• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 201: Long Live the King

Shining's brief but urgent telepathic message quickly found its way to its intended receiver, Twilight. And it didn't take long for her to round up all of his friends and bring them to the castle in Ponyville.

"I can't believe it! Sombra's back?! How is this possible?!" Soarin pondered aloud.

Braeburn scratched his head with a hoof. "Maybe what we thought was his death was just an illusion? Or maybe he got better somehow?"

"We saw him get shattered into a million pieces! You don't 'get better' from that! I should know, I've seen way too many fatal accidents in my time. Way too many lives cut down before their prime." Soarin remarked in a somber tone.

Fancy Pants just stomped a hoof down. "It doesn't matter how he returned! What matters is that we find a way to help Shining drive him away again, this time for good!"

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Thunderlane questioned. "Without Shining we've only got five of the Elements of Harmony, and they're all back on the tree. Shining would have to pry the Element of Magic from its resting place. And there's no way he'll be coming here with Sombra on the prowl."

However, at that very moment the table map glowed brightly and flashed an image of the Tree of Harmony. A familiar voice called out with an echo. "Allow me to assist. All will be explained when the five of you arrive."

The stallions obeyed without hesitation!

Back in the Crystal Empire, Shining had no way to know if his message had gotten through and he unfortunately couldn't dwell on it. Sombra had wasted no time in reclaiming the throne, holding Flurry Heart close to him with his magic as a way to ensure neither parent would dare to attack him.

The former king seemed surprisingly casual about the whole thing. As if it wasn't really as big a deal as he'd made out to be. "Oh, it feels so good to be back on the throne after all these years. Long live the king!"

"I wouldn't count on it, Sombra!" Cadence snarled with narrowed eyes. "You were deposed once before and the same thing will happen to you again. You're not even the rightful ruler of the empire. That title belonged to Queen Amore. You stole the throne from her!"

At that Sombra let out a cackle. "Oh, is that what you've been led to believe? I guess Celestia's never told you even after all these years."

"Told me what, Sombra?! If you've got something to say, just spit it out!" Cadence demanded as she stomped a hoof down. "This is no game!"

The king with a heart as black as night just cackled again as he answered. "My my, such anger. But I would expect no less from you given your bloodline. We're more alike than you may think, your highness." The last part of his sentence was spoken with precised and practiced malice.

Cadence stepped back and blinked, but then she quickly resumed her angered state from before. "No, that's enough! We're nothing alike, Sombra! I won't fall for your tricks!"

"It's no trick, I assure you," Sombra answered. "Surely you didn't think it was coincidence that Amore was part of your name, or that you shared the same cutie mark as her? You must've wondered who your parents were."

"My parents were those kindly earth ponies who took me in as a pegasus and raised me. Whoever may have given birth to me just dumped me in the woods!" Cadence protested. "I don't see where you're going with this."

Sombra shook his head. "I was just getting to that when you quite rudely interrupted me, young filly. For you see, in order to cement my rule over the crystal ponies I couldn't simply take over and depose their queen. Amore still had her uses," With sadistic glee flashing in his eyes he fondly recalled. "It didn't take much to bend her to my will. She had a very low tolerance for dark magic. From there, I used her to quickly produce an heir to the throne. A way to cement my legacy and carry on my work. And that pony... was you!"

The words struck Cadence as though a dagger had pierced her chest! She stumbled back, recoiling in shock as her eyes reflected a look of horror! "No, you're lying! There's no way somepony as evil and heartless as you could ever be my father!"

But Sombra just taunted. "Come now, in your heart you know it's true. Why else do you think Princess Celestia took such a shine to you after you became an alicorn? Your cutie mark practically gave you away. And the funniest thing is, it was her sister, Princess Luna, who tipped Celestia off about you. If not for Luna you would've been sealed away along with me. Amore was too far gone to be saved. So surprise, daddy's home! And he's very disappointed in his daughter!" Then he turned his attention to Flurry Heart. "Oh well, there's still the granddaughter. She's young yet, but that just makes her all the more ripe for molding. She will make a fine heir."

"In your dreams, maybe!" Shining snapped at Sombra! "Even if what you're saying is true, there's no way Cadence or I would ever let you corrupt Flurry Heart! She's done nothing to you!"

"Oh but she has. She's been exposed to your ways of 'Kindness' and 'Trust'," Sombra made a gag face. "But I can correct that. And as long as she's at my side there's not a thing you can do to stop me!"

Just then, however, the throne room doors burst open and in rushed Shining's friends! They quickly tossed the Element of Magic to him as he again dawned the tiara! "End of the line, Sombra! Time to say your prayers!" Shining declared as he and his friends stepped forward. "The cavalry's here and you are finished!"

But to the surprise of all Sombra only put a hoof to his head in exaggerated fashion. "Oh no, I'm ever so scared. I had a feeling you'd call for back-up, prince. And now I'm ready to show all of you your worst fears! Then we'll see who's truly finished." He proceeded to light up his horn and fire off a blast at the six stallions! One by one their eyes began to glow green!

"No! Fight it, guys! Don't let him win!" Shining pleaded before his view of the throne room vanished! For a brief second everything went dark and the prince could see nothing. But as quickly his vision returned. To his horror, he saw all of his friends brainwashed and wearing helmets similar to the ones he's seen an alternate timeline version of Sombra use. "No! This isn't happening! It's not real!" He told himself, hoping beyond hope it was just one of Sombra's visions.

But then he saw something that almost stopped his heart! Celestia and Luna stood before him, their eyes also glowing green. And they looked considerably bigger than the prince, big enough to step on him if they so desired.

Celestia was the first one to speak. "Oh Shining Armor, such a disappointment. Clearly, I misjudged you."

Luna proceeded to add in a dramatic tone of voice. "Equestria was in your care, and yet you let Sombra take over! You allowed it to be destroyed! What have you to say for yourself now?!"

Shining stumbled back and shook his head. "Stop it! I didn't fail! I know I didn't!"

However, Celestia took on a form that looked suspiciously similar to Nightmare Moon's, as Luna herself transformed into Nightmare Moon. And to make matters worse, there stood what looked like a corrupted version of Princess Cadence. "Shining, why? Why you did let Sombra win?" She pleaded with her husband.

The three alicorns subsequently faded into a dark green mist as the voice of Sombra taunted. "It's useless to resist. The six of you should just surrender and bow down to me. Otherwise, the agony and suffering you're in will only get worse. I will break you, be it in body or in spirit."

"No!" Shining roared in defiance! "I will never allow evil like you to win, Sombra! I will send you back into the darkness from which you came!"

"Now, prince, we've discussed this. I told you already that I don't like your lies. Yet you insist on prattling on like a broken record," The voice of Sombra coldly replied. "Oh well, I suppose I'll have to silence you first."

But Shining just giggled in response. "You won't get the chance. It's clear me to that you're off your game, Sombra."

"What do you mea-" The vocie of Sombra began, before a sharp cry of pain cut it off!

The prince managed to shake off Sombra's vision because of that momentary distraction, and so did the other stallions. A sticking out tongue and a raspberry sound made it clear what had caught Sombra off guard. None other than Flurry Heart herself, her horn still sparking a bit.

Cadence said nothing, she just winked. Shining snickered at this. "Never underestimate a baby! I learned that lesson a long time ago." He thought to himself.

This distraction was just the thing needed for the stallions to power up their elements as they began to be lifted off the ground while their eyes flashed bright white.

Sombra was immediately stricken with dread and panic! "N-now hold on a minute!" He tried to protest as he threw up his hooves. "Let's not do anything hasty! We can work something out."

"Too late, Sombra! You should've thought of that before you threatened my family!" Shining bellowed in defiance! "Now you'll pay the price! Let 'em have it, guys!"

The stallions promptly unleashed the full fury of the Elements of Harmony on Sombra, who screamed and roared as he was blasted away in a blinding flash!

"And don't come back!" Shining roared above the noise even though he doubted Sombra could hear him. The whole process was over in just a minute. Sombra was gone and it seemed that peace had once again returned to the Crystal Empire.

"Too easy, piece of cake!" Soarin declared. "Didn't even break a sweat."

Fancy Pants just smiled. "Chalk that up to another victory for the Elements of Harmony. They sure do come in handy."

Shining wasn't quite as convinced as his friends, however. "I don't know, even though Sombra obviously had no experience with the Elements of Harmony that seemed a little too easy. It's like he wanted us to attack him."

Thunderlane snorted. "Please, you really think Sombra would be foolish enough to do that? What would he hope to accomplish?"

"I'm not sure, but last time he was here Sombra seemed like the kind of pony who was prepared for anything. I should know, we shared a link." Shining reluctantly acknowledged to his friends.

"Well that just shows he was sloppy and careless this time around. And he underestimated the six of us, like so many of those other big threats do," Soarin commented before he shook his head. "It's a pity, I guess some ponies just never learn."

Big Macintosh just remarked. "Good riddance, that's what I say! He's gone, and now we don't have to give him another thought ever again! Guys like that deserve to be forgotten."

"I hear ya, cousin Big Mac, only the lowest of the low would threaten children," Braeburn declared, before he turned to Shining. "So, you gonna come back to Ponyville with us? I ain't gonna be stayin' for too much longer, gotta start gettin' ready for the next Summer Sun Celebration. Appleloosa's in charge of the food this time. And you know that before I leave Pinkie Pie's gonna insist on throwin' another hero party for us."

Shining shook his head. "Not right now, guys. Sombra's return may have been brief but I need to make sure he didn't do damage to the Crystal Heart. And I also gotta make sure everyone in the empire's okay, Sunburst especially," Then he sighed. "At least now I can't keep putting off that visit to him to see how he's doing on that contraption."

"Still ain't made up your mind about bein' supreme ruler, eh?" Big Macintosh inquired of Shining. He got his reply in the form of a nod. "Well, you take all the time you need. It's a big change. But we're all sure that you'll make the best decision. You usually do in these situations."

"Don't worry about the Element of Magic," Fancy Pants spoke up. "We've got it covered on our end. But do swing by Ponyville as soon as you get the chance, at least for the party." And then he and the rest of Shining's friends departed the throne room, taking the Element of Magic with them.

But unknown to the group, a shadowy figure had overheard their conversation. It was none other than King Sombra. The Elements of Harmony hadn't actually destroyed him, they had simply reverted him back to his shadowy form. "Foolish fools," He thought to himself. "They actually think they finished me off. I guess that old goat was good for something," Then he turned his thoughts to the objects that they had wielded to defeat him. "I must find the source behind these 'elements' and destroy it! I will not let anything stand between me and the empire that was rightfully mine!" And his shadow zipped away, undetected by all.

Author's Note:

Even though it's likely that the Elements of Harmony didn't have the power to kill Sombra ("Shadow Play" made a big deal about using them for healing and not banishing), it's never explained how Sombra survived in the original. And it's just as likely that since Grogar whisked him away to the Crystal Empire, Grogar was involved indirectly in ensuring Sombra's survival.

There is also no explanation as to why Sombra followed the mane six back to Ponyville. Grogar never mentioned the Elements of Harmony or the Tree of Harmony, and Sombra is the one villain who had no knowledge of either existing (though "The Mean Six" never made it clear how Chrysalis learned of the Tree of Harmony). And I wanted to correct that here, as well as offer an explanation as to how the Elements of Harmony could be collected without Shining Armor coming to Ponyville.

And yes, the twist with Sombra is partially inspired by the famous twist of Darth Vader as Luke Skywalker's father in The Empire Strikes Back. But it also involves a bit of headcanon on my part, Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell did reveal what we'll have to assume is Cadence's backstory. But her birth parents remain a mystery, she was found in the woods by the earth ponies who raised her. And the comics in King Sombra's "Fiendship is Magic" issue revealed that the previous ruler of the Crystal Empire was Queen Amore. Not only was Amore part of Cadence's full name, but fans noted how similar in design she was to Cadence, though fandom speculation at the time was that Cadence was a reincarnation of Amore (sort of like the doctor from Doctor Who or the Avatar from the Avatar series).

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