'll tell you everything I can. Time is of the escence." Shining Armor and his friends quickly followed Princess Celestia through the castle, until at last they reached a long hallway, with stainless glass windows depicting various events of Equestrian history. "It seems that an old enemy of mine, one that I had thought to be defeated for good, has escaped." Princess Celestia explained "And now, I fear that we are ALL in very real danger."

"Who is this new threat?" Shining Armor asked "From the sound of things, he, she, or it, must be really powerful."

"Powerful is an understatement Shining Armor." Princess Celestia said ominously "For the threat you are up against is no other than, Discord!"

"Discord?" Soarin asked "He doesn't sound like a nice guy."

"Yeah, he sounds rather dangerous." Thunderlane added.

"You are wise to be fearful of him, my little ponies." Princess Celestia went on "For you see, Luna and I did not always rule over this land. Many centuries ago, Equestria was in the grip of Discord's chaos empire. Luna and I saw how he made life miserable for unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies alike. So, after we discovered The Elements of Harmony, we rose up against him, turning him into stone."

"But then, how could he have escaped?" Big Macintosh asked "I mean, Twilight got turned to stone once, and if it weren't for Fluttershy, she probably would've died."

"The spell that was cast works a bit differently from a cockatrice's stare." Princess Celestia explained "Apparently, a fact that I was not aware of until recently, is that the spell draws power from those who wield The Elements of Harmony. So when Luna and I lost our connection to them 1,000 years ago, the spell was broken. But it was not until now that Discord's powers had built up enough, to allow him to break free."

"Well, that's all fine and dandy, but why do you need us to defeat him now that The Elements of Harmony are back?" Shining Armor asked "Couldn't you both just wield them again and cast the spell on him?"

Before Princess Celestia could answer Braeburn shouted out "Hey, look! We're famous!" and he pointed to a stain glass window display, which depicted Shining Armor and his friends wielding The Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon.

"The elements chose a new generation of bearers when Nightmare Moon returned." Princess Celestia explained "And unfortunately, that means Luna and I can no longer use them. To us, they are still as ineffective as the night they turned to stone. That's why I need your help. I want you all to wield The Elements of Harmony once again, and stop Discord!"

"We'll gladly do whatever we can to help Princess." Shining Armor said firmly "Right guys?"

Everyone else nodded, but Braeburn had one thing he wanted to say "I'm willing to help out, but you guys are aware that eternal chaos comes with free chocolate rain, right?"

"Of course we're aware cousin Braeburn." Big Macintosh replied "But no amount of free goodies could ever make living in a world of unending chaos enjoyable."

"So, where are the elements anyway?" Fancy Pants asked "I haven't seen them at all since we arrived here."

"They have been kept in a vault, guarded by a door that only I can open." Princess Celestia explained, pointing to a door at the end of the hallway. She then went over to it, and inserted her horn into what appeared to be the keyhole. The display on the door began to light up, and the door was soon opened. Inside it rested a blue chest with gold trim, and several shiny jewels."

"Wow, if that chest wasn't being used to hold Equestria's last line of defense, I'd gladly take it off your hooves your majesty." Fancy Pants commented.

"I trust that you all remember what element you wielded last time, correct?" Princess Celestia asked, everyone nodded "Good, just checking." But when Princess Celestia opened the chest, a shocking sight awaited her. The box was empty, The Elements of Harmony were gone! Princess Celestia was so surprised that she dropped the chest on the ground.

Everyone was speechless.

"Well, I guess there's only one thing left to do." Braeburn said "If you need me, I'll be outside with a straw, sipping up all the delicious chocolate rain."

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