• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 8,877 Views, 1,275 Comments

My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 93: Shining v.s. Tirek

Shining was all alone in a secluded part of Equestria, beyond even the Everfree Forest, a place that no one inhabited. Which meant he could finally concentrate on mastering his new powers.

Alright, nice and secluded. No noise, no bystanders, no distractions,” Shining thought to himself. “I can clear my mind and focus. Total concentration, just like Zecora taught me during that alicorn amulet incident a few months back.” The young prince briefly recalled his last encounter with the magician, before he shifted his thoughts back to the reason he’d come here.

Lighting up his horn, Shining Armor decided to focus on teleportation, that seemed like a safe first step. But with his increased magical abilities, controlling the destinations for teleporting proved difficult for Shining. He tried again and again, but ultimately he ended up getting himself stuck in a rock. “This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought.” He thought to himself.

Just then, a booming voice cried out! “Prince Shining Armor! Where are you, coward?! Show yourself if you’re not afraid!”

Realizing that teleporting was probably a bad idea at the moment, Shining opted instead to fly out of the rock he was stuck in. All the while he was thinking to himself. “Please don’t let it be Tirek, please!” But it wasn’t long before Shining found himself looking up at a tall, red coated goat like creature, with two big black horns, and a tuff of white for a mane. “Drat, today’s really not my day!” Shining mentally cursed.

“Ah, so the rumors are true after all,” The figure commented with a sinister undertone in its voice. “At last we meet, Prince Shining Armor. A pity our first meeting shall also be our last.”

“And you I suppose are-” Shining began, only to be cut off.

“-Lord Tirek? Yes,” Tirek nodded, confirming his identity. “But let’s not stand around, making small talk. I’m gonna cut straight to the chase. You have something that belongs to me, and you’re going to give it to me, now!”

But Shining responded by saying. “Uh, let me think about that for a second,” Then he quickly added. “Oh yes, no!” Then, lighting up his horn he taunted Tirek by saying. “Bye bye.” Before he disappeared in a flash of light.

Shining retreated back to the balcony of the Golden Oak Library, convinced he’d given Tirek the slip for the time being, and watched the centaur through the safety of the balcony’s lone telescope. “This is perfect!” Shining giggled to himself. “Just look at him, he has no idea where I am. I sure fooled him.

But suddenly, Tirek spun around, and looked directly towards the telescope lens! It was pretty clear what he saw, and Shining gasped! “Oh no! He sees me! But how did he-” Then Shining remembered a detail he’d forgotten about. “Of course! He must’ve found out from Discord!

Rather than come charging towards Shining’s location, however, Tirek instead began to channel all his magical energy into what seemed to be a massive fireball! Then he hurled it towards Shining! “What is he-” Shining began, but realization quickly caught up with him! “Oh no!” He gasped, realizing that the fireball was heading straight towards him! And to make matters worse, Twilight and Spike were inside, along with Owlowiscious! Thinking quickly, Shining lit up his horn as he thought! “Come on, gotta beat the clock!

Twilight and Spike didn’t seem to be aware of what was going on, or what was about to happen. All they knew was that, all of a sudden, Shining Armor appeared before them, looking quite desperate!

“B.B.B.F.F, what’s going on?” Twilight asked with concern.

“No time to explain, we’ve gotta get outta here!” Shining exclaimed, quickly grabbing Twilight, Spike, and Owlowiscious with his magic and then teleporting them all with him! For extra protection, he quickly conjured up his signature shield spell, which he used to cover himself and everyone with him!

They got out, just in time! Barely even a second after Shining had exited the library, the fireball made contact with the base of the tree, prompting a massive explosion! Shining was relieved to see everyone was okay, but when he turned back to look he was horrified at the sight that greeted his eyes! The Golden Oak Library was completely destroyed! “Oh no, the library! And it figures, about the only thing that insurance policy didn’t
cover, was a random explosion from a magical fireball!” He thought to himself. “But at least Twily, Spike, and Owlowisicious are okay, that’s what’s most important.

“That was too close!” Shining exclaimed, looking at Twilight. “You okay?”

“Yeah, thanks to you,” Twilight replied, then her eyes fell upon the charred remains of the library, and her heart sank. “No! That was our home!”

But Shining could already see Tirek stomping over, he was drawing closer with every step he took. Turning to Twilight, Shining Armor seriously instructed. “Twily, listen very carefully to what I’m about to say. Run. Run away! Get as far away from here as you can, go to the Crystal Empire if possible and stay there!”

“No, I’m not leaving you, B.B.B.F.F!” Twilight insisted, clinging tightly to Shining.

Shining only shook his head. “Please, you have to get out of here while you still can, and take Spike and Owlowisicious with you! If I fail to stop Tirek, you’re the only one left who has any sort of magic within you, meaning it’ll fall to you to defeat him and send him back to Tartarus.”

“But, what are you gonna do?” Spike nervously asked.

“What I can to at least stall him! Please, for your own sakes, get going!” Shining insisted. “And don’t look back no matter what! Whatever happens to me, you’ve got to stay strong, for the sake of Equestria!”

“Please be careful, B.B.B.F.F,” Twilight cautioned with tears in her eyes. “You mean a lot to me.”

Shining nodded, and hugged his sister tightly. “I’ll always be with you in spirit. Now get out of here and take your son with you,” Twilight obeyed, taking Spike and Owlowiscious as she made a mad dash for the train station. Relieved that his loved ones would be out of harms way, Shining turned his attention towards the rapidly approaching Tirek, and glared at him with fury! “Alright, Tirek. I’m done running away!” He growled, as his horn sparked to life, full of energy with his barely contained rage. “You want my magic?! You’ll have to take it from my cold, dead, hooves!” He immediately flew towards Tirek, and fired off a tremendous blast of energy concentrated into a a spiral pattern!

Tirek threw up his hands to protect himself, forming something of a protective barrier! But Shining refused to let up, managing to eventually push Tirek back and destroy his shield with an enormous explosion! When Tirek recovered, he noticed just how far he’d been pushed back, and saw an angry Shining Armor staring right at him. A realization slowly dawned on him. “Ah, now I understand just what your fellow princesses have done,” He commented, looking at Shining. “Very clever of them, but it won’t be enough to stop me! And you should be careful, prince. With all that anger, you could give yourself a heart attack. Though if that’s really the way you want to end this, far be it from me to stop you.”

“Fat chance! One way or another, only one of us is walking away from this in one piece! The only question is: Will it be you or will it be me?!” Shining roared, lighting up his horn and flying off at a tremendous rate! Tirek attempted to counter Shining’s attack, by launching a pre-emptive magic strike! But thanks to a quickly casted shield spell, Shining was able to stave off the attack from Tirek, teleport in close, and hit Tirek square in the face with a full powered magic blast!

Tirek eventually slapped the blast aside, but a noticeable singe mark could be seen on his cheeks! “You’ve got a lot of nerve!” He remarked, as he grabbed Shining with his magic and pulled him in close. “’I’ll admit, this is definitely new, prince. But make no mistake, a bug is still a bug, and I’ve exterminated plenty of bugs over the years,” With a smirk he then added. “You know what happens to bugs, right? Bugs get squashed, like this!” He hurled Shining into a nearby mountain, intending to crush his opponent!

Shining shielded himself with another shield spell, though he was unable to stop himself from making a small crater of impact. “Wow, never would’ve though alicorn magic could make me more resistant. I thought for sure I’d at least have broken a bone or two.” He thought, before he heard a thundering roar! “Uh-oh, not good,” Shining commented, as he saw Tirek flying straight towards him, and braced himself for impact. The prince had a plan to catch Tirek off guard and hopefully end the fight quickly, but it required a great deal of risk in order to be pulled off. Tirek grabbed Shining, and smashed him right through the side of the mountain, quickly coming out on the other side. “Now’s my chance, it’s all or nothing!” Shining thought to himself, teleporting above Tirek and quickly hurling a massive magic blast at the centaur’s backside, triggering a giant mushroom cloud explosion! Before the smoke had even cleared, Shining swooped in closer to Tirek, charging up for a slightly less powerful (but still quite potent) magical attack. “THIS ENDS NOW, TIREK! I’LL SMASH YOU TO PIECES!” He shouted at the top of his lungs, and fired off the blast, successfully knocking Tirek underground!

Shining was certain that Tirek was defeated, so he flew down and rested on a nearby rock, wiping the sweat from his brows. “Stay down, Tirek!” He commanded. “If you do, maybe we can end this before someone really get hurt.”

But to the surprise of Shining, Tirek merely rose back up, emerging beneath the rock! He grabbed it, and threw it as far as he could! “Nice try, prince, but you can’t get rid of me that easily.” He taunted.

Shining managed to fly off of the rock, just seconds before it impacted the ground and shattered into dust. He flew towards Tirek once again, his eyes narrowing in anger! Tirek tried to slow Shining down by smashing the ground with his fists, sending massive rock pillars towards his opponent! But Shining effortlessly blasted through them, all the while charging up his horn. At last, he was close enough to strike! “Play’s time over, Tirek! Time for lights out!” Shining cried.

“Yes, lights out for you!” Tirek bellowed, before he fired off a tremendously fast and powerful stream of magic! Shining countered with a magic blast of his own, and the two streams collided with each other! They pushed back and forth against each other for a minute, before they generated an enormous bubble that grew, and grew, and grew, and grew! Until finally it burst with a tremendous boom that shook the ground!

Both Shining and Tirek were knocked to the ground by the explosion, buried beneath tons and tons of rubble. Both of them quickly dug their way out and dusted themselves off, and both were noticeably panting. But it seemed like neither of them had truly sustained any injuries, not a single scratch, scrape, bruise, or cut could be seen on either of them anywhere. This only made Shining nervous. “I don’t get it. I’ve thrown everything I’ve got against this guy, and yet he seems to just get right back up, ready for more. Nothing seems to phase him! Is he actually invincible?!” Shining immediately shook his head! “No, what am I saying?! He’s NOT invincible, no one is! He’s got to have a weak spot somewhere, I just need to find out what and where it is.

“Well, it seems we’re at an impass,” Tirek commented, observing the wreckage stirred up by the fighting. “You have something I want, but you won’t give it to me and neither can I take it from you by force. It seems this is what happens when the unstoppable force, meets the immovable object.”

“A very clever observation, Tirek, but flattery won’t save you.” Shining growled, trying to unnerve Tirek with a glare.

Tirek wasn’t phased by Shining’s words or expressions, he simply said in reply. “I can sense for myself that we’re far too evenly matched. At this rate, we could keep fighting until the end of time,” Then a fiendish grin crossed his face, as he added in an oily tone. “But, I think you’ll find that I am nothing if not ‘flexible’. How about we make a trade, prince?”

“A trade?! With you?! You must be outta your mind!” Shining retorted with a snort. “There’s nothing you have to offer me that could ever tempt me into giving up my powers! I’m wise to your tricks, I can’t be bargained with, Tirek!”

Tirek only continued to flash that fiendish grin. “Oh really? I think you’ll change your tune very quickly once you see what I have in mind.”

Shining felt a nagging suspicion reach the back of his mind, and reluctantly he said to Tirek. “You didn’t-”

“Oh, but I did!” Tirek chuckled, snapping his fingers, as a series of six bubbles appeared. Within each bubble was one of Shining’s friends (though Shining was quite surprised to see Discord trapped inside one of them for some reason).

“Let my friends go, Tirek!” Shining demanded.

“Gladly, if you agree to give up all the alicorn magic in Equestria.” Tirek replied, laying down the terms of his deal.

“No, don’t do it!” Shining’s friends all cried, pounding desperately on their bubble prisons.

“Well, prince? What’s it going to be?” Tirek asked in a sinister undertone. “Your friends, or your magic?”

Author's Note:

Well, hopefully the new site update won’t prevent any of you from seeing this new chapter. This is without a doubt the highlight of the two parter in the show canon version. But I knew I had to change up some details with Shining Armor, especially since he’s an alicorn and Twilight isn’t.

Thanks to Comickook for the suggestion on Tirek’s line about him and Shining being evenly matched.

Hopefully, baring anymore unexpected site updates, the next chapter will be out on Wednesday.

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